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Prepositions in expression of time

1. The preposition in
 months
in July, in the month of July
in September, in the month of September
 years
in 1996, in the year 1996
in 2012, in the year 2012
 seasons
in summer
in the summer, in the summer of '69
 parts of the day
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
 point of time in the future
in a minute
in a fortnight 

in three weeks' time, in three weeks (only when not ambiguous)

 duration (within a maximum period)
in a minute
in two weeks
2. The preposition at
 parts of the day
at (the crack of) dawn
at night
 time of day
at 6 (o'clock), at 7 p.m., at 18 hrs (24-hour clock: airports, the military)
at midday  , at noon 

at midnight
 festive seasons
at Christmas
at Easter
 points in time
at the weekend   (on the weekend, on weekends  )

at the time, at the same time

3. The preposition on
 days
on Sunday, on Sundays (Sunday: no preposition   journalese)

on Good Friday
on my birthday
 dates
on the 25(th) of December* 

on December (the) 25(th)* 

 a particular part of a day

on the morning of September (the) 11(th)* 

4. Other prepositions
 after (following)
after school
 as of (starting), more formal than from
as of tomorrow
 before (preceding a point in time, future or past)
before Christmas
 between ... and (limits of a period)
between Monday and Friday
 by (before, at the latest)
by Thursday
 during (in the course of a period)
during the day
during the holidays   (during the vacation  )

 for (duration, future or past)

for up to 10 weeks
for five minutes
not for* three weeks   (not ... in three weeks  ) * increasingly being replaced by in

after a superlative:
the ...est for* two years   (the ...est in three weeks  ) * increasingly being replaced by in

 from (starting, as of)
from today
from July
 past (time of the day)
23 minutes past 6 (6:23) (  also: after)

 since (from a point of time in the past, still continuing now)

since Monday
 till/until (up to a point in time in the future)
till tomorrow
until tomorrow
 to (time of the day)
23 minutes to 6 (5:37) (  also: before)

 within (in less time than)

within a day
5. No preposition
 next Monday
 last Tuesday
 Saturday week
* These words are only spoken, not written (date).

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