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Information technology is building communications networks for a company, safeguarding

data and information, creating and administering databases, helping employees troubleshoot
problems with their computers or mobile devices, or doing a range of other work to ensure
the efficiency and security of business information.

Why do we need information technology?

We need information technology in today's world to establish faster communication, maintain

electronic storage and provide protection to records. In a simple way, IT makes a system of
electronic storage to provide protection to company's records

The purpose of an Information Technology System is to help people carry out their work and
achieve their objectives within an organization. Productivity and efficiency improvements
using technology are the key focus.


Software engineering is a branch of computer science that includes the development and
building of computer systems software and applications software. Computer systems
software is composed of programs that include computing utilities and operations systems

The basic objective of software engineering is to develop methods and procedures for
software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used consistently
to produce high-quality software at low cost and with a small cycle of time

Importance of software engineering

Software engineering is important because specific software is needed in almost every

industry, in every business, and for every function. It becomes more important as time goes
on – if something breaks within your application portfolio, a quick, efficient, and effective fix
needs to happen as soon as possible.

Software is used by businesses to communicate worldwide. It is used to operate some of the

most complex medical machines. It regulates nuclear plants, electrical grids, and other
utilities that provide the basics of life.

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