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Intan Tiara*, Dian Ardiana, Lukman Ariwibowo
Faculty Medicine of Hang Tuah University


Backgroud: Burns are one of the most dangerous injuries and the main
Article history: cause of disability to death. Burns can be interpreted as one of the serious
Received problems in society and are recorded to cause around 265,000 deaths each
Januari 29, 2021 year. Honey can maintain the wound condition to keep it moist and in high
Accepted viscosity to prevent infection.
February 26, 2021
Method: This study was conducted to determine the effect of honey on the
wound healing process in burn patients. This study uses a literature review
method. The population in this study is a journal with a background in the
health sector with 10 international journals on burns with the qualifications
of 9 SCIMAGO indexed journals and 1 SINTA indexed journal published
burns, honey, therapy from 2015 to 2020.
Results: Burns that treated in the form of pure honey can generate good
results and heal in an average of 20 days. The healing process will be
better, if the wound given a mixture of other ingredients which also have a
low acidity such as garlic, chitosan and beeswax and olive oil. Honey has
antimicrobial properties and a low pH level. The microbe most sensitive to
honey is Staphylococcus aureus.
Conclusion: The conclusion from this study, honey can be used as an
alternative treatment for burns.
Medical and Health Science Journal.

Topical antibiotics that can treat wounds in
Burns are defined by the World Health
humans and animals are very important to find2 ,but
Organization (WHO) as tissue injuries to the skin
to prevent antibiotic resistance, alternative
caused by heat, radiation, electric shock,
medicine can be used to heal burns3. A long history
radioactive materials and contact with hazardous
explains that honey is an ingredient that can treat
chemicals. Skin damage caused by ultraviolet
wounds. Since ancient times, honey has been used
(UV) rays and disturbances in the respiratory
for its nutritional and therapeutic effects. Honey
system caused by inhaling too much smoke can
can be used as a sweetener and flavor in a dish.
also be categorized as burns. Burns are one of the
Honey is very easy to find almost all over the
most dangerous injuries and the leading cause of
world. Carbohydrates are the most important
limb disability and death. According to the World
nutrients in honey because they are present in the
Health Organization (WHO), burns can be
form of glucose, fructose and monosaccharides.
interpreted globally as one of the serious problems.
Honey contains nutrients that can act as anti-
Fire cases that have been recorded in the world
inflammatory, antioxidant and anti- bacterial agents
occur around 265,000 deaths each year. The
so it is good for the healing process of wounds on
number of deaths due to burns is something that
the skin. In scientific literature, the function of
needs to be considered in every country. Millions
honey has been to prevent coughing, increase
of burn victims who survived the disabilities in
fertility and wound healing because it has
their bodies were rejected from their


antioxidant and antibacterial properties4 of healing burns using honey.

Healing burns using honey still has to go through This research was conducted in Surabaya from
a further research process, therefore, the authors April to Oktober 2020. This research get approval
want to know the effect of honey on the wound from the Ethics Commission for Health Research,
healing process in burn patients4. With the Faculty of Medicine, Hang Tuah University.
incident in antibiotics, the use of honey can be
needed again to handle medical treatment5. RESULT
Seeing the many benefits of honey, therapy using Samples in this study were taken from 10
honey needs to be developed, therefore the international journals with the qualifications of 9
authors intend to examine the effect of honey on SCIMAGO indexed journals and 1 SINTA indexed
the healing process of burns. journal about the role of honey in the healing
process of burns.
Healing time
The research design used is descriptive research.
This research will explain the effect of using Jeffery et al., Stated that the average healing time
honey topically for the treatment and healing using honey was 18.16 days6. Moustafa and Atiba's
process of burns. The method used is literature research showed that the burns treated with honey
study. The population in this study were articles on day 24 were more closed7. According to Ait
about burns, wound healing processes and honey. Abderrahim et al., The wound healing time using
The journals used as references come from honey is about 25-27 days8. Hendy and Lister
research with backgrounds in the health sector, argue that treatment using honey takes 7 days9.
especially skin medicine, nutrition, According to Duncan et al., ALH can provide a
pharmacology, biology and beauty. The research healing time of 3 to 14 days10, whereas according
sample is articles that have been published by to Subrahmanyam all wounds treated with honey
national and international journals from 2015 to heal within 10 days11.
2020 at least 10 articles that explain the process

Figure 1 The green line shows the burn healing time using pure honey8

days to heal completely as shown in figure 26.

Wound Results
Smaropoulos and Cremers also observed 2
Duncan et al., Reviewed facial burns, Figure 1 is cases of burns that produced good scars
a photo of 2 patients who were successfully within 7-18 days5.
treated with ALH honey. This process takes
Ait Abderrahim et al., Conducted an
about 3 to 14 days10.
experiment and the burns improved within 26
Jeffery et al. Observed 3 cases of burns days8. In addition, Moustafa and Atiba's
treated with revamil honey gauze and research and Hendy and Lister's research
revamil gel. The three wounds took 14-26 obtained satisfactory results in the honey


group, this can be seen from the smaller honey, on the 9th day the honey-treated skin
burns diameter7.9. showed few new blood capillaries and
fibroblastic cell proliferation12. Furthermore,
Histologically, honey has also been shown to
according to Schencke et al., The pure honey
increase angiogenesis, this is supported by 2
group experienced neoformation of blood
literature. El-Kased et al., Observed that the
vessels in all dermal scar tissue as shown in
layer of skin affected by burns and then given
Figure 413.

Figure 2 The result of healing using ALH10

Figure 3 Giving revamil honey gauze to blister burns6.

Figure 4 Angiogenesis in honey treated skin 13


Degree of pain and patient satisfaction

Jeffery et al., Using revamil honey gel and
revamil honey gauze, from all the cases he
observed, the use was very easy even though
there was a little exudate but still gave
satisfactory results6. Smaropoulos and
Cremers also described 2 cases of burns that Figure 6. The minimum inhibition of euphorbia
were observed to be easy to use and painless honey on 4 microbes8
in all patients5. According to the
Cost of treatment
Subrahmanyam study comparing honey and
vaseline treated with honey, 90% According to Duncan et al., patients used between
experienced zero pain or only mild pain, 1 to 4 tubes of product and the average cost of
while the group treated with vaseline gauze treatment was $ 26.15, with a range of $ 11.44 to $
88% experienced zero or mild pain11. 45.76 or IDR 170,000 to IDR 680,00010
Antimicrobial properties DISCUSSION
Duncan et al, who stated that the bacteria Honey can be an alternative treatment because it is
contained in burns were Staphylococcus easier to obtain in the village. The effectiveness of
aureus and P aeruginosa, besides that, honey as a treatment for burns depends on the type
according to him, there was no abnormal of honey used, the time of administration and the
bacterial growth in all burn cultures in degree of severity of the wound9
patients who were given honey10. Just like
Subrahmanyam, the research results were Honey works in the wound healing process with
taken on day 7 in both honey and vaseline the presence of hydrogen peroxide which can
groups and the results did not show any activate macrophages to release VEGF which
growth of any organisms11. According to stimulates fibroblast proliferation and angiogenesis
Firdose et al., Honey has antimicrobial in wounds. Honey is able to stimulate B
properties because it has a low pH and lymphocytes and T lymphocytes, and activate
contains H2O2 or peroxide acid as shown in neutrophil phagocytosis in cells. Honey also
Figure 514 . According to Ait Abderrahim et stimulates monocytes (MM6 cells) to secrete
al., S. Aureus which is a gram-positive cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a),
bacteria is more sensitive to honey when interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6, which activate the
compared to gram- negative bacteria. such as immune response to infection. TNF-a secretion can
E. coli and P. aeruginosa, whereas C. be induced by protein glycosylation. Furthermore,
albicans was more resistant to honey8 honey is able to degrade collagen IV through
stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-
9), a protease enzyme that plays a role in the
release of keratinocyte cells from the basement
membrane, thus allowing keratinocyte migration
for re-epithelialization. Honey is able to induce
cytokine production by leukocytes so that it will
stimulate cell growth 15.
The healing time for burns using honey therapy
varies from 3 to 36 days with an average of 20
Figure 5. H2O2 levels in acacia honey, neem
days. Honey as an autolytic debridement agent is
and forest honey14. considered effective in wounds containing ≥40%
damaged tissue. Honey creates a moist wound
environment, thereby stimulating wound healing6


Honey gives satisfactory results for the healing of 5. Smaropoulos, E. and Cremers, N. A. J.
second degree partial burns because there is no Treating severe wounds in pediatrics with
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satisfaction scores, lack of side effects and Case Reports. 2020: 8(3): 469-476.
reasonable treatment costs support the use of
6. Jeffery, S., Henry, N. and Radotra, I.
honey as an effective, safe and economical form of
Properties and use of a honey dressing and
treatment for burns10
gel in wound management. British Journal of
CONCLUSION Nursing. 2019: 28(6): S30-S35.
Honey is beneficial for health, especially skin 7. Moustafa, A. and Atiba, A. The effectiveness
because it has a low pH, contains H2O2, has of a mixture of honey, beeswax and olive oil
antioxidant properties and has a lot of ingredients, in treatment of canine deep second-degree
so honey can affect the healing process of burns. burn. Global Veterinaria. 2019: 14(2): 244-
Honey can be used as an alternative for the 250.
treatment of burns because it can stimulate the
proliferation of fibroblasts and angiogenesis, the 8. Ait Abderrahim, L., Taïbi, K., Ait
healing time for burns with honey is 3 to 36 days, Abderrahim, N., Boussaid, M., Rios-
the results of wound healing are good, honey is Navarro, C. and Ruiz-Saurí, A. Euphorbia
easy to apply, causes mild pain and is easy to get, honey and garlic: Biological activity and
honey has antimicrobial properties, the bacteria burn wound recovery. Burns. 2019:
most sensitive to honey is Staphylococcus aureus. 45(2019):1695-1706.
The cost of treating using ALH honey is IDR 9. Hendy, H. dan Lister, I. N. E. Tingkat
170,000 to IDR 680,000. It is not yet known the efektivitas penyembuhan luka bakar derajat
costs involved in treating other types of honey. IIA dengan pemberian madu dan pemberian
salep nebacetin pada tikus putih (Rattus
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