Nfpa 72F Standard For

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@ 19aO NFPA, Ali Rjgh\~ R!:\!:):jtHV~U

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Standard for 1\/ 1 \' il
the Installation, Maintenance and
Use of Emergency Voice/Alarm
Communication Systems
1985 Edition

This editîon of NFPA 72F, Standard for the Installat~'on, Ma%ntenance and Use of
Emergency VOl'ce/Alarm Communication Systems, was prepared by the Technical
Committee on Protective Signaling Systems, releued by the Correlating Commit tee on
Signaling Systems, and acted on by the National Fire Protection Assodation, Ine. at
its FaU Meeting held November 12-15, 1984 in San Diego, CaHfornia, It was issued by
the Standards Council onJanuary 18,1985, with an effective date of February 9,1985,
and su~rsedes ail previous edition~

Orlgln and Developmenl of NFPA 72F

This standard is a new part of the ptotective signaling system standards having a
long history dating back to 189B. The Voice/Alarm Signaling Service Subcommictee
wail formed in 1975 and immediately began work on the development of NFPA 72F.
Ont'" of th,. prilTlary f'ont':t"l'ns of the .'1ubrommlttf't' in thé preparation of this document
centered upon unifying the various voice/alarm signalîng service designs being in-
stalled in buildings where the potential for entrapment and injury of large nurnbets of
persons exists.
During the preparation of this document, several significam fires occurred in
buîldings having voice/alarm signaling services where, fortunately. the 1058 of life was
limited. The subcommÎttee considered the rninimalloss of life due primarily to chance
evcnts more than any preconceived plan or the operation of the voice/ alarm signaling
services. This standard was written to provide proper design. manufacture and use of
voicel alarm signaling services for these buildings.



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