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2. Warming up:
- What’s the weather today?
- How are you?
- What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite school subject?
- What are you good at/not good at?
3. Let’s talk about school.
- How many lessons do you have on (Monday, Friday and etc.)?
- What do you usually do in your lessons?
a) Choose a card, name the subject and say what do you do in this lesson.
(Подготовить карточки, изображающие школьные предметы).
b) Do you remember how to write the names school subjects? Let’s check.
You’ll have 2 teams and I’ll give you cards with letters. Your task is to
make up as many words (names of schools subjects) as you can. The team
that will make most of the words with correct spelling is the winner.
(Подготовить карточки с буквами из которых можно составить
названия школьных предметов, в 2-х экземплярах).
4. Do you like school? What are the most difficult things for you at school?
At school there are some rules that you have to do. What are these rules? I’ll give a
card with the word. You must make a rule with this word, using “have to”. (run,
shout, homework, wear, tidy, clean, early, read, do, write, before you go to
school ). (На карточках написать слова, дети вытягивают по карточке и
составляют предложение.)
5. Food.
- What’s your favourite food?
- What do you usually eat on a picnic? (дети называют еду)
6. – There are words, that we use to say how much food we have. I’ll give you a
dialogue and you must complete it with “some/any”. Teacher’s resource book
7. Who is good at cooking? Now you all will have the chance to try. At first let’s try
to cook rolls. I’ll give the pictures of the rolls and you must draw everything you
want to put in your roll. After that your partner on the right must guess what do
you have in your roll, using “some/any”. (Основа диалог на стр. 23 учебника).
8. Now it’s time to see who’re the best cooks. You’ll work in small groups. I’ll give
you papers with the name of the food you must cook, and at first you must decide
what do you want to put into your meal, using phrases “Shall we/How about?”.
After that you’ll present your meals. (На листах бумаги написать разные блюда
для каждой группы, и раздать маленькие картинки с продуктами, которые
дети будут приклеивать на картинку.)
9. Daily tasks: - You can cook, but are you good at some household tasks? What do
you like doing? (Дети отвечают что нравится и не нравится делать по дому).
10. We do household chores at different time. Look at the clocks and tell the time.
11.Board game.
12.Daily tasks song. (Дети инсценируют и поют песню из учебника про
домашние обязанности).
13.Christmas song.

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