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* * * Throne of Four Winds * * *

-- Conclave of Wind --

- Nezir HP - 11,595,420 (10 man) -

- Anshal HP - 6,871,360 (10 man) -
- Casts Toxic Spores which causes the Ravenous Creepers to do an aoe explosion
that puts a stacking debuff to anyone around them for several seconds. Ravenous
Creepers do so much damage that it is usually preferred them to be kited because of the
Toxic Spores. They only try to cast Toxic Spores twice after each Nurture and it's on a
fixed timer and can be interrupted.
- Rohash HP - 6,871,360 (10 man) -
- Now casts Storm Shield which prevents all damage to him and does big damage
every second it is active. This must and should be burned down.
- He stacks a debuff called Slicing Gale on all targets on his platform, which
increases their nature damage taken by 5% per stack.

-- Al'Akir --

- Al'Akir HP - 48,099,520 (10 man) -

- Lightning Strike stays on the platform for 16 seconds.
- Stormlings gain an aura that increases nature damage taken. This increases nature
damage taken by 25%. This stacks for each Stormling nearby that is alive on the target it is
- Al'Akir targets an additional player with Lightning Rod in Phase 3.
- 1 rod every 15 seconds, with 5 seconds activation timer, so there's pretty much
one up all the time - unless afflicted person dies.

* * * Bastion of Twilight * * *

-- Halfus Wyrmbreaker --

- Halfus Wyrmbreaker HP - 51,530,000 & Drakes HP - 4,160,000 (10 man) -

- All drakes are active -

-- Valiona & Theralion --

- Valiona and Theralion HP - 49,000,000 (10 man) -

- Blackout can no longer be dispelled.
- The dragons stack a debuff on the tanks (similar to Algalon), that will phase them
into the Twilight Realm after 5 stacks, this will also teleport any player within 5 yards of the
- Twilight Sentry spawn in the Twilight Realm need to be killed or lots of orbs
spawn in the normal realm.
- Twilight Sentries are constantly spawning in random locations in the Twilight
Realm. Each Sentry channels a Twilight Rift as long as they stay alive, which constantly
deals damage to random raid members with Rift Blasts.
-- Twilight Ascendants --

- Twilight Ascendants HP - 12,840,854 & 8,374,470 -

- (42,430,648 million total for Monstrosity)(10 man) -
- Feludius casts Static Overload which is a debuff cancelled out via Gravity Core.
The players around the player with the initial Gravity Core debuff constantly get a 10-
second debuff which decreases movement speed by 50% and attack and casting speed by
100% applied to them.
- Ignacious casts Gravity Core which is a debuff cancelled out via Static Overload.
Static Overload constantly places a 10-second DoT on surrounding players.
- Arion casts Frost Beacon which fixates on a random player and follows it,
exploding if the target comes in contact with it. and causing raidwide damage pretty much
destroying the raid. Frost Beacon can be cancelled out via "Flame Rune".
- Terrastra casts "Flame Rune" is an AoE damage zone that deals damage,
despawns on contact with a Frost Beacon.
- Elementium Monstrosity No change to this phase.
- Spreading Frost/fire "debuffs" is just something that makes it last shorter.
It's not a bad thing to do, but lightning dot makes those 'debuffs' ticks much
harder way too fast. Only time they really count is phase transition, since it might
let you squeeze few more % on bosses. Maybe shields, too.

-- Cho'gall --

- Cho'gall HP: 56,688,720 (10 man) -

- The Fire Elementals and Shadow Lords that are targettable grant Cho'gall a
fire/shadow buff with 10 stacks if at full health when consumed, for every 10% you
damage them the buff will have one less stack.
- After Fire Elementals, Cho'gall will attack the tank with Flaming Destruction, and
after Shadow Lords, the Boss will cast Unleash Shadows three times on three second
intervals. Both abilities also gain power from Twisted Devotion stacks on the boss. Also,
Twisted Devotion (the buff boss gains from Worshipping) lasts 1 minute (20 seconds on
normal), which means if Worshipping ticks and the boss gains any stacks, the only way to
reset them is to handle Worshippings perfectly twice in a row (not allowing any
Worshipping channel to tick.)
- Two Corrupting Adherents spawn at the same time (instead of 1) meaning twice
as much Blood of Old God. Only 1 Adherent spawns in 10man heroic.
- Cho'gall spawns Spiked Tentacles in phase 2, these must be tanked and not
nuked down (due to extremely high HP)
- Cho'gall will be defeated at approximately 2.5% health and start walking to the
middle of the room where he gives you a speech and dies. At least one person must be
alive during this to defeat the encounter.

* * * Blackwing Descent * * *

-- Omnitron Defense System --

- Omnitron Defense System HP - 41,000,000 (10 man) -

- Arcanotron - Nefarious will affect the rune casted on the ground via Power
Generator making it grow larger, upon reaching its maximum size, explode for large amount
of damage.
- Electron - Nefarius casts a spell on the player affected by the Lightning
Conductor, and after a couple of seconds it changes to a Shadow Conductor. It's an
unavoidable Area of Effect spell, which deals more damage the further away you are from
the player with the debuff. Shadow Conductor always activates after 2 ticks of Lightning
- Magmatron - Nefarius will change Acquiring Target so that it will root the target
affected by this spell. Players must move from the victim of this attack.
- Toxitron - When Poison Cloud spawns, Nefarian pulls everyone into it.
Toxitron's Chemical Cloud does ~15k/sec on Heroic, it doesn't deal any damage on normal.
- Overview - Lord Victor Nefarius (aka Nefarian) will join the fight randomly and
change an ability on the current active Golem, this does not happen everytime a Golem is

-- Chimaeron --

- Chimaeron HP - 36,246,424 (10 man) -

- Attacks during Feud
- Nefarian puts a DoT on everyone during phase 3 known as Mocking Shadows.

-- Atramedes --

- Atramedes HP - 34,786,260 (10 man) -

* * * 10 minute enrage timer * * *
- He will call Obnoxious Fiend adds that increase your sound, these are targettable
and killable. They have approx 125k HP on 10man.
- The Obnoxious Fiends spawn at random locations and target a random player, but
remain Phase Shifted and untargettable until they reach said player, at which point they
jump on the player and start casting Obnoxious, which will increase that player's sound
(can be interrupted.)
- Double the amount of rings and blasts in (P1 & P2 respectively).
- Nefarian will destroy an additional gong when you use a gong on the ground
phase only.

-- Maloriak --

- Maloriak HP - 34,631,656(10 man) -

* * * 12 minute enrage timer * * *
- Nefarian will throw a Black Vial into the cauldron. The emote for the Black Vial
phase is: "Lord Victor Nefarius throws DARK MAGIC into the cauldron!" This will allow
Maloriak to cast Engulfing Darkness (a breath attack) on the main aggro target within the
cone radius reducing healing done by 100%, healing can be done between the casts of
Engulfing Darkness (it is chain casted). The Black Vial also causes additional adds to spawn
known as "Vile Swill" (1.6million on 10man). These adds put a black patch known as Dark
Sludge on the floor under the targetted player which must be avoided or they constantly
do damage to you, creating a soft enrage timer if these adds are not killed fast enough.
Pools will begin to disappear as each Vile Swill dies, the pools that disappear correspond to
the Vile Swill that has died.
- Black Vials occur during the usual rotation of random Vials. However, this Black Vial will
always start first in the rotation, whereas the Red/Blue are randomized.
- Example: Black, Blue, Red, Green. Black, Red, Blue, Green, Black.
-- Magmaw --

- Magmaw HP: 39,240,600 (10 man) -

- Nefarian spawns Bone Constructs. They spawn once every 30 seconds. A circle is
placed on the ground, just like pillar of flame, and shortly after a meteor hits it, producing a
Bone Construct and does moderate melee damage. The fire left on the ground moves back
and forth quite quickly, and ticks for 40k damage rapidly. The meteor also knocks you to the
ground if you are standing in it, assuring your death to the fire shortly after. These do not
spawn in p2 but continue spawning even when magmaw's head is impaled. These adds
begin casting an ability at 20% called Armageddon, an 8 second cast that if finished will hit
the entire raid.
- At 30% no more Bone Constructs will spawn and Nefarian will bombard the area
with Shadowbolts with a splash component.

-- Nefarian --

- Nefarian HP - 51,363,416 & Onyxia HP - 9,877,580 (10 man) -

- Portals spawn throughout Phase 1 and 3 that suck people into them. Player(s) are
mind controlled and can be slowed but not stunned/rooted, they get a new cast bar to stop
them getting sucked into the portals. While Mind Controlled you can cast Siphon Essence
(0.25 sec cooldown) which gives you stacks of Stolen Power at an increasing rate. It gives you
5 times the amount of stacks you reached during casting Siphon Essence (maximum of
150) as a percentage damage bonus, meaning it maxes out at 750% damage (150x5) for
20 seconds, and a 3 second 500% movespeed buff.
- Explosive Cinders is cast on random players during phase 2 which deal damage to
all nearby players when the duration ends. The player must stay in the lava until it expires.
* * * P2 ends whenever you kill one of Drakonids, not until all 3 are down. There's still few
seconds until lava goes down entirely, but they should die "together" * * *

* * * Sinestra HP: 42,900,000 (10 man) * * *

Just for an added bonus in case people were wondering

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