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Unit 2 Outline: Writing Processes and Practices

Topic: Me, Myself, and I

Literacy Background (intro???)

- Used to read primarily (let’s be honest ONLY) fantasy + write creative works (fantasy…)
- Bring up parents being immigrants perhaps
- Interest in fantasy stemmed from all the online games I played … specifically <3
wizard101 <3
- Mention how I had a dictionary next to me to understand vocab
- … this impacted my word choice (mention papers I wrote)
- Explain the negative of my interest in fantasy (struggled writing + reading outside
genre … impacted me academically)
- Sammy (tutor … arg. + inf. paper writing techniques)

Thinking about Class Readings (first couple of body paragraphs)

- Voices: myself
- The “yay, you can do it” and the
- “No, go take a nap. Future Sasha can deal with and this sucks”
- Writer's block … how it occurs for me (the voices) and how I deal with it …
- Transition into “any prog. Is good prog.”
- Bring up music + its aid to the process (maybe listen to w101 while writing ur
paper or at least the intro)
- Bring up Child’s Draft somewhere here
- Sondra Perl … Tony somewhere
- What I write and don’t write: Write more scholastic papers now

Cognitive vs. Affective Domains + Writing Rituals, Habits, Practices and Processes (next
- Explain where I write (desk) … should probably go into detail
- Reference the Unit 1 paper and reflect …
- Hard for me
- New writing perspective I was challenged with (analytical w/ 3 sided arguments)
- Maybe give it a kind of storytelling feel ~ ~ ~
- Explain my process/steps to writing a paper:
(1) Write nothing
(2) Researching topic + writing my child’s draft
(3) Revision
(4) Final draft
- Don’t have an effective reader

Reading and Writing, Identity and Authority (final paragraphs b4 conclusion)

- Explain how I like the confetti and don’t like criticism
- My disdain for scholastic works can be present unlike in more creative pieces

Conclusion—Reflection and Contemplation

- Explain how this paper is a lot easier to me and that is b/c I can be more creative and it’s
abt me
- **Easier to write after the paper is written

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