Exercicio Sobre o Passado Simples

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Exercício com os verbos regulares em inglês.

A. Escolham a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco, fazendo uso adequado do
passado de verbos regulares.

1. Where did you _______ with her last week? Please tell me!
A. Talked
B. Talk
C. Talking

2. I think you _______ the movie because you weren't really interested in watching it.
A. Missed
B. Miss
C. Missing

3. When you _______ me I was going to take a shower. What a coincidence!

A. Call
B. Called
C. Calling

4. She really _______ the drawing you did. You've got talent!
A. Like
B. Liking
C. Liked

5. You didn't _______ soccer last night, did you?

A. Play
B. Played
C. Playing

B. Passe as frases a seguir para o inglês.

1. Eu ajudei minha amiga com o dever de casa: _______________________________________
2. Nós viajamos ano passado: _____________________________________________________
3. Ele passou no vestibular: ______________________________________________________
4. Elas namoraram o mesmo rapaz: ________________________________________________

C. Qual a melhor tradução para o trecho: "She worked there for many years before she
decided to marry John."
R: _________________________________________________________________

D. O passado de "Broadcast" (transmitir) é "broadcasted". True (verdadeiro) ou False (falso)?

R: ___________________________________________________________________________


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