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Computer Graphics

Instructor Course Overview

Sadia Ashraf
Classes BSCS

Contact Detail Session Fall 2021 Course Time Morning, 8:00 – 01:30 PM

Afternoon, 1:45 – 7:10 PM
Office Location Credit Hours 03 (2,1)

Ghazali Block, Total Weeks 16

Prerequisite Data Structures

Ground Floor, Room 1

Office Hours
Course Description
09:30 to 12:30
Monday In this course, students will learn about some of the advanced and emerging
topics in 3D graphics along with the classic graphics algorithms and the
12:00 to 13:00 standard phases in the graphics pipeline. This course overs ore 3d graphics
Wednesday concepts like transformation, projections and rendering. Course topics include
both the mathematical as well as technical aspects of developing graphics.

Course Materials
This course introduces basic and standard aspects of Computer Graphics that are currently being

 CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) devices: DVST.

 Color Models: Pseudo Colors, True Colors, High colors and Deep colors
 Color Modes: Additive and Subtractive
 Transformations: 2D, 3D, HCS and Composite Transformations
 Projection: Affine and Solid Body
 World window to Viewport Transformations
 Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA (Digital differential algorithm)
 Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm
 Clipping Algorithms: Cohen Sutherland Clipping Algorithm
 Sutherland Hodgeman Clipping Algorithm
 Filling Algorithms: Scanline Filling Algorithm.
 8-point filling Algorithm & 4-Point Filling Algorithm
 Rendering: Forward and Backward Rendering and rendering in Nature
 Lighting and Shading
 Texture Mapping: Minification and Magnification
 Ellipse and other Curves
 Visible Surface Detection: Painter’s Algorithm
 Ray Tracing Algorithm
 Z-Buffer Algorithm & Revision

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, Students should be able to:

CLO Description Domain Taxonomy Level PLO

Apply various concepts & related to 3d
CLO1 Cognitive 3 PLO3
Computer Graphics.
Use & understand various Algorithms in
CLO2 Cognitive 3 PLO2
Computer Graphics.
CLO3 Make 3D models in Blender Psychomotor 4 PLO5
Design & Develop games in Unity 3d and
CLO4 Cognitive 5 PLO5

 Understand and be familiar with current concepts in 3d graphics, along with the basic workflow
of the graphics pipeline.
 Learn and implement basic graphics related Algorithms and techniques to create and manipulate
3d graphics.
 Be able to create a simple 3D game in Unit 3d and be familiar with the basics of game
 Create a 3D model in Blender, Light and Shade it, add texture to it etc. and create a photorealistic

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Course Schedule
Week Topic Assignment/Quiz

Week 1 CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) devices: DVST. Assignment 1

Week 2 Color Models: Pseudo Colors, True Colors, High colors and Quiz 1
Deep colors

Week 3 Color Modes: Additive and Subtractive Assignment 2

Week 4 Transformations: 2D, 3D, HCS and Composite Quiz 2


Week Topic Assignment/Quiz

Week 5 Projection: Affine and Solid Body Assignment 3

Week 6 World window to Viewport Transformations

Week 7 Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA (Digital differential Quiz3


Week 8 Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm

Week 9 Clipping Algorithms: Cohen Sutherland Clipping Algorithm Assignment 4

Week 10 Sutherland Hodgeman Clipping Algorithm Quiz 5

Week 11 Filling Algorithms: Scanline Filling Algorithm.

Week 12 8-point filling Algorithm & 4-Point

Filling Algorithm

Week 13 Rendering: Forward and Backward Rendering and

rendering in Nature

Week 14 Lighting and Shading

Week 15 Texture Mapping: Minification and Magnification

Week 16 Ellipse and other Curves

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Semester Project
Students are required to create a 3d model in any tool of their choice or a game in Unit 3D.

Deliverables Due Date

Topic and Groups 2nd Week
Progress of the work 7th Week
Demo of the complete model 2nd last and last Week

Recommended Textbook
1. Computer Graphics with Open GL (4th Edition) by Donald D. Hearn, Prentice Hall, 2010,
ISBN10: 0136053580.
2. Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics by S. J. Gortler, The MIT press, 2012.
3. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 3rd Edition, A K Peters, 2009.
4. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2013.
5. Real-Time Rendering, 3rd Edition, A K Peters, 2008.

Reference Material
Online Material


Teaching Methodology
 Lecturing, Practical examples and hands on work.

Grading Policy
Your final grade will depend on the following:

 The Quality and the completeness of the work submitted throughout the semester.
 Scores in assignment and quiz.
 The marks scored in the midterms and the finals.

However, following calculations are necessary for the final evaluation:

▪ Mid Term Exam: 30%

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▪ End Term Exam: 50%
▪ Assignment and Quiz: 10%
▪ Semester Project: 10%

Academic Honesty and Cheating

The University, the Faculty, and the teaching staff take cheating, plagiarism and other forms of
academic fraud very seriously.

 Note 1: No late academic deliverables will be accepted.

 Note 2: There are no "make up" tests. Tests missed for no reason are deemed to have been written
and failed and are marked “F”.

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