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Linear Programming

Modeling with Linear Programming

This lesson will familiarize you to a particular technique in operations
research that is very useful in our daily lives, more specifically in
decision making that involves optimization of scarce resources. You will
learn how to develop a linear programming model out a problem that
involves optimization. Different component of a linear programming
problem will also be discussed in this lesson. Graphical and algebraic
method of solutions to different types of linear programming models
will also be discussed. Solutions to linear programming problems with
the use of Microsoft excel solver will also be introduced at the
succeeding lessons.
• Many businesses in the Philippines have a common goal that is to
maximize their profit while minimizing their operation cost. With
limited resources, obtaining such goal is possible with the use of
proper planning and integrating linear programming technique. Linear
Programming is a mathematical method in maximizing or minimizing
linear functions subject to set of linear constraints. In business
production, the objective function is a linear function that either
maximizes profit or minimizes cost that is subject to a set of linear
inequalities called linear constraints. These set of linear constraints
can be viewed as set of production requirements that is usually
limited in quantity.
• This is a typical type of problem where linear programming can be
used. To be able to help the RAVLAM Company in their objective, first
we need to develop the necessary linear programming model of this
problem. Basically, there are three components of a linear
programming model. These are:
1. decision variables that we want to determine;
2. objective function that we want to maximize or minimize;
3. set of linear constraints that the solution must satisfy.
Solution Set of Systems of Linear Inequalities in
Two Variables
Finding the solution of a linear programming model that contains two
decision variables requires finding all the feasible solutions of the
constraints. Since the constraints of a linear programming model is a
set of linear inequalities, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge in
solution of system of linear inequalities.
Graphical Solution for a Linear Programming

Linear programming model in two variables can be solved using

graphical method. Although three variables linear programming model
can also be solved using this method, it is highly advised to use the
algebra method since we are dealing with solution space in three
dimensions. The following steps can be used to solve linear
programming model in two variables.

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