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Research Presentation Assignment

You will be creating a research presentation in the form of a powerpoint. You will be presenting
your definition for the term hero, and 6 big moments in your hero’s life.

Powerpoint Template:
** If you use this template, you will definitely receive a higher mark because your presentation
is well organized, but you may also chose a different template if you so chose**

Slide One: Title Page

● A title slide should include your heroes name
● You can decorate this slide so that it is appealing and hooks your audience
Slide Two: Definition of the term Hero
● You have already written your definition, you will be copying that here
Slide Three-Eight: 6 Big moments
● These slides should include a brief, bullet point explanation of each moment in
your hero’s life
● Each slide should have at least one visual
Slide Nine: Sources
● This is a list of all the sources you used (including the sources you used to double
check the reliability)
Slide Ten: Conclusion Slide
● Examples:
○ That concludes my presentation
○ Thanks for watching!

What Ensures an Engaging Presentation?

● __________
● Consider your _____________
○ How can my presentation be __________________________?
○ Ask yourself: is my presentation __________________?
● Keep a ____________ presentation
● Don’t _____________ your slides with information
○ This can be ______________ for your audience
Example Slide

In your groups, create a powerpoint slide using this information from Harriet Tubman's life:

“She returned to Maryland and escorted her sister and her sister's two children to freedom. She
made the dangerous trip back to the South soon after to rescue her brother and two other men.
On her third return, she went after her husband, only to find he had taken another wife.
Undeterred, she found other slaves seeking freedom and escorted them to the North.”

1. Highlight the most important information

2. Reword the information into bullet points so that it’s short and sweet
3. Consider how to make the wording enticing (how are you going to engage the audience
with your wording?)
4. Discuss a potential visual

4 3 2 1

Present The student The student The student The student does
Information demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a not demonstrate
critical general vague understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of organizing and
4.3.1 organizing and organizing and organizing and presenting
presenting presenting presenting information that
information that information that information that appeals to the
appeals to the appeals to the appeals to the interests and
interests and interests and interests and background
background background background knowledge of
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of various readers or
various readers or various readers or various readers or audiences.
audiences. audiences. audiences.

Enhance The student The student The student The student did
Presentation insightfully chose effectively chose generally chose not choose
appropriate types appropriate types appropriate types appropriate types
of evidence and of evidence and of evidence and of evidence and
4.3.2 strategies to strategies to strategies to strategies to
clarify ideas and clarify ideas and clarify ideas and clarify ideas and
information, and information, and information, and information, and
to convince to convince to convince to convince
readers and readers and readers and readers and
audiences. audiences. audiences. audiences.

Use effective The student The student The student The student does
oral and visual effectively appropriately generally not integrate a
communication integrates a integrates a integrates a variety of display
variety of display variety of display variety of display techniques, as
techniques, as techniques, as techniques, as appropriate, to
4.3.3 appropriate, to appropriate, to appropriate, to enhance the
enhance the enhance the enhance the appeal, accuracy
appeal, accuracy appeal, accuracy appeal, accuracy and
and and and persuasiveness of
persuasiveness of persuasiveness of persuasiveness of presentations.
presentations. presentations. presentations.
Teacher Comments

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