Kerubim Eng

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fot Leén Arcéngel, angel hunter, traps and sells cherubim, What follows is @ story where, in 2 quite a pseudo-acadlemic manner, the intention is to narrate the origin and the uses ofthe cherubs. Meanwhile Zofiel, angel and double agent, tries to direct business towards a satisfactory conclusion. The “karibt” or “kerub” "Tivehastin in teen tnerthenrsincicar sal tog Ts seat eet tr feed ea. tus cco tha Ae te i a Cc element In seid pictogram hs representa SERCIMC hon even ten eas ack protec and bina saps Tbe oak image thitot sence winged anne gardin Davi hee apn bn ie be sche become air with thes beings From the kari, kerubis derived and fom there, we cain kerubin which the paral for hr, The Hebrew word kerb teased bys asthe one who intercede” and by there “know erubim isthe transformation of the plural erabin” nt the nls language meveionat the uk || Tener armemnne Sitesi enn || THERON erecting Ths Phoenin pis bed ith Cet 8 cites ‘ied dors te pl doar ah ire pretend The evolution of the Gherubim == RAR Maton te Chet Twas the christians who gave an anthropomorphic lok tothe kariba The reason was forth kaibies o forget ther origins and vo they would conver tothe recently crested Christian religion, The original name was adapted int with ine, it tuned ino the word “cherub During the ist two centre of our er and until the Middle Ages the distinction between cherubim and seraphim was rather blurred, In th the Jewish as wells the Chistian cultres, itis acepted fac that God posted cherubim atthe ery gates ofthe Garden of Edea, one wielding an gneovs sword 10 protect the way to te Tee of Knowedge, ‘ingame ‘om hori cere the node dss tothe serarhim athe | ceric th hak cle AGIERUN casing Adan nd Ee ot of aie afer te (Ste yin Th pon ws he ome "Fis yu epodton frm be Cours ‘thao theme prt! oa. at len tai treagh he andormaon ‘rine gle pamiued bat oblate Guoienanuesteniademet

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