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——7 parT n — ESSAY Answer two question! om wee (ech question (0) Consider the fotlowing reactions MiCO,) -ntt,00) + MICO} * nH,O(#) 208) is present ia an raised (0 evacuated rigid container of 4K. The metal carvonore MICO) 6) + MOO) * A sonal! amount (0.10 mol) of M(CO,) Ht 08) volume OO8M14 m'. The temperature of the ceptamner was water evaporates comple’ MiCO,), docs nat decompose at this fepenstare but the crystalline ime BUCO) does at decom a eg iF, Name ceed St as negligible Desermine the value of ‘a’ an the formula MACOs)-0H1,015) M(COy);.nH,0 (3) > M(COs){s) + 9 H:0(8) M{COs):(5) = MO: (5) + 2C0x(8) The amount of M(CO}):.nH,0 used = 0.10 mot Water is completely evaporated. Using PVenRT, (05) Argo = eixtotea xo08314 me (04+01) Bat4 | molK* 400K = 0.40 mol (04401) 0.1 mol of M(CO})2.nH,0 (5) has generated 0.40 mol of HO. Therefore, n= 4 (04403) () The temperature of the above system was thes increased to 800 K. It was observed Mat 50 amount of the slid metal carbonate is decomposed and is in equiivium with the gas phate The presiure of the container was measured to be 420 x 10" Pa ails (i) Calculate the partial pressure of water vapour in the container at $00 K. Partial pressure of H.0 at 800 K, ByookT no = 4 mot x8.314 Jmot 00K ‘oonsi4m™ = 3.2010 Pa (04401) {04+01) ! Anger wl gad Total pressure at 800 K, Pr = 4.20% 108 Pa 4.20 x10* Pa 0.08314 m? Total number of moles M = Tyo e eno 14 Jmol? KP» 800K = 0.525 mol (03+01) = Pas = Pr Xvao = 3.20 x 10" Pa utial pressure of watet Answer Because Vand Mao are constant, at 800 K, WA, panial pressure of water = Pico * 2 1.60 10'Pa = 3.20% 10" Pa “ (04001) * (04+01) Scanned with CamScanner contents Partial pressure of CO, at 800K, Peon or Puzo x10" Pa ~ 3.2x104 =100x10'Pa | ge (oa+01) “i (0401) (ii) Write an expression for th x the pressure equilibrium constaat 1+ the decomposition of M(CO,)(6). Callie K, a 800K quilibrium constast, K, for the decompositio Ke= Preor (05) Ke = (1.0x10 Pa}? = 1.00 x 10° Pa? (oa+01) (iv) Calculate the molar percentage of the metal carbonate decomposed at 300 ‘K, Initial amount= 0.10 mol ‘Amount of CO generated = coz __ Peoo¥ Noa = RE toxto*Paxoos3i¢m? -, 32x10¢Pa _ _a4 Ncoz = 5314) mol*K-*xB00K "10x10" Pa” Nco2 oe ] ‘neon = 0.125 mol Amount of M(COs) decomposed = % amount of COs generated 09525 mol mol % of M(COs)2 decomposed sessenr: x 100 (03) (02) 262.5% decomposition of the metal carbonate under the above age (AH) for the tulate the corresponding entropy change (AS). 1p Enthalpy eis is 40.0 kJ mot. Cale conditions is, mm is at equilibrium, therefore AG =O). 9 os oll ado % ) as '40.0 x10%) mol > (oa+01) (o4+01) as = 800K ae 9s = 50.0 mol? ‘or 0.05 kJ mol* K | Note : 45°, AA® cannot be accepted. iegest two ways 1° drive the decomposition reaction of M(CO,),(5) in the forward (vi) Su direction. Increase temperature os remove COz es Scanned with CamScanner © With the © aid oF the Guestions. °F METMEGhemical cycles and dhe ‘Standard enthalpy of formation (8H) (0 mor 7) mo ® Given that Mo 12) + Oe) . enthalpy of formation ot Moe MO.) AH = -50.0 45 mor", cateulate the ‘Standard formation enthalpy of MO(g), AH, GH = (-400.0 + 50.0) kd mol? 350.0 kd mot (04¥02) (04s02) Gi) Calculate M-O bond dissociation enthalpy in MO%e) ane % Oxlg) +MO(g) —————*_ Mig) + 08) + O,(8) AH: = 350.0 KI mot* OH°s= 249.2 kd mol ‘BH, = 800.0 KI mot M(g) + 0.(e) M(s)+0xe) — ————> (02s02+02 402 = 08) os ced and physical states must be given. award marks for the cycle, reactions must be balan Note :To pe rein TMO bond sociation Grif changes OH at (a 399.2 KI mot! ee Scanned with CamScanner G.C.E. (AIL) Examination - 2017 | 242092 bs mots * M18) + Og) ‘actions MUSt be bal, eee i aoc Vit eH yn ee (04+01) SOK: Soman change O48) fre BONE BM TON AGP = AH? Taso ns For the reaction, Moyig) onan MOU) + oui - 50.0110") mop vol = 10000. 1 mor’ 10.0 mol + $e vebut pun The given Feaction is Spontaneous at 200K, es = - oo se (2) 6 (2) ‘An experiment was cared out to determine the panttion coefficient of il soy ad a8 organic solvem (B) which form an inerech 2000 cm! of B containing ‘n’ moles of 1, is mised mis doom cm! ‘equilibrium at room temperature, As dcermined by tating 4 $.00em sample dawn fom 10 The volume of Na,S,0, required to The concentration of 1, in phase in phase B was determined to be phase A with a 0.005 motdm? reach the end point was 22,00em 0.040 mol dm” (9 Weite the talanced chemical equation forthe reaction between Na,S,0, and solution of Nay The concentration of ty 2Na;5:0) +h, 2Nal + NaiS.0, OR ‘ 0) 25:0F +h——» 21 +5.0¢ - of J, in phase A. gs (ii) Calculate the concentration of 1, in pl ; ; £22.00 em3x0.005 mol dm fosan 2x5.0em™ (08001) Concentration of lin phase A = 0.011 mol dm? Scanned with CamScanner cetcient, Key = Hilt = 0.64 OS tla dont (ome) numberof moles of 1, = 004 mol dm™ » 20.0 x 10° "dim? + 0.011 mol dm=? x 20.0 % 10-%dm? © 1.0210" mot 7 2x {08002 | (oso: dm" Na,S.0, slit Loe turn. The ae the amount of | Phase A. based on th Concentration of: in phase A (when excess i aed) Wale = table [fa], = Semele (05) +8242 +10 mot dm? (02-01) | The amount of in 5.00 em of phase A= 9 (01601) | £9 «#242 10" mol dan? x 500% 10" dm! #4121410" mot (0201) (01401) Gi) Calculate the amount (moles) of reacted with Na,S,0, inthe above tation The amount of lin 5.00 cm" of phase A, ater the addition of iodide » 1 = 0.005 mol dm 41.00% 10 dm! x05 = 1025 « 10 mol (or 1.08310 mol) (401) (o8+01) fering the different iodine species present in phase A, explain why the answer nd (DXii) above ave diferent iv Coa obtained in pars (OX), When I fons are added to the phase Al and combine to form ty es titrated with Na;5:0s,l teleased from by also reacted with Na,S,0,, When phase Ais ‘Therefore, n> 0. a ae ey -3 mare Scanned with CamScanner Fr on isuits X and ' form an ideal solution obeying Raoul's Inv, ‘vapeur phase r—to Intrdave igus (liquid level) liquid phase piston to atthe Higulel Teveh Jnitially only liquid X was introduced in to an ‘evacuated rigid container ws #0" in the figure Maintaining the Tiguid level at 1, the system was allowed 10 reneh equim at A001. TD pressure of the container was measured 0 bs Sox 10" Pa, The volume of te ¥AP phiay when the Tiguid level is at [was 4.157 seamen uid ¥ was introduced 10 conta! veined wth Figuid X and the system was allowed 10 HN aul at 400K. he Haw Tevel-was maintained at [. The molar ratio of XY the guid phase was Found 10 DE bs ‘The pressure of the container was measure (0 be 5.00% 10" Pa: (j) What is the saturated vapour pressure of X at 400 K? i saturated vapour pressure of X at 400K = 3.00 x10" Pa. (04404) \ i) Cateuae the mle frctions of X and Y in the Hiquid ph , ty . 4 r tole fraction ofX inthe Hiquld PhASE = p5) (ovo) = or025 | “eeactt 3 ole fraction of Ynthe liquid Phase = G4 (oavo) | 3 2 or 0.75 } | iy Cateulate the paral pressure of X at equilibrium after the addition of Y. ‘atequilirium, Pe= POX | 2 0,25 x3.0x10" Pa i ae =7:5x10" Pa 401) (01401) Guy Colette he pat pressure of Yat equilieium, Py = Psat” Pe 2 5.0x10' Pa-75%10" Pa = 4.25 x10" Pa (02401) (01901) Scanned with CamScanner (9) Caleulate the saturated vapour pressure of ¥ Saturated vapour pressure of, Py _ azsxi0'Pe 075 5.67 x 10*Pa B (vi) Calculate the ameunts (in moles) of X and Y in the vapour plise N/RT “The amount of X in the gas phase, ne= ag we ESXBOE P07? x = “334 J molt K-* xA00K n= 9.38 x10° mol Similarly, 25x10*Paxt.157x10~ mn? Ty ne 314 J mol~® K- x400K ny =$.31x10? mol (0401) (om01) (iy When a mixture of the liquids X and Y is subjected to fractional distin, state which \ Compound would distil out fist from the factional disation eclumn, Give reasons for your compound ¥ can be obtained first. oS, (05) {Vis the more volatile compound or saturated vapour pressure of¥(P%) Ie high. Therefor, its al disilation col. «6 = paagial presets (0s) | ‘vapour comes out first from the frac peer " Anz. explened ore eet aeeh Note :To award marks for (vi) answer fof. and Py" must have heen calculated, Prediction must be according to the calculated P,” and Py*value 6 (e)= 70 marks Scanned with CamScanner “ f(a) Using ont ly the che micas give cy als even inthe ist, show aH CH.CHO _, to ow oe ony a eon me | COCH, \ DoT chem Squeous NaOH, HBr, alcoholic KOH, NaBH,. H"/KMa‘ : be _aleholie KOM, NaBH, _H'/KMn,| four conversion should not exceed 7 steps 7(@) caHcH,cHo Gprore saveny CHROHOHLOM Her, o,HcHcHsr f tee ip ron CyHxCH—CHy _ ag. NaOH te MOH Cisco, HE = be ; caHsow & HiKMnO, Compounds: 06 marks x5= 30 g cot E— 05 OY tha 38> 9 Jae mort uote :o not award 60 marks there are mors an S64 “steps, Do not ayvard marks for Note sPewoanscsHecoOh Nil Sita gn ne emi at Cth Mpanliyconestanswet “RK ooh, Hee Ma te pening lan incorrect answer aE product Mark rm erect answer een fro # fen oro po ne award marks er isolated correct steps ne MN for any ts or regen bah reaar andes have tobe correct. day Meotty BR, and KTKS WH Ve 4 is enero compete te fliningraeton seme ~ (1) N#OW ~~ ote SR RE me ns Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner spew 09 = (ale x sy2ew 90) oe 1 40 Ors Scanned with CamScanner i lowing reaction: (0) (Give the mechanism of the followine a HO con + HBr — or H*(02) oR 02) pe (01) = + Br CoHsGH +H: ae | Note: Attestone Cp ' | tone pair should be given, (ot) | aN | (01) Mt a: so) CyHsBr + 120 | SN, H Note: Negative charge i required (02) Lone pairs are nt reauied. (10 mari (ii) State whether the above reaeton is « nucleophilic substitution recction oF an electrophilic Substitution reaction, Identify the nucleophile or electrphile as appropriate (i) Nucleophilic substitution, B° (02+ 4 (iii) State giving reasons which of the two compounds, phenol (C,H,OH) or ethanol (CH,OH, is more acidic. CyHyOH + HO (02) eo 8 CyHy0 + Hy (02) © ® CHO + H30 CeHgOH + HO (Note: If 4:0 is nat included In the equations, only (01) per equation | ‘¢ Inthe above equilibria the equilibrium point for phenol is more toward the right than ethanol. i ‘This Is because the stability of phenate ion relative to phenol is greater than the stability of the alkoxide relative to alcohol ‘The phenate fon Is more stable because its negative (02) ts del by resonance. e # Resonance structures drawn is In alkoxide ion there is no such charge dispersion/ No resonance (02) Phenol is more acidic than ethanol. a 7(c) = 30 marks | ‘Scanned with CamScanner {eewoe) (€0) nee = (eo) ssc oe oor x82 ow nnnt (eo) sca (eon asic « roves sexx osu 1 (eo (201) _mppsnou's9 9M ) sini om" soo! ys to osteit « Jospoo (20) Anowonpreis 9910210 (so) (s0) (s0) Scanned with CamScanner (0 04) \ (eo) | eo \ | (0) | (eo \ (co) (eo) ga 210)0.0U, ajo eeu ‘010)02001 gg 0 sjou ‘20)204, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner (1) Write the chemical formule of the precipitates Q and R, Q- Fe(ony, Mns Gi. Give ae 10 For the Following: 1, Removal of 148 in exnerin at ® for cations * FHS Is not removed Mns/re: precipitate wh oR 'S/cations of group IV will also NHsOH/NHACl solution Is added, * HaS can be oxidized to sul *Afine precipltate of sulph IF HLS is not removed, Iphur by conc, HNOs, wr would be formed in solution M. Heating. with cone. HNO, in experiment © for cations * Ko Of Fe(OH)s>k» of Fe(OH), * Therefore, Fe" needs to be converted to Fe’ completely precipitated , or * Conc, HNOs must be tothe ferric state, * Iforiginally present, it wor the H2S to the ferrous ion, * Ferrous ion is not com NH:OH/NH4CI solution, to be iy added to oxidize iron f present, tld have been reduced by, pletely precipitated by (wil get a mixture of Fe2 ang Fe) (05) (05) (04) (02) (04) | Scanned with CamScanner ernate method Determination of Pb 2246+ 16H 5 aC" hh + 2803? 21 + so + 3h + Jno —(4) OR CrOe* + BHY+ 3e > Cr + 4H,0 = Uh +2 | t jiomet (03) From equations Cr0,?=35:05 OR Identification of correct stoichion try F les of $203" ot 7) (03) Molesof 5:01 = 2,7 } (03) t Moles oft (03) Moles of Cr* J (03) Therefore, moles of PCO: 0210, 999 «9108 2 = 211079 =9x19 Therefore, moles of Pb Lo +2078 2) Therefore, mass of? 9x10" x207 8 (03) (03) Therefore, Pb = 26109 ia (03) | {Bomarks) sy Wn ie cole a he et pit ae atin cane oti he aay of : ‘rine YP ees, =m blue > Green - Scanned with CamScanner Greenbente pies that 0,0, 40, Ov se ydrocarbors (03 +03 corertohet iC, methane, vat) Mreks Concaquernks Melting of polar ice Caps Change in weather patterns Drying up of freshwater reservons Sinking of low hyng countries due to thermal ex sea water] sealeeel te devertiication ns of sol motture changes a boceersity decreave in dissolved oxygen content increave in popslations of certain insects pansion of (03 +0: (Any two) (a) Clebal ceviecamestal tees canied by coal power plants are well inven. Hentify one such insve that comributer significantly to change in certain water quality paumeters in ervers sod takes Acid ain (03) (uiy Name the chemical species responsible for the envirvamental imue identified in (ii) above | ad seme theee water quality parameters that ave likely to be affected by this issue. SOaf $01 / W801 / 12500 Water parameters affected: on 2 pH (decreases) / acidity (increases) © Salinity (increases) «Concentration of heavy metals (increases) © Hardness (increases) © Conductivity (increases) (Any three! (03 +03 +03) Scanned with CamScanner the atmosphere a istuey aan l “ations Lieresse or dersce) the ozone level In | , MES take place withthe ao balanced | Photochemical | +03 +03) How "M08 (Ozone increases) oo = Vehicle emissions co tain No, en | NO,(a) re Ms 9 note) + 018) cod 18 * 2) ova) «ft (03) (= tied boay) ‘ozone layer depletion (Ozone decreases) o) How Sea ete (03) Ozone destroyed by free radicals (X) (e.g. H, NO, OH, Cl) Co vihich act as @ catalyst. Oyg) + Ki) §=——> éx@) + oe) (03) 3403) Ox(e) — 200) Cs) XO(@) + 0%) ——= %) + O49) — (03) q one (0x2 +@) + Gyx2 oo 20,9) —— > —30,(8) (03) 4) 1. "Most of the harmful gases in vehicle exhausts are converted to relatively harmless (03) ene Wy calvtie converter” Briefly exolan this stutement yok Be wD > sf co Catalytic converters convert ‘© NO(g) formed to No(e) (03) (03) #COlg) formed to C02) (03) : “eUnburnt or partially burnt hydrocarbons to CO:{g) + H:0(8) (03) i I Name the harmful g8s (except CO,) that is not converted to a tess harmful gas by the i Mitaltic converter, Stats briefly how this harmful gus is Tormed inthe vehicte engine. ‘ $02 (03) 3) Certain fossil fuels contain sulphur. (02) ny Burning of sulphur produces SOx, (02) 75marks | cea — | , te ea = acre Scanned with CamScanner (29 The low chat given below shows the pretastion of two import ompoundy thee other important compounds Py, Band Ve, derived trom them. Py is used 18 tant jh the mumufactare of NaCO,. Py ean be manufactured by the resetion between pM Py is used as a fertilizer and as an explosive, Py is also used in the manufacture of Py whieh “widely use fertilizer Bis use 1 syihesizé an important thermosetting Polymer M J] Manufacturing process (PE) Physicalchemical process to A material a # lvain raw material ® Uwe av aera /sthsnge dataset tothe etnowthe tng sa che al process. Answer the following questions based on the above flow chart, (i) Kentify Py, Py, Py. Py and Py (03) Py =NH3 (03) P) = HNOs a (0: Ps = NHsNOs oa) Ps = urea/ CO(NH:)2 a Ps = urea-formadehyde Scanned with CamScanner Py ona @ RR, and Ry ~~ ; omit jaontil we Ri= He No (03) Ry= CO (03) \| (iii) Identify Xj Xy and Ny (03) \ Xi =CO/CO2 (03) X= O2 a (03) X5= No +H (Both Ne and Hz must be present for the award of marks) (03) (iv) Wdentify S- f= natural gas /CHs OR naptha/ (Cathe) ‘OR coal /(carbon) (02) place in PC, and PC giving patanced chemical equations (y) Briefly state the processes ft where applicable. per: CaHuls) + 6H:0(e) —— 6colg) + 13H2(8) (02) ——> cole) + 3tale) (02) ss (C OR cH) * H2018) a VV mal istilation of liquid air i (02) . PCa: jfy manufacturing processes MyM; and My, (eg. contact process oF manufacture of (vi) Hdent HS0,) My = Haber process oR manufacture of NHs (02) rocess OR manufacture of HNOs 02) a= Ostwald P M3= manufacture of urea (eo) Scanned with CamScanner (oi) Give balanced chemical equations with appropriate conditions, for reaction, & M,. M, and M, i | (200-250 tnt | 250) at Mz NW) + 3H,(0) ) 2NH(8) (400 - 450) °C (01) Fe (catalyst) (01) 0 and AlO, (promoters) (02) { Me ANH) + 50,6) COCO. anoig) 5 GH,018) } Ptor Pt-Rh{catalyst) (01) 2NOWg) + Oy) HOC (ON, ano, (02) ANCdle) + 2400) + O18) ——e soya) } (180-210) °c (02) | (30-150) 2 { Mz: 2NH,() + CO,() Sc cohintboe NH,COONH,(s) | COONH fi NH,COONH,(s) == —__»- (NH)2COfaq) + HO”) | orenate by evaporation { (NHQ)2CO(s) | ‘Note: Physical states are not required. a | (iD 1. Give one use of each compound P, and P, other than those mentioned abor 21) ‘oy ! Pr fab * Neutralizing acidic constituents in industry / emissions/ effluents / water J treatment plants * _Instack emission control systems to neutralize sulphur oxides from combustion of sulphur-containing fuels 1 * Asarefrigerant | ‘* Inthe rubber industry / for the stabilization of natural and/or | synthetic latex / to prevent premature coagulation i # Inthe paint industry \ (Any one) (02) Scanned with CamScanner To To manuactre iat laNO, - rates meat pr AehOs-prenscye yg (02) + Forte preporstee ePHBins an © seu aretonetaguarega (on clean soldering surfaces \ es (Any one) 1e surfaces \ (os TL Give one use of R, in the ' Give ome we of Ry in th manafiaig Qo (02) ia TCMTig proces Py other than being ws 25 “ Asafuel oR “ \ to heat the ; a the sytem to 450°), (oso . (02) — (os) ; ‘SIbj 75 marks E) 03) (02) 1-2) A and B are complex ins, (et A and sample os, mt on sd tds corned wih wp tea 9 Beometcy, Tey ave Ge se slic oaption of, NaC, fn oh comet ton, tv pet of lise comet ie en) en ‘es in cong Ac a i eat fe curt om formed ¥ Ceiba is So a ee tee is eat wit « 3 io pois ste cnn nnd Drm ese on soliton. (Note: The oxidation states of mangenese in A aid B do sot change on tretimest wih he yotassium salt) (02) (i Sdentity he ligands coordinated to manganese in A and. on CN and Mis (0s+05) 02) : iy Give the structures of A, B.C and D. | Anjens HI on [nn(utancn (20) aan(cNlstN® oR {ntn(rta (CN (a0) \ cexatna(ensn oR faint (CN (5) . inanfenstNl ‘oR Ka{Mn(NHs)(CN)s) (5) } { jons in Ani iy Wee te eleaonie cmn Bab? cof the manganese jons In A and B. : ij jon state of Min = +2 A, oxidation sta guration of Minin Ais, 2st2s*p"3st3pi3e (03) Therefore, electronic con i re of n= 43 8, oxidation ron contention of nn BS 1st25%p'astap'adt (02) therefore, ele ee Trtvans abs wae 6 | ete —— 4. a Scanned with CamScanner i c D w of C and D Write the TUPAC names jidomat ° ani jinepentacy’ mn jidomat potassium a " potassium amminepentacy™ not Note : If spelling is incorrect dO 1. Write the reduction half reaction corre Agts)| AgCIs) [CM(aq). ABC (s)+e ——> Ag (s) + CI (2a) nganate(|!) nganate(|l!) (osm award marks: 10(a): 75 marks sponding 10 the electrode, (05) ( => accepted). Physical states are required. riaq) d Il. State whether the electrode potential of Ag(s)| AgCi(s)| Clq) jn the solution. Explain jepends on the Ag* your answer, (05) No. es Ag*(aq) does not appear in the electrode reaction (half reaction). ( Gi) Consider the following reaction, Fets) + 2Hraq) + L048) —+ Fe*(aq) + H,00) 1. Write the oxidation and reduction half reactions relevant to the above reaction. Fe(s) ——* Fe*(aq)+2e (oxidation half reaction) (08) %4 Ox(8) + 2H'(aq)+2e ~—» H,0(1) (reduction half reaction) (08) (<=> accepted Physical states are required. t ad 1M, Given that the above reaction is the cell the standard electromotive forve of the Fh ontany 7 “OAV I reaction of an electroche cell, ical cell, determine av Osiey Standard cell potential =1.23V~(-0.44V) OR (1.23~(-0.44))V (01401) + (01401) = 167V ig ev Jooany adem in Mo Je weys Cheig® eit so y dendst ep a =? ¢ > ar ™ pp bande? wy re ch (04401) ae Koi badt ' < I” FE yer Scanned with CamScanner (05) Gil) A constant current of 100mA was passed through 100.00cm* of 2 0.10 moldmr II, Calculate the ti CaBr, solution as shown in the diagram. The temperature of the system bed the system was maintained at 25°C. 4H | I. Write the oxidation and reduction reactions that take place at the electrodes Oxidation half reaction, 2.Br{aq) —* Brg) +2e OR 2Br{aq) ——> Bra{l) + 2e (05) Reduction half reaction, 2H20(I) + 2e ——* —Hi{g) + 20H(aq) (05) (<= accepted). Physical states are required. 1e taken for the commencement of precipitation of Ca(OH).(s). Solubility product of Ca(OH, at 25°C is 1.0% 10° mol dm”. Neglect the ionization of water Assarme that the volume of the aqueous phase remains constant Keo = [Ca*(aq)]lOH (aa)? (05) Required concentration of OH to start pre [OH-] = f1.ox107Smol*dm" oR 1.0x 107 mol dm* (o4+01) The amount of OH' required to provide the above concentration = now. mou 21.0 x 102 mol dm? x 100x 10° drm? OR 1.0 x 103 mol (04+01) jon. = 1 Aemount of charge, that must be passed throveh the solution, Q, @.= 1.0.x 10° mol x 96500 mot” OR 96:5 c (0401) ime required to pass the charge Q, when the current flow is 100 mA, =* __%56__ gR_965 5 OR 16.08 min {04+01) = Foon 108cs* (For the Faraday constant, a value between 96500 + 100 C motis accepted, Ifthe symbol Fis used for the Faraday constants and tig calculated using F, full marks can be svarded. t= 16.08 min OR t= 16min accepted) Scanned with CamScanner

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