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the social dillema is a fil about the rise of social media and the impact it has

caused to society. this documentary explores how addiction and privacy issues,
basically are about the technology especial social media that change our behaviour
about who we are. the feature interviews with some expert in computer scientist
theories that talk about the dangers of alghoritm-based technology. under the
powers of social media society as we know it could be in grave danger. the social
delemma combines tech interviews with dramatized footage of facebook obsessed teen.
while we listen to the warnings and interviews with professionals, the film allows
us to watch a cautionary tale in real time

this eye opeing documentary movie us a shoickingly disturbing, but insightfully

captivating and i doubt if there has ever been movie more relevant than this one.
this documentary is a wake up call for me. since we are the generation who got into
social medians in our middle school, we are the generration where we get stressed
and depressed from these social medias and not willing to take risk.

we are thingking that social media making us connected, but actually they have
thier own goals and making us to see what it through wanted us to do, simply we are
the products, for example there are some people especially teens rusting ther
beauty apps instead of thier true beauty, people are scaring to reveal what ther
really are.

ive already took a break from social media and i find my life much more fulfilling
and my time better spent relationship better. now i used social media in my free
hours just to keep updates about the world and sometimes i share something on
facebook, my personal goal is to to use the internet, and not to let the enternet
use me. social media can be good or evil it depends how you will use it. this is
highly recommende to watch to those teenagers obsessed in media this documentary
will blow your mind on how these social media an humanity will ne destroyed by
technology in the future.

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