The Times-2021-11-15

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Monday November 15 2021 | | No 73629 £2.20 £1.

45 to subscribers

I’ve got the new It bag!

(based on 7 Day Print Pack)

Free home
for six
It’s £10, says Anna Murphy INSIDE
T&Cs apply, page 75

Covid booster shots for the under-50s to prevent winter wave

Steven Swinford Political Editor drive down transmission of the virus, finish by January. Two thirds of those once we’ve got through the priority precise details of the age groups have
Becky McCall keep middle-aged people out of hospi- eligible have had one, rising to about groups: over-50s and the clinically yet to be confirmed.
tal and limit the risk of another wave. three-quarters of over-75s. Yesterday vulnerable. Our modelling suggests Government estimates suggest the
The booster programme will be extend- People will be able to book their jabs 448,670 booster jabs were given as the that, yes, it could make quite a big protection offered by vaccines falls by
ed to under-50s in an attempt to in- six months after their second dose, programme gathers pace. difference to driving transmission about a third after six months in older
crease the nation’s immunity to corona- meaning that the rollout will be initially Professor Neil Ferguson, a scientific down to low levels.” people. But a trial recently showed that
virus over the winter, the government is extended to those in their late 40s. adviser to the government, told Radio The Joint Committee on Vaccination an extra Pfizer jab puts protection back
expected to announce today. A total of 12.6 million over-50s, 4’s Today programme at the weekend: “I and Immunisation (JCVI) is expected over 95 per cent. With Britain now
Scientists believe that rolling out equivalent to just over a third, have had see no reason why we shouldn’t be to give its approval to extending the having an abundance of doses of the
booster jabs to younger people could booster jabs, with the programme set to rolling them out to younger age groups rollout to under-50s today, although Continued on page 4, col 3


Three held
by terror
police after
fatal blast
6 Remembrance Sunday explosion in Liverpool
6 Praise for driver who ‘locked suspect in taxi’
Charlotte Wace been arrested in the Kensington area of
Northern Correspondent the city and held under the Terrorism
David Brown, Fiona Hamilton Act. Police negotiators were last night
sent to a siege in the Sefton Park area.
Fears that terrorists were plotting a A friend of the driver identified him
Remembrance Sunday atrocity are as David Perry from Kirkdale. He said
being investigated after a man died in a that Perry had picked up the passenger
car explosion in Liverpool. in Sefton Park and that the man did not
A taxi passenger was killed in the say anything until they got to the
blast outside the city’s Women’s Hospi- hospital. The driver noticed the
tal yesterday moments before the start passenger fiddling with something in
of the two-minute silence at 11am at the the back seat before he was knocked
nearby Liverpool Cathedral. unconscious by the blast. The Duchess of Cambridge at the Cenotaph. The Queen pulled out of the Remembrance event for the first time in 22 years
Three men were later arrested under The friend said that Perry got out of
the Terrorism Act in the Kensington
area of the city while armed police
sealed off a street a mile away, in Sefton
Park, and sent in specialist negotiators
the car just before the vehicle burst into
flames. The driver’s ear was partially
severed, he suffered shrapnel wounds
in his back and possible spinal fracture,
Queen misses service with back sprain
to a property. he added. Valentine Low Alexandra, 84, the Queen’s cousin. followed by standing for nearly half an
The blast occurred close to the Jenny Phillips, a fellow taxi driver, Boris Johnson later told a press hour at the Cenotaph.
cathedral which was hosting one of the claimed that Perry had saved lives by The Queen missed the Remembrance conference: “I just wanted to reassure A wreath was laid on her behalf by
country’s largest Remembrance locking a man with a bomb in his car Sunday service at the Cenotaph for the everybody by saying that I did see the the Prince of Wales, who turned 73
Sunday services with more than 2,000 before he escaped. Phillips, who has set first time in more than 20 years after Queen for an audience last week . . . in yesterday. Wreaths were also laid by
people. Big screens were set up in the up a campaign to raise £10,000 for spraining her back, raising new con- Windsor, and she’s very well.” the Duke of Cambridge, the Earl of
grounds so that the service could be Perry, said: “David saved so many lives cerns for her health. The Queen has missed the service six Wessex and the Princess Royal.
broadcast to those who could not get today at the risk of his own life. David Buckingham Palace said the decision times in her reign, twice with pregnan- A royal source said: “It is obviously
into the cathedral and local roads were saved his city.” to pull out with less than two hours’ cy and four times when she was on incredibly unfortunate timing, and no-
closed because of a parade linked to the Serena Kennedy, Merseyside chief notice was taken “with great regret” and overseas tours. The last time she failed body regrets the Queen’s absence today
event. constable, said: “This has not been the Queen was deeply disappointed. to attend was when she was on tour in more deeply than Her Majesty herself.”
Security sources confirmed that declared a terrorist incident at this The announcement came three days South Africa in 1999. Remembrance coverage, pages 8-9
detectives were examining whether stage although out of caution [counter- after the palace had announced that It is understood that she has not
there was any significance to the timing terrorism] detectives are leading as we she would be going to the wreath- received hospital treatment for her
of the incident and its closeness to the try to understand the circumstances laying ceremony on Whitehall. It back and the injury is unrelated to
cathedral, and said the possibility of an behind the explosion.” would have been the Queen’s first recent medical advice for her to rest,
Islamist terror attack was among the Priti Patel, the home secretary, said scheduled public appearance for three which led to her cancelling public
scenarios being investigated. that she was being kept regularly weeks. Her place on the Foreign Office engagements for three weeks. A back
Counterterrorism police said that
three men — aged 29, 26, and 21 — had
updated on the “awful incident”.
Negotiators rush to siege, page 7
balcony was taken by the Duke of Kent,
86, who was accompanied by Princess
sprain would have made it difficult for
her to endure a car journey to London
y(7HB7E2*OTSKLL( |||+[!.
4 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Today’s highlights Thousands harmed by waits

7.20am The co-chairman of the Conservative

Party, Oliver Dowden
Andrew Mitchell, the former chief whip, on
his new book, Beyond a Fringe
in ambulances outside A&E
2pm Baroness Hale of Richmond, the former Kat Lay Health Editor oxygen saturation levels below 50 per charge patients from hospital because
supreme court judge and its first female cent had to wait, despite being at high the support they need is unavailable.
president, on her memoir, Spider Woman Up to 160,000 patients a year may be risk of cardiac arrest. That means A&E departments fill
2.45pm Arthur Jones, director of the harmed by delays between ambulances Martin Flaherty, AACE managing with patients who need a bed in the
documentary The Six arriving at hospital and the handover to director, said: “While instances of the hospital and there is no space for more
8.30pm Ollie Ollerton, right, former special forces A&E staff, a review estimates. potential for severe harm highlighted arriving in ambulances.
soldier and star of SAS: Who Dares Wins Cases studied included a patient by our study are obviously most con- Ted Baker, chief inspector of hospi-
whose heart stopped while waiting out- cerning, every case of harm, even low- tals at the Care Quality Commission,
side casualty and another who was not level harm . . . is totally unacceptable. said: “Problems of capacity in urgent
given antibiotics quickly enough for “These basic factors can still contrib- and emergency care services have been
DAB RADIO l ONLINE l SMART SPEAKER l APP suspected sepsis. ute to poor clinical outcomes and may building over many years but have been
The review, reported yesterday by have long lasting, detrimental psycho- exacerbated by the impact of the pan-
the Health Service Journal, was based on logical effects on the patient. demic. There are no simple solutions
a sample of 470 cases in which the “The problem is a symptom of system but close working between providers,
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N handover to hospital staff was delayed pressures and will require a whole commissioners and all other parts of
for an hour or more on January 4. system approach to resolve it once and the health and care system is essential if
The Association of Ambulance Chief for all. While some health systems have we are to prevent patient harm and
Migrant crisis Maxwell tells of HS2 eastern leg Executives (AACE) found that about been able to make noticeable improve- safely manage risk going forward.”
85 per cent of those suffered potential ments in respect of handover processes, Matthew Taylor, NHS Confedera-
‘punishment’ rats and creeps to be shelved harm while 9 per cent experienced the challenge persists for others.” tion chief executive, told the journal:
President Macron is Ghislaine Maxwell has Boris Johnson is to potentially severe harm. Extrapolated National targets state that patients “This is causing significant harm to
using the migrant described the “living shelve plans for a big over a year, this is likely to mean harm should be handed to A&E staff within members of the public . . . and this
crisis to punish Britain hell” of prison and rail project in the to 160,000 patients, with 12,000 cases 15 minutes of an ambulance arriving should concern us all. We can get lost in
for Brexit, ministers complained that she north and downgrade severe. but 208,000 patients waited longer in cold statistics but behind every statistic
believe, as more than a will not get a fair another in favour of As waits increased, the risk of harm September. If ambulances can’t offload is a story of a patient who may well have
thousand people are hearing as jury smaller schemes that rose. Chance of severe harm was more patients at A&E, they cannot respond been severely harmed as a result of
expected to cross selection begins today can be delivered faster. than three times greater for those wait- to other calls. This can result in lengthy being delayed in an ambulance.”
Channel this week and for her trial for The integrated rail ing longer than four hours compared response times and further harm. 6 The Royal College of Nursing said
the home secretary allegedly recruiting plan is expected to with those waiting 60 to 90 minutes. NHS England statistics last week that ten pressures on health and social
prepares to meet her girls for abuse by the mothball the building The report, which drew on all main- showed that patients with suspected care services reflected “unsustainable,
French counterpart paedophile Jeffrey of the eastern leg of land ambulance services in England, strokes or heart attacks faced waits of untenable” conditions, despite the
today. Page 6 Epstein. Page 11 HS2. Page 16 included cases of patients having sei- almost an hour for an ambulance last claim by Sajid Javid, the health secre-
zures while waiting and a woman month. It told hospitals that they tary, that the NHS could overcome the
having a miscarriage while doctors should “immediately” stop all delays to difficulties. In a report it details long
COMMENT treated her in the ambulance. handovers but officials admit that the waits for routine treatment, caring for
Staff told AACE that a patient wait- issue is complex. patients in corridors, high rates of Cov-
The plain fact is that Zaghari-Ratcliffe will not be ing for handover had had a cardiac Problems with staffing in social care id-19 and widespread vacancies in the
arrest and a patient with Covid-19 and services are making it harder to dis- nursing and social care workforces.
released until the debt issue is resolved

68 prisoners Paris ‘is now a Firms outspend

No cover up on Kenya killing, says minister
die in gang riot rubbish bin’ fraud office The defence secretary has insisted that vealed that when he was serving in Be- senior officers at the time, but no action
A brutal eight-hour Stéphane Bern, France’s Some companies there is “no cover up” as Kenyan police lize in the 1990s there was a brothel at was taken. The newspaper said that a
gun battle between best-known heritage under investigation by look to reopen an investigation into the back gate of the base. soldier accused of the murder had been
rival drug gangs in conservationist, has the Serious Fraud what happened to a woman whose He said it was no longer there but ad- named by his comrades.
Ecuador’s largest caused consternation Office are spending up body was found in a septic tank close to mitted that the armed forces had been The town is close to the Batuk (Brit-
prison left at least 68 by announcing he is to ten times more than a British army base. guilty of turning a “blind eye” to the use ish Army Training Unit Kenya) camp.
inmates dead, with moving to the country Britain’s fraud and Ben Wallace said the Ministry of De- of prostitutes by troops, particularly An initial inquiry was unsuccessful.
bodies burnt in jail because Paris has bribery organisation fence (MoD) had aided the investi- when serving in “countries in poverty”. The fresh investigation was launched
courtyards. The riot become a “rubbish bin”. on legal and gation into Agnes Wanjiru’s death. A Police in Kenya confirmed this after an inquest, delayed until 2019,
began, according to Bern, who is close to investigation fees, soldier allegedly confessed to the sex month that they were reopening the found that Wanjiru had been unlawful-
authorities, when a President Macron, said according to the worker’s murder. Wanjiru case. ly killed. A post-mortem examination
gang leader was freed the capital was dirty Bureau of Investigative Speaking to The House magazine, The body of the 21-year-old was found that she died as a result of stab
from a block. Page 36 and violent. Page 37 Journalism. Page 39 Wallace said: “It’s a deeply concerning found at the Lions Court Hotel in the wounds to her chest and abdomen and
murder and story and there is no one in town of Nanyuki two months after she could also have been beaten.
the MoD standing in the way of [an disappeared in March 2012. Wallace said that the MoD stood
COMMENT 29 WORLD 34 SPORT 59 investigation]. There’s no cover up, According to The Sunday Times, a sol- ready to help but that, due to the 2006
THUNDERER 30 REGISTER 51 CROSSWORD 74 there’s no blockade.” dier allegedly confessed to the killing Armed Forces Act, could not conduct
LEADING ARTICLES 33 COURT CIRCULAR 53 TV & RADIO TIMES2 Wallace, a former Scots Guard, re- and another soldier reported it to its own parallel investigation.
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes continued from page 1 mind that the Delta and the AY.4.2

Booster jabs for under-50s
Pfizer jab, ministers see little downside
strains are more infectious then this
could mean greater hospitalisations of
Pubs trade up
Save up to 33% with a subscription to
in making them widely available given
the excellent safety record.
The JCVI has stipulated a six-month
these age groups even if they are double
“If it’s a case of offering the booster to
on 2019 levels
The Times and The Sunday Times gap between second and third doses to anyone who wants it, then that seems to Sales at Britain’s pub, bar and restaur-
THETIMES.CO.UK/SUBSCRIBE ensure lasting protection. make sense . . . because giving it to ant groups pushed above pre-pandemic
The effect of boosters is already being people who want the booster is easier levels for a third consecutive month in
seen in rising antibody levels in the than forcing people to have it who October, despite labour shortages and
THE WEATHER © TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED, 2021. over-80s, with cases falling fastest don’t.” rising costs continuing to drag on per-
Published in print and all other derivative recently among the oldest. Meanwhile, at least one million formance, a report says.
formats by Times Newspapers Ltd, 1 London
Bridge St, London, SE1 9GF, telephone 020 7782 Although immunity is thought to 12 to 15-year-olds in England have been Sales rose 3 per cent on 2019 levels
5000. Printed by: Newsprinters (Broxbourne) wane much more slowly in younger vaccinated against Covid-19. amid a continued rebound in the late-
7 Ltd, Great Cambridge Rd, Waltham Cross, EN8 people, official data last week suggested NHS England said that more than night market. Bars enjoyed growth of
8DY; Newsprinters (Knowsley) Ltd, Kitling Rd, the first signs of protection starting to 3,500 schools had hosted clinics, while 13 per cent, a report by the consultants
Prescot, Merseyside, L34 9HN; Newsprinters
16 (Eurocentral) Ltd, Byramsmuir Road, Holytown, weaken, with the proportion of people 95 per cent of all schools had either CGA, The Coffer Group and RSM said.
9 14 Motherwell, ML1 1NP; Associated Printing in their 40s showing antibodies slipping already been visited or had a visit Pubs fared better than restaurants with
(Carn) Ltd, Morton 2 Esky Drive, Carn Industial below 95 per cent. planned in the coming weeks. sales up 3 per cent and 2 per cent res-
Estate, Portadown, BT63 5YY; News Press The need to boost immunity was Officials said that the latest data pectively. Sales were up 64 per cent
10 Ireland Limited, Kells Industrial Estate, Virginia
Rd, Kells, County Meath, Ireland; KP Services, underlined as cases started to rise again showed that the NHS had hit the from October last year when pubs and
11 La Rue Martel, La Rue des Pres Trading Estate, after two weeks of falls. Yesterday there million milestone among children aged restaurants were locked down.
10 St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7QR. For permission to were 36,517 cases reported, up 6 per 12 to 15, with more than 800 schools set The CGA warned, however, that the
copy articles or headlines for internal cent week on week. to be visited by NHS teams next week sector remained under pressure from
information purposes contact Newspaper
15 Licensing Agency at PO Box 101, Tunbridge Professor David Strain of the offering young people the jab. rising food, drink and energy costs and
Wells, TN1 1WX, tel 01892 525274, e-mail University of Exeter said: “We are Vaccines have been available to 12 to distribution and recruitment problems. For all other reproduction and seeing hospitalisations in people in 15-year-olds in England since Sales were down 4 per cent in London
Some dry and sunny spells in the licensing inquiries contact Licensing their 40s and 50s who are double September 20. as a shortage of office workers and tour-
Department, 1 London Bridge St, London, SE1
north and west, but most areas will 9GF, telephone 020 7711 7888, vaccinated. When the 40 and 50-year- Free coronavirus tests could end in April, ists continued to dampen growth. Sales
be cloudy. Full forecast, page 57 e-mail olds hit the six-month mark, bearing in page 24 were up 6 per cent outside the M25.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 5


We’re big fans of shows we haven’t seen NETFLIX ; ALAMY

With so much to watch

in a golden age of TV,
most of us lie about
our viewing habits,
writes Jake Kanter
It’s a dilemma we’ve all faced: everyone
in your social orbit has watched that
television show, but you haven’t seen a
frame. Do you confess to your cultural
faux pas or brazenly lie to keep your
place at the water cooler?
Research by Radio Times suggests
that more than half of people would
prefer to save face and be dishonest.
The poll of 1,300 readers found that
52 per cent had lied about having seen
a series everyone was talking about.
The unweighted research also cast
light on the programmes we feel
compelled to lie about. Top of the list
was Stranger Things, Netflix’s cult
supernatural thriller set in 1980s
Indiana. Starring Millie Bobby Brown,
three seasons of Stranger Things have
streamed on Netflix, with a fourth due
to premiere next year. Fourteen per
cent of Radio Times readers said they
had claimed to have watched the global
hit when in fact they had not.
Game of Thrones was next in line,
with 10 per cent of people having lied
about taking a voyage to Westeros for
HBO’s eight-season long fantasy
drama, which reached its climax in
2019 after nearly a decade. prepared to lie to hide the fact that they
Breaking Bad, which was voted Top five most lied-about series had not read George Orwell’s 1984,
the third best show of the 21st while other books which people
century in a BBC poll, also Stranger Things Breaking Bad Schitt’s Creek claimed to have read but had not in-
featured on the list of lied-about Children in a small town A chemistry teacher Sitcom about a family cluded Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Great
programmes. Seven per cent of in 1980s Indiana deal with cancer and a who lose their fortune Expectations by Charles Dickens and
respondents in the poll said they with supernatural former student produce and move to Schitt’s The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger.
had talked about it even though forces and the trials of and sell crystal meth. Creek, a small town Other surveys found that Alice’s Ad-
they had never seen it. adolescence. they once bought as a ventures in Wonderland, The Lord of
People also dusted off their The Crown joke,, where the Rings and Anna Karenina
knowledge of the royal family to Game of Thrones Dramatised account of theyy must were amon
among the most lied-
blag their way through conversa- Sprawling fantasy epic the Queen’s reign, from nge
change about b books.
tions about Netflix’s The Crown. based on the novels of high politics to royal theirr Peo
People also lie
Completing the top five was George RR Martin. romances. ways.s. abou
about having seen
Schitt’s Creek, the Emmy award- films. The Godfa-
winning Canadian television sit- th
ther was the mov-
com that streams on Netflix. many of us are not completely honest Walter White, ie people were
Tim Glanfield, Radio- about what we’ve seen. With so much the chemistry m
most likely to’s editorial director, choice in a truly golden age of TV it’s teacher turned h
have claimed
said: “From the water cooler at almost impossible to see every- drug kingpin in th
they had
work to dinner parties and pub thing, so don’t be afraid to admit Breaking Bad; w
watched when
tables up and down the land, the you’ve never tuned in.” Daenerys th
they hadn’t, fol-
latest and the greatest shows The poll echoes a survey from Targaryen in lowed by Casablan-
often dominate conversation. 2013 which found that the majority of Game of Thrones;; ca and
a Taxi Driver,
“Our survey illustrates just how people pretended to have read classic and Eleven and accord
according to a 2011
much we love talking about TV. How- books in order to appear more intelli- the gang in survey by the movie
ever, it’s a surprise to see just how gent. Around a quarter of people were Stranger Things com
rental company Lovefilm.

Why the fearful seek refuge in shops Apostrophe apostasy as

Sophie Freeman Another third watched a trailer for The
Pursuit of Happyness, a tearful drama.
answers suggested that fear increased
the desire for safety, adding to a hunger
language gets less formal
Fear makes us more materialistic, The rest sat through a trailer for Planet for possessions.
researchers have found. Earth, a nature documentary. The researchers said that this desire Kat Lay had “been a very noticeable drop in the
As scared people seek out others An emotional assessment found the had evolved because possessions gave use of apostrophes” that had been
because there is “strength in numbers”, expected levels of fear and sorrow. our ancestors an advantage over Pupils have long grappled with the prompted by social media platforms,
the scientists said that we also find The subjects were then asked to com- others. “Previous research has attribut- apostrophe, finding it is tricky to know where they are often left out for brevity.
“strength in things”. A study involving plete 17 sentences, such as “Christmas is ed materialism to status-seeking and your “you’re” from your “your” and to “The question is how much more
2,200 men and women from the UK, a time when . . .” The answers were pleasure-seeking,” the team wrote in know when it’s “it’s” and when it’s “its”. time will it take for this to extend to
the US and China found that fear assessed by independent judges on the the report. But pupils may one day be spared les- elsewhere,” he said.
increased materialistic tendencies levels of materialism. “We suggest that another fundamen- sons on when their “they’re” should be The team looked at 100 million
through a “desire for safety”. The scared participants scored tal goal — to protect oneself from dan- a “there”, or being told off when they words, analysing how often a word was
Eugene Chan, the report’s co-author higher on materialism with an average gers and threats — is also an important add an errant punctuation mark before used in the early 1990s compared with
and an associate professor of consumer level of 6.59 out of 9 compared with 5.95 psychological antecedent. the “s” in a plural. today. There has been an 8 per cent de-
science at Purdue University, Indiana, for the sad participants and 5.96 for the “In man’s ancestral past there is often Researchers from Lancaster Uni- crease in the uses of the apostrophe
said that the findings could explain why neutral audience. an advantage to owning goods. The versity say use of the apostrophe has after plural nouns, from 308.47 uses per
people had bought so much during the The researchers also measured the more goods one possesses, the more noticeably declined over three decades. million in the 1990s to 282.88 uses per
pandemic. “People are scared about participants’ desire for safety, asking likely they are to withstand adverse After leading a study of how English million now, and the formal research
Covid,” he said. “Our work shows that them to rate how much they agreed conditions and protect themselves.” has changed in its spoken and written reports of today include almost twice as
one way to ‘cope’ with this feeling of fear with statements such as: “I want to feel Chan said that material goods forms since the 1990s, Dr Vaclav many informal expressions as those of
is to buy more material things.” protected right now.” The fearful group offered a “tangible security” that Brezina said: “The most striking thing is the early 1990s.
In one experiment involving 915 had a higher average score of 6.62 out of helped to allay fears. how informal language has become.” The decline of the apostrophe is not
people, a third of the group was shown 9 compared with 6.14 for the sad group The findings were published in the Brezina, a senior lecturer in linguis- worth getting worked up about,
a trailer for the horror film The Ring. and 6.08 for the neutral group. The journal Psychology & Marketing. tics, told the Sunday Telegraph there leading article, page 33
6 2GM Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Cheap vaccine may restore memories of dementia sufferers Quintagram® No 1160
Solve all five clues using each
letter underneath once only
A £15 vaccine that helped to restore the that clump into plaques, killing neu- The team next adapted the antibody, as a vaccine, to trigger someone’s
memories of mice could be trialled in rons. A high proportion of these string- called TAP01, so the human immune immune system to make TAP01 type 1 Dismissed in cricket (3)
humans within two years, offering hope like molecules become truncated. system would not see it as foreign. To antibodies.”
of a new treatment for Alzheimer’s. Professor Thomas Bayer, the co-au- their surprise, the protein folded back In tests, the antibody and the engi- ---
British and German scientists say thor from Göttingen University, said: on itself in a hairpin-shaped structure. neered vaccine repaired neuron func- 2 Youngster (5)
that the pioneering therapy, which de- “In clinical trials, none of the potential Professor Mark Carr, another co- tion in two mouse models of Alzheim-
stroyed rogue proteins in the brains of treatments which dissolve amyloid pla- author, from Leicester University, er’s. The compounds also increased -----
mice, could revolutionise treatment. ques in the brain have shown much explained: “This structure had never glucose metabolism in the brain — and 3 Sketch (7)
It offers the potential of a cure and
screening programme. Those at risk
success in terms of reducing Alzheim-
er’s symptoms. We identified an anti-
been seen before in amyloid beta.”
It enabled engineering of the protein
brought back the animals’ memories.
Alzheimer’s and other forms of -------
would be immunised. Clinical trials are body in mice that would neutralise the to stabilise the hairpin shape and bind dementia affect 920,000 people in the 4 Upright (8)
possible within two years.
The technique targets soluble and
truncated forms of soluble amyloid be-
ta, but would not bind either to normal
to the antibody in the same way.
Carr said: “Our idea was this form of
UK — a figure that will rise to 2 million
by 2050. In principle the vaccine could --------
highly toxic fragments of amyloid beta forms of the protein or to the plaques.” amyloid beta could potentially be used cost £15 to £50 per dose. 5 Immediately (9)


Solutions MindGames in Times2
Cryptic clues every day online

Mothers’ weight risk

A woman’s waistline before
becoming pregnant could decide
whether her child develops
allergies. Babies born to
overweight mothers have an
8 per cent higher risk of asthma,
say scientists at the University of
Ottawa. Allergies are one of the
most common ailments, affecting
20 per cent of the population,
with an even greater prevalence
among children. The researchers
studied 248,017 children over
seven years. About half were born
to overweight or obese mothers.

Man stabbed to death

A basketball coach died in a
stabbing in which an 82-year-old
woman was badly injured. Ali
Abucar Ali, 20, died at the scene
on Friday after Betty Walsh was
also attacked in Brentford, west
London. Norris Henry, 37, has
been charged with murder and
attempted murder and will
appear before Uxbridge
magistrates’ court today.

Cocaine in onion rings

Roar appeal Vayetse, a lion from the Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa, is king of the catwalk in this portrait with Zulu tribespeople by the fashion Cocaine worth £33 million was
and wildlife photographer David Yarrow. The photo is on show at the Maddox Gallery in London from Friday and will be sold to aid the sanctuary’s conservation work found in a shipment of onion
rings. Border Force officials found
the 148kg cargo in a lorry at

French letting migrants cross to

Coquelles, France, last week.
Piotr Perzenowski, 30, of Poland
appeared at Folkestone
magistrates’ court on Saturday
charged with smuggling drugs
and was remanded to Canterbury

UK ‘as a punishment for Brexit’ crown court on December 13.

Cash for brain research

The government has promised
Steven Swinford Political Editor Border Force expects hundreds of people smugglers were using bigger, violent,” a government source said. £375 million for research into
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor migrants to cross every day this week in sturdier boats than in the past two “They’re usually armed and there is a neurodegenerative diseases, such
calm conditions. years, mainly inflatable dinghies, let- reluctance by the French to confront as Alzheimer’s, Pick’s disease and
President Macron is using the migrant One government source said that ting them cross in harsher weather. them.” frontotemporal dementia. The
crisis to punish Britain for Brexit, min- ministers were bleak about the situa- The average number of migrants per Dan O’Mahoney, the UK’s clandes- money, announced by the prime
isters believe, as more than 1,000 tion improving. boat this year is 30, thee times the figure tine threat commander based in Dover, minister in the Sunday Express,
people are expected to cross the Chan- “They don’t think the French are last year. said that smugglers were forcing the includes £50 million to help find
nel this week. going to give them anything at all,” the Border Force is expecting a surge of migrants into boats against their will. new therapies and eventually a
Amid worsening relations, Boris source said. “With the elections coming people over the next three days because “It’s important to remember that at cure for motor neurone disease,
Johnson accused Paris last week of fail- up they think it will only get worse. forecasts predict wave heights as low as every step of these migrants’ journeys, which kills six people a day.
ing to control its borders. Priti Patel, the They think it’s part of Macron’s Brexit 30cm (1ft) today, tomorrow and on wherever they come from, be it Africa
home secretary, is expected to meet punishment strategy.” Wednesday. Waves are expected to in- or the Middle East, the journey is We just want gift cards
Gérald Darmanin, her French counter- A Home Office source added: “Un- crease to 1m by the end of the week. driven by criminality at every stage,” he
part, in Paris today after record num- fortunately we’re just part of a much Officers accused the Home Office of said. Money or gift cards are the top
bers of migrants crossed last week. bigger issue with the election, North- leaving the agency “completely under- “A couple of weeks ago I spoke to an Christmas presents adults hope to
Patel is expected to urge Darmanin ern Ireland and fishing. They don’t resourced and understaffed” because Iranian woman at Tug Haven who told receive this year, the choice of 27
to speed up plans to intercept each of want to be using French taxpayers’ its modelling had predicted that only me she was expecting to be coming to per cent of people, with clothing
the migrants before they reach the UK. money ahead of the election.” 2,000 migrants would arrive this the UK in the back of a lorry. in second place (23 per cent),
Britain delivered the first instalment France threatened to disrupt the month. In the first 11 days, however, “She was driven to a beach in the mid- a survey by YouGov has found.
of £54 million in funding for extra Cop26 climate conference in a row over 3,780 crossed. dle of the night, thrown out of the back Twenty per cent want an
police patrols and surveillance after fishing licences. Jean Castex, the prime Ministers believe that the French of a van and forced into a boat at knife- “experience” such as to trip to a
Darmanin pledged to deliver a 100 per minister, wrote in a letter that the EU police are reluctant to challenge smug- point. These people are vulnerable. concert or a cinema visit. Alcohol
cent interception rate after full pay- must show leaving was damaging. glers because they are quick to resort to They are terrified.” and perfume (both 15 per cent)
ment. The Times has been told that the Border Force officers have said that violence. “The smugglers are very, very Reality of migration, letters, page 32 rounded out the top five.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 2GM 7


Negotiators sent to siege after blast PETER BYRNE/PA

Charlotte Wace, David Brown

Fiona Hamilton
An armed siege a mile from the Liver-
pool Women’s Hospital blast appeared
last night to be at the centre of the in-
vestigation into a possible terror attack.
Counterterrorism police officers in-
vestigating the explosion that killed a
taxi passenger had arrested three men
at another address in the city.
The scale of the police operation
after the blast, moments before the
Remembrance Sunday silence, sug-
gests that they are investigating the
possible involvement of others.
More than a dozen armed police offi-
cers sealed off Rutland Avenue, Sefton
Park, about an hour after the explosion.
Residents were ordered to stay at the
back of their properties.
One person said the police appeared
to be negotiating with a resident in a
semi-detached home converted into a
house of multiple occupation. He said
the man, whom he described as a “for-
eigner”, had moved in two or three

1 10.59am 4 Police
Explosion in taxi reportedly
outside Liverpool searching
Women’s Hospital a home in
2 11am Two minutes’ Images of a taxi in flames outside Liverpool Women’s
silence at Remembrance Hospital were posted on social media before armed police
Sunday service at
laid siege to a house in Sefton Park. Officers were
Liverpool Cathedral
investigating the explosion to determine its cause and
1 Liverpool Women’s whether it was linked to Islamist terrorists. Three men
were later arrested in Kensington, an area close by
3 1pm Armed police
raid a home in
Rutland Avenue,
Sefton Park

weeks ago and lived alone. Two officers

in protective vests marked with “nego-
tiator” arrived on the scene at 8pm.
“About six or seven police cars each
with two officers arrived,” the man
added. “They said they were armed
police and we can’t leave our homes.
We have been told to keep away from
the windows and if people were out
they can’t come home.
“I know the property: it is a house
converted into self-contained units. I
know two of the people who live there significance to the timing of the incid- clared they will want to establish whe- explosion. It said in a statement: “The to other hospitals “where possible”.
and they are not involved.” ent, shortly before the two-minute ther the hospital or perhaps a nearby passenger of the car, a man, was Boris Johnson expressed sympathy
Three other men — aged 29, 26 and silence on Remembrance Sunday. location, such as one of the city’s two declared dead at the scene and is yet to for people affected by the blast and
21 — were arrested previously in Ken- Detectives are working to under- cathedrals, was the intended target. be formally identified. The driver re- praised the emergency services. He
sington, an inner city area, in what stand whether the taxi was carrying Liverpool Women’s Hospital, which mains in hospital in a stable condition.” tweeted: “My thoughts are with all
appeared to be a co-ordinated oper- unstable bomb-making chemicals, receives about 50,000 patients a year, is Images of the taxi on fire were shared those affected by the awful incident in
ation. Security sources said that the contained an explosive device or ex- the largest hospital in its specialism in online. Footage of explosions and bil- Liverpool today. I want to thank the
possibility of an Islamist terrorist attack ploded for some other reason. One Europe. lowing smoke outside the hospital were emergency services for their quick re-
was under investigation. theory being explored is that the deto- Counter Terrorism Police North also shared. Liverpool Women’s Hospi- sponse and professionalism, and the
They also confirmed that detectives nator of a device exploded but the main West said that it was keeping an “open tal said visiting access had been re- police for their ongoing work on the
were examining whether there was any charge did not. If a terrorist attack is de- mind” about the cause of the Liverpool stricted and patients had been diverted investigation.”

Park yourself in ‘garage’ home for £400k Four-year-old reaches the

Ross Kaniuk immediately in front. But a car will not
be needed for the short trip to reach the
top of 11,000ft mountain
With a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen King’s Road and its array of designer
and reception room, this £395,000 free- shops, selling a host of luxury brands. A British four-year-old reached the Jackson Houlding
hold in Chelsea appears to have every- The sales blurb states: “Stewart’s summit of an 11,000ft mountain after a and his family
thing a City slicker could ask for. Grove is situated between the King’s two-week hike in the Rockies. scaled the peak
There’s just a couple of problems. Road and Fulham Road. Chelsea Jackson Houlding and his sister after a two-week
It’s all squeezed into a space the size Green, St Luke’s Gardens and South Freya, eight, were led by their parents, hike in the Rockies
of an average garage. And, in estate Kensington are all in walking distance.” Leo and Jessica, as they climbed the
agent speak, it would ideally suit the While Chelsea is renowned for high 11,889ft Pingora Peak in Wyoming
DIY enthusiast because it is said to be in The Chelsea microhome features a property prices, the same outlay could unaided. Leo, 41, a professional climber,
need of refurbishment. The property is vibrant front wall and double yellows buy a five-bed detached house in Shef- was the 1996 British junior indoor the border of Switzerland and Italy. Leo
only 5m by 3.8m but its upbeat descrip- field. Summing up the home’s perceived climbing champion. said: “I’m immensely proud of both my
tion calls it “unique” and an “excellent a toilet, shower and a second sink in the allure, the description reads: “A unique, During the same trip in August, children and how far they’ve come.”
rental investment”. bathroom. freehold studio located in the heart of Freya also scaled the nearby 12,165ft The family travelled to Wyoming
Also described as “ideally located” on The sales pitch does, however, point Chelsea. This ideally located property Wolf’s Head. The Wind River Range, with the help of Jessica’s US passport.
Stewart’s Grove, west London, it has out the need for refurbishment. has the potential to be a fantastic where the family, who are from Stave- Until recently the country has been
only one door for entry and exit. But, One task any incoming buyer might London home or rental investment.” ley in Cumbria, spent their holiday can closed for non-Americans. They flew to
according to the listing, it contains all want to undertake is repainting the There is one benefit that seem to be treacherous: it is home to bears and Denver, Colorado, and hired a car to
the most essential amenities sought in a front wall’s brightly coloured horizon- have been forgotten: as energy bills temperatures drop to freezing at night. cross into Wyoming. The Houldings
home: sleeping space, a “kitchen” in tal stripes, which are parallel and in soar, this is a home where the owner Last year the family’s holiday includ- are planning to go kayaking in the Lof-
which the floorplan shows only a sink, keeping with the double yellow lines will not be hit too hard in the pocket. ed a climb up the 10,853ft Piz Badile on oten Islands in Norway next summer.
8 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

News Remembrance Sunday

The Duchess of
Cornwall, right,
joined the Duchess
of Cambridge and
the Countess of
Wessex in solemn
reflection at the
Cenotaph. The mood
was jovial at Boris
Johnson’s veterans’
breakfast at No 10
earlier in the day.
Chelsea pensioners,
resplendent in
scarlet, march in.
Four former prime
ministers, from left,
Sir John Major, Tony
Blair, Gordon Brown
and David Cameron,
stand shoulder to
shoulder in respect

Crowds return to Cenotaph but

The Queen’s no-show health, the news was even more worry-
ing. The Queen, 95, takes the Remem-
Commonwealth and she is much loved.
So, an opportunity like this, to see her
accompanied by Princess Alexandra.
The duke, a familiar figure on the
David Cameron and Lady May. John-
son said that it was a moment to “come
with a back sprain was brance Sunday ceremony extremely
seriously and would never miss it if she
and to pay homage for what she herself
also did — because people do forget
parade below, has bowed to the inevita-
bilities of advancing age and joined the
together to remember those who
sacrificed everything in service of our
the one disappointment could possibly avoid it. that she was an engineer, she was mak- other royals watching from above. country”.
Her place on the Foreign Office ing her contribution as well. There will The duke, who served for more than The Cenotaph ceremony was one of
of a memorable day, balcony — she has not laid a wreath be a lot of sadness but everyone will be 20 years with the Royal Scots Greys, scores of events around the country. In
since 2017 — was taken by the Duke of wishing her well, everyone will want to maintained his military standards. As Edinburgh Nicola Sturgeon, the Scot-
Valentine Low writes Kent, 86, who was accompanied by see her again. She is the beating heart of he stepped on to the balcony just before tish first minister, was joined by Jack
Princess Alexandra, 84. A wreath was most of the love that is in the Common- 11am, he gave a smart salute and saluted Ransom, 101, a Second World War
The crowd was already gathering on laid on her behalf by the Prince of wealth, so we do wish her well.” once more at the end of the national veteran from Largs, North Ayrshire. He
Whitehall when the announcement Wales, who turned 73 yesterday. Word of the Queen’s absence quickly anthem. On his left the Duchess of was captured in 1942 after the fall of
came: the Queen would not be at the Wreaths were also laid by the Duke spread through the crowd and it did not Cambridge stood between the Duchess Singapore and spent three years as a
Cenotaph after all. of Cambridge, the Earl of Wessex and seem too fanciful to imagine that as the of Cornwall and the Countess of prisoner of the Japanese working on
With less than two hours to go, the Princess Royal. members of the royal family, the politi- Wessex, while Vice Admiral Sir Tim the infamous Burma railway.
Buckingham Palace said that she had Baroness Scotland of Asthal, the cians and other dignitaries gathered, Laurence and the Duke and Duchess of “It was such an honour to be invited
reluctantly decided to pull out after Commonwealth secretary-general, the words of God Save The Queen rang Gloucester were on the other balcony. to lay a wreath,” Ransom said. “I may be
spraining her back. said there would be “sadness” that the out with a touch more feeling. Below them the Prince of Wales laid the last person alive who worked on
For the crowds assembling it was a Queen had to pull out of the service. To make up for her absence, officials two wreaths, as has been his custom in those railways. When I was released in
deeply disappointing moment. For Asked on Sky News’s Trevor Phillips reorganised which members of the recent years: one on behalf of the 1945, I weighed only six stone and if the
most people the Queen, who is head of On Sunday programme if it would be royal family would occupy the three Queen and one of his own. war had lasted much longer I don’t
the Armed Forces as well Supreme “disappointing” for many veterans that balconies from which they traditionally As Boris Johnson laid his wreath, fol- think I would have survived.
Governor of the Church of England, is the monarch was not at the ceremony, watch the ceremony. lowed by Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour “But I was one of the lucky ones. We
an important symbol of national unity she replied: “Absolutely. On the central balcony, where the leader, they were watched by five must never forget what war means and
as the country remembers its war dead. “The Queen is adored, rightly. She Queen had been due to stand with a former prime ministers — Sir John what it brings.”
And for those concerned about her has shown total commitment to the lady-in-waiting, the Duke of Kent was Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, With Covid restrictions lifted, the
the times | Monday November 15 2021 9


After last year’s

scaled back
ceremony, which
was closed to the
public, crowds were
back in Whitehall
yesterday to watch
the procession of
dignitaries, along
with nearly 10,000
veterans who later
marched past the
Cenotaph. The
Prince of Wales, who
laid a wreath on
behalf of the Queen,
was accompanied by
Prince William at the
Afterwards, a sea of
red, white and blue
wreaths showed a
nation’s gratitude

one person is noticeably absent province, Afghanistan, in 2009. “I set armed forces until 2000. The Ministry Even the BBC was told, ‘Don’t mention
up the charity because I wanted to help of Defence has returned medals to vet- them when they march past.’ The Royal
people smile again,” she said. “We help erans who had them stripped as a result British Legion was quite hostile in those
about 500 children up to the age of 25. of their sexual orientation or gender days. This time it was different.”
Today has been wonderful.” identity. A warm welcome was extended to
Those marching in London included Among the Fighting with Pride the 22 marchers. “Just to be there was a
Mervyn Kersh, 96, a Normandy group was Duncan Lustig-Prean, 62, a momentous occasion,” the former
veteran who served in the Royal Army former Royal Navy Lieutenant-Com- EasyJet instructor said. “What struck
Ordnance Corps. He has marched at mander who was dismissed in 1994 for me was the warmth and generosity of
the Cenotaph for the past 20 years but being gay. the welcome we were given by other
was disappointed the Queen was not He took a test case to the European veterans’ detachments. That was in-
A vintage Dragon Rapide showers poppies over Duxford, Cambridgeshire yesterday there. “If I am here next year then she Court of Human Rights which helped tensely moving.
must be as well,” he said. “For anyone of lead to the change in the law. It was not “Then we got to give the salute to
crowds returned to pay their respects. youngest on parade were Evie Hebden our generation today means an awful the first time that he had marched with Prince William. He has a voice in his ear
In London thousands of people lined and Jacob Stokoe, eight, who lost their lot. It is not only about the lessons of the gay comrades at the Cenotaph. from a staff officer saying which group
Whitehall. Last year only 25 veterans fathers serving with the armed forces. past but also the future. We hope to pass The last time was nearly 25 years ago, is coming. He looked directly at each
took 85 seconds to complete the march They were marching with Scotty’s Lit- our stories on to the next generation. when the only way they were allowed to one of us, smiled and acknowledged
past. This year a parade of 10,000 lasted tle Soldiers, a charity that helps child- “I wanted to get out of my wheelchair remember fallen comrades was by with a nod. And it was a broad smile,
43 minutes. ren who have lost a parent serving with and march past the Cenotaph but I agreeing to hide their sexuality. and it was a direct look in the face.
The oldest was believed to be Tim the military. One old soldier gave Jacob wasn’t allowed as it would disrupt the Before then the campaign group “That was intense. After 25 years, a
Farmiloe, 98, of Petersfield, Hampshire, his beret, which he wore with pride. column.” Rank Outsiders would lay a wreath healing process starts which is very im-
who served as a flight engineer on Sun- Nikki Scott, 40, set up the charity in The new marchers were joined by every year, the day after Remembrance portant for many people who lost their
derland flying boats with Coastal Com- memory of her husband, Corporal Lee Fighting with Pride, a group that works because they were not allowed on careers through dismissal. They are
mand. “This is the first time I’ve taken Scott, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, the to support the mental health and well- parade. “In 1997 we were allowed to recognised by fellow veterans and can
part,” he said. “It is a shame about the father of her children Kai, 17, and being of LGBT+ veterans. LGBT+ march,” Lustig-Prean said. “But it was hold their heads high and honour
Queen and I wish her all the best.” The Brooke, 12. He was killed in Helmand people were banned from serving in the on condition that we did not go public. people who have gone before them.”
the times | Monday November 15 2021 11


Maxwell complains of maggots, Iundressing

saw prince

rats and creepy prison guards Giuffre, says

David Brown
Epstein aide
Ghislaine Maxwell has described the Bernard Lagan
“living hell” of prison and complained
that she will not get a fair hearing as A former associate of the sexual preda-
jury selection begins today for her trial tor Jeffrey Epstein has insisted that he
for allegedly recruiting girls for abuse saw Prince Andrew being intimate with
by the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Virginia Giuffre on the Caribbean
The British former socialite, whose island owned by the deceased financier.
£12 million bail application was dis- “He removed her bathing suit top
missed last week, claims that she has and then started grinding against her
been abused by prison officers who and grabbing her ass,” Steve Scully,
watch her showers and have fed her whom Epstein employed as a
“rotting” food during her 16 months technician, said of the encounter
behind bars. between the prince and Giuffre, then 17.
Maxwell, 59, is being held in solitary Prince Andrew has denied Giuffre’s
confinement at the Metropolitan De- accusations that he sexually abused her
tention Center in New York accused of more than two decades ago. Giuffre, 38,
procuring the victims for Epstein, her sued Andrew for unspecified damages
former boyfriend. The American finan- in August, accusing him of forcing her
cier was found hanged in his Manhat- to have sex with him at the London
tan jail cell aged 66 in 2019 while await- home of Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime
ing trial on child sex trafficking charges. Epstein associate.
Maxwell is alleged to have enticed She also accused Andrew of abusing
her at Epstein’s mansion in Manhattan
Ghislaine and on one of Epstein’s private islands
Maxwell is seen in the US Virgin Islands. A trial in the
in a photo case is expected next year.
taken in jail and Appearing on Australian television
included in the on Sunday, Scully, 71, said he worked for
US court filing Epstein between 1999 and 2006 and
by her lawyer recalled Prince Andrew’s visit. “He was
probably in his early 40s at the time.
And she was obviously a kid . . . I
thought that was odd,” Scully told the
Spotlight programme.
four girls — including one alleged The prince, 61, has said he has no re-
British victim — aged as young as 14 to collection of meeting Giuffre, who now
engage in illegal sex acts with Epstein lives in Australia and claims to have
from 1994 to 1997 at his homes in New been paid by Epstein for pleasuring
York City, Florida, and New Mexico Andrew.
and at her own home on Mayfair, A source close to Andrew told The
central London. She denies all the Sun: “Mr Scully has been touting his
charges. ‘recollections’ around the media ‘exclu-
Maxwell was reported by The Mail on sively’ for some time, but his account is
Sunday to have said that during her time dubious.
in jail she had “not had a nutritious “He gives a timeframe up until 2004
meal” and has to sleep with fluorescent . . . by which time Mrs Giuffre was long
lights on, which have damaged her since married and no longer working
eyes. “I am weak, I am frail. I have no for Epstein. It’s also worth noting that
stamina. I am tired. I don’t even have Mrs Giuffre’s own account of her
shoes which fit properly,” she said. alleged encounter with the Duke on
“They feed me rotten food. One apple Ghislaine Maxwell with Jeffrey Epstein on the New York social scene in 1995. She is now in the Metropolitan Detention Center Little St James bears absolutely no re-
had maggots in it. I have not been semblance whatsoever to Mr Scully’s
allowed to exercise. I used to go to the of the trial on November 29 or ap- Maxwell’s London home in 2001. we distracted the attention away from recollections.”
loo with an open sewer drain and a peared to have been tampered with Prince Andrew, 61, denies involvement where Ghislaine really was. She was in Spotlight reported that in recent days
friendly rat would regularly visit. I told before she received it in jail. “I fear it will and is contesting Giuffre’s civil claim the US at all times.” Scully had given a statement to Giuf-
the guards, but nothing was done until be impossible to get a fair trial. I have against him. He said that the intention had been fre’s legal team.
the rat popped out and charged a guard, tremendous fear that overwhelmingly Matt Hellyer, a British former soldier to mislead the media and shield Appearing on the programme, Geof-
who screamed in terror.” negative media stories will poison my who was head of Maxwell’s security Maxwell from a “potential killer” after frey Robertson QC, the London human
Maxwell, an Oxford University grad- jury pool and affect the outcome of my team, told The Mail on Sunday that he claims Epstein’s suicide had been faked. rights barrister, said that if Scully’s testi-
uate and daughter of the disgraced trial despite the evidence that will had hired two people who looked like Hellyer said that although Maxwell had mony stood up to scrutiny it would en-
newspaper publisher Robert Maxwell, demonstrate everything the jurors her and her brother Kevin, 62, to give repeatedly moved properties, she was ter the facts against Prince Andrew in
said that she stopped showering thought they knew isn’t true,” she said. the impression she had fled from the always available to be interviewed by Giuffre’s proceedings for damages.
because “creepy” guards watched her. The trial will be attended by Virginia United States to France. He said: “They the authorities. She was arrested in July Andrew’s representatives have not
She said that vital evidence had Giuffre, 38, who claims that at the age of strolled in Paris for a couple of days and last year during an FBI raid at her 156- yet responded to media requests for
arrived too late to prepare for the start 17 she had sex with the Duke of York at we leaked it to a newspaper. That is how acre estate in rural New Hampshire. comment on the programme.

Court could see more messages to Meghan’s staff

Valentine Low how to brief the authors of a book about article in the magazine People that first aides, are Samantha Cohen, their
the Sussexes, Finding Freedom, pre- reported on the existence of Meghan’s former private secretary, and Christian
Further confidential messages viously stating that she “[did] not know letter to her father. Jones and Sara Latham, the former
between members of the royal family if, and to what extent, her team were It has been reported that staff who communications secretaries.
and their advisers could be revealed if involved in providing information for worked for the Sussexes have been Documents released in the Court of
The Mail on Sunday wins an appeal the book”. instructed not to delete any corres- Appeal also mention Simon Case, the
against a ruling in favour of the Duch- She apologised to the court for her pondence. The palace email system has Duke of Cambridge’s former private
ess of Sussex. earlier statement, saying that she had been left open should any searches secretary who is now Cabinet Secretary
The newspaper is trying to overturn forgotten about the exchanges and had need to be made. In a summary judg- and head of the civil service.
a court ruling that its publication of a not intended to mislead the court. ment that avoided the need for a full Mark Stephens, a media law expert,
letter from Meghan to her father in If The Mail on Sunday is successful, trial at which witnesses would give evi- said it was likely that emails and text
August 2018 was unlawful. Email and messages involving other former aides dence and be crossexamined, a High messages between palace staff would
text messages between the duchess and of the Sussexes could be disclosed to the Court judge ruled that the publication be produced if the case moved to a trial.
Jason Knauf, her former communic- court, The Sunday Telegraph reported. of extracts from the letter was unlawful. He said: “It’s almost a racing certainty
ations secretary, were disclosed last It said experts believed that if the The Mail on Sunday is seeking to over- that whilst it will be handed over to The
week during a three-day hearing in the matter were sent for trial the emails of turn that summary decision, arguing Mail on Sunday’s lawyers, the judge
Court of Appeal. senior staff and former staff would be that the matter should go to trial. might put in place reporting restric-
They included details of how the searched for mentions of relevant The other members of the Palace tions to prevent it being used in news Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts,
duchess gave instructions to Knauf on terms such as Finding Freedom and an Four, a term to describe the Sussexes’ reporting.” now Giuffre, in London in 2001
12 2GM Monday November 15 2021 | the times

News Cop26

‘We won. Now China and India ed that Cop26 had not delivered the

Steven Swinford Political Editor

“full solution” to climate change, but
that it had achieved “just about as much
as we could have hoped”. Cop report:
could have
Kaya Burgess Science Reporter He said a tipping point had been
reached in people’s attitudes and that
Boris Johnson said that Cop26 had leaders had been “galvanised and pro-

done better
“sounded the death knell for coal pelled by their electorates”.
power” but he was disappointed that The conference also secured agree-
one pledge was watered down by China ment on finalising key parts of the
and India. “Paris rulebook”, on areas such as est-
The prime minister said that the out-
come was “truly historic” and that with-
in a few years building new coal power
stations would be unacceptable around
ablishing carbon markets and transpar-
ency over the action countries are
taking, which have been outstanding
since that climate treaty was agreed in
if they tried
the world. He gave the event “more 2015. The decisions come after a fort-
than six out of ten” for success. night of negotiations in Glasgow. Achievements
He said, however, that it was “tinged A series of deals by countries and
with disappointment” and that businesses on cutting methane emis-
although most nations had demon- sions, curbing deforestation, switching coal and fossil fuels
strated a “high level of ambition” some to electric cars, driving investment in A lot of attention has been paid to
had not been “willing to go there”. clean technology and phasing out coal the disappointment felt around the
India and China pushed for last-min- power were announced alongside the conference when India and China
ute changes to the climate pact, replac- formal negotiations as part of efforts to succeeded in watering down the
ing the pledge to “phase out” coal with drive “real-world” climate action. final Cop26 deal, pushing for a
one to “phase down” its use. Alok Shar- Sharma said that the goal of restrict- pledge to “phase out” coal to be
ma, the president of the event, was ing global warming to less than 1.5C replaced by a pledge to “phase
reduced to tears after the concession. above pre-industrial levels was “still in down” its use.
Johnson said that Britain could not reach”, but added that the outcome of This should not, however, mask
force other nations into agreeing to its the conference was only a “fragile win”. what is a significant achievement:
He appeared tearful at the close of the this is the first time that a global
conference on Saturday evening and climate deal has set out explicitly
said that he was “deeply sorry” for the that fossil fuel consumption is a
way the changes had been made. major driver of climate change and
He told The Andrew Marr Show: “On set out a plan to reduce the use of
a personal level, I have invested enor- coal to generate electricity.
mous amounts of the last two years into New commitments to phase out
this. I’ve been out to see countries, talk- coal-fired power stations were made
ed to people on the front line of climate during Cop26 by 23 countries,
change and of course I’d had about six including Indonesia, Vietnam,
hours’ sleep in 72 hours previously, so it Poland, South Korea, Egypt, Spain,
was an emotional moment.” Nepal, Singapore, Chile and
The coal deal is still seen as a signif- Ukraine. However, some of the
icant achievement because it is the first biggest consumers of the most
global climate agreement to explicitly polluting fossil fuel, including the
mention fossil fuels as a key driver of US, China and Russia, refused to
climate change and to set out a plan to sign the Global Coal to Clean Power
reduce the use of coal. Greenpeace said: Transition Statement.
Alok Sharma appeared tearful at the “It’s meek, it’s weak and the 1.5C goal is The statement was weakened to
end of the conference on Saturday only just alive but a signal has been sent give signatories flexibility on the
that the era of coal is ending. And that deadline, changing the target date
own climate change targets. “Those for matters.” to “the 2030s (or as soon as possible because no immediate action was economies. The paragraph on the
whom climate change is already a Patricia Espinosa, executive secre- thereafter)” for major economies required. Doubts have emerged ratchet also fails to mention the
matter of life and death, who can only tary of the UN Framework Convention and “the 2040s (or as soon as already about the intentions of two need to limit warming to 1.5C,
stand by as their islands are submerged, on Climate Change, said: “We are very possible thereafter)” for developing key signatories of the new deal, referring vaguely instead to targets
their farmland turned to desert, their far from that goal [of 1.5C] but we did nations. with Indonesia disputing the aligning with “the Paris Agreement
homes battered by storms, they manage to get together this big package In another agreement, 20 definition of deforestation and temperature goal”. Countries could
demanded a high level of ambition for of different decisions that . . . gives us countries pledged to stop financing Brazil committing to ending “illegal argue their targets are consistent
this summit,” he said. very, very specific direction on what we fossil fuels overseas, including the deforestation”. Much of the tree loss with the main goal in the
“While many of us were willing to go need to work on in order to get there.” US, UK, Canada and Italy. in Brazil is classed as legal. agreement of limiting warming to
there, that wasn’t true of everyone. Sad- She said that the deal was the first A small group of countries “well below” 2C. What “well
ly that is the nature of diplomacy. We climate pact to have mentioned coal pledged to offer no new licences for ratchet below” means in this context has
can lobby, cajole, encourage but we and fossil fuels. “We have to be very oil and gas exploration and agreed The deadline by which countries never been clearly defined.
cannot force sovereign nations to do conscious that there are millions and to set an end date for production. are expected to announce stronger
what they do not wish to do.” millions of people that depend on fossil Members of the Beyond Oil and emissions reduction targets has methane
Earlier Sharma had said that China fuel industries and in terms of coal Gas Alliance, which was launched been brought forward
ward by One of the mmore eye-
and India were going to have to “ex- there are many people, especially vul- at Cop26, include Denmark, Costa three years. Instead
ad of catching iinitiatives
plain themselves to the most climate- nerable and poor people, that also de- Rica, France, Ireland, Wales, having until 2025 to announ
announced in
vulnerable countries in the world”. pend on that as a source of energy. So, Sweden, Greenland and Quebec. come up with Glasg
Glasgow was a
Johnson said: “It’s an immense thing on the one hand, we have clarity that England and Scotland have not enhanced targets,, pled by the
to get a commitment from 190 coun- this is a very big source of emissions and joined but Nicola Sturgeon, a date originally Un
United States
tries to phase down or phase out. Whe- we need to get rid of that. On the other Scotland’s first minister, said she set in Paris five an more than
ther the language is phase down or hand, we need to also balance out the was considering it. years ago, 10 other
phase out doesn’t seem to me to make social consequences.” nations are c
countries to
much of a difference. The direction is The disappointment from deleg- trees being asked to re
pretty much the same.” The aim of ations from the island nations at the The first big deal announced at come back with m
keeping global temperatures from most immediate risk from climate Cop26 was the Glasgow Leaders’ strengthened em
emissions by
rising by more than 1.5C was still alive, change was palpable. Tina Stege, the Declaration on Forests and Land plans in time for 30 per cent by
he said, adding that the world was “un- envoy from the Marshall Islands, said: Use, signed by 137 countries Cop27 in Egypt in n 203 compared
deniably heading in the right direction”. “I wish to read into the record our pro- covering 91 per cent of the world’s November next with 2020 levels.
He added: “Even the most pessimistic found disappointment with the change forests. They made a commitment year. Met
Methane is a
commentator will tell you that 1.5 deg- in the language on coal.” “to working collectively to halt and However, there are potent ggreenhouse
rees, that goal of restricting the growth 6 The UK may have to pledge billions reverse forest loss and land loopholes which could be gas that can warm the
in temperatures to 1.5 degrees, is still more pounds to help other countries to degradation by 2030”. na, India and
exploited by China, atmosphere 80 times
t faster
alive. Now the work continues to make cut emissions under the Glasgow deal, As well as having an additional other big emitterss that have weak than carbon dioxide bu but breaks
that ambition a reality.” according to Chris Stark, chief exec- 100 signatures, the Glasgow 2030 targets. The key paragraph down much more quickly. About
He said that he would not make more utive of the Climate Change Commit- declaration is backed by £14 billion requesting stronger targets was 0.5C of the 1.1C rise in the global
stringent climate change targets part of tee. The UK is already providing of public and private money which weakened in the closing stages of average temperature since the
negotiations for a trade deal with India. £11.6 billion in climate finance for devel- will help to protect the Amazon and the conference by the addition of industrial revolution has been
Ed Miliband, the shadow business oping nations over the five years to tropical forests in Indonesia and the the words “taking into account caused by methane emissions.
and energy secretary, warned that March 2026. Stark’s committee is plan- Congo Basin. different national circumstances”. If fully implemented, the pledge
“keeping 1.5 degrees alive is frankly in ning to produce a report by the end of However, the absence of any China and India could use this to could limit global warming by about
intensive care”, with a “chasm” between this month on how the UK can increase interim target to measure progress argue that they are already doing as 0.2C by 2050.
what was agreed in Glasgow and what its action to comply with the pact. raises questions about whether much as they can and need cheap Yet three of the five largest
still needs to be done to cut emissions. Morten Morland cartoon, page 31 some leaders only signed up coal power to develop their methane emitters, China, India and
Johnson “fully and humbly” accept- Good Cop, leading article, page 33
the times | Monday November 15 2021 13


will have to explain themselves’

Rich should

adaptation finance, at least

doubling it from 2019 levels by 2025.

pay eco-tax
The amounts pledged are still a long
way below the $70 billion per year
developing nations need now.

Disappointments on food and

water bills
global warming
By the end of the 21st century, the
global temperature must be no
more than 1.5C hotter than it was in
pre-industrial times to avoid Kaya Burgess
catastrophic impacts. The Glasgow
climate deal cites the importance of People should pay a form of “ecological
“limiting global warming to 1.5C”, taxation” on food and water bills to
but an analysis of the pledges made account for the costs of tackling climate
at Cop26 for reductions over the change, waste, obesity and pollution,
next decade suggests that the world the head of Natural England said.
will still warm by a disastrous 2.4C, Tony Juniper, who runs the govern-
according to Climate Action ment’s advisory body on protecting
Tracker. It also looked just at land, waters, seas, flora and fauna, said
existing policies and found they consumers needed to see the impact of
would lead to 2.7C of warming. their dietary and lifestyle choices re-
Cop26 organisers have said that flected in the bills they pay to appreci-
the goal of limiting warming to 1.5C ate how costly they are to society.
is “still alive”, but that the hope of Juniper, 61, who was director of
achieving it is “fragile”. Friends of the Earth, said wealthy
people who cause more waste should
cars pay more through “ecological taxation”
Downing Street privately admits to account for it.
that the agreement on cars is the “The cost of climate change is going
most disappointing of the deals on to be catastrophic,” Juniper told The
different sectors announced at Sunday Telegraph. “It’s going to destroy
Cop26. the economy, potentially – two, three,
A group of countries, companies four degrees of global warming. Is that
and cities promised to phase out visible anywhere in a consumer bill?
fossil-fuel cars and vans globally by “The loss of the benefits we get from
2040 and by 2035 in leading clean rivers — for angling, for tourism,
markets. for public health and wellbeing —
Ford, GM, Mercedes, Jaguar Land where is that in the bill? The mass
Rover, Volvo and China’s BYD were extinction of animals and plants being
among manufacturers that signed principally driven by our food system,
Coal stocks in Shandong, the Glasgow Declaration on Zero where is that?
China, which, with India, Emission Cars and Vans. “What about the public health
weakened commitments But Volkswagen, BMW and dimension, in terms of the people
to reduce use of the fuel Toyota declined. suffering from diet-related illnesses
More than 30 countries, including that’s costing countries absolute for-
India, Canada, Poland and the tunes on their public health services?”
Netherlands, signed the UK-led He said there was a “deficiency in the
“invites” them to do. It government was already backed with £14 billion. declaration but most major way we do economics” because the high
Ben Webster depends on countries capturing attention with A joint statement by the economies remain absent from the cost of these choices are “basically
Comment such as China and India the next deal. US and China was short deal, including the US, China and hidden from the numbers that appear
choosing not to use The press release on on detail but could prove Germany. in the prices”.

loopholes in the text, countries phasing out pivotal. Steps to prevent Juniper said he believed that people
roof of whether which they insisted on coal-fired power was methane leaks now seem loss and damage would be “willing to pay more” on their
Cop26 was a inserting. headlined “end of coal in much more likely. Developing countries had put bills to help prevent sewage from enter-
success will not Downing Street sight” but left out words But the flurry of forward a proposal at Cop26 for a ing rivers and to keep them clean.
come until the ensured that Cop26 got from the deal that promises masked the new damages fund to assist nations “The people who are paying the bills
end of next year off to a flying start with a exposed its weakness. absence of commitments. which suffer losses due to are also the same people who want to go
— the deadline set under series of announcements When the full text was The only bold new target hurricanes, rising seas and other swimming in the river and to take their
the Glasgow Climate in the first week on coal, published, it emerged came from India, which impacts worsened by climate kids paddling and go pond-dipping and
Pact for countries to methane, deforestation that both deadlines, for said half its power would change. everything else,” he said, adding that a
submit stronger and green finance. the 2030s and 2040s, come from renewable The US opposes any suggestion “multi-millionaire filling up a swim-
emissions reduction They had bold were qualified by “or as sources by 2030. that those countries are entitled to ming pool” should pay more for water.
targets for 2030. headlines but little detail. soon as possible Analysis of the 2030 compensation and insisted on Asked for his views on a meat tax to
Boris Johnson’s claim The strategy worked, thereafter”. Amid the pledges found that the watering down the proposal. offset the environmental impact of live-
that the conference was however, and gave Cop26 hype, there was progress. world is on course for Saleemul Huq, an adviser to the stock, Juniper said it was “not necessa-
“game-changing” hangs a sense of momentum. A pledge to end 2.4C of warming, almost Climate Vulnerable Forum, a rily the right instrument”.
on optimism about the The full wording was deforestation by 2030 is one degree above the coalition of 48 countries, said Alok He said meat from animals grazed as
willingness of countries only released the next more likely to work than 1.5C limit set in Paris. Sharma, Cop26 president, had been part of conservation or rewilding pro-
to abide by what the pact day and flaws emerged, a previous commitment Ben Webster is The Times “strongarmed” by the US into jects could be sustainable “compared to
“requests”, “urges” or but by then the because this time it is environment editor weakening the proposal. meat that’s coming from intensively
He said the UK’s promises that reared animals in cages that are being
the needs of vulnerable countries fed crops grown on the other side of the
Russia, declined to sign up to the move closer to meeting their own year from 2020 to help poor nations would be addressed by Cop26 had world, where the Amazon rainforest
pledge. targets. respond and adapt to climate been “proven to be totally has been cut down”.
It is hoped that this will change. They were about $20 billion unreliable”. He added: “That is a very, very differ-
paris rule-book encourage countries such as Brazil short of the target last year and an Under the Glasgow pact, ent set of ramifications environmental-
Cop26 finally saw an agreement to go further and faster in reducing official assessment before Cop26 countries will get technical ly as some meat is more sustainable.”
reached over the “Paris rule book”, emissions, but it is also feared that said that it might not be reached assistance on dealing with impacts, Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, said
which sets out rules on how nations it could allow some nations to until 2023. such as advice on moving earlier this month: “I wouldn’t support
must fulfil the pledge made in Paris continue emitting harmful gases. Japan last week pledged up to $10 communities away from flood- a meat tax. It’s really important that we
five years ago to limit global An agreement was also reached billion over five years and John prone coastlines, but no money to support our fantastic British farming
warming and reduce greenhouse on the “enhanced transparency Kerry, President Biden’s climate cover the costs of rebuilding. industry and rather than using the stick
gas emissions. framework”, standardising the envoy, said this could lever a further Huq said developing countries to encourage people to become more
A deal on “carbon markets” was format in which countries report $8 billion from the World Bank and would submit the proposal again climate friendly, we use the carrot.”
reached allowing countries that their targets and emissions. other sources. It could mean that next year at Cop27 in Egypt where It has been suggested that a “carbon
reduce emissions beyond their the $100 billion target would be he expected the proposal would border tax” could be imposed on im-
targets to sell carbon “offset cash achieved next year. gain more traction. ports from countries that fail to take ro-
credits”, each representing a tonne Developed countries promised in The Glasgow deal called on “It’s an African Cop, the Africans bust action to tackle climate change.
of carbon dioxide, to other 2009 to provide $100 billion in developed nations to “urgently and are in charge and we have been George Eustice, the environment sec-
countries, allowing those nations to public and private funding each significantly scale up” their talking to them,” he said. retary, said this could prevent countries
from “exporting pollution”.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 15


PM’s regret as sleaze hits support

Starmer legal

Steven Swinford Political Editor

Boris Johnson has expressed regret for
the first time over his botched attempt
to block the suspension of the Tory MP
Owen Paterson amid signs that the
work ‘is not
sleaze row is cutting through to voters.
The prime minister has faced criti-
cism from across his party, including
same as Cox’
from some cabinet ministers, after
whipping Conservative MPs to vote to Ross Kaniuk
stay the suspension of Paterson and to
overhaul the standards system. Labour’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner,
He was forced to make a U-turn has insisted that Sir Keir Starmer’s
within hours of the vote and its earnings from legal work during his six
repercussions were still being felt last years as an MP are not comparable to
week, with clashes between ministers Sir Geoffrey Cox’s second job.
and Tory MPs on the Conservative Labour wants an investigation into
WhatsApp group. Cox, the Tory MP for Torridge and
It was followed by a welter of sleaze West Devon, after it emerged that he
allegations that appear to be influenc- flew to the British Virgin Islands to
ing the polls. Nearly two thirds of voters defend the islands against corruption
said that they thought the Tories were claims. He also conducted legal work
“very sleazy” in a YouGov poll for from his taxpayer-funded parliament-
The Times, the highest level since the ary office.
1990s. A poll by Savanta ComRes at the Meanwhile, financial documents
weekend put Labour six points ahead of show that Starmer registered nearly
the Conservatives. £115,000 in earnings for legal advice
The prime minister was asked three outside Parliament while an MP. He
times if he regretted his handling of the has called for MPs to be banned from
vote and declined to do so. On the working as directors and consultants
fourth time of asking, however, he said:
“Of course, you know, I think that Sir Keir Starmer
things could certainly have been registered more
handled better by me.” He told the than £100,000 in
cabinet on Thursday that it was an earnings for legal
“unforced error”, although he has said advice while an MP
privately he believes that the agenda
will move away from sleaze and that he
sees no need to apologise.
Downing Street is understood to ac- after the Tory sleaze row, alongside a
cept, however, that there is a need for tightening of rules on second jobs.
greater contrition from ministers. Last Rayner, asked on BBC1’s The Andrew
week Nadine Dorries, the culture sec- Marr Show if a Labour government
retary, rebuked George Freeman, a would ban MPs taking legal work,
junior minister, after he told colleagues replied: “I do not accept the premise
on the Tory WhatsApp group: “The that advising a tax haven which is de-
damage from last week will take a lot scribed by the government as corrupt
more than good words to repair.” Dor- and using his office to do that, in any
ries replied: “Totally not true George, way the same as Keir Starmer doing
those of us who were here in 2009 know At the fourth time of asking yesterday, Boris Johnson admitted that “things could certainly have been handled better by me” legal work when he was first an MP.”
that isn’t the case. Rayner was questioned by Marr
“The expenses scandal, which began Last week wasn’t great, but it was a long bishment of his Downing Street flat. four points to 29 per cent, according to about Starmer advising the govern-
the day of the European elections cam- way from the worst.” Asked if he had confidence in Stone, the survey of 1,696 British adults. At the ment of Gibraltar, to which she replied:
paign in 2009 and ended on the day of The Times has been told that there Johnson said: “The answer is yes. I same time 60 per cent of voters agreed “Me and Keir have been absolutely
the ballot, was a billion times worse was anger in No 10 when Dorries’s com- think the commissioner has a job to do with the statement “the Conservatives crystal clear on this and our manifesto
than last week. Every single MP was in ments were leaked, as it had been at- and a huge amount of work to do, and these days give the impression of being has been consistently clear on this since
the media. Half a dozen MPs were tempting to defuse the row. she needs to get on and be allowed to do very sleazy and disreputable”. 2015, that we would ban paid consult-
banged into prison. Many had to pay Johnson also said he had confidence it.” Anthony Wells, director of political ancy and directorships and lobbyists.”
huge sums of money back in expenses in Kathryn Stone, the parliamentary The poll by YouGov for The Times at research at YouGov, said: “This is the Rayner was also questioned on whe-
claimed. standards commissioner. There have the weekend found that Johnson’s worst Conservative score on being seen ther Starmer using his Commons office
“We dominated (mainly Tories, been claims that his attempt to over- rating as “best prime minister” had fall- as sleazy and disreputable since You- for Zoom calls with the public was with-
because the press always go harder on haul the standards system was a “pre- en by four points in a month to 27 per Gov first asked it in 2006 and, as far as in parliamentary rules, but only replied:
us) the front page of every single news- emptive strike” against Stone before a cent. The Labour leader Sir Keir Starm- I call tell, since Gallup asked the same “This prime minister has allowed cor-
paper and bulletin for five whole weeks. potential investigation into the refur- er’s rating on the same measure jumped question during the John Major years.” ruption and sleaze to enter our politics.”

Chinese surveillance, cheap loans and a helpful career boost

he Conservative MP received £209,097 from Investcorp, whether Jacob Rees-Mogg, the of conduct does not specifically cover £100,000 a year on average over 11
Richard Fuller has received the Sunday Mirror revealed. He lost leader of the House of Commons, directors’ loans but states that years, according to the Sunday Mirror.
more than £300,000 from a the seat in 2017 but was elected to broke financial rules as an MP by members shall “always be open and Previously unpublished diary
Bahrain private equity firm North East Bedfordshire in 2019. He failing to declare £6 million in frank in drawing attention to any extracts by the US businesswoman
that has invested in has since earned £94,900 from personal loans from his relevant interest in any proceeding of Jennifer Arcuri allege that Boris
companies that make surveillance Investcorp. These earnings are company. He did not report the house or its committees” and Johnson overruled the advice of staff
systems for the Chinese government within the rules of being an MP to the official register that requires directors to declare “taxable to promote her business interests.
(Tom Knowles writes). but add to the scrutiny over he had borrowed up to expenses, allowances and benefits”. According to one entry, Johnson, then
Fuller is an advisory director for whether politicians should be £2.94 million a year in Rees-Mogg told The Mail on London mayor, offered to be “the
Investcorp, which is one of four jobs allowed to have jobs in other director’s loans from his Sunday, which first reported the story, thrust” that would accelerate Arcuri’s
he holds alongside being an MP. sectors once they are elected to company Saliston Ltd that the loans were not earnings, he business career.
Investcorp invested in a Chinese the Commons. between 2018 and 2020 at was not required to declare them to The diary entries, seen by The
state-backed fund called China SenseTime said that it a favourable rate. By using parliament and had not broken any Observer, appear to have been written
Everbright Limited New Economy liaised with the UN and other “directors’ loans”, which rules. He added that his company while Arcuri and Johnson were
Fund in 2018 and started to jointly international bodies, adding are classed by the “had no activities that interact with having an affair. Arcuri received
manage the fund in 2019. that it was “committed to government as a government policy”. £126,000 in public money when
A beneficiary of this fund was promoting responsible and taxable benefit, he Fiona Bruce, the Conservative MP Johnson was mayor of London. He
SenseTime, a Hong Kong surveillance sustainable use of AI.” was able to borrow for Congleton, has earned almost did not mention her in his declaration
technology firm that has the backing Fuller told the Sunday at interest below £1.1 million for her outside job as a of interests and after news of their
of the Chinese government. Mirror: “My constituents market rates. lawyer since being elected. The prime alleged affair broke in 2019 he said
SenseTime has been accused of using will read your article The MPs’ code minister’s envoy on the human right there was no interest to declare. A
its technology to help the Chinese and if they want me to to freedom of religion or belief, has government spokesman said last
government’s campaign of respond I guess I can Jennifer Arcuri’s continued to work for her own night: “As mayor, Boris Johnson
persecution against Uighur Muslims. talk to them about it.” diary claims that Cheshire law firm, Fiona Bruce and followed all the legal requirements in
When Fuller was an MP for Labour has called for Boris Johnson Co, since being elected to parliament the [Greater London Authority’s] code
Bedford between 2010 and 2017 he an investigation into overruled his staff in 2010. She has earned almost of conduct at the time.”
16 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Rail revamp of the north

facing cuts to save money
Steven Swinford Political Editor create a dedicated Y-shaped network
Leeds 20 miles
linking London, Birmingham, Man-
Boris Johnson is poised to shelve plans chester and Leeds. Construction of the
for a big rail project in northern Wigan first phase of the 225mph line between
England and downgrade another in London and Birmingham started in
favour of smaller schemes that can be Crewe September last year.
delivered more quickly. Construction Legislation for the second section,
The integrated rail plan, which will of HS2 from Birmingham to Crewe, has made
eastern leg
be published on Thursday, is expected its passage through parliament. The
expected to
to mothball the construction of the third section would complete the route,
be shelved
eastern leg of HS2 between Birming- Birmingham with one leg heading north to Man-
ham and Leeds. chester and the eastern leg to Leeds via
It will also downgrade plans for a new stop between Nottingham and
Northern Powerhouse Rail, a new east- Derby and another in Sheffield. The
west line across the Pennines between eastern leg is being shelved.
Manchester and Leeds. London Euston Sixty-three rail bosses wrote to John-
Instead of building an entirely new son this year saying that scaling back
line as originally planned, the govern- Source: Department for Transport the line would have a “devastating im-
ment will upgrade existing parts of the pact on confidence” in the industry,
route while building some new sec- minutes. A third stretch will run for 33 which has already employed 16,000
tions. Ministers believe this will make it miles from Crewe to Manchester, to people on the project. The workforce
far quicker to build and cut costs as part complete the western leg of HS2. had been set to grow to 34,000 at “peak
of £100 billion of investment in the net- A government source said: “The rail construction”, it said. The letter said
work over the next 20 years. However, plan is about ensuring that the benefits political leaders in the Midlands and
there could be a backlash from Tory of investing in rail infrastructure can north were “near-unanimous in their
MPs in northern seats, who have long come sooner and directly benefit com- backing for HS2”, adding: “Those very
pressed for both the eastern leg of HS2 munities. There is a view that the bene- regions were critical to your victory at
and Northern Powerhouse Rail. fits of the HS2 eastern leg would take the last general election, and it is the
Three new high-speed lines include a too long to transpire.” The govern- communities in those regions who will
42-mile section between Birmingham ment’s decision to shelve the eastern leg be most let down should the eastern leg
and East Midlands Parkway, just south of HS2 coincides with mounting con- not move forward.”
of Nottingham. This is intended to cut cern about public spending, which has Ministers have decided that the cost
journey times between the two cities soared during the pandemic. There are of a new line, including boring miles of
from 72 to 27 minutes. A second high- concerns that the final bill for the line new tunnels, outweighs the benefits.
speed route will run south from Leeds could exceed £100 billion. They think similar reductions in jour-
for about 23 miles, helping to cut the Johnson approved HS2 in February ney times can be achieved by upgrading Winter woolly Martin Halliday, a Cumbrian shepherd, takes Herdwick ewes near
journey time to Sheffield from 42 to 24 last year after a review of the project to existing lines and adding new sections. Crummock Water to lower ground for “tupping time”, the annual mating season
the times | Monday November 15 2021 17


Cambridge college students

told to attend race workshop
Tom Knowles sions — What You Should Know, staff not allow students to matriculate if they
at Imperial were also told not to ask an do not “pass” by agreeing with certain
New students at Wolfson College, east Asian person to “speak up more” as statements. The induction asks stu-
Cambridge have been told to complete this suggests that “the values and com- dents to agree with statements includ-
an anti-racism course covering issues munication styles of the dominant/ ing: “Acknowledging your personal
such as microaggressions, whiteness white culture are ideal or ‘normal’.” guilt is a useful start point in overcom-
and privilege. In May Cambridge’s vice-chancellor ing unconscious bias.”
The college’s black, Asian and minor- said that it had been a mistake to pub- Last month Chris Skidmore, a former
ity ethnic officer emailed first-years lish a list of “micro-aggressions” for universities minister, said that such
saying: “As part of your induction, all which staff could be reported. Professor induction sessions were an “abuse of
freshers are expected to attend a man- Stephen Toope was criticised for sup- authority when students should be
datory anti-racism workshop,” The porting the introduction of a website receiving support for their transition
Sunday Telegraph said. The online ses- that enabled students to anonymously from school, not moralising”. Wolfson College says the phrase “you speak good English” is a microaggression
sion informed students that micro- report teaching staff for “racism, dis-
aggressions were brief, everyday inter- crimination and microaggressions”.
actions that leave people feeling deval- The site encouraged students to report
ued, such as saying “you speak good staff for “raising eyebrows when a black
English”. member of staff or student is speaking”,
One part of the session said that making “backhanded compliments”,
white supremacy operated in modern turning their backs on certain people or
British life and used a number of referring to a woman as a girl.
Google search results as an example. The page was designed to maintain a
“In society whiteness [is] centric,” a “safe, welcoming and inclusive commu-
slide claimed. “This involves whiteness nity” but was criticised by staff and out-
being seen as the ‘default’ race and side academics, who said that the list
everyone else being an ‘other’.” It added: could be a threat to free speech. Toope
“Google search images are white said “some of those definitions and ex-
people unless you specify otherwise.” amples went beyond the policies dis-
Wolfson College did not respond to cussed and agreed by colleagues”
requests for comment. before the website went live and “its
The workshop is similar to an online publication was a mistake”.
training course for staff at Imperial Col- Last month it was reported that a
lege London this year, which said that module at the University of St Andrews
telling someone from an ethnic minor- suggested that new students should
ity “you speak English so well” or acknowledge “personal guilt” to over-
“you’re so articulate” carries an come unconscious bias.
assumption that white people are more The university has compulsory mod-
intelligent. ules on sustainability, diversity, consent
In the course entitled Microaggres- and good academic practice and will

Universities Antisemitism
‘should share on campus at
suicide fears’ record levels
Kat Lay Health Editor Tom Ball
Universities should tell parents if they Antisemitic abuse on university
are concerned about a student’s mental campuses has reached record levels,
health, according to suicide prevention with Jewish students increasingly
guidance from the Office for Students. concerned for their safety in the face of
The Information Commissioner also online hate from fellow students.
said fears about breaching data protec- In the previous academic year there
tion laws should not stop staff from were 111 antisemitic incidents at univer-
sharing their concerns. sities, a 59 per cent rise in a year, accord-
The Office for National Statistics ing to figures shared with The Times.
says that there were 174 student sui- They include a student at Glasgow
cides in England and Wales in 2019. who was told to “go gas herself” and
In guidance published online the another at UCL who was sent a death
Office for Students said suicide preven- threat that included a photoshopped
tion requires a “strategic joined-up picture of her head beneath a guillotine.
approach” involving staff in security,
catering and domestic services as well Emilie Eisenberg
as lecturers and support staff. was shunned after
It says that Universities UK is “devel- pointing out rising
oping a consensus statement and gui- antisemitism
dance on when and how information
should be shared with family and
friends when students are at risk of
serious self harm or suicide”. It will set
out that “where there is genuine con- The Community Security Trust
cern for the safety of the student, it is (CST), the charity that collected the
good practice to involve family and data, said the overall rise was largely
friends in their support”. down to the surge in reports during the
It adds that “any decision to involve conflict in Israel and Gaza in May,
wider networks without the specific when 64 of the 111 incidents took place.
consent of the student at risk must be The highest number of incidents
based on appropriate clinical judge- took place at Bristol and Warwick, both
ment”. with 11. There were ten at UCL, with
An “opt in” system where students nine at Oxford and eight at Birming-
allow staff to contact parents is used by ham. Most involved verbal, written or
25 universities and has a high uptake. online abuse, although one Jewish stu-
The Information Commissioner dent at Birmingham was assaulted.
said: “Data protection law allows Emilie Eisenberg, 19, a student at War-
organisations to share personal data in wick, said she often encountered racist
an urgent or emergency situation, tropes and “jokes about the Holocaust”,
including to help them prevent loss of and was made an “outcast” after writing
life or serious physical, emotional or a post that pointed out a rise in antise-
mental harm.” mitic crimes during the Gaza conflict.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 19


Spoonful of herbs Blade Runner

is coming true,
and spices ‘lowers says director
blood pressure’ Neil Johnston
Ridley Scott portrayed a horrifying
dystopian future in which corporations
control the world and androids pose a
Kat Lay Health Editor begs the next question that if we did threat to society in Blade Runner.
alter the diet in these ways, how much Now he believes that the technology
Adding plenty of herbs and spices to better would the results be?” giants of Silicon Valley are bringing the
your diet could benefit your heart The study looked at 71 people who world closer to the grim reality of the
health, a study suggests. had risk factors for heart disease, such classic science fiction epic.
Researchers found that feeding as being overweight or obese. For three Scott, 83, said that the global power of
people a diet with plenty of ingredients four-week periods, with a fortnight’s Apple and Facebook was already
such as cinnamon, coriander, parsley, break in between each, they ate only threatening to undermine govern-
garlic, black pepper, thyme and turmeric meals prepared in the study’s kitchen. ments and that he feared giant corpora-
for four weeks was followed by improved Their diet during one of the periods was tions could run the planet unless their
blood pressure readings. The change low in herbs and spices, with approx- power was curbed.
was seen in people whose food con- imately 0.5 grams added per day; the “I think it could easily be that the
tained 6.5g, about one and a half tea- other two contained medium and high world would be run and owned by two
spoons, of herbs and spices per day. levels, of 3.2 grams and 6.5 grams corporations,” he told Total Film. “We
The researchers did not, however, respectively. are f***ing heading there, right now,
observe any improvement in other Researchers took measurements and unless we stop it. This Facebook thing,
measures of heart health such as levels blood samples before the study and you’ve got to f***ing stop it.”
of bad cholesterol in the blood, which after each diet period. After consuming He said that iPhones were “very dan-
they had hoped to see. “Adding herbs the diet with a high dose of herbs and gerous because you think you are a
and spices to your food is a great way to spices participants had lower systolic f***ing genius. You’re not. This is doing
add flavour without adding extra sod- blood pressure measurements (as the all the work.”
ium, sugar or saturated fat,” Professor heart beats) than after the diet with a Blade Runner, which was released in
Penny Kris-Etherton, one of the study’s medium dose. They also had lower di- 1982, is set in 2019 and shows a polluted
lead investigators, said. astolic blood pressure (between beats) world in the grip of the all-powerful,
She said the fact that the participants’ than after the diet with a low dose. high-tech Tyrell Corporation. It is set in
diets were close to that of an average The study used 24 herbs and spices, Los Angeles where robot humans
American, for example containing which the researchers said was “repre- known as replicants are engineered by
more saturated fats than recommend- sentative of the way herbs and spices Tyrell to work in space colonies.
ed in dietary guidelines made her par- are consumed as part of a dietary pat- The film is based on the 1968 Philip K
ticularly excited about the results. “We tern”, but made it hard to draw conclu- Dick novel Do Androids Dream of Elec-
didn’t decrease sodium, we didn’t in- sions on the effects of individual ones. Fabric of society More than 240 women from 28 countries helped to embroider tric Sheep?
crease fruits and vegetables, we just The paper is published in the Amer- this gown over 12 years as part of the artist’s Kirstie McLeod’s Red Dress Project. Apple and Facebook did not com-
added herbs and spices,” she said. “It ican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It is travelling the world and got a warm musical welcome in Wells, Somerset ment on Scott’s remarks.
20 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Sync and swim The City of Leeds Synchronised Swimming Club practising at the David Lloyd fitness centre in York

Government refuses to call

Chinese campaign ‘genocide’
Catherine Philp control their birth rate. Beijing has rent British sanctions are limited to
Diplomatic Correspondent imprisoned as many as two million cases in which the use of forced
Uighurs in what it calls “re-education labour can be clearly established.
MPs have condemned the govern- camps” designed to combat extrem- The committee also renewed its
ment’s refusal to call China’s persecu- ism. Human rights groups have docu- call for a diplomatic and ministerial
tion of the Uighurs a genocide and mented a campaign of mass sterilisa- boycott of the 2022 Winter Olym-
renewed calls for a diplomatic boy- tion of Uighur women in an attempt pics, which would mean that while
cott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in to limit population growth. Uighur athletes were free to participate, Brit-
protest at Beijing’s actions. detainees have also been enslaved to ain would not send any officials.
Responding to a report from the pick cotton in Xinjiang and work in Tugendhat said a boycott would
foreign affairs committee, the gov- factories supplying goods for export, “send a clear and powerful message:
ernment said it would not “make de- prompting western sanctions on that the UK will not stand idly by in
terminations in relation to genocide” companies using their labour. the face of genocide and crimes
despite parliament’s unanimous vote Parliament voted in April to recog- against humanity. The decision to
recognising Beijing’s campaign nise Beijing’s campaign as genocide. look the other way will weigh heavy
against the Uighurs as such. Tom Tugendhat, Tory chairman of on our conscience, and ‘Never Again’
The Biden administration in the committee, called it disappointing will become another empty phrase.”
Washington came into office declar- that ministers had failed to acknowl- Ministers did accept a recommend-
ing that Beijing’s persecution of the edge that “a genocide, perpetrated by ation to raise concerns with Unesco,
Uighurs amounted to genocide, with the Chinese government, was taking the UN’s cultural agency, over the de-
parliaments in Canada, the Nether- place.” He added: “The scale and struction of Uighur cultural sites, in-
lands and the UK following suit. severity of the human rights abuses cluding graves, in Xinjiang. It turned
Under international law, the crime represents an international crisis.” down a request for a special fast-track
of genocide is defined by the attempt He also criticised the refusal to im- asylum scheme for Chinese Uighurs.
to eradicate in part or in whole a pose a ban on cotton imports from Beijing’s behaviour will only worsen,
religious or ethnic group, including Xinjiang or place sanctions on all leading article, page 33
attempts to erase their culture or companies that operate there. Cur- Xi to warn Biden over Taiwan, page 34

Camilla praises ‘lifesavers’ of the WI

The Duchess of Cornwall has paid and Llandovery WI, adds: “Two in 2019 and continues its efforts to
tribute to a campaign by the Women’s women are killed every week by a ensure that women and girls can live
Institute to encourage its members to current or former partner in England free from the fear of abuse.
raise awareness and take action to and Wales. This tragic statistic has Ann Jones, chairwoman of the
end violence against women. not altered in several decades. National Federation of Women’s Ins-
She thanked the WI members per- “One in four women across the UK titutes, said: “On the 50th annivers-
sonally in an article written for the continues to live with abuse. This is ary since the first refuge opened in
latest edition of the group’s member- particularly in our minds as we the UK, WI members continue to
ship magazine WI Life, saying: “You approach Christmas, when rates of support and build relationships with
will never know how many lives you domestic violence rise significantly.” their local refuges through volun-
have, quite literally, saved.” The WI’s No More Violence teering, collecting donations of es-
Camilla, a member of Tetbury WI Against Women initiative was started sential items and raising vital funds.”
the times | Monday November 15 2021 21


Mother’s fight over ‘rape ordeal’ of girl, 12 ANTHONY DEVLIN FOR THE TIMES

Family claim police and after the death of her daughter.

“They let her down,” she said.
ber when Semina’s grave was desecrat-
ed. It is still being investigated.
failed pupil who ‘took An inquest into how Semina died has
not yet been held and some details can-
Halliwell now plans to lobby for
changes to the law that would prevent
her own life’ weeks not be reported for legal reasons. Mer- people from setting up anonymous and
seyside police made a mandatory refer- unaccountable social media accounts.
after reporting attack. ral of the force to the Independent She is also in the process of starting a
Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after charity in Semina’s name to “raise
Charlotte Wace reports her death, which was then referred awareness of online bullying and on-
back to Merseyside police for investi- line grooming”, and will also feature in
Like many other children in their final gation. A complaint was later received a BBC documentary, Zara McDermott:
year of primary school, Semina Halli- by the force over their handling of the Uncovering Rape Culture, this month.
well loved Disney films, fashion, sleep- case, it is understood. Halliwell still finds it too difficult to
overs and cooking. She was excited Semina, who suffered from autism, go into her daughter’s bedroom. Semi-
about the future and dreamt of travel- became withdrawn during her first na was still conscious when she was ad-
ling across America one day. term of secondary school and began mitted to hospital. Her mother had not
“She was a very happy, beautiful little self-harming, according to her mother, expected to lose her. But Semina’s con-
girl”, recalled her mother, Rachel Halli- who sought help for her daughter from dition rapidly declined and doctors
well, 50, from her home in Southport. mental health services. were unable to save her. She remained
“But when she started high school, In March Halliwell recalled that her fearful of her alleged perpetrators even
she changed. She just changed.” daughter “broke down, and she when she was gravely unwell. “Before
Semina died in June during her told me everything”. Semina told she was put into an induced coma, she
final term of Year 7, aged 12. She had her she had been groomed by an said the name of the boy and ‘he raped
“taken her own life”, according to older boy. The schoolgirl claimed me’. I’m going to remember that for the
her family, weeks after having re- she had been raped when she rest of my life,” Halliwell said.
ported being raped by a minor and agreed to meet him. “It got to Feb- Merseyside police did not provide a
becoming the alleged victim of ruary and she said to me that he response to the allegations but said in
bullying. had pecked her head [irritated Semina died in June, aged 12. “I can’t explain the pain I feel,” says her mother, left an earlier statement: “We are continu-
“I have to be strong because her] that night that she met ing to investigate a report of rape in
[her youngest son] is only 13 him. That’s when the act trators, and it was sent to the police. But who was identified. The family are also Southport in February this year, and a
and he needs me, so I do happened,” her mother last month Merseyside police wrote to looking at whether police sufficiently number of allegations relating to the
have to keep going,” Halli- said. Halliwell to inform her that an “in- investigated alleged reports of mali- same alleged victim . . . it would be inap-
well said. “But it is very, The report made over stance of common assault will be filed cious communications both before and propriate to comment further.”
very hard, very, very diffi- the alleged rape is said to as undetected, due to the offence being after Semina’s death. A spokesman for the IOPC said: “We
cult. I miss her so much. I have marked the starting past the statute of limitations”. Online abuse is said to have con- received a mandatory referral in June
can’t explain the pain point of bullying against her Lawyers for the mother are looking tinued even after Semina died, causing from Merseyside police. After carefully
that I feel.” daughter. “It was like Pando- at whether police investigated the vid- significant distress to her family. assessing the information, we directed
She is taking legal ra’s box was opened,” Halli- eos properly after they were brought to Images seen by The Times even show the force to investigate the matter. We
advice over how Mersey- well said. Video appeared to their attention and whether this con- photographs of the carriage at her fu- will review that investigation once it
side police handled re- show Semina being attacked tributed to the failure to bring a charge neral defaced with vile comments. A re- has concluded, which ensures it will be
ports made to them before by two young female perpe- against one of the alleged assailants, port was made to the police in Septem- subject to independent oversight.”
the times | Monday November 15 2021 23


Dealer used
boys in care
to sell drugs
A county lines drug dealer who used
vulnerable children to sell cocaine and
heroin in a Sussex seaside town has
been jailed under modern slavery laws.
Ajay Stephens, 21, forced the boys,
aged 15 and 17, to travel from a children’s
home in Manchester to Hastings to
deal the drugs.
Police later proved he had been deal-
ing since April 2019. Inner London
crown court was told that drugs weigh-
ing almost 1.5kg were sold between
November 2019 and March 2020.
Stephens, of Croydon, south London,
admitted conspiracy to supply class A
drugs and after a trial in May he was
convicted of arranging and facilitating
the movement of people. On Thursday
he was sentenced to eight years and
seven months. Six other people were
convicted of related offences.
County lines drug dealing involves
gangs using phone lines to move and
supply drugs from big cities to provin-
cial towns.
Metropolitan Police detective ser-
geant Ray Sekalongo said: “Our investi-
gation started with Stephens, but long
hours and some good detective work
led to seven people being convicted and
two lines being closed. Most important-
ly our investigation led to two young,
vulnerable boys being freed from
High road Dave Nicholson driving a 1937 Austin 7 Special tackles the Drumhouse hill climb at Honister slate mine in the Vintage Sports Car Club’s 52nd Lakeland Trial Stephens’ grasp and safeguarded.”

Lakes considers ban on tourist cars for entry, as America’s national parks social media, resulting in it becoming are trying to stop a car park being built Discussions are also under way with
Ross Kaniuk
can, policy makers are seeking answers “rammed”, according to Leafe. near the easy climb of Cat Bells. rail companies about putting on special
Tourist cars could be banned from to an increasingly unsustainable issue. The park is now “actively consider- Dr Julie Carter, one of many objec- bike carriages to urge more cycling.
some of the most popular parts of the Richard Leafe, chief executive of the ing” closing the most popular valleys to tors, said: “It’s not just the climate and Fowler said she was interested in a
Lake and Peak Districts next summer Lake District national park (LDNP), cars during peak season, Leafe said. congestion issues, it is also that the proposal by the Hope Valley Climate
as the regions struggle with traffic due told The Guardian: “It feels like we are at Access would be retained for residents, lichens are dying from emissions, and Action Group to close selected roads to
to the rise in staycation breaks. peak car. I want to see less reliance on it. buses and bikes, as well as walkers. the otters are washed out by the tarmac, cars, probably in the Ringinglow/Stan-
The UK’s national parks are looking It cannot go on getting worse, other- Likely candidates include Great leading to increased runoff rates, and age area. She described the car-free
at ways to tackle increased congestion wise it really will become too much to Langdale, which includes Bowfell and the bats are disturbed by the lights.” days as “a really interesting concept”.
and adhere to climate commitments. handle in our national parks. We need the Crinkle Crags, favourite destina- In the Peak District, park bosses plan In Scotland, a free shuttle bus service
The Lake District has 19 million visi- to see a shift to more sustainable travel.” tions of Alfred Wainwright, the re- to trial a “hail-a-ride” bus service to en- is being piloted next year in Loch Lo-
tors per year, with many coming in Last summer free shuttle buses were nowned Lakeland guidebook author. courage visitors not to bring their cars. mond & The Trossachs national park,
search of cleaner air, solitude, peace, trialled along the Wasdale valley by At the same time, the LDNP has an- Sarah Fowler, park chief executive, with bosses considering raising parking
and less traffic. But with 90 per cent of Wastwater, and from Cockermouth to gered residents by granting planning said: “It’s Uber but on bus scale. It’s not prices to subsidise shared transport. In
visitors taking their cars, the impact is Buttermere, a lake that has become in- permission for bigger car parks in an at- a scheduled bus service, but you hail it Wales, a charge of £25 has been intro-
undermining that rural idyll. creasingly popular as visitors share tempt to stop “fly parking” in hotspots. using an app, and it carries people from duced for eight to 12-hour stays near
Unable to limit visitors by charging images and videos of its beauty on Locals in Portinscale, near Keswick, gateway sites into the park.” Snowdon in an effort to deter motorists.
24 2GM Monday November 15 2021 | the times

News Coronavirus
Over-50s denied booster jabs after NHS blunder World update
Global cases Global deaths
Ross Kaniuk patients’ watchdog, separately said that lieve the second vaccination has not second dose. But some discovered their 252,970,612 5,095,849
patients had told of being blocked from been entered into the system correctly vaccination records contained errors,
Older people have been blocked from getting a booster shot due to errors on despite [them] having a card and they were being prevented from Most new cases
booking booster jabs after NHS staff their vaccination records. vaccination record that records both making appointments for booster 1 US 59,198
wrongly recorded information when One patient in Cheshire, who wanted vaccinations.” doses via the National Booking
2 Russia 38,068
they had their second dose. to remain anonymous, told the watch- The issue follows a similar error in System, which claimed they were “in-
NHS England said the problem had dog that they were “struggling to book the summer that affected nearly eligible”. 3 UK 36,517
been reported by patients to the Vacci- a booster dose online” and kept being 700,000 vaccine passports, preventing An NHS spokesman said that the
4 Germany 34,309
nation Data Resolution Service rejected by the system. thousands of people from travelling. VDRS “supports people with missing or
(VDRS), though it was unable to Healthwatch England said: “It [the Over-50s and clinically vulnerable incorrect vaccination records” and 5 Ukraine 24,760
confirm how many people had been error] is preventing [them] from getting over-16s are eligible to book Covid vac- anyone experiencing problems should
6 Turkey 22,583
affected. Healthwatch England, the the booster vaccination as [they] be- cine booster jabs five months after their contact 119.
HENRY NICHOLLS/REUTERS Countries reporting most deaths
1 US 762,972
2 Brazil 611,222
3 India 463,530
4 Mexico 290,872
5 Russia 249,415
6 Peru 200,605
8 UK 142,898

Deaths per million population

Rank Now Jan 31
1 Peru 6,084 1,234 (16)
2 Bulgaria 3,769 1,299 (13)
3 Bosnia & H. 3,646 1,431 (7)
4 N. Macedonia 3,514 1,367 (10)
5 Hungary 3,299 1,296 (14)
6 Czech Rep 2,935 1,523 (5)
7 Brazil 2,876 1,048 (24)
8 Romania 2,746 949 (31)
9 Georgia 2,731 797 (40)
10 Argentina 2,572 1,057 (23)
17 US 2,305 1,309 (11)
21 Italy 2,195 1,460 (6)
23 UK 2,105 1,555 (4)
28 Spain 1,875 1,374 (9)
Data supplied by Johns Hopkins University. US data
fluctuates because of irregular reporting by different
states. Figures as of 6pm yesterday. Sources: UK
Business as usual The Christmas lights in Regent Street, central London, were switched on on Saturday afternoon in front of crowds reminiscent of pre-pandemic days government, Our World in Data, selected countries

Free tests could end in April as Austria tells

unjabbed to
Covid response is wound down stay indoors
Steven Swinford Political Editor The national picture How Britain compares
Kaya Burgess Science Reporter The government has ordered the 2 mil-
How many people have Covid-19? How many have died? Percentage of population who have lion unvaccinated adults in the country
Ministers are to consider ending free There were 36,517 new cases reported Yesterday, there were 63 deaths reported, received at least one vaccine dose to stay at home for the next ten days as
Covid tests and the legal requirement yesterday, bringing the total to 9,561,099 or bringing the total number of deaths in the past (total doses administered in brackets) infections increase. Anyone over 12
for people who contract coronavirus to 143.1 for every 1,000 people seven days to 1,093. The rolling average UAE 97.9% (21.5m) People who has not had a jab will be allowed
self-isolate from next spring. Daily cases number of daily deaths is 156.1, down from vaccinated out only for work, grocery shopping,
The UK Health and Security Agency 167.7 a day a week ago Portugal 88.9% (16.3m) in UK exercise or to get vaccinated. Austria
6.0% increase from seven days ago
has drawn up plans to wind down its (based on seven-day moving average) Deaths 1,500 First dose has one of Europe’s lowest vaccination
£37 billion coronavirus response from Seven-day Malta 83.9% (903k) rates and the seven-day infection rate
National 60,000 1,000 50.6m
April if cases continue to fall. Seven-day average stands at 775.5 new cases per 100,000
average R number 40,000 500 Spain 81.6% (73.6m) Second
The plans have not yet been passed to 1.1 to 1.3 0 46m people, compared with Germany’s 289.
ministers but there are discussions in 20,000 Canada 78.9% (59.5m)
Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct
0 Daily the netherlands
government about ending free lateral Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct How does 2021 compare? (Nov 13)
flow tests for all. They could be restrict- Italy 77.6% (92.1m) The police arrested 15 people during
How many are in hospital? There were 10,987 deaths from all causes First dose
ed to those in high-risk places such as recorded in England and Wales in the week Ireland 76.9% (7.4m) 31,806 clashes with demonstrators opposed to
There are 8,652 patients in hospital being
schools and hospitals. treated. 999 patients are on ventilators. An
to October 29, of which the coronavirus a new partial lockdown which means
Ministers believe that the govern- additional 968 patients have been admitted,
accounted for 7.8 per cent. The number of France 76.2% (100.8m) that bars, restaurants and supermar-
weekly deaths was 1,228 higher than the 23,668
ment’s coronavirus response is unsus- down 13.2 per cent in the seven days to kets must close at 8pm. Public events
five-year average for the same time of year Australia 75.8% (37.7m) Boosters
tainable given the level of debt built up. November 9 when this data was last updated will be scrapped and football matches,
20,000 in UK
“This isn’t the moment to scale back Hospital admissions 2020/21 Brazil 75.6% (294.2m) including the World Cup qualifier
4,000 15,000 (daily)
our response,” a government source Seven-day 10,000 448,670 against Norway next week, must be
said. “Just look at what’s happening in e
average 2,000 5,000
UK 74.4% (96.6m) played behind closed doors. TV reports
Europe. But we may be in a different Five-year average UK total showed protesters in the northern city
0 0 Sweden 71.6% (14.9m) 109,174,748
position in the spring of next year. The Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct of Leeuwarden drinking and singing on
current coronavirus response does the steps of the justice ministry.
have to end, it’s ultimately not sustain- Optimism will be muted, however, by Germany and Italy. The Netherlands er and more vulnerable groups have
able, but it’s definitely not going to figures confirming that cases are rising has reimposed lockdown measures been vaccinated. israel
happen over winter. That would be again. A total of 36,516 new cases were after Covid infections hit record levels. He was “quite optimistic” about the The health ministry has approved jabs
reckless.” reported yesterday. The previous Sun- On Saturday Austria recorded more picture for winter, saying that it is “un- for children aged five to 11. The US Food
One person in 60 was infected with day the figure was 30,305. than 1,454 new Covid cases per million likely we will get anything close to what and Drug Administration granted
Covid in the week ending November 6, This has led to an increase of 6 per people. In the Netherlands it was 809 we had last year, that catastrophic win- emergency use of Pfizer’s and Bion-
down from one in 50 the week before. cent in the seven-day average, with cases, compared with 554 in the UK. ter wave”. Ferguson said that data from Tech’s vaccine for the age group at a 10-
Figures from the Office for National 262,419 cases reported over the past Professor Neil Ferguson, the epi- Israel showed that people were “very microgram dose. The dose for over-12s
Statistics show that an estimated seven days, an increase of 14,882 on the demiologist, told the BBC that trans- substantially protected” after receiving is 30. A poll suggests 27 per cent of
925,400 people in England had corona- previous seven-day period. mission could be driven to “low levels” booster doses, not just from severe ill- Israeli parents will allow their children
virus that week, dropping from Large increases have been seen in in the UK by rolling out booster doses of ness but “even from just getting infect- under 12 to receive a jab and 33 per cent
1,103,300 a week earlier. European countries such as Austria, the vaccine to younger people once old- ed again, mild disease”. will not; 40 per cent are undecided.
26 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Call for legal reform

after surrogacies fall
Kat Lay Health Editor came from mixed-sex couples, typically
in their 30s and 40s.
The number of surrogacies in the UK Research by Brilliant Beginnings, a
has fallen for the first time in five years, surrogacy agency, shows about half of
probably because of disruption to travel children born through surrogacy to
and fertility treatment in the pandemic. British parents are born outside the
In 2020-21 there were 490 parental UK, often in eastern Europe, Russia,
orders granted, transferring the parent- Ukraine and Georgia as well as some
age of a baby born to a surrogate states in America. In those countries
mother to the intended parent. women can be paid to act as a surrogate.
That was 6 per cent down on the 520 In the UK women can only receive
granted the year before, which in turn expenses related to the pregnancy.
was up from 441 in 2015-16. Some people argue that allowing
Boodle Hatfield, a law firm, pub- women to be paid to be a surrogate
lished the figures and said that the would make it a viable option for more
numbers would rise again. Celebrities people, but many of those involved in
such as Sir Elton John, Tom Daley and creating agreements between surro-
Kim Kardashian have all used a surro- gates and would-be parents believe that
gate to have children. the rule prevents exploitation.
Since 2010 gay male couples have UK law also means that the surrogate Whiskers on the rocks A wayward walrus, more usually found in the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole, has taken up
been legally allowed to become parents is legally the child’s mother until a residence in Seahouses on the north Northumberland coast, where locals have been urged to stay away and give it space
via surrogacy and in 2019 the route parental order is made, which cannot
opened up to single people. happen until the child is at least six
Harriet Errington, family law part- weeks old.
ner at Boodle Hatfield, said: “Laws
around surrogacy are in need of reform
The Law Commission of England
and Wales and Scottish Law Commis-
Sickle cell patients ‘face racism in NHS’
to bring the UK up-to-date. Surrogacy sion are reviewing surrogacy laws.
is likely to become increasingly com- Professor Nick Hopkins, a law Kat Lay body produces unusually shaped red & emergency departments.” It added:
monplace, particularly as people con- commissioner, told the BBC earlier this blood cells, which can cause clumping “This sub-standard care has led many
tinue to wait longer before starting a year: “We’re looking at the idea that Racism in NHS services is harming and blockages in small blood vessels. patients to fear accessing secondary
family, leading to a lower natural birth legal parentage would start not with a people with sickle cell disease, MPs say. Patients have severe pain and may need care, or even outright avoid attending
rate. We need a system that is fit to cater parental order but at birth. There are “serious failings” in the hospital treatment for crises several hospitals.” One patient said he had
to modern family structures.” “But it is fundamental to our review care of patients that in some cases lead times a year. It mostly affects people of “been called the ‘n word’ to my face”.
Research in September from the that the surrogate must retain her to avoidable deaths, according to a rep- African or Caribbean backgrounds. In 2019 Evan Nathan Smith, 21, died
University of Kent and My Surrogacy bodily autonomy throughout, and a ort by the all-party parliamentary Specialist haematology departments in North Middlesex University Hospi-
Journey, showed that hopeful parents surrogacy agreement would not be group on sickle cell and thalassaemia. are of a good standard but the report tal after a sickle cell crisis. An inquest
still outnumbered matches. It also enforceable if a surrogate withdrew her About 15,000 people in the UK have said: “This is far from the case on gen- found that he would have survived
found that two thirds of applications consent.” the condition, which occurs when the eral wards or when accessing accident were it not for failures in his care.
28 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Staff say BBC copied Stonewall’s use of language

Jake Kanter Media Correspondent definition of “homosexual” mirrors and reproductive functions.” This lan- any way compromised the editorial “disappointed” by Davie’s reassurances.
language used by Stonewall in describ- guage is at the centre of debate about integrity of our output.” Pride members believe that the BBC’s
Senior BBC presenters and editors have ing someone “attracted to people of sex and gender, and critics say that the Journalists also want the BBC to end coverage is partial in targeting the trans
urged management to review how their own gender” rather than sex. One BBC’s impartiality is in danger when it its association with Global Butterflies, a community, though the corporation
much influence Stonewall had on its presenter also said that the BBC needs uses Stonewall’s preferred descriptions. transgender rights organisation that denies this. Some junior staff are con-
editorial operations after the broad- to “re-establish biological truth” and rid “The style guide is a battle area where has been paid for providing training. It sidering leaving, according to the tran-
caster cut ties with the LGBT group. reporting of phrases favoured by Stone- hopefully they revisit things,” a source recommends that employers remove script from a separate Pride meeting
Journalists are concerned that wall, such as “sex assigned at birth”. said. Another said there was “no ques- gender from written communications earlier in the week. “Output right now is
lobbying seeped into news output and The latter is common on the BBC tion” that Stonewall lobbying had af- and endorses the use of a “genderbread actively hostile to trans and non-binary
the style guide — in-house rules gov- website, and insiders said that it had fected editorial. “It would seem appro- person” to explain gender identity. The people,” one person who was there said.
erning the use of language in reporting. featured in radio news bulletins. At priate to unpick that as it is not impartial graphic, styled on a biscuit, posits that A second person told the meeting
Although the BBC denies that Stone- least one story on the BBC website advice but very one-sided advice about gender is a spectrum and depicts how that they took a day off work after the
wall compromised editorial integrity, it copies and pastes citations from Stone- a hotly contested issue,” they said. identity, attraction, sex and expression BBC website story on trans women was
has withdrawn from the group’s Diver- wall’s glossary of LGBT terms. The arti- Rhodri Talfan Davies, the BBC’s di- interact to create a gender identity. published because they could not focus
sity Champions scheme because of a cle about a transgender man defines sex rector of nations, told Radio 4: “I do not The BBC would not rule out future on their job.
“perception of bias”. as: “Assigned to a person on the basis of believe that our involvement with work with Global Butterflies, which Another accused senior executives of
There is concern that the style guide’s primary sex characteristics (genitalia) Stonewall over a number of years has in tweeted the hashtag “#WeStandWith- “gaslighting” young staff over the
Stonewall” after the withdrawal from article. “We were accused of being
the Diversity Champions scheme. overly emotional in our response to our
BBC executives are said to share feelings about this article, and accused
anxiety over Stonewall’s influence but of not having read it properly and ac-
there is a view that opening up the style cused of not understanding the concept
guide risks inflaming a debate that has of impartiality,” they said.
split employees. The divide is broadly A fourth person added: “Metaphori-
generational: younger staff are horri- cally we should perhaps throw a brick
fied by the cutting of ties with Stonewall . . . go to the management team and say:
and recent trans coverage, including a ‘This isn’t good enough. We’re not
BBC story about lesbians being coerced happy. You can’t fob us off. We’re not
into sex with transgender women, going to be quiet.’”
which drew thousands of complaints. The BBC said that it was “committed
Last week Tim Davie, the director- to being an industry-leading employer
general, and Fran Unsworth, the outgo- on LGBTQ+ inclusion” and is proud
ing director of news, met members of of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans
BBC Pride, a network for LGBT staff. colleagues. Stonewall said that it was a
One person who was there said that shame that the BBC had left Diversity
there was “lots of anger” and staff were Champions.

Malala rejects Taliban claim

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist “We’re calling on the Taliban to imme-
who was shot by the Taliban in 2012 diately allow girls to have access to their
after campaigning for girls’ education, complete education. We’re calling on
says that claims that the regime’s ban G20 leaders and other world leaders to
on girls’ schooling in Afghanistan is ensure that girls’ rights are protected in
temporary may not be true. Afghanistan.”
She told The Andrew Marr Show on Yousafzai, 24, who married a Pak-
BBC1 that a similar promise by the Tali- istan cricket administrator last week in
ban of a temporary halt on girls’ school- Birmingham, said that what she was
ing in 1996 “lasted for five years”. advocating for was not a privilege but
“The Taliban have been quite vague “basic human rights that every woman
about their commitment to protecting and girl should have”. She said neigh-
women’s rights and they announced bouring countries should help to en-
two months ago that Afghan boys can sure that women’s rights were protected
go to school, but for two months in Afghanistan.
Afghan girls have not been able to go to Taliban turn a blind eye to Afghanistan’s
their secondary schools,” she said. favourite sport, page 38



The backlash My England We can’t afford to
against supply squad for ignore the crisis in
chains Qatar 2022 the Balkans

The best (and worst) things you can eat
the times | Monday November 15 2021 29

Shame on universities that

legitimise ‘sex work’
Libby Purves
Page 31
To get Nazanin released, we must pay our debt
Only refunding the £400m Britain owes Iran will return Zaghari-Ratcliffe to her family. It is our moral duty to do so
to no avail, and it is long past Iran’s linkage of the debt with the change frequently. Are we going
Clare time that our own Alexander — detainee means that it can now be to leave Zaghari-Ratcliffe there
Foges Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson regarded as a ransom — and as for the entirety of her daughter’s
— swiped a sword through it, by you may read on page one of childhood? Or into middle and
repaying the £400-odd million Diplomacy for Dummies, you never, old age? No — we will have to
debt that is owed to Iran. ever pay a ransom. resolve this sooner or later, so why
A primer for those not au fait Rudyard Kipling’s poem springs not sooner, for the sake of this
@clarefoges with the debt. In 1971 the UK struck to mind: “We never pay anyone desperate family?

a deal to sell 1,500 Chieftain tanks Dane-geld/ No matter how trifling The government has a history of
o have and to hold, from to Iran, which paid about the cost/ For the end of that game is being forced into corners before it
this day forward, for £400 million up front. When the oppression and shame/ And the acts, of delaying and delaying before
better, for worse, for shah was toppled eight years later, nation that plays it is lost!” Amen finally bowing to the inevitable,
richer, for poorer, in we refused to deliver the tanks but to that, but this is not a ransom. It
sickness and in health . . .”
Who better embodies the devotion
kept the cash. International courts
have agreed that we owe them
is a debt and we should repay it.
Even if it were not linked to the
After the shah left, we
in these vows than Richard Ratcliffe?
For three weeks the husband of
money, the UK government has
acknowledged the debt and it has
Zaghari-Ratcliffe case, it would be
the right thing to do.
refused to deliver the
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe starved
himself on Whitehall, a desperate
become clear that for the Iranians,
the release of the money
There is also the objection that
paying the money will fall foul of
tanks but kept the cash
man playing his last card, muscles is a precondition to the release international sanctions. Last week whether the inevitable is extending
wasting, body creaking. Pictures of of Zaghari-Ratcliffe. Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Ali free school meals or taking the
his pinched face look like colourised The government has denied Bagheri Kani, met Foreign Office country into lockdown.
images from a century ago, of a many times that the two issues are officials and said that though the size Here, again, the government
soldier whose eyes have seen linked, although in a letter to of the payment had been agreed by seems to be following this old
terrible things. Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s legal team last the two sides, “now what the UK Settling the historic payment is the pattern of prevarication. For the
Ratcliffe is ravaged by something September, the defence secretary government are bringing up is the route to freeing Zaghari-Ratcliffe sake not only of Zaghari-Ratcliffe
worse than hunger: hopelessness. limitations on banking interactions, but of his own reputation, this time
There’s “no hope” he said last week
after a meeting with the Foreign
Ratcliffe is ravaged by saying it is a difficulty, and finally
they cannot do it”.
Nervousness at upsetting the
special relationship might help to
Johnson must get ahead of events,
acknowledge the debt and set out
Office minister James Cleverly;
“we’re still stuck in the same status
something worse than However, as the former foreign
secretary Jeremy Hunt suggested last
explain the delay, which is ludicrous
given that only five years ago
a plan to repay it.
The prime minister has
quo”. Now on to his fifth foreign
secretary, Ratcliffe is familiar with
hunger: hopelessness week, “those are things that you can
sometimes get around, if you, for
President Obama approved a plane
delivery of $400 million in cash to
been heavily criticised for his
interventions in the Zaghari-Ratcliffe
ministerial speak, the fudge that Ben Wallace said the government example, gave £400 million worth of Tehran as part of the settlement of case to date and in the repayment of
promises much but delivers no “acknowledges there is a debt to medicines or something like that”. an old debt; the same day the jet the debt is a golden opportunity to
tangible progress. Five and a half be paid and continues to explore Where there’s a will there may be a touched down, four American redeem himself. He must do the
years of pledges to “turn over every every legal avenue for the lawful way, but the will seems to be lacking. prisoners were released. For the honourable thing, pay the debt,
stone” and “redouble our efforts” discharge of that debt”. Bagheri Kani shrugs: “You have to Americans to object to such a similar remove this obstacle to freedom and
and still this family remains split Yet month after month, nothing ask the UK authorities why they move on our part would be return Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
over two continents. seems to happen. On April 19 a high will not pay the debt”. hypocritical in the extreme. home. A man needs his wife, a
The case seems as stuck as a court hearing to resolve the non- Perhaps the most realistic The plain fact is that Zaghari- daughter her mother: not to Zoom
Gordian knot and the message of payment of the debt was postponed explanation for the foot-dragging Ratcliffe will not be released until and to miss, but to have and to hold.
that legend is useful here. When for the 11th time. Days later Zaghari- is the third objection, which is that the debt issue is resolved. If we are
Alexander the Great was presented Ratcliffe was sentenced to a new paying Iran will displease the United playing a game of “who blinks first”
with the fiendishly intricate knot, he jail term of a year on the new charge States. Though the US secretary of with Iran we will be waiting for ever. red box
picked and picked before wisely of “spreading propaganda against state, Antony Blinken, has said the This much was made clear by the For the best analysis
realising it would be easier to raise the regime”. repayment of the debt is “a sovereign decision in April to give her a new
his sword and just swipe through the Why won’t the government just decision for the United Kingdom”, sentence on trumped-up charges.
and commentary on
damn thing. Britain has picked and get on and settle? There are three the shadow of Washington falls Tehran is prepared to play a the political landscape
picked at the Zaghari-Ratcliffe knot main objections. The first is that long over Whitehall. long, long game in which the rules
30 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


We can’t change history, just try not to repeat it

Most people resent a narrow rewriting of the past, so far better to accept it and strive for better
frustration at the last-minute seem just a respectful but essentially Second, people from all over the
Trevor concession forced on the conference ritualistic bow to the sensibilities of world see our democracy as a light in Back the bill to pay
Phillips by India and its ally China. Delegates
spoke of the delay in phasing out coal
the elderly. If anything, a new
generation seems to believe that
a sky darkened by various kinds of
authoritarianism and extremism. To
British musicians
as a death sentence for their societies.
Having grown up in just such a
history is merely a story we tell
ourselves, with the narrative chosen
my mild astonishment, we won by
3:2. There is hope for us all.
what they deserve
country, where failure to hit the 1.5-
degree target will put the schools I
according to present-day prejudices.
Bizarrely, a university professor,
Yet some smart people on the left
dismiss such debates about identity,
Tom Gray

went to under water by the middle of interviewed on TV during the march the preservation of statues or the
he past is never dead; it isn’t the century, I feel every sympathy. past at the Cenotaph, opined with exchange of antiquities as mere ir Lucian Grainge, the chief
even past, wrote William Yet anyone who has talked to the excruciatingly poor taste that the froth, irrelevant to the day-to-day executive and chairman of
Faulkner. Most scholars delegates from coal and oil-producing ceremonies were “excluding” those business of earning a wage. Lenin Universal Music Group, has
interpret this epigram to nations, as I have, will be aware that who had chosen not to fight and the attacked such criticism as naive earned more money this year
mean that while there are this was not just a row about dirty many who had a civilian role. I doubt economism, arguing that there was than all British songwriters
moments in our lives that will never energy. Climate justice is not just a very much whether courageous more to the good society than bread and composers made from all UK
recur, the past leaves a trace that matter of redistributing present and conscientious objectors would have and land — culture and peace, for music streaming, downloads and
helps to govern our actions now. But future pain; it is also a struggle over complained at not being invited to a example. At the risk of being outed sales put together in 2019.
in truth, history is more than a series the consequences of history. national military parade. as a Leninist I am with those for The towering scale of this
of semi-recalled names, dates and How can it be, the poor nations It may be that the professor would whom history matters. imbalance has a dizzying effect on
events. Nor is it reducible to also consider it acceptable to invite That does not lead me to the music-makers such as me. Basically,
sophomoric sloganising about the
“links” of this individual or that to
People worldwide see the supporters of Oswald Mosley to
commemorate their role in the 1939-
grandstanding of monument-removal
or campus cancellation. But it does
it makes us sick. Our earnings have
been decimated by Covid. The
slavery, or to niche arguments about
antiquities of dubious provenance.
our democracy as a 45 conflict, mostly spent behind the
bars of Holloway prison. In the Alice
make me wary of the simple-minded
wokeism displayed in Virginia’s
government’s generous furlough
schemes etc often did not provide
History counts because for all too
many it is an iron cage from which
light in a darkened sky in Wonderland world to which some
universities have migrated, such an
recent race for the governorship. The
Democrats turned a healthy lead into
musicians with any cover. A recent
UK Music report states that one in
we struggle, and mostly fail, to ask, that countries which have grown idea might be contemplated a crushing defeat with a tin-eared three jobs in music have been lost.
escape. In 2008, in what most people rich and politically dominant by seriously. I’m sure the £12 million defence of school history lessons An Intellectual Property Office
would regard as his most memorable burning fossil fuel over two centuries doled out to academics from the based on so-called critical race theory, survey found that 62 per cent of
speech, titled “A More Perfect Union”, now have the moral chutzpah to fascist leader’s fortune has already which holds that everyone white is musicians earned less than £20,000
Barack Obama quoted Faulkner’s insist that those who gained nothing helped to induce selective amnesia in intrinsically a racist. The loss was per annum even before Covid.
dictum to argue that America’s past from that destruction bear the brunt several senior common rooms. dismissed by liberals as the revenge We are a low-paid sector, one that
had shaped its present so deeply that of the task of correcting humankind’s Last week, I fulfilled a promise to of right-wing culture warriors; but I has suffered disproportionately in the
healing racial divisions would be the historic error? Today, India consumes speak in a debate at the Cambridge think that it owed much more to recent past, but we’re not expecting
work of generations. He was right; some 107 watts per capita according Union against the motion “This voters, of all backgrounds, resenting handouts. You might imagine us as
even his election and re-election by to the World Bank, a third of the House Is Embarrassed To Be British”. the rewriting of the historical record foolish dreamers but the mastery of
wide margins have done little to heal global average. The US gorges on As might be expected, the proposers to make them victims or villains our craft makes us very practical, self-
the chasms in his nation. 1,347 watts per head, the UK buzzes thundered against the iniquities of merely because of their race. motivated people, well aware that we
This weekend has powerfully along on 513. If the world needs British history. My argument was Those of us who want a more chose a difficult, precarious path. But
focused attention on the someone to turn down the gas, simple. First, the fact that people who moral, more equal society need to it’s not supposed to be this difficult.
contemporary relevance of the past. perhaps the job should start with us. share my nationality do things that find a better way of changing the The fact that every songwriter and
The developing nations walked away The second call to the past was are boorish, immoral and shameful is future than just trying to erase the composer that Britain has ever
from Cop26 in Glasgow bitterly yesterday’s annual act of not a reason for me to be ashamed of past. History is with us for good. produced — Paul McCartney, Adele,
disappointed; the Cop president, Alok remembrance at the Cenotaph. For my own country and its values, even Better to spend our energy doing our Benjamin Britten, Stormzy, Ed
Sharma, choked back tears of the young the wreath-laying may if we do not always live up to them. best not to repeat the worst of it. Sheeran, Kate Bush, Vaughan
Williams — put together earned less
in a year from domestic music
distribution than one man shows that
James Marriott Notebook the industry has a problem. The
societies who collect our performance
Z-seeming student who told us that income are regulated but, beyond
Charismatic to the tiresome bureaucracy of rules,
homework deadlines and accurate
timekeeping through which the rest
he did not feel the streets were
sufficiently safe, so would we please
perhaps making friends with each
other is rather a civilised one. that, all we have is UK copyright law,
which hasn’t been updated since 2003.
Chantez-vous Français?
wasters are
of us must slog if want to keep up. escort him to the nightclub where he Spotify started trading in 2008. It’s
Breezing through school allows was planning to spend the evening. started listening to the French time to deal with this glaring anomaly.
the charismatic loafer to preserve an This was in the middle of brightly lit singer Françoise Hardy a few years The Conservative-led DCMS select

worthy of originality of character (hence the

charisma) that is squeezed out of
most of the rest of us by the mangle
central London.
I’m unpersuaded that if you are
attacked in the streets of London, I’m
ago in the vague hope that her
songs, with their simple lyrics about
couples holding hands and going to
committee recently looked at our
industry and called for a “complete
reset”. As a result, the government has
state subsidy of formal education. I think it is this the Times columnist to protect you the cinema, would improve my entered a research process and the

originality as much as laziness that (David Aaronovitch, for instance, language skills. It was not music that Competition and Markets Authority
makes such people unsuited for the seems like he would be good in a had particularly moved me until last is carrying out a market study. The
eading Somerset Maugham’s compromises and conformity fight). My friend and I resolved that week, when I realised that songs I major music groups used to be huge
novel Of Human Bondage, required by professional life. if we were set upon by thugs we’d had previously listened to thinking manufacturing and distribution
I was pleased to encounter Charisma and originality of probably run away, or perhaps use “ah yes, ‘le cinéma’ . . . I believe she’s companies, but now, with little or
one of my favourite kinds character are qualities our new acquaintance as a singing about the cinema” suddenly none of these costs in streaming, the
of fictional character: the underappreciated in our dreary, human shield. struck me as almost heartbreakingly savings aren’t being enjoyed by
charismatic loafer who fails to fulfil bureaucratic modern workplace. I have no idea where he got beautiful, full of a simplicity and music-makers. Their historic
his early promise. Maugham’s loafer, There should be a government tthe idea that you can require innocence and melancholy that profitability is not being shared with
Hayward, is a brilliant talker, scheme to pay charming wasters random strangers to walk you had not revealed itself to me before. the people whose music you love.
acknowledged as a kind of genius to sit around in a room around London (he seemed like There’s a particular forlorn With support from other members
at school but who goes on to fail at (unchallenging office hours, the sort of person who might emphasis with which Hardy sings the of the committee, Kevin Brennan
various careers. The height of his say 11-3) talking elegant have picked it up via an word “vie” in the line “sans toi, ma MP is bringing a private member’s
achievement is swanning around nonsense and, if they extremely thorough vie/ Ne vaudrait plus la peine” in the bill to parliament on December 3
Europe getting into arguments fancy it, coming up reading of the fresher’s song Ton Meilleur Ami which melts with the aim of rectifying our out-of-
about poetry and philosophy. with ideas that could handbook) but despite my my soul like an ice cream. But then, date legislation and changing the
Many of the kinds of people be implemented by initial scepticism I think thanks to YouTube’s algorithm, I terms by which British musicians are
who regularly appear in novels turn the more active it’s actually rather a found myself listening to Hardy’s paid. Please urge your MP to show
out not to exist in real life, but the members of society. charming idea. I got to English versions of the songs, which up and support this endeavour.
charismatic loafer does exist and is, have a chat with seemed tacky and mawkish. Was it It’s amazing that all the music in
Geek squad

I think, a surprisingly common type. someone I would never only pretentious self-conceit about the world now fits in your pocket, but
I have known a few. The problem is alking otherwise have spoken being the sort of person who walks it doesn’t mean all the money should
usually to do with school. The home from to. And the image of the house listening to music in French be in Lucian Grainge’s trousers.
danger for very intelligent people the pub the bands of transient that made those songs so beautiful?
who never have to try at school is other night, a friend and acquaintances Or was there something really there? Tom Gray is founder of the
not just that they don’t have to I were approached by an wandering around
w #BrokenRecord campaign and a
accustom themselves to effort, but engagingly dorky, thickly London dropping each founding member of the Mercury
that they can avoid having to adapt bespectacled and very gen- other off at nightclubs and @j_amesmarriott Prize-winning band Gomez
the times | Monday November 15 2021 31


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Shame on universities that legitimise ‘sex work’

Rather than doing everything to prevent female students selling their bodies, institutions seem to be actively condoning it
universities think that online lectures authorities kept an instinctive sense five considering it). Do universities world offer actual support —
Libby and “blended learning” justify of being “in loco parentis”. That is worry? No, they’d rather buy a financial and emotional — to every
Purves charging kids £9,250 a year, even largely gone now: the change of course on its “safety”. desperate kid? Rather than just
after Covid restrictions end. attitude probably accelerated by Tony Yet research across the world smilingly publishing a list of ways a
You might also find your reverence Blair’s huge expansion of university makes it clear that selling sex is not pretty girl like her can make rent?
for the sector dented by the education, offering often dubious only an immediate risk but reduces The online course does not
shrugging insouciance, in many “degrees” at the expense of the safety of all women. Men who mention the perfectly well-attested
@lib_thinks campus universities, about supervised apprenticeships. So, with buy it, whether online or physically, physical and psychological dangers of

accommodation: “halls” are often an ever-greater shrug of relief, are significantly more likely than the sex trade, or link to organisations
n 1869 the first British women outsourced to private companies university authorities gradually ceded other men to rape or commit other that get women free of it. The
won university degrees. By 1880 offering little security and whose ever more authority to the “young violence against women. Note that university authorities, meanwhile,
they sat final exams alongside rents have risen by a third in ten adults” who were once in their care the libertarian belief that sex work is take the conveniently narrow view
men. By 2010, female years, far above inflation, to suck up and are now high-paying customers. “just like any other work” is belied by that they are helping students who
undergraduates outnumbered 73 per cent of the average student They happily let the start of every already do it. The wider view they fail
males. Now in 2021 a group of British
universities is promoting Leicester
loan. Insouciance, too, that in the
pandemic students were either
autumn term mutate from freshers’
week being a harmless, rather nerdy
A decent adult world to take is that they are making it feel
like a reasonable choice. Nor do they
University’s interactive “sex work
toolkit” for students who earn
locked down harshly in cramped
rooms or made to pay full rent when
meet-your-tutors, join-a-club event
into rackety clubbing and the
would offer support to consider how, when we already have
an epidemic of sexual assaults on
money by escorting, webcam porn,
stripping, lapdancing, phone sex,
being taught by flickering screens at
home. Beyond that, you might note
presumption of a drunken sexual
free-for-all. In the same spirit of
every desperate kid campus, it will affect their male
students’ view of consent and loving
dominatrixing, selling underwear capitulation many vice-chancellors the toolkit’s advice never to wear relationships. It suggests that sexual
online and other services.
This downhill journey from
It’s a downhill journey and their sidekicks ignore their duty
to free speech and cave in to student
anything round your neck when
meeting a customer. Guess why.
predation is usual and natural, so
buying pornography or real-time
bluestocking to fishnet-stocking,
suffragist to sex-merchant, is a
from bluestocking to union factions who silence or attack
speakers. Even when, as with
It does explain the law on
soliciting and brothel-keeping but
contact is an entitlement for any
chap with the cash. Because women’s
women’s issue. It’s also a wider
educational issue: some days you
fishnet stocking Kathleen Stock at Sussex, the
university verbally backs free
breezily ticks the box for everything
else, from underwear deals and
bodies are just a bit of fun, OK?
The course, and the universities’
have to ask yourself, what is wrong — not everywhere, but enough to thought there is little evidence of any stripping online to full-on escorting threadbare “duty of care”, twist away
with universities? Not all are equally worry parents — a shortage of students (customers! punters!) being or “sugaring” as paid companion to a from all this. Don’t judge, just tacitly
guilty but there’s plenty to raise an responsible, observant adult contact sanctioned for aggressive behaviour. richer man. I say man because — accept that the financial and social
eyebrow. Observe the rocketing pay and concern for the welfare of And now these adults promote let’s not pretend — the immense structure of your academic profession
levels of vice-chancellors, always teenagers far from home. online courses for student sex majority of “sex work” is female. Of makes it necessary for many bright
ready to explain that they deserve it It is half a century since the age of workers. The highly rated Durham is course those entangled in it need girls to start their adult life whoring.
because of their unique managerial majority dropped from 21 to 18. We giving its approval because of what it support, not criminalisation or And to think that in 1869, those
gifts (which sadly can’t prevent a boomer students relished that, but calls the “emerging trend” of contempt. But rather than pioneers naively believed university
lecturers’ strike sabotaging degrees youthful human nature did not alter financially pressed undergraduates normalising the selling of sexual education would help prevent
for the fourth time since 2018). in 1970 and memory suggests that, selling sexual services (a 2015 project intimacy as just another student women having to sell sexual services
Or look at how 19 Russell Group for a while at least, university did find one in 20 doing it, one in lifestyle, might not a decent adult to more powerful men.
32 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
■ 八点一刻外刊网 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Migration, the Channel and the Polish border Alexander Mosley

Sir, Giles Coren is correct (“This is
Sir, You report that Boris Johnson has Sir, Your article “French allow over Sir, The unforgiving nature of migrant one Mosley whose name should live
appealed to President Macron to stop 2,000 migrants to cross in week” politics is demonstrated on the Polish- on”, Nov 14). Alexander Mosley had
migrants crossing the Channel in (Nov 12) quotes a Whitehall source as Belarus border. Migrants are pushed absolutely nothing to do with the
small boats (Nov 13). If only it were accusing the French authorities of by Belarusian forces into Poland, to be spread of fascism. He was, as those
that easy. Just as we have pressure on “failing in their duty to protect life”. In welcomed by Polish forces and tear who knew him testify, a kind, gentle,
our frontiers so we see similar pressure fact, the French government has been gas. The wellbeing of these people brilliant young man. Giles Coren is
on the eastern frontier of the EU, in making concerted efforts to persuade seems to be absent from anyone’s Jewish and has so intelligently and
Johnson’s failings the Mediterranean and elsewhere. those very migrants to apply for approach. As Nelson Mandela said, clearly separated Oswald Mosley and
These are desperate families fleeing asylum in France, going to the lengths “To deny people their human rights is Max Mosley from Alexander who
Sir, Boris Johnson is an effective unimaginable conditions and we have of providing translators. The fact is to challenge their very humanity.” died so young, so tragically. Hats off
campaigner. He can relate to people a historical, political and above all, that those migrants do not wish to Libby Wingate to the one British journalist with the
and persuade them. However, what is moral responsibility to help them. As a settle in France because many of them Newcastle University courage to speak out clearly on a
becoming increasingly clear is that he London member of the European speak English, and/or have relatives controversial subject.
is unfit to be prime minister. He has parliament (1994-2009) I spent five living in the UK. In addition, the UK Sir, Cop26 is a reaffirmation that we Trevor Grundy
little respect for the rule of law and years helping to develop common EU government has shut off access to are not going to avoid the disastrous Author, Memoir of a Fascist
no plan to deliver for the country policies for both immigration and almost every legal means whereby one consequences of climate change. It is Childhood; Whitstable, Kent
beyond a series of soundbites, with no asylum; policies whereby the rights of can claim asylum. It is also difficult to time that the government began to
substance other than throwing money the individuals were defined and the see what motivation the French view the impact from a detached
at problems. He shows little regard for
lower tax, smaller government,
responsibilities of all countries clearly
identified. The need for co-operation
authorities might have in the context
of migration to assist a third country
geopolitical perspective. Rather than
impoverishing the British people with
Escape to châteaux
individual responsibility, private between the more wealthy nations was which repeatedly claims to wish to fatuous policies aimed at prevention Sir, Some of the best wines we have
enterprise and wealth creation. These a key factor in these negotiations. “take back control” of its borders. The we should invest in amelioration and bought in France have had “a sketch
are the guiding principles of many, When a rich, democratic bloc such as “abject failure” lies with Priti Patel and adaptation, as well as political, of a château on the label” (“Château
like me, who support the the EU borders a much poorer the Home Office for which she is diplomatic and military initiatives with Charlatans”, Carol Midgley, Notebook,
Conservative Party, which should tyrannical regime such as President responsible. partners to prepare for the inevitable Nov 13). On arrival at the vineyard
remember that governments lose Lukashenko’s it is inevitable there will Dominica Jewell consequences of desertification, land there is often only a lean-to on the
elections once they have lost the trust be challenging migratory pressures. Bazoches au Houlme, France loss, water and food shortages and the end of a small farmhouse.
of the electorate. While Johnson has The UK needs to look at every option, massive migration of populations. Penny Williams
no effective opposition, he may think including legal routes for migrants. Sir, It is not the case that France However absurd it may sound now, Tredomen, Powys
that he can get away with his lack of Co-operation with the rest of Europe, cannot control its borders. We cannot we may have to consider once again
principles and poor performance but not just blaming the French, is crucial. control ours. the concept of “fortress Britain”.
he is eroding the patience and trust of
many who should be his supporters.
Robert Evans
Councillor, Surrey county council
Greg Jones
Maidenhead, Kent
Kevin Halloran
Warton, Lancs
Bank withdrawal
His approach to government is not Sir, It was interesting to read that the
sustainable. Prince of Wales visited NatWest
Sir Christopher Gent continued world population growth, every case without ever claiming Bank in Brixton Road (Court
Newbury, Berks Climate change increasing economic demand, and expenses; invariably they are also the Circular, Nov 12). Presumably this
down-to-earth practicalities. first to dig into their own pockets was for him, and the deputy
Sir, After two intensive weeks of Emeritus Professor Philip Stott when it comes to raising funds for the lieutenant of Greater London, to
Word of the year negotiations and cajoling at Cop26,
there is an agreement. A cause for
Cambridge good causes to which they give their
time and skill.
relive the experience of actually
being able to go into a bank that
Sir, My submission for The Times celebration? For some of the big Sir, It would seem that Cop26 has Nick Gandon hasn’t been closed, talk to a teller and
word of the year (Feedback, Nov 13): emitters, maybe. But the outcome of resulted in what golfers call the Chairman, Restart Lives charity even pay in or cash a cheque?
booster, n. (Covid vaccination); will disappoint many, not least those son-in-law shot: not what one hoped Hertford Heath, Herts Mike Bugle
boosterish, adj. (rodomontading, in vulnerable developing nations. for but it could have been worse. Pulborough, W Sussex
false prime-ministerial optimism). Others were hellbent on not crashing Geoffrey Hollis
Bruce Parker
Appleshaw, Hants
their economies. What they fail to
realise is that the present economic
Hatfield, Herts House of Lords Little grey cells
model has crashed the planet. Earth is Sir, Your correspondents Nick Walker
no longer a homeostat. MPs’ second jobs and Derek French (letters, Nov 12 & Sir, I keep my little grey cells active
Proving a booster Professor Paul W Jowitt
President, Commonwealth Engineers Sir, Among reasons given to justify
13) support an approach by which
members of the House of Lords
(“Simple tests to sharpen your
memory”, Times2, Nov 11, and letter,
Sir, The assertion that the Covid-19 Council; London SW1 MPs’ second jobs (letters, Nov 13) is a would be elected by representative Nov 13) by rehearsing the names of
booster jab is not shown on the NHS view that the pool of parliamentary bodies such as trades unions, the 66 books which make up the King
app (letters, Nov 13) does not seem Sir, The idea that we can achieve a talent will shrink if MPs cannot earn professional organisations, industry James Bible, in the correct order, of
entirely correct. While my booster jab stable climate at a politically chosen a great deal more. Disregarding the associations and civil society course.
is indeed not shown in the NHS temperature is the oxymoron of fact that, in any case, an MP’s annual organisations. However, this would be Dr David Fuller
Covid Pass section of the NHS app, it oxymora; climate cannot, in salary of £82,000 places him or her in more likely to lead to the Killiechronan, Isle of Mull
does feature in the GP health record perpetuity, be controlled by the the top 3 per cent of UK earners, politicisation of representative
section, under the “Acute (short-term) manipulation of one set of variables. these views seem rooted in a wholly bodies than to the election of Sir, I don’t know whether I should be
medicines” heading. That could Moreover, we forget that it is change pessimistic understanding of human apolitical, expert legislators. The concerned or pleased that I have no
perhaps be used in extremis as the itself which is so disruptive for motivation. For important balance, I raison d’être of political parties is difficulty in remembering my NHS
appropriate certification until such humans, and that a cooling world draw attention to the army of gaining and using political power. It number and local hospital patient
time as the app is modified. may be just as disastrous for some volunteers who dedicate hours and is unrealistic to expect them to stay number.
Mark Clarke countries and peoples. Finally, we hours to serving charities and not-for- out of the fray when legislators are Alan Phillips
London N1 must be realistic about the limitations profit organisations. Not only do being elected. Epping, Essex
of many of the proposed these volunteers work without Jeremy Godfrey
technological fixes in the face of remuneration, they do so in almost Dublin
Letters to The Times must be exclusive
and may be edited. Please include a full
Save the phone box
address and daytime telephone number.
BOMBAY quarters in a bungalow in the
grounds of Government House. By
final match of the quadrangular
Cricket tournament between
Sir, I wonder what Sir Giles Gilbert
Scott (“Call goes out to save phone

Corrections and READY FOR courtesy of the Ruling Princes a new

precedent is to be set in the matter
Hindus, Mahomedans, Parsees, and
Europeans, when, with Messrs Fry,
boxes”, Nov 10, and letters, Nov 11,
12 & 13) would think of the
clarifications THE PRINCE of the exchange of their formal visits.
The Princes have suggested that
Rhodes, and Hirst included in the
team, it is hoped the Europeans will
reincarnation of our phone box in
Kingsbridge into a tiny nightclub
they should waive individual be able to atone for the record of complete with a music system, glitter
6 We said in a headline that “Durham ceremonial calls and give the Prince recent years. The complete ball and lightning. Records played
University trains its students to be sex from the times noveber 15, 1921 a joint entertainment in the form of programme, with balls, receptions, include Blondie’s Hanging on the
workers” (News, Nov 12). In fact, as a tea at the Willingdon Club on addresses Governmental and Telephone and Telephone Line by the
the accompanying article explained, Preparations for the reception and Tuesday afternoon. On Saturday the municipal, a visit to the Seamen’s Electric Light Orchestra.
the university is offering safety entertainment of the Prince are now Prince’s will visit Poona to lay the Home, inspection of war veterans, David Lavender
training for students who may be complete in all their details. The foundation-stone of the Mahratta presentation of colours to the 1/7th Kingsbridge, Devon
working in the sex industry. We are streets are lavishly beflagged and the war memorial and unveil the Rajputs, lunch at the Orient Club,
happy to make this clear. prominent buildings are covered memorial to Shivaji, the founder of tea at the Yacht Club, two state Sir, How wonderful that Rita Golden
with myriads of little lamps on a the glories of the Mahratta nation. dinners at Government House, polo, and her friends were able to contact
The Times takes network of bamboo scaffolding. The He will have a truly Royal escort, fireworks, and drives through the Paul McCartney in Paris via a phone
complaints weather has been moderately cool with the Maharajah of Kholapur streets makes six busy days. Of box (letters, Nov 13). I was so thrilled
about editorial for Bombay in November, and there riding on the right of the carriage course, there are splutterings of to see the Fab Four arrive at the
content seriously. We are committed to are hopes that it will continue so. and the Maharajah of Gwalior on disloyalty and boycotts, but the well Odeon in Cheltenham before their
abiding by the Independent Press The programme, though elaborate, is the left, with other Mahratta chiefs informed do not take them seriously. concert that I couldn’t stop crying.
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules not unduly exhausting, the intervals as escort behind. Later in the day at Here, at least, Mr Gandhi’s influence On arriving home my mother asked if
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of for rest being arranged so that on the Poona Racecourse he will drive is waning, and Bombay will be loyal. I had fallen off my bike, to which I
Practice that IPSO enforces. Requests
for corrections or clarifications should three out of the five nights here the up the course in State before the screamed: “I’ve seen them, I’ve seen
be sent to or Prince will be free to dine alone if he stands like the King at Ascot. On them!”
by post to Feedback, The Times, 1 pleases in his charming private Monday he is expected to attend the Bridget Chenery
London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF Cheltenham, Glos
the times | Monday November 15 2021 33

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: New living wage rates are announced in
London and cities across the country.
US: Antony Blinken, the secretary of state,
visits Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal.

Nature notes
The bill on a
shoveler has to be
seen to be believed.
Good Cop
Numbers of this
handsome duck The Glasgow climate conference exceeded low expectations, not least by creating
peak in November
as birds from the new mechanisms to keep alive hopes of limiting global warming to 1.5C
Continent arrive to overwinter here, vastly
swelling the ranks of our modest resident It was disappointing that the closing stages of the cluding Vietnam and South Korea, have signed a which itself was watered down, will deliver new
population for the colder months. Their Cop26 climate conference were overshadowed by pledge to phase it out. national commitments. But the third reason for
huge, spatulate bills lined with tiny comblike the watering down of the final communiqué’s Besides, there are three main reasons to be optimism is that the sheer scale of global attention
teeth are the perfect tools for filtering conclusions on the future of coal power. China and encouraged by the outcome. The first is that it on the issue and degree of public engagement with
organic matter out of water, which they do India insisted that a commitment by the 190-plus brought forward many new national commit- Cop26 beyond the official delegations should en-
by sweeping their heads back and forth. Like countries present in Glasgow to “phase out” coal ments and multilateral deals to limit emissions of sure that all governments will face increased polit-
many wildfowl, after the breeding season the should be replaced by a commitment only to greenhouse gases. These included deals on defor- ical pressure to act to limit global warming. At the
colourful drakes moult into “eclipse “phase down”, provoking fury from many coun- estation and reducing methane. As a result some same time, important steps have been taken to-
plumage”, making them look much the same tries, not least those most vulnerable to climate 90 per cent of the global economy is covered by wards creating new mechanisms to help develop-
as the hen birds and rendering them harder change. Apologising for the last-minute capitula- net-zero targets, compared with 30 per cent a year ing countries make the transition to clean energy.
to spot. melissa harrison tion necessary to secure a unanimous agreement, ago. Climate analysts calculate that if all these A deal under which the US, European Union and
Alok Sharma, the Cop26 president, appeared commitments are delivered, it could limit the rise Britain will provide South Africa with £8.3 billion
close to tears. Yet this should not detract from in average temperatures to 1.8C above pre-indus- of concessionary finance to help switch away from
Birthdays today what was achieved over two weeks in Glasgow. trial levels. That is still higher than the 1.5C that coal provides a promising model that could be
Relative to initial admittedly low expectations, the scientists say is needed to avoid catastrophic con- extended to other countries.
Anni-Frid Lyngstad event was a success. sequences and which was the conference target. For Britain too, the hard work does not end here.
(Princess Anni-Frid Even the weakening of the final text’s language But this target is not yet entirely beyond reach. Mr Sharma deserves credit for the unassuming
Synni of Reuss, Dowager on coal needs to be seen in context. This was the A second reason to be encouraged by the out- but effective way in which he steered the summit.
Countess of Plauen), first climate conference pact to contain any come is that it introduced a new “ratchet”, where- He will remain Cop26 president for another year
pictured, singer, Abba, mention of the need to end the world’s reliance on by countries were “requested” to come back with until Cop27. During that time it is essential not
Waterloo (1974), 76; coal. And while China and India may not yet be more ambitious commitments in time for next only that Britain continues to push for more ambi-
Mahmoud Abbas, prepared to set a date for ending its use altogether, year’s summit in Egypt, rather than wait until 2025 tious global deals but continues to lead by example
president, Palestinian the G20 committed itself on the eve of the confer- under the previous timetable. Some countries may with its own commitment to net zero. One way
National Authority, 86; Dawn Airey, ence to stopping the financing of new overseas yet be prepared to adopt more ambitious targets that Boris Johnson could demonstrate that his
chairwoman, National Youth Theatre, chief coal power stations, a significant advance. That once the current energy supply crisis is over and government remains serious about this challenge
executive, Getty Images (2015-18), 61; Sarah alone should ensure that coal power’s days are the pandemic recovery more entrenched. would be to create a new department to lead the
Atherton, Conservative MP for Wrexham, numbered. Meanwhile 23 heavy users of coal, in- Of course, there is no guarantee this ratchet, effort with a seat for Mr Sharma in his cabinet.
54; Daniel Barenboim, pianist and
conductor, 79; Prof Georgina Born,
musician and anthropologist, 66; Andrew
Castle, TV and radio presenter and former
tennis player, 58; Roberto Cavalli, fashion
designer, 81; Jimmy Choo, fashion designer,
China Conundrum
73; Petula Clark, singer, Downtown (1964),
89; Joe Cokanasiga, rugby union player, The West must confront Beijing’s behaviour towards the Uighurs and Taiwan
Bath and England, 24; Beverly D’Angelo,
actress, the National Lampoon’s Vacation Genocide is so grave a term it is hard to credit that which nonetheless will not recognise its sover- the trickiest challenges in geopolitics today. Aus-
films, 70; Peter Dickinson, composer, it only came into use seven decades ago. The man eignty, choosing to keep the peace with Beijing. tralia’s attempts to do so provoked a damaging
emeritus professor of Keele and London who invented it, Raphael Lemkin, called it a crime The West’s endless fudge over Taiwan is illustra- trade war. The British government is still unsure of
universities, 87; Winston Duke, actor, Black without a name, one he had seen visited on the tive of the tightrope it walks with an ever more how it ought to handle China. Boris Johnson de-
Panther (2018), 35; Derrick Evans, fitness Armenians decades before his own community of assertive Beijing, fearful of prodding the dragon. clares himself a Sinophile but was forced to retreat
instructor, “Mr Motivator”, 69; Tibor European Jewry would suffer the worst genocide President Biden will today hold his first summit from allowing Huawei a role in building Britain’s
Fischer, author, Under the Frog (1992), 62; in human history. Mass murder may not amount with Xi Jinping, albeit a virtual one, against a back- 5G network under pressure from Washington.
Sir Ashley Fox, leader of the Conservatives to genocide if it is not intended to wipe out an drop of spiralling tensions in the Taiwan Strait and Unease over China’s human rights record and
in the European parliament (2014-19), 52; entire people, nor does genocide require a single further into the South China Sea. Mr Xi comes to the threat its surveillance and investments pose in
Lilian Hochhauser, impresario, 95; Dom life to be taken. These peculiarities lie behind the the meeting buoyed by last week’s Communist Britain runs through parliament from left to right.
Joly, comedian, 54; Chad Kroeger, musician, debate, under way in Britain, over whether what party plenary at which he was recognised as one of It is the rare issue that unites the opposition front
Nickelback, How You Remind Me (2001), 47; China is doing to its Uighur population in Xinjiang modern China’s three most epochal leaders. Mr Xi bench with the back benches of all parties, includ-
Paul Manduca, chairman, St James’s Place, should be correctly called a genocide. Parliament sees the reunification of Taiwan with mainland ing the Conservatives, two of whose MPs have
Prudential (2012-20), TheCityUK advisory has said that it is, but the government holds back. China as an inevitability, one he would dearly love been specifically sanctioned by Beijing. The Euro-
council (2015-19), 70; Jonny Lee Miller, Washington has already firmly stated that the the credit for. Mr Biden will warn him that the pean parliament’s belated backbone in the face of
actor, Trainspotting (1996), 49; Sania Mirza, term fits. And yet the world does almost nothing. consequences of attempting that will be higher Communist party atrocities has earned its mem-
tennis player, 35; Alexander O’Neal, singer, How to engage with China is perhaps the most than Beijing can bear. Taiwan’s freedom depends bers sanctions too and cost Brussels the lucrative
What Is This Thing Called Love? (1991), 68; vexatious foreign policy issue any government on Mr Xi believing this to be the case. But will he investment deal it signed with Beijing.
François Ozon, film director, 8 Women now faces. It is the world’s second largest economy when a US government that does recognise the This juggling game will only get harder, not eas-
(2002), 54; Tim Pears, writer, In the Light of and within decades will be the first. It is the world’s Uighur persecution as genocide takes no mean- ier, as China’s strength grows. Beijing’s grotesque
Morning (2014), 65; Peter Phillips, son of the most populous country, a burgeoning nuclear ingful action beyond imposing localised sanctions treatment of its own Uighur minority and threat-
Princess Royal and Capt Mark Phillips, 44; power and a leader in military technology. First that do little to blunt the worldwide trade in goods ening behaviour towards Taiwan will only worsen
Gus Poyet, footballer, Chelsea (1997-2001) and foremost among those it threatens is Taiwan, made by an enslaved minority? unless Mr Biden and his western allies can, with-
and Tottenham Hotspur (2001-04), and a vibrant democracy and staunch ally of the West, Showing Beijing that you are serious is one of out equivocation, draw a convincing line.
manager, 54; Alice Rawsthorn, design critic,
director, Design Museum, London (2001-
06), 63; Tommy Stack, jockey, National
Hunt champion jockey (1974-75, 1976-77),
and trainer, 76; Sam Waterston, actor, The
Killing Fields (1984), 81.
Missing Marker
On this day
The decline of the apostrophe is not worth getting worked up about
The death of the apostrophe has long been pre- trophes compared with the 1990s. The researchers Yet the apostrophe is quite a recent invention,
In 1940 the German authorities confined dicted. Indeed the Apostrophe Protection Society put this down not so much to ignorance but to a adopted as a printers’ convenience in the 16th
more than 350,000 Jewish people into established to campaign for the correct use of this social media-driven preference for brevity. century, and many of its conventions were only
1.3 square miles of Warsaw. It became the grammatical marker was officially disbanded in Of course this will upset traditionalists, but is it formalised in the 19th century. Indeed some of
largest ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe. 2019, its founder John Richards, a former really something to get worked up about? The those are accidental. Why is it wrong to use an
sub-editor, lamenting that “ignorance has won”. apostrophe is a useful device in written English to apostrophe with the possessive “its”? Nor does it
Now comes evidence that his fears may have signify missing letters (“we’re angry”) or posses- exist in spoken English, yet we can distinguish
The last word been well-founded. One of the most striking find- sion (John’s campaign). There are conventions between “the cat’s whiskers” and “the cats’ whisk-
ings of a study of a database of 100 million words around how they are used, sometimes observed ers” even though they’re pronounced identically.
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell used by researchers at Lancaster University to more in the breach, as with the greengrocer’s Besides, language evolves. Shakespeare and
where his influence stops.” Henry Brooks analyse trends in language is the noticeable drop apostrophe (tomato’s, apple’s). But without them, Jane Austen were among many authors inconsist-
Adams, American historian, The Education in the use of apostrophes. It found, for example, the meaning of written text would be less clear, ent in their apostrophe use. And no one has ever
of Henry Adams (1907). that there was an 8 per cent drop in the use of apos- which is why The Times continues to use them. accused them of not making themselves clear.
34 2GM Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Support for Taiwan
is a threat to peace,
Xi warns Biden
China Analysis Shadow of Beijing
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor
Hugh Tomlinson Washington
t would be an exaggeration Chinese military aircraft

Bernard Lagan Sydney
to call Joe Biden and Xi entering Taiwan’s air defence
China has warned the United States Jinping old pals, but they identification zone, 2021 50
against supporting Taiwanese have a more authentic
independence on the eve of an online relationship than much of 40
summit today between President Biden what qualifies for friendship
and President Xi that is intended to among the grinning glad-handers 30
of international summitry
Source: Statista

reduce the rising tensions between the 20

two superpowers. (Richard Lloyd Parry writes).
The leaders will have their first for- In 2011, when both were 10
mal one-to-one meeting since Biden vice-presidents, Biden travelled
became president. They face a daunting to Beijing and spent a good deal 0
list of unresolved military, political and of time with Xi. “Over meals, J F M A M J J A S O
economic matters, with the fate of long walks, and other informal
Taiwan the most obvious flashpoint. settings they conversed at length also requires the government to help
Biden, 78, and Xi, 68, spoke by phone about personal and policy Taiwan to arm itself; an ambiguous
in September in an attempt to defuse matters,” said Danny Russel, a approach which has helped to preserve
hostilities, but tensions soon flared former diplomat who travelled an uneasy status quo in which the
again over China’s increasingly aggres- with Biden. “The bond between Taiwanese rule themselves while west-
sive military posturing towards Taiwan. them grew steadily.” ern governments refrain from speaking
It regards the island nation as a break- When they meet today in of independence for the island.
away province, with Xi vowing repeat- teleconference, that bond will be “If the US truly wants to safeguard
edly to retake it — by force if necessary. tested to the limits, with relations peace then it should clearly oppose any
The People’s Liberation Army staged between the US and China at ‘Taiwan independence’ moves,” Wang
military exercises off the coast of the their frostiest in 25 years. said after his phone call with Blinken.
island last week as Chinese warplanes Xi’s China sees itself as a “Put the One China policy into action
continued to test its missile defences, civilisation shaking off the and stop sending wrong signals.”
Biden had hoped to hold the summit embarrassment of a century of The issue highlights concern in
in person, but Xi has not left China weakness to re-inherit a Washington at China’s rapid military
since the start of the pandemic almost greatness going back 500 years. build-up, with the People’s Liberation
two years ago. From Washington, China’s rise is Army expected to match or surpass the
On Saturday Wang Yi, 68, China’s not the fair outcome of global US military in key areas in the years
foreign minister, warned the US secre- competition, but the triumph of a ahead including cyberwarfare, artificial
tary of state Antony Blinken, 59, that global bully. The suppression of intelligence and the development of
American “connivance” and support Uighur Muslims, the crushing of nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles.
for Taiwanese independence would democracy in Hong Kong, its General Mark Milley, head of the Joint
“undermine peace and boomerang in aggression in the South China Chiefs of Staff, admitted this month:
the end”. According to the US state Sea all make checking Beijing’s “We are witnessing one of the largest
department, Blinken “urged Beijing to arrogance a moral duty. shifts in geopolitical power that the
engage in meaningful dialogue to As Biden said of Xi during the world has witnessed.”
presidential campaign, with a ith her marriage

resolve cross-Strait issues peacefully China’s mistreatment of Uighur
and in a manner consistent with the frankness he may now regret: Muslims in Xinjiang province, its sup- blessed atop a 900ft
wishes and best interests of the people
on Taiwan”.
“This guy is a thug.”
The best that can he hoped for
pression of democracy in Hong Kong
and its aggressive territorial claims in
Here climbs shard in West
Virginia, Dawn
Biden provoked a sharp rebuke from
China last month when he said the US
from today’s meeting is that it
will allow the two sides to focus
the South and East China Seas have
encouraged many in the West to regard
the bride . . . LeBlond felt as if
years of struggle were falling away
less on matters of principle and (Charlie Mitchell writes). She had
was committed to defending Taiwan if
China were to invade it; an apparent
break with Washington’s policy of “stra-
destiny, and more on practicality.
Taiwan as a red line which it must be
prevented from violating in order to
safeguard other territories.
at 900 feet been “in really bad shape” in 2018

tegic ambiguity”. Blinken also spoke to Yoshimasa

The White House attempted to play Hayashi, the Japanese foreign minister,
down the president’s remarks, but
Wang said that China had “no room for
compromise” on Taiwan and that
Biden should “speak cautiously” on the
at the weekend, repeating US promises
that it would help Japan to fight off any
attack on the Senkaku Islands in the
East China Sea, which are administered
America ‘hid Syria airstrike
issue “so as not to seriously damage by Tokyo but claimed by Beijing. Syria 500lb bomb on a crowd of mostly
China-US relations”. In Canberra, Peter Dutton, the Aus- women and children huddled on the
David Rose Beirut
The Communist Party mouth- tralian defence minister, told The Aus- banks of the Euphrates river. As the
piece Global Times was more tralian newspaper that it was “incon- The US military has been accused of survivors tried to scramble away, the jet
direct, writing in an editorial that ceivable” that his nation would not covering up air strikes that killed dropped two 2,000lb bombs, killing
the US had “gone too far” and was support the US in a showdown — dozens of women and children during a most of them.
targeting China’s core interests, drawing an immediate reaction battle with Isis fighters, with the The strikes, five days before Isis was
leaving it “with no way back”. from Global Times. It vowed that incident cited by air force lawyers as a declared militarily defeated in Syria,
Since the two sides established Australia would face “heavy attack” possible war crime. may have involved one of the largest
diplomatic relations in 1979 the US and “sacrifice” for its troubles. At least 80 people were killed by civilian death tolls in missions against
has accepted the “One China” prin- The White House has hinted that bombs dropped by an F-15E jet on an the jihadists but were not acknowl-
ciple, which rules out independ- Biden could also raise US concerns Isis camp in the town of Baghuz, where edged until this weekend.
ence for Taiwan. However, US law about China blocking an investi- the terrorist group made a last stand Ordered by a classified US special
gation into the origins of Covid-19. against coalition forces in March 2019. forces unit in support of Syrian ground
The relationship between Xi and West has to draw a line in the sand According to The New York Times, forces, the bombings were watched by
Biden faces its greatest test so far on Taiwan, leading article, page 33 drone video showed the jet dropping a observers at the US military’s al-Udeid
the times | Monday November 15 2021 2GM 35

Is the beauty of Paris Even the Taliban can’t

really fading? Macron’s rein in Afghanistan’s
culture guru thinks so favourite sport
Page 37 Page 38


Machete militia on
alert as migrants
arrive in Germany
James Jackson, Oliver Moody
Unlike the thousands of other migrants
trapped on the Belarusian side of the
Polish border, Maten Amad, a 21-year- GERMANY
old former video-game streamer from Berlin POLAND BELARUS
Duhok in Iraqi Kurdistan, was able to
cross into the promised land. Warsaw
He did not waste a moment, immedi- Eisenhüttenstadt
ately pressing on to Germany. He has
found refuge in the town of Eisenhüt-
tenstadt, Brandenburg, the primary 100 miles
hub for newly arrived asylum seekers.
Over the past three months 9,329 mi- Maten Amad was
grants, mainly from the Middle East lured to Belarus
and north Africa, have faced down star- with tales of easy
vation, hypothermia and violent Bela- access to the EU
rusian soldiers on the dangerous new
route from Minsk to Germany. About
1,500 have completed the journey over
the past fortnight alone and the author-
ities estimate that another hundred or Amad’s father chipped in £1,500 for a
so are arriving every day. flight from Istanbul to Minsk, and the
These numbers are in no way compa- young man’s odyssey got under way.
rable to the 1.2 million people who He spent two nights in an old hotel in
headed for Germany during the 2015 Minsk, then he and 24 others — Bela-
migration crisis, but they are large rusians, Arabs and Kurds — were taken
enough to have rattled right-wing by bus to a spot next to the Polish bor-
groups and even the union represent- der and abandoned there. Refused
ing Germany’s border guards, which entry at the Polish border, he spent the
has warned that history could repeat it- next three nights sleeping rough in the
self without checkpoints on the border. forest, hungry and terrified.
Horst Seehofer, 72, Germany’s interi- “It was so difficult,” he said. “We saw
or minister, has accused Russia and our deaths. There was no food and it
Turkey of deliberately using the was very cold. We wanted to return [to
migrants to “destabilise the West”. Minsk]. We were dying of hunger.”
Far-right leaders are seeking to capi- Instead he was pushed away by Bela-
talise on the crisis. In the border town of rusian soldiers, who beat him with their
Guben, ten miles south of Eisenhütten- rifle butts and forced him back towards
stadt, police had to break up a 50-strong the Polish border fence. This time, how-
“citizens’ militia” armed with machetes ever, he was able to slip across under
and bayonets. On the Telegram plat- cover of darkness. From there it was
form, far-right groups warn of “an army another 400 miles to the Poland-Ger-
of Islamists who will kill us all”. many border, but he had no complaints.
Amad, wearing a shiny black puffer “I’m very happy to be here,” Amad
jacket over a Nike tracksuit and chain said. “I love Germany so much. People
jewellery, looks more like a rapper than here have rights and can earn money. If
a murderous Islamist, but he already I had been here before, I could have
has grey hairs on his head despite his been a footballer. Now, I want to study.”
when her first marriage broke Dawn LeBlond and Christian Lopez Rocks and youth. “There has been war ever since I Not all the new arrivals feel the same
down. On a whim she went to a scaled Seneca Rocks with eight they returned for the wedding, was little,” he said. way: Abdul Harraq, 26, from Saudi Ara-
climbing gym and was hooked. climbing friends to get married with the guest list restricted to In his native country Amad’s video- bia, endured an equally harrowing
“It helped me reconnect with the eight climbers. game streams attracted 60,000 Insta- journey but after only a few days he
power inside,” she said. “I had felt government agency, met Christian Climbing gave marriage a strong gram followers, but he sold the account wants to go home.
my life was out of control.” Lopez, 44, who owns a glass basis, LeBlond said. “You can’t to help him finance his long-held “I don’t want to live here,” he said.
LeBlond, 35, who works for the company, at the gym and they soon hide when you’re dangling on the dream of a better life in Germany. With “The people are rude. I thought it would
Federal Aviation Administration, a fell in love. He proposed on Seneca side of a cliff.” word spreading that Belarus was paving be like paradise.”
an easy path to the Polish border, The politics of migration, letters, page 32

that killed dozens of women and children’ Poland calls for Nato to
air base in Qatar. “Who dropped that?” burying this. No one wanted anything as “legitimate self defence”, and propor-
step in on border crisis
one typed on a secure chat system after to do with it,” said Gene Tate, who tional in the context of the heated bat-
the first bomb. “We just dropped on 50 worked on the case for the inspector tle, during which there were so many Poland express our concern. Now we need con-
women and children,” responded general’s office. Isis fighters and suicide bombers at- crete steps and the commitment of the
Tom Parfitt Moscow
another. The area was captured by the Syrian tacking the SDF positions that the US entire alliance,” Morawiecki, 53, said.
Lieutenant-Colonel Dean Korsak, a Democratic Forces (SDF) on the day of air force drones sent to assist ran out of The Polish prime minister has called on A new surge of migrants trying to
US air force lawyer, called for an in- the attack, with the site of the airstrike missiles. Nato to intervene in the migrant crisis cross from Belarus was expected today
vestigation into the incident as a poss- bulldozed in an apparent bid to hide any “We abhor the loss of innocent life on the border with Belarus. after rumours circulated at the week-
ible war crime, but the military at- evidence. and take all possible measures to pre- Mateusz Morawiecki demanded end that Germany would send buses to
tempted to “downplay” the incident, US Central Command said in a state- vent them,” Captain Bill Urban, chief “concrete steps” from the alliance and collect them. Poland dismissed the
The New York Times said. The defence ment that 80 people were killed, includ- spokesman for Central Command, said said that Poland, Lithuania and Latvia rumours as “dangerous”.
department’s inspector general did ing 16 Isis fighters and four civilians. It in the statement. “In this case, we may ask for a meeting under Article 4 of In Moscow, President Putin rejected
open an inquiry later, but its report was said it was unclear if the other 60 people self-reported and investigated the the alliance’s treaty — applicable when accusations that he has stoked the
“stripped” of any mention of the bomb- were civilians, as “multiple armed strike according to our own evidence, the security of a member nation is crisis, saying the West had “a desire to
ings, the paper reported. women and at least one armed child and take full responsibility for the threatened. place their own problems at somebody
“Leadership just seemed so set on were observed”. It defended the strikes unintended loss of life.” “It is not enough just for us to publicly else’s door. It’s their own fault.”
36 2GM Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Gaddafi’s son to stand

for presidency in Libya
Libya Saif al-
Islam Gaddafi,
left, the son
and one-time
heir apparent
of the late
dictator, is to
stand in the
presidential election next month.
He lodged his candidacy papers
in the southern town of Sabah,
officials said. Gaddafi Jr was
captured by fighters in 2011, the
year his father was toppled after
40 years in power. He was
condemned to death but that
sentence was overturned. Gaddafi
Jr was freed in 2017 but is still
wanted for war crimes by the
International Criminal Court. (AP)

Eight migrants die in

bid to reach Canaries
Spain The bodies of eight African
migrants were found in a boat
that had been drifting in the
Atlantic for a week, the Canary
Islands government said.
Sixty-two others were saved.
Another boat carrying 35 men
and one woman was intercepted.
More than 13,100 migrants sailed
to the Canaries between January
and September, up 100 per cent
on last year. (Reuters)

Bishops to debate
Extra cover Boys play cricket in a garden strewn with the leaves of the chinar tree, also known as the old world sycamore, in Srinagar, in Indian-controlled Kashmir Biden’s abortion stance
US Catholic bishops will this week
revisit the debate over whether

Gangsters burn their enemies’ bodies

President Biden’s support for
abortion rights should stop him
from receiving communion.
Biden opposes abortion but has
vowed to protect a woman’s right

as 68 killed in prison drugs violence to choose. The president met

Pope Francis last month and said
the pope had told him he was a
“good Catholic” who can receive
communion. (Reuters)
security forces enhanced powers to
100 miles
Quito fight drug trafficking and named a new Scorpions kill three and
John Bartlett Santiago
defence minister to address the crisis.
An eight-hour gun battle between drug But the measure did little to stem the sting 450 after storms
gangs in Ecuador’s largest and most in- Guayaquil violence in the penitentiary, where 15 Egypt Scorpions killed at least
famous prison left at least 68 inmates PERU more deaths were recorded before Fri- three people and stung 450 more
dead, with bodies burnt in courtyards. 68 prisoners day’s massacre. Soldiers are stationed in Egypt after they were flushed
Officials said the riot began when a Ocean killed in outside the facility, but a constitutional out of their habitats by storms.
gang leader was released from a block prison riot court ruling bars them from entering — The southern region of Aswan
at Litoral penitentiary in Guayaquil, a to the anger of Lasso. was deluged with floods, which
city on Ecuador’s Pacific coast. That led “The first right should be the right to led to scorpions and snakes being
to a violent rush to fill the power than 300 inmates have been killed this life and liberty, which isn’t possible if washed into streets. Egypt is
vacuum. year and the country has about 40,000 security forces can’t act to protect,” he home to fat-tailed scorpions that
Prisoners with guns and explosives Police lower the body of a prisoner inmates in its 30,000-capacity system. said. “Unfortunately that job has been are among the most deadly in the
tried to “dynamite a wall to get into from the Litoral penitentiary’s roof In February 79 were killed in simulta- made impossible by judicial decisions world, with venom that can kill a
Pavilion 2 to carry out a massacre,” said neous prison riots around the country. which impose exaggerated restrictions human in under an hour.
Pablo Arosemena, governor of Guayas mander General Tanya Varela said they And less than two months ago the on the co-ordination between state
province. “They burnt mattresses to try entered to return inmates to their cells. Litoral prison — home to 8,500 in- security forces to defend life.” Princess who married
to drown [rivals] in smoke.” “These events are due to the dispute mates, 60 per cent over its intended The authorities have expressed grave
Videos on social media, which were among criminal gangs over territory; capacity — was the scene of at least 118 concerns over inmates’ access to weap- commoner heads to US
yet to be verified, showed a pile of there are now pavilions without killings in the worst prison massacre in ons and ammunition, which they say
bodies burning in a courtyard and in- leaders,” she said. On Saturday relatives national history. On that occasion offi- enter prisons in delivery vehicles, via
mates beating them with sticks — while of prisoners gathered outside the peni- cials said at least five were beheaded. drone or over perimeter walls. Arosem-
others begged for the violence to stop. tentiary to wait for news of loved ones. After September’s riot in Guayaquil, ena said they would ease overcrowding
Bodies were seen inside the perime- Ecuador’s overcrowded prisons have President Lasso decreed a 60-day by pardoning and relocating inmates
ter fence and on the roof. Police com- been beset by a wave of violence. More national state of emergency granting and repatriating foreigners.

19 police die in rebel attack Thief found after 50 years Mako Komuro’s departure was
Burkina Faso fence and security forces since Burkina United States starring Steve McQueen, telling friends broadcast live on Japanese TV
Faso was gripped by conflict in 2015. It how easy his bank would be to rob.
Jane Flanagan Hugh Tomlinson Washington
came two days after another assault in Conrad died of lung cancer in May in Japan A princess who gave up
Nineteen military police and a civilian which seven police officers were killed Investigators in America have traced Boston, where he was living as Thomas her royal status to marry her
were killed by jihadists in northern in the tri-border area where attacks by one of its most-wanted fugitives: a bank Randele. He had been a golf pro and a commoner college sweetheart has
Burkina Faso, which has become a armed groups linked to al-Qaeda and teller who 52 years ago finished his car salesman, but the stolen money had moved to New York, leaving
focus for the worsening insurgency Islamic State have intensified despite shift, stuffed $215,000 into a paper bag long since run out and he filed for bank- behind a nation that has criticised
churning up Africa’s Sahel region. the presence of thousands of United and vanished. The haul would be worth ruptcy in 2014, and those papers, when their romance. The departure of
Security sources predicted a sharp Nations, regional and Western troops £1.2 million today. compared with others he had signed at Mako, formerly Princess Mako,
rise in the true death toll from the and efforts to negotiate. Ted Conrad, then 20, took advantage the bank, identified him. and Kei Komuro, both 30, from
attack on a military police outpost near After France ordered military of feeble security at the bank in Cleve- Peter Elliott, a US marshal, inherited Haneda airport in Tokyo was
a gold mine in Inata, close to the bor- intervention in Mali in 2013 to counter land, Ohio. His crime sparked a nation- the case file from his father John. Elliott broadcast live on TV. Komuro has
ders with Niger and Mali. increasing jihadist violence, many wide manhunt and was featured on Sr had been obsessed with Conrad for a job at a New York law firm but
There was no immediate claim of re- members of the remaining militant shows such as America’s Most Wanted. decades but died last year. His son told has yet to pass his bar exam,
sponsibility for the attack, which is like- groups moved south near to the border He had been obsessed with The Thomas The New York Times: “I hope my father another piece of news that media
ly to be one of the deadliest against de- with Burkina Faso. Crown Affair, the 1968 bank heist film is resting a little easier today.” have used to attack him.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 V3 37


Paris is a rubbish bin and I’m moving to A cityscape

that is losing
the country, says Macron’s culture guru tter
its glitter

France Adam Sage

Adam Sage Paris
France’s best-known heritage conser-
vationist has caused consternation by
ycling over the Seine on

announcing that he is moving to the
countryside because Paris has become a the Pont au Change
“rubbish bin”. late one night last
In comments that have intensified an week, I paused to take
already virulent debate, Stéphane Bern, in the beauty of Paris,
58, who is close to President Macron, with lights shimmering on the
said that the city was dirty, increasingly water from bridges on either side.
ugly and violent. “Where has the City of It was a sight you might find in
Lights gone?” he asked in an interview tourist brochures, or perhaps in
with Le Parisien, adding that next month Emily in Paris, the Netflix series
he would leave his flat in the Pigalle dis- created around the beauty and
trict and move to in a disused military luxury of the city. However, the
school he purchased in 2013 and reno- vision from the Pont au Change
vated in Perche, northern France. was not so much a representation
There has been controversy over the of the capital as an interlude in a
state of Paris under the guidance of landscape losing its glitter.
Anne Hidalgo, the Socialist mayor who To my north was the Boulevard
is standing for the presidency next year. de Sébastopol, the thoroughfare
Her critics denounce what they say is named in memory of the siege of
her failure to clean up the streets. They the city on the Black Sea during
also question the cycle lanes created the Crimean War. Inaugurated in
after last year’s coronavirus lockdowns, 1858, it was long a testimony to
the modernisation of Paris
Stéphane Bern’s brought about by Baron Georges-
word carries Eugène Haussmann, the prefect
weight in France’s responsible for urban renewal
cultural circles under Napoleon III.
Now it is a symbol of what
Stéphane Bern calls the ugliness
that has driven him out of the
capital — a soulless and litter-
often by using blocks of concrete to sep- strewn line of bars, restaurants,
arate motorised and non-motorised mobile phone stores and barbers
means of transport. Detractors say that lacking the coherence that
they are eyesores, as are the giant plastic Haussmann imposed upon Paris
flower pots introduced as part of a mod- in the 19th century. To my south
ernisation scheme and the attempt to lay the Left Bank, once a hive of
innovate by allowing Parisians to activity and creativity, with its
tend flowerbeds, a plan an that book and record stores and its
has left many unkempt. t. invariably chic philosophers.
Hidalgo’s supporters ers Now the Boulevard Saint-Michel,
say that she is makingg once the emblem of Left Bank
Paris greener and Paris’s skyline remains picturesque but at street level critics lament ugly cycle lanes and urban furniture intellectualism, seems dull and
more user-friendly lifeless, with many of its stores
and accuse her critics pu
public benches, encourage women to sit together. Bern about French royalty before the 1789 closed and boarded up and
of being right-wing w
which were de- described the new benches, a mixture of Revolution. When Macron took office covered in lurid “For Rent” signs.
reactionaries. si
signed by Ga- what look like long, wooden tables and he gave Bern a six-month mission to Where premises remain open
Bern said: “I still br
briel Davioud, slabs of concrete, as “frightful”. suggest ways of preserving French heri- on the Boul’Mich’, as it is known,
marvel at the beauty th
the 19th-centu- He also said that he was fed up with tage, which was subsequently pro- they tend to house fast-food
[of Paris] but I deplore ry architect. “the dirtiness, the holes in the road, the longed under the stewardship of the cul- restaurants. It is difficult to avoid
that it is letting itself go Fe
Feminists say permanent building sites, the noise and ture ministry. Among Bern’s initiatives the conclusion that Bern has a
to a certain extent, and nd tthat
hat th
the benches are especially the violence”. He added: “You has been the setting up of a heritage lot- point when he denounces Paris’s
even growing uglier in gen- used m mainly by men should hear how people talk to each tery based on the one in Britain. decline, though it may be unfair
eral. Paris has becomee a rub- and contrib
contribute to a patri- other. Traffic is an incredible source of Bern is by no means alone. Paris’s to blame it all on the mayor.
bish bin where people throw any- archal society, with women tension. Cars against pedestrians, scoot- population fell by an average of 10,800 a In such a centralised country
thing away, anywhere and any old how”how.” afraid to sit on them for fear of being ers against bicycles, scooters against year between 2013 and 2018 to stand at as France, if Paris has lost lustre,
Bern expressed particular angst over harassed. Hidalgo has instead installed cars . . . this war of wheels is intolerable.” 2,175,601 at the last count, and the trend this may be as much a reflection
the council’s policy of removing Paris’s what leftists call deconstructed benches Bern sprang to fame presenting his- appears to be accelerating after the lock- of the country as a whole as of
traditional wooden and wrought-iron in areas like the Place du Panthéon to torical television documentaries, often downs. the work of the council.

Brigitte tells France to get over her age It’s a stitch-up! Thieves
Adam Sage have preferred a younger first lady,” she
said. “We are not a typical couple. We
raid cashmere warehouse
Brigitte Macron, the wife of the French have a difference of 24 years. I under-
president, has said that she was dis- stand that people might not understand Italy access to Sillavengo. Carabinieri giving
mayed at the hostility she faced for us. But what I cannot understand is the chase fired at the wheels of one of the
Philip Willan Rome
being 24 years older than her husband. aggressiveness.” two vans, which crashed into a guard
In a rare interview, Mrs Macron, 68, She said that when they married she Masked bandits staged a military-style rail. The three men on board vanished
said she realised that her marriage was thought he would become a “writer or a raid on a warehouse of the Loro Piana into countryside.
not “typical” but she could not under- pianist”. She said: “I was convinced that fashion brand, making off with cash- Loro Piana cashmere sweaters can
stand the “aggressiveness” it generated. Emmanuel would have a cultural pro- mere products believed to be worth cost £1,000 and a coat up to £8,000. The
She also said that she had been Brigitte Macron had thought that her fession.” Instead he worked with Fran- tens of thousands of pounds. clothes are loved by celebrities such as
wounded by portrayals of her as a husband would be a pianist or writer çois Hollande, the Socialist head of Police said it was the first time in Italy Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Melania
Marie Antoinette living a life of luxury. state, and became president in 2017. that such a brazen operation had tar- Trump and the Duchess of Sussex.
She went on to underline the key role Amiens, is regarded as an asset in her During the yellow-vest protests, she geted luxury fashion products rather Founded in 1924, Loro Piana was sold to
she played at Macron’s side, with a say husband’s attempt to woo right-wing was regularly lampooned as a Marie than more easily disposable valuables. the French luxury goods conglomerate
in policy and appointments on a par voters. She was guarded about disclos- Antoinette figure. She said that she had Six men wearing balaclavas used a LVMH for €2 billion in 2013.
with Alexis Kohler, his chief of staff. ing her political orientation. “People been “wounded” and “pained”. She ex- stolen van to crash through a perimeter Lieutenant Colonel Sandro Colongo,
The interview with Le Monde was class me on the right,” she said. “But plained that like her predecessors, she wall and take clothes from storage in who is leading the investigation, said
published as the president, 43, prepares nobody knows.” was given free designer clothes for the town of Sillavengo, northwest Italy. four boxes of sweaters were found in
for a re-election campaign next year. Macron’s rise has placed his private public occasions. “Because the French Carabinieri arrived after an alarm the van. “They would be worth ten
Mrs Macron, who grew up in a bour- life under scrutiny, generating insults people . . . see me on the steps of the Ély- was activated early on Saturday. The years of my salary,” he said.
geois family and went to a private Cath- and mockery on social media. sée in a pretty dress and shoes they robbers scattered three-pointed nails It is assumed a similar quantity was in
olic school in the northern town of “The French would undoubtedly think, ‘She is out of touch,’ ” she added. on the road and used two vans to block the van that got away.
38 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


I regret helping to establish

Capitol riot militia, says wife
United States The Oath Keepers was started in 2009
by Rhodes, 56, shortly after President Ob-
David Charter Washington
ama took office. Its stated mission was to
The wife of the founder of the Oath Keep- “prevent the destruction of American lib-
ers, a right-wing extremist group, has spo- erty by preventing a full-blown totalitarian
ken of her regret at helping him to form it dictatorship from coming to power”. The
after at least 18 members were charged over group aims to recruit armed forces veter-
the invasion of the US Capitol on January 6. ans and former police officers based on a
Tasha Adams, who filed for divorce from commitment to keep their service oath to
Stewart Rhodes in 2018, said that she had defend the constitution. On January 6 a
group of ten members in tactical combat
Stewart Rhodes has gear advanced in formation on the Capitol.
not been charged Adams told the Los Angeles Times:
over the attack “What if I had not supported him? If I
on January 6 hadn’t helped him start it, I mean, there
would probably still have been an insurrec-
tion but what would it have looked like?”
She said that she had made sacrifices to
help Rhodes to get through Yale Law
helped him set up the group based on their School, agreeing to become a stripper to
shared libertarian principles but did not raise money. They had been seeing each
think it would become an armed militia. other for four months when Rhodes blind-
She said that she had imagined it as “a cigar ed himself in one eye when his gun went
club of like-minded libertarians”, adding: “I off by mistake. “I was suddenly taking care
thought, ‘Wow, we are going to sell a lot of of a man with a hole in his head,” Adams,
T-shirts and motorcycle jackets.’ ” who had six children with him, said. She
Adams, 49, has been interviewed by the said that he became abusive and obsessed
special committee of the House of Repre- with conspiracy theories. Rhodes, who was
sentatives examining the riot that disrupt- in the Capitol grounds on January 6 but did
ed Congress as it met to certify President not go inside and has not been charged, did Escape claws Millions of red crabs are making their way to the Indian Ocean to mate and spawn from burrows on the
Trump’s election defeat to Joe Biden. not respond to requests to comment. Australian territory of Christmas Island, where the authorities try to keep them off roads with barriers and crab bridges

seems to be fine, although it’s not

FROM OUR as crowded as it normally is.
There are also usually women
here, but today it’s just men.”
CORRESPONDENT Hamid said that the price of
horses had been affected by the
change in government. “Horses
could sell for about $20,000 but
Taliban turn a blind eye to Afghanistan’s now it’s more like 200,000
Afghani [$2,000],” he said. “Many
favourite sport — to the relief of those who commanders in the province
from the previous government
flock to see horseriders fighting over a goat had horses but when they fled the
country they sold their animals
cheaply so it has driven the price
mid-afternoon crowd in Faizabad down.”
Charlie Faulkner is in good spirits. It’s the city’s Whips crack and riders hang
AFGHANISTAN first game of the season between from their beautiful mounts as
the districts of Yaftali Sufla and they gallop around the arena
Argo. Spectators erupt into trying to retrieve the sack. The
applause as goals are scored or men are similarly built, big and
make a quick dash up the stocky like rugby players. A great
concrete steps to safety as the deal of strength is needed to
bundle of horses and their riders remain in the saddle.
career towards them. The Taliban Ghulam, 35, who gives only one
are providing security at the name as is common in
event — using plastic tubes to Afghanistan, is one of the top
orses’ hooves thud whip back the crowd. riders, a member of the national

H heavily on the hard

ground as riders
charge into the
scrum, throwing up
dust clouds in the arena in
Faizabad, northeast Afghanistan.
Hundreds of cheering men and
One of the marshals, Zabiullah
Mohammad Qasi, 18, admitted
that he was glad to be able to
watch the game, which he loved.
Farid Hamid, 45, a shopkeeper,
owns three horses in the match.
“I love raising horses,” he said.
team. The crowd cheers wildly
when he scores.
“I’ve played in Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
Kyrgyzstan, as well as all over
Afghanistan,” he said. “I
inherited my love for buzkashi
boys gathered around the “I provide them free to the from my father. It’s not
sidelines to watch a game of the buzkashi riders. It also means the dangerous if you know how to
country’s national sport, horses get trained free. We had play.” He said, however, that he
buzkashi, despite concerns the some concerns the Taliban would had to get medical treatment in
Taliban would ban the popular not let us carry on playing but it India when he broke his arm.
contest. Boys w walk through the crowd,
Buzkashi, Persian for “goatt selling n nuts and other snacks to
pulling”, has been played in spectato Commentary from
Central Asia for centuries. The men blablares from big blue
game was banned in speak
speakers at different points
Afghanistan during the arou the field.
Taliban’s previous rule but A
Another competitor,
the restriction is yet to be Sh
Shabadin, 36, from Yaftali
implemented this time, Su
Sufla, said that he had been
much to the relief of many pl
playing buzkashi for 12
Afghans. ye
years. He said that things
Traditionally, riders w
were different for the game
from two teams lug a goat n
now the Taliban were in
carcass around the field ch
charge. He is reticent,
trying to toss it inside a ho
however, to give further
white-ringed goal to score det
points. After efforts to reform “W don’t get paid for
the sport, the teams often fight competing in the national
over a weighted sandbag the size tteam,”
eam,” the father of five added.
of a goat. “But the horse owners help us
Despite the overcast sky, the out.”
the times | Monday November 15 2021 39

world markets (Friday’s close, change on the week) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,347.91 (+43.95) 36,100.31 (-227.64) $1,866.31 (+50.68) $ $81.91 (-0.91) $ $1.3409 (-0.0092) $ €1.1717 (+0.0043) ¤
7,500 38,000 2,000 90 1.450 1.200

7,000 36,000 1,800 85 1.400 1.175

6,500 34,000 1,600 80 1.350 1.150

6,000 32,000 1,400 75 1.300 1.125

Oct 14 22 Nov 1 9 Oct 14 22 Nov 1 9 Oct 14 22 Nov 1 9 Oct 14 22 Nov 1 9 Oct 14 22 Nov 1 9 Oct 14 22 Nov 1 9

Virgin Atlantic ready to make U-turn and land again at Gatwick

Robert Lea Industrial Editor the reopening of routes last week, Vir- review of their suspension of use-it-or- sionist central European discount further markets, we continue to see
gin has confirmed that the resumption lose-it rules, which demand that air- carrier, for an end to “slot-hoarding” at growing consumer confidence.”
Virgin Atlantic could make a dramatic of flights at Gatwick is a case of when lines utilise at least 80 per cent of their the airport that would prevent the While Virgin considers its position,
return to Gatwick as early as next sum- and not if. take-off and landing slots at airports if launch of new competition, Virgin Wizz could be the biggest beneficiary if
mer after its withdrawal from London’s Eighteen months ago, while on the they are to retain flying rights, Virgin Atlantic said: “We maintain our ambi- ministers tell slot-blocking airlines to
second airport during the carrier’s brink of bankruptcy, it quit the airport Atlantic could be forced into an early tion to rebuild our presence at Gatwick pass on their flying rights. Norwegian,
near-death experience in the depths of after 36 years of services, shut down its return to Gatwick if it wants a longer- as demand returns, revisiting a long, for instance, now all but defunct as an
the pandemic. operations and laid off or furloughed term presence at the hub. close and successful relationship with international arline, held 10 per cent of
Buoyed by the strength of the thousands of staff. In response to demands from the airport. Gatwick’s slots prior to the pandemic.
demand for transatlantic travel after Now, with ministers set to launch a Gatwick and from Wizz Air, the expan- “As travel restrictions are eased in Continued on page 41, col 3


Fraud office
by UK firms
Companies spend ten times more than SFO
Ed Siddons, Simon Lock executives stand out. In January, the
agency ended its investigation into
Some companies under investigation British American Tobacco without
by the Serious Fraud Office are spend- charge, saying that there was insuffi-
ing up to ten times more than Britain’s cient evidence for any prosecutions. In
anti-fraud and bribery organisation on September, a joint investigation by the
legal and investigation fees, according bureau and the BBC’s Panorama pro-
to the Bureau of Investigative Journal- gramme revealed evidence of the
ism, leaving the fraudbusters out- company paying informants for intelli-
gunned and less effective. gence on competitors. The SFO spent
Lack of funding, senior officials join- almost 18,000 hours investigating BAT
ing law firms representing the compa- over more than three years before
nies that the SFO is investigating and a dropping the case. BAT denied any
perceived hesitation in prosecuting wrongdoing and said its activities had
companies and executives all under- been focused on combating the illicit
mine the fight against economic crime, trade in cigarettes.
the bureau has found. In June 2020, the SFO closed a cor-
The agency, which operates on a ruption investigation into how De La Stringent travel restrictions during the pandemic have triggered a boom in demand for domestic getaways in Britain
£52 million annual budget, has dropped Rue had won an estimated $114 million
30 investigations since 2018, the year
Lisa Osofsky assumed office as director,
three of them over two days in October.
contract to design and print South
Sudan’s currency, stating the matter
had not met the criteria to commence
Americans put £1bn bet on staycations
In the five years preceding Osofsky’s ap- proceedings set out in Crown Code for
pointment, the SFO dropped 13 cases. Prosecutors. According to a Freedom of Callum Jones company to Sun Communities for deal valuing the leisure business at
“There’s a chronic weakness in the Information request submitted by the US Business Correspondent about £900 million is expected to be about £3 billion.
enforcement of serious fraud in the bureau, the SFO conducted only three announced as early as today. As holidaymakers packed their bags
UK,” Lisa Nandy, the shadow foreign interviews in its 11-month inquiry. One of Britain’s biggest holiday park Unsuccessful bidders for the Park this summer, CVC Capital Partners, the
secretary, said. “The odds are stacked in Some of the SFO’s most prominent operators is set to change hands for Holidays business, founded in 1984 and private equity firm, snapped up Away
favour of those who break the rules, cases have resulted in deferred prose- nearly £1 billion as US investors eye a based in Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex, Resorts for an estimated £250 million.
rather than those who make them.” cution agreements. This entails the continuing boom in UK “staycations” include Starwood Capital, the property Months later it bought another opera-
Robert Buckland, the Conservative company admitting to wrongdoing, after the pandemic. investor, and the Universities Super- tor, Aria Resorts, for an undisclosed
MP and former justice secretary, said pledging to improve its compliance Sun Communities, an American real annuation Scheme, one of Britain’s sum and merged the two companies to
the “imbalance in arms” between de- with the law and paying a fine — and it estate investment trust, is said to have biggest pension funds. create a business that attracts about
fendants and the SFO must be tackled. avoids a trial. After a dozen such agree- agreed a deal to acquire Park Holidays, Stringent travel restrictions since the 750,000 visitors each year.
“A situation where one side has unlim- ments, the SFO has yet to convict any which operates campsites, static cara- onset of the pandemic in the spring of The GB Tourism survey was paused
ited resources cannot be fair,” he said. executives for the wrongdoing to which vans and lodges for holidaymakers at last year triggered a boom in demand during the pandemic, but before the
The agency has generated about their company admitted. more than 30 sites, predominantly in for domestic getaways in Britain. This boom England had attracted 99.1 mil-
£1.3 billion in fines and penalties against Buckland, who was responsible for the south of England. surge in trading has coincided with a lion visits by domestic travellers in 2019,
large businesses in the past five years the SFO as solicitor-general between Intermediate Capital Group, the flurry of dealmaking within the sector Scotland lured 13.8 million and Wales
and recently secured bribery convic- 2014 and 2019, said high staff turnover alternative asset manager that bought as deep-pocketed investors chase a slice 10.7 million, according to data from
tions against Petrofac, the oilfield ser- may have weakened the agency. Park Holidays for £362 million almost of the action. Kantar, the market researcher.
vices company, and GPT Special “Constantly having to shed staff and five years ago, recently hired bankers at At the start of the year Blackstone, Representatives for Intermediate
Project Management, the Airbus de- then rehire them doesn’t provide the Royal Bank of Canada and HSBC to the world’s largest private equity firm, Capital and Park Holidays declined to
fence subsidiary. continuity that prosecuting complex oversee an auction of the operator. acquired Bourne Leisure, the owner of comment. Sun Communities did not
Yet case closures and acquittals of Continued on page 40, col 5 According to Sky News, a sale of the Butlin’s and Haven holiday parks, in a respond.
40 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Need to know
Boris Johnson is poised to
shelve plans for the eastern leg
of HS2 between Birmingham
BetMGM races to land an
and Leeds and to downgrade plans
for a new east-west rail line across Callum Jones New York opens its doors
the Pennines between Manchester US Business Correspondent
and Leeds in favour of smaller Nine sports betting groups have
schemes that can be delivered It’s “showtime,” Jamie Foxx, the Holly- been awarded online operating
more quickly. Page 16 wood A-lister, declares in one of the licences by regulators in New York
many gambling adverts flooding State, paving the way for their

Some companies under America’s airwaves. Amid rapid growth entrance into what is expected to be
investigation by the Serious across the country’s emerging market one of America’s biggest markets
Fraud Office are spending up in sports betting, leading players are (Callum Jones writes).
to ten times more than the anti- rushing to grab the best seats in the A 19 million population is
fraud and bribery agency on legal house. expected to be a significant boost to
and investigation fees, according Investors’ interest was writ large in the user bases of digital sports
to the Bureau of Investigative last year’s blockbuster listing by Draft- wagering platforms, but executives
Journalism, leaving the Kings, the Boston-based betting com- concede the economics will be
fraudbusters outgunned and less pany now valued at $32 billion. Caesars challenging. Authorities in New York
effective. Page 39 Entertainment’s £2.9 billion deal for will tax revenues at 51 per cent.
William Hill, the British bookmaker “In order to be financially viable,

Virgin Atlantic could make a making headway in the United States, we will need to change our
dramatic return to Gatwick as merely underlined the heavyweight approach to marketing and
early as next summer after its operators’ determination to dominate. investment in players, it’s simple as
withdrawal from London’s second And the momentum hasn’t eased this that,” Adam Greenblatt, chief
airport during the carrier’s near- year. Two American suitors have tried executive of BetMGM, one of the
death experience in the depths of and failed to buy Entain, another companies granted a licence, said.
the pandemic. Page 39 London-listed gambling group at the “Otherwise, it’s impossible to make
heart of the action and the owner of the money.”

Park Holidays, one of the Ladbrokes and Coral brands: first He claimed that nobody was
UK’s largest holiday park MGM Resorts, the Las Vegas casino better positioned to succeed in the
operators, is set to change operator that is its partner in the US, state than BetMGM, which already
hands for nearly £1 billion as tabled an ill-fated $11 billion bid; then utilises the physical sites run by
American investors eye a DraftKings offered $22 billion before MGM Retail, one of its two owners.
continuing boom in Britons going walking away. In New York, this will include the
on “staycation” after the pandemic. Few are enjoying the show more than vast Empire City Casino in Yonkers.
Page 39 Adam Greenblatt, the chief executive DraftKings and Flutter
of BetMGM. The joint venture between Entertainment’s FanDuel are among

Shareholders worldwide are Entain and MGM Resorts, created in the other operators to have been
on course to receive dividends July 2018, already has 1,000 staff and handed licences. In time the state
for 2021 that will match pre- operations across 16 states. Six months expects to make $500 million in tax
pandemic levels, according to from now, it expects to be live in 23 annual revenues on sports betting.
Janus Henderson, the fund states. “Everyone wants a part of us,” “The market here is going to be
manager. Payouts rose by 22 per Greenblatt, 47, said. “It’s bloody huge,” Greenblatt said. “From a
cent in the third quarter of this wonderful.” gross gaming revenue perspective,
year compared with a year earlier, Less than four years have passed we’re talking into the billions.”
thanks to rising profits and since a Supreme Court ruling changed BetMGM is based in New Jersey,
stronger balance sheets. the game, calling time on a law that which recently became the first
effectively banned sports betting across American state to report sports bets

Royal London has resurrected almost all of the US. This was the worth more than $1 billion in a single
its potential offer for LV= with genesis of a transatlantic dynamic — month.
a plan to split up its rival. that continues to evolve — between DraftKings made an unsuccessful play for the London-listed Entain, whose joint
Britain’s largest mutual insurer, established American gambling opera-
which has been considering a tilt tors, who know the market, and their swiftly gain an upper hand in this sought to cut out the noise as far as and had made no secret that obtaining
since last year, has submitted a British counterparts, who have the market before it’s too late, can this possible: “Stability over this critical control of BetMGM was an “important
controversial pitch to LV= technical expertise to take online sports marriage of equals really endure for a next 24 months is important to maxi- step” towards its own objectives.
proposing that it walks away from betting to the masses. quarter of a century? “This, dare I say it, mising the value of BetMGM and near- American sports betting is now legal
Bain Capital, the private equity When Entain, then known as GVC, is beyond my paygrade,” Greenblatt term success.” It was a telling response, in more than 30 states. As the market
firm that is its preferred bidder. first struck its American partnership said, before proceeding carefully. coming barely a fortnight after Draft- balloons, Entain estimates it will be
with MGM Resorts, the deal was built “Everybody wants more, which is Kings had dropped its bid for Entain. worth $32 billion in the long term, with

Houses in areas of the north to last 25 years. Neither company is wonderfully flattering, but . . . because Jette Nygaard-Andersen, 53, the boss BetMGM commanding a share of
of England and in Scotland allowed to launch projects “on the side”, of the structure of the joint venture a of Entain, remarked last week that the between 20 per cent and 25 per cent,
are worth less now than they which could risk destabilising the change in the framework will need to be terms of its deal with MGM Resorts had though FanDuel, owned by Betfair and
were before the global financial venture or distract them; both must agreed by both parties.” played a role in DraftKings’ decision to Flutter Entertainment, and DraftKings
crisis 13 years ago. Page 42 remain committed. Greenblatt insisted that he focused walk. MGM Resorts had noted that any may have something to say about that.
However, given the desperation to on the “things that I can control” and such takeover would require its consent “This isn’t slowing down at all,”

Demand for office space in
central London took off
continued from page 39
towards the end of summer,
pouring cold water on the idea
that many workers might never go
back into the city. Between July
Dividends return to pre-Covid highs Serious Fraud Office outgunned

cases needs,” he said. Sir David Green,

and September, companies leased Jessica Newman in a single quarter than the previous banks took quick advantage of the who led the Serious Fraud Office until
2.77 million sq ft of office space in full-year record set in 2019. BHP will be relaxation of limits on dividends and 2018, left to join Slaughter and May, the
central London — 12 per cent Shareholders worldwide are on course the world’s largest dividend payer this restored payouts to a higher level than law firm, as a senior consultant. In the
above the five-year quarterly to receive dividends for 2021 that will year. seemed possible even a few months past three years, more than three quar-
average. Page 42 match pre-pandemic levels, according British companies have been among ago. And, finally, the first few compa- ters of the SFO’s departmental heads
to latest estimates. the largest beneficiaries, thanks to the nies in the US to start the annual divi- and senior leaders have left, including

A secretive Cayman Islands- Payouts rose by 22 per cent in the UK’s exposure to the mining sector, dend reset showed that businesses its chief operating officer, general
based tycoon who has built a third quarter of this year compared which has enjoyed a boom amid rising there are keen to return cash to share- counsel, chief investigator, two divi-
combined £5 billion stake in with a year earlier, thanks to rising commodity prices. It also has benefited holders. sional co-heads and all three of its non-
two of the world’s biggest tobacco profits and stronger balance sheets. The from the restoration of banking divi- “A big driver for 2022 will be the executive directors. Many have joined
companies is said to believe that amount of dividends delivered was a dends, which were suspended in the restoration of banking dividends, but it top City law firms.
the sector has been undervalued record $403.5 billion in the last quarter. previous year. seems unlikely that mining companies Departees include Ben Morgan, joint
because investors have been Janus Henderson, the fund manager, Countries including Japan and the can sustain this level of payouts, given head of bribery and corruption, who, in
“spooked” by ethical concerns. which tracks global dividends, said that United States, whose companies did their reliance on volatile underlying his new role as a partner at Freshfields
Kenneth Dart has continued to the “exceptional strength” of payouts in not trim dividends much last year, have commodity prices. Some of these have Bruckhaus Deringer, is understood to
increase his stakes in the London- the previous three-month period, along showed lower growth than the global already fallen.” have helped to negotiate a deferred
listed British American Tobacco with improved prospects for the average. Nevertheless, US company Ben Lofthouse, head of global equity prosecution agreement on behalf of
and Imperial Brands. Page 45 present final quarter, had led to it lifting dividends rose by a tenth to a new third- income at Janus Henderson, said: “Div- G4S, the security firm, last year, and his
its forecast for the full year to $1.46 tril- quarter record. idends are recovering more quickly predecessor Patrick Rappo, now at

10 Northern Ireland risks

becoming a “legal basket
case” that will deter trade
and investment if Article 16 is
triggered, suspending part of the
lion. The fund manager’s index of divi-
dends is now only 2 per cent below its
previous peak of the first quarter of
The global mining sector has been
“Three important things changed
during the third quarter,” Jane Shoe-
make, client portfolio manager on the
global equity income team at Janus
Henderson, said. “First and most
than expected, driven by improving
corporate balance sheets and increased
optimism about the future. Two of the
most affected sectors last year were the
commodity and financial sectors and
DLA Piper, where he has represented a
former employee of BAT who has been
linked to the Serious Fraud Office’s
closed case.
There is no suggestion any of these
Brexit deal, companies in the the biggest contributor to growth in the importantly, mining companies all the report highlights that these have individuals advise on the same matters
province have warned. Page 45 third quarter, delivering $54.1 billion in around the world have benefited from been the most significant drivers of for the regulator and the company
payouts to shareholders. That is more sky-high commodity prices. Second, dividend growth in the period.” being investigated.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 41



The week ahead
Economic data will take centre stage
this week after the Bank of England
took markets by surprise by failing
to follow through on what was
considered a trail for a rate rise at its
October monetary policy meeting.
The publication of new jobs
numbers tomorrow is expected to
show a rise of up to 243,000,
according to IHS Markit. Official
figures suggested that about 85 per
cent of the 1.1 million people that
came off the furlough scheme when
it ended on September 30 had
returned to their jobs.
Attention also will be on
Wednesday’s inflation figure. The
Bank expects it to rise above 5 per
cent in the months ahead, The Bank of England expects
somewhat higher than its 2 per cent inflation to rise above 5 per cent
target. The latest number will
include a rise in the utility price cap, from 2.9 per cent to 3.2 per cent and
with fuel prices now at record levels that “the story for the next six
feeding through, along with the rise months or so is going to be one of
in the VAT rate for hospitality and rapidly rising inflation”. On Friday,
tourism from 5 per cent to 12.5 per the consultancy expects retail sales
cent, which may mean restaurant volumes figures to have increased
prices add further upward pressure by 0.8 per cent month-on-month,
on prices. Capital Economics thinks leaving sales 5 per cent above their
that core inflation probably rose February 2020 peak.


Investors will look for growth, a key measure Gear4Music,

the shape of the of operating Homeserve,
recovery in travel, performance, to grow Intermediate Capital,
roaming charges and by 2.2 per cent year- Land Securities,
retail stores when on-year, a slowdown McKay Securities,
Vodafone publishes on the first quarter’s Ninety One, Palace
half-year results. 3.3 per cent rate, as last Capital, Premier
First-quarter revenues year’s lockdown no Foods, Vodafone
were above forecasts in longer depresses the Finals Dotdigital,
July. Analysts at comparison. Focusrite, Imperial
Jefferies expect Interims Adept Brands, Revolution
services revenue Technology, Bars


British Land’s interim results will underlying performance of the

venture in America called Bet MGM features adverts fronted by Jamie Foxx and has ambitions of being a big winner headline a busy week of updates in London office market will be the
the property sector. The FTSE 100 key items to watch in these results,”
Greenblatt said, after BetMGM had Probably with three to five, four to six, betters. Operators add fuel to the fire by landlord, which owns Meadowhall Colm Lauder, a real estate analyst
enjoyed its best ever month of revenue big effective operators that have spending vast sums on marketing in Sheffield and Drakee at Goodbo
Goodbody, the broker,
in October. Growth had been “way nationwide presence.” designed to lure more users. Circus in Plymouth, has said.
faster” than even he expected; so far, Between them these companies Foxx fronts BetMGM’s advertising been busy acquiring Th market thinks
too, November was “well ahead” of could account for “80 per cent to 90 per campaign. The company is also signing retail parks, as well as tha
that British Land’s net
October, although the company cent” of the overall market. “The up more punters on the ground at a car park in the as
asset value will
declined to provide details. An official position we’re in today is this scramble MGM Resorts sites in Michigan, New City of London on re
remain unchanged
forecast of $1 billion in net revenue next to be one of those, one of the shortlist of Jersey and, of course, Nevada, home of which it wants to th
this year, although
year will be upgraded. winners.” the Las Vegas strip. In Greenblatt’s build a last-mile M
Matthew Separia, a
As the industry accelerates, Green- Liberalisation of sports betting has lit view, it is “carefully, deliberately, logistics hub. p
property analyst at
blatt described a broad acceptance that a match in each state. A significant aggressively pursuing the market The pandemic has Pe
Peel Hunt, expects
“this is a sector where winners take illegal market beforehand provides opportunity”, with a long way left to been tough for for
forecasts “to be
most, right? So where does this end up? tinder in the form of experienced run. “We haven’t scratched the surface.” landlords, but analystss upg
upgraded after the
think that the tide is interim
starting to turn for unloved Interims British Land,
continued from page 39 ors will
retail parks, so investors CMC Market
Markets, Experian,
Royal London revives takeover Virgin plans Gatwick return want to see how British
is working out.
hL d’ punt
Land’s S d Hi
Speedy Hire, SSE
SSE, Tatton Asset
Management, Workspace.
bid with plan to break up LV= The expansion plans of Wizz were fur-
ther in evidence at the weekend with a
firm order and options for 196 new Air-
“The progress across strategic
acquisitions, the growth of the retail
fulfilment segments and the
Finals Sage
Trading updates Informa, Safestore
Holdings, Spirax-Sarco
Jessica Newman changed its mind when Bain sweetened bus jets worth a notional $25 billion.
its terms. Grant Shapps, the transport secre-
Royal London has resurrected its MPs on the all-party parliamentary tary, is being urged to reinstate compe- thursday friday
potential offer for LV= with a plan to group for mutuals described it as a tition at Gatwick for next year’s avia-
split up its rival. paltry price for selling out to “a private tion summer season, when airlines The Czech Sphinx — the Kingfisher’s third-quarter update
Britain’s largest mutual insurer, equity shark intent on screwing the from March and April begin launching multibillionaire also known as will provide a good indication as to
which has been considering a tilt since maximum profit for itself”. beefed-up flight schedules, especially Daniel Kretinsky — will find out whether the DIY boom is softening
last year, has submitted a controversial Last week, LV= said that its 1.2 million to sunspots. how his 15 per cent holding in Royal after last year’s soaring sales. The
pitch to LV= proposing that it walks members stood to receive £100 each if The rules also could also an issue for Mail is faring with analysts looking owner of B&Q, Screwfix and
away from Bain Capital, the private they approved the takeover by Bain. British Airways, which has been loss- for £380 million of interim pre-tax Castorama and Brico Dépôt in
equity firm that is its preferred bidder. The 297,000 with-profits policyholders, making at Gatwick for more than a profit on revenues of about France did well last year but now
The proposal is that Royal London who legally own the business, also decade. Pre-pandemic, it was the £6.1 billion. faces tough comparisons. Screwfix
would take over many of LV=’s policies, would receive modest enhancements second largest operator at the hub with Interims Biffa, Charles Stanley, recently launched speedy deliveries,
while Bain would spin off the rest of the to their policies depending on policy 17 per cent of slots. FinnCap, Fuller, Smith & Turner, which are proving popular and
brand into a separate business, accord- age, worth on average £340. BA has indicated that it plans to re- Halma, Investec, Jet2, should help to accelerate online
ing to The Mail on Sunday. Royal Founded in 1861, Royal London is open a smaller operation at Gatwick, LondonMetric, Mitie, National Grid, sales further. Investors will pay close
London’s previous approach had Britain’s biggest mutually owned life, but has also insisted that it will not sell Redcentric, Royal Mail attention to how the retailer is
emphasised the importance of LV= pensions and investments company. It slots. That could mean it plans to trans- Finals Daily Mail & General Trust, managing inflation amid soaring
retaining its own mutual structure. manages £153 billion on behalf of fer slots to Vueling, its sister Spanish Euromoney Institutional Investors, prices and supply chain disruptions.
Royal London has never disclosed 7.8 million customers. LV=, formerly holiday airline, or sublet the slots to Grainger Interims Carclo, Great Portland
the size of its offer for LV=, but it is Liverpool Victoria, traces its roots back other airlines in the short term. Trading updates Atalaya Mining, Estates, Nationwide Building
thought to be similar to Bain’s £530 mil- to 1843. It was founded in Liverpool to Gatwick said that applications for Close Brothers, Keller, Micro Focus Society, Seraphim Space Investment
lion bid. LV= initially preferred Royal help poor families with funeral costs. Its flying rights at the airport for next sum- International, Pershing Square Trust, Wincanton
London’s offer when it began looking members will be asked to approve the mer were running at 20 per cent above Holdings, TBC Bank Trading update Kingfisher
for potential suitors last year, but deal on December 10. its capacity.
42 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


the Swedish group Seaeye has spent four

Underwater known for its Gripen years developing an
fighter jet. electric version of the
robots join Saab Seaeye has robots, each the size of
developed robotic and a large 4x4 road
the charge increasingly vehicle.
autonomous vessels for It will announce
ne of Britain‘s use on oil and gas pipes today that it has won its

O great
— deepwater robots
used in the oil and gas
and platforms, for
seabed-installed wind
farm towers and energy
cables and for the
nuclear storage ponds
largest order yet, for ten
of the electric subsea
rovers for an estimated
£35 million to Ocean
Infinity, a marine
industry and more Fareha
Fareham, H hi
Hampshire, of Sellafield. They are robotics group. The
recently in the offshore was one of the pioneers also being used by contract has prompted
wind sector — is the of remotely operated marine scientists, Saab Seaeye to move
latest vehicle to go subsea work vessels oceanographers, into larger premises in
electric (Robert Lea founded in 1986. By seafood farmers and Fareham and to
writes). 2007, the business had several navies for increase its workforce
Seaeye, based in been acquired by Saab, minesweeping. Saab by 15 per cent.

North and Scotland

miss property boom
Tom Howard prices in Hartlepool, Middlesbrough
and Co Durham remain down by 7.8 per
Houses in areas of the north of England cent, 4.3 per cent and 1.7 per cent,
and in Scotland are worth less now respectively. Values in Blackpool, Lan-
than they were before the global finan- cashire, are 2.4 per cent down on their
cial crisis 13 years ago. 2008 peak.
Since the pandemic began last spring, The figures also show where the
house prices have jumped by 14 per pandemic property gains have been
cent, according to Nationwide, fuelled highest, led by the west London
by a “race for space” as people seek borough of Hammersmith & Fulham,
bigger homes with more garden space where prices already up 39 per cent
after having been locked down for over the past 13 years rose higher during
much of 2020. the pandemic to hit a peak of 70 per cent
The stamp duty holiday gave the growth since the global financial crisis.
market another leg up, although house- London dominates the list of local
builders and estate agents are still authorities whose property values have
reporting a buoyant market even risen the most over the past 13 years.
though the tax cut has ended. Houses in Waltham Forest and Hack-
Yet prices in several areas remain ney, east of London, are worth almost
below their peak in 2008, just before the double what they were before the
bottom fell out of the market amid the financial crisis.
banking and lending crisis. House Of the top 20 areas where prices have
prices in Aberdeen have fared worst, risen the most over the past 13 years,
down 12.4 per cent compared with only Cambridge and St Albans — both
where they were before the 2008 crash, up by 74 per cent — are outside the
according to Savills, the property M25.
agency. The Scottish city is the UK Lucian Cook, head of residential
centre of North Sea oil industry, which research at Savills, said: “For a lot of
has declined in recent years. Before the homeowners across the north of
pandemic-induced property boom, England, Wales and Scotland, the lack
house prices in and around Aberdeen of growth since the credit crunch has
had been closer to 18 per cent shy of had a material impact on their ability to
their pre-crisis peak. trade up the housing ladder.”
Prices in Inverclyde, west of Glasgow, Data from Rightmove, the online
remain down 7.5 per cent from where agent, suggests that the market contin-
they were 13 years ago, while prices in ues to cool, with average house prices
nearby East Ayrshire have slipped by on its website falling by 0.6 per cent last
0.8 per cent. In northeast England, month.

Offices are in demand again

as central London recovers
Tom Howard for about 31 per cent of leasing volumes
during the quarter. Banks and law firms
Demand for office space in central were also active.
London took off towards the end of By the end of September, there was
summer, pouring cold water on the idea 3.4 million sq ft of office space under
that many workers might never go back offer, according to Cushman, 18 per
into the city. cent higher than the five-year quarterly
Between July and September, com- average of 2.9 million sq ft under offer.
panies leased 2.77 million sq ft of office “We have seen sentiment improve
space in central London, according to greatly in the London office market in
data from Cushman & Wakefield, the the third quarter,” Ben Cullen, head of
property agent. That was 54 per cent UK offices at Cushman & Wakefield,
more than was rented out between said. “This largely reflects the opening
April and June and nearly three times up of the economy, but also the release
what was taken up in the third quarter of requirements that had been paused
of last year. It is also 12 per cent above during the lockdowns of the last 18
the five-year quarterly average. months. Crucially, it shows that busi-
Cushman’s analysts said that the nesses are making long-term invest-
third quarter had “marked a turning ments in their physical office space.”
point in the post-pandemic London Over the past 12 months, central
office market”. London office rents have fallen by
Media and technology companies 1.1 per cent but they are forecast to rise
have been driving demand, accounting by around 5.3 per cent in 2022.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 43

Comment Business

Mark Littlewood Graham Ruddick

Marks & Spencer’s good
Competition may hold the key to news spells even more

regulating the technology sector gloom for the high street
arks & Spencer is not a

The basic concepts have a colossally high market share. If, cent of the American social media M&S selling space in the UK
behind the benefits say, your favourite airline is British market. So supreme was its position high street retailer
of a market Airways, you probably still welcome that an article at the time in The any more. That is one Shopping centre 1.5 million sq ft
economy are the fact that Virgin, easyJet and others Guardian posed the question: “Will of the conclusions we Retail park 4.3
grasped instinctively are part of the aviation landscape. You MySpace ever lose its monopoly?” — can take from the High street, large 5.3
by most of us. Even if a businessman might use only BA’s services, but you and reached the conclusion this was stellar set of half-year results High street 2.3
or entrepreneur is motivated only by like the idea that there are other unlikely. Competition, rather than published by the 137-year-old Outlets 0.3
greed and self-advancement, they carriers biting at its heels and keeping regulation, has brought about a purveyor of goods last week. Simply Food 2.5
have to provide quality products and it on its toes. The fact that many other dramatic fall in its fortunes. It is now Shares in M&S rose by almost a Simply Food
services at a reasonable price to passengers choose not to fly with not even in the top ten social media fifth on Wednesday after the franchise 0.6 Source: Marks & Spencer
customers to prosper. If they veer British Airways doesn’t bother you at offerings. company increased its annual profit
from this path, alternative suppliers all — in fact, you probably welcome it. Netscape Navigator accounted for forecast by 40 per cent on the back products was down by 36 per cent
will enter the sector and gobble up However, online platforms often 90 per cent of the browser market in of a rise in food and full-price compared with two years earlier,
their market share. They also need to operate rather differently. If you are 1996; within five years, this had fallen clothing sales. before Covid-19 struck.
strive for continual improvement. The looking for some way to share holiday to just 12 per cent. Microsoft Internet I initially planned to write about In-store clothing and home sales
more successful they are at any given snaps and personal updates with your Explorer was the dominant player in how these results demonstrated that fell by 18 per cent compared with
time, the more others are keen to nearest and dearest, you might select 2003, with a 95 per cent market share. Covid-19 may end up helping the the same period, but while there was
enter the market with a better, Facebook as your best option. This has dwindled to a mere 1 per high street. It has led to the collapse a 23 per cent drop for high street
cheaper offering to eat away at their Crucially, though, it is not simply that cent. The incredible creative of retailers that were already shops and a 32 per cent drop for city
profits. you want to be on Facebook — your destruction of capitalism in reducing struggling, leaving more sales for centre shops, sales were flat at its
Regulators and politicians are attraction to that particular platform the predominance of seemingly the ambitious businesses investing retail park stores. Meanwhile, online
highly sensitive to these desirable hinges on your family and friends unchallengeable players is swifter and in their future and allowing sales rose by 61 per cent.
conditions going awry. Once a player being on it, too. The bigger its more brutal than we often imagine. landlords to find new tenants with M&S performed well despite the
in a given market secures a position of customer base, the more attractive it is Since 1984, only 19 companies have fresh ideas. high street, rather than because of
dominance, perhaps they can now rig to each additional possible customer. been in the FTSE 100 continuously. It has also encouraged businesses it. The company even gave an
the rules. They can make it difficult We are almost willing it to become a Nearly 300 others have been and gone example in its half-year results of
for new entrants to get into the monopoly. in that time frame. ‘M&S is not alone in where it had grown sales by
market, perhaps simply by buying This problem is exercising Chris The risk of overestimation is in relocating an “aged” shop in Paisley
them up before they reach a size Philp, the minister for the digital believing that well-intentioned this pivot away from town centre in Scotland to a
where they pose a credible threat to economy. He is mulling over regulations can bring about their “modern” unit on an adjacent retail
the established order. The incumbent responses to a public consultation on desired results without serious town centres with its park with “good access and
can now profiteer by offering a the extent to which the government unintended consequences. On parking”.
relatively poor service at higher prices, should intervene to try to force more occasions, these consequences can physical stores’ Of M&S’s £1.5 billion of clothing
safe in the knowledge that the competition in the tech sector. At a strengthen incumbents rather than and home sales in the past six
customer does not really have recent conference hosted by my own insurgents. If, for example, we make it to focus on actually making money months, £1 billion was from shops
anywhere else to turn. Institute of Economic Affairs, he harder for Google to acquire and rather than their like-for-like sales, and £500 million from online, but as
This is where the debate has got to indicated that he would favour any assimilate new technology companies, which are particularly irrelevant the results make clear, retail parks
with regards to the appropriate new state powers being “light-touch” one might assume this would lead to a when you are comparing your are driving the performance of
regulation of technology giants. Last and that they could also be temporary more varied and dynamic performance with a period when shops, not the high street.
week, Google lost a vital court appeal — if, over time, a player in the digital marketplace. Yet it might be just as Britain was in lockdown a year ago, The company’s emphasis on the
against the European Commission. marketplace began to lose its position likely to lead to fewer entrants into and it has forced bricks-and-mortar high street is going to fall further. It
The issue hinged on whether Google of dominance, it could expect fewer the market if entrepreneurs feel it is retailers to accelerate their online wants to cut the number of full-line
itself could prioritise its own shopping strictures to be placed on its going to become far more difficult to operations and to understand how to shops it has to 180 modern stores,
platform when customers used the behaviour. sell their company than was the case integrate it with their shops. meaning that at least 110 locations
search engine to look for products Although Philp’s intentions seem previously. Similarly, enhanced These observations may still end will be closed or relocated.
online. This was ruled to be an anti- noble, he should proceed with regulation in general — such as the up being true, but another thing M&S is not alone in this pivot
competitive practice, consolidating too extreme care. This is because there is proposals around online harms — are struck me when reading M&S’s away from the high street with its
much power in too few hands and an inherent danger that he will more easily absorbed by established results — just how little the high physical stores. Next was making
preventing insurgents from operating underestimate one key factor in his companies than emerging ones. street actually matters to the this move before the pandemic, with
on a level playing field. deliberations and will Even the most devout of free business today. 62 per cent of its retail sales coming
On the face of it, social overestim another.
overestimate marketeers needs to be open to the Of the 16.8 million sq ft of selling from retail parks, 27 per cent from

media companies e
The element that view that any given sector may lack space that M&S has in the UK, only town and city centres and 11 per
present a particularr risks being the number of new challengers we 7.6 million sq ft is on the high street, cent from shopping centres before
dilemma when it und
underplayed is the would ideally like and expect to see. less than half the total. The rest the pandemic.
comes to market dra
dramatic impact But in the case of the tech sector, it is comprises 1.5 million sq ft in This shows how much two of
dominance. This th competition
that probable that raw competition will do shopping centres, 4.3 million sq ft at Britain’s biggest retail brands have
is because the an innovation
and much more to retail parks, 300,000 sq ft in outlets, already changed.
users of the c have, even in
can address this problem and 3.1 million sq ft in food-only It also means that when we debate
services have a th face of some
the than any heavy- Simply Food shops. the long-term future of the high
rational incentive co
companies handed approach to In the past, M&S may still have street, we must realise that it
to want them to looking as if their
loo competition policy. driven the bulk of its sales from matters a lot less to the nationwide
position is these high street shops, but not now. chains than it once did.
Google has lost a insu
insuperable. In 2007, Mark Littlewood is director-general Its results for the half-year to
key case against the
e M ySp
MySpace accounted of the Institute of Economic Affairs. October 2 show that footfall at its Graham Ruddick is Deputy Business
European Commissionion ffor
or mor
more than 75 per Twitter: @MarkJLittlewood shops selling clothing and home Editor of The Times
44 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Why investors rush to join Vanguard

One of the big hitters accounts and self-invested personal
fuels and those that keep the shares but
try to engage with companies to push
will be to expand the advice service to
investors launched this year but still in
in passive investment Even allowing for the special circum-
stances of lockdown, which left many
them into greener behaviour and
greener products.
what he calls the “nascent” stage. He
believes that Vanguard has the capacity
has been busy during people cashed-up and with the time to He also argues that some fund man- to help to close the so-called “advice
focus on their finances, the speed of agers and green campaigners have gap” — caused by tens of millions of
the pandemic, reports growth in the Vanguard platform has been wrong to claim that ESG invest- people having nest-eggs too small to
been eye-catching. It is not only pulling ment produces superior returns: “Last interest firms offering expensive face-
Patrick Hosking in new customers, but also garnering year, honestly, there was some irres- to-face advice.
large levels of additional investment by ponsible commentary on the short- He believes that Vanguard, with its
It’s a nice problem for any company to existing clients. Average portfolios are term 2020 outperformance of ESG. We technological knowhow and straight-
have — being wrongfooted by a flood of now about £33,000. Total assets under know now that it had nothing to do with forward approach to investing, could be
new customers anxious to hand over management are £11 billion. ESG as a factor and everything to do the company to crack this, despite the
their money — but Sean Hagerty, the For comparison, Hargreaves Lans- with the collapse in global demand that fact that for now its minimum invest-
head of Vanguard in Britain and down, the industry leader, has taken decreased energy prices — which ment threshold is £50,000. This could
Europe, concedes that the influx of new 40 years to build its army of 1.6 million caused anyone not holding energy come down, according to Hagerty,
customers to his low-cost investment clients with assets of £136 billion. stocks to outperform, which is fully re- pointing to a different Vanguard ser-
platform has stretched the business this Interactive Investor, the direct-to-con- Sean Hagerty believes in the value of versed this year.” vice in Germany where the wealth
year. sumer No 2, has 400,000 clients and well-diversified, low-cost trackers Two Vanguard analysts crunched threshold is only €5,000.
Complaints went up for a while. £55 billion. the numbers going back to 2003 and in In the space of four years, Vanguard’s
Service levels went down. “It did take us Hagerty, a 60-year-old American, is the Journal of Portfolio Management low-cost hybrid advice service in
longer to answer the phone or respond
to emails.” Then again, customer
numbers have almost doubled so far
this year, rising by 157,000 to more than
337,000. “It has been exponential.” He
a 25-year veteran of Vanguard and
naturally a cheerleader for the benefits
of investing in well-diversified, low-
cost trackers that blindly replicate indi-
ces such as the S&P 500 and the FTSE
UK customers of Vanguard, the
American investment platform
last year concluded that there was no
statistically significant evidence of ESG
funds either outperforming or under-
Vanguard itself has been cautious
America has grown to assets of more
than $259 billion. “We think the UK
market can be as successful as the US.”
Does he get frustrated by so much
investment coverage being about quick
has been increasing staffing levels in All Share. The evidence is overwhelm- Source: Vanguard about launching ESG-labelled funds, money-making? While conceding that
London to 900, including contractors, ing that they tend to outperform most akthough it does offer both passive Vanguard’s top-selling “life strategy”
in an effort to cope. active stockpickers over time. badged “sustainable” doubled to products and actively managed ones. funds can look a bit boring, “there are
The United States-based Vanguard is Fresh back from the climate summit $3.9 trillion in the six months to Octo- While investors’ expectations need some people out there not thinking
one of the giants of passive investment, in Glasgow, a pressing concern for ber, although this was thanks in part to to be managed about both ESG’s ability about crypto and GameStop [the
second only to BlackRock, with $8 tril- Hagerty is the proliferation of ESG- new ESG language and definitions to bear down on global temperature American electronics and video games
lion of assets under management and badged funds, managed with an eye for added to existing fund prospectuses growth and its performance, Hagerty is retailer at the centre of the meme
30 million investors. It entered the environmental, social and governance rather than new inflows or new fund a strong believer that end-investors stocks craze earlier in the year].”
British market in 2009 and in 2017 factors, being offered to retail investors. launches. should be able to align their savings As for those people boasting of
launched a UK direct-to-consumer He believes that end-investors are Hagerty believes that few investors pots with their beliefs, even if “nobody fabulous returns from buying crypto:
platform, enabling retail investors to being confused by these funds and what understand the distinction between should be fooling themselves that the “Those whom the gods would destroy,
build a portfolio of its low-cost tracker exactly it is they do. ESG funds that refuse to hold the private sector is going on its own to de- they first make confident. Investing is a
funds in tax-efficient envelopes such as According to Morningstar, the data shares and bonds of oil and gas compa- carbonise the economy”. humbling experience. Everyone should
Isas and Sipps (individual savings provider, the value of assets in funds nies and other heavy burners of fossil One of Hagerty’s priorities next year understand that.”
the times | Monday November 15 2021 45


Vertical Aerospace they search for an

Vertical has partnerships in
place with
acquisition, typically a
private company. Once a
‘won’t fly American Airlines
and Virgin Atlantic
deal is struck, the Spac
takes its target public by
absorbing it and its
into the investors take a slice of
the new company.
sunset’ When Vertical
Aerospace announced
its planned merger with
British Broadstone in June, it

A electric flying
taxi start-up
has insisted
that its
upcoming listing in New
York will not shift its
“centre of gravity” from
said that the process was
expected to raise
$394 million. In October,
it announced a further
$200 million in
financing through a deal
with the investment firm
Bristol (Callum Jones Mudrick Capital.
writes). Going public is an
Vertical Aerospace, opportunity to
founded by Stephen strengthen transparency
Fitzpatrick, the green and corporate
energy billionaire, is governance, Vertical
preparing to land on the Aerospace said, but as
American stock market Spacs had approached
before the end of the some of its leading
year. rivals, the company was
Having started 2021 also seeking to catch up.
with 100 staff, the Archer, a Palo Alto,
company will finish the California-based electric
year with about 290. It vertical take-off and
expects to hire another landing start-up,
100 next year. The “vast announced a similar
majority” of its which intends to build place with the likes of Corp “doesn’t suddenly heavy investment. there was “nowhere blank-cheque listing in
workforce is based small, battery-powered, American Airlines and swing our centre of “There just isn’t that near the level of February, which it said
around Bristol, a fact vertical take-off aircraft, Virgin Atlantic. gravity”. kind of mindset in the investment” that there would raise up to
that Michael Cervenka, announced plans to “Very much we see He said that the European and UK has been in the US. $1.1 billion.
46, its president, merge with a special the UK as a great place company had been able investment markets Blank-cheque vehicles Cervenka said: “If
emphasised would not purpose acquisition to do this stuff,” to make a good case in today, which is a real raise money from someone else is raising a
change as a result of its company, or Spac, in a Cervenka said, adding America that it should shame,” Cervenka said. investors through initial billion dollars, even if
imminent $2.2 billion so-called blank-cheque that its forthcoming be operating in a “really Although Spacs “sort public offerings before you’ve got the right
arrival in New York. listing this summer. It combination with substantial market” of exist” in Britain and listing their shares on a product, you risk falling
Vertical Aerospace, has partnerships in Broadstone Acquisition after a few years of Europe, he added that stock exchange. Then behind.”

Ethics fears just smoke and mirrors, Narrow focus

will not help
says billionaire backing Big Tobacco productivity
Alex Ralph partly because of concerns about the while Imperial sells the JPS and David- combinations run very quickly into Jessica Newman
ethics and future of the tobacco off brands. The industry is under very significant anti-trust issues in a
A secretive Cayman Islands-based industry. Some institutional invest- pressure from stricter regulation, great- sector that is super-highly regulated Focusing on Britain’s least productive
tycoon who has built a combined £5 bil- ment funds actively avoid tobacco. er health awareness and the increasing and not exactly liked by the regulators. companies will distract policymakers
lion stake in two of the world’s biggest Dart, 66, has declined to comment on importance of ESG investment. So there is a reason why you haven’t from tackling wider investment and
tobacco companies is said to believe his investments, but according to Philip Morris International, the seen any major industry consolidation management weaknesses, a report
that the sector has been undervalued sources he is a “value investor” who owner of Marlboro, has said that its in the last five years.” suggests.
because investors have been “spooked” does not believe that the tobacco sector future is in “smoke-free” products and Dart is the scion of Dart Container, a According to the Resolution Foun-
by ethical concerns. will “disappear tomorrow . . . They’ve it has been buying into the medicines Michigan-based family business. He dation and the Centre for Economic
Kenneth Dart, billionaire heir to an invested in tobacco since the Seventies. industry, including, controversially, the moved from the United States to Grand Performance at the London School of
American foam cups fortune, has They know the sector very well. They £1 billion acquisition of Vectura, the Cayman in the early 1990s. He has in- Economics, Britain is approaching the
become one of the largest shareholders think because of ESG [environmental, respiratory drugs company. vested heavily in the British overseas 2020s with a significant problem of low
in the London-listed British American social and governance] considerations Dart has a reputation as an activist territory in the Caribbean and is be- productivity.
Tobacco and Imperial Brands and has investors are spooked. This sector investor in distressed debt, which has lieved to be its largest private landown- The authors of Business Time warn
continued to increase his stakes in offers very attractive valuations.” raised speculation that his stake-build- er. He also has built a global investment that many in the industry are misread-
recent months. Dart owned a stake in RJ Reynolds, ing is motivated by further consolida- empire. ing problems of low productivity, put-
Dart’s Spring Mountain Investments the American group now owned by tion in the industry. Sources said, The portfolio of Dart’s eponymous ting too much emphasis on boosting the
vehicle has built a 7 per cent stake in BAT. Shares in BAT have halved over though, that the industry consolidation companies spans property, hospitality, output of unproductive firms. They
BAT, worth £4.5 billion, and a 4.75 per the past five years since achieving their had “happened already . . . The reality is retail, entertainment, finance and bio- want a spotlight on improving eco-
cent position in Imperial, valued at high point in June 2017 and Imperial by this is one of the most heavily concen- technology in Europe, the United nomy-wide factors that companies use
£700 million. Dart’s stakes have 60 per cent since a high in April the trated sectors in [fast-moving consum- States and the Caribbean, according to to drive growth. These include greater
intrigued analysts and investors as same year. er goods] now and it’s one of the most its website. investment — which rose by only 1 per
there has been a scarcity of buyers, BAT owns Lucky Strike and Dunhill, heavily regulated sectors. Any further Dart declined to comment. cent in the five years to the second quar-
ter of this year, compared with an aver-
age 16 per cent rise in Germany, France

Frost’s threats ‘deter trade’ with Northern Ireland and the United States — research and
development and leadership.
“The UK entered the 2020s with an
abysmal productivity record and a mis-
Louisa Clarence-Smith on goods arriving from Great Britain. legally challengeable, so they’ll stop bility, affordability and simplicity and diagnosis of why this is happening,”
However, business groups said that it sending stuff to Northern Ireland. Article 16 does none of those things.” Greg Thwaites, research director at the
Northern Ireland risks becoming a would not improve trade but instead “The third impact will be those EU The protocol, part of the Brexit with- Resolution Foundation, said. “Rather
“legal basket case” that will deter trade would create legal uncertainty. customers and suppliers who our man- drawal deal agreed between London than focus on the UK’s long tail of un-
and investment if Article 16 is triggered, Stephen Kelly, chief executive of ufacturers have been enjoying good and Brussels, is designed to avoid a hard productive firms, we need to see
companies have warned. Manufacturing NI, which represents trade with this year. They will also see border on the island of Ireland. economy-wide improvements to how
Businesses there have taken calls 550 businesses, said that the impact on huge legal jeopardy in buying or sup- Seamus Leheny, policy manager at firms invest and innovate, as well as
from European Union customers ask- trade would be “instantaneous”. “Busi- plying to Northern Ireland and they’ll Logistics UK, said that if Article 16 was how staff are managed and trained.
ing if they are still allowed to trade nesses who are not sending stuff to stop sending stuff or buying stuff.” triggered, the EU could “start imposing “These are not quick productivity
because of the threat from Lord Frost, Northern Ireland won’t suddenly start Aodhán Connolly, director of the more checks on EU ports that would fixes and they are likely to cost money
the Brexit minister, the province’s man- to send goods,” he said. “The businesses Northern Ireland Retail Consortium, impact trade with Great Britain”. in the short term. But they need to be
ufacturing trade association has said. who have spent time and have navi- said: “Some are holding up Article 16 as Invest Northern Ireland, the govern- pursued as part of a new economic
Triggering Article 16 would unilater- gated the new rules to send stuff from this beacon of hope that removes the ment’s regional business development strategy that will deliver stronger
ally suspend part of the Northern Ire- Great Britain to Northern Ireland will challenges of the protocol, but it agency, said that investors were con- growth and higher living standards in
land protocol, scrapping border checks be viewed in boardrooms as being doesn’t. Businesses ask for clarity, sta- tinuing to move forward with projects. the years to come.”
the times | Monday November 15 2021 47

Working life Business


Now it’s time

for exports to
rise to the top
of the agenda
The government is set to kick-start efforts
to boost overseas trade, writes Richard Tyler

amuel Brooksworth German economy, according to
prefers Bury’s climate at the World Bank.
this time of year, with its The Office for National
average temperature of Statistics said last week that in
about 10C, than the the three months to September
humid 31C heat of Accra, Ghana, exports and imports remained
but the entrepreneur is soldiering lower than they were in the same Nick Grey, the founder of Gtech, the cleaner maker, is looking at other products, including adult toys, to appeal to buyers online
on. You can understand why. He period in 2018. In its forecasts
can see opportunities to expand published with the autumn
his services business in every budget, the Office for Budget Are adult toys the answer to cleaning up online?
country he visits. Next on his list Responsibility said that it
are Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria, expected exports to fall “slightly” Jumping from vacuum cleaners for social media influencers,
Tanzania and Uganda. over the next few years, adding to adult toys is not a typical complete with bar, dancefloor,
The former contestant on The that “the evidence so far suggests move for most manufacturers, hot tub and show kitchen.
Apprentice launched Remoteli, his that both import and export but it is one that Nick Grey is “There are very few companies
company, a year ago. He realised intensity have been reduced by considering (Richard Tyler that we look at and think, ‘Oh
during lockdowns that businesses Brexit, with developments still writes). yeah, they are doing it really
could be run from anywhere in consistent with our initial The Worcester-based founder well.’ Most of them are trying to
the world and left his job as an assumption of a 15 per cent of Gtech, the household goods interrupt people’s entertainment
account manager at The reduction in each”. maker, wants to use social media by giving them corporate
Guardian Media Group. “The The Department for to reach consumers globally and messages.”
pandemic was a massive eye- International Trade, led by Anne- accepts that the company’s Grey’s business had sales of
opener,” Brooksworth, 33, said. “It Marie Trevelyan since September, existing range may not resonate £86 million and pre-tax profits of
gave me the boldness to go out wants to reverse that trend. Trade as well with this audience. £17.2 million last year, with about
and do it.” bodies expect the department to First, it is experimenting with 7 per cent of turnover generated
Having visited Ghana, where use this week to “draw a line in platforms such as TikTok. “If you overseas. “Access to a global
his parents were born, he knew the sand” after the disruption to can build an audience on social market is crucial, because if you
that unemployment rates among cross-border trade caused by media, it’s often a global have an awareness and branding
highly skilled recent graduates Brexit since January 1. audience and it’s free,” he said, in a territory, setting up
were too high, so he set about In October it launched the “but people go on social media to distribution is the simplest thing
creating a services business that Export Support Service, offering be entertained and not to hear in the world.”
matched their skills with to answer questions from those boring news about companies or Stage two is exploring product
employers — initially in Britain, trading with the European Union advertising. How you crack that ranges that a new audience is
and more recently overseas, too. via a dedicated phone and web to get a good feeling about your likely to be interested in. “We are
Today he employs 70 staff, who portal. The chancellor extended brand without interrupting their looking at related companies
provide services ranging from its remit beyond Europe to the content is fascinating.” whose products are more suited
customer service and personal rest of the world in his budget, He has hired a content creator to social media than vacuum
assistants to business providing £45 million in funding and producer, who use the cleaners,” Grey said. “We are very
development, software and over the next three years. TikTok handle Gtechsocial. “Some interested in Lovehoney and the
graphic design and social media UK Export Finance, the of the posts have had half a adult toys market. There’s growth
from offices in Accra and London. department’s finance division, is million views in America, so that’s in that market. If people were
He’s eyeing Kigali, the capital of expected to launch a new loan significant,” Grey, 53, said. interested in curtain rails . . . we
Rwanda, for its next base. “Kigali guarantee service to attract He has cleared out the retail would ask, ‘What is good about
is the most structured city I have foreign companies — such as space at the Gtech head office them and what is not? And what
been to,” he said. “The people are electric vehicle and battery and replaced it with a VIP lounge would make ours better?’ ”
clued up and their fluency makers — to Britain. For smaller
between different languages is businesses it is expanding its
excellent. It’s the perfect place for general export facility, launched of companies had noted a business — wants clarity on
a British company — and it’s not last December, which provides decrease in exports, compared business travel as he has trips to
as hot as Ghana.” red tape-free guarantees to banks with 22 per cent seeing a rise. Ireland, France and Italy planned.
Brooksworth’s efforts are likely to enable them to provide more More also expected overseas “We need more information on
to be applauded this week by the trade finance facilities. orders to fall over the next three requirements, such as how I
Department for International How receptive exporters will be months. A fifth had temporarily travel with samples and what
Trade, which is launching its post- remains to be seen. Some, such as or permanently stopped documents do I need? There are
Brexit export strategy and hosting HV Wooding, based in Hythe, exporting to the EU. fines of up to £10,000 [for getting
events to promote the benefits of Kent, are thriving. The specialist Trade bodies would like the it wrong],” he said.
trade to sceptical UK companies. manufacturer has increased its trade department to focus its He hosted Emily Thornbury,
Official estimates suggest only exports this year, encouraging it efforts on fixing some of the gaps the shadow trade secretary, at the
10 per cent of Britain’s six million to hire 16 new recruits, as its in the trade agreement with the company’s factory in
businesses export, with 42 per electric vehicles, renewables and European Union. Lucy Reece- Northampton last week. She
cent of those boasting more than data centre markets remain Raybould, chief executive of the echoed concerns that trading
250 employees doing so. strong. “We have not seen a lull British Footwear Association, arrangements with Europe still
The government’s last export and it’s only going to get busier, highlighted the windfall that had unresolved issues. “We get
plan, in 2018, aimed to encourage especially in Europe,” Matt Lacey, HM Revenue & Customs is the impression the government
those existing exporters to do its managing director, said. receiving from taxing rocketing just hasn’t sat down with
more to raise exports as a Others have reported exports freight charges. “They could manufacturers and exporters and
percentage of GDP to 35 per cent, declining because of Brexit and temporarily lift that until prices gone through the nitty-gritty,” she
from 30 per cent. The rate hit wider issues around the rising fall,” she said. said. “We have a [Brexit] deal that
31.7 per cent in 2019, but fell back cost of shipping and disruption to One of her members — Simon really isn’t completed and we
to 27.1 per cent in 2020, during the supply chains. A survey by the Tennant, managing director of should be focused on filling the
pandemic. In contrast, exports Federation of Small Businesses Sanders & Sanders, a fifth- holes. That should be the priority
represent 43 per cent of the last month found that 42 per cent generation family shoemaking above everything else.”
48 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Business Equity prices

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

Automobiles & parts 3,687.77 Direct Line Ins 277 – 13 7.9 10.4 34,955.78 Lloyds Bkg Gp 49V + V 1.1 7.5 33.63 Billington Hldgsv 260 … 1.6 21.1 16,395.33 Segro 1363K + 34K 1.6 6.3 130.92 Dewhurstv 1620 – 5 0.8 28.2

102.04 Downing ONE VCT 57 … 5.7 14.2 26.48 LMS Capital 32O + N 2.7 14.2 362.58 Boot (Henry) 272 – 13 2.0 14.5 573.76 SIG 48K – 2V … … 112.50 Dialight 345 – 12 … …

1,937.79 Aston Martin Lag 1667K – 74 … -6.1 2.24 Drumzv X … … -8.1 38,669.70 Lond Stk Ex Gp 6938 – 180 1.0 64.0 1,665.78 Breedon Groupv 98K – 3 … 23.4 615.59 SigmaRocv 96K + 3 … 31.0 5,171.61 Electrolux 'B' 1719X + 4N 5.4 8.1

568.07 EFG-Hermes Hldg 123V + 3X … 7.7 5,114.14 M&G 196O – 4O 9.2 81.9 4,770.90 Br Land 514O – 3 1.6 -4.6 1,500.10 Sirius Real Estate 141W + 3W 2.1 11.8 10.67 Feedbackv 1 + V … -6.3

Banking & finance 121.84 EPE Special Oppsv 379 – 7 … 1.6 3,312.62 Man 236W + 6N 3.2 14.5 17.09 Caledonian Tstv 145 … … … 53.73 Smart (J) 128K … 2.5 13.1 287.97 Gooch Hsegov 1150 – 30 … 92.7
88.70 Steppe Cementv 40K – O 9.3 9.3 278.75 Goodwin 3625 – 5 2.2 22.0
241.09 FBD 687O + 4N … 9.0 9.71 Manx Finv 8K … … 6.7 1,442.06 Cap & Count Prop 169W – 5V … -3.9
5,739.67 abrdn 263V + 7K 5.5 4.0 5,787.21 Taylor Wimpey‡ 158X + 3W 2.6 11.5 11,958.83 Halma 3150 + 160 0.5 58.7
7.99 Fiskev 67K … … 14.0 2.96 Marechale Capv 3N – W … 9.5 102.55 Cap & Regnl 62 – K … -0.5
8,776.95 Admiral 2930 + 28 4.0 13.1 68.83 Town Centre 130 + 5 3.8 -2.5
87.70 Frenkel Toppingv 77K … 1.7 45.0 62,543.93 Marsh McLn 12387K + 334W 1.0 35.2 21.76 Cardiff Prop 1950 + 25 0.9 13.0 1,459.97 Hill & Smith 1830 + 30 1.4 72.3
20.50 ADVFNv 78K + 6 … 47.0 3,488.58 Travis Perkins 1565 + 11K … 22.5
296.20 Georgia Capital 626 + 24 … 0.9 422.94 Mattioli Woodsv 835 + 20 2.4 … 168.99 Carecapitalv 37K + K … -4.4 3.95 Holders Techv 93K … 0.5 …
1,720.78 AJ Bell 419V + 10O 1.1 50.3 4,336.99 Tritax Big Box REIT‡ 232V + 5K 2.7 5.5
332.51 Gresham Housev 875 + 5 0.6 35.1 39.81 Metal Tigerv 23K + 2 … 5.5 69.31 Clarke T 161 – 2O 2.7 18.0 3.75 Image Scanv 2O + V … …
529.47 Amryt Pharmav 166K – 12K … -4.6
786.18 Tyman 400K + 12 1.0 15.4
58.65 Gresh Hse Stratv 1685 – 135 1.4 3.5 220.01 Metro Bank 127K – 3O … -1.0 879.97 CLS Hldgs 216 – 6K 3.5 13.5 4,694.80 IMI 1792 + 12 2.7 26.9
49,210.22 Aon Corpn 22334K + 794N 0.6 33.8
186.27 U+I 148K + K … -2.1
48.36 Appreciate Groupv 25Y … 1.5 56.4 108.63 H&T Groupv 272K – 2K 3.1 8.7 53,580.05 Nat Aust Bk 1632K + 63Y 2.0 19.3 2,400.61 Countryside Prop 466 – 3O … … 1.75 Inspirit Energyv … … … -3.4
4,397.38 Unite Group 1102 – 12K 1.1 51.9
127.69 Arbuthnot Bkgv 850 + 2K … 48.8 68.78 Hansard Global 50 + 1 8.9 13.8 24,813.48 NWG 218X + 1Y 1.3 14.4 1.24 Craven Housev 32 – 4W … -0.1 507.86 Judges Scientificv 8040 – 260 0.6 50.5
2,553.09 Vistry Group‡ 1148K – 2K 1.7 12.1
6.69 Arden Partnersv 23 – 1K … 5.7 8.67 LPAv 64K – 1 … 15.1
7,285.53 Hargreaves L 1536 + 43 2.4 24.5 385.42 Numisv 337 – 6 3.5 7.1 29,301.04 CRH 3786 + 112 2.2 27.4
710.37 Warehouse REITv 167V + 7 3.7 4.7
7.21 Argo Groupv 18K … … 8.5 5,813.11 Meggitt 743W – 5V … 99.1
113.29 Helios Underv 165 + 5 1.8 … 2,244.46 Onesavings Bank 500K + 6N 2.9 8.0 3,866.38 Derwent London 3446 + 38 2.1 74.7
1,517.82 Workspace Grp 838 – 18K 2.9 -6.4
2,292.17 Ashmore Gp‡ 321K + 5 5.2 9.4
2,891.57 Hiscox 834K + 10W … … 0.45 Origo Partnersv … … -0.4 37.54 Dolphin Capitalv 4V … … -2.8 7,496.53 Melrose 171W + 3Y 0.4 …
V 19.66 Wynnstay Propsv 725 … 2.1 5.3
43,580.76 Aus New Z 1544K – 25V 2.1 16.9
1,040.17 Morgan Advanced‡ 364K – K 1.5 24.1
88,548.90 HSBC 434V – 3 2.4 13.3 470.20 PayPoint 684 – 31 4.5 31.2 34.77 First Propv 31K + 1 5.3 -4.6
15,420.53 Aviva 403K – W 6.6 13.4
112.15 Mpacv 556 – 15 … 26.7
46,683.96 Banco Santander 271O – 7Y … -6.8 3,387.86 IG Group 785 – 5 5.5 7.8 60.24 PCF Groupv# 24 … 1.6 10.4 4.47 Fletcher Kingv 48K – 1K 1.0 -6.4
Consumer goods 36.76 MS Intlv 227 – 2 1.5 32.4
761.26 Bank of Georgia 1600 + 38 … 5.4 1,832.48 Impaxv 1382 + 218 0.6 83.2 6,616.68 Phoenix Gp 662 – V 7.1 … 143.44 Foxtons Group 44Y – V … …
32,808.25 Barclays 195N + 2Y 0.5 6.3 46.80 Northbrdg Indv 161 … … …
6,833.78 Intermed Cap 2352 + 60 2.2 14.9 947.58 Provident 373K + 18W … -8.6 224.99 Galliford Try‡ 202K – 3V 0.5 22.2 1.17 Agriterrav 5K … … -0.5
2,463.74 Beazley 404W – 12Y … 32.8 12.20 Aireav 29K … … 13.1 1,302.67 Oxford Inst 2260 – 140 0.1 31.4
313.28 IPF 140 – 1K … 16.4 41,443.34 Prudential 1509 + 33K 0.7 20.9 1,585.80 Genuit Group 639 – 15 0.7 41.2
9.49 Blue Star Capitalv V … … 3.8 32,693.04 Philips El nv 3563X + 35 2.0 37.4
2,902.55 Intl Public Pntshp‡ 170V + 1W 4.3 52.6 30.20 Quantum Blockchain techv3N – V … … 459.45 Gleeson (MJ)‡ 788 – 32 … 45.6 281.02 Anglo-Eastern 709 – 23 0.1 6.5
128.13 BP Marsh&Ptnrsv 342 + 5 0.6 8.9 4.83 PipeHawkv 13K – K … …
3,366.08 Investec 349N + 19 1.5 14.0 2,578.07 Quilter PLC 153N – 3W 3.0 42.5 3,049.93 Grafton Gp Uts 1270 – 90 2.1 15.1 216.33 Animalcarev‡ 360 – 2 1.1 …
14.37 Braveheart Invv 27K – 1K … 0.7
15,904.73 AB Foods 2009 + 122K … 39.7 24.39 Pressure Techv 78K … … -0.8
14.36 Investment Co 301 + 1 1.0 10.3 495.38 Randall & Quilterv 180 – 2O 2.1 … 2,312.77 Grainger 312 – 3 1.7 21.9
1,183.67 Brewin Dolphin 390 – 4K 4.2 24.5
689.52 Bakkavor Group 119 – W 3.3 13.0 3,788.64 Renishaw‡ 5205 + 70 … 83.5
4,511.51 Bridgepoint 548 + 2 … … 1,259.93 IP Group 119O – 3 0.8 4.4 1,232.03 Rathbone Brs 1988 – 57 3.6 24.8 1,904.01 Gr Portland 750 – 6 1.6 -9.4
550.62 Barr (AG) 491K – 2K … 17.4 75.74 Renoldv 33K + 3X … 21.0
43.65 Cenkos Secsv 77 … 4.5 15.7 131.50 Jarvis Securitiesv 300 + 25 4.3 20.7 11.05 RiverFort Global Oppsv 1W … 1.4 4.1 1,338.05 Hammerson‡ 31O – 2V 1.2 -1.7
19.80 Bidstack Groupv 2V … … -1.7 11,989.09 Rolls-Royce 143N + N … 3.1
268.06 Charles Stanley 515 + 5 1.7 25.7 1,462.40 Jupiter Fund Mgmt 264W + 3 6.4 11.5 346.14 S & U‡ 2850 – 30 3.1 13.4 569.61 Harworth Gp 176K – K 1.0 6.5
439.93 Chesnara 293 + 5K 7.4 9.6 23.09 Brand Architektsv 134 – 3K … -5.6 6.99 Ross Gp 3 … … -7.2
909.70 Just Group 87K – 5N … -6.1 14.34 Sancus Lending Grpv 3 + V … -0.9 13.94 Heath (Samuel)v 550 + 60 … 35.4
67.83 City of Lon Gpv 63K – 5N … -3.7 59,959.36 Brit Amer Tob 2613 + 69 8.1 9.6 3,177.69 Rotork 369K + 4W 2.7 33.6
1,240.48 Lancashire Hdgs 511 – 6 2.3 20.7 240.63 Schroder REIT 49 – O 3.2 54.4 547.41 Helical Bar 447K – 22K 1.9 30.8
259.48 City Lon Inv Gp 512 … 5.8 18.6 2,403.33 Britvic 899 – 1 2.4 27.0 210.07 SDI Groupv 211 – 4 … 46.0
17,570.14 Legal & Gen 294N + 1N 5.9 8.7 9,894.42 Schroders 3743 + 76 3.0 18.9 45.36 Highcroft Invs 875 … 5.8 5.9
2,122.47 Close Bros‡ 1410 – 29 4.1 10.5 7,842.01 Burberry Grp 1936K – 71K … 20.8 627.45 Senior 149K – 5O … …
1,243.06 Liberty Group 434N – 6W … 23.0 9,894.42 Schroders N/V 2540 – 10 4.4 12.8 9,811.80 HK Land 424 + 5V 3.7 -8.1
754.77 CMC Markets 259 – 10 8.2 4.2 1,005.01 C&C Grp 255O + 4O … -9.3 221.46 Severfield 71K … 4.0 12.7
7,432.24 Commerzbk 593W + 19X … -2.6 1,344.48 Liontrust 2195 – 45 1.5 47.4 8,681.65 St James Place 1607 – 6K 3.0 42.5 827.46 Ibstock 202 – 5 0.7 25.2
19.49 Capital Metalsv 11N – W … -2.7 17.03 Six Hundredv 14K + 1K … -9.1
19,692.57 Deutsche Bk 952O – V … 17.7 77.86 Livermore Invsv 47K … 7.4 3.0 14,213.21 Stand Chart 461K + 3 1.4 16.4 1,260.02 James Halsteadv 562 – 16 2.5 33.4
133.33 Carr's Grp 142N + O 3.3 15.8 7,799.99 SKF B 1836K + 61W 3.0 15.0
114.40 Character Grpv 535 + 5 0.9 14.3
2.00 Slingsby (HC)v 190 … … 3.1
Investment companies 187.39 Churchill Chinav 1700 + 75 … …
5,868.26 Smiths‡ 1480 + 45 2.3 78.7
9,473.89 Coca Cola HBC 2592 + 10 … 20.9
100.85 Solid Statev 1180 + 5 1.0 25.8
Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E 51.20 Colefaxv 645 … … 14.3
280.42 Somero Enterv 500 … 4.3 12.5
1,907.02 Cranswick 3600 + 112 1.7 20.5
4,287.69 Spectris‡ 3870 + 140 2.8 19.5
14,145.57 3I Group 1453K + 81 3.4 23.9 242.01 Invesco Asia Tr 362 + 4 3.8 -10.2 368.96 Devro 221 + 6K 6.9 13.5
3,039.79 3i Infrastructure 341 + 10 3.4 16.5 310.60 Invesco BondInc 184N – O 5.4 -5.3 12,573.42 Spirax-Sarco‡ 17045 + 770 0.6 61.2
89,208.67 Diageo 3826 + 47K 1.8 33.7
309.27 Abrdn Div I&G 100 + O 4.5 -17.5 7.03 IPST Bal 168K … … -4.1 116.14 Surface Trsfmsv 59K + 2 … …
1,321.81 Aberforth Smlr 1498 – 30 2.0 -12.0 61.07 IPST Gbl Eq 245 … 2.8 -5.7 9.94 Distilv 1K + V … 21.4
3,309.84 Alliance 1072 – 6 1.3 -5.7 1.54 IPST Managed 103 … 0.9 -3.7 3.32 Tanfieldv 2 – V … -5.6
456.17 Evans (M.P.)v 834 – 40 2.6 13.8
660.12 Asia Dragon Tr 533 + 19 0.8 -8.8 150.01 IPST UK Eq 194 + 1 3.3 -4.4
504.34 Thorpe FWv‡ 431 + 1 1.3 31.8
5.07 Athelney Trust 235 … 3.3 -23.5 203.98 IP UKSmallerCos 603 + 1 0.5 -12.2 127.12 Finsbury Foodv 97K + 2 … …
1,127.53 AVI Global Trust 1108 + 10 1.4 -7.1 1,446.76 JPM American 746 – 5 0.9 -2.5 32.34 TP Groupv 4V – N … -6.2
3,171.65 Games Workshop 9660 – 175 2.4 26.0
257.35 Baillie Gifford Ch Gr 415 + 20K 1.7 -1.6 452.32 JPM Asia 463 + 11 4.2 -0.1
17.92 Transense Techv 109 – 13K … …
591.38 Baillie Gifford Eu Gr 162V – 1W 0.2 -2.9 480.91 JPM Chinese 578 + 37 4.0 -1.4 3,380.88 Glanbia 1174O – 4N 1.9 23.7
960.26 Baillie Gifford Jpn Tr 1018 – 42 0.4 -0.9 458.87 JPM Claverhs 774 + 16 4.0 … 2,272.74 Ultra Electrncs 3184 – 66 3.0 23.3
705.58 Greencore 134 – K … …
760.49 Baillie Gifford SN 242 – 8K … 0.1 7.83 JPM Elect Mg C 102K … 0.3 -0.6
1,302.37 Vesuvius 480V + 9O 3.6 21.1
357.64 Baillie Gifford UK Gr 233 + 1 1.0 -4.9 303.44 JPM Elect Mg G 1100 – 5 1.4 -3.7 383.81 Headlam‡ 450 – 5 0.4 26.4
1,588.82 Bankers 121 + 2W 1.8 -2.0 79.78 JPM Elect Mg I 107K … 4.3 -3.6 679.66 Vitec 1470 + 50 0.3 44.2
979.79 Hilton Food‡ 1190 – 12 1.8 24.8
937.57 BH Macro 3680 – 70 … 8.5 1,602.22 JPM Em Mkts 135O + V 0.9 -5.9
71.78 Hornbyv 43 + 1K … 53.7 650.75 Volexv 410 – 61 0.7 23.6
499.67 Biotech Growth 1214 – 12 … -6.0 279.62 JPM Eur IT Gth 389 – 3 1.3 -10.9
115.29 BlckRck Com Inc 99V + 1K 3.8 -8.1 140.92 JPM Eur IT Inc 164K + 2K 3.7 -9.8 4,745.71 Weir 1828 + 8 … 31.1
14,797.09 Imperial Brands 1563K – 2 11.8 9.8
259.38 BlckRck Fro Inv 137 + 3K 3.7 -8.2 896.68 JPM Euro disc 563 – 19 1.0 -12.2
2.72 J Lewis Hfordv 1W + N … -4.3 1,031.22 XP Power 5250 – 190 1.7 28.0
722.52 BlckRck Grt Euro 730 + 8 0.2 1.3 439.92 JPM GEMI 148 + 4 3.2 -10.2
40.51 BlckRck Inc & Gwth 189K + 6K 3.6 -9.1 730.41 JPM GG&I 467 + 10 3.2 2.3 17,451.17 Kerry Gp‡ 9868V + 128V 0.7 35.9 28.88 Zytronicv 180 – 10 … …
132.70 BlckRck Latin Am 338 + 11 5.9 -9.7 663.95 JPM Indian 855 + 15 … -16.5
288.36 JPM Jap Sml Co 529 + 13 4.0 -7.4 117.29 McBride 67W – K 1.6 8.6
163.27 BlckRck Sustain Amer 203K + 3K 3.8 -6.5
973.67 BlckRck Smlr 1994 – 31 1.5 -8.1 1,099.78
JPM Japan#
JPM Mid Cap
– 3

186.24 Mulberry Groupv 310 + 25 … 38.6 Health
989.73 BlckRck Throgmorton 987 – 2 1.0 1.6
86.95 JPM Multi-Ass G&I 107N – O 3.7 -2.2 468.94 Nicholsv 1270 + 70 2.9 46.2
1,045.15 BlckRck Wld Min 569 + 9 4.0 -7.4
338.44 JPM Russian 830 – 22 3.7 -12.2 255.12 Norcros 315 – 8 … 16.9 3,865.52 Abcamv 1704 + 7 … …
11.87 Blue Plan Int Fn# 24 … 1.6 -32.1
311.43 JPM Smllr Co 399 + 6 1.3 -11.9
349.90 BMO Cap&Inc 326K – K 3.5 -4.4 354.12 Origin Entsv 281Y … 0.9 17.3 721.27 AdvancedMedicalv 334 + 4K 0.5 52.5
207.70 Keystone IT 336 – 2 3.1 -2.6
763.12 BMO Comm Prop 99O + O 3.1 -21.1
972.17 Law Debenture 791 + 3 3.5 -0.6 7.17 Pittardsv‡ 55K – 6K … 59.0 231.05 Allergy Therapv 36 + O … 83.7
975.79 BMO Glbl Smaller 173K + V 0.9 -9.1
359.35 Lowland 1330 + 5 4.1 -7.7
341.61 BMO Priv Eq Ord 462 – 7 3.1 -15.5 95.80 Portmeirionv 685 + 5 … 29.2 552.86 Allnce Pharmav 103 + 1W 1.5 30.5
127.46 Majedie 240K + 10K 4.0 -16.7
199.79 BMO Real Estate 83 – 1V 3.2 -23.3
370.20 M Currie Port 430K + 1K 1.0 -1.1 20.45 Provexisv Y … … 0.4 301.90 Anglev 128K + 8K … …
80.49 BMO UK HIT 94K + N 5.3 -7.2
65.07 Marwyn Val In 116K – 2K 3.7 -35.7
29.79 BMO UK HIT B 97 … … -4.8 904.61 PZ Cussons‡ 211 – 1K 2.7 43.5 131.29 Anpariov‡ 565 – 25 1.4 29.7
2,156.90 Mercantile IT 272K – 4 2.2 -8.7 9.57 Starvestv 16K … … 0.9 674.04 Keller 932 + 32 6.1 12.7
122.44 BMO UK HIT UNIT 382 + 4 4.0 -6.2
693.63 Merchants 553 – 1 4.9 0.9 20.20 STM Groupv‡ 34 + K 4.1 13.0 42.28 REA 96K – 1 … -7.6 … Aqua Bounty … … … …
179.28 Brown Advsr US Sm 1500 + 12K … -6.8 15,684.06 Kingspan Group 8650X – 51N 0.2 39.2
518.47 Mid Wynd 846 + 12 0.8 1.8
474.96 Brunner 1112K + 17K 1.7 -8.2 24,527.79 Sun Life Can 4186Y – 11N 3.0 12.6 2.24 Real Gd Fdv 2N … … -0.3 136,340.41 AstraZeneca 8801 – 508 2.3 42.3
3,404.94 Monks Inv Tst 1440 – 8 0.1 -2.7 5,237.80 Land Sec 706W – 1W 2.5 -3.7
2,065.06 Caledonia Inv 3770 – 105 1.3 -18.1
383.62 Montanaro Eur Sml 213K + 3K 0.4 -4.7 25.18 Tavistock Invv 4N + K … 33.4 747.00 Stock Spirits 373K – K 2.2 42.3 171.47 Circassia Groupv 41 … … -8.5
310.60 Invesco BondInc 184N – O 5.4 -5.3 12.80 Lon & Assoc 15 – N … -2.0
1,072.77 Murray Income Trust 918 – 2 2.3 -6.7 882.49 TBC Bank Group 1600 + 12 … 5.9
1,757.17 City of Lon IT 393K – 1K 4.9 -0.4 33.04 Tandemv‡ 630 + 15 1.3 8.7 4,403.86 Convatec Group 218K – 3W 1.8 44.4
1,458.01 Murray Int 1150 + 20 4.7 -6.6 2,474.42 London Metric Prop 271O – O 3.1 9.5
98.11 Crystal Amber Fd 117K – 1 3.3 -25.0 68.56 Ternv 19K – 1O … …
220.98 Nb Global Floating 89W – K 4.8 -6.0 3,195.13 Tate & Lyle 682 + 7V 4.3 12.6 69.73 Creighton 102 + 4 0.6 17.3
99.92 Dunedin Entp 484 + 4 3.3 -8.5 20.58 Time Financev 22N – N … 12.0 36.79 Macau Prop Op 59K … … -3.2
443.92 Pacific Assets 367 + 13 0.6 -7.7
1,079.59 Edinburgh IT 627 + 1 4.2 -9.0 714.24 Treatt 1195 + 45 0.4 66.5
1,759.89 Pantheon Int 326 + 3 … -18.6 5,578.49 Dechra Pharma‡ 5150 + 224 0.6 …
1,102.68 TP ICAP PLC 141N + 2O 4.9 20.9 1,480.39 Marshalls‡ 740 – 11 0.5 31.2
1,318.94 Edin Wwide 325K – 9K … -0.4 1.79 Ukrproduct Gpv 4K … … -3.0
6,053.27 Pershing Sq 3040 + 20 0.7 -27.7 8.48 Deltex Medicalv 1W … … …
35.86 Electra Pte Eq 92 – 9K … -82.5 2,460.23 Virgin Money UK 170O – 6W … …
1,763.01 Personal Assets 50700 + 300 1.1 1.6 200.81 McKay Secs 219 + 4 3.2 … 117,938.48 Unilever (NV) 4586 + 30K 2.3 25.9
105.57 EP Global Opp 289 + 3 1.9 -11.7 34.67 Volverev 1350 … … … 216.11 e-Therapeuticsv 42 – 1K … …
3,613.07 Polar Cap Tech 2676 – 2 … -8.5
519.40 European Assets 144N – N 5.3 -6.3 118.16 Michelmershv 124 + K 2.0 17.3 100,697.69 Unilever‡ 3915K + 15K 3.7 22.1
36.48 Prem Glb & Inf 200 – 1 4.2 -4.2 31.96 WH Irelandv 51K … … 24.8 165.92 Eco Animal Hlthv 245 – 15 … 20.3
921.88 European Opp Tr 880 – 2 0.2 -9.5 3,000.03 Renewables Inf 132W + 1K 6.0 15.4
12.56 Walker Crips Grp 29K … 0.5 … 1,099.02 Morgan Sindall 2370 + 70 2.5 14.7 1,232.79 Victoriav 1055 … … …
4,926.62 F&C Investment Tr 933 + 1 1.2 -7.2 4,324.17 RIT Cap Ptnr 2760 + 50 … 0.4 381.35 EKF Diagnosticsv‡ 82V + 1V 1.2 23.2
365.16 Fidlty Asian Val 499 + 20 1.7 -2.9 271.38 Riverstone 492 + 4 … -39.7 155,550.62 Wells Fargo 3788 + 22W 0.7 13.9 536.11 Mountview 13750 – 200 2.9 17.3
1,736.26 Fidelity China Sp 337K + 17 1.3 -4.8 101.91 Futura Medicalv 35K + K … …
782.55 Fdlty Emer Mkts 859 + 1 1.4 -11.3
Schroder TotRt
Schrd Asia Pac
45,495.09 Westpac 1240 – 27O 1.3 19.2 232.09 NewRiver REIT 75 – 2O … -1.5 Engineering 3,679.68 Genus 5595 + 105 0.5 76.0
1,401.56 Fidlty Euro Val 341 + K 1.9 -6.8 10.70 Worsley Investors Ltd 31X + 1N … 99.0
213.60 Schrod Inc Gwth 307K – K 4.2 0.6 114.33 Palace Capital 247 – 1 4.0 …
331.19 Fidlty Jap Tru 255 + 2 … -6.4 48,993.73 Zurich Fincl 32562K – 834N 4.8 13.9 80,176.03 GlaxoSmKline 1593W + 17W 5.0 18.3
271.01 Schrod Jap Gwth 222 + 1 2.0 -9.6 0.31 Ass Br Eng# 15 … … -0.2
962.84 Fidlty Spec Val 307 – 1 1.9 1.7 55.70 Panther Securitiesv 315 + 40 3.8 2.8
248.27 Schrod UKMid 708 + 4 1.7 -11.1 4.50 Gunsyndv 1 … … -6.4
2,038.09 Fins Gwth & Inc 908 + 3 1.8 -4.5 287.90 Avon Rubber 928 – 1016 2.8 46.7
305.98 Schroder UK PP Tr 33X + K … -24.7 8,701.86 Persimmon 2727 + 44 8.6 11.0
951.02 GCP Infrastructure 107O … 7.0 4.4 932.97 Scot American 533 + 4 2.4 0.9 Construction & 10.86 Pires Investmentsv 7 + V … …
1,612.85 Babcock 319 – 10Y … -0.9
5,458.37 Hikma Pharms 2358 – 33 1.5 16.2
957.82 GCP Student Living 210K … 0.3 6.1
41.26 Gldn Prosp Prc Mtl 48N + 2N … -19.6
Scot IT
Scot Mtge

property 5.14 Plaza Cent 75 … … -0.1
18,145.10 BAE Sys‡ 570O – 3V 6.5 10.3
3,972.11 Hutchmed Chinav 459K + 10K … …

2,639.80 Greencoat UK Wind 133K – 1K 6.0 4.0 109.44 Immunodiag Sysv 378 … 0.5 …
225.07 Secs Tst Scot 225 + 3 2.6 -1.1 1,602.49 Bodycote 837 – 4K 3.9 46.7
85.60 Hansa Investment 214 + 1 0.9 -36.9 1,897.05 Sequoia Eco 107W – K 6.1 6.3 2,010.43 Primary Hlth‡ 150Y – 3Y 3.0 14.2 17.87 ImmuPharmav 7V … … -2.2
87.62 Alumascv 242K + 2K 2.1 11.6 34.56 Braime A N/Vv 2400 … 0.4 27.0
174.40 Hansa Inv Co 'A' 218 + 1 0.9 -36.3 745.42 Temple Bar 1122 + 24 3.1 -8.3
33.37 Aseana Props 16O … … -1.4 197.14 Raven Property 34O – X … 3.1 1,665.18 Indivior 232V – 22 … 17.8
2,108.37 Hbrvest Glbl Pt Eq 2640 – 35 … -18.9 2,225.11 Tplton Emg Mkt 188W + 3K 2.8 -9.5 38.02 Braime Groupv 2640 + 90 0.4 29.7
359.32 Hend Euro Foc 1682K + 12K 1.7 -9.6 1.57 Tiger Royal and Invv N … … 52.1 1,882.30 Assura Grp 70N – 2X 4.0 17.1 271.76 Raven Property Gr 125K + 3 … … 89.24 Inspiration Healthv 131 + 2K 0.4 20.2
13.48 Caffyns 500 … … 9.6
217.97 Hend High Inc 169K – 1 5.6 -4.9 1,569.54 TR Property 494K – 9K 2.9 -3.0 3.30 Aukett Swankev 2 … … -4.8 69.96 Real Estate Invsv 39 … 8.3 -8.4 33.22 IXICOv 69 – 1 … 25.7
914.35 Hend Smlr 1224 – 18 1.7 -8.1 253.99 Troy Inc&Gth 80W + 1 1.8 -0.9 27.20 Cap XX Ldv 5N … … …
1,572.94 Balfour Beatty‡ 246 – 2 0.6 27.0
1,624.02 Herald 2505 – 15 … -10.9 204.91 Utilico Ord 244 – 12 2.1 -37.3 2,251.20 Redrow‡ 639V + 5O 0.9 8.6 2,453.55 Mediclinic Int 332O – 10W … 36.1
163.18 Castings 374 + 18 4.0 39.3
1,893.18 HgCapital Trust 425 + 10 1.3 14.2 477.92 Utilico Emerging Mkt 218 + 4 3.3 -10.9 7,011.12 Barratt Devs 685O + 29K 1.0 10.7
2,624.76 Safestore 1245 – 1 1.4 10.7 5.05 Chamberlinv 7N … … -0.5 13.58 N4 Pharmav 7K – N … -7.3
3,323.57 HICL Infra 171K + V 5.4 12.0 50.15 UtilFin RdZDP 2022 141 … … 1.7 3,895.76 Bellway 3157 – 62 1.5 21.3
18.17 Highbridge Tactical 270 … … -1.5 1,654.99 Vietnam Ent Inv 774 + 4 … -16.7 2,027.49 Savills 1417 + 3 1.2 18.2 31.22 Checkitv 50 + 1 … -6.1 CHF170.511bn Novartis CHF76.22 + 0.09 3.8 21.5
4,848.63 Berkeley 4319 + 28 2.6 12.9
883.87 ICG Ent Tr 1290 + 2 1.6 -15.0 1,910.60 Witan 255K – K 2.0 -7.1
1,659.68 Impax Env Mkts 560 + 7 0.4 9.3 2,440.64 Ww Health 3730 – 45 0.5 0.5 2,787.10 Big Yellow Group 1515 – 8 2.2 9.9 9.37 Secure Propertyv 7N … … 19.1 246.02 Cohortv 598 + 6 1.7 45.1 79.01 Omega Diagsv 43N – O … …
the times | Monday November 15 2021 49

Equity prices Business

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

10.60 Ovoca Biov 13 – 2 … -3.6 4.70 DCD Mediav 185 … … 10.2 741.35 Eurasia Miningv 25Y + X … … 9.17 Tower Resourcesv W … … -8.3 4,337.00 Royal Mail 433X – 4K … 7.0 49.77 Intercedev 87 + K … 31.0

1,291.33 Oxford Biomedica 1500 – 32 … 67.4 43.40 Ebiquityv 52K + K … … 7.22 Europa Oil&Gasv 1N – V … -2.2 667.17 Tullow Oil 46K + 2V … 4.6 359.10 RPS Group 129W + 3W … 42.7 168.84 Iomartv 153O – 5W 4.2 16.9

6.86 Physiomicsv 7 + K … … 19.97 UK Oil & Gasv … … … -0.5 6.81 RTC Groupv 46K … … 12.2 387.98 IQEv 48N … … …
1,151.91 Euromoney In Inv 1054 – 14 2.1 36.6 9,043.88 Evraz 620 + 19 8.1 8.1
15.50 Proteome Sciesv 5N + V … 40.3 2,357.93 RWS Hldgsv 605K – 10 1.4 43.8 79.18 K3 Business Tchv 177 – 1 … -3.0
4,118.13 Future 3414 + 98 … 53.0 1,785.89 Ferrexpo 303W + 18W 4.7 2.3 3.54 URU Metalsv 215 … … -6.7
44,587.35 Reckitt Benck 6242 + 212 2.8 … 7,259.12 LG Electronics 2015X + 59X 1.9 4.6
1,622.12 GlobalDatav 1370 + 30 1.2 3.0 6.59 Vast Resv 2X … … -0.6 207.89 Science Groupv 455 – 3 1.3 19.6
7,159.66 Fresnillo 971K + 70K 1.9 16.1
33.83 RUA Life Sciencesv 152K – 9 … … 13.03 Location Sciencesv K … … -2.7
291.64 Hyve Group 110 + N … -2.4 7.39 Victoria Oil&Gasv 2O – N … -1.1 1,593.16 Serco Gp 130O + 1K 1.0 5.5
43.86 G3 Exploration# 28 … … -2.6 1,356.01 Micro Focus Intl 404 – 7N 2.7 -0.8
192.14 Sareum Hldgsv 5X – N … … 96.60 Smiths News 39 – O 2.5 7.9
224.71 IG Design Grpv 232 + 3 3.5 38.1 7.60 W Resourcesv 6N + N … -0.7
16.34 Galantas Goldv 22 – 1 … -3.4 65.92 MTI Wirelessv 74K + 3K 2.4 25.2
491.12 Silence Therapv 547 – 8 … …
10.80 Westmount Engyv 7K – 1 … … 10,291.41 Smurfit Kappa 3973 + 111 4.2 20.2
5.12 Immedia Grpv 13X – X … -3.5 69.09 Nanoco Gp 22K + 1W … …
11,619.85 Smith & Neph 1321K – 47K 2.0 28.9 6.88 GCM Resourcesv 5 … … -2.8
1,320.92 Wood Grp (J) 191Y – 14K … -7.8 111.23 Staffline Gpv 67 – W … …
8,071.72 Informa 537 – 11W … … 27.41 NAPSTER GROUP PLCv Y … … -0.9
966.64 Spire Hcare 241 – K … … 73.77 Gem Diamonds 52K – 1X 3.4 3.7
86.35 Woodboisv 4X – N … 17.8 768.38 SThree‡ 575 + 2 0.8 26.5
5,035.79 ITV 125 + 13 … 13.9 124.02 Netcallv 83 – K 0.3 70.3
350.33 Synairgenv 174 – 7 … -7.6 19.39 Getechv 29 – V … -6.9
49.44 Xtract Resourcesv 5O + O … … 21.80 Synecticsv 122K – 2K … -6.1
11.20 Jaywingv 12 … … … 15.93 Northamberv 58K … 0.5 39.0
42.48 Tissue Regenixv K … … -7.5 48,713.28 Glencore 367Y + 14K 1.1 31.7
26.09 Thruvision Groupv 17Y + V … … 8.66 Online Blockchainv 60K + 11 … …
5.30 Live Company Gpv 3K + V … -0.7 94.90 Zephyr Energyv 7N + X … -9.4
63.34 Totallyv 34O + 2O 1.4 …
4.34 Global Petrolv K … … -0.5 202.96 Tribalv 96K + 1K 1.1 29.2
31.94 Zoltav Resourcev 22K – 5 … -4.3 152.97 Oxford Metricsv 120K + 1 1.4 54.0
224.13 Tristelv 475 – 15 1.3 42.4 1.33 Mediazestv … … … -2.9
7,015.46 Gold Fields 790N + 105V 2.8 10.3 11.88 Universe Grpv 4K + K … … 7.73 Parityv 7K … … …
21.95 ValiRxv 33O – Y … … 12.47 Merit Grpv 55K … … -4.2
12.99 Goldplatv 7K + W … 4.5
6.24 Miradav 70 … … -2.8 Professional & 25.92


89K +

988 –


Pennant Intlv
29Y –
729K + 21K
K …

60.23 Goldstone Resv 13W – N … …
Industrials 63.71 Mission Groupv‡ 70 + 1 2.1 75.2
670.01 Greatld Gldv 16Y + V … …
support services 16.03 Westminsterv 4O … … -5.8 1,534.86 QinetiQ 265V – 6W 2.4 12.2
1,134.93 Moneysupermarket 211W – 3O 5.5 20.1 163.77 RM 195N – 6O 1.5 14.0
300.59 Accsys Techv 156N – 1O … … 184.39 Griffin Miningv 106 + 4 … 11.6
6,998.12 News Corp A 1780K – 38O 0.8 43.9 813.08 4imprint Grp 2895 – 30 … …
49,163.97 BASF 5352O + 48X 5.2 29.4
3,552.22 News Corp B 1779W – 31X 0.8 43.9
426.61 Gulf Keystone 199K – 5Y 4.2 12.5 223.52 Andrews Sykesv 530 + 10 4.4 16.9
Retailing 7,721.20
Sage Gp
Seeing Machinesv
752K +
11 +
8W 2.2 35.9
N … …
42,631.83 Bayer DM50 4339W + 90Y 3.9 -6.5 3,348.58 Harbour Energy 361O + 4V … … 28,793.65 Ashtead 6450 + 192 0.6 36.7
1,123.01 Next 15 Commsv‡ 1210 – 10 0.5 … 30.36 Shearwater Grpv 127K + 2K … …
619.54 AO World 129V – 5N … 35.1
13.71 Biome Techv 365 – 15 … -8.9 33.16 Harland & Wolff Group Holdingsv27N + 2O … 2.1 51.11 Asimilar Groupv 42 … … 2.5
4,819.16 Pearson 636O + 41O 3.0 17.2 2.42 SimiGonv 4O … … -2.1
2,860.29 Asosv 2862 + 271 … 15.9
23.15 Byotrolv 5 – V … 23.1 878.73 Hochschild 171 + 19N 2.6 19.6 24.31 Smartspace S'warev 84 … … …
143.22 AssetCov 1700 … … 5.3
224.53 Photo-Me 59W – 6O 14.2 6.6 6,001.35 B&M European 599W – 25 1.6 14.0
4.98 Camb Gbl Timberv 6O – N … -8.3 3,772.01 Softcat‡ 1895 – 86 0.8 42.4
141.96 Horizonte Minrlsv 8N … … … 54.14 Avisenv 49 – 3K … …
4.96 Primorus Invv 3K … … 6.4 199.39 Brown (N)v 43N + V … 12.7
992.11 Coats Grp‡ 68N – V 1.3 16.3 1,753.25 Spirent Comms 286K + V 1.5 29.7
66.36 Hummingbird Resv 16Y + V … … 220.05 Begbies Traynorv 144K – 1V 2.0 …
41.91 Quarto 102K – 1 … 5.6 184.61 Card Factory 54 + 4Y … …
13,801.19 Croda 9892 + 498 0.9 54.7 64.07 SRT Marinev 39 – 1 … …
266.87 Hunting 161O – 8O 2.6 -6.1 211.62 Blancco Techv 280 + 5 … …
1,041.43 Reach 333 + 18 1.2 … 1,661.87 CVS Groupv 2345 – 105 … 86.5
131.38 Cropper (James)v 1375 + 150 … 83.8 25,290.46 Tele. Ericsson 823V + 12N 1.8 16.4
17.44 IGas Energyv 13Y – 1 … -0.7 9,466.73 Bunzl 2806 + 74 3.2 20.6
802.89 Elementis 138 – 2W … 95.3 9.02 REACT Grpv 1O … … 44.3 3,413.83 Dairy Farm Intl 252N – 6X 4.7 27.3 7.20 Touchstarv 85 + 2K … …
7.98 Independ Resv K … … -0.6 784.20 Capita 46K – N … 3.0
19.28 Hardidev 34K … … -7.8 46,044.01 Relx 2380 + 30 1.9 34.3 736.40 DFS Furn 285 + 13K … 8.3 294.22 Tracsisv 1000 + 65 … …
10.19 CEPSv 48K … … …
32,278.10 Jardine Math 4479N + 176V 2.7 92.3 6,165.84 Rightmove 725 + 22 0.6 41.0 419.01 Indus Gasv 229 … … 21.0 2,776.56 Dunelm‡ 1366 + 34 … 25.3 12.99 Trakm8v 26 + 2K … …
31.04 Christie Groupv 117 + 4K … 49.7
4,399.01 Johnson Math 2273 – 445 2.2 21.3 2.34 SpaceandPeoplev 12 + 2K … -0.8 12.84 Ironveldv Y … … -7.5 3,429.15 Frasers Group 679 + 7K … 30.1 19.17 Triad Grp 117K … … 27.7
27,536.54 Compass 1543K – 58K … … 193.45 Wandiscov 325 + 4 … -5.9
9,055.58 Mondi 1865 + 38 4.2 18.1 165.63 STV Group 354K + 9K 1.6 8.5 2,791.84 ITM Powerv 507 + 29V … … 3,139.91 Greggs 3082 – 49 … 36.8
15.37 Robinsonv 92K … 9.1 … 35.77 CPPGroupv 405 – 5 6.1 … 220.43 Water Intelv 1200 – 55 … 66.0
45.40 System1 Groupv 352 – 18 … 26.8 65.68 JKX Oil & Gas 38N + N … 3.1 647.13 Halfords 325 + 43O … 12.3
5,397.69 Smith (DS) 392Y + 13 1.0 29.7 13.78 Croma Securityv‡ 92K + 1 2.1 … 5,543.55 Howden Join‡ 936W – 8V 0.9 21.8 129.19 Xaar 165 – 3V … …
9,896.22 21st Cent Fox Inc A 3089V – 7W 1.0 11.8 399.68 Jubilee Metalsv 16W + V … 11.1
4,258.24 Swire Pacific 470W + 6V 3.3 … 6,027.06 DCC 6112 – 156 2.4 20.6 3,281.36 Inchcape 850 – 17 0.8 45.7 91.20 Yourgenev 12K – V … -7.0
7,159.96 21st Cent Fox Inc B 2872X – 9X 1.1 10.9 2.16 Karel Diamd Resv 3V + V … -4.3
48.40 Symph Environv 27 + K … … 313.79 De La Rue 160O – 1V … 43.4 113.95 Zoo Digitalv 130 + K … …
9.75 Vela Techv … … … 12.0 12.09 IQ-AI 6X … … …
18.84 KEFI Gold and Copperv Y … … -3.5
2,369.39 Synthomer 507 – 4K 2.2 10.0 351.70 Dignity 703 – 16 … 20.6 11,992.67 JD Sports 1162K + 41K 0.1 28.0
199.67 Wilmington‡ 228 – 2 0.9 …
34,144.82 Takeda Pharm 2157Y + 15X 5.4 12.0
13,057.27 WPP 1109 + 36K 2.1 28.1
446.63 Kenmare Res 407 – 12 1.7 11.9
4,008.45 Diploma 3218 + 18 0.6 73.9 7,143.50 Kingfisher‡ 341 + 8K 2.4 8.7 Telecoms
131.94 Velocysv 12W + 5X … … 129.86 Lamprell 38 – 3Y … -3.3
967.02 Discoverie PLC 1020 – 72 0.3 78.4 237.09 Lookers 60K – 4K … 3.3
1,669.76 YouGov PLCv 1500 + 155 0.3 … 26.70 Landore Resv 25N – 2O … -5.7
2,043.78 Victrex 2350 + 12 1.9 37.9 53.81 AdEPT Technologyv 215 – 13 … …
34.44 Driver Groupv 66 – K 1.1 36.6 4,641.36 Marks Spencer 237 + 43 … …
11.75 Zinc Mediav 72K – 1 … -1.1 16,579.85 BT Group 167V + 7V … 11.4
98.96 Wynnstay Groupv 487K – 2K 2.9 15.5 4.59 Lansdowne O&Gv K – V … …
353.01 DWF 108K … 2.0 -9.1 6,929.62 Morrison (W) 286W + O 2.5 …
211.02 Zotefoams 434 + 15 1.4 26.1 1,615.54 Currys plc 138K + 5 … 6.5
6.56 Leeds Groupv 24 … … … 5,867.65 Electrocompnts 1246 + 41 1.2 45.3 107.27 Mothercarev 19 – V … -3.3
Natural resources 8.63 Lexington Goldv 3N … … -7.7 659.76 Equiniti Group 179W + V … 77.0 511.14 Naked Winesv 696 – 35 … …
1,760.20 Gamma Commsv 1828 – 10 0.6 25.5

Leisure 8.49 MC Miningv 5K … … -1.3 932.21 Essentra 309 + 4 1.0 52.3 10,835.37 Next 8150 + 28 … 17.9
Helios Towers
Just Eat T'away
+ 12
– 111

2.92 ADM Energyv 1O … … -0.2
32.11 Metals Explornv 1K … … 2.6 32,160.28 Experian 3485 + 26 0.9 54.8 13,592.51 Ocado Gp 1809 + 83K … …
42.65 Advance Energyv 4V … … -3.8 13.14 Mobile Streamsv K … … -2.9
1,331.03 888 Hldgs 357K – 18W 2.7 …
3.06 Nostra Terrav W … … -2.6 26,286.95 Ferguson‡ 11870 + 555 1.2 33.3 270.31 Pendragon 19N + O … 6.0 9.68 Mobile Tornadov 2K – V … …
387.90 Accesso Techv 940 + 50 … … 431.88 AFC Energyv 58O – 3N … …
14.45 Nostrum O&G 7O + W … … 28.78 FIH Groupv 230 + 10 … … 2,331.00 Pets at Home 466V – 28V 1.6 24.0 1,057.35 Telecom Plus 1342 + 56 4.2 32.4
64.01 Best of the Bestv 680 + 22 0.4 5.5 … Afentra PLC … … … …
4,871.94 Oil Search 234W + 4N 0.1 64.6 56.51 Gattacav‡ 175 + 8K … … 404.90 Saga 289 – 27V … … 31,081.58 Vodafone Gp 113K + 2V 6.7 …
17,658.98 Carnival 1516 – 180 … -2.5 9.93 Alba Mineral Resv V … … -3.2
10.52 Oilexv V … … -8.4 5.44 Grafeniav 4O … … -2.6 6,881.03 Sainsbury J‡ 295 + 10X 1.0 …
89.73 Celticv 95 … … -3.6 27.44 Alien Metalsv O … … …
863.34 Cineworld 62Y – 1 … -0.7 3,005.30 Alumina 103K – 1X 3.9 31.8
8.97 Oriole Resourcesv W … … -3.7 149.28 Hargeaves Servv 462 + 12 1.5 6.7 2,137.74 Smith WH 1633 – 33K … -6.1 Transport
2,888.17 Homeserve 858K + 8 2.8 93.3 70.75 Sosandarv 32 + 3K … …
1,725.39 Domino's Pizza 381K – 11W 3.8 19.0 4.37 Ormonde Miningv Y … … -3.8
25.45 Aminex X … … -5.4
224.37 Impellam Grpv 495 … … 28.1 13.45 Stanley Gbbnsv 3V … … -3.3 54.03 Air Partner‡ 85 – 4V 2.8 25.0
11,713.40 Entain 1997K – 50K … 74.5 24.26 Orosur Miningv 12Y – 1K … …
28.00 Amur Mins Corpv 2 … … … 77.97 Braemar Ship‡ 242K – 18K … 12.1
32.21 Ince Gv# 47 … … 26.7 224.49 Studio Retail Group 258 – 2 … 6.9
21,361.46 Flutter Ent 12175 – 495 … … 382.58 Pan African Resv 19O + 2N 3.3 7.0
21,095.35 Anglo Amer Plat 7951X + 372V 2.9 5.8 1,190.03 Clarkson 3910 – 145 3.3 …
401.42 Fullr Sm A 650 – 10 … -7.4 8,266.56 Intertek 5122 + 40 2.0 31.1 239.99 Ted Baker 130 – 9K … -2.3
39,003.65 Ang Am 2891 + 163K 2.5 7.3 613.36 Pantheon Resv 88 + 5X … … 4,532.90 easyJet 598 – 59V … -1.9
105.09 Gaming Realmsv 36W – 1 … … 3,060.43 IWG 303O – 6V … -5.1 21,955.88 Tesco‡ 285 + 9X 3.5 21.7
134.98 Anglo Asian Mngv 118 + 2 4.9 10.2 50.26 Parkmead Grpv 46 – 2O … … 138.63 Esken Limited 13K – O … -0.5
15.30 Heavitreev 290 … … … 124.70 Topps Tiles 63W + 2V 3.6 …
590.41 Johnson Srvcev 132K + K … …
14,669.55 Antofagasta 1488 + 120K 2.6 19.6 3.32 Pathfinder Minsv X … … -5.2 1,237.49 FirstGroup 101V – 1K … 25.9
10.55 Heavitree Av 200 … … … 9.40 Journeov 107K – 7 … 37.2
199.20 Fisher (James) 394K – 25K 2.0 -4.0
2.10 Hermes Pacificv 90 … … …
35.09 Arc Mineralsv 3 … … 2.2 150.51 Petra Diamonds 1K … … -0.1
490.80 Kier Gp 110 + 1 … -1.6 Technology 332.68 Go-Ahead 770K – 45K … -7.1
9,219.44 Intercont Htls 5032 – 304 … … 51.31 Ariana Resv 4X … … 6.3 2.79 Petrel Resourcesv 1O … … -9.0
255.73 Latham (J)v 1285 + 30 1.2 17.0 8,151.96 Intl Cons Air 164N – 15O … -1.7
2,150.62 Mandarin Orntl 170V – 1W … -7.4 2.37 Arkle Resourcesv O … … -2.5 26.24 Petro Matadv 2Y + V … … 189.48 Access Intellv 148K … … …
282.26 Lok'n Storev 942 + 79 1.3 77.1 729.78 Irish Cont Uts 389O + 5 … …
5.27 Minoan Gpv Y … … -6.2 26.61 Armadale Capv 4Y … … … 454.53 Petrofac 126N – 4V … -3.2 138.78 Aferian plcv 163K + K 1.1 54.8
326.16 Lon Securityv‡ 2660 … 3.0 14.6 2,687.04 Jet2v 1252 – 80 … -7.5
1,426.19 Mitch & Butlers 239 – 15O … -7.0 45.99 Asiamet Rsrcsv 2W – V … … 41.75 Petroneft Resv 3Y … … … 612.00 Alfa Financial 204 + 11 0.4 28.7
451.13 LSL Prop Services 429 – 14 … 11.9 1,463.98 Natl Express 238W – 5W … -5.1
464.89 On The Beach 281 – 26 … … 551.47 Atalaya Minev‡ 399 + 14 … 7.1 940.25 Petropavlovsk 23O + 1O … 32.8 56.32 Allied Minds 23K – K … -2.1
220.94 Macfarlane 140 + 8 1.8 16.6 343.02 Ocean Wilson 970 – 15 8.2 4.9
584.07 PPHE Hotels 1373 + 41 … -6.1 8.92 Baron Oilv … … … … 328.92 Aptitude Software 576 – 14 0.9 43.6 16,279.58 Ryanair 1442V – 105 … …
138.91 Phoenix Globalv 4Y … … -1.2 53.86 Maintel Hldgsv 375 + 30 … 17.6
715.76 Rank Grp 152O – 10V … -6.8 5,784.86 Avast 558O – 5K 2.0 27.5 422.25 Stagecoach 76X – 10K … 12.7
42.00 Beowulf Miningv 5 + N … … 10.91 Plexus Holdingsv 10N + V … -3.2 3.84 Malvern Intlv V … … -2.0
608.21 Restaurant Gp 79K – 5X … 8.3 10,127.25 Aveva Gp 3359 – 181 1.1 … 30.54 Sutton Harbourv 23K – 1 … …
8.27 Bezant Resv V … … -3.4 7,065.89 Polymetal Intl 1492 + 126K 6.2 8.7 210.16 Mears Group 189K – 3K … 43.7
13.27 Rotalav 26K … … 23.2 145.90 Bangov 192 – 3K … … 460.65 Wincanton 370 … 0.7 11.2
99,175.76 BHP Group 1960O + 52V 5.8 12.1
313.95 Porvair 680 + 30 0.7 31.3 274.31 Menzies (John) 298K – 12 … -6.8
37.40 Sportechv 37W + 1 … … 381.86 BATM Adv Coms 86X + V … 26.3 5,750.66 Wizz Air Hldgs 4775 – 60 … -8.4
3.20 Border & Sthn Petv X – V … -6.0
2,084.03 SSP Group 261Y – 18K … -2.7 4.60 Prospex Energyv 2K … … -3.4 1,008.14 Mitie Gp 70K + 3N … …
34.96 Berkeley Res 13K + N … -2.0
78.91 Bougainville 19X – 1 … …
8.64 Tastyv 6V – N … -1.9
10.06 BowLevenv 3 – 1 … -4.7
371.70 Proton Motor Power Sv 48 – 2 … -4.4 12.22


Newmark Secv
11K +

44K +



105.09 Blackbirdv 31 – 1 … … Utilities
7.64 Tintra PLCv 60 … … -1.1 30.22 Providence Resv 3 … … 27.6
25.58 Cloudcall Groupv 53N – 3N … -3.0
67,830.33 BP‡ 340Y – 4K 4.4 11.0
3,665.45 TUI 225Y – 24 … -1.5 48.89 Quadrise Fuels Intlv 3W + W … -7.5 52.62 Norishv 175 … … 26.7 3,876.57 Centrica 65Y + 2W … 4.7
12.01 CloudCoCo Groupv 1X … … -4.5
17.11 Webis Holdingsv 4N – K … 36.2 32.70 Cadence Minv 22 + O … 2.2
45.53 Rambler Met&Minv 34 + 6 … -4.6 3.50 Norm Broadbentv 5Y … … … 1,253.23 ContourGlobal‡ 191 – 2 6.3 …
3,177.69 Computacenter 2784 + 94 1.8 17.4
1,212.83 Wetherspoon JD 942 – 99 … -6.3 8.54 Cadogan Petrol 3K … … 48.6 10.83 Northern Bearv 58 + 7 … -6.0 2,171.70 Drax Group 544 – K 3.1 …
16.07 Reabold Resourcesv V … … -3.4 62.36 Concurrent Techv 85 + 4K 3.0 20.1
6,463.92 Whitbread 3200 – 226 … -6.6 914.16 Cairn Energy 183 – 12Y … … 99.74 NWF Grpv‡ 203 – 4 3.4 12.7 184.61 Jersey Electricity 602K … 2.6 15.8
6.08 Red Rock Resv K … … 0.9 45.77 Corerov 9N … … …
856.68 Young & Co - Av 1465 … … … 124.22 Caledonia Miningv 1025 + 85 2.9 12.1 2,178.74 PageGroup 663 – 7K … 61.3 35,367.84 Natl Grid 977O + 27O 5.0 21.1
18,708.35 Rio Tinto Ltd 5039X + 212K 6.6 6.0 905.93 Cranewarev 2550 + 230 0.9 54.7
508.75 Young & Co - N/Vv 870 + 11 … … 92.87 Caspian Sunrisev 4W + W … … 55.10 OPG Powerv 13O + W … 4.2
44.74 PCI-PALv 68K + 2 … -9.2
73,877.23 Rio Tinto 4562K + 138 7.3 5.4 18.08 Crimson Tidev 2O … … 18.3
1,207.33 Centamin 104W + 11V 6.3 11.8 3,335.08 Pennon 1215 + 28 4.5 31.8
6.18 Petardsv 10O + K … 19.5
53.35 CyanConn Hldgsv 24N + 5N … …
Media 426.86 Cent Asia Metalsv 242K + 14 5.7 10.7
186,830.88 Ryl Dtch Sh A‡ 1641V – 42V 2.9 31.9
2.48 PHSCv 19 … 5.2 31.6
150.96 D4t4 Solutionsv 375 – 5 0.7 55.5
2.67 Rurelecv W … … -0.3
188,629.52 Ryl Dtch Sh B‡ 1657 – 26 2.9 32.2 7,082.78 Severn Trent 2830 + 59 3.5 31.9
141.33 Chaarat Goldv 20K + 1 … … 234.63 PowerHouse Egyv 5Y + 1O … … 11.30 DeepMatter Gpv 1V … … -4.2 17,583.94 SSE 1650 + K 4.8 7.6
13.88 7digital Gpv K … … -4.2 183.34 San Leon Energyv# 40O … … 15.2
51.89 Chariot Oil & Gasv 8V … … … 8.08 Prime Peoplev 66K – 3 … … 3.74 Dillistone Groupv 19 – 1K … -5.5 7,309.84 Utd Utilities 1072 + 7 3.9 16.1
3.88 Aeorema Commsv 42 + 2 … -9.9 6.52 Scirocco Energyv Y … … …
37.09 China Nonferr Goldv 9X – K … … 145.31 Record 73 – 10K 3.1 26.7 89.81 Elecov 108 – 2K 0.3 25.7
19.44 Altitude Groupv 27K + K … … 54.91 Serabi Goldv 72K + 1K … 7.1
2.09 Clontarf Energyv V … … -4.8 1,006.51 Redde Northgate 409 – 10K 2.4 15.6
17.05 Arcontech Grpv 127K – 2 1.9 16.3
116.46 EQTECv 1N … … … uAIM company; # Price at suspension;
52.05 Condor Gldv 35K + K … … 501.17 Serica Energyv 186W – 13 1.8 …
643.61 Renew Hldgsv 818 + 18 1.0 21.9 † Ex dividend; ‡ Ex scrip; s Ex rights issue;
1,338.69 FDM Group 1226 – 32 3.7 44.4
1,844.34 Ascential 420 … … … t Ex all; § Ex capital distribution; * figures
4.91 Corcelv 1N … … 2.0 128.39 Shanta Goldv 12N … 0.8 7.7
6,834.40 Auto Trader 718 + 107W … 54.3
656.28 Renewi 820 + 95 … 68.7 25.22 Filtronicv 11O … … … or report awaited; . . . No significant data.
643.88 DRD Gold 74W + 9V 4.3 19.7 21.59 Sound Energyv 1N … … -0.6 Companies in bold are constituents of the
11,829.08 Rentokil Itl 636V + 27K 0.8 45.9 603.25 First Derivtsv 2170 – 15 … 67.8
286.45 Bloomsbury Pub‡ 351 – 14 0.3 21.0 FTSE 100 Index. Investment Cos sector Nav
15.53 ECR Mineralsv 1K + V … -7.6 7.59 Sunrise Resourcesv V … … … 676.54 Restorev 495 + 5 … 88.3 1,703.29 GB Groupv 864K – 23K 0.3 64.0 Dis or Prm supplied by Morningstar.
10.84 Bonhill Groupv 11 – N … …
5.14 Edenville Energyv 23O – 1N … -1.5 2.37 Tertiary Mineralsv V … … -0.5 281.23 Ricardo‡ 452 + 30 0.3 … 142.14 GreshamTech 170K … 0.4 …
9.89 Catalyst Mediav 47 + 2 … -5.3 Data as shown is
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the times | Monday November 15 2021 51

Football commentator
who called out racism
Gerald Sinstadt
Page 52

Wilbur Smith
Buccaneering novelist and self-proclaimed ‘gun buff’ whose books intertwined African history with high octane derring-do
Wilbur Smith stood alongside Alistair the African National Congress, chroni-
MacLean and Hammond Innes at the cled in Rage (1987). In between, there
head of a postwar generation of action- were books about the fictitious Bal-
blockbuster writers for whom every- lantyne family, a more straight-
thing was writ large and epic. But while forwardly virtuous military dynasty,
his contemporaries, along with those beginning with A Falcon Flies (1980).
who followed, such as Frederick For- The series covered the history of
syth and Ken Follett, tended to deal in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, from found-
war stories and espionage, Smith dug ation to the exile of white settlers,
his own furrow, inspired by his African including a damning portrait of Cecil
childhood. Rhodes.
Having shot his first lion at the age of Several of his books were adapted
13 when it attacked the livestock on his into films, beginning with his second
father’s cattle ranch, he drew on epi- novel, The Dark of the Sun (1965), about
sodes from the Boer and Zulu wars, the mercenaries fighting in the Congo after
rise of gold and diamond-mining, colo- independence. The film Gold (1974),
nial exploitation and the independence based on his novel Gold Mine, and a
struggle to make the African historical 1976 adaptation of Shout at the Devil,
novel his own, creating a pioneer fic- about ivory poaching in German East
tion to stand alongside the American Africa, both starred Roger Moore. He
western. A “Wilbur Smith” became made a foray into screenplay-writing
shorthand for a tale of virile men of himself with The Last Lion (1972), star-
action, full of rivalry, revenge and ring Jack Hawkins as a dying American
extended bloodshed, with meticulously millionaire living out his dream to
described hunting and sex scenes. shoot a lion, but it was not a success.
He was the first to admit that his For the most part he stayed close to
books were ripping yarns rather than home, writing almost invariably about
high literature and were frequently his beloved Africa, enhancing the
mocked by critics, yet he appeared to be thrills of territorial conquest and for-
not only unwounded by the brickbats tune-building by white settlers with
but to relish them. It was as if to be wel- copious sex and bitter power struggles,
comed into the effete literary world although in the 1990s he set off on a dif-
would not have sat well with his notion ferent tack with a series of six novels set
of masculinity. in ancient Egypt.
Although Smith was accused of For their time his first books were
chauvinism, many of his readers were remarkably bloody in their depiction of
female, drawn by the old-fashioned ro- battle and torture and sexually explicit
mance of passionate, decisive men and Smith in 2012 with some prized possessions, and with his fourth wife, Mokhiniso Rakhimova, below, in London in 2015 enough to make them a favourite
wild but ultimately yielding women. among curious schoolboys. Boris John-
The formula was overwhelmingly their encounters unless he paid her Relations soured, however, and he the Biggles stories of WE Johns and the son recalled dog-eared Wilbur Smiths
successful. After the publication of his £10,000. He was unabashed. “She tried disowned Dieter after a legal dispute derring-do tales of John Buchan and H being passed round the dorms at Eton
debut novel When the Lion Feeds in to blackmail me, but in the process she over the assets from that marriage and Rider Haggard, he developed a taste for late at night.
1964, there were 48 more books, trans- said I was a helluva lover.” for a long time Smith had no contact writing, encouraged by his mother and Smith, who had done National Ser-
lated into more than 30 languages with Those who criticised his books for with his other children, a source of deep a sympathetic teacher. He ran the vice in the Rhodesian military police,
sales in excess of 140 million copies. their sexism might have detected fur- regret in later years. He was later recon- school newspaper and intended to go was variously accused of revelling in
Despite a bout of polio at 16 that left ther evidence beyond his fiction. On ciled with Shaun, a former SAS officer into journalism but was told by his brutality and of supporting imperial-
him with a limp, his private life was one occasion he was entertaining pub- turned businessman. father that writing was not “a proper ism. His answer to the first charge was
almost as rich in epic adventure as his lishing executives at his home and they Wilbur Addison Smith was born in job” and was dispatched to study com- that this was how Africa was and that
novels. “When it is time to play, I play were all waiting for his wife to arrive. “I 1933, in what was then Broken Hill in merce at Rhodes University in Gra- outsiders did not understand.
very hard,” he said. “I travel and hunt said, ‘Eat, guys. She’s not coming. She’s Northern Rhodesia and is now Kabwe, hamstown, South Africa. To the charge of imperialism he
and scuba dive and climb mountains.” serving!’ ” Another time he riled one Zambia. His father, Herbert, named After graduation he worked for the offered a mixed defence. “My father
He also had a private pilot’s licence. His female interviewer by claiming that he him after the aviator Wilbur Wright, Goodyear tyre company, then went was a colonialist and I followed what he
favourite saying was Rudyard Kipling’s was a feminist because “I love to see a one of the Wright brothers (“Thank into partnership with his father. By the said until I was in my twenties and
“Fill the unforgiving minute with sixty woman with a cute bottom walking God he didn’t choose Orville,” Smith early Sixties he had joined the Inland learnt to think for myself. I didn’t want
seconds’ worth of distance run.” past.” would joke). At 18 months he became to perpetuate injustices so I left Rhode-
A self-proclaimed “gun buff”, he went He is survived by his fourth wife, seriously ill with cerebral malaria that He claimed to have been sia in the time of Ian Smith,” he said.
on annual safaris to Botswana to shoot Mokhiniso Rakhimova, a student threatened to leave him brain dam- Yet he had no time for political cor-
elephants, an act he justified as a valu- almost 40 years his junior from Tajikis- aged, but fortunately he recovered. chased by crocodiles, rectness and railed openly against the
able source of income for the local com- tan, whom he called Niso. They met Herbert was a sheet-metal worker decline of manners and the extension of
munity, and for many years he owned a while both were browsing in the Sloane who opened his own works and then lions and elephants social security. On the other hand, he
60-acre game ranch in the Cape. He Square branch of WH Smith. ran a cattle ranch of 25,000 acres. named Nelson Mandela as his personal
swam with tiger sharks and claimed to His first two marriages he described Smith both worshipped and Revenue Service as an accountant, hero and claimed to have had his phone
have been chased by crocodiles, lions as “lust matches”. With his feared this tough, aloof former writing in his spare time. Eventually he tapped during the apartheid era. It was
and elephants. Even writing was an act first wife, Anne Rennie, boxer who had never read a sold a short story to a magazine, Argosy, also true that, for all his mythologising
of machismo, begun at 8am with no whom he married in 1957, book in his life. His mother, Elf- and had When the Lion Feeds accepted of white colonial settlers, the black char-
break until 3pm. His advice to young he had a daughter, Christ- reda, was in his eyes “an angel for publication when he was 30. It told acters in his books were more than
hopefuls was: “It’s not a game for sissies. ian, and a son, Shaun, from Heaven”. He grew the tale of the twin brothers Sean and servants or spear-carriers and frequent-
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and before they divorced in up roaming the bush Garrick Courtney, whose adventures ly more sympathetic than the white
then try some more.” 1962. A second marriage, with the sons of his brought to life the history of colonial characters.
Smith confessed to what he called to Jewell Slabbert in father’s workers, re- southern Africa, and was an immediate He continued to write until his death
“an Emperor Caesar complex” in which 1964 produced calling an idyllic success (despite a ban for obscenity in although a 2012 deal with HarperCol-
he “had to buy almost everything”. At another son, Law- childhood except for South Africa). The characters’ surname lins, said to be worth £15 million, includ-
one time he owned seven sports cars, rence. His third the occasional beat- was a tribute to his grandfather, Court- ed co-authored novels, based on his
three motorboats, ten Rolex watches marriage, to Dan- ings from his father. ney James Smith, who had commanded plotlines but written by others.
and “more Montblanc pens than I can ielle (née Thomas), At eight he was a Maxim gun team during the Zulu wars. In his 2018 memoir On Leopard Rock,
count”. There were homes in Switzer- in 1971 lasted until sent to boarding Smith left his job to become a full- he reflected on having had “tough
land, London, Cape Town and the Sey- her death from brain school in Natal, three time writer, producing a book of a thou- times, bad marriages . . . burnt the mid-
chelles, where he owned part of an cancer in 1999. She days away by train, sand or so pages every other year. Sub- night oil getting nowhere, but it has all,
island until he sold it in 2001. There acted as his re- first at Cordwalles sequent novels followed the Courtney in the end, added up to a phenomenally
were also four marriages and an unfor- searcher and he and then Michael- family from the 17th century to the fulfilled and wonderful life.”
tunate incident that made tabloid head- adopted her son, house, where the con- present day, as they made their fortune
lines in which he was blackmailed by a Dieter Schmidt, ditions were as basic as in mining against the backdrop of the Wilbur Smith, novelist, was born on
£300-an-hour London call girl, who from a previous the Rugby of Tom Brown’s landmark events of the period, from the January 9, 1933. He died of undisclosed
threatened to go public with tales of marriage. Schooldays. Inspired by Boer War to apartheid and the rise of causes on November 13, 2021, aged 88
552 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


Gerald Sinstadt
Bespectacled sports commentator who called out racism in football and marked a famous Liverpool win with a much-quoted line
On December 30 in 1978 three black score in front of the Kop and book Liv- ball commentator for the ITV franchise
footballers demolished Manchester erpool’s place in their first European TVS. He also wrote two thrillers, one set
United. Cyrille Regis, Laurie Cunning- Cup final. Sinstadt initially let the deaf- in the wetland area of Romney Marsh.
ham and Brendan Batson took centre ening noise behind the goal do the talk- When ITV centralised its football
stage as West Bromwich Albion won ing as the sea of bodies swelled in col- coverage in 1983 Sinstadt struggled to
5-3 with scintillating football to light up lective ecstasy. Then, as Fairclough was find work and after a period commentat-
the bleak “Winter of Discontent”. engulfed by his team-mates, Sinstadt ing on golf for Channel 4 he rejoined the
When highlights of the game were timed his comment to perfection. “Su- BBC in the mid-1980s. He was firmly be-
shown on Granada Television, booing persub strikes again!” was repeated hind the likes of Motson, Davies and
and monkey chants were clearly audible around school playgrounds across Brit- Tony Gubba in the pecking order for
from the terraces of United’s Old Traf- ain the next morning. commentating on games, but carved out
ford ground. It was a familiar scene at Sinstadt, an opera buff, was appreci- a niche on the Saturday lunchtime
football grounds across the country as ated by television producers as a word- magazine show Football Focus, present-
the brave handful of trailblazing black smith, delivering his succinct sum- ing features and mastering the art of the
footballers were subjected to vile abuse. maries in a pleasingly modulated voice. voiceover that accompanied a round-up
Racist chanting seemed such a stan- “His use of language was second to of that week’s action.
dard feature of the cultural landscape none and he was brilliant at putting He covered rowing for the corpor-
that football commentators tended to words to pictures,” the BBC Sport exec- ation at the Los Angeles Olympics in
ignore it until Gerald Sinstadt, who was utive producer Andrew Clement said. 1984, providing the commentary for the
holding the microphone that day, made “He used to sit in on the edit, which was first of Steve Redgrave’s five golds. In
a powerful aside. “Once again some rare in those days. If I produced a shot the early 1990s he succeeded Harry
unsavoury barracking of the black for him, he would bring it to life with a Carpenter as the commentator of the
players from certain sections of the perfectly chosen phrase or image. He annual Boat Race between Oxford and
crowd that says nothing for their crafted his pieces.” Cambridge and also covered canoeing,
sportsmanship at all.” Sinstadt also worked on many World cross-country skiing, ice hockey and
It may sound understated, even inap- greyhound racing.
propriate, today to describe monkey An opera buff, he was At Sheffield Wednesday’s ground
chants as merely lacking in sportsman- Hillsborough in April 1989 he was a
ship, but it was a significant statement appreciated by producers pitchside reporter for the FA Cup semi-
in the context of a period that anti- final between Liverpool and Notting-
racism campaigners would later char- as a brilliant wordsmith Sinstadt commentating on the 1970 World Cup. He still worked into his seventies ham Forest. He faultlessly reported on
acterise as a “conspiracy of silence”. the unfolding tragedy that led to the
Sinstadt’s thoughtful comment Cups, starting with the 1954 tourn- primary school and The Harvey Gram- Granada was Manchester City’s 1-0 vic- deaths of 97 Liverpool supporters and
exemplified his career as a comment- ament in Switzerland, and comment- mar School but was evacuated to north tory against Manchester United in featured in Jimmy McGovern’s ac-
ator and sports broadcaster for ITV and ated on Diego Maradona scoring a Wales during the war. It was as well he April 1974 when Denis Law scored with claimed television film Hillsborough
the BBC over more than half a century. beautiful goal against Greece in the was sent away; his parents would be a cheeky backheel and walked back to (1996) based on the disaster.
A bookish man in outsized horn- group stages of the 1994 World Cup in killed by a parachute mine. Thereafter the centre circle with a sickened Football was a hobby as well as a job.
rimmed spectacles, Sinstadt could have the US, the Argentinian playing a one- he was raised by his aunt, Rosa Paine. expression having confirmed releg- During the Eighties Sinstadt managed a
been mistaken for a presenter on Open two on the edge of the 18-yard line During his National Service he ation from the First Division of United, team in the Sunday Youth League in
University. And while he was less cele- before firing the ball into the top corner. worked for the British Forces Broad- the club that he had served with such north London and became a qualified
brated than John Motson, the arch “stat “Maradona. First time he’s pulled the casting Service in 1949 while stationed distinction. “Pulled across for Law,” referee, officiating at youth football
man” in his sheepskin coat; Barry trigger and he hits the bull’s eye . . . in Italy and Germany and got a job for shouted Sinstadt, anticipating the killer matches to a high level. He retired to
Davies, who would go hoarse with ex- touch, touch, bingo. That was a magnif- BBC Radio on his return to civilian life. blow. “Denis has done it.” Stoke-on-Trent with his wife, Margaret
citement; or the avuncular Brian icent goal. Well, he might not run but he He worked his way up, succeeding Sinstadt also established himself in Moran Smith, a former commercial dir-
Moore, Sinstadt could offer commen- can’t half score.” Hours later the “old David Coleman as a sports comment- front of the camera, presenting the Fri- ector of Port Vale FC. She survives him.
tary that was just as quotable. maestro” was thrown out of the tourn- ator for the BBC in Birmingham in 1959. day evening Granada football mag- Sinstadt carried on working for BBC
In March 1977 Liverpool beat the ament in disgrace after failing a drug He moved to Anglia Television in azine show Kick Off as well as the Satur- Sport until well into his seventies,
crack French team St Etienne 3-1 in a test, but Sinstadt had provided a fitting 1966 and three years later landed a day highlights show while sporting an phoning in reports on matches for Final
grandstand finish that has gone down denouement to Maradona’s final act as plum job as a commentator for Gran- array of garish kipper ties and big- Score, his voice synonymous with the
in the club’s folklore. Seven minutes a player in a World Cup. ada Television, covering games in the collared shirts. beautiful game.
from the end David Fairclough, the per- Gerald Morris Sinstadt was born in football hotbed of the northwest that He left Granada in 1981, relocating
ennial substitute with a knack for scor- Folkestone, Kent, in 1930 to Jim and included Liverpool, Everton, Manches- south with a plan to start producing Gerald Sinstadt, sports commentator,
ing important goals, raced on to a lofted Win Sinstadt, who lived above their ter City and Manchester United. opera programmes, which he did while was born on February 19, 1930. He died
through ball from Ray Kennedy to grocery shop. He attended St Mary’s Among the games he covered for continuing to work as a freelance foot- on November 10, 2021, aged 91

Margaret York
Los Angeles police officer who fought sexism as well as crime and helped to inspire the TV detective series Cagney & Lacey
In a case that did not lack incident, one idea of a film that would be a feminist the time, since women could not
of the most dramatic episodes in the version of the male “buddy” shows such advance beyond the rank of sergeant or
trial of OJ Simpson involved not the as Starsky & Hutch with a same-sex supervise men. She attained an under-
celebrity defendant but the judge. chemistry that recalled films with graduate degree in management at the
“I love my wife dearly and I am Robert Redford and Paul Newman. The University of Redlands near Los Ange-
wounded by criticism of her, as any attention on the case of the Sunset Strip les and a master’s in public administra-
spouse would be,” Lance Ito, the man Killers helped to persuade the CBS net- tion from the University of Southern
presiding over the sensational murder work that a show about female detect- California.
trial, said as the proceedings threatened ives could be both credible and popular. In 1992 she became only the fourth
to implode in August 1995. Cagney & Lacey, starring Sharon woman to rise to the level of captain in
The relevance of Margaret York to the Gless as Christine Cagney (from season the LAPD, where hostility towards
fate of the former actor and sportsman two) and Tyne Daly as Mary Beth Lac- female officers was so pronounced that
stemmed from her status as a woman in ey, ran from 1981 to 1988 with four some male officers were said to belong to
the Los Angeles Police Department reunion movies from 1994 to 1996. Al- an informal cadre named Men Against
(LAPD). As a rare female detective in the though the series was set in New York it Women. She was made the department’s
early Eighties she was one of the inspir- was largely filmed in Los Angeles. first female deputy chief in 2000.
ations for the television series Cagney & Margaret Ann Mandley, known as York was not an avid Cagney & Lacey
Lacey and became the highest-ranking York in 1992. Right, the TV detectives Peggy, was born in Minerva, Ohio, in viewer. The storylines, she complained,
woman in the LAPD. Yet the Simpson Mary Beth Lacey and Christine Cagney 1941, to florists Ralph and Hazel (née were “two women trying to do exactly
trial was a reminder of the ugly behav- Moore), who moved the family to the what men do”. Being female gave Kid-
iour often endured by women in law been caught on tape repeatedly using a the department’s first female duo with Los Angeles area when she was 13. A der and York an advantage when
enforcement. racial slur. York had been his supervisor Helen Kidder because none of the men youthful marriage to Donald York end- extracting confessions from male sus-
“Women who operate within male- in the mid-Eighties. Fuhrman was also in the department wanted a female ed in divorce. She met Ito, then a deputy pects, she said in 1993: “These people
dominated professions and who are recorded disparaging her amid a sexist partner. At the time, fewer than 3 per district attorney, at a crime scene in either look at us as a mother figure or
successful are always targets for this tirade, alleging that she owed her cent of LAPD officers were women. In 1980 at 3 or 4am “over a dead body”, he they think we are too stupid to know
kind of treatment,” Ito observed during career advancement to sexual favours. 2020 the figure was 18 per cent. told reporters. They married in 1981. He what to do with the information.”
his address to the court, adding that With a mistrial or a long delay loom- With the city on edge in 1980 as the survives her along with three children
they were “tougher than most”. Prosec- ing after seven months in court, police hunted a pair of serial murderers from her first marriage, David, Dennis Margaret York, senior police officer, was
utors initially demanded that Ito recuse another judge ruled that any contrib- known as the Sunset Strip Killers, Kid- and Cynthia, an estate agent. born on August 4, 1941. She died of
himself because of possible bias if the ution from York would not be relevant der and York were among the officers Needing to support her family after multiple organ failure on October 17,
defence called his wife to the stand with and so Ito, and the case, could continue. assigned to the case and the press and her divorce, she joined the LAPD as a 2021, aged 80
the goal of casting doubt on the credib- York rose through the ranks after Hollywood took notice. radio telephone operator and became a
ility of a key prosecution witness, a det- joining the LAPD in 1965. In 1979 she Since the mid-Seventies, a producer, policewoman three years later. Almost
ective called Mark Fuhrman who had became a homicide detective, forming Barney Rosenzweig, had pitched the all the available roles were clerical at Email:
the times | Monday November 15 2021 53

Court Circular Births, Marriages In Memoriam
Legion Festival of Prince of Wales during the Tuesday 28th September
A ledger stone was placed in To place notices for these
Remembrance at the Royal Ceremony at the Cenotaph 020 7782 7553 Westminster Abbey in the scientists’ sections please call
Albert Hall. on the occasion of
Remembrance Day. corner inscribed in memory of Sir 020 7481 4000
St James’s Palace Wreaths were also laid by The Roger Bannister as a pioneering
TAKE heed to yourselves, that your heart neurologist and a pioneering Notices are subject to
13th November, 2021 Prince of Wales, The Duke of be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and
athlete. The Dean of the Abbey, confirmation and should be
The Princess Royal and Vice Cambridge, The Earl of Wessex serve other gods, and worship them; and
then the LORD’s wrath be kindled against The Very Reverend Dr David received by 11.30am three
Admiral Sir Tim Laurence were and The Princess Royal. you. Deuteronomy 11.16-17a (AV) Hoyle, blessed the stone. days prior to insertion
Windsor Castle present this evening at the Royal A wreath was laid on behalf of His sons, Clive and Thurstan,
British Legion Festival of The Duke of Kent by Captain Bible verses provided by the Bible Society placed flowers on either side of the
13th November, 2021
The Queen was represented by Remembrance at the Royal James Calder-Smith. Deaths tablet. Erin Townsend, his daughter,
Albert Hall. The Duchess of Cornwall, read a verse from the Psalms, as did
the Earl of Dalhousie (Lord HENES John Derek died peacefully at his grandson, Barney. The Reverend The simple way to place your
Steward) at the Service of The Duchess of Cambridge, The home after a long illness on 6th November,
Kensington Palace Countess of Wessex, The Duke aged 84. Beloved father, father-in-law and
Charlotte Bannister-Parker announcement in The Times.
Thanksgiving for the Life of 13th November, 2021 grandad to George, Jessica and Rose, Mary, conducted the prayers. His two Available 24 hours a day,
Captain Alwyne Farquharson of and Duchess of Gloucester, The Chris and Leonard. Forever in our hearts. closest colleagues, Professor Dafydd
The Duke and Duchess of Duke of Kent, Princess Thomas and Professor Christopher seven days a week.
Invercauld, which was held at Gloucester were present this
Funeral arrangements TH Sanders,
Crathie Kirk, Aberdeenshire, Alexandra, the Hon Lady Richmond. Donations to Médecins Sans Mathias, explained his work in the
evening at the Royal British
this afternoon. Ogilvy and Vice Admiral Sir Frontières or RNLI. autonomic field in lay terms to the
Legion Festival of Tim Laurence were present HODGSON Judith, antiquarian bookseller, 60 guests in attendance. Finally,
Clarence House Remembrance at the Royal during the Ceremony. died suddenly at home. Funeral service at Moyra, his widow, recited a poem,
13th November, 2021 Albert Hall. The Duke of Cambridge West London Crematorium on Friday 3rd Heraclitus.
The Prince of Wales and The afterwards took the salute at December at 3.15pm. Inquiries to JH The morning finished with a
Kenyon Funeral Directors. Tel: 020 3667 lunch at The Athenaeum. Thurstan
Duchess of Cornwall were St James’s Palace the March Past of Ex- 8664.
13th November, 2021 Servicemen and Civilian welcomed all the guests, Clive gave
present this evening at the Royal a short history of the Abbey and
British Legion Festival of The Duke of Kent was present Organisations on Horse Guards Birthdays Moyra closed the meal with brief
Remembrance at the Royal this evening at the Royal British Parade, London SW1. STEPHEN REDMOND Chair, Central reminiscences of Roger’s life.
Albert Hall. Legion Festival of Arbitration Committee Dob 15/11/1955. 66
Remembrance at the Royal Clarence House years of age this 15/11.
Kensington Palace Albert Hall. 14th November, 2021
13th November, 2021 Today is the Anniversary of the
The Duke and Duchess of St James’s Palace Birthday of The Prince of Wales. Legal Notices
Cambridge were present this 13th November, 2021 The Prince of Wales and The
evening at the Royal British Princess Alexandra was present Duchess of Cornwall this
Legion Festival of this evening at the Royal British afternoon departed Royal Air
Remembrance at the Royal Legion Festival of Force Brize Norton for Jordan.
Albert Hall. Remembrance at the Royal Mr Clive Alderton, Mr
Albert Hall. Christopher Fitzgerald, Mr
St James’s Palace Simon Enright, Mrs Jilly Hurley,
13th November, 2021 Windsor Castle Dr Charles Deakin, Major
The Earl and Countess of 14th November, 2021 Jonathan Thompson and Mrs
Wessex were present this A wreath was laid on behalf of Sophie Densham are in
evening at the Royal British The Queen this morning by The attendance.

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the times | Monday November 15 2021 57

Today Some dry and sunny spells in the north and west, but most areas will be cloudy. Max 12C (54F), min 0C (32F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney
ney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Dry and mild over 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 23 8
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder southern areas, but Slight 14
*=previous day **=data not available cloudy in the north with Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* areas of rain or showers 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
9 13
11 C 0.0 0.6
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Mainly cloudy with showery light
Aberporth 11 C 0.0 0.4 9

rain spreading east over England and At 17:00 on Sunday there were no
Anglesey 12 C 0.0 0.1 Wales, but some sunshine is possible flood alerts or warnings in England, 7
Aviemore 11 PC 0.0 0.4 in places. A band of cloud and rain will Wales or Scotland.
Barnstaple 13
move into Scotland and Ireland.
For further information and updates 17
C F ethane is a potent
Belfast 13 DU 0.8 0.2
Max 13C, min 1C
in England visit flood-warning- 35
greenhouse gas,, for Wales
Birmingham 10 C 0.0 ** and 25 77 roughly 28 times more
Bournemouth 12 C 0.0 0.0 9 NORTH powerful than carbon
11 C 0.0 **
for Scotland 20 68
Bridlington SEA 15 59 dioxide, although it
Bristol 11 B 0.0 2.8
Camborne 12 DU 0.8 0.1
10 50
does not last nearly as long as CO2
Cardiff 13 S 0.0 0.2
16 Glasgow 5 41
in the atmosphere. At the Cop26
Edinburgh 9 PC 0.0 5.6 0 32
Eskdalemuir 7 C 0.2 7.0
9 10 -5 23 climate conference 103 countries,
Glasgow 8 DU 0.2 5.4
-10 14 including the UK, signed a pledge to
Londonderry -15 5 reduce methane gas emissions by
Ipswich 12 B 0.6 0.1 OCEAN
Newcastle 30 per cent by 2030, but how can
Isle of Man 12 B 0.4 0.0
Wednesday Belfast that be achieved?
Isle of Wight 12 C 0.0 ** 9
Jersey 12 B 0.0 0.1 Dry with sunny spells over southern 11 9 About a third of methane
Keswick 10 C 0.2 **
Britain and southeast Ireland. Rather
cloudy elsewhere with a scattering of
Yorkk emissions caused by human activity
showers, perhaps wintry in Scotland. 18 come from cattle, sheep and other
Lerwick 10 DU 0.2 0.0
Max 11C, min 1C
Manchester Hull
ruminant livestock and a surprising
Leuchars 11 C 0.0 1.9 ooo
Liverpool 11 way to fight this problem is by using
Galway IRISH 4
Lincoln 12 PC 0.0 0.0
seaweed. About 15 years ago a
Liverpool 13 S 0.0 ** SEA Sheffield
London 13 DU 0.0 0.0 Dublin
10 chance discovery was made in
Lyneham 10 C 0.0 0.0 Canada when cattle feeding on
9 11
Nottingham seaweed along a seashore were
Milford Haven 11 DU 0.0 ** 10
i h
found to be heavier and healthier
Newcastle 11 PC 0.0 ** 18 10 than normal. A study later found
11 C 0.0 1.4
Orkney 11 PC 0.0 0.0 11
Birmingham Cambridge that they gave off less methane,
Oxford 11 DU 0.0 ** 11
Swansea Oxford 11 which represented wasted energy,
** Cardiff
and so by cutting their methane the
Scilly, St Mary’s 13 B 2.8 **
Thursday Channel Islands CELTIC 0
10 animals boosted their productivity.
Shoreham 12 C 0.4 0.0 Mainly cloudy with outbreaks of rain
SEA Bristol London Research in Australia and the US
over Scotland, northern England,
western Wales and the north of
Ireland. Dry and feeling mild with Southampton
then showed that emissions from
11 cattle could be cut by up to 80 per
Southend 13 PC 0.2 0.0 sunny spells elsewhere. Exeterr
South Uist 13 R 8.0 ** Max 14C, min 6C 10 Plymouth Brighton cent by using certain types of red
seaweed in their feed. These grow
Whitehaven 10 B 0.0 5.4 12
abundantly in warmer climates but
Wick 11 C 0.0 ** 7 they also contain high levels of
Yeovilton 12 C 0.0 0.5
bromoform, a chemical known to be
11 General situation: Mainly cloudy over eas Light and vvariable winds.
coastal areas. variable winds. Maximum 11C (52F), damaging to the ozone layer.
The world England and Wales with some rain, Maximum 11C (52F), minimum minimum 2C (36F). An added problem for the UK and
All readings local midday yesterday
drier and brighter elsewhere. 4C (39F). Republic of Ireland, N Ireland, Argyll, Ireland is that the seas here are too
12 Cen N Eng, NW Eng, W Mids, NE Eng, Cen S Eng, SW Eng, Channel Is, E Mids, Moray Firth, NW Scotland, N Isles, cold for these seaweeds to grow.
Lake District, Wales, IoM: Overcast E Eng: Any fog patches clearing to Cen Highland, NE Scotland: Any fog
Athens 16 B Malaga 21 S
with fog in places and outbreaks of bring a mainly dry and cloudy day with patches or light showers around at Instead researchers at Queen’s
Auckland 21 R Mallorca 15 R
light rain and drizzle spreading slowly a few sunny intervals in places. Light first will soon clear to bring a dry day University Belfast (QUB) have
SH Rather cloudy with outbreaks of
eastwards. Light and variable winds. and variable winds. Maximum with plenty of sunshine, although hazy looked into using native British and
Barbados 30 B Mexico City 19 PC rain across northern and western Maximum 11C (52F), minimum 12C (54F), minimum 7C (45F). at times as high cloud thickens from Irish seaweeds in animal feeds to cut
2C (36F). Edinburgh and Dundee, Aberdeen, the west. Light and variable winds, but
Barcelona 17 PC Miami 28 B Britain and Ireland, heavy in western
Scotland. Dry and mild with sunny E Anglia, SE Eng, London: Mostly Glasgow, SW Scotland, Borders: Cloud moderate southwesterly in northwest
methane emissions. These seaweeds
14 S 11 R
Beirut 25 S
Mombasa 31 PC
spells elsewhere.
cloudy with outbreaks of light rain and rain clearing east at first to bring Scotland. Maximum 11C (52F), tend to be brown or green types that
Belgrade 13 S Montreal 8 C
Max 15C, min 4C
and drizzle in places, mainly near a dry day with sunny spells. Light and minimum 0C (32F). do not contain bromoform and early
Berlin 7 B Moscow 2 B results have shown promising results
24 SH 34 S
Bordeaux 12 C
Munich 7 B
13 Tides Noon today in cutting the methane given off by
Brussels 10 B Nairobi 26 PC Tidal predictions. cattle. Now trials of native seaweeds
Bucharest 12 B Naples 17 PC
Heights in metres
LOW HIGH harvested from the Irish and North
8 M New Orleans 14 S Today Ht Ht
Buenos Aires 25 S New York 17 B 14 Aberdeen 11:04 3.9 23:04 4.0
HIGH seas are about to begin on British
Cairo 26 S Nice 17 B Avonmouth 04:05 10.9 16:29 11.7 beef and dairy farms.
Calcutta 25 S Nicosia 26
DU 14
Belfast 08:27 3.1 20:40 3.4 LOW
Sharon Huws, of QUB, said:
Canberra 11 SH Oslo
Cape Town ** ** Paris 11 B
Cardiff 04:00 10.3
02:51 4.7
16:24 10.9
15:04 5.0
1000 1024
“Using seaweed is a natural,
Chicago 3 DU Perth 29 S
Dover 08:22 6.0 21:06 6.0
HIGH 992
1008 sustainable way of reducing
Copenhagen 8
Prague 5
SN Saturday Dublin 09:10 3.7 21:12 3.9
1016 1016
1016 emissions and has great potential to
Corfu Reykjavik
Delhi 25 S Riga 3 DU A band of cloud and rain will spread Falmouth 02:29 4.3 14:40 4.6 1024
be scaled up. There is no reason why
Dubai 30 S Rio de Janeiro 22 PC south across Ireland, northern and
western England and Wales. Sunny
Greenock 09:52 3.1 21:57 3.4
HIGH LOW Cold front we can’t be farming seaweed, this
Harwich 08:32 3.5 21:10 3.8
spells and wintry showers in Scotland.
Holyhead 07:56 5.0 19:58 5.2 HIGH Warm front would also protect the biodiversity
Dry and mild over southeast England.
Florence 15 B San Francisco 17 PC Max 14C, min 0C Hull 02:57 6.6 15:56 6.6 Occluded front of our shorelines.”
Frankfurt 10 B Santiago 21 PC Leith 12:10 5.0 --:-- -- Trough
Geneva 11 B São Paulo 19 PC Liverpool 08:33 8.2 20:42 8.6
Gibraltar 19 PC Seoul 17 S 10 London Bridge 10:51 6.1 23:27 6.6
Synoptic situation Highs and lows Hours of darkness
Helsinki 2 S Seychelles 30 PC Lowestoft 06:00 2.4 19:30 2.4 24hrs to 5pm yesterday Aberdeen 16:24-07:23
Hong Kong 24 S Singapore 31 B Milford Haven 03:24 5.9 15:44 6.3 An area of high pressure will Belfast 16:52-07:26
Honolulu 27 B St Petersburg 2 DU extend across the British Isles Warmest: Kinlochewe,
11 Morecambe 08:45 8.1 20:54 8.6 Ross and Cromarty, 15.3C Birmingham 16:44-07:01
Istanbul 16 S Stockholm 4 B from Europe and the Atlantic, Coldest: Braemar, -1.7C
12 Newhaven 08:20 6.0 20:46 5.9 Cardiff 16:53-07:02
Jerusalem 29 S Sydney 22 S bringing mostly dry conditions. Wettest: Tiree,
Newquay 02:20 5.9 14:39 6.3 Exeter 16:57-07:01
Johannesburg 27 PC Tel Aviv 29 S A weak cold front will bring Argyll, 8.6mm
Oban 03:38 3.1 15:33 3.6 Sunniest: Morecambe, 8.0hrs* Glasgow 16:39-07:25
Kuala Lumpur 31 PC Tenerife 23 PC rather a lot of cloud and some
12 Penzance 01:55 4.7 14:10 5.0 Liverpool 16:45-07:09
Kyiv 4 M Tokyo 15 PC showery rain to northern and
21 B 9 R Portsmouth 09:23 4.5 21:49 4.2 Sun and moon London 16:41-06:50
Lanzarote Vancouver western parts of England For Greenwich Manchester 16:42-07:06
Las Palmas 23 PC Venice 14 PC Shoreham 08:33 5.6 20:57 5.5 Sun rises: 07.18
The Times weather Southampton 07:24 4.0 19:42 3.9
and Wales. The best of any Newcastle 16:33-07:10
Lima 17 DU Vienna 6 B Sun sets: 16.10
sunshine will be over Ireland Moon rises: 15.07 Norwich 16:31-06:49
Lisbon 19 S Warsaw 4 M page is provided Swansea 03:32 7.9 15:53 8.4
and Scotland due to a cooler Moon sets: 03.52 Tue Penzance 17:07-07:07
Los Angeles 30 S Washington 11 B Tees 00:29 4.9 13:19 5.0
28 S 9 R
by Weatherquest and drier polar air mass. Full moon: November 19 Sheffield 16:39-07:03
Luxor Zurich Weymouth 03:46 1.7 16:02 1.8
the times | Monday November 15 2021 59


Australia Scoreboard

M J Guptill
c Stoinis b Zampa
Slogged to deep mid-wicket
28 35

bully Kiwi
D J Mitchell 11 8
c Wade b Hazlewood
Slower ball, leg cutter, edged
*K S Williamson 85 48
c Smith b Hazlewood
Leg cutter, taken at long off
G D Phillips 18 17

c Maxwell b Hazlewood
Heaved to deep mid-wicket
J D S Neesham 13 7
not out
@T L Seifert 8 6
not out
Extras 9
(b 1, lb 3, w 4, nb 1)
as they were forced to increase their net TOTAL (4 wkts, 20 overs) 172
Mike Atherton run rate and this produced greater in-
M J Santner, A F Milne, T G Southee,
tent and aggression, which coincided I S Sodhi and T A Boult did not bat.
Chief Cricket with the return to form of Warner. The
Fall of wickets 1-28, 2-76, 3-144, 4-148.
Correspondent, Dubai 35-year-old made a rapid half-century
in the final, showing all his dash and Bowling Starc 4-0-60-0; Hazlewood
4-0-16-3; Maxwell 3-0-28-0; Cummins
flair, and Marsh adorned the occasion 4-0-27-0; Zampa 4-0-26-1; Marsh 1-0-11-0.
New Zealand v Australia with the quickest half-century in World
Dubai (Australia won toss): Australia T20 finals, a brutal innings that shut
beat New Zealand by eight wickets New Zealand out of the game. AUSTRALIA R B
New Zealand had set a challenging D A Warner 53 38
T20 World Cup final total thanks to their outstanding cap- b Boult
tain, Williamson, who played one of his Attempted sweep through leg
Oh to be a fly on the walls of the charter finest T20 innings. Having battled an *A J Finch 5 7
flight to Queensland today. England’s elbow injury that had prevented him c Mitchell b Boult
disappointed players had to wait until from practising to his usual assiduous Top-edged to deep mid-wicket
Australia’s tournament was complete standards, Williamson had been strug- M R Marsh 77 50
before leaving the United Arab Emir- gling for form and fluency. Now, not out
ates for the Ashes and now they must though, on the grand stage, with his G J Maxwell 28 18
accompany Aaron Finch’s victorious team needing him to lead from the not out
team home on the same flight, the front, he proved himself once again to Extras 10
gleaming T20 World Cup and all. No be a champion across formats. (lb 4, w 6)
doubt, Australia will celebrate their tri- Williamson was in early, but there
umph mindful of England’s presence. were few signs of a return to form TOTAL (2 wkts, 18.5 overs) 173
If they go at it with as much gusto as initially and there was no acceleration S P D Smith, M P Stoinis, @M S Wade,
they batted in the final, it will be quite a as the powerplay drifted to a close. The P J Cummins, M A Starc, A Zampa and
scene. In an intimidating display, they last three overs of it produced just nine J R Hazlewood did not bat.
bullied New Zealand off the park, runs and a glut of dot balls to Will- Fall of wickets 1-15, 2-107.
initially through David iamson, with the result that Bowling Boult 4-0-18-2; Southee
Warner, a man who had New Zealand were restrict- 3.5-0-43-0; Milne 4-0-30-0; Sodhi
been sidelined by his
Indian Premier League
franchise and whose
Starc’s figures were the
ed to their lowest power-
play score in the compe-
tition. At halfway, they
3-0-40-0; Santner 3-0-23-0; Neesham

place had been ques- most expensive ever in a had only 57 runs. Umpires M Erasmus (South Africa) and
tioned in a poor start to T20 World Cup final Australia’s fielding has R A Kettleborough (England).
this tournament, and been unusually fallible. TV umpire N Menon (India).
then Mitchell Marsh, a They dropped three Match referee R Madugalle (Sri Lanka).
bull of a man who has catches in the semi-final Reserve umpire K Dharmasena
(Sri Lanka).
promised much over the and put another two down Man of the match M R Marsh
years but has not always de- here, one of which proved to (Australia).
livered and has divided
opinion in his homeland. 8 be the catalyst for
Having dominated The past eight T20 World Mitchell Starc was the
revival. Marsh, left, and Maxwell, the not-out batsmen, celebrate in Dubai as Australia
clinch an eight-wicket win over New Zealand before heading home today for
continued from back
Test cricket and the 50- Cup knockout bowler, Josh Hazlewood the Ashes on the same flight as those England players switching to Test mode
over World Cup for matches have been won the culprit at fine leg Flight England are dreading
such long periods, by the chasing side, when he palmed a strode out winding his arms around like surface when he bowled more slowly,
Australia’s failure to lift dating back to 2014 straightforward catch to a threshing machine, and Marsh waited but the occasion proved too much for including Wood, Jonny Bairstow, Jos
the T20 World Cup has the boundary. It spurred in the wings. the leg spinner Ish Sodhi, who bowled Buttler, Dawid Malan and the coaches
always been something of a Williamson into action. He Finch’s modest tournament as a bats- poorly with little control. In the battle Chris Silverwood and Paul Colling-
puzzle, as has their uneven had made a run-a-ball 21 when man ended in a whimper and it was of the leg spinners, Sodhi was put in the wood to prepare for the first Test in
relationship with T20 internation- Hazlewood fluffed the catch; he Marsh’s arrival that changed things. He shade by Adam Zampa, the sparky Brisbane, which starts on December 8.
als in general. It would be wrong to say made 64 more in his next 27 balls. was brought up on the hard pitches of wrist-spinner from New South Wales, Wood, 31, speaking on the BBC’s
they dominated throughout this Starc suffered the brunt of the dam- Western Australia and rose to the chal- who was one of the players of the Good Pace for Radio podcast before the
tournament, but they peaked at the age. That over went for 19, as New Zea- lenge of Adam Milne’s thunderbolts. tournament. T20 World Cup final, said: “I just can’t
right time, beating very worthy land broke free of the shackles imposed He hit his first ball into the stands, a fe- Warner went to his half-century in have them [Australia] win that game.
opponents, Pakistan, in the semi-final by Australia’s fast bowlers. Finch got the rocious swivel-pull, and followed that 34 balls with a six off Jimmy Neesham It’s going to be unbearable.
and a Kane Williamson-inspired New four vulnerable overs from his fifth with consecutive fours. He looked like a and Marsh followed three balls quicker. “You can look them in the eye and say
Zealand in the final. bowler out of the way, although they man who meant business and Warner When Warner missed a heave to leg off congratulations to them but when you
They were not touted to win before- cost 42 runs, and New Zealand man- took his cue, blasting a six over mid- Boult, the match felt as good as done are about to head off to an Ashes series
hand and, following their eight-wicket aged to double their score in the five wicket off Trent Boult the follow- and there were no hiccups from Marsh against them the last thing you want is
evisceration at the hands of England overs after the halfway mark. William- ing over. and Maxwell, who finished in T20 style them feeling confident and waving a
early on, few gave them much of a son was now a man transformed, hit- In the absence of dew, with an audacious reverse scoop. trophy around in your face before
chance but they brushed themselves ting sixes into the stands one-handed. New Zealand’s hopes lay Australia, as is their wont, had come you’ve even got there.”
down, altered the balance of their team He shredded Starc’s third over, the mid-innings with their good at the business end of the tourna- Wood’s wife and son were with him in
slightly but significantly, and went on a 16th of the innings, for 22 runs more, spinners on a pitch that ment, a victory that will ease some Dubai during the T20 World Cup,
galloping, unbeaten run. In front of a with some remarkable hitting and w
was noticea- pressure on Justin Langer, their coach. where England were knocked out at the
healthy crowd, they were good value placement. Starc visibly shrunk bly drier and New Zealand, having missed out in semi-final stage by New Zealand, but
for their victory, showing few nerves in from the contest having con- barer than the World Cups of 2015 and 2019, fell at have flown home to England. The
the run chase and winning at a canter. ceded the most expen- seen previ- the final hurdle again, but remain out- remaining members of the Ashes squad
Winning the toss and chasing helped, sive figures of his ously. standing across formats. who have been in the United Arab
of course, as it has done throughout this T20 career and d Mitchell As for the plane journey today, well, Emirates will undergo a short period of
predictable tournament. the most by a Williamson Santner England’s players will just have to suck quarantine on their arrival on the Gold
After defeat by England, Australia bowler in a World T20 final. The made 85 found some it up and wait for their chance again. Coast before they play two warm-up
went back to playing the extra batsman pain, though, for the bowlers from only purchase Don’t forget the headphones, to cancel matches against the England Lions,
(Marsh had been left out in that match) was not yet done, as Warnerr 48 balls ffrom the out the noise. who are already in Australia.
60 Monday November 15 2021 | the times


What MPs must ask

on Yorkshire racism
Azeem Rafiq’s evidence Rafiq alleges he can offer on the inci-
dent and whether either of the other
of reference were changed halfway
through so that the investigating panel
to DCMS committee players in the group — Adil Rashid and
Ajmal Shahzad — claim to have heard
were not permitted to make any judg-
ment on whether the club were institu-
tomorrow will shed the comment Vaughan denies making. tionally racist — only on the individual
light on key allegations, why does rafiq feel let down by
says Elizabeth Ammon joe root?
The committee will want to ask Rafiq
do other counties have a racism
about the frustration he expressed on The Essex chairman, John Faragher, re-
who is accused of what? social media last week at the England signed on Thursday after it was alleged
Azeem Rafiq will speak under parlia- Test captain’s claim that he hadn’t heard that he used the n-word at a board
mentary privilege, meaning that he can or witnessed any racism during his time meeting in 2017, although he
name individuals without fear of legal with Yorkshire. Root is the same age denies doing so. A former Essex player
reprisals. Rafiq has alleged 43 separate (30) as Rafiq and has been at Yorkshire of Asian heritage has alleged that he
instances of racism, of which seven for 14 years. Another former England was nicknamed “bomber” by team-
were upheld in a report written by an in- batsman, Gary Ballance, has admitted mates after the 9/11 attacks, and called a
dependent panel commissioned to in- calling Rafiq a “P**i” and it is under- “curry muncher”. MPs will ask Rafiq
vestigate by Yorkshire. That report has stood at least two other former England what he has heard from other players
never been made public, although pas- players are named in the report. emboldened by his public stand over his
sages have been leaked, but it was sent experiences at Yorkshire.
to the digital, culture, media and sport who else will we hear from?
committee, so it will be able to prepare In addition to Rafiq, MPs will question why did the ecb not act sooner?
questions in advance for Rafiq over spe- the former chairman, Roger Hutton, Also giving evidence to MPs will be the
cific incidents. About 12 former or who stepped down in the wake of the ECB chief executive, Tom Harrison, Nube Negra puts down a marker with victory in the Shloer Chase at Cheltenham
present employees of the club are un- scandal. The committee had also and Barry O’Brien, the interim yesterday. The seven-year-old beat 2020 Champion Chase winner Politologue
derstood to have been named in the re- suggested Mark Arthur, the York- chairman. They may be asked
port as having been accused of racist or d
shire chief executive who resigned
bullying behaviour. last week, would appear. However,
it now appears neither Arthur norr
why it took until late October for
the ECB to intervene and put
sanctions on Yorkshire, 18 months
Nube Negra turns the tables
who is right about michael Wayne Morton, Yorkshire’s head off after Rafiq’s allegations were
vaughan’s alleged “you lot” medical services, will be there. made — and even then only Rob Wright Racing Editor the hill to the line to beat 2020 Cham-
comment? Hutton has suggested that after sponsors had with- pion Chase winner Politologue by 6½
The former Yorkshire and England cap- many of the most senior drawn backing for the Nube Negra defeated the past two lengths, with Put The Kettle On nearly
tain is alleged by Rafiq to have figures at Yorkshire club and senior politi- Champion Chase winners in emphatic five lengths back in third.
addressed four Asian team-mates preferred to attack cians had chastised style to land the Shloer Chase at “I’m just chuffed to bits with the
before a match in 2009: “There’s too Rafiq and his character them. It has come to Cheltenham yesterday. horse,” Skelton said. “I know Put The
many of you lot, we need to do some- rather than examine light that the gov- Dan Skelton’s charge was beaten half Kettle On didn’t turn up but you’ve got
thing about that.” Vaughan, now a TV his allegations. Hut- erning body knew a length by Put The Kettle On in the Politologue in front going a hard gallop
and radio pundit, has strenuously ton is likely to be about the allega- Champion Chase at Cheltenham in — which he kept up all the way to the
denied having said it. Rana Naved-ul- asked why the in- t against Faragh-
tion March but turned the tables here. line. I’m so proud of the horse. I had a
Hasan, another of the group of four vestigation’s terms e in 2018 but appears
er Always travelling with ease at the rear tingle in my hands after he jumped the
players, is not thought to have been to have taken no action. of the four-runner field, Nube Negra last and I don’t think I’ve had that ever.”
interviewed by Yorkshire’s panel but The committee How many other allega- moved closer to the front-running Pol- Nube Negra, who was cut to 12-1 from
has since supported Rafiq’s account. will discuss tions or complaints have itologue three fences from home before 16-1 by Coral to lift the two-mile crown
Vaughan’s future as a high-profile pun- Rafiq’s allegations been received but not easing to the lead between the final two. at Cheltenham in March, may next run
dit may hinge on what more detail against Vaughan investigated? Nube Negra stayed on strongly up at Sandown on December 4.

2.15 Handicap Chase (£4,124: 2m 1f) (5) 2.30 Novices' Hurdle 3.30 Handicap Hurdle
Plumpton 1 33-22 LIGHT N STRIKE 29 E Lavelle 5-12-1 J R Wildman (10)
Leicester (£6,535: 1m 7f 113yd) (8) (£3,322: 2m 4f 110yd) (9)
Rob Wright 2 555-1 ONLY MONEY 193 C Gordon 7-11-12 T Cannon Rob Wright 1 00-U5 BLENDED STEALTH 14 (H) N Twiston-Davies 4-10-12 1 020-2 RABSKI 36 Jonjo O'Neill 5-11-13 K Brogan (3)
3 64-02 NUMBERS MAN 30 (T) C Tizzard 5-11-7 B J Powell S Twiston-Davies 2 F6132 MOTION IN LIMINE 17 Dr R Newland 6-11-12 C Leonard (3)
12.45 Annual Invictus 2.45 Mr Yeats 1.00 Credo 2.30 Zabeel Champion 2 6105/ DRUNKEN PIRATE 1049 (D) M Bosley 8-10-12 T Bellamy
4 055-U BLISTERING BOB 25 (H) R Walford 6-10-7 J Best 3 653-1 BARRICANE 169 (P) O Murphy 6-11-10 F Gregory (3)
1.15 Next Left 3.15 Silver Nickel (nb) 1.30 Cogital 3.00 Kalzari 3 P4-26 FIRST ANGEL 17 (H) L Morgan 5-10-12 A Wedge
1.45 Vision Clear 3.45 Top Man 5 41-03 EN COEUR 159 (W,T,CD) Seamus Mullins 7-10-5 2.00 Monarchofthegrange 3.30 Guguss Collonges 4 4-34P RUMBLE B 132 Justin Landy 7-11-7 O Brown
Sean Houlihan (3) 4 16- FOR FITZ SAKE 272 L Morgan 5-10-12 R McLernon 5 56530 THE RAVEN'S RETURN 51 (BF) C & A Pogson 8-11-5 C Todd
2.15 Only Money (nap) Going: good to soft, good in places
13-8 Only Money, 9-4 Numbers Man, 7-2 Light N Strike, 7-1 En Coeur, 14-1 5 LYDFORD F88 (W,T) D Skelton 4-10-12 H Skelton 6 P5P-5 BLACKFINCH 20 (B) S Edmunds 6-11-4 J Tudor
Going: good, good to firm in places Blistering Bob. Racing TV 6 06-30 ROCKINGHAM SOUTH 18 H Chisman 5-10-12 B Poste 7 320P3 METHAG 14 (D) A Hales 8-11-4 T Buckley
Sky Sports Racing Wright choice: Only Money was impressive when winning 7 3-0 ROGER RAREBIT 17 (H) T Lacey 4-10-12 S Sheppard 8 4P0-4 MAGGIES MOGUL 195 D Pipe 5-11-1 P Armson (6)
at Huntingdon and is unexposed Danger Numbers Man 1.00 Maiden Hurdle 8 ZABEEL CHAMPION F101 Jonjo O'Neill 4-10-12 N Scholfield
12.45 Handicap Chase (£4,084: 2m 4f 110yd) (10) 11-8 Zabeel Champion, 2-1 Lydford, 7-1 First Angel, 8-1 Drunken Pirate, 14-1 For
9 U-00F GUGUSS COLLONGES 15 G L Moore 5-10-8 N F Houlihan (3)
(£6,317: 2m 4f) (2 runners) 4-1 Barricane, 9-2 Rabski, 5-1 Guguss Collonges, Motion In Limine, 6-1
2.45 Handicap Hurdle 1 0 BATCH ME 10 H James 5-11-0 N Brennan (7) Fitz Sake, 16-1 Roger Rarebit, 25-1 Blended Stealth, 100-1 Rockingham South. Methag, 10-1 Maggies Mogul, Rumble B, Blackfinch, 16-1 The Raven's Return.
1 14-21 ANNUAL INVICTUS 24 (D) C Gordon 6-11-8 T Cannon 2 0- BRANDISOVA 216 L Wadham 5-11-0 Bryony Frost
(£3,594: 2m 4f 114yd) (7)
2 13223 DINO VELVET 30 A King 8-10-11 A P Heskin
1 00-35 MANNING ESTATE 34 (P) O Sherwood 7-11-12 A Jordan (10) 3 B2023 CALL THE FAIRIES 15 (BF) Dr R Newland 6-11-0 3.00 Juvenile Hurdle
2-5 Annual Invictus, 2-1 Dino Velvet.
Rob Wright’s choice: Annual Invictus has taken well to
2 45325 SOLDIER ON PARADE 31 (T) A Murphy 4-11-11 Jamie Moore
4 11-13 CREDO 17 (T) A Honeyball 6-11-0
S Twiston-Davies
R Dingle
(3-Y-O: £6,317: 1m 7f 113yd) (8) Course specialists
3 30-4B GLASHA'S PEAK 14 P Hobbs 7-11-9 T J O'Brien 1 21 KALZARI 53 D Pipe 11-4 D Noonan
fences and can follow up his recent Cheltenham success 5 1 EUREKA CREEK 198 E Lavelle 5-11-0 T Bellamy Leicester: Trainers D Skelton, 11 winners from
4 33044 JEN'S BOY 14 (P) N Henderson 7-11-8 N De Boinville 2 3 ANGELS LANDING 11 (BF) I Williams 10-12 C Todd (3)
6 134-2 GET A TONIC 17 D Skelton 5-11-0 H Skelton 29 runners, 37.9%; G L Moore, 6 from 19, 31.6%;
5 45232 CREMANT 31 (P,BF) N Mulholland 7-11-7 S Bowen 3 3 CIRRUS 45 (W,T) M Harris 10-12 K Jones (3) O Murphy, 6 from 19, 31.6%. Jockeys H Skelton,
1.15 Novices' Hurdle 6 05311 MR YEATS 6 (D) M Harris 4-10-2(7ex) J Best
7 12 HEREWEGOHONEY 12 (BF) F O'Brien 5-11-0 P Brennan 4 INSTANT DE BONHEUR N Hawke 10-12 K Buckley (5) 9 winners from 23 rides, 39.1%; C Gethings,
(£4,084: 2m 4f 114yd) (8) 8 1- MARSH WREN 238 S Edmunds 5-11-0 C Gethings 5 LADY PACIFICO F116 D Weston 10-12 Page Fuller
7 40/5- HARRY HAZARD 389 A Irvine 7-10-0 Tabitha Worsley (5) 6 from 26, 23.1%.
1 234-2 HARDE FASHION 30 Daniel Bourne 5-10-12 C Ring (3) 9 0 READY TO PLEASE 184 (W) Mrs C Bailey 5-11-0 R T Dunne 6 MACHA F143 (W) D Pipe 10-12 T Scudamore
2-1 Mr Yeats, 3-1 Jen's Boy, 5-1 Cremant, 6-1 Glasha's Peak, 10-1 Soldier On Plumpton: Trainers F O'Brien, 4 from 13, 30.8%;
4-23 NEXT LEFT 15 G L Moore 5-10-12 Jamie Moore 10 1 BETTY'S BANJO 190 Jonjo O'Neill 4-10-13 T Scudamore 7 4 PUMP IT UP 19 (P) R Spencer 10-12 F Gregory (3)
2 Parade, Manning Estate, 14-1 Harry Hazard. A King, 12 from 42, 28.6%; N Henderson, 6 from
4-150 POLLARDS FEN 30 (H,P) Georgie Howell 6-10-12 3-1 Get A Tonic, 4-1 Credo, 9-2 Call The Fairies, 5-1 Betty's Banjo, 7-1 Marsh 8 UNFINISHED BUSINES N Hawke 10-12 T Buckley (5) 25, 24%. Jockeys S Bowen, 5 from 26, 19.2%;
3 Wright choice: Mr Yeats stayed on well at Huntingdon last
Tabitha Worsley (5) Wren, 8-1 Eureka Creek, Herewegohoney, 25-1 Brandisova. 2-1 Kalzari, 11-4 Macha, 4-1 Angels Landing, 8-1 Lady Pacifico, 10-1 N de Boinville, 4 from 21, 19%.
time and can defy a 7lb penalty Danger Glasha’s Peak
4 U SQUIRE HOCKEY 153 Mrs D Grissell 8-10-12 D Sansom (3) Unfinished Busines, Instant De Bonheur, 16-1 Cirrus, 50-1 Pump It Up.
5 31-25 TED'S FRIEND 20 F O'Brien 5-10-12 M Kendrick 3.15 Handicap Chase 1.30 Handicap Hurdle
6 26-5 CRYSTAL MOON 20 A King 4-10-11 T Cannon (£3,314: 3m 4f 102yd) (5) (£3,322: 1m 7f 113yd) (8)
7 P0P HIGH COURT JUSTICE 14 (P) Harriet Brown 4-10-11 J Best
1 3P-PP MERCIAN KNIGHT 20 (B,T) A Murphy 7-12-1 Jamie Moore 1 1145- ROBINSHILL 235 (T,D) N Twiston-Davies 10-12-0
S Twiston-Davies
Yesterday’s racing results
8 4-6 STYLE COUNCIL 15 Miss S West 5-10-5 M Goldstein P64-3 UALLRIGHTHARRY 169 (P,C) J Best & K Jewell 9-12-0
2 2 226-2 SAYAR 187 (D) N Kent 8-11-12 C Hammond
6-4 Harde Fashion, 7-4 Next Left, 7-2 Ted's Friend, 6-1 Crystal Moon, 100-1
Squire Hockey, Style Council, High Court Justice, Pollards Fen. 3 201-P BLACK CENTAUR 180 (P,C) C Gordon 8-11-12
M Goldstein
T Cannon
3 613-4 ALBORKAN 28 (D) A Murphy 4-11-8 J Quinlan Cheltenham fav); 2, Washington (2-1). 3 ran. NR:
Sonigino. 2l, N A Twiston-Davies.
(Mr Finn Lambert,
2, Lifeisahighway (5-2 fav);

4 244 COLDEN'S DREAM 39 D Skelton 4-11-2 H Skelton Going: good 3, Outlaw Jack (12-1). 7 ran. 1Kl, 8Kl.
Wright choice: Next Left shaped well on his debut over 4 6-362 SILVER NICKEL 14 (P) Seamus Mullins 7-11-7 D Sansom (3) 4.00 (2m 87yd Flat) 1,
hurdles at Lingfield Dangers Crystal Moon, Harde Fashion 53-P4 ABBEY STREET 26 P Henderson 10-10-0 J Best 5 /26-4 WELLAND 31 (D) Mrs P Sly 8-11-1 Paul O'Brien 1.10 (3m 80yd ch) 1, Timeforatune (H Cobden, 3-1); N A Twiston-Davies.
6 /13-5 COGITAL 22 (D) B J Llewellyn 6-11-1 Charlie Price (3) Threeunderthrufive (Adrian 2, Flying Sara (6-1); 3, Aucunrisque 2.00 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Boulette
13-8 Silver Nickel, 9-4 Uallrightharry, 9-2 Black Centaur, 5-1 Mercian Knight,
7 -1320 BEGIN THE LUCK 141 (BF,D) Mrs C Bailey 5-11-0 R T Dunne Heskin, 11-4); 2, Does He Know (2-1 (5-2 fav). 8 ran. Kl, 1l. P F Nicholls. (David Noonan, 12-1); 2, Rhebus
1.45 Selling Hurdle 14-1 Abbey Street.
Road (14-1); 3, Beowulf (3-1). 12 ran.
8 4/34- PECKINPAH 354 A King 5-10-10 T Bellamy fav). 5 ran. 4Nl, P F Nicholls. Jackpot: £2,956.70.
(£4,520: 2m) (7) Wright choice: Silver Nickel was a one-paced second here 2l, 11l. N J Hawke.
last time and this trip should suit Danger Uallrightharry 7-2 Peckinpah, 4-1 Colden's Dream, 9-2 Alborkan, 6-1 Sayar, 7-1 Robinshill, 8-1 1.45 (3m 3f 71yd ch) 1, Yala Enki Placepot: £41.10.
1 10-10 WHITLOCK F12 (P,BF,CD) A Irvine 6-11-7 J Bowen 2.35 (2m 3f 49yd hdle) 1, White Hart
Welland, 10-1 Begin The Luck, Cogital. (Bryony Frost, 3-1); 2, The Mighty Quadpot: £11.60.
2 0P000 CHEAT F14 Seamus Mullins 4-11-0 Sean Houlihan (3) Lady (Lorcan Murtagh, 5-2);
3.45 Handicap Hurdle (£2,723: 3m 1f) (8) Don (5-2 jt-fav); 3, Empire De
3 0- GREEK KODIAC F35 (T) M Bell 5-11-0
4 -0U00 JUMPING JACK 15 (P,CD) P Butler 7-11-0
S Bowen
H Kimber (7) 1 P-062 ANTONY 26 G L Moore 11-11-12 Jamie Moore
2.00 Selling Hurdle Maulde (5-2 jt-fav). 5 ran. NR: Forza Fontwell Park 2, Jaunty Soria (7-1); 3, Bleue Away
(7-2). 6 ran. Nk, 2Kl. H Fry.
(£4,084: 1m 7f 113yd) (8) Milan. 1Nl, 2Nl. P F Nicholls. Going: good (good to soft in
5 0-424 KARAKORAM 17 (P,T,D) G Harris 6-11-0 B R Jones 2 64P-2 JUNGLE PROSE 28 N Gifford 6-11-10 Tabitha Worsley (5) 3.10 (3m 3f 149yd ch) 1, Salty Boy
1 U CANAL ROCKS 8 (P) B J Llewellyn 5-11-9 Charlie Price (3) 2.20 (1m 7f 199yd ch) 1, Nube Negra places) (Mitchell Bastyan, 4-1); 2, Almazhar
6 -5042 VISION CLEAR 19 (B,D) G L Moore 6-11-0 Jamie Moore 3 60005 TOP MAN 26 (C) C Gordon 7-11-7 T Cannon (Harry Skelton, 9-4); 2, Politologue
2 00-40 GARRISON COMMANDER 13 (T) Katy Price 5-11-9 B Poste 12.25 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) Garde (13-2); 3, Gleno (2-1 fav).
7 65240 DOLLY MCQUEEN F17 (T) F Brennan 5-10-7 D Bass 4 033-5 DING DING 190 (P,C) Miss S West 10-11-6 M Goldstein (5-1); 3, Put The Kettle On (15-8 fav). 1, Datsalrightgino (Page Fuller,
3 545-3 MONARCHOFTHEGRANGE 11 (H) N Twiston-Davies 6-11-9 8 ran. NR: Eclair De Guye. 5Kl, 11l.
6-4 Vision Clear, 9-4 Karakoram, 11-2 Greek Kodiac, 6-1 Whitlock, 12-1 Dolly 5 0P-PP MR P 26 P Henderson 6-10-9 T J O'Brien S Twiston-Davies 4 ran. 6l, 4Kl. D Skelton. 9-4); 2, Calidad (12-1); 3, Wiseguy D G Bridgwater.
McQueen, 33-1 Cheat, Jumping Jack. 6 /4-4P IRON IN THE SOUL 14 Mrs H Cobb 9-10-8 M Kendrick 4 6-0 SAGHIR 26 (P) G L Moore 4-11-9 N F Houlihan (5) 2.55 (2m 87yd hdle) 1, West Cork (4-5 fav). 13 ran. 7Kl, 3Nl. Jamie 3.43 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Quinta Do
Wright choice: Vision Clear returned to form when second 7 01-F3 SOARLIKEANEAGLE 26 R Rowe 9-10-3 J Best 5 424F2 GAIA VALLIS 18 D Bridgwater 5-11-2 J Nailor (3) (Harry Skelton, 11-1); 2, Adagio (11-1); Snowden. Mar (Luca Morgan, 2-1); 2, Mercian
at Fakenham and now drops in class Danger Whitlock 8 404-P COMERAGH LAD 13 Ryan Chapman 7-10-3 Sean Houlihan (3) 6 04300 LADY P 11 (P) J Coulson 5-11-2 F Gregory (3) 3, No Ordinary Joe (8-1); 12.55 (2m 3f 104yd ch) Prince (4-1); 3, Humaniste (18-1).
2-1 Antony, 3-1 Jungle Prose, 7-2 Top Man, 6-1 Soarlikeaneagle, 7-1 Ding Ding, 7 05455 LIGHTNING BLUE 15 (P,T) S Drinkwater 4-11-2 R T Dunne 4, Camprond (17-2). 19 ran. NR: 1, Luckofthedraw (J Nailor, 12-1); 6 ran. NR: Pyramid Place, Tap Tap
33-1 Iron In The Soul, Mr P, Comeragh Lad. 8 P40 TARA ITI F13 (P) G L Moore 3-10-7 D Noonan Rockadenn. Ol, 2l. D Skelton. 2, Dorking Lad (5-4 fav); 3, Romanor Boom. 31l, 4l. B Pauling.
Wright choice: Top Man looked to be returning to form 4-7 Monarchofthegrange, 11-2 Gaia Vallis, 6-1 Garrison Commander, 8-1 3.30 (2m 87yd hdle) 1, I Like To (5-1). 7 ran. Kl, 3Kl. T Bulgin. Placepot: £74.80.
Blinkered first time: Leicester 3.30 Blackfinch. when fifth at Fontwell Dangers Antony, Jungle Prose Saghir, 25-1 Lightning Blue, 33-1 Lady P, Tara Iti, 50-1 Canal Rocks. 1.25 (2m 5f 135yd ch) 1, Rizzardo
Move It (Sam Twiston-Davies, 4-6 Quadpot: £44.40.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 2GM 61

Football Sport

Fat salaries and lofty ambitions League One round-up

Performance of the week

Charlton Athletic. Ben Purrington

in race to escape the bottleneck

scored the only goal away to Burton
Albion to extend caretaker manager
Johnnie Jackson’s unbeaten league
run to four matches.

Player of the week

Scott Twine (MK Dons). The
midfielder scored twice in a 4-1 win
Scott Quigley, who scored 15 goals for colleague at the performance analysis over Cambridge United that took his
Barrow last season in League Two, in company Prozone. When he joined Vanarama National League season’s tally to eight goals in 16
The swapping the EFL for non-League. Southampton as performance analyst games.
Journeyman John Rooney, whose brother, Wayne, in 2002, he became only the second P W D L F A GD Pts
Gregor Robertson was a guest of Stott on Saturday, is full-time analyst in British football. Chesterfield.........15 9 5 1 31 13 18 32 Rising star
Boreham Wood..15 9 4 2 21 12 9 31
another player for whom Stockport Stockport have access to data and Grimsby.................15 9 2 4 28 15 13 29
Max Watters (MK Dons). Another to
managed to outbid EFL clubs since tools unheard of in the fifth tier, a Bromley................14 8 4 2 27 14 13 28 hit two goals in the victory against

Stott bought the club in January 2020. full-time analyst, Joppe Meulensteen, Notts County.......15 8 4 3 26 17 9 28 Cambridge. The 22-year-old forward,
There is no doubting the potential. son of the former Manchester United Halifax...................14 8 3 3 21 11 10 27 on loan from Cardiff City, now has
Dag & Red ............ 15 8 2 5 33 20 13 26
ighty-nine minutes were on Stockport’s halcyon days were in the coach René. “We don’t want bells and Solihull Moors.....15 7 5 3 20 18 2 26
five goals in his past four games.
the clock when Bromley Championship in the Nineties, but whistles,” Wilson insists, “but for Wrexham..............14 6 5 3 29 17 12 23
bundled home the equaliser they were followed by administration, every player here, there’s four Woking..................14 7 0 7 25 20 5 21 Quote of the day
that sucked the air out of ten years outside the Football League divisions’ worth of players above Stockport Co.......14 6 3 5 17 18 -1 21 “Stanley prides itself on being an
Altrincham...........14 6 2 6 24 21 3 20
Edgeley Park and handed and half a dozen seasons in the sixth- them, in theory, so there’s room Yeovil ..................... 13 5 3 5 13 13 0 18
inclusive club and we will take the
Stockport County the latest reminder tier National League North. Stott has for growth. And if we can Torquay.................14 5 3 6 21 24 -3 18 appropriate action if required.”
that, more than ever, the National cleared debts, invested in optimise that through Eastleigh...............14 5 3 6 18 21 -3 18 Accrington’s response after the
League is the country’s most infrastructure, strengthened roots in conditioning, something Wealdstone..........14 4 5 5 13 19 -6 17 Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper, Mike
Barnet....................15 4 4 7 17 28 -11 16
unforgiving of divisions. the community. More than £1 million t
technical or tactical, then it Weymouth...........15 4 3 8 17 28 -11 15
Cooper, accused Accrington fans of
Stockport, thanks to the largesse of was spent on refurbishing Edgeley gives us the best chance. Maidenhead........14 4 2 8 18 26 -8 14 making homophobic slurs.
the local property entrepreneur Mark Park. Manchester City’s former W
We’ve created a good Southend..............14 3 2 9 11 23 -12 11 Words by Ian Whittell
Stott, have designs on reaching the training ground at Carrington e
environment, where the Aldershot..............15 3 1 11 16 30 -14 10
King’s Lynn..........14 2 2 10 13 28 -15 8
Championship within seven years but is now the players’ training facilities, the coaching, the *Dover ................... 14 0 3 11 10 33 -23 -9
must first extricate themselves from a base. culture can help them be more * deducted 12pts for breach of league rules
division in which 11 former Football Simon Wilson, who spent consistent.” League Two round-up
League clubs have eyes on that a decade working for the But there are no guarantees
solitary automatic promotion spot, or Abu Dhabi-owned City in the National League. that becomes stronger every year. Performance of the week
a place in the division’s three-round Group, first growing Stockport, like Hollywood Now, arguably, the top half of the Mansfield Town’s 2-1 victory against
play-offs. the football actor-owned Wrexham and National League is as good, and often fellow strugglers Stevenage marked
To that end, in the past fortnight department of o
others, have been helped in better, than the bottom half of the a first away win of the season for
Stockport replaced their manager, Manchester City, th
their pursuit of players from league above. As Wilson says: “You Nigel Clough’s side — and the end for
Simon Rusk, with Dave Challinor, was quickly h
higher divisions by the absence have to be really bad to get relegated Alex Revell, the Stevenage manager,
who swapped Sky Bet League Two installed as director of of meaningful salary controls at out of that league, and you have to be who stepped down last night.
Hartlepool United for the National football — an their level, really good to get promoted out of
League, and signed Antoni Sarcevic, appointment that although a this league.” Player of the week
the captain of the League One side underlines Stott’s working group Is that healthy? Is it sustainable? Alex Newby (Rochdale). The striker
Bolton Wanderers in the latest sign of intent. h
has been tasked That no promoted team has ever scored in the first and last minutes
their ambition. Yet after 14 games, Wilson was at the w
with examining been relegated from League Two of the 2-2 draw with Leyton Orient
and Saturday evening’s 1-1 draw, vanguard of English w
what a salary cap the following season tells its own to earn a valuable point.
Stockport are 11th. football’s data might look like in the story.
When Challinor, who led revolution, a team- fifth tier from next Stockport’s potential ultimately Rising star
Hartlepool to promotion via the play- mate of Liverpool’s season. convinced Challinor to return to the Isaac Olaofe (Sutton United). The on-
offs at Stockport’s expense last out-going sporting Plans for a bear pit. A sell-out 10,000 crowd will loan Millwall forward continued an
season, says the National League is director, Michael L
League Two salary be at Edgeley Park for the visit of impressive season with the only
“stronger than it has ever been” it’s Edwards, in the ccap were shelved Bolton in the FA Cup second-round goal away to Tranmere Rovers.
hard to argue, considering the list of Peterborough b many clubs had
but replay on Wednesday night.
players lured from higher leagues United aalready begun to cut “The plan is in place, the facilities Quote of the day
with the offer of fatter pay packets academy, t
their cloth accordingly, are in place,” Challinor says. “I’ve “We ran out of steam, which is
from clubs with lofty ambitions. and a w
which, along with been at big football clubs — [down to] a lack of fitness, and the
Sarcevic, who won his fourth c
constraints resulting from Hartlepool in terms of fan base, Fylde fitness is the responsibility of those
League Two promotion with Bolton t pandemic, further
the in terms of ambition — but not really players individually and they know
last season, joined on a three-year strengthened the hand of a club with infrastructure that allows that.” The new Scunthorpe United
contract this month after a reported Sarcevic, the wealthy fifth-tier owners. a manager to focus on managing and manager, Keith Hill, is still waiting
fall-out with the manager, Ian Evatt, former Bolton The consequence of this coaching. All the stuff I’ve had to deal for his first victory after three
but he follows the likes of Paddy captain, arrived sustained bottleneck with over the last ten years is taken games in charge — the latest a 1-1
Madden, who joined from League at Stockport beneath League Two is a care of by someone else. We have all draw with Salford City on Saturday.
One Fleetwood Town in January, and last month concentration of quality the tools to be successful.”
62 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Sport Football

Ruthless Chelsea add to Lisbon Lion Auld, 83, dies

Mark Palmer

the pressure on Taylor Bertie Auld, one of the “Lisbon Lions”

who won the European Cup with Celtic
in 1967, has died at the age of 83.
The news came less than five months
after the club announced that the

former midfielder had been diagnosed
Manchester City with dementia, asking fans to “keep him
in their prayers”.

A player revered for both his tech-
Fleming 2, Kerr 45+4, Kirby 52, nique and application, Auld spent 12
Eriksson 55 years at Celtic across two spells, win-
Women’s Super League ning five Scottish league titles, three
Molly Hudson
Scottish Cups and four League Cups in Auld provided a link between Celtic’s
addition to the crowning glory of his glorious past and the modern fans
Before this season a match involving key role in the first British team to win
Chelsea and Manchester City would the European Cup. Famously, all of the generation of supporters. Celtic
have been one of the hardest-fought Celtic players involved in that triumph chairman Ian Bankier said: “The most
and closest battles in the Women’s were born within 30 miles of Glasgow. sincere thoughts and prayers of
Super League. It reflects City’s present Capped three times by Scotland, everyone at Celtic are with Bertie’s
state that this emphatic victory could Auld had four years at Birmingham family at such a difficult time, following
have been predicted. City, where he won the League Cup in this tragic loss.
In the space of 14 days, between this 1963. He also helped them to reach the “I don’t think words can ever ade-
drubbing and an FA Cup semi-final exit final of the 1960-61 Inter-Cities Fairs quately describe what Bertie meant to
to the same opposition, City have Cup, where they lost to Roma. the club and our supporters. He was a
conceded seven goals and failed to Auld finished his playing days at giant of a player, a giant of a man and
score themselves in two games against Hibernian, who he also managed after quite simply Mr. Celtic.
Chelsea. They now languish in ninth in starting his dugout career with Partick “He scaled the greatest of heights as
the WSL table, eight points below the Thistle. He then moved to Hamilton a player with his talent but it is who he
coveted final Champions League quali- Academical before returning to Partick was as a man that made him so much
fication spot. in 1986 and finishing at Dumbarton. more to us all. He enriched all our lives
The unwanted records keep stacking Auld remained an ambassador for so greatly with his humour, his
up for Gareth Taylor, the City manager, Celtic until the very end, providing a character and personality, and for that
who, despite having the backing of The captain Eriksson, left, celebrates with Millie Bright after scoring Chelsea’s vital, cherished link between the club’s we will for ever be grateful.
the club, must surely be feeling the fourth goal to seal her side’s second win over City in the space of two weeks greatest achievement and the modern “May you rest in peace, Bertie.”
pressure. This was the first time in WSL
history that City have lost three home Taieb, the City goalkeeper. Then came every three, four days, this is not easy to
matches in a row, and the first time that
Chelsea have won away from home
against City in the league.
City’s dominance.
Caroline Weir drew an excellent save
from Ann-Katrin Berger, the Chelsea
deliver a 4-0 away win, my hat is off to
my team.”
First Fran Kirby powered a strike into
Smith in at Norwich today
“I feel fine,” Taylor said, when ques- goalkeeper blocking the effort with her the corner of the net through a crowd
tioned about his future. “I feel the same boot. Then Berger spared the blushes of of bodies after a well-worked short Gary Jacob promotion to the Premier League in
way as I always have done. I always look Erin Cuthbert when the goalkeeper corner, before Taieb was again at fault, 2019 and kept them up in his first season
at the level of performance we put in. Of beat Lauren Hemp to her pass to clear failing to command her area as Magda Norwich City are expected to before securing 11th place last season.
course we need to be better in the errors the ball before the pair collided. Eriksson nodded in. announce the appointment of Dean Norwich have scored only five goals,
that we make. Chelsea had barely had a chance In the background of this defeat is the Smith as head coach today, a week after two of which came from the penalty
“But as long as I can see the positives, aside from their goal, but then doubled context of a bulging City treatment he was sacked by Aston Villa. spot, but have conceded 26 times in the
even when we are really short of a their lead. Georgia Stanway lost the ball room, featuring a host of England inter- He will sign a 2½-year contract to league this season. It is not clear what
number of key players in the playing in the centre of the pitch, leaving Chel- nationals, including Steph Houghton replace Daniel Farke at the club, who funds Smith will have to strengthen the
squad, nothing changes in my mind. sea to break forward. For all of their and Lucy Bronze. But as the weeks pass are bottom of the Premier League, five squad in January, as the club spent
There’s nothing for me to consider until creative talents it is still on the counter- it becomes more difficult for their points adrift of safety. Norwich also £60 million in the summer.
I’m told anything different.” attack when they are perhaps at the return to be soon enough to salvage this held talks with Frank Lampard, who One beneficiary of Smith’s arrival is
In the first half City controlled most dangerous, a clever switch from season and Taylor’s long-term future. pulled out of the running because he likely to be Todd Cantwell, who has ac-
possession and were arguably even the Ji So-yun finding Guro Reiten on the did not feel it was the right opportunity. knowledged that he did not always see
better side. But Chelsea, the champions, right, who nodded down for Sam Kerr Smith, 50, is expected to take charge eye to eye with Farke. Smith tried to sign
are wonderfully decisive and clinical in to tap home. Manchester City (4-3-3): K Taieb 4 — G Stanway 5, for the first time at home to Southamp- Cantwell, 23, in the summer when he
J Scott 6, A Greenwood 6, D Stokes 6 — K Walsh
the crucial moments, with Taylor While City could at least genuinely 6, F Angeldahl 6 (L Coombs 69, 6), C Weir 7 ton on Saturday. He parted ways with knew that he would lose Jack Grealish.
admitting that City had been punished claim to be the better side for much of (V Losada 77) — J Park 6 (J Beckie 69, 7), E White Villa after a run of five straight defeats Smith also has to decide if Billy Gil-
for their errors. the first half, they conceded twice in 5, L Hemp 7 (H Raso 79). Booked Greenwood. left them 16th in the table. mour is in his plans. The Scotland mid-
Chelsea (3-4-3): A-K Berger 9 (Z Musovic 77) —
Only 67 seconds in, Jessie Fleming four minutes early in the second. “We M Bright 8, J Carter 8, M Eriksson 7 — E Cuthbert He impressed at Brentford and was fielder, 20, joined on loan from Chelsea
coolly converted, nipping in ahead of played like champions today in the 7, Ji So-yun 6 (S Ingle 45, 8), M Leupolz 7, appointed Villa head coach in October in search of regular game time but he
Alex Greenwood, who was unable to second half,” Emma Hayes, the Chelsea G Reiten 8 (D Spence 78) — J Fleming 8, S Kerr 8 2018, with the team 14th in the Sky Bet has either been dropped or left on the
(B England 67, 7), F Kirby 8 (N Charles 78).
collect an underhit pass from Karima manager, said. “We have had a game Referee R Welch. Championship. He guided Villa to bench for the past six league matches.

France (3) 8 Kazakhstan (0) 0 Today (7.45): Austria v Moldova; Israel v Group I Ipswich (0) 0 Oxford Utd (0) 0 Carlisle (0) 0 Barrow (0) 0
Football Mbappé 6, 12, 32, 87 Faroe Islands; Scotland v Denmark. P W D L F A GD Pts 21,322 7,470
World Cup qualifying: Group A Benzema 55, 59 Group G England 9 7 2 0 29 3 26 23
Rabiot 75 Poland 9 6 2 1 29 9 20 20 MK Dons (3) 4 Cambridge (0) 1 Exeter (1) 2 Oldham (0) 1
Luxembourg (0) 0 Ireland (0) 3 Griezmann 84 (pen) Montenegro (0) 2 Netherlands (1) 2 Albania 9 5 0 4 11 12 -1 15 Twine 13, 36 Smith 82
Duffy 68, Ogbene 75 Vukotic 82 Depay 25 (pen), 54 Hungary 9 4 2 3 17 12 5 14 Watters 25, 76 9,904 Jay 17 Bowden 84
Robinson 88 P W D L F A GD Pts Vujnovic 86 Brown 50 5,103
Andorra 9 2 0 7 8 23 -15 6 Sheff Wed (0) 1 Gillingham (1) 1
France (Q) 7 4 3 0 16 3 13 15 Norway (0) 0 Latvia (0) 0 San Marino 9 0 0 9 1 36 -35 0 Port Vale (0) 1 Bradford (0) 1
Portugal (1) 1 Serbia (1) 2
Finland 7 3 2 2 10 8 2 11 Kamberi 75 Oliver 22
Sanches 2 Tadic 33, Mitrovic 90 Turkey (3) 6 Gibraltar (0) 0 Today (7.45): Albania v Andorra; Poland v 20,593 Wilson 56 Angol 74
Ukraine 7 1 6 0 9 8 1 9 Hungary; San Marino v England.
P W D L F A GD Pts Bosnia-Herz 7 1 4 2 9 10 -1 7 Aktürkoglu 11 7,010
Dervisoglu 38, 41 Group J Wycombe (0) 0 Portsmouth (0) 1
Serbia (Q) 8 6 2 0 18 9 9 20 Kazakhstan 8 0 3 5 5 20 -15 3 Rochdale (1) 2 Leyton Orient (1) 2
Portugal (pl) 8 5 2 1 17 6 11 17 Demiral 65 6,471 Harness 73
Tomorrow (7.45): Bosnia-Herzegovina v Armenia (0) 1 Germany (2) 4 Newby 1, 90 Drinan 24
Ireland 8 2 3 3 11 8 3 9 Dursun 81, Müldür 84 P W D L F A GD Pts
Ukraine; Finland v France. Mkhitaryan 59 (pen) Havertz 15 2,751 Clay 66
Luxembourg 8 3 0 5 8 18 -10 9 Sent off: J Olivero (Gibraltar) 22 Gündogan Plymouth.............17 10 6 1 32 15 17 36
Azerbaijan 8 0 1 7 5 18 -13 1 Group E P W D L F A GD Pts 45+4 (pen), 50 Wigan...................16 11 1 4 30 13 17 34 Scunthorpe (1) 1 Salford (0) 1
Group B Belgium (1) 3 Estonia (0) 1 Holland 9 6 2 1 31 8 23 20 Hofmann 64 Rotherham.........16 9 4 3 29 12 17 31 Loft 37 McAleny 59
Turkey 9 5 3 1 25 15 10 18 Liechtenstein (0) 0 Romania (1) 2 Wycombe............17 9 4 4 26 21 5 31 2,614
Greece (1) 1 Kosovo (0) 1 Benteke 11 Sorga 70 MK Dons..............16 8 4 4 31 22 9 28
Carrasco 53 Norway 9 5 3 1 15 6 9 18
Masouras 44 Rrahmani 76 Man 7 Oxford Utd..........16 8 4 4 26 17 9 28 Stevenage (0) 1 Mansfield (1) 2
T Hazard 74 Montenegro 9 3 3 3 13 13 0 12 Bancu 87
Spain (0) 1 Sweden (0) 0 Latvia 9 1 3 5 8 13 -5 6 Sunderland.........15 9 1 5 25 21 4 28 Cuthbert 55 O’Toole 19
Morata 86 Wales (2) 5 Belarus (0) 1 Gibraltar 9 0 0 9 3 40 -37 0 N Macedonia (1) 3 Iceland (0) 1 Sheff Wed............17 6 8 3 21 16 5 26 2,946 Stirk 65
Ramsey 2, 50 (pen) Kontsevoy 87 Tomorrow (7.45): Gibraltar v Latvia; Holland Bardhi 7 Thorsteinsson 54 Ipswich.................17 6 6 5 34 25 9 24
P W D L F A GD Pts Elmas 65, 86 Portsmouth ........17 6 5 6 20 21 -1 23 Tranmere (0) 0 Sutton Utd (0) 1
Williams 20 v Norway; Montenegro v Turkey.
Spain (Q) 8 6 1 1 15 5 10 19 Davies 77 Sent off: I Johannesson (Iceland) 79 Bolton...................17 6 4 7 24 26 -2 22 Olaofe 71
Sweden (pl) 8 5 0 3 12 6 6 15 Group H Cambridge..........17 5 7 5 23 28 -5 22
Roberts 89 P W D L F A GD Pts Walsall (0) 1 Harrogate (1) 3
Greece 8 2 4 2 8 8 0 10 Croatia (0) 1 Russia (0) 0 Burton...................17 6 4 7 16 22 -6 22
Georgia 8 2 1 5 6 12 -6 7 P W D L F A GD Pts Germany (Q) 10 9 0 1 36 4 32 27 Accrington..........16 6 3 7 20 29 -9 21 Phillips 88 Power 20
Kudryashov 81 (og)
Kosovo 8 1 2 5 5 15 -10 5 Belgium (Q) 7 6 1 0 24 5 19 19 N Macedonia (pl) 10 5 3 2 23 11 12 18 Lincoln City........16 5 5 6 20 20 0 20 4,651 Diamond 61
Malta (0) 0 Slovakia (3) 6 Romania 10 5 2 3 13 8 7 17 Armstrong 82
Group C Wales 7 4 2 1 13 8 5 14 Cheltenham........16 5 5 6 20 27 -7 20
P W D L F A GD Pts Czech Rep 7 3 2 2 12 9 3 11 Rusnak 6, 16 Armenia 10 3 3 4 9 20 -11 12 Charlton...............17 5 4 8 22 24 -2 19
Duda 7, 69, 80 P W D L F A GD Pts
Italy 7 4 3 0 13 2 11 15 Estonia 7 1 1 5 9 19 -10 4 Iceland 10 2 3 5 12 18 -6 9 AFC Wimbledon 15 4 5 6 20 24 -4 17 Forest Green......15 9 4 2 27 13 14 31
De Marco 71 Liechtenstein 10 0 1 9 2 34 -32 1
Switzerland 7 4 3 0 11 2 9 15 Belarus 8 1 0 7 7 24 -17 3 Gillingham 17 3 8 6 16 22 -6 17 Port Vale ............. 16 8 5 3 28 16 12 29
N Ireland 7 2 2 3 6 7 -1 8 Sent off: R Camenzuli 46, T Teuma 51 Morecambe........16 4 3 9 25 30 -5 15
Tomorrow (7.45): Czech Republic v Estonia; (both Malta) Sky Bet League One Exeter...................16 7 8 1 27 16 11 29
Bulgaria 7 2 2 3 6 10 -4 8 Shrewsbury........16 4 3 9 15 22 -7 15 Northampton.....16 8 3 5 21 13 8 27
Lithuania 8 1 0 7 4 19 -15 3
Wales v Belgium. Slovenia (0) 2 Cyprus (0) 1 Accrington (0) 1 Plymouth (2) 4 Fleetwood...........15 3 5 7 26 27 -1 14
Leigh 50 Hamilton 23 (og) Harrogate ........... 16 7 5 4 30 21 9 26
Today (7.45): Northern Ireland v Italy; Group F Zajc 48, Cerin 84 Kakoullis 89 Doncaster ........... 16 3 3 10 11 29 -18 12 Newport Co........16 7 5 4 27 19 8 26
3,130 Houghton 44 Crewe....................17 1 6 10 12 31 -19 9
Switzerland v Bulgaria. P W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A GD Pts Broom 63 Swindon...............15 7 5 3 22 15 7 26
Group D Denmark (Q) 9 9 0 0 30 1 29 27 Croatia (Q) 10 7 2 1 21 4 17 23 Hardie 76 League Two Sutton United....16 8 2 6 24 18 6 26
Scotland (pl) 9 6 2 1 15 7 8 20 Russia (pl) 10 7 1 2 19 6 13 22 Leyton Orient....16 5 9 2 27 14 13 24
Bosnia-Herz (0) 1 Finland (1) 3 Burton Albion (0) 0 Charlton (1) 1 Bristol Rovers (0) 2 Northampton (1) 1
Israel 9 4 1 4 20 19 1 13 Slovakia 10 3 5 2 17 10 7 14 Hartlepool...........16 7 2 7 18 22 -4 23
Menalo 69 Forss 29, Lod 50 Austria 9 4 1 4 15 16 -1 13 Slovenia 10 4 2 4 13 12 1 14 3,555 Purrington 20 Grant 54 Hoskins 39 (pen) Bradford..............16 5 7 4 22 19 3 22
O’Shaughnessy 73 Faroe Islands 9 1 1 7 5 20 -15 4 Cyprus 10 1 2 7 4 21 -17 5 Sent off: J Stockley (Charlton) 17; D Oshilaja Evans 59 6,884 Tranmere............16 6 4 6 11 11 0 22
Sent off: J Raitala (Finland) 37 Moldova 9 0 1 8 4 26 -22 1 Malta 10 1 2 7 9 30 -21 5 (Burton Albion) 18 Sent off: G Whelan (Bristol Rovers) 67 Rochdale.............16 5 6 5 21 21 0 21
the times | Monday November 15 2021 63


Road to World Cup 2022 in Qatar

World Cup finals: November 21 to December 18

Europe Portugal in play-offs after Serbia stun them with late winner Asia
Qualifying slots
Qualifying slots Qualified for play-offs heavyweight team at risk
Thirteen Scotland, Wales, Austria, of not even making the Five (including Qatar),
plus one play-off place
Czech Republic, Portugal, March play-offs, which
Qualified Sweden, Russia, North will feature ten group
Belgium, Denmark, Macedonia runners-up and two Qualified
Qatar (as hosts)
France, Germany, Spain, teams from the Nations
Serbia, Croatia Still in contention League. Three of the 12
Qualified for play-offs
Finland, Ukraine, Holland, play-off teams will reach
Qualified for play-offs Turkey, Norway, Romania Qatar: each of three four- at least
at least team groupings will None
Italy, Switzerland, State of play feature one-leg semi-
England, Poland Holland are the only finals and a one-leg final. Qualified for play-offs

Mitrovic’s header Still in contention

South America condemned Iran, South Korea,
Ronaldo, above, Lebanon, Iraq, United
and Portugal Arab Emirates, Syria,
Qualifying slots None Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia, to a place in
Four, plus one play-off Venezuela Saudi Arabia, Australia,
the play-offs Japan, Oman, China,
place Qualified for play-offs
Fulham’s Aleksandar Qatar and consigned Portugal to qualify, but Vietnam
None State of play
Qualified Argentina are almost Mitrovic stunned Cristiano Ronaldo and Mitrovic’s dramatic goal
Brazil Still in contention certain to qualify, with Portugal last night with a his team to the play-offs in Lisbon gave his team a State of play
All other nine teams Ecuador well placed. 90th-minute header that in March. A draw would 2-1 win. Spain qualified Iran and South Korea are
Qualified for play-offs in the confederation: Venezuela are the only secured Serbia’s place in have been enough for by beating Sweden 1-0. best placed to qualify,
at least Argentina, Ecuador, side who are very while Saudi Arabia,
Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, unlikely to progress. Australia and Japan are
The venues also in strong contention.

Stadium Capacity
North/Central America 10 miles
BAHRAIN 1 Al Bayt 60,000 Oceania
Qualifying slots Qualified for play-offs State of play 2 Lusail 86,250
Three, plus one play-off None Seven sets of matches 3 Al Rayyan 40,000 Qualifying slots
place remain in the eight-team 4 Qatar Foundation 45,350 One play-off place
Still in contention group, which is the final 1
5 Khalifa International 48,000
Qualified United States, Mexico, round of qualifying. Qualified
None Canada, Panama, United States, Mexico, 6 Ras Abu Aboud 40,000 None
Costa Rica, Jamaica, Canada and Panama Doha 7 Al Thumana 40,000
Qualified for play-offs El Salvador, Honduras have a clear lead over 3 4 Still in contention
at least the rest. QATAR 5 7
6 8 Al Janoub (Al Wakrah) 40,000
All 11 Oceania members
None 8
How size compares State of play
The qualifying
Africa competition is expected
to be played in March.
Qatar Plans have been
Qualifying slots Morocco, DR Congo, State of play changed by the Covid-19
Five (all via a two-legged Ghana The winners in each of pandemic. New Zealand
play-off) ten groups of four are are the favourites to
Still in contention paired in five two-legged Wales advance to a two-legged
Qualified Algeria, Burkina Faso, play-offs in March; the play-off against a team
None Tunisia, Equatorial winners qualify for the from another
Guinea, Zambia, Nigeria, finals. Six teams have QATAR
Qualified for play-offs Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, won their groups, sealing SAUDI 100 miles
Mali, Egypt, Senegal, Cameroon play-off spots. ARABIA

Bristol Rovers....16 6 3 7 19 24 -5 21 Stockport (0) 1 Bromley (0) 1 Stourbridge 2; Cheshunt 1 Berkhamsted 0; P W D L F A GD Pts 64, 69, 70; A Sullivan 65, 71, 67, 65; J Stadium, Edinburgh). Saturday France 38
Walsall..................16 5 5 6 20 22 -2 20 Quigley 49 Hogan 89 (og) Colne 1 Tamworth 1 (Tamworth win 4-3 on Kilmarnock.........14 9 2 3 20 8 12 29 Janewattananond (Thai) 70, 68, 63, 67. 269 T New Zealand 13; Wales 29 South Africa 19
Barrow.................16 4 7 5 20 20 0 19 5,515 pens); Cray 2 Bedfont Sports 1; Farnborough Raith Rovers ...... 14 7 5 2 24 15 9 26 Olesen (Den) 67, 68, 68, 66; P Harrington 68, (Cardiff Arms Park).
Salford..................16 4 5 7 17 18 -1 17 1 Banbury 0; Felixstowe & Walton 2 Inverness CT......14 7 4 3 16 10 6 25 67, 67, 67; K Samooja (Fin) 67, 64, 68, 70; S Premiership Cup: Pool One Exeter 27 Bristol
Mansfield............16 4 5 7 16 21 -5 17 Torquay (1) 2 Dover (1) 1 Peterborough Sports 1; Folkestone Invicta 2 Partick Thistle...14 7 3 4 28 14 14 24 Crocker (US) 67, 66, 69, 67; A Meronk (Pol) 72, 33. Pool Two Leicester Tigers 32 Sale Sharks
Colchester...........15 4 5 6 12 19 -7 17 Little 34, 90 Gregory 4 Faversham 1; Gainsborough 1 Lancaster 2; Arbroath..............14 6 6 2 25 13 12 24 67, 63, 67. 270 T Fleetwood 66, 66, 68, 70; M 23; Newcastle Falcons 34 Wasps 27. Pool
Crawley................15 5 2 8 17 25 -8 17 2,892 Hanwell 1 Wingate & Finchley 0; Hartley Ayr United .......... 14 3 4 7 13 23 -10 13 Kaymer (Ger) 69, 67, 65, 69; P Waring. 65, 67, Three Northampton Saints 26 London Irish
Stevenage...........16 3 5 8 12 28 -16 14 Wintney 3 Willand 0; Hayes & Yeading 0 Hamilton..............14 3 4 7 13 28 -15 13 70, 68; S Jamieson 69, 65, 70, 66. 271 E Molinari 36; Saracens 28 Harlequins 21.
Carlisle.................16 2 7 7 11 24 -13 13
Wealdstone (0) 1 Barnet (0) 0 Worthing 3; Leiston 3 Harrow 0; Liversedge 3 (It) 69, 66, 67, 69; M Kieffer (Ger) 68, 71, 66, 66.
Morton.................14 2 6 6 11 18 -7 12 National League One Birmingham Moseley
Oldham................16 3 3 10 12 24 -12 12 Browne 77 2,662 Basford 2; Marine 2 Dunston 2 (Marine win Queen of South.14 3 3 8 12 21 -9 12 US PGA Tour Houston Open 8 Rosslyn Park 29; Blackheath 42 Taunton
Scunthorpe.........16 2 6 8 12 30 -18 12 5-4 on pens); Marlow 2 Larkhall 2 (Larkhall
Yeovil (1) 2 Eastleigh (0) 1 win 6-5 on pens); Marske 3 FC United of
Dunfermline.......14 1 7 6 12 24 -12 10 Leading final scores (United States unless Titans 19; Caldy 31 Leeds Tykes 28;
Vanarama National League Knowles 42 Pritchard 68 Manchester 2; Nantwich 2 Grantham 1; League One Alloa 2 Montrose 2; Cove stated): 270 J Kokrak 68, 71, 66, 65. 272 S Cambridge 45 Tonbridge Juddians 14;
Yussuf 76 2,494 Needham Market 3 Margate 2; Plymouth Rangers 3 Peterhead 0; Dumbarton 0 Falkirk Scheffler 72, 62, 69, 69; K Tway 67, 64, 73, 68. Chinnor 36 Plymouth Albion 41; Cinderford
Aldershot (1) 2 Grimsby (1) 1 3; East Fife 0 Airdrieonians 1; Queen’s Park 0 273 K Hickok 67, 67, 70, 69. 274 J Dahmen 70, 55 Bishop’s Stortford 39; Darlington Mowden
Willard 12 Clifton 17 6 Table on page 61 Parkway 4 Salisbury 0; Radcliffe 2 Nuneaton
69, 70, 65; M Trainer 65, 65, 74, 70. 275 S Burns
0; Royston 1 Kingstonian 1 (Kingstonian win Clyde 0. League Two Albion 1 Stirling Albion Park 15 Sale 32. League Two: North Hull 41
Whittingham 60 2,343 North AFC Fylde 3 Brackley Town 3; Bradford 4-3 on pens); Rushall Olympic 0 Matlock 4; 0; Elgin 1 Cowdenbeath 0; Kelty Hearts 1 70, 67, 71, 67; R Henley 65, 72, 68, 70; R Streb 68, Wharfedale 8; Hull Ionians 51 Blaydon 19;
Park Avenue 1 Spennymoor Town 1; Chester Forfar 0; Stenhousemuir 2 Annan 0. 71, 71, 65; C Tringale 69, 70, 68, 68. 276 L List 65, Loughborough Students 33 Huddersfield 29;
Altrincham (0) 1 Boreham Wood (0) 1 Walton Casuals 2 Uxbridge 6; Warrington 2
71, 69, 71; A Long 66, 67, 73, 70; D McCarthy 72,
FC 2 Darlington 2; Chorley 1 Leamington 0; Chasetown 0; Welwyn Garden 2 Carshalton 1; Luctonians 17 Bournville 11; Sheffield Tigers
Hancock 76 Fyfield 57 Women’s Super League Birmingham 0 69, 71, 64; M Wolff 68, 67, 69, 72. 277 H Lebioda
Curzon Ashton 0 York City 0; Gateshead 2 Weston-super-Mare 1 Wimborne 2; Whitby 5 12 Fylde 43; Stourbridge 32 Sedgley Park 31;
2,283 Aston Villa 1; Brighton 1 Leicester 0; Everton 1 67, 72, 69, 69; C Smith (Aus) 71, 69, 68, 69; V
Alfreton Town 1; Gloucester City 2 Farsley Mossley 0. Abandoned Bedford v Potters Tynedale 31 Harrogate 38. South Barnes 23
Manchester United 1; Manchester City 0 Whaley 69, 72, 65, 71; A Smalley 68, 72, 69, 68.
Chesterfield (2) 4 Weymouth (0) 0 Celtic 0; Guiseley 0 Hereford 2; Kettering Bar. Chelsea 4; West Ham 2 Reading 2. Saturday
Rochford Hundred 15; Clifton 40 Guernsey 17;
Tshimanga 23 (pen) 5,862 Town 4 Blyth Spartans 0; Kidderminster LPGA Tour Pelican Championship Henley 43 Worthing 26; Leicester Lions 32
Cinch Scottish Championship Tottenham 1 Arsenal 1.
45, 58 Harriers 3 AFC Telford United 0; Southport 4 Belleair, Florida: Leading final scores Dings Crusaders 15; Old Albanians 45
P W D L F A GD Pts Barnstaple 21; Redruth 31 Bury St Edmunds
Khan 73 Boston United 1. South Chelmsford City 1 Arbroath (0) 1 Queen of South (0) 1 Arsenal 7 6 1 0 24 3 21 19 (United States unless stated): 263 N Korda 65,
Hemel Hempstead Town 2; Chippenham 66, 63, 69; Sei Young Kim (S Kor) 64, 67, 65, 18; Westcliff 7 Esher 80.
Sent off: O Harfield (Weymouth) 22 McKenna 67 Cameron 55 Chelsea 7 6 0 1 22 5 17 18
Town 3 Billericay Town 0; Concord Rangers 2
Kings Lynn (1) 2 Wrexham (1) 6 Eastbourne Borough 1; Dartford 0 Oxford 1,408 Brighton 7 5 0 2 12 5 7 15 67; L Ko (NZ) 67, 66, 64, 66; L Thompson 65,
64, 65, 69 (Korda won play-off at first extra
Tottenham 7 4 2 1 9 5 4 14
Clunan 12 Hayden 22 City 0; Dulwich Hamlet 3 Bath City 0; Ayr United (0) 0 Partick Thistle (2) 4 hole). 266 B Henderson (Can) 67, 69, 65, 65. ATP Stockholm Open
Linton 86 Davies 52 Man Utd 7 3 3 1 12 11 1 12
Hampton & Richmond A Braintree Town A; 267 A Ashok (India) 67, 71, 65, 64; G Lopez Final T Paul (US) bt D Shapovalov (Can) 6-4,
Mullin 63 2,037 Docherty 30 Aston Villa 7 3 1 3 5 10 -5 10
Havant & Waterlooville 0 Maidstone United (Mex) 66, 67, 68, 66; P Phatlum (Thai) 67, 66, 2-6, 6-4.
Ponticelli 76 Graham 33, 81 West Ham 7 2 3 2 10 10 0 9
0; Hungerford Town 3 Ebbsfleet United 4; 67, 67; P Tavatanakit (Thai) 68, 65, 64, 70 Jin
Jarvis 90 Gordon 90+2 Reading 7 2 1 4 8 12 -4 7 Nitto ATP World Tour Finals Turin
Slough Town 2 Dorking Wanderers 1; Welling Young ko (S Kor) 68, 66, 67, 66. 268 C Inglis
Green 90+4 Man City 7 2 1 4 11 16 -5 7 Pala Alpitour: Green Group N Mektic (Cro)
United 1 Tonbridge Angels 0. Hamilton (0) 0 Raith Rovers (3) 3 68, 70, 64, 66; J Korda 67, 67, 67, 67; Jeong-
Everton 7 2 1 4 7 14 -7 7 and M Pavic (Cro) bt K Krawietz (Ger) and H
Maidenhead (0) 1 Dag & Red (2) 4 FA Trophy: First round Truro City 1 Bognor Birmingham 7 0 1 6 2 16 -14 1 Eun Lee6 (S Kor) 68, 64, 69, 67.
1,303 MacDonald 6 (og) Tecau (Rom) 6-4, 6-4. Red Group D
Regis Town 1 (Truro City win 4-2 on pens).
Kelly 58
Balanta 28, 39, 66
Akanbi 72 Saturday AFC Totton 2 Frome 2 (AFC Totton Ross 34, 45 Leicester 7 0 0 7 3 18 -15 0 Rugby union Medvedev (Russ) bt H Hurkacz (Pol) 6-7 (5-7),
6-3, 6-4; M Granollers (Sp) and H Zeballos
Notts County (0) 2 Solihull Moors (0) 0
win 4-2on pens); Ashton Utd 5 Sutton Inverness CT (1) 1 Dunfermline (0) 2 Golf International matches: Men France 41 (Arg) bt I Dodig (Cro) and F Polasek (Slovakia)
Coldfield 1; Biggleswade 1 Enfield Town 2; Georgia 15; Wales 38 Fiji 23 (Principality
Wootton 55 12,843 Mckay 22 Devine 51 (og) European Tour AVIV Dubai Championship 4-6, 7-6 (12-10), 10-6.
Binfield 3 Cinderford 0; Bishop’s Stortford 2 Stadium). Saturday England 32 Australia 15
Mitchell 83 Chipstead 1; Bootle 3 Stalybridge 3 (Bootle 2,111 Thomas 64 Leading final scores (Great Britain and (Twickenham); Ireland 29 New Zealand 20 Akron WTA World Tour Finals Guadalajara
win 5-3 on pens); Bracknell 1 Tiverton 3; Morton (0) 0 Kilmarnock (2) 2 Ireland unless stated): 265 J Hansen (Den) 63, (Aviva Stadium); Italy 16 Argentina 37; Zapopan: Group A A Sabalenka (Bela) bt I
Southend (0) 0 Woking (1) 2 Brentwood 4 Staines 1; Bromsgrove Sporting 67, 67, 68. 266 B Wiesberger (Austria) 67, 66, Scotland 15 South Africa 30 (Murrayfield). Swiatek (Pol) 2-6, 6-2, 7-5. Group B A Guarachi
5,821 Campbell 22 0 Morpeth 0 (Morpeth win 4-3 on pens); 2,878 Alston 34 68, 65; F Laporta (It) 66, 64, 67, 69. 268 Lee Women England 51 Canada 12 (Twickenham (Chile) and D Krawczyk (US) bt S Fichman
Kretzschmar 88 (pen) Canvey Island 6 Yaxley 0; Carlton 1 Shaw 43 Min-woo (Aus) 67, 67, 66, 68; A Rozner (Fr) 65, Stoop); Scotland 36 Japan 12 (DAM Health (Can) and G Olmos (Mex) 0-6, 6-3, 11-9.
64 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Sport World Cup qualifying

Southgate should
Foden appears
to take one for
the team in
watched by
new call-up

only get his deal if Gallagher,

centre, and
Smith Rowe

he reaches semis
players like and respect him. There has flying out to San Marino. The situations
Henry Winter been clear progress in terms of are different in that Southgate can
tournament finishes, whatever the point to the 2018 World Cup in Russia
frustration around Southgate’s slow and Euro 2020. “I think on the back of
reaction to a turning tide. The fans sing two tournaments and progress made
his name. He has removed the fear, that’s a more acceptable sort of conver-
Chief Football Writer ended the club cliques, blooded young sation to be having,” Southgate said, on
players and made England likeable and why he deserved a new deal now.
watchable after the horrors of Iceland He added that he delayed negotia-
England will qualify for the World Cup in Nice at Euro 2016. tions to focus on qualifying first. “I
tonight, Harry Kane will surely shoot The FA hierarchy has changed in the didn’t think it would be right to be
closer to Wayne Rooney’s goalscoring past decade but the present powerbro- holding too much of those detailed dis-
record and Gareth Southgate will sign a kers, mainly the chief executive, Mark cussions ahead of such a tight schedule
two-year extension imminently. No Bullingham, would be wise at least to of qualifying matches,” Southgate said.
wonder 3,000 noisy England fans are recall the lessons of history. It was even “I can understand people are always
hurrying to San Marino to raise a toast mentioned to Southgate yesterday going to have a view of whatever way
or three. about how one of his predecessors, Fa- you do it. We’ve tried to do it
England require only a point against bio Capello, renegotiated his position professionally by focusing on the
San Marino to reach Qatar, and the on the eve of the 2010 World Cup finals. summer, by focusing on qualification,
hard qualifying work was done in the The FA agreed to remove a break and then we will see where it leads after
away games against Hungary (a 4-0 clause amid interest from Inter Milan, that.” It will lead to the two-year exten-
win) and Poland (1-1). With Kane with Capello hugely popular after sion proposed by Bullingham during
scoring in Budapest and Warsaw, storming qualifying with nine wins the Euros.
Southgate’s men have controlled group from ten games. The new deal in effect One of the reasons why there is
I, as they should, with this calibre of bound both parties until the end of pressure on Southgate to deliver, the
playing talent. squad quality, is something he also
Now for the real challenge: actually deserves praise for. Southgate was in-
winning a trophy. Southgate deserves San Marino v England strumental in transforming the age-
an improved deal, taking him from World Cup qualifier, Stadio Olimpico di group development pathway and now
£3 million a year to £5 million, but the Serravalle, Kick-off 7.45pm. ITV, talkSPORT the boys of 2017 have become seniors.
FA also has to ensure such a financial San Marino That year Foden, Gallagher and
commitment is performance-related. (possible Smith Rowe won the Under-17 World
E Benedettini
The deal needs to be agreed and 4-5-1) Cup along with two players not in
announced but predicated on England Southgate’s squad at present, Sancho
making the semi-finals in Qatar. D Rossi A Grandoni F Fabbri M Battistini and Callum Hudson-Odoi. James was
Signed, sealed, but deliver. named young player of the Toulon
Just look at the quality of players he D Tomassini F Tomassini M Malaroni tournament that England won. Also in
can pick from, including the prolific 2017, Mount and Aaron Ramsdale be-
captain, Kane, and those who have L Lunadei E Golinucci came European Under-19 champions.
conquered Europe with their clubs, Three other players Southgate has
N Nanni
Jordan Henderson and Trent Alexan- capped, Fikayo Tomori, Dean
der-Arnold, Mason Mount, Reece
James and Ben Chilwell. Southgate can
call on English champions such as Phil
E Smith Rowe H Kane B Saka
Henderson and Calvert-Lewin, lifted
the Under-20 World Cup.
The changes that Southgate put in Terrible opponents, yes,
but here’s why it matters
Foden, Raheem Sterling, Kyle Walker place brought more intense match-day
and John Stones, on £100 million J Bellingham K Phillips P Foden challenges. “The more winning
players such as Jack Grealish, mobile experiences they could have, the more
engine rooms in Declan Rice and T Mings C Coady big-match experience they can have
Kalvin Phillips, and a strong corps of B Chilwell T Alexander-Arnold and the feeling of playing well and
goalkeepers led by Jordan Pickford, 4-3-3)
succeeding in an England shirt, that’s Paul Joyce had 85 per cent of possession and
who has never let his country down. A Ramsdale (possible
definitely been something that through mustered 32 shots. “Phil can play in a
Southgate has more excellence England
Dan [Ashworth], Matt Crocker and workload england’s own fault number of positions,” Southgate said.
emerging in Bukayo Saka, Jude Belling- now John [McDermott] is a desire for The Nations League has been heavily “There is a certain opponent when he
ham, Emile Smith Rowe and now us,” Southgate said of past and present derided, but amid complaints that the plays as a midfield player and I think
Conor Gallagher, who may win his Euro 2012 and meant that the FA was technical gurus. San Marino game is inconvenient, it that’s how we would see it.”
senior debut in Serravalle tonight. The liable to a £10 million payoff should it There is a pathway towards the sen- is worth remembering England are in San Marino, international football’s
manager has able understudies for want to get rid of Capello after the iors, and strong bonds between players a six-team group only because they lowest-ranked team, fall under the
Kane in Dominic Calvert-Lewin, World Cup. get built on the way. “John’s out with our flopped in their qualifying campaign, category of a “certain opponent”.
Tammy Abraham, Ollie Watkins and England promptly stank South under-19s in Sweden at the moment, taking just four points from home and
Patrick Bamford. Harry Maguire, Luke Africa out, got played off the park by and he was with the under-21s earlier in away fixtures with Belgium and under-21s still best way in
Shaw, Marcus Rashford, Mason Germany in Bloemfontein and, off the the week, but we’re in communication Denmark. It left them exposed to The promotions of Conor Gallagher
Greenwood and Jadon Sancho may not pitch, Capello’s players flitted between with all those coaches,” Southgate con- international football’s cannon fodder. and Emile Smith Rowe from the
be in the best of form for Manchester boredom and mutiny in the strict camp tinued. “Conor and Emile have played France, Belgium, Spain and Italy — under-21 set-up serve to highlight the
United — and Dean Henderson on the run by the Italian. He refused to resign well with the under-21s and they’ve the four Nations League finalists — pathway England will always favour.
bench — but all are players of sub- and placed the onus for any decision on played very well with their clubs and were all drawn in groups of five. The If Callum Hudson-Odoi is serious
stance. England enjoy a fabulous gen- the FA, which was reluctant to fork out their progress is really exciting.” qualifying draw for the next Nations about his international career, he may
eration of players, most of them of an that settlement. So the FA’s gratitude to Southgate League tournament takes place on have to reconsider his refusal to play
age where they will only improve, and it An uneasy truce reigned until Capel- runs deep. Having built a coach-devel- December 16, with four games in June for the junior side in the belief his
is Southgate’s job, and duty, to guide lo eventually resigned in February opment centre at St George’s Park, the and two next September. The benefits performances at Chelsea are enough.
them to a trophy. 2012, having guided England to Euro FA knows it has to back homegrown of performing adeptly are clear. “Clearly, the process for us is much
The FA believes that the man it is giv- 2012 (but having been outraged by the coaches, narrowing the field for when- more straightforward when the boys
ing a new deal to is the real deal. Yet it FA’s insistence that he strip John Terry ever Southgate does move on. Those expect foden to go deep with the under-21s can come and
also needs remembering that in key of the captaincy after he was charged who fit the FA mould would be Brigh- There would be little surprise if train with us and they can slide across
moments, against Croatia in the semi- over racially abusing Queens Park ton & Hove Albion’s Graham Potter, Gareth Southgate deploys Phil Foden for the matches,” Southgate said.
final of the 2018 World Cup and against Rangers’ Anton Ferdinand). the favourite, followed by Eddie Howe, in a deeper midfield role in the Stadio “We know exactly what they’ve
Italy at the Euros this summer, South- Southgate was the FA’s head of elite of Newcastle United. For now, the FA Olimpico di Serravalle, as he did with been doing all week in terms of their
gate failed to respond as cleverly as development at the time and very pours all its hope, and increasing the Manchester City youngster last training load. These two boys have
Zlatko Dalic and Roberto Mancini did, aware of the Capello saga. He under- amounts of money, into Southgate. month in Andorra. That night Foden earned their opportunity through
respectively. Southgate still has to stood the FA’s pre-tournament backing Officials will tonight celebrate pulled the strings in the 5-0 success both what they’ve done with England
prove he can get England over the line. of Capello. “You’d never have a contract qualification for another lucrative and showcased his full repertoire of but also their club form.”
Yet the desire for Southgate to stay on if you didn’t judge somebody before a tournament, and then trust that passing. When England beat San Smith Rowe, the Arsenal attacker,
longer term is understandable. The tournament,” Southgate said, before Southgate can deliver at the World Cup. Marino at Wembley in March, they is under consideration to make his full
the times | Monday November 15 2021 65


Bale v Hazard: meeting


of the Real hate figures

Unwanted in Madrid, Hazard did so with his symptoms of
rustiness after starting only five of the
the club-mates collide 17 club matches for which he has been
available this season. What irks in
tomorrow as lodestars both cases is the low yield of club
action set against very elevated
for Wales and Belgium, salaries. The two best-paid players
and most expensive recruits at Real
writes Ian Hawkey

have, over the past six months, spent
far more time on the pitch for their
amentable,” thought one countries than their employer.
pundit. “A disgrace,” said There’s the hobby — golf in Bale’s
another. And so the case — that gets viewed as a vice. Then
bidding rose. “He’s toying there’s the moment you’re caught being
with the badge of the club insufficiently grave on camera. Bale’s
he represents.” “He’s a bad example to was when, as a non-playing substitute
the dressing room.” All in all, an during the run-in of the successful
unusual way of marking a player’s 2019-20 title race, he distractedly rolled
100th cap for his country and quite up some medical tape and put it to his
distinct from the serenades being eye as if it were a telescope. For
broadcast to listeners of BBC Radio Hazard, it was smiling and laughing
Wales. with former Chelsea colleagues straight
These were some of the phrases after his former club knocked Real out
bandied around on one of the more of a Champions League semi-final. The
sober Spanish late-night football giggling Belgian moved a step nearer to
shows, El Larguero, as discussion on the golfing Welshman for the sceptics.
Saturday turned to Gareth Bale’s 45 Nobody obliges either of them to
minutes captaining Wales. He was listen to El Larguero, read AS or dwell
withdrawn at half-time, with the win in the angrier corners of social media.
against Belarus apparently assured But the sound of scepticism is
and his thoughts turning to suddenly more immediate. Crowds
preserving his fitness for the final are back in Spanish stadiums, and
World Cup group qualifier against those at the Bernabéu have been
Belgium tomorrow, where a quick with their disapproval.
favourable seeding in the play-offs Bale endured many episodes of
may be at stake. Bernabéu booing pre-pandemic, while
Bale, 32, may be tempted shake knowing that there is an unerasable
hands at kick-off with the Belgium record of his brilliance: the four
captain and his Real Madrid team- European Cups, featuring decisive
mate, Eden Hazard, and share a roles in two of the finals plus the
knowing smile. Both are entitled to match-winning goals against
wonder if the dense cloud created by Liverpool in 2018; the two La Liga
San Marino How they stand in group I pundits fulminating about them will titles and a Copa del Rey in which a
have cleared from the skies above dazzling Bale solo settled the final
v England Madrid when they return to the city against Barcelona. When he reaches
World Cup qualifier P W D L F A GD Pts they call home. It is fair to say that the end of his contract in June, Bale
Tonight, 7.45pm England 9 7 2 0 29 3 26 23
Poland 9 6 2 1 29 9 20 20
Bale, who joined from Tottenham will be reminded that he outstayed his
Albania 9 5 0 4 11 12 -1 15 Hotspur for £85 million in 2013, and welcome. But more people will thank
TV: ITV Hungary 9 4 2 3 17 12 5 14 Hazard, who arrived from Chelsea for him for the great moments he spread
Radio: talkSPORT Andorra 9 2 0 7 8 23 -15 6 £130 million in 2019, are hardly across his first five years.
San Marino 9 0 0 9 1 36 -35 0 beloved in the Spanish capital. The Belgian has no such alibis.
Hazard, 30, reached his own When Madrid won La Liga at the end
milestone as Bale was winning his of his first season, 2019-20, Hazard,
100th cap — his 51st time (a Belgian bedevilled with injuries, played fewer

debut this evening and Gallagher, on record) captaining a country whose minutes than even Bale.
loan at Crystal Palace from Chelsea, years and have lost 174 times, scoring rise from failing to qualify for the Hazard’s total playing time since
should make his bow at some point. 26 goals and conceding 769. 2010 World Cup finals to Fifa’s world joining Real amounts to barely more
No 1 team has coincided with his than one game in four. It is nearly
chance for alexander-arnold Any memorable moments? senior career. He has been as much of two years since he played a full 90
Trent Alexander-Arnold will get an Barring that one win, their best days a national lodestar as Bale, although minutes in a Real shirt and six
opportunity to impress at right back, How bad are San Marino? involve holding more fancied sides to if you read the coverage in the months since the most recent of his
having seen Reece James catch the Literally the worst team in the world. draws — a 1993 stalemate with Turkey Madrid-based newspaper AS of five goals for them. He has fallen
eye in Friday’s win over Albania. At No 210 and bottom of the Fifa is a high point. And don’t forget Belgium sealing their place at Qatar behind Vinícius Júnior in the pecking
James played as a right wing-back rankings, they are pipping Anguilla Davide Gualtieri’s strike after eight 2022 with a 3-1 win over Estonia, you order for the wide attacking positions.
and his ability in that 3-4-3 is making and the British Virgin Islands for seconds against England in 1993, the would have missed that. Hazard had That queue may just have got
him indispensable. The efforts of international football’s wooden spoon. second-fastest goal in World Cup “his umpteenth anonymous game” as longer. Bale, deemed fit enough to
Alexander-Arnold, the Liverpool qualifying history. Who cares if they it reported a “grey” night for start for Wales, will be in contention
defender, to establish himself have How has it got so bad? went on to concede seven? “Belgium’s star of yesteryear”. — at least until Real try to usher him
proved more difficult. He should see San Marino have lost all but two of If Bale agitated pundits by playing, off the wage bill in January.
plenty of the ball and runs in behind their 53 matches since 2014. You have Why are they so bad? from kick-off, for Wales after two Wales v Belgium, tomorrow 7.45pm, Sky
the San Marino defence could be an to go back to George W Bush’s first A tiny enclave near the Italian Riviera months out for Real because of injury, Sports Main Event
important part of England’s plans. term and the dawn of Facebook for with only 33,000 inhabitants, San QUALITY SPORT IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES
their previous win, a 1-0 victory over Marino has fewer than 2,000 registered
one eye on the world cup Liechtenstein in April 2004. In total, players — England has 14 million.
England’s bubbling optimism about they have played 181 games in 31 Prodigious talents switch to Italy.
the World Cup was outlined by the
defender Conor Coady. “I’ll be honest,
we speak about it all the time,” the injuries. Raheem Sterling has also with-
Wolverhampton Wanderers captain continued from back drawn because of a personal issue.
said. “The coaching staff speak about Kane wants to face San Marino The Arsenal goalkeeper Aaron
the excitement, the manager speaks he scores at the Stadio Olimpico Di Ramsdale could make his England
about the excitement of trying to get Serravalle. No England player has debut, while Trent Alexander-Arnold,
to the biggest show on earth. That’s scored more than 12 goals in a single Jude Bellingham and Emile Smith
where we want to be, that’s what year, with Kane (2019), George Hilsdon Rowe may all feature.
we’ve worked so hard for.” (1908) and Dixie Dean (1927) jointly The England players plan to hold
holding the record at present. talks on how they can address concerns
Southgate said: “For sure, [Kane] is about human rights in Qatar, which
Clarification keen to play. We have got to make sure include the deaths of thousands of
we get this game won and we still have migrant workers, after they seal qualifi-
In the second edition of Saturday’s to try to qualify for the World Cup.” cation for the 2022 World Cup.
paper, we said that Ron Flowers, who England yesterday called up Conor “We’ve always said that we make sure
died on Friday aged 87, was a Gallagher, the midfielder on loan at we do our job first,” Conor Coady, part
goalkeeper. He was, in fact, a midfield Crystal Palace from Chelsea, from the of England’s leadership group, said.
player. We apologise for the error. under-21s, while Jordan Henderson “Then the conversation will be had Bale and Hazard, pictured playing against Levante in August, have spent far more
and Jack Grealish pulled out with with the players.” time on the pitch for their countries than for Real Madrid in the past six months
66 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Sport Rugby union

Farrell: from English reject

stick with what they were good at, they
David Walsh avoided the intricacies. Skill-sets were
Dublin what Kiwis had. That has all changed.
The Irish team has lost its inferiority Three wins out of five

complex, and good riddance to that. Margin of defeat or victory for Ireland in their 33 games against the All Blacks
Not everyone was convinced that the
evolution was complete. In the 2020 Wins Losses 11
7 9

documentary Chasing the Sun, the head



20 1


20 2



New Zealand






coach of South Africa at the time,
Rassie Erasmus, was dismissive on one -1 0



-4 -3 -3 -2



count. Speaking of Wales, he said: -6 -8
-9 -8 -11 -9 -11 -10 -10
Walking past the Beggars Bush pub on “They are not softies. They’re not like -11 -12
-15pts -17
Haddington Road an hour before the Ireland. They are tough f*****s.” -19 -20
game, it felt reassuringly like old times. That’s quite an accusation. So, let’s -24
So many people in green rugby shirts, jump to the ninth minute of Saturday’s -32 -32 -32
people spilling on to the pavement wonderful Test at the Aviva Stadium. -38 -38
outside, finding the space to make sure Having been pinned deep inside their
they didn’t spill their drinks. With each half for the first eight minutes, the All -48
sip, they could taste the anticipation, Blacks got a penalty and an attacking -53
the sense that maybe today could be opportunity inside Ireland’s half. -60
Ireland’s day. Five years before, after 111 Beauden Barrett then floated the most
years, Ireland had finally discovered precise cross-field kick into Will
that the All Blacks were beatable. Jordan’s arms.
It was on a day such as this in 1973, in The hugely impressive Jordan
this very pub, that I first felt the pre- stepped inside Hugo Keenan before
game excitement and heard the accent being brought down by James Lowe
of our Northern Irish brothers. Most of close to the Irish line. In an instant the
them would have been Unionists and ball was recycled and fed to the surging
yet they came to support the same team Jordie Barrett. The Kiwi full back is 6ft
as us because it was their team as much 5in and 15st. He is also massively
as ours. That January afternoon in ’73 is powerful and bloody quick. Taking the
remembered as the day that England ball at speed, it seemed impossible that
turned up, a year after Wales and Scot- he could be stopped. Somehow Andrew
land had refused to travel to Dublin. Conway, sprinting from his station on
England came at a time when the the right wing, came across to make the
Troubles were raging, killings almost most perfect tackle.
every day, and inside the Shelbourne Softies? Not on Saturday. It was
Hotel the visiting players needed to amusing to read the comments of Kiwi
sidestep all the police officers to get to fans as they poured out their grief on
their rooms. Shortly before 3 o’clock
that Saturday afternoon John Pullin
emerged from the Havelock Road How Ireland dominated
corner of the old Lansdowne Road and
everyone in the stadium stood and
Ireland New Zealand
Not for one minute or two, but for
four or five. It was, if you were fortunate 101 Tackles 238
to have been inside the stadium, 19 Missed Tackles 18
something that could never be 145 Carries 83
forgotten. In the 48 years since, only the 463 Metres gained 328
atmosphere at Croke Park for
22min 10sec Time 14min 51sec
England’s first game at that historic sta-
in possession
dium in 2007 comes anywhere close.
Ireland won in 1973 and in 2007 but the 8min 11sec Time in 1min 56sec
results were dwarfed by the occasion. opposition 22
There is, though, quite a difference 14min 59sec Time in 5min 39sec
between the Ireland of Saturday and opposition half

‘We poked the bear but

the rugby country that we had in 1973.
Back then we played with emotion and, social media, bemoaning that their Farrell is a graduate from the school of
occasionally in Dublin, that would be pack had been bullied by the Irish. At rugby league and he came to union
enough to beat superior opposition. last the boot was on the other foot. with some fundamental beliefs about
Tim Rodber, an England back-row There was so much to like in the way rugby. Foremost is that his team must
forward in the 1990s, used to say that Ireland played. Conway, a wing, sprint- win the physical battle. Ireland’s ag-
the trick to beating Ireland was to sur- ing to get to a restart and jumping so gressive defence was straight from Far- Peter O’Reilly Dublin Ireland wish to emulate. “History shows,
vive the 20 minutes of “boot and bol- high and so aggressively that the giant rell’s playbook. Softies? I don’t think so. the next time you play against the All
lock”. Through the Eighties, Nineties Sam Whitelock was forced into an The head coach’s greatest contribu- If present rankings are any sort of Blacks, that’s the most difficult,” Farrell
and early Noughties, England error. Conway and Lowe on the other tion is, however, not in defence but guide, Ireland are due to meet New said after this, Ireland’s seventh consecu-
routinely dismantled Ireland. wing found so many ways to insinuate attack. He must be a very persuasive Zealand in the World Cup quarter- tive win this year. “That’s part of our jour-
You may wonder how bad it could themselves into the action that their man because he has convinced this side finals at the Stade de France on Sunday, ney and it’s a great one. We want to test
have been. Well, on June 2, 1992, Ireland team-sheet positions seemed almost an that they can play ball-in-hand rugby October 23, 2023. If Saturday’s seismic ourselves against the best.
played Manawatu at the Showgrounds irrelevance. against the best in the world. For all his clash in Dublin was any sort of “[Having] 50,000 people behind us
Oval in Palmerston North. Manawatu Historically, Ireland had produced excellence as coach, Joe Schmidt was precursor, it should be the game of the here tonight and getting the victory
were then a second division team in the occasional good front-row forward never so adventurous and his rugby was tournament. against them is all well and good, but we
New Zealand’s provincial hierarchy. but it has never had a threesome such never so entertaining. Ireland’s victory will encourage them know it’s going to be harder down the
They shouldn’t have been able to troub- as Andrew Porter, Ronan Kelleher and When they ushered out Farrell after to believe that they are capable of going track. That’s what I said during the
le Ireland, but Manawatu won 58-24. Tadhg Furlong. They scrum, they ruck, the 2015 World Cup, English rugby where no previous Irish team have week. The more we’re going to play
Stu Cruden, the home skipper, wasn’t they tackle and they run. They throw really didn’t know what it was doing. gone before — to the semi-finals of these guys, the better we’re going to get.
impressed. “I’m disappointed,” he no-look passes with the nonchalance of rugby’s showpiece event. Ian Foster, the “I’ve no doubt they’ll come firing
lamented, “we’ve got Samoa next week a fly half and they utterly outplayed New Zealand head coach, described it back at us in the first Test. But it’s the
and we were hoping for a better hit- their Kiwi rivals. Kelleher, a Johnny- Scorers: Ireland: Tries Lowe 14, Kelleher 45, Doris as “the best Irish performance in my place that we want to be.”
50. Con Sexton. Pens Sexton, Carbery 3.
out.” come-lately really, was outstanding. New Zealand: Tries Taylor 32, Jordan 62. Cons
time” — this from a man who was The idea of being excited by these
So, in truth, the scene in the bars of It was the same story in the back row J Barrett 2. Pens J Barrett 2. involved in the All Blacks’ coaching set- opportunities had been one of Farrell’s
Dublin early on Saturday afternoon where the newest addition, Caelan Ireland H Keenan; A Conway, G Ringrose, B Aki up for their two previous defeats main themes during the build-up, and it
wasn’t at all like old times. The pessi- Doris, stood out. When Doris received (K Earls 72min), J Lowe; J Sexton (J Carbery 65), against the Irish, in 2016 and 2018. proved to be a highly charged occasion
J Gibson-Park (C Murray 72); A Porter (C Healy
mism, not to say fatalism, that was once that short pass from Jamison Gibson- 76), R Kelleher (R Herring 59), T Furlong Foster’s crumb of comfort is that the — some of the verbal exchanges
part of our match-day kit is no longer Park early in the second half, it was (F Bealham 66), I Henderson (T Beirne 48), All Blacks can reassert themselves next between Johnny Sexton and Dane
on sale. No demand. No Irish person second nature for him to take an inside J Ryan, C Doris, J Van der Flier (P O’Mahony 59), July, when Ireland’s season ends with Coles were for after the watershed.
J Conan.
would disagree with the contention line on to Codie Taylor’s weaker left New Zealand J Barrett; W Jordan, R Ioane,
three Tests in New Zealand. The Ireland When it came down to it, however,
that the All Blacks are the No 1 team in shoulder. The Kiwi hooker’s attempted A Lienert-Brown (D Havili 38), S Reece; B Barrett head coach, Andy Farrell, conceded Ireland’s ability to maintain their
world rugby. Irish fans would have all tackle was woeful and he would soon be (R Mo’unga 22), T Perenara; J Moody that his team had “poked the bear” and equilibrium was the key to victory.
demurred if you’d dare to suggest that replaced. Doris is quite a footballer. (K Tu’inukuafe 52), C Taylor (sin-bin 13-23; Coles he expects the reaction to be nasty. Their work rate and execution were
52), N Laulala (T Lomax 52), B Retallick,
their team had no chance. And, finally, to the delicious irony of S Whitelock, E Blackadder (D Coles 23-30; But Farrell welcomes any opportunity consistent for 80 minutes, allowing
Ireland’s team has evolved and is a brilliant performance. It was master- A Ioane 61), D Papalii, A Savea. to take on these opponents. Their brand them to cope with setbacks that might
continuing to evolve. Once content to minded by an Englishman. Andy Referee L Pearce (Eng). Attendance 51,700. of high-tempo relentlessness is what have derailed lesser teams.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 67


to Ireland’s hero Rivals’ form paints

ominous World Cup

picture for Scotland

“South Africa are up there with the best
in the world around their scrum and
lineout, their game is based on having

more set pieces.
South Africa
30 “Our scrum wasn’t good enough
throughout the 80 minutes. At times it
Alasdair Reid looked good and at times the assistant
Scottish Rugby Correspondent referee was shouting ‘green, green’ but
the referee didn’t seem to hear him. But
As if the portents from this match were we know at times that South Africa had
not bad enough for Gregor Townsend, the upper hand at the scrum.”
the Scotland head coach would have Scotland somehow managed to hold
found a few more when the news a two-point lead, 10-8, after the first 40
filtered through from Dublin that minutes of punishment, but they caved
Ireland had beaten the All Blacks. in thereafter as South Africa beat them
Combined, those two results moved and beasted them at the breakdown.
South Africa to the top of the world Rugby these days is largely about
rankings and Ireland up to fourth place winning collisions, but in those terms
— an ominous scenario as Scotland the South African steamroller had the
have been drawn in the same pool as Scots heading for the scrapyard long
both teams for the World Cup in France before the end.
in 2023. So now South Africa head to
A lot can happen between now and Twickenham with a team that is broad-
then, but if those rankings count for ly similar and a game plan that is pretty
anything — and they usually do — then much identical to the one they used to
Scotland look destined to exit the tour- hammer England in the World Cup
nament before the knockout stage for final in Yokohama two years ago.
the second time in a row. South Africa They warmed up for this tour by
looked fearsomely strong at Murray- beating the All Blacks and they have
field and their team will be far from over now put away Wales and Scotland with
the hill in two years’ time. Ireland, something to spare. Physically,
meanwhile, keep churning out the England may give them more of a test,
players and results that would have but many of us expected that to happen
been inconceivable when they were the
whipping boys of Test rugby at the
dawn of the professional era.
It was an act of stark and indefensible
stupidity of World Cup organisers to
base their draw on seedings that will be
almost four years old by the time the
tournament takes place, but it is the
hand that Scotland have been dealt and
the one they want to play.
There were indications in the Scots’
victory over Australia six days earlier
that Townsend has a team and a
strategy that could peak in 2023, but
you might have said the same when
Lowe crosses Scotland hammered Australia in No- Scotland’s pack had a 53kg advantage
for the first try vember 2017. Two years later, they but could not make it tell in the scrum
despite the made an early and humiliating exit
best efforts of from the World Cup in Japan. in Japan as well. England will certainly
Jordie Barrett The Glasgow Warriors team that have to find some way to reduce the

we want All Blacks coming for us’

Townsend coached before he moved up influence of Kwagga Smith, the out-
to the Scotland job could be relied upon standing flanker, and to at least partial-
to run rings round a side they matched ly defuse the front-row bomb squad
physically. Inconveniently, they could who made their customary entry from
usually be relied upon to lose heavily to the bench at Murrayfield and made
teams that outmuscled them as well. their customary nuisance of them-
By half-time, for example, they their corn at the break for it was in the Foster said. “That’s life. It was really, That pattern was painfully obvious selves.
should have felt utterly deflated, having next ten minutes that Ireland regained really marginal.” against South Africa, although the It should be a matter of some concern
enjoyed a three-quarter share of the lead and a measure of control. If this was a stroke of good luck for Scots could hardly claim that they were to Scotland that they were routinely
possession and territory only to find Appropriately enough, their second Ireland, there was nothing fortunate always going to be bullied out of the beaten to and at the breakdown by that
themselves trailing 10-5. and third tries came from two of the about the way that they closed out the game, as they actually went into it with lumbering Springbok trio.
New Zealand lost Beauden Barrett younger stars, Kelleher and Caelan game, with the bench players such as a pack that was substantially heavier On the plus side, the day provided
and Anton Lienert-Brown to injury in Doris. The latter’s effort, after a 20- Peter O’Mahony and Tadhg Beirne than their opponents’. another couple of milestones in the life
that period and had Codie Taylor in the metre surge towards the posts, is sure to helping to quell any attempted Weights listed in the match-day of Stuart Hogg, the Scotland captain,
sin-bin for ten minutes for a high shot earn iconic status. counterattacks. programme have to be taken with a who broke the world record for most
on Sexton. But their defence was At this point the All Blacks looked Also reassuring for Farrell was that pinch of salt, but they usually provide a Tier One Test starts at full back and
freakishly good. They made 160 drained. They made more handling his team kept playing until the end, and reasonable guide. The numbers on who drew level with Ian Smith and
tackles in that first half, compared to errors in those ten minutes than they did so without Sexton, who was off Saturday suggested that Scotland’s Tony Stanger as Scotland’s all-time top
32 by Ireland. t
they would normally make in an the field for the final 15 minutes. His pack was fully 53kg heavier than South tryscorer with the two touchdowns that
After Tadhg Furlong was denied a entire season. And yet they are replacement, Joey Carbery, kicked Africa’s. That works out at 6.6kg — just brought his personal tally up to 24.
try after a double movement by phenomenally resilient and three nerveless penalties, including over a stone in old money — per player.
Ronan Kelleher was spotted by lethal in attack. one monster from 50 metres. And yet those Scottish forwards were a
the TMO, the All Blacks then Will Jordan’s try in the Carbery will surely start on Sunday poor second best in just about every Scorers: Scotland: Tries Hogg (35, 58) Con
Russell. Pen Russell. South Africa: Tries Mapimpi
sucker-punched Ireland with 62nd minute ripped the against Argentina, as Farrell seeks to significant area of the game. (28, 43) Con E Jantjies. Pens E Jantjies (3), Pollard
Taylor’s try at the other end. game back open. Six complete an autumnal clean sweep The set piece was brutal for Scotland. (2), Steyn.
Ireland were unfazed, minutes later, Akira while also building depth. A good number of the 15 penalties they Scotland S Hogg; R McLean (B Kinghorn 52min),
however. “We’re getting Ioane touched down “We want to finish on a high,” Farrell conceded — an indefensible total at C Harris, M Scott (A Hastings 71), D van der
Merwe; F Russell, A Price (G Horne 71);
pretty good at staying in thee only for the officials to said. “The aim is to be as consistently this level — happened in the scrum. P Schoeman (J Bhatti 62), S McInally (E Ashman
moment, being nice and decide that the scoring good as we possibly can be. That’s the Townsend suggested that Angus Gard- 62), Z Fagerson (O Kebble 69), S Skinner
controlled,” Farrell said. p
pass had been forward. hardest thing in any sport, to be ner, the Australian referee, ignored (J Hodgson 71), G Gilchrist, N Haining (H Watson
52), J Ritchie, M Fagerson.
“Trusting ourselves, sticking “I saw it differently,” consistently at your best. advice from his assistants to the effect South Africa W Le Roux (F Steyn 64); J Kriel,
to the process and keep p “It’s tough, particularly when people that the Springboks were scrummaging L Am, D de Allende, M Mapimpi; E Jantjies
believing in what we are trying Farrell hailed the are chasing you down. It’s a lot easier to illegally, but it is doubtful whether (H Pollard 63), H Jantjies (C Reinach 41); R Nche
to achieve. That is the crux of it.”” win but expects a be the underdog. To be the favourite, to another official would have made much (S Kitshoff 41), M Mbonambi (M Marx 41),
T Nyakane (V Koch 41), E Etzebeth, F Mostert
Farrell, Paul O’Connell and d reaction when his keep your feet on the ground, we have of a difference to the overall pattern. (L de Jager 62), S Kolisi, A Smith, D Vermeulen
the other members of the side face the All to train well this week, prepare as we “We knew the set piece was going to (J Wiese 75).
coaching staff clearly earned d Blacks again in July have over the last few weeks.” be a real challenge,” Townsend said. Referee A Gardner (Aus). Attendance 67,144.
68 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Sport Rugby union

Wales survive glorious Fiji onslaught


Steve James

The victory eventually went to Wales,
but in truth much of the glory in an
entertaining Test belonged to Fiji, who
were reduced to 14 men after just 24
minutes when the wing Eroni Sau was
sent off, and then went down to 13 men
twice for two yellow cards, but through-
out they were wonderfully physical and
Despite the ill discipline this was a
performance of quality and pride, with
the hooker Sam Matavesi quite out-
standing, against a Wales side that was
not as experimental as so many in these
autumn Tests against Tier Two sides.
“It was everything you’d expect in a
Fiji-Wales game,” the Wales head
coach Wayne Pivac said. “The biggest
problem for us in the first 60 minutes
was the fact that we had separation at
the breakdown and they were very
strong over the ball. We talked about
that all week long. That is a concern.”
In the end Wales were indebted to
their driving lineout and two stunning
finishes from their wings, Alex
Cuthbert and Louis Rees-Zammit,
while they were often ushered out of
trouble by the experience and calmness
of Liam Williams at full back. He scored
a try at the death to crown a man-of-
the-match effort, but that score gave
the scoreline a rather lopsided feel.
That was harsh on Fiji who had made
so much of the running and had started
sensationally. There had already been Cuthbert produced a superb finish for Wales’ fourth try against a Fiji side who pushed their opponents all the way despite the red card for Sau’s swinging arm, inset
warning of their power when Sau
bumped off Nick Tompkins, and in just plunged over. Dan Biggar converted. mage under the posts. The try was Tuicuvu after he had marked Biggar’s ishing it off after a break from Tomp-
the fourth minute there was evidence of Biggar, though, uncharacteristically almost a formality for the sharp scrum long kick. Wales’ chasers and defenders kins. Sheedy again converted.
their superb running lines as the No 8 kicked a ball straight out, allowing Fiji half Kieran Hardy. Biggar converted were scarce to say the least and the Australia may be struggling, but
Viliame Mata took a short ball from the an easy attacking position from which and Wales led 14-13. centre raced away. Volavola converted Wales will need to be a whole lot better
fly half Ben Volavola to burst through Volavola eventually kicked a second Wales thought they had scored and it was 23-14. against them next weekend, with the
and feed the captain and centre Waisea penalty. Fiji led 13-7 after 22 minutes. another try before the break. Rees- Wales had to wise up. And they did so lock Will Rowlands another injury
Nayacalevu to score. But then calamity struck for them, as Zammit had begun it by athletically from the familiar source of the set piece. doubt after a head knock.
Volavola converted and soon kicked Sau was sent off for a reckless swinging keeping Hardy’s clearance kick in play The replacement prop Eroni Mawi was .
a penalty to make it 10-0. arm on Johnny Williams who was on and then Alex Cuthbert made ground yellow-carded and from the resultant
Wales had been forced into two late the ground. Sau had already tackled the on the right. When the ball came left lineout Elias went over for his second Scorers: Wales: Tries Elias 10, 62, Hardy 37,
Cuthbert 66, Rees-Zammit 73, L Williams 81. Cons
changes, with both the prop Tomas Wales centre with a big hit and, though Biggar’s cross kick was pinpoint accu- try. Biggar’s conversion hit a post, but it Biggar 2, Sheedy 2. Fiji: Tries Nayacalevu 3, 56.
Francis (head injury) and Josh Adams the referee Nic Berry initially wanted to rate to Rees-Zammit to sprint away to was now 23-19 to Fiji. Cons Volavola 2. Pens Volavola 3.
(calf), who was in line to play at centre, use the fact that Williams was falling as cross, but the television replays showed Soon Wales were in front at 24-23. It Wales L Williams; A Cuthbert, N Tompkins,
pulling out. WillGriff John and mitigation, he was rightly persuaded by that Rees-Zammit had not in fact kept was a popular score for the wing J Williams (W Halaholo 50), L Rees-Zammit;
D Biggar (C Sheedy 65), K Hardy (T Williams 50);
Tompkins replaced them, but John the TMO Stuart Terheege that it had to the ball in play right at the movement’s Cuthbert on his first appearance for R Carré (Thomas 45), R Elias, WG John (D Lewis
lasted only six minutes before suffering be a red card. beginning. four years, brilliantly finishing a fine 6), W Rowlands (C Tshiunza 70), A Beard,
a head injury and being replaced by At last Wales began to string some Fiji would not lie down, though, even passing movement. Callum Sheedy E Jenkins, T Young (S Davies 58), T Basham.
Fiji S Tuicuvu (A Tuimaba 75); J Tuisova,
Dillon Lewis. This was not how Wales phases together — ten in all — and when still with 13 men. Adam Beard was missed the conversion. W Nayacalevu, V Botitu ( A Naqalevu 58), E Sau
would have wanted to start. again went to the corner instead of penalised for a high tackle and Volavola Rees-Zammit then brought the (red card 24); B Volavola, F Lomani (N Matawalu
Two penalty kicks to the corner im- taking the points from the penalty. Now kicked the long-range penalty for the house down with a kick and chase try 71); P Ravai (E Mawi 50 [sin bin 62]), S Matavesi
mediately brought some balm for the there were another eight phases of visitors to regain the lead at 16-14. from halfway, showing astounding pace (Z Togiatama 79), M Doge (L Atalifo 50),
A Ratuniyarawa (T Ratuva 71), T Mayanavanua,
home side, and from the second the pressure that resulted in a yellow card That was extended when the captain to beat Volavola to the touchdown. A Tuisue (sin-bin 37), M Kunavula (M Dakuwaqa
lineout drive twisted inexorably to the for the flanker Albert Tuisue. Fiji were Nayacalevu scored a second try soon Sheedy converted and Wales were 50), V Mata.
open side and the hooker Ryan Elias down to 13 and Wales took a scrum- afterwards, begun by the full back Seta home, with the full back Williams fin- Referee N Berry (Aus). Attendance 63,383.

Dominant England’s late flurry extends their winning run to 17

centre Helena Rowland. Cowell, a Har- Minutes later Amy Cokayne provid- Next MacDonald managed to sell a score of the match. The scoreline does
England Women
lequins speedster, knows how to score ed the perfect throw-in for the England dummy to Rowland, holding on to cross not reflect Canada’s effort in the first
here and how to score on debut, doing lineout to transform into a driving the line herself. At the hour mark, En- half, but it is England’s 17th win in a row

so for team GB sevens in September in maul. The ball was released by scrum gland were 34-12 ahead and Harrison’s and yet another dominant performance.
Canada Women their title-winning Canada series. half Claudia MacDonald into the hands penalty soon put them 25 points clear.
Fifteen minutes in, England had their of the prop Sarah Bern, who scored. Alex Matthews came on to score her Scorers: England: Tries Cowell 4, 40, Bern 29, 41,
MacDonald 50, 51, Matthews 70. Cons Harrison
Jessica Hayden Twickenham Stoop scrum turned. Canada’s entire starting The away team got their second try in ninth England try, the product of a (2). Pens Harrison (4). Canada: Tries Farries 22,
front five have played in the Premier 15s the 35th minute. From a Canada scrum, wonderful take by MacDonald. Then Poulin 35. Con Miller.
England faced their first real test of the in the past year, with Olivia DeMer- the backs passed through the hands MacDonald became the third England England S McKenna; H Cowell L Tuima, H
autumn from a relentless Canada at the chant, Emily Tuttosi and DaLaeka Men- before right winger Sabrina Poulin ran player to score two tries. She was push- Rowland, A Dow, Z Harrison, C MacDonald; H
Botterman, A Cokayne, S Bern, Z Aldcroft, A Ward,
Twickenham Stoop — but, despite a in also the starting front row for Exeter straight through for a try. ed out to the wing as Leanne Infante S Hunter (capt), S Kabeya, P Cleall. Replacements
challenging first half, the Red Roses Chiefs. That experience seemed to help In the last play of the first half, Cowell came on to take over at scrum half. L Davies; V Cornborough, M Muir, H Millar-Mills,
regained composure with seven tries. as they challenged at each maul and crossed for her second try to put After a strong England lineout five me- A Matthews, M Packer, L Infante, H Aitchison.
Canada E Alarie; S Poulin, S Kaljuvee, A Tessier,
Both teams started the match un- managed to push over at the scrum. Pai- England 20-12 up. They scored four tres from the tryline, MacDonald was P Farries, E Belchos, B Miller; O DeMerchant
beaten this autumn. Heather Cowell, ge Farries of Canada intercepted a loose more tries in the second half. Bern got shouting in the ear of Infante, having (capt), E Tuttosi, D Menin, E Taylor, C Holtkamp,
the England debutant on the right pass and lost defenders to power over her second by poking through a hole spotted a gap on the blind side of the F Forteza, K Paquin, G Senft Replacements
wing, opened the scoring in the far cor- the line. The Red Roses were 7-5 down, in the Canadian line and scoring by maul. Infante delivered quickly and L Russell, B Kassil, A Ellis, T Beukeboom, P Buisa,
L Royer, J Pelletier, R Gonzalez.
ner after collecting from the inside trailing for the first time this autumn. the posts. MacDonald sprinted to make the final Referee H Davidson (SRU). Attendance 6,310.
the times | Monday November 15 2021 69


Roving Slade 26-25

needs trust
England are at last in
front of Australia in their
head-to-head record.
Australia won the first
game in 1909 and had

of ‘new’ Eddie
never before trailed

Twickenham. Broken fields can

Stuart Barnes liberate rugby’s visionaries.
Marcus Smith would hate all that
room in which to gather his thoughts.
The short-levered Harlequin thinks
and acts as quickly as any fly half has
in a long time. Slade, however, could

become the consummate floating
three-quarter operator that Hook
his was not one of the more could have been. For that to occur,
exciting Test matches but I Eddie Jones will need to be braver in
cannot remember being his rugby philosophy than Warren
more fascinated with Gatland was with Wales. Hook
England’s intentions. Top of eventually drifted to full back but he
the list was the sight of Henry Slade was a reluctant choice, as Wales
operating as a quasi-full back. My settled for the durable duo of Stephen
mind went back to 2010 and a long Jones and Leigh Halfpenny at No 10
forgotten English victory against and full back respectively.
Wales. In Gatland’s glory days Wales were
England won 30-17 but the man of tenacious but the quality of the rugby

the match was James Hook. The was far from glorious. Wales
Osprey was one of the most gifted
players produced by Wales in the
professional era. Maybe he is not
regarded as one of the greats, though;
a peripheral genius who did not find
the perfect position.
That day he scythed through The success of Slade
England, playing out of position at in his new hybrid role
outside centre. Away from his day job,
fly half, Hook revealed the full sweep is a good barometer
of his potential. Like Slade, he was a
long-legged No 10 in his youth. by which to measure
Indeed that was where Wales often transitional England
played him. Slade had a similar Australia’s James O’Connor attempts to tackle Slade, whose time at fly half in his youth has made him much more versatile
reputation in Devon but it did not
click in the early days at Exeter conquered Europe on a few occasions into their own territory and the rugby Jones is not the first man to state blind-side wing is tasked with
Chiefs. but their record against the southern- brain to exploit a fragmented field. that the numbers on a player’s back defusing the aerial assault. Tuilagi
Slade, as Hook did, requires a little hemisphere triumvirate was average. However, he has to adjust to his should be irrelevant. Clive Woodward wore No 14 but played the role of hit
more time to make his plays. Both They could not take the next step. extra space. Twice on Saturday he was an advocate of the Rugby man, with or without ball in the
men are long and rangy, without a Two years out from England’s bid went on long counterattacks. On both Everyman. Hook could have been midfield; Steward was the No 15 who
quick snap to their kicking game. On to win a second World Cup, the occasions, he took off diagonally and that man. Slade may mature into him. did much of the wing’s defending.
that day in 2010 Hook shifted out to example of Slade poses the question deprived others of oxygen. But Jones made the point, with the And then there is Slade, the Exeter
No 13; on Saturday Slade travelled that few have yet to ask: as a roving It looked pretty naive but, in time, Springboks coming to Twickenham No 13, wearing the same jersey for his
even further from the hub of the presence, can he lift England to the men such as Jonny May will learn to on Saturday, that “you have to handle country but playing a potentially
action, a free spirit roaming between next level? operate on the same wavelength and their kicking”. groundbreaking game as a hybrid
outside centre and full back. The If Jones believes this fascinating see the possibility of a scissors move Slade handled Australia’s kicking 13-15. Eleven years ago, I saw the
Welshman flourished in the novelty shifting of positions between Freddie cutting back inside. well. Most of the time he fitted into future of the Welsh attacking game in
of an open field. Slade did not dazzle Steward (named as full back but Kicking away possession to Slade full back, with the box-kick the Hook. However, the Wales
like Hook but he did show elements defensively a wing), Manu Tuilagi could become the last resort against obvious and regular option for management lacked the trust to tell a
of an extra dimension as (the so-called right wing who spent England. To have an individual with Australia. Steward waited wide for it man of game-changing potential to
counterattacker and kicker. most of his time as a centre) and the vision of a fly half and the touch to drop. On present form there is no play it as he saw it.
Slade’s career has moved from Slade (the outside centre who of an outside centre fits the bill so one in Europe better equipped than A year ago the other Eddie, the
No 10 to No 13, from being bit-part dropped deep) is the answer, we could succinctly described by the England the young Leicester Tiger to handle negative one, would have baulked at
brilliant at Exeter to a regular witness something rarely seen from head coach in the post-match press the flak coming England’s way from such fanciful chat. Now he talks up a
contender for man of the match. In English club and international sides conference. “The game is a lot more the South Africans. different way of thinking. The success
Exeter’s 2019 run to domestic and — a kaleidoscopic ability to carve fluid and transitional [than it used to We think of the full back being the or otherwise of the Slade experiment
European glory, he was sublime. Just open an opposition. Slade has the left be] . . . the numbers [players wear] are predominant presence under the high is a good barometer by which to
as Hook was that February day at foot to drive opposing teams deep fairly archaic.” ball but more often than not the measure this transitional England.

Jones looks at Japan blueprint to claim Springbok scalp

Alex Lowe Rugby Correspondent Jones is determined that his side do not “You have got to take away their (knee) and Owen Farrell (ankle) to bit short of troops,” Jones said. Never-
play into South African hands as scrum, take away their maul and leave the field against Australia, with a theless, Mako Vunipola, the Saracens
Eddie Jones is preparing to dust off the England target an autumn clean sweep, successfully catch their high balls and squad update to be issued today. prop, will not be called into the squad.
blueprint from the biggest shock in having defeated Tonga nine days ago not give them attacking opportunities. They will definitely be without Ellis England will be treating the South
Rugby World Cup history as England and retained the Cook Cup with a 32-15 “We were able to do that because we Genge, the loose-head prop and vice- Africa game as a final, Jones added, but
construct a plan to defeat South Africa victory over Australia. had four months to prepare for one captain, who has Covid-19, but Jones not as revenge for their World Cup loss
at Twickenham. “It’s the final game and we want to go game. With England, we will have to play confirmed that Joe Marler will come in- in Yokohama just over two years ago.
The England head coach was in into the [2022] Six Nations with a South differently to beat them because if you to the selection equation even though “It is the final game of the autumn.
charge of Japan when they stunned the African scalp,” Jones said. “I worked are taking on a heavyweight contest and he only emerges from quarantine on We want to go away with a good feeling
Springboks in the pool stage of the 2015 with the Springboks for a year [in 2007] you are fighting George Foreman, who Thursday, the day the team is an- and so the guys can’t wait to get back in-
World Cup by playing a style of ruck- so I have a pretty reasonable can whack and whack, you have to do nounced, underlining his importance. to camp for the Six Nations,” Jones said.
and-run rugby that denied South understanding of what they try to do. something different. Jones praised Bevan Rodd, the Sale “The way you finish is important. It’s
Africa a chance to exert their strengths. That is one of the reasons we were “We have got four days to come up Sharks loose-head prop, for his debut like you go out on a date with a girlfriend
England face the Springboks on Sat- successful with Japan, that we were able with something different. And we will.” performance, against the Wallabies, — the night finishes well and you can’t
urday for the first time since they were to take away a few things they are good England were yesterday assessing knowing an even stiffer test lies ahead wait for the next date. We want to make
outmuscled in the 2019 World Cup final. at and expose them in a few areas. the injuries that forced Jamie George for the 21-year-old. “We are running a sure the players have that feeling.”
70 Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Sport Rugby union

Sinckler: Boks How England’s

new-look back
line worked
heartache is Numbers on shirts don’t count
England’s backs did not generally play in the positions their shirt numbers

motivating me
would have suggested as this example from the first half shows

1 2
Smith Smith

much-vaunted new attacking shape to Farrell

Alex Lowe Next weekend’s fixtures click. Tuilagi
Rugby Correspondent Tuilagi
“I know if selected I’ve got to be at my
Saturday best otherwise they’re a world-class Slade

Italy v Uruguay 1pm, Parma side and they’ll make us pay, especially May May
Scotland v Japan 1pm, Murrayfield up front in the scrum,” Sinckler added.
England v South Africa 3.15pm, “They got quite a few scrum penalties May is on the left wing, Steward (the Farrell (the No 12) acts as first

Twickenham [in their 30-15 win against Scotland on full back) on the right wing, Slade receiver while Tuilagi, in the centre,
Australia Wales v Australia 5.30pm, Cardiff Saturday]. It’s going to be a huge task. (the No 13) in a full-back position, draws in the Australia defenders.
France v New Zealand 8pm, Paris “I wouldn’t just single out their and Tuilagi (No 14) in the centre May keeps the width
(All live on Amazon Prime) scrum. Their maul, their rucks, their
Three weeks after the 2019 World Cup kick-chase, they’re a top-quality outfit.
final, Kyle Sinckler sat in a darkened Sunday “They are the world champions for a 3 4
room at home, still dealing with the Ireland v Argentina 2.15pm, Dublin reason. The [England] breakdown
after-effects of being knocked out cold (Live on Channel 4) needs to improve; the set piece, we got
only three minutes into the game there in the end [against Australia]. We
against South Africa. Everything he All games, apart from Italy-Uruguay, need to address our discipline at times, Slade
had worked for, everything he had are live on talkSPORT 2 our attack, defence. Everything. You
committed to, had been wiped out in can always improve. Smith
the split-second that his head collided “We were more satisfied by the result
with Maro Itoje’s hip. Sinckler has no sorry for myself, but I feel since then I than the performance. To put 30-odd Slade
memory of the game or the biggest day have tried to kick on and mature my points against a top-quality Australia
in his career. Somehow he had to game and develop it in terms of the side, we will take that, especially with May
process the sense of loss. fundamentals, along with the X-factor how chaotic the week was, but we feel
The British & Irish Lions offered little game I feel like I have as well. like we have so much more in the tank. Smith (the No 10) moves around Smith passes to Slade, who has
solace. Initially Sinckler was not select- “It was quite tough, but that is the “We are under no illusions that next behind the back of Farrell and come up to join the attack and runs
ed for the tour to South Africa, which universe’s plan for me and I have to just week is going to be another step up and receives a pass in the space created across the field before passing to
stung him hard, but he eventually made keep my head and use it as motivation it is something that we are relishing.” by the attention afforded to Tuilagi May, who is stopped in the corner
the Test team only to suffer a 2-1 series now to give it all for my brothers.” Sinckler says that he finds it “weird”
defeat at the hands of the world On the reunion with South Africa, to be considered a senior player in the
champions. Little wonder, then, that
Saturday’s game for England against
Sinckler added: “It is a huge game and
they are world champions for a reason.
squad but it is a role that he takes seri-
ously. Jones described him and Ellis
Smith is not just
the Springboks has been ringed in
Sinckler’s diary for some time.
We have to bring our A game — other-
wise we are going to be in trouble.”
Genge, two gritty props who did not
emerge from traditional rugby envi-
a pretty face
As a team, England are not billing England had expected a free- ronments, as the “poster boys” for the
this as an opportunity for revenge. flowing, high-volume game against new England team. It is not often that The fly half may have been picked for
Sinckler, too, has found a way to move Australia at Twickenham on Saturday props get the billboard treatment, espe- his attacking flair, but Marcus Smith
on from the bitter disappointment of but the Wallabies, shorn of three key cially with the more dazzling talents of shirked none of his defensive duties.
that evening in Yokohama but we are all backs, competed ferociously hard at the Marcus Smith and Freddie Steward in He completed eight tackles, the joint
a product of our experiences. That breakdown and into the scrum, turning the squad. Steward was outstanding on most for England alongside the lock
history will bleed into the occasion on the contest into a dogfight at times. Saturday as he rotated his role between Jonny Hill, and ahead of Tom Curry’s
Saturday afternoon. It is unavoidable. Bevan Rodd acquitted himself full back and wing, finishing his try seven from the back row. Smith also
Sinckler, 28, uses it to stoke the fire in admirably on his England debut at beautifully after being released by a passed 17 times, comfortably ahead of
his belly. loose-head prop against James Slipper, lovely delayed pass from Smith. anyone other than the scrum half Ben
“I’d be lying if I didn’t look at that who had not played as a tight-head for The fly half trod water for a second as Youngs. Likewise his seven kicks in
fixture and was like, ‘I need to be ready nine years but found the muscle Manu Tuilagi caught the eye of play were only topped by Youngs
for that game,’ ” the Bristol Bears prop memory required to make life very Andrew Kellaway and then gave a

Full marks for the

said. “I am disappointed with the result difficult. It took Sinckler until the double-pump pass to send Steward
in the summer and obviously how it second half to get the better of Angus through the gap vacated by the Wallaby
ended two years ago. I was only on the Bell. With Trevor Nyakane, Vincent wing. “It’s great to be involved in creat-
field for a minute or two. Koch, Ox Nche and Steven Kitshoff ing a new group and a new vision two
“Since I could remember, all I wanted heading for Twickenham, it is no years out from a World Cup,” Sinckler
to do was play for my country — and surprise that Eddie Jones, the England said.
then you get to that moment and I can’t head coach, is talking about selecting “We have only got 600-odd days. I
remember any of it. Joe Marler, even though he will be am always very conscious that my job is probably should have been in 14 and
“It’s a tough one. Two or three weeks allowed out of quarantine only on to inspire kids and anyone — black, Owen Slot Henry Slade, who wore 13, should
after, I just sat in my house in a dark Thursday. white, Asian, man, woman — coming have had 15 on his back.
room, obviously concussed, trying to Australia targeted England at the through and anyone who’s going Or at least something like that.
process what happened. It took me a breakdown, competing and counter- through some tough times.” Rugby is messy and chaotic and no
while. rucking hard, either winning the con- Chief Sports one is ever going to remain all day in
“It would have been very easy for me test or slowing down possession to Writer the channel that their shirt number

to throw my toys out the pram or feel make it difficult for the home team’s’ England: Tries F Steward (6min), J Blamire (79). might prescribe.
Cons O Farrell, M Smith. Pens Farrell 5 (10, 17,
30, 30, 49), Smith (72). Australia: Pens J
That is why the Australians weren’t
Sinckler gets O’Connor 5 (4, 13, 19, 39, 43). HT 16-12. et’s be honest, if there was exactly bothered about trying to work
better of Rob England F Steward; M Tuilagi, H Slade, O Farrell any obligation in rugby for this out. It is not as if Tom Wright,
Leota but (c) (rep: M Malins 68), J May; M Smith, B Youngs players to wear the shirt who was their left wing, attempted to
South Africa (T Davison 72); B Rodd (R Quirke 72), J George number that reflects where man-mark Tuilagi because he was
(J Blamire 41), K Sinckler (W Stuart 72), M Itoje,
are the team J Hill (C Ewels 74), C Lawes (S Simmonds 75), they actually play, then nominally England’s right wing.
he is really S Underhill (A Dombrandt 56), T Curry. Marcus Smith would never have been Professional rugby players are experts
waiting for Australia K Beale; A Kellaway, L Ikitau, H wearing the No 10 shirt. at computing their opponents and the
Paisami, T Wright (I Perese 67); J O’Connor In Eddie Jones’s latest iteration of way in which they are manipulating
(N Lolesio 74), N White (T McDermott 73); total rugby, against Australia under the space in front of them. As Jones
A Bell (T Robertson 73), F Fainga’a (T Latu 65),
J Slipper (O Hoskins 68), R Arnold (W Skelton the lights of Twickenham’s Saturday has long been saying, the numbers on
63), I Rodda, R Leota, M Hooper (c) (P Samu 56), night, Owen Farrell would have been the back don’t matter. They didn’t
R Valetini. in the No 10 jersey and Smith would matter to the Wallabies either.
Attendance 82,575. have been wearing 12. Manu Tuilagi, What matters is whether your
Man of the match F Steward (Eng).
Referee J Peyper (SA). Assistant referees AJ
who wore 14, would have been in 13. movement is sufficiently good as to
Jacobs (SA), P Brousset (Fr). TMO S Berry (SA). Freddie Steward, who wore 15, manipulate space with ball in hand so
the times | Monday November 15 2021 71


Tuilagi enjoys
Steward’s try
early on at
Steward’s ‘surprising’
on Saturday
pace a threat in attack
Freddie Steward was put where the ball is and
through a gap by where his support
Marcus Smith for players are” Jones said.
England’s first try, in the “I haven’t seen an
seventh minute, England full back like
showing a nice side-step him since Mike Brown,
and a turn of pace that who is courageous in
may have surprised the air like him.”
some. Jones, though,
“I remember seeing returned to his recent
[him] with Leicester last theme on young
season and at first we players. Asked whether
thought maybe he has Steward could have as
not got enough pace to good a career as Brown,
play Test match Jones said: “There’s no
football,” Eddie Jones, reason why he won’t but
the England head coach, the big things for these
said. “We brought him in young players — and I
for the summer to have won’t make any
a look at him. He analogical statements
surprised us with how because I will get in too
much pace that he has much trouble [as he did
got. He is brave in the when he called out
air and he has got quite Emma Raducanu] — but
an uncomplicated game. it is hard for them to
If you find the players keep their feet on the
that have an ground. We have to try
uncomplicated game, to help him manage his
they know their distractions because he
strengths really well and is going to be the talk of
tend to adapt much the town.
quicker. He is a guy like “We are going to need
that.” to manage what he is
There were fewer thinking. If he keeps his
doubts over his general feet on the ground he
rugby intelligence. “He’s could have a great
got a good head on him, career.”
wants to improve,
communicated well to
A Owen Farrell, at
first receiver after a the players around him,
breakdown, passes has got a good
to Marcus Smith awareness of
outside him

B Smith delays his pass

and then plays Freddie
Steward into a space
Tuilagi kept out Steward side-steps
of line of fire Kurtley Beale and
sprints to the line C
The fear with Manu Tuilagi on the
wing was that he would struggle
under the high ball. Sure enough, 19
minutes in, he dropped one, albeit in a
central position. But the system meant
that he was rarely exposed. Instead,
he was kept in his more familiar B
central channels while Freddie Key
Steward (named at No 15) and Henry Steward Smith
Slade (No 13) alternated between full A Farrell
Run with ball
Run without ball
back and wing to cover for him. Pass

ambition but fluid formation hasn’t clicked yet

that opposition defences cannot dropped back and would see-saw with to be the playmaker, they let the No 9 Rugby is messy like that. Searching Steward hurtling through the gap.
compute quickly enough what you Steward. When defending at a set play too. for clear answers is often like a The problem was that gaps were so
are doing. That is what every coach is piece, Smith would be on the wing. The counterargument is that, yes, referee deciding whom to penalise at rarely found thereafter. Steward’s try
trying to achieve. On Saturday, Jones All of this is innovative. The Slade may be a natural, but if he has the scrum. was the best moment for this new-
was trying to do it by freeing his back concept of moving players around practised almost all his international Likewise, you could argue that age, interchanging attack; there were
division of the constraints of isn’t, but the extent to which Jones career at No 13 then his sheer holding Smith back to second receiver another 73 minutes to run thereafter.
“positions”. employed it is. Sometimes on experience makes it his best position. limits his input. Sometimes, it wasn’t Jones and Martin Gleeson, the new
If you give too many players Saturday, it seemed like we were At full back, he is a comparative until third phase that he finally England attack coach, have a long
freedom, though, you sow confusion. watching a completely fluid back novice. appeared in the quarterback position. way to go to prove that their new
There has to be some structure and, division; on second viewing, you can Likewise Tom Curry is good Jones, however, was using second invention is a smarter way of
against Australia, there was no point see that it was highly structured. It is enough to fulfil the role at No 8. receiver as the attacking hub. Farrell unlocking defences than that fusty
when the England backs were in any not exactly Dick Fosbury going However, when Jones brought on may have got his hands on the ball tradition where players are just asked
doubt as to where they needed to be. backwards over a high-jump bar and Alex Dombrandt in that position — first but he was playing the straight to play in their best position.
At attacking set pieces, Farrell was it is only clever if it works. someone who has played there most man; he would draw the defence to Saturday, though, was just a start. A
always at No 10 with Smith on his Jones’s interpretation of the of his life — England were the ball to give Smith more space and new formation takes time to click. Of
shoulder. Even when Farrell went off modern game is that good rugby immediately improved. Of course, time and therefore more opportunity course, they will not get a better team
in the final quarter, when England players are good rugby players Dombrandt came on when legs were to do something with it. against whom to test-drive their new
had an attacking lineout, Smith wherever you put them. If he were to tiring and the game was breaking up That is how England scored their toy than the Springboks this Saturday.
remained on the shoulder, though follow this though completely, he and maybe the ball just fell to him at first try in the seventh minute. Farrell For now, though, they can assess
this time it was Slade’s. would take away the job spec of the the right place and at the right time. was the link man who took the ball and improve. And all those tut-tutting
For the job of backfield cover, scrum half and have interchangeable Conversely, maybe Dombrandt just away from the heavier traffic. When it that maybe it is too new-world and
which is normally shared between the half backs. France are already halfway knew where the right place and the was in Smith’s hands, he was able to ambitious, remember that not so long
full back and the wings, Tuilagi wasn’t there in this respect because they right time were because that is what read the defence, give the double- ago, ambition was the element that
asked to contribute. Instead Slade don’t make it beholden to their No 10 years of experience have taught him. pump delay to his pass and then send England so sorely lacked.
72 2GM Monday November 15 2021 | the times

Sport Brazilian Grand Prix

Sublime recovery leaves

The final three races
Rebecca Clancy
Qatar Sunday
A Formula One debut for a track
How Verstappen got away with
Motor Racing which is best known for MotoGP. a risky manoeuvre in defence
Correspondent Mercedes will hope that the edge
they gain from Hamilton’s new
engine will give them victory.
In the home country of his idol Ayrton Saudi Arabia Dec 5
Senna, Lewis Hamilton delivered the Another track making a debut, on Verstappen
sort of stunning drive that was the the street circuit in Jeddah. Much of
Brazilian icon’s trademark to claim the purpose-built track is designed
victory in a grand prix that — after the to be driven at full throttle which
events of the previous 48 hours — he could give Hamilton an advantage.
looked to have no right to win. Abu Dhabi Dec 12
Hamilton was clearly emotional after It still looks as if this could be the
overcoming a disqualification and an clincher for the title. Max
effective 25-place grid penalty over the Verstappen and Red Bull won it last
weekend to win at a track that had been year after six consecutive victories Hamilton
expected to favour his championship on the track for Mercedes.
rival, Max Verstappen. No wonder the
seven-times world champion described On lap 48 Verstappen is still in front but furiously trying to
this as the most challenging but also the there would be no investigation. On the fend off Hamilton, who is closing in and is on the fresher tyres
best grand-prix meeting of his long and second attempt, Verstappen weaved
esteemed career. across the track to defend his position,
It means that Verstappen’s lead in the subsequently receiving a black and
championship has been cut to 14 points white flag — a warning for unsports-
and keeps Hamilton’s championship manlike behaviour. That ultimately
alive with three races remaining. Had didn’t matter as Hamilton got through. Verstappen
the Dutchman won in São Paulo, the Hamilton’s sarcasm was clearly
destiny of the title would not have been directed at the FIA, the sport’s govern-
in the 36-year-old’s own hands. As it is, ing body, who had handed him the
three wins would make for a 21-point disqualification after it appeared that
swing and give Hamilton a record Red Bull had referred their concerns
eighth world title. about the Mercedes rear wing to them.
Hamilton picked up a Brazilian flag Verstappen had been seen touching the
on his cooldown lap, to the delight of Mercedes rear wing after qualifying, for
the fans who flooded the track after the which he was handed a hefty €50,000
chequered flag. He was still draped in (£42,625) fine. On turn four — a big left-hander — Hamilton briefly goes ahead
the flag as he took to the podium above That was not the last time the stew- at the apex of the corner before Verstappen forces him wide
Verstappen, who moments before had ards were involved, and Hamilton’s
been booed when his name was an- victory was threatened momentarily
nounced in second place. Hamilton’s when they summoned Mercedes after it
Mercedes team-mate, Valtteri Bottas, emerged that Hamilton had undone his
was third. seatbelt on his cooldown lap, in breach
The weekend had started perfectly of regulations. No one would be sur-
for Hamilton when he was fastest in prised if it was Red Bull who tipped off Verstappen
qualifying on Friday evening but things the FIA, as all teams watch one another’s
quickly deteriorated and he found onboard cameras. Hamilton was
himself disqualified because Mercedes handed a €5,000 fine but his victory
had broken regulations in their rear- stood.
wing drag reduction system. As a result, The battle away from track has been Hamilton
he started at the back of the grid for the brewing all season and is set to continue
third and final sprint race of the season with Red Bull warning that they could
on Saturday. A stunning drive allowed potentially launch a protest at some
him to make up 15 places during the point before the end of the season.
24-lap sprint, which determined the Christian Horner, the Red Bull team Both cars head off the track and on to the asphalt run-off area
starting grid for the main race. How- principal, has described the straight- but Verstappen stays in front and the move goes unpunished
ever, because Hamilton was already line pace of the Mercedes as “mind-
subject to a five-place grid penalty for boggling” and questioned if it came
taking a new engine, he started yester- from more than just the new engine in
day’s race from tenth.
With a fresh engine, Hamilton wast- Hamilton’s car. “That’s a potent weapon
ed no time in going through the field, Memories of his hero Senna with fast tracks coming up,” Horner continued from back
making up four places in the first lap said. “We won’t be protesting at this Hamilton: My hardest weekend
alone. After five laps he was up to fifth Hamilton race. It’s important to understand
and behind Bottas, who duly let him drove around where the speed came from. When he his career, that gap has closed to 14 with
through. the Interlagos passed Max he was 30km/h quicker on three races remaining.
Safety cars and virtual safety cars circuit on his that lap. It’s something we need to un- “Did I think we could come from last
meant Hamilton had to wait to attack cooldown derstand and it’s down to the FIA to [place]? I don’t know what was possible,
the second Red Bull of Sergio Pérez but lap with police the sport. We trust their tests.” but I just gave it everything and this has
he finally got past him on lap 19. It meant the Brazilian Toto Wolff, the Mercedes team prin- definitely been one of the best
that in the equivalent of 44 laps of this flag after cipal, was unconcerned by the threat. weekends, if not the best weekend I
Interlagos track, Hamilton had overtak- his victory “It’s part of the game that you look at have experienced in my whole career,”
en every driver on the grid, except the yesterday, other parts of other teams and challenge the 36-year-old said.
most important one — Verstappen. bottom them,” he said. “You need to be sceptical “Mentally you can think, ‘It’s over, it’s
Their battle raged on for lap after lap picture, and maybe an inch paranoid and that’s impossible,’ but then nothing is if you
and intensified further after the second bringing back OK for us. [The car is faster because] we put your mind to it. That’s really why we
round of pitstops. It took Hamilton memories of are having a much less draggy car, the cultivated a positive mental attitude
three attempts but with 12 laps remain- his great hero engine is fresh, which makes a big differ- and went in fighting, guns blazing.”
ing, the Briton finally got past his rival Ayrton Senna, ence. People are free to challenge that Hamilton had a fresh engine in his
for the lead and ultimately the win. who drove and protest, which may happen. We will Mercedes, which came with a five-place
On the first attempt, it appeared that around even offer them a rear wing to put it at grid penalty for yesterday’s race. The
Verstappen had pushed Hamilton wide, carrying the home in the library or cut it up into a rules allow each driver a quota of three
so wide in fact that both drivers left the flag after thousand pieces.” The war of words engines across the season; this was
track. The stewards noted the incident winning between Horner and Wolff makes for Hamilton’s fifth.
but decided not to investigate. The his home almost as enthralling a battle as the one He was the fastest during Friday’s
Dutchman argued that he did nothing country’s between their drivers on the track. qualifying but was stripped of the front
wrong but punishments have been grand prix Hamilton’s win and Bottas’s third spot for Saturday’s sprint race after the
given for less and he was lucky to get in 1993 for a place also widened Mercedes’s lead stewards found his drag reduction
away without a five-second penalty. second time, over Red Bull in the constructors’ system (DRS) opened more than the
“Of course not,” was Hamilton’s pictured top. standings to 11 points. Both title fights allowed 85mm — by 0.2mm.
sarcastic response when he heard that are set to go down to the wire. Starting the 24-lap race at the back,
the times | Monday November 15 2021 2GM 73


Red Bull befuddled Concern for

Peng amid
abuse claims


Stuart Fraser Tennis Correspondent
The Women’s Tennis Association has
called for a “full, fair and transparent
investigation” into claims of sexual
abuse made by a Wimbledon women’s
doubles champion from China against
the country’s former vice-premier after
several players voiced concerns for her
safety yesterday.
Peng Shuai, 35, recently accused
Zhang Gaoli, a 75-year-old who was
once the seventh-highest official of the
ruling Communist Party, of forcing her
into a sexual relationship before she
agreed to be his mistress. The allega-
tions were made by Peng two weeks ago
in a post on the social media network
Weibo that was deleted within 20 min-
utes. Her account was also blocked.
The WTA intervened for the first
time yesterday after a series of Twitter
posts from players as a part of the hash-
tag #WhereIsPengShuai. Peng has not
made any further comments in public
since her post, but it is understood that
the WTA is confident she is not under
physical threat, despite being unable to
completely verify this because of issues
in making direct contact with her.
“These accusations are very disturb-
ing,” Chris Evert, the former world No 1,

Peng has not been heard from since

she made the claims on social media

wrote. “I’ve known Peng since she was

14; we should all be concerned; this is
serious; where is she? Is she safe? Any
information would be appreciated.”
Peng has not played on the WTA
Hamilton goes Tour since March 2020, when she
wheel to wheel represented China in a Billie Jean King
with the Red Cup match in Dubai. She is a former
Bull of his rival world No 1 in doubles who won two
Verstappen grand-slam titles, at Wimbledon in
2013 and the French Open in 2014.
defensive driving Verstappen managed She also reached a career-high world
Just like Bahrain in 2004 to keep his rival behind for most of the How they finished No 14 in singles.
race. In the end it took the Briton three L Hamilton (GB) Driver Team Points Peng said her affair with Zhang
attempts to get past the Red Bull, but Mercedes 1:32:22.851s started more than ten years ago in
with 12 laps remaining he found himself 1 Max Verstappen Red Bull 332.5 Tianjin, where he was the party chief. It
M Verstappen (Neth)
at the front, with a clear line of sight to Red Bull +10.496s 2 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 318.5 is the first time that a scandal associated
the chequered flag. 3 Valtteri Bottas Mercedes 203 with the #MeToo movement has come
Hamilton undid his seatbelt on the V Bottas (Fin) so close to China’s top political class.
Mercedes +13.576s 4 Sergio Pérez Red Bull 178
cooldown lap, for which he was fined, “Peng Shuai deserves to be heard, not
5 Lando Norris McLaren 151
but there was no doubt he deserved this 4 S Perez (Mex) Red Bull +39.940s censored,” Steve Simon, the chief exec-
victory. “That was one of the best drives 6 Charles Leclerc Ferrari 148 utive of the WTA, said. “Her accusation
I’ve ever seen in F1. By anyone. Utterly 5 C Leclerc (Mon) Ferrari +49.517s 7 must be treated with the utmost seri-
Carlos Sainz Ferrari 139.5
awesome,” Damon Hill, the 1996 F1 6 C Sainz (Sp) Ferrari +51.820s 8 Daniel Ricciardo McLaren 105 ousness. The behaviour she alleges
world champion declared. 7 P Gasly (Fr) AlphaTauri +1 lap 9
needs to be investigated, not condoned
Pierre Gasly AlphaTauri 92
Hamilton compared his win in Brazil Hamilton, who had not won a grand 8 E Ocon (Fr) Alpine +1 lap or ignored.
to his Formula 3 victory in Bahrain prix since Russia in September, 10 Fernando Alonso Alpine 62 “We commend Peng Shuai for her
in 2004, pictured, when he qualified admitted he had not expected to reduce 9 F Alonso (Sp) Alpine +1 lap remarkable courage and strength in
Fastest lap S Perez 1:11.010s
22nd on the grid but came back the gap to Verstappen. “I was pushing as 10 L Norris (GB) McLaren +1 lap
Constructors coming forward. We expect this issue to
superbly to claim the main race for hard as I could. I think this was my 11 S Vettel (Ger) Aston Martin +1 lap 1 Mercedes 521.5
be handled properly, meaning the alle-
the Manor Motorsport team. hardest weekend, but my dad reminded 12 K Raikkonen (Fin) Alfa Romeo +1 lap gations must be investigated fully, fairly,
me of 2004 when I was in Formula 3, in 2 Red Bull 510.5 transparently and without censorship.”
Bahrain, and started last, and then I 13 G Russell (GB) Williams +1 lap 3 Ferrari 287.5 Before the pandemic, the WTA host-
Hamilton made up 15 places to finish finished tenth [in the qualifying race] 14 A Giovinazzi (It) Alfa Romeo +1 lap 4 McLaren 256 ed several tournaments in China and
fifth. With his penalty, it meant he and finished first [in the main race]. So 15 Y Tsunoda (Japan) AlphaTauri +1 lap 5 Alpine 112 relied heavily on cash from the local
started yesterday’s main race in tenth. this one was for my dad,” he said. 16 N Latifi (Can) Williams +1 lap government. A ten-year deal agreed in
Within four laps he had dispatched six Verstappen, 24, admitted that the 6 AlphaTauri 112 2018 to host the season-ending champi-
cars. By lap 20, only Verstappen was weekend had been hard but was 17 N Mazepin (Russ) Haas +2 laps 7 Aston Martin 68 onships in Shenzhen was estimated to
ahead of him, which set the scene for confident he can still claim his maiden 18 M Schumacher (Ger) Haas +2 laps 8 Williams 23 be worth close to £800 million. Because
the two rivals to slug it out on the track. title. “We tried everything we could,” he D Ricciardo (Aus) McLaren DNF 9 Alfa Romeo 11 of health restrictions in China, the
Hamilton had the speed but with said. “It was a good battle, but at the end L Stroll (Can) Aston Martin DNF 10 Haas 0
event is at present being held in
some hard, and at times questionable, we just missed a little bit of pace.” Guadalajara, Mexico, instead.
2GM Monday November 2021 | the times
mber 15 202

Sport The finest rugby coverage

Alex Lowe, Stuart Barnes, Owen Slot and
David Walsh on a thrilling weeekend
Rugby union, pages 66-71


Kane wants to
Resurgent Hamilton bully minnows
Paul Joyce
Harry Kane has pleaded with Gareth

hails greatest drive

Southgate to be unleashed on the worst
team in international football as
England seek to seal qualification for
the 2022 World Cup finals.
Southgate wants to deliver a
statement performance against San
Marino, who are bottom of Fifa’s world
rankings. England need only a point
tonight to guarantee their place in
Qatar, while Kane is only nine goals
behind Wayne Rooney, England’s all-
time leading scorer with 53.
The England manager has con-
firmed that he will make changes to his
starting XI, but Kane is anxious to play
— partly with that record in mind —
and continue where he left off with a
hat-trick in Friday’s 5-0 rout of Albania.
Kane, 28, would set a new standard
for England goals in a calendar year if
Continued on page 65

Flight England
are dreading
Rebecca Clancy Elizabeth Ammon
Motor Racing Correspondent Several members of England’s Ashes
Lewis Hamilton hailed his best squad are facing a potentially uncom-
weekend in Formula One after fortable 15-hour flight down under with
winning the Brazilian Grand Prix the triumphant Australia team today
with a stunning drive that kept his after their T20 World Cup win.
championship hopes alive. Mark Wood, the England fast bowler,
The seven-times world had expressed fears that the Austra-
champion faced the toughest of lians would “wave the trophy around”
battles after receiving the and said it was a journey that he “wasn’t
equivalent of a 25-place grid looking forward to” — even before
penalty over the course of two Australia’s convincing eight-wicket win
races at the Interlagos track. over New Zealand in Dubai.
He had arrived in São Paulo England’s Ashes players and coaches
trailing his championship rival who have been involved in the World
Max Verstappen by 19 points, Hamilton Cup are booked on a special charter
which increased to 21 on Saturday drapes himself flight with Australia’s squad from Dubai
night after the sprint race. But in the flag of to Queensland. The Test specialists
with victory yesterday, the 101st of Brazil after his have been in their quarantine hotel on
Continued on page 72 stunning win the Gold Coast since November 5 but
in São Paulo they will be joined by their team-mates
Continued on page 59

Times Crossword 28,135 across down Prize solution 28,128

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Scottish island’s current proprietor 1 Visible capacity for understanding C AMB E R COME D I A N
mentioned in speech (4) (7) R E P L A C E D P I L A T E
9 3 Cautious about girl serving wine 2 Rock plant! Want lover replaced! C L O I E I
(10) (9) S T A YON C O R NWA L L
10 11 10 Plain southern woman digesting 4 Blooming troll finally dismissed, OV E R S H A D OW E D
version of Bible (7) like Erica (6) N R U L N S
11 Fine plan, regularly collecting cash 5 Factory initially releasing PON Y T R E K K I NG
for floral ornament (7) extremely showy clothing (8) F OCU S S E D N EOCO N
12 Reward for service having the 6 Signed too much, having too many T T S M O R
12 Midas touch? (6,9) clients (14) S HO F A R K E E P T I M E
13 It gets confused with Mao’s 7 Operatic heroine, not quite typical E A
Chinese philosophy (6) (5)
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
14 Dull quality of poet backed by head 8 US city taking ages to welcome 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
13 14 15 (8) English king (7) plus your telephone company’s network
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The winners of Prize Crossword No 28,128 are
18 Ill-fated high-flyer in charge of a 15 Seriously bring in new style (9) B Karp, Kingston upon Thames, Greater London
17 18 19 sport stadium originally (6) 16 Eg Christmas fastener broken by a C Keep, Bromley, Greater London
21 State of French uniform received young relative (8) K Ricketts, Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire
J Swann, Cambridge
by this method? (7,8) 17 Male theologian trapped in R Thompson, Hinckley, Leicestershire
20 23 Importuner ultimately serving a vehicle? Hard cheese (7)
long time in prison cell (7) 19 Extremely pretty hotel protected Newspapers
21 22 24 Famous conductor in West, by lone method of checking callers support recycling
possibly, initially taking Ravel in (7) The recycled paper content of
thus (7) 20 The messenger god — or some UK newspapers in 2020 was 67%
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river Exe at first (4)

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