Slo/Sle: Unit Inquiry Question: What Does It Mean To Be A Hero?

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Alberta Program of Study:

1.1.1 Express ideas and develop understanding
● Talk with others and experience a variety of oral, print and other media texts to explore, develop and justify own
opinions and points of view
● Explore and explain how interactions with others with oral, print and other media texts affect personal
● Extend understanding by taking different points of view when rereading and reflecting on oral, print and other
media texts

Use prior knowledge

● Discuss how interpretations of the same text might vary, according to the prior knowledge and experiences of
various readers
● Use previous reading experiences, personal experiences and prior knowledge as a basis for reflecting on and
interpreting ideas encountered in texts

2.1.2 Use textual cues

● Use knowledge of visual and textual cues and structural features when skimming and scanning various print and
other media texts to locate relevant information effectively and efficiently

Critical Questions

Unit Inquiry Question: What does it mean to be a hero?

Lesson Guiding Questions

o What is the ‘Hero’s Journey’ genre according to Joseph Campbell?
o How do we determine who the hero is in a story?
o What makes a hero’s journey impactful and inspiring?

Learning Objectives
Students will…
● Apply their knowledge about Joseph Campbell’s ‘Hero’s Journey’ to three summaries of
stories by using textual cues to locate each section of the hero’s journey in the text.

Annotated Learning Resources List

● Three short stories: Spiderman, Moana and Harry Potter
Material and Equipment
● Projector
● Whiteboard markers
● Pencils/highlighters
● The short story print outs for students

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (8 min.):

● Explain to the students that we are going to apply our knowledge about the Monomyth genre plotline that we learned on
Monday, to some stories. Explain that I am going to demonstrate how to select which passage fits into each section of the
● Put the schedule on the PowerPoint so that the students know the expectations for the class
● Explain to students the reason behind today’s lesson
● Funny meme to engage the students in the PowerPoint about the importance of practice.
● Review on notes: On the PowerPoint, include the names of the four phases but do not include the subcategories. Ask students
which three subcategories were under each phase

Body (50 min.):

Steps and Procedures
I do
● Hand out the Spiderman handout
10 mins
● I will read out the first plot summary to the class and then I
will go through and reread it with the sections selected for
each plot line section. I ask if any students disagree and why.
– Get students to participate.
● I will explain to students that some of these sections are
negotiable because you can argue either way. Explain to
students that, as long as you can create a good argument and
reason for that section being labelled in that way, then you
are on the right track. – Respect each other’s perspectives.
We do
● Students get into partners or small groups and work on 10 mins
completing Moana together.
● Explain to students that it will be due at the end of class.
● Explain to students that this is a minor assignment and if you
have completed the entire assignment and you have put
thought into it, you will receive completion marks.
● Provide students with time to work in groups/partners on the
● Ask students if they have any questions.
● Explain to students that they will hand in their plot analysis at
the end of class

They Do
● Explain to students that they are going to be doing this one
more time except they are going to be on their own and this is 10 mins
going to be for marks.
● Explain to students how you are going to mark the assignment
– the assignment will be out of 24 marks, 12 marks for
identifying each section and then 12 marks for providing a
reason that section belongs to the category you selected. –
ensure to say this a few times and slowly so that students
have time to absorb what you are saying!!
● Explain to students that they have the rest of class to work on
it and it will be due next Monday – write this on the agenda.
● Students analysis on harry potter summary for monomyth plotline (24 marks –
explained in class)

Consolidating and Closure (5 mins):

● Students hand in their assignment

● Remind students that their Harry potter analysis is due on Monday
● Ask if there are any questions

Reflective Notes
What went well:

Things to change

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