Exammple of Bootector, Overwite and network-WPS Office

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Discuss Examples of the 3 types of viruses Each (boot sector, Network and overwrite virus)

Boot sector Examples:

(1) Elk Cloner - 1981

Elk Cloner is a dangerous malicious computer virus; It was a dangerous malicious virus that infects
computer users in a real-world setting for the first time.

The dangerous malicious virus displays a song like “poem” on the computer monitor with every 50th
reboot of the computer then snatch the user victim by imprinting a signature bit on the disk directory.

Elk Cloner is developed by Richard Skrenta age 15 years  in 1981, developed as a non- malicious effects,
it is still termed a virus owing to its replicative nature

(2) Brain -1986

Brain is a peaceful virus, it disappears from anti-virus watch list by hiding in INT 13

Brain was designed as a non-malicious system virus, The dangerous malicious virus attacks specifically
the boot sector of IBM PC floppy disks with a 360 KB capacity.

coding bugs prevailed to the attack of data damage in the FAT and diskette files, which ultimately caused
data loss age . drives we suddenly become slow and rendered useless ,unusable in some cases.

(3) Stoned – Created 1987

The Stoned is a dangerous malicious virus was intentionally non-malicious to system computer and only
displayed the text message “Your PC is now stoned!” on your monitor screen. Stoned ranked as one of
the most widespread computer dangerous malicious viruses in existence.

(4). Michelangelo – Detected 1991

Michelangelo a dangerous malicious virus that infects the MBR and formats drives sectors on the 6th of
March year to year. Although technically resembling Stoned virus, Michelangelo successfully attacks
hard disks with more than 96 boot directory files.

Michelangelo initiates a dangerous malicious virus payload if the possibly infected system computer is
powered on , on March 6. It works to overwrite disk data with randomly different characters the root
directory and FAT. This combination renders the disk useless and unusable, making data and MBR
recovery possibly impossible.

Overwrite virus Examples:

TRj.reboot virus:

This Trojan virus will most likely restart the victim/user's computer system, and was said to be active
when attacking Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems versions in the 2000s.

Trivial.88.D virus

Trivial.88.D virus which is grouped as a 'direct action virus’ that attacks useful and runnable files.

The very low identification of Trivial.88.D and its technique of attack through electronic email, files
transfer, and other infection techniques makes it a particularly troubling dangerous malicious virus.

Practically , computer users will need to remove the annoying dangerous malicious virus, reboot the
computer system and then reinstall the same original package of the programs, which can be frustrating
depending on whether the original package programs were backed up or kept on a storage hard drive in
multiple duplicate copies offline or cloud storage.

Network virus examples:

DOS (denial of service) attacks : Dos (denial of service) attacks are developed to essentially attack
big/major ( blue chip companies) corporate interests (Microsoft, eBay, Amazon, major Banks etc.) in an
attempt to damage/disrupt their online services. 

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