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Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Instrument to Students’

Aralinks Teachnology

Phoenix ARALinks is an instructional technology integration program for

innovative teaching and effective learning. Addressing the needs of the 21st Century
learner, ARALinks is a holistic solution for innovative teaching and effective learning. It
is a blend of rich resources,reliable technology, intensive training, and excellent service
that speak of our Alagang Phoenix culture (ARALinks Teachnology Phoenix). Aralinks
teachnology was installed for modernizing the teaching method of teachers, also for
easier and faster access in interacting among students.

Aralinks Teachnology became an instrument and one of the modes of teaching in

21st Century. It is one effective instrument in which teachers can rely and students can
learn. Children are very different and it’s difficult to find a versatile tool that will be
interesting at all. We believe that children should learn in playful way, in a manner that is
natural to their age. With game play, students can relax and better concentrate on the
subject, which undoubtedly contributes to better learning. (Oleksii and Oleksandr
Tebenko, Ukraine, 2013)

Aralinks Teachnology is one of the ways to improve children learning capacity, not
just by playing but also it includes the capability of student to do his/her own
presentations, to build his/her own confidence in presenting in front of the class and for
teacher, to make the students participate actively. The traditional way of teaching which
required huge effort is now improved by modern technology with the help of Aralinks
Teachnology in providing convenient and reliable resources. Education coupled with

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
technology is overall a positive thing. It is in relational with infancy and progress, it will
continue in making better systems that will maximize the capacity that Aralinks
Teachnology has.

With the use of Aralinks teachnology, interaction among students and teachers
will be beneficial to both parties through developing the students’ knowledge. Aralinks
Teachnology will help the teacher to discuss their lessons well, without exerting too
much effort in making visual aids using paper and pen, because power-point
presentations are now present and available.

Class Participation/Recitations

“Everyday interactions we have with other people are definitely contagious in

terms of happiness.” – Nicholas A. Christakis

Interaction has an impact on student achievement and satisfaction, as reflected by

test performance, grades, and student satisfaction (Roblyer & Ekhaml 2000). Interaction
combined with different teaching strategies reflect through the students’ performances in
class and grades.

Positive teacher-student interaction has a very crucial role for effective teaching
and learning to take place (Arthur, Gordon, & Butterfield, 2003). Teacher-student
interaction helps the student to engage in class participation/recitations. This also helps
the student to perform what they’ve learned. This affects the student’s growth as an
individual learning in a modern world.

Activities done inside the classroom, class participation/recitations, and power

point presentations are some interaction among students-teacher. Every day interaction
will help the students to boost their confidence and to make use of their capabilities as an
individual. Every day interaction with the use of technology and visual aids tend to help
students learn more what the teacher had discussed. Teachers, who use visualization as
part of their teaching strategies, encourage students to study more because the lessons are
just not heard but there is also a presentation or visualization.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Technology Education

 Education isn’t just about memorizing facts and vocabulary words, it’s about
solving complex problems and being to collaborate with others in the workforce (Janelle
Cox, 2018).

Education coupled with technology is over all a positive thing. According to

Heather Elliot, a teacher in Marietta Georgia. Technology education has not only become
a network of gathering and sharing ideas but also a platform for students and teachers to
research, collaborate and differentiate. Education is our powerful weapon and this
technology is one of the ways to make it simpler. Technology integration in Education
helps the teachers to motivate and caught the students’ attention. (PineCove 2015)
Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. When
teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of
adviser, content expert, and coach.

Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. By
integrating technology into the classroom, teachers are changing the way they used to
teach (lectures six hours a day) and providing students with the tools that will take them
into the 21st century (Janelle Cox). It would be reliable to students if there teachers are
also using technology since there would be give-and-take scenarios in the classroom.
With the use of technology, teachers wouldn’t have a hard time in discussing and
presenting their lessons since power-point presentations are present.

Ed-tech in the classroom prepares students for their future and sets them up for
this increasing digital economy (Janelle Cox, 2018). Since we are living in the 21st
century and technology has a big part in our lives, technology education would be a big
help in enhancing the 21st century learners’ skills.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to determine and assess the effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an
interactive and innovative instrument in class participations/recitations.

Research Objectives:

1. To assess how reliable and convenient Aralinks Teachnology.

1.1 Information and knowledge acquired of students and;
1.2 Flow of discussions.
2. To evaluate the improvements in students’ learning by means of Aralinks
Teachnology through:
2.1 Oral/class participation/recitations and;
2.2 Students’ grades in Filipino, Math, Science and English subjects.
3. To determine the utilization of Aralinks Teachnology for student-teacher
interaction and provision of alternative modes of learning.
3.1 Presentations (power-points, videos, and graphics)

Scope and Delimitation

The effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an interactive and innovative teaching

avenue to students partake in class recitations is the direct and main point of the
researchers in this study. "Aralinks Teachnology is an instructional technology program
and holistic solution for innovative teaching and effective learning." —Phoenix
Publishing House.

In this study, the researchers want to determine and assess the randomly selected
teachers and students in Junior High School that interacts and partake in class recitations.
Through the use of surveys and interviews, these would serve as the materials needed in
gathering information. It is a mixed method type of study because of its descriptive,

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
correlational and exploratory characteristics. Highlighting the points of the results of the
study for the future purposes and the continuation of the researchers.

The study is bounded only with 183 students from Junior High School students of
St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan Inc. This focuses on randomly selected 83 males
and 100 females from the Junior High School level. Interviews will be done with the
participation selected subject area teachers in Math, Filipino, English, and Science
subjects in the Junior High School level and an expert in the Aralinks Teachnology.

Lastly, the researchers delimited this study to St. James Academy Plaridel,
Bulacan, Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019.

Significance of the study:

The significance of this study would be a great contribution to the knowledge about the
effects of Aralinks Teachnology in class participation/recitation. The goal of this study is
to help students improve their interaction with the help of this modern aid technology.
Thus, this research can be beneficial to the following:

For the students,

The study serves the students to improve their learning outcomes and increase
students’ willingness to engage in learning development. It will also help students to
know more information about the lesson. This improves students’ learning and enhances
students’ communication skills in participating. Students will become technologically
skilled and literate and thus, better prepared for modern workplaces.

For the teachers,

The study will help the teachers established understanding in delivering
more personalized content and lessons to students. It is easier to gather
information on what they should emphasize to their class. It will be more
convenient and easier method for their job. This will enhance the traditional way
of teaching that will keep the students more engaged.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
For the school,
The study will help the school assess the outcome of the technological
method they implement. This will benefit their marketing strategy since,
technology is a trend towards learning environment.

For the society,

Through technology-integration, the society will benefit from its indigents
in which these people can help alleviate illiteracy in the community. This would
also help in enhancing the 21st century learners’ skills that will help the
community in a modernize way.

For the future researchers,

The future researchers can use this study for further improvement of the
students’ skills in technology. This study would be beneficiary for the future
researchers through seeing another angle to improve the lack of knowledge.
Through this, they would be able to gather new ideas and concepts.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes

This chapter presents different literatures, coming from journals, articles, books
and theories for further enhancement about the effects of Aralinks teachnology or the
technology itself of students partake in class participation/recitations.

Use of Technology

Technology has now been part of our lives. It is developing day by day.
Technology is seen everywhere we go. It affects our lives by emerging with it. It changes
the way we communicate with other people, eases workload as individual, and hasten the
knowledge. Technology is good because it simplifies the way we do things in our daily
lives, however, if technology is wrongly applied, it can be harmful in so many ways.
Technology is developed by humans, so we can use it to accomplish almost every task; it
makes the impossible look possible. (Karehka Ramey, 2013). With the use of technology,
workloads, assignments, and other things will be easier.

Technology integration in education will help the students learn easily what the
teacher had discussed. With the use of technology, education process or learning is
simple. The usages of technology in classrooms are more advanced because of laptops,
computers, televisions, Ipads and many more. Using technology in the Classroom
Learning Program is an integral part of linking teachers to their students. In this digital
age the importance of understanding technology will become a key to the success of
students (Asante Africa Foundation), by embracing and integrating technology in the
classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school (Janelle
Cox). Integrating and understanding the use of technology helps the students to achieve
their goals. It helps students to have 21st century skills which are stated as:

 personal and social responsibility

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
 planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity

 strong communication skills, both for interpersonal and presentation needs

 cross-cultural understanding

 visualizing and decision making

 knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate
tool for the task

Students are more engaged to learn with the use of technology because of its
accessibility (Jan Hawkins 1999). It helps the students to work independently and
maximize their use of skills in terms of comprehension. Technology is now used as
instructional tool that will help the teachers make their lessons clearer and faster; for
students, technology is a huge help in easing their workloads. Also with technology,
access to different websites, articles, videos, and many more which can be beneficial to
the studies and learning of the student will be easier. Integration activities that utilize the
Web, PowerPoint, Excel, digital photography, SMART Boards, and more. (Mary Kreul.,
Nicholas Langlie, Bernard John Poole, Victoria M. Romano, Robin Smith, Jamye
Swinford, John Tiffany, Jennifer Wagner, 2011), these can contribute to students’
learning by means of lesson application in daily lives. Moreover, it will deepen their
knowledge and enhances their creativity skills. From chalkboards, papers and pens, and
exerting too much effort to projectors with the use of presentations, Ipads and laptops and
more tasks have been accomplished with the use of technology.

Innovation of Technology in teaching

According to the definition of ERIC Thesaurus, “teaching innovation” means the

“introduction of new teaching ideas, methods, or tools.” In a narrow sense, teaching
innovation relatively tends to mean applying new teaching concepts, methods, or tools
developed by others or oneself. (Yu Je-Lee, Taiwan). Technology is a useful instrument
when it comes to teaching, and it became a great tool for learning. Some ideas were

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
formed because of technology, tasks were accomplished in an easier and convenient
manner, and they can easily have access with their topics, and provides creative teaching
for students’ participation.

As the world revolves, technology takes place in the society, most especially in
education. Technology has now became one of the alternative modes of teaching, in a
way, that students tend to learn and understand lessons with the help of visual
presentations and videos that contain information interconnected with the lesson itself. It
became an essential tool in providing sufficient information that can expand the
knowledge of the students, as well as the teachers.

When teaching innovation is mixed or combined with creative teaching, it will

result to an outcome which will lead to positive effects to the students using technology
as one alternative mode. It will highlight that using technology in learning can capture the
interest to the students which will make them listen, participate, enjoy and learn.

. However, there are several key drivers pushing technology as a key component
for educational system change, and these serve as central reasons that educators and
education stakeholders should consider the growing relevance and implications of
technology and technology-based school innovations (OECD, 2010):

 Technology can perform several key functions in the change process,

including opening up new opportunities that improve teaching and learning
—particularly with the affordance of customization of learning to individual
learner needs, which is highly supported by the learning sciences;

 The skills for an adult life include technological literacy, and people who do
not acquire and master these competencies may suffer from a new form of
the digital divide, which will impact their capacity to effectively operate and
thrive in the new knowledge economy;

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
 Technology is an integral part to accessing the higher-order competencies
often referred to as 21st Century Skills, which are also necessary to be
productive in today‘s society. (Jennifer Groff, 2013)

Interaction among students with the use of technology

Student engagement and interest had also increased due to the presence of
technology (Jennifer Lyn Flanagan 2008). Integration of technology inside the
classrooms has an effect to students’ participation/recitation. Education learning in the
field of education is the trend that is already adopted as an aid to classroom delivery
(Galy, et al. 2011). Since technology has a wide range, it is now used as a tool for
interaction among students. By the advancement of this technology using as an aided
instruction for education it serves as a learning tool that is easy for students to connect
with the teacher for their class. All the information needed is already accessible for them
to engage with the lesson. It is important to have an interaction with the teacher because
it develops the understanding that will help them reach and fulfil the objectives of their
topic. Through the interaction we transmit and receive information appropriately, it
makes students proceed to exciting lessons that will stimulate and enhance their
capabilities in learning. This interaction will enable students to achieve productivity and
become competent to wide and variety of ideas may found on this technology.
Technology encourages students to take charge of their education. In classrooms where
technology is part of the curriculum, students are more likely to initiate learning-based
activities, sometimes even directing them.

It benefits the students in their academic performance and improves their learning
about the lesson. When the teachers use technology in their discussions they can build an
interaction with their students and it can cause the students to improve communicating
skills during class recitation. Students are not only accessing, managing, creating and
sharing knowledge in dramatically different ways as their teachers often do, but also have
radically new expectations regarding what a quality learning experience should be
(Pedro, F., 2009, p.2). Technology is a tool which can help students to boost their

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
capacity. Since, we are living in a technological world, where technology is a source and
a trend of new learning and alternative way of teaching instead of the traditional way.

Technology can transform the classroom into an interactive learning

environment (Kevin C. Costley, Ph.D.). Technology is a tool which can help students to
boost their capacity. Since, we are living in a technological world, where technology is a
source and a trend of new learning and alternative way of teaching instead of the
traditional way.

Impacts of Technology on students’ participation

With the use of modern technology, it can bring positive and negative results to
students’ participation depending on its use. Learning with the support of technology can
help the students in different aspects. A Research literature throughout the past decade has
shown that technology can enhance literacy development, impact language acquisition, provide
greater access to information, support learning, motivate students, and enhance their self-esteem
(ACT, 2004; CEO Forum, 2001; Boster et al., 2004; Mann et al., 1999; Tracey & Young, 2006;
WestEd, 2002).

Like Pearson et al. (2005) concluded that a wide range of digital tools enhance
reading comprehension and vocabulary development by providing students access to
word pronunciation, word meaning, contextual information and comprehension scaffolds
to guide an individual’s reading (Susan O'Hara, Robert Pritchard, 2014). It says that it
enhances the comprehension and vocabulary development of students.

By this, it means that they can improve their communication skill that simple leads to
more active participation during class, a primary goal should be to foster critical thinking
and active learning (Davis Barbara Gross 1993. However, the contents presented in the
technology used must be related to what the teacher is discussing, so that students would
not be confuse themselves hat can interrupt class participation.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Current Study

This timely research study intends to know the effects of Aralinks Teachnology in
the participation and class recitations of the junior high school students and the reliability
and convenience of Aralinks Teachnology to the teachers. As of now, Aralinks
Teachnology is usable in the Jamean community.

The researchers are looking forward for the results that are expected before the
study started. Its aims are not only for the junior high school students to enhance better
interactions with the teachers and as an innovative instrument in class
participation/recitations, but together for open recommendations of future researchers that
may continue what the researchers have started to be a reliable source of information to
others. Anticipation of conclusions will be accumulated gradually from ideas and
recommendations that may help the development of improvements and to gather more
useful information related to this study. In addition to that, the junior high school students
and selected teachers will be asked such questions to support this timely research study.


The new millennium learners integrate themselves to the advancement of

technology system, it makes their life more convenient and it will be easier for them to
get information that can enhance their knowledge to different subjects they take. Student
academic achievements will increase by the help of the combination of traditional way of
teaching and the teaching innovations. The innovative teaching helps the student to
prepare for their future workplace.

Aralinks Teachnology supports the school education system to transform the

learning of the students. It improves the learning abilities of the students to immerse
themselves in adopting the lessons. Aralinks Teachnology or the technology itself, access
individuals to acquire deeper knowledge and understanding. It encourages and motivates
the students to be more productive and accomplish their work immediately. However,
this method makes the student more dependent through this innovative learning.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
In the use of this modernized way of teaching, the teachers built stronger
connection that makes the students participate and cooperate in class activities. Teachers
can personalized their teaching and lessons. They can quickly produce data and sight
information align with their topics. Students make their product in learning better, in a
way that it can contribute in the advancement of society.

According to Stephen Atwood, ‘’Technology will always be connected with

students, so we have to teach them how to use technology appropriately’’ (Bouchard). It
is the students’ responsibility on how are they going to use the technology and it can have
a profound impact on students learning in different aspects.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers presented Aralinks Teachnology as an interactive and innovative

teaching avenue to the Junior High School level in St. James Academy, Plaridel, Bulacan,
Inc., in order to identify the effects of Aralinks Teachnology in the students’ academic
performance, specifically int their class participation/recitations.

Figure 1. 0

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
In figure 1.0, there are two factors connected to Aralinks Teachnology, the
teachers and the students. In the part of the teachers, Aralinks Teachnology is a big help,
it lessen the workload that teachers normally have when discussing through traditional
way; and it also became one of the modes of teaching, because presentations and videos
related to the topic may be presented through the television and can be seen or watched
by the class clearly. For the students, because of different techniques and ways teachers
usually do when discussing. Students enhance their skills and tend to be more active and
participative, because they are enjoying at the same time, they are learning through
Aralinks Teachnology.

The outer part of the figure is a cycle. The cycle first explains, the experiences
with the use of Aralinks Teachnology will expand and broaden the knowledge not just the
students alone, but also the teachers themselves, in which, they will gain new information
and ideas with the help of Aralinks. Second, after deepening and gaining the knowledge
and gathering new information and ideas, both will develop the skills: for the part of the
students, who are in the process of learning and studying, to be prepared in difficult tasks
and responsibilities; and for the teachers, they will adapt to the trends and it well lessen
their time preparation in creating presentations. Lastly, after expanding the knowledge
and the development of skills, it will make the students ready and confident to new roles
and new environment which will directly lead them to success. The cycle will continue to
rotate as time passes by, since people nowadays continue to learn and apply it to
themselves and to their community.

Through the use of Cognitivism Theory, the ways of teaching can only be
effective if the students are enable to learn from the lesson and apply it, because active
participation of learners and effective teaching approach are needed for students to learn
and process things.

Cognitivism Theory explains that new knowledge is built in upon prior

knowledge and, learners need active participation in order to learn in connection in the
said theory to this study, the modern technology became an essential tool in teaching
which affects the learning of the students in a way that this technology gives more ideas

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
and information that students see and understand clearly which will lead them to better
application. Through this theory, the researchers will be able to identify and assess the
effects and results of Aralinks Teachnology as an interactive and innovative teaching
avenue in class participation/recitations.

Definition of Terms

1. Technology: is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and

extracting of  materials. The application of knowledge and skills to make goods or to
provide services. It includes the tools and machines that people use to convert natural
resources into items they need. It also includes the methods they use to convert their
resources. It refers to the instructional use of computers, television, and other kinds of
electronic hardware and software.

2. Innovation: is the process of making changes to something established by introducing

something new. Instructional techniques or delivery systems, such as the use of new
technologies in the classroom. Plays a constructive role in improving educational
opportunities for billions of people who remain under-served in a rapidly developing

3. Interaction: lead students to a point of reflection that causes them to evaluate existing
assumptions and then choose to integrate or discard the new information. It is a process
of awakening a students' internal reflective processes.It is nothing more than the
exchange of information.

4. Recitations: the action of repeating something aloud from memory.

5. Advancement: is the progression to a higher stage of development.

6. Digital presentations: are visual presentation which has components and content that
are accessible through technology such as photos, charts, and videos to help you better
convey your message and illustrate your material. These are dynamic, and are easily
adapted to always keep your delivery fresh and your audience engaged.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
7. Class Participation: is a valuable learning tool for teachers. An important aspect of
student learning. It is a feature of many course designs. It can result in insightful
comments and interesting connections being made by students and can foster a high level
of energy and enthusiasm in the classroom learning environment.

8. Learning: cannot be measured, but its results can be. It is the relatively permanent
change in a person’s knowledge or behavior due to experience. The process of gaining
knowledge and expertise. It is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of
shifting core elements – not entirely under the control of the individual. Learning
(defined as actionable knowledge) can reside outside of ourselves (within an organization
or a database), is focused on connecting specialized information sets, and the connections
that enable us to learn more are more important than our current state of knowing.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes

This chapter includes the participants, procedures, methods, and instruments to be

used in the research. This provides detailed and specific information in order to gather the
data needed.

Study Design

This study, entitled as the effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an interactive and

innovative teaching avenue to students’ class recitations aims to determine and assess the
effects of Aralinks Teachnology in students’ participation/recitation using technology as
an academically platform. Qualitative research uses non-numerical data that seek
interpretations from the gathered data while quantitative research uses numerical data
based on statistical way to gather and analyse data and information for validation. This
study uses both qualitative and quantitative research to gain a deep understanding on the
study which uses different methods and techniques.

The researchers will take a mixed method way. The researchers will use descriptive,
exploratory, and correlational research designs. The researchers will use the descriptive
type of research method as a fact finding study involving sufficient and exact information
to support the study. This is characterized as simply the attempt to determine, describe or
identify the study (Ethridge, D.E. (2004) John Wiley & Sons, p.24). Second, the
researchers would use an exploratory type of research to classify new data and new
insights, tends to tackle new problems on which little or no previous research has been
done (Brown, R.B. (2006) Sage Publications, p.43). Lastly, the correlational type simply
defined as a relationship between two variables - innovation of technology and
interaction among students, which cannot manipulate the independent variable because it
is impossible, impractical, or unethical (Paul C. Price, Rajiv S. Jhangiani, and I-Chant A.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Chiang). With this type of research, the researchers would be able to gather information
and data that support the study.


In order to gather a quantitative data from the junior high school students that would
lead in the assessment of the effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an interactive and
innovative instrument in class participation/recitation. A total of 183 respondents were
randomly selected in the junior high school students as participants.

The researchers would use closed-ended survey questionnaires consisting of 10

questions, five of which are multiple choice whereas one is a dichotomous question and
only one allows them to choose as many as applicable, five are rank order or semantic
differential scale questions. Before distributing the survey forms, a simple orientation
about the study would be conducted in the junior high school students for them to be
aware in this certain study. The junior high school students would be given 15 minutes to
answer the survey forms. The researchers would issue letters to give notice that a data
gathering would be conducted in line with the study.

After gathering the survey forms, a series of interviews with selected subject area
teachers from English, Math, Science and Filipino subjects would be done to gather
information and new insights which will help the researchers to further analyse and
explain the study. A structured followed with an unstructured interview would be done,
which consists of five questions that would be guided from the prior survey
questionnaires. In addition to that, a structured interview consists of five questions would
be conducted to a person knowledgeable in Aralinks Teachnology for futher explanation
of the data gathered. The duration of the interview would depend on the follow-up
questions of the researcher.

Prior to this, the researchers would issue letters to the following subjects area
teachers in English, Math, Science, and Filipino to confer notices for gathering
information. A letter would be issue to a person knowledgeable in Aralinks Teachnology.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Additionally, the researchers would issue copies of interview questions to inform the
interviewees beforehand.

Sampling Technique

The target populations in this research study are the selected junior high school
students in St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. ranging from grades 7 to 10, who
are currently using Aralinks Teachnology.

Table 1 summarizes the population and sub-population sizes.

Table 1. Population and sub-population sizes


Junior High School Level

Male Female Total

Grade 7 36 52 88
Grade 8 41 39 80
Grade 9 35 50 85
Grade 10 43 40 83
Total 155 181 336

For the survey, the researchers selected representative samples that would be taken
from the population. Using the stratified random sampling, meaning dividing the
population into groups and taking equal numbers of respondents from each group. Each
divided population would be taken randomly selected students proportionally for the said
survey questionnaires that would be given by the researchers. These would help the
researchers to form a random sample. It is a type of probability sampling that is to be
used to prevent miscalculating data that would be gathered, having representatives in a
proportion higher than the average, and insufficient representations.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Table 2. Sample sizes for the survey procedures

Junior High School Level

Male Female Total

Grade 7 20 29 49
Grade 8 22 21 43
Grade 9 19 27 46
Grade 10 22 23 45
Total 83 100 183

For the random sample size, using the Slovin's formula for calculating the
appropriate sample size for the population. It would help the researchers to calculate the
research findings. Additionally, it would allow the researchers to use the limited time for
the research wisely and decision-making in resources. A confidence level of 95% (e =
0.05) as a marginal error would be used.

Table 2. Summarizes the sample sizes for the survey procedures.

Taking note that the researchers would use the stratified random sampling, the
researchers would select the respondents based on the following criteria:

1. they are the junior high school students from grades 7 to 10 of St. James
Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc.;

2. and currently using Aralinks teachnology as a tool for teaching, learning and
partaking in class participation/recitations.

As for the in-depth interviews, the researchers would prepare questionnaires for the
selected eight students, selected subject area teachers in Math, English, Science and
Filipino in the Junior High School level and a representative from Aralinks Teachnology.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes

The researchers designed survey questionnaires to initiate a qualitative and

quantitative data from the junior high school students. This pertains as a mixed method
type of research that would help the study to gather all the data needed. The questions
aim to know the effects of Aralinks Teachnology to students’ partake in class recitation.
The survey questionnaires will be distributed by the researchers to the chosen students in
the Junior High School level. Survey questionnaires (see appendix A) which consist of
close-ended questions with different choices regarding the study. Each survey
questionnaires include a total of ten (10) questions, five of which are multiple choice
questions which has one dichotomous question and one allows them to choose as many as
applicable, the remaining five are rank order or semantic differential scale questions.

For the next data collection, the researchers would gather information by
interviewing selected subject area teachers and students of the Junior High School level.
The interview questions intended to know their own perspective and opinion in terms of
the Aralinks Teachnology. The interview questionnaires (see Appendix B) consist of five
interview questions and open to any follow-up questions depending on their answers.
There will be an audio recorder for their responds and would be transcribed for a clearer
data analysis.

In this data gathering of the study, the researchers would provide letters, noted and
approved by the thesis adviser, to orient the teachers (see Appendix C) and the
representative from Aralinks Teachnology (see Appendix D) that are part of the research

Units of Analysis

The researcher's study would have two unit of analysis that would take such

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
First, Aralinks Teachnology as a new method of learning and teaching. Gathering the
data of this unit of analysis, would use survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews.

By this, the researchers would have a vision of how the Aralinks Teachnology, as a
new method of learning in the Junior High School students in St. James Academy,
Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc., by analyzing this, the researchers hope to find how this Aralinks
Teachnology contributes as a new method of learning and teaching.

Second, how the Aralinks Teachnology, as a new tool for learning, help the Junior
High School students to improve their class participation/recitations. This unit of analysis
is focusing on knowing the effects or improvements that may occur of the said tool for
learning to the Junior High School students.

Data Analysis

The researchers followed a mixed method approach based on exploratory, correlational

and descriptive methods. After gathering the junior high school students’ survey forms,
the researchers would tally the collected data. The researchers would organize the data
and perform descriptive statistical analyses. Through the use of percentage in the
gathered survey answer would make the analysis and visualization easier to comprehend
favouring the review of related literature under the four divisions which were the Use of
technology, Innovation of technology in teaching, Interaction among students with the
use of technology and Impacts of technology on students’ participation. The quantitative
data collected from the given survey and qualitative data gathered from interview would
gain different perspective among chosen teachers and students from the Junior High
School level which would result to a brief explanation that will support the study.


St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
This chapter presents and discusses the results from the surveys with the Junior High
School students and in-depth interview with the teachers in the subjects of Math, English,
Filipino, and Science in St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. The data data
gathered would be necessary to determine and assess the effects of Aralinks Teachnology
as an interactive and innovative instrument in class participation/recitations.

Results of Survey

A total of 183 respondents from the Junior High School level were randomly chosen
for the survey procedure. With the data gathered, it would help the researchers to
accumulate findings and formulate recommendations about the effects of Aralinks
Teachnology as interactive and innovative instruments in class participation recitations.

Table 3

Question no. 1
Are your teachers using Aralinks Teachnology in delivering his/her lessons?

Responses Frequency Percentage

n = 183
Yes 178 97.26%
No 5 2.73%

Majority of the respondents (97.26%) in the Junior High School level answered that
their teachers are using Aralinks Teachnology in discussing their lessons.

While a percentile of 2.73% do not agree, which means they observed their teachers are
using other instruments in teaching.

For tables 4 and 5, the data was formulated from those respondents who answered
Yes in question no. 1.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Table 4

Question no. 2
How often do your teachers use the Aralinks Teachnology?

Frequency use of Aralinks Frequency Percentage

n = 178
Daily 59 32.24%
Weekly 34 18.58%
Sometimes 84 45.90%
Not Very Often 1 0.55%
Never 0 0%
Majority of the respondents (45.90%) answered that sometimes their teachers are
using Aralinks Teachnology. Second, a percentage of 32.24% shows that their teachers
are using Aralinks Teachnology daily in teaching. As we sail through the
21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant.
Tablets are replacing our textbooks, and we can research just about anything that we want
to on our smartphones. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies
(tablets, iPads, Smart Boards, digital cameras, computers), while students are using
advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology
in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school
(Janelle Cox). Using Aralinks Teachnology or technology integration in the classroom
combined with performance task would build up the 21st century learners’ skills to be

Table 5

Question no. 3
What are the teaching aids/instruments used by your teachers?
(choose as many as applicable)

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Instruments Frequency Percentage
n = 178
Power point presentations 176 96.17
Video presentations 129 70.49%
Used internet as part 54 29.51%
internet of their lessons
Aralinks Technology’s 50 27.32%
Audio Visual 67 36.61%
Others 1 0.55%

The 21st Century Learners are more engaged on technology since this generation are
continuously progressing and developing. Technology played a large role globally
especially in the field of education where academic applications helped the students in
learning and teachers in teaching. One of the foremost examples of this is power-point
Presentation. Power-point Presentations are convenient and effective tool in terms of
teaching. Nowadays, this power-point presentation is mostly used rather than the
traditional way of teaching such as books, pen and paper. Slide presentation software
such as PowerPoint has become an ingrained part of many instructional settings,
particularly in large classes and in courses more geared toward information exchange
than skill development. PowerPoint can be a highly effective tool to aid learning, but if
not used carefully, may instead disengage students and actually hinder learning (Karen L.
Smith 2018).

Meanwhile, for tables 6 and 7, the answers came from those respondents who
answered No in question no. 1.

Table 6

Question no. 4

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Which do you think is the common reason why your teachers are not using Aralinks
Teachnology as their guide for teaching?

Reasons Frequency Percentage

Content or templates in the 1 0.55%
Aralinks Teachnology
Availability of technology 2 1.09%
Lack of knowledge 2 1.09%

The table shows the percentage of the students who answered no. when the
respondents are asked which do you think is the common reasons why their teachers are
not using Aralinks as a teaching guide. One of the respondents answered because of its
content or templates in the Aralinks (0.55%), two answered because of its availability
(1.09%) and two of them answered because of the lack of knowledge of Aralinks
(1.09%). Explained by Nancie L. Beckket (2015) with the advancement of
mechanization, teachers are not equally trained with its proper implementation. Thus
learners are just using technology instead of gaining knowledge from it. Using applied
science to achieve education in the proper way is a good thing but to transform it into an
active set of skills is a matter of time. Inquiry-based learning is the best way to teach the
learners where they get an opportunity to research on different topics individually.
Therefore, technology should be fused with this method of teaching to make the learner’s
brain keep working instead of being totally dependent on them.

Table 7

Question no. 5
What other strategy does your teacher employ in presenting his/her lessons?

Instruments Frequency Percentage

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Visual aids (e.g manila 2 1.09%
Lecture-type 2 1.09%
Creating Learning Stations 1 0.55%
(completing puzzles,
creating artwork)
Demonstration 0 0%
(experiments, hands-on)
Collaboration (role plays, 0 0%
jigsaw method)

Part of the researchers’ survey questionnaires are about the other strategies of the
teachers that they employ in presenting their lessons. After collecting the data, the
researchers’ tally all the gathered results. There are two answers from the choices given
that is equally chosen by the respondents. Mostly, answered that their teachers are using
visual aids and lecture type. Visual aids include the paper and pen. The percentage
computed is 1.09%. Second in the rank is the creating learning station—completing
puzzles, creating artwork with a computed percentage of 0.55%. The other two choices
are the demonstrations and collaboration, none of the respondents answered these two.

The visual aids or the traditional way of teaching was one of the most chosen
answers. From the moment learners enter a training space, “show” them what they will be
learning. Using simple visual graphics is a great way to illustrate the major topics that
will be taught. This visual aid helps the learners “see” what they are learning. (Juliana
Stancampiano, 2013). Lecture type is considered as an effective strategy in teaching.
Thus, lectures are the major teaching method employed in many academic departments
and schools. As you reflect on how best to prepare and deliver lectures, keep in mind that
a primary goal should be to foster critical thinking and active learning (Davis Barbara
Gross 1993).

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
For table 8, the researchers used semantic differentiation scale to determine if
Aralinks Teachnology is really helpful to the students through evaluating the folliwing

Table 8: Evaluation of the following statements

Statement no. 6: The Aralinks Teachnology is a sufficient and reliable instrument as an

alternative mode in teaching and learning.
Statement no. 7: The Aralinks Teachnology motivates you to be involved in learning and
participate in class recitations.
Statement no. 8: The Aralinks Teachnology meets your expectations thrugh performing
and creating presetations.
Statement no. 9: The Aralinks Teachnology limits your choices in instructional materials.
Statement no. 10: The Aralinks Teachnology increases your willingness to study.

140 Semantic Differentiation Scale


6. Suffieciency 7. Motivation in 8. Expectations 9. Limits 10. Willingness
and reliability learning through instructional to study.
performing materials


Another table was used by the researchers since the respondents chose different level
of agreement (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree) based
on their perspective on the following statement.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
In general, table 8 shows that mostly of the respondents agree that Aralinks
Teachnology is sufficient and reliable, motivates them in learning, meet their
expectations through performing presentations, limits their instructional choices, and it
helps in their willingness to study, which means there is still a problem in the usage of it.
The problem is that there are not nearly enough certified tech coaches in schools, and
those who are in place are not always adequately prepared to handle this new mission
(Mark Gura, 2018). Meanwhile, few of the respondents chose strongly agree in Aralinks
Teachnology as a sufficient and reliable instrument as an alternative mode in learning
because students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and
demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences
(ISTE). On the other hand, some of the respondents chose neutral in limiting their choices
in instructional materials because it makes their workload easier but it also makes them
lazy in writing down notes. Thus, learners are just using technology instead of gaining
knowledge from it (Nancie L Beckett).

Results of Interviews

The researchers conducted an interview with the subject area teachers in Math,
Filipino, Science and English in the Junior High School level in St. James Academy
Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. and an expert from Aralinks Teachnology in order to gather new
insights and information. This would serve as explanations that would lead to better
conclusions and recommendations.

Interview Guide for Teachers

1. Which do you prefer, use of technology (Aralinks Teachnology) or the traditional

way of teaching?
2. Since Ipads and Apple TV are seldomly used, how convenient and reliable Aralinks
Teachnology as a new method of learning and teaching?\
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Aralinks Teachnology to you as a
4. How do you interact with your students using Aralinks Teachnology?

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
5. Does Aralinks Teachnology helps your students participate actively in class?

Five questions were asked during the interview and they were answered with four
teachers in the subjects of Filipino, Math, Science and English respectively.

1. Which do you prefer, use of technology (Aralinks Teachnology) or the traditional

way of teaching?

Key Informant no. 1 I prefer to use..the traditional way of teaching because

using Aralinks with teaching seems complicated,
Ms. Angelica Cambronero
specially.. when we are handling different subjects.
Key Informant no. 2 As a Math teacher, I prefer to use both instructional
materials because in our math, there are some topics
Ms Rochelle Espinoza
that can’t be understood by student without using it…
(see appendix B)
Key Informant no. 3 I prefer to use both instructional materials because in
Science there are processes that the studets should
Ms. Arianne Galleguez
learn so in that case I prefer to use the traditional one
but in assessing and motivation the students, Aralinks in
a big help.
Key Informant no. 4 Okay. So traditional and Aralinks Technology are both
useful instructional materials, for us teachers so.. as an
Ms. Rochelle Ravago
English teacher. I prefer to use both of these
instructional materials because both of them are
helpful. (see appendix B)
From the data we've collected from the selected subject teachers answering which
they prefer, use of technology or the traditional way of teaching. Most of them answered
that the traditional way of teaching and Aralinks Teachnology is both useful as
instructional materials for teaching students. They stated differently when it comes in
choosing which would they prefer but they have common concerns in using those
instructional materials and that is because of their subjects handled. Hyland (2003, p. 94)

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
states that “one of the most important advantages of using authentic materials, is that it
increases learners‘ motivation and reflects positively on their learning process.” Aside
from providing instructional materials for the students, it must be adequate and accurate.
Romiszowski (1988); Walkin (1982) and Hills (1982) concur on the fact that if
instructional materials are properly selected and used, it would occur; learning would be
interesting and meaningful, knowledge acquired would be retained for a longer time,
different skills would be acquired by learners, and students would be actively involved
during lessons.

2. Since Ipads and Apple TV are seldomly used, how convenient and reliable Aralinks
Teachnology as a new method of learning and teaching?\

Key Informant no. 1 For me, it’s not convenient because it’s time consuming.
As I said.., we are handling different subjects and we do
Ms. Angelica Cambronero
not have enough time in… preparing our lessons. Using
the Aralinks Teachnology.
Key Informant no. 2 For me, Aralinks is convenient to use because you will
just going to search some templates and activities in the
Ms Rochelle Espinoza
… then download then use it. And the topics there are
updates do I can say that it is a reliable one.
Key Informant no. 3 Using animations and different templates, I can say that
it is also reliable, and through Aralinks, we can
Ms. Arianne Galleguez
produce our own materials in teaching.
Key Informant no. 4 For me, Aralinks aren’t too reliable because some files
or topics there are not too updated. But I can say that it
Ms. Rochelle Ravago
is helpful for us.
As a summary Aralinks can help the teachers in producing their topics and
presentations its convenient for them to perform their task easily because of the reliability
of its content. But for some teachers they can say that its inconvenient because its time
consuming in preparing PowerPoint presentations and the topics are not updated but

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Aralinks is helpful for them. Explained by Nancie L. Beckett (2015) "It is the human
being who built technology not the technology that created a human. As humans are not
error-free, similarly technology too does not come error-free. There are lots of problems
like server error and connectivity problems which take oodles of time to troubleshoot it,
therefore, hindering the learning process which can sometimes be a matter of frustration
both for the learners and the educators. Wastage of time because of unnecessary issues is
not at all advisable in schools or any learning institutes where every second is valuable
for the learners.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Aralinks Teachnology to you as a


Key Informant no. 1 For me the advantages of Aralinks Teachnology as a

teacher.. for my students since we are in the 21st century
Ms. Angelica Cambronero
learners they are more engaged and motivated……The
disadvatages for me…it is time consuming and not
applicable in every subject…(see appendix B)
Key Informant no. 2 One of the advantages of Aralinks Teachnology is that it
is easy to access but its disadvantage is that it is time
Ms Rochelle Espinoza
consuming…kasi kailangan kong mag-compute.. tagal..
matagal…. kasi yung template kasi dyan konti lang
yung example so kailangan yung mga bata manual pa..
ah kailangan diba mas madaming example pa yung
gawin…(see appendix B)
Key Informant no. 3 The advantage of Aralinks is there’s a lot of template
that can be used in assessing them and the disadvantage
Ms. Arianne Galleguez
is, it is time-consuming…. kasi ano…diba pag ikaw
yung gumagawa ng tem-template….matagal.
Key Informant no. 4 One of the advantagse that I can see in using Aralinks
Teachnology is that, it motivates students more but it is
Ms. Rochelle Ravago
time-consuming because when we are making our own

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
templates, we should arrange it one by one. (see
appendix B)
The teaching strategies based on educational technology can be described as ethical
practices that facilitate the students’ learning and boost their capacity, productivity, and
performance. Technology integration in education inspires positive changes in teaching
methods on an international level (Stephanie Norman, 2016). In general, the advantage of
using Aralinks teachnology as a mode of teaching are to motivate the students to study
harder; and this Aralinks teachnology contain templates that help the teachers in teaching
their students. The implementation of Aralinks teachnology serves as one of the strategies
in teaching that can nurture and develop the knowledge and skills of students. On the
other hand, the disadvantages were it is not applicable in every subjects and it's time-
consuming, in the way that the teachers should arrange each templates of their lesson.

4. How do you interact with your students using Aralinks Teachnology?

Key Informant no. 1 I interact with my students using Aralinks

Teachnology… with the use of.. power-point, laptop
Ms. Angelica Cambronero
presentation then templates assessment that can be seen
in the Aralinks Teachnology.
Key Informant no. 2 Using assessment, such as random numbers. We can
use it in recitations so that everyone can participate in
Ms Rochelle Espinoza
the discussion.
Key Informant no. 3 For me, they are more active now than before because
of technology and it is a plus points for them if their
Ms. Arianne Galleguez
teacher is techy.
Key Informant no. 4 I interact with my students..using…Aralinks
Teachnology in motivation and assessing them. So that
Ms. Rochelle Ravago
they become more engage in learning.
Teachers have been using the Aralinks Teachnology in presenting the lesson to
interact with their students. Most of them answer is that they use this as their templates’
assessments in order for students to participate in the discussion. This gives students to be

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
more engaged and motivated in daily class performance. Among the four interviewees
they emphasize the use of technology as their tool in presenting the power point
presentations to call the attention of students because they are more interested with the
use of technology. In PowerPoint presentation, topics are presented in a hierarchical
fashion with graphics, color, and animation, students could “use a mental image of that
outline to study, to retrieve the information on a test, to organize their answer for an essay
question, and to perform other educational tasks (Clark and Paivio, 1991. p. 176).” Rose
(2001) also notes that presentation of learning materials in graphical form is beneficial
for students. The way the presentation is made it makes the students retain what they
have learned.

5. Does Aralinks Teachnology helps your students participate actively in class?

Key Informant no. 1 Yes. It helps a lot by students to participate actively in

class because through Aralinks, they are motivated to
Ms. Angelica Cambronero
participate. As I said before, we are in the 21st century
learners so they are more engage in learning with the
use of Aralinks Teachnology.
Key Informant no. 2 Yes, just like what I’ve said, students are techy. They
will engage themselves in the class if there is
Ms Rochelle Espinoza
technology. Technology motivates them to participate
and learn more than usual.
Key Informant no. 3 Yes, because it looks new in their eyes. They are so
curious on how it works that’s why they participate
Ms. Arianne Galleguez
Key Informant no. 4 Okay, so yes, they participate more actively in class
beacause students nowadays are exposed in
Ms. Rochelle Ravago
teachnology or technology, so they are encourage to
learn. (see appendix B) So using Aralinks Teachnology,
for example, in motivation, it gives them thrill that they
don’t..because they don’t know who will be called, so in

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
motivation part.
All of the interviewed teachers said that Aralinks Teachnology helps their students to
participate actively in class and be motivated in studying. Since students nowadays are in
the 21st century and are more engage with the use of technology, they tend to spend more
time in using technology and browsing in the social media. Students prefer technology
because they believe that it makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like
laptops and tablets. Subjects that students deem challenging or boring can become more
interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet (Janelle Cox).

From the interviewees’ responses, students are more engage and motivated in class
recitations since we are living in a modernized world, where technology is present, the
teaching innovations of teachers are new, curiosity shows up and were easier than before.
Another interviewee said that technology gives thrill to the students since, they do not
know who would be called, so they are encourage to study their lessons at home.

Interview Guide for an expert in Aralinks Teachnology

1. How did you come up with Aralinks Teachnology?

2. Why did you implement Aralinks Teachnology?
3. What were your references in implementing Aralinks Teachnology as one of the
alternative modes of teaching?
4. How does Aralinks Teachnology helps students to study more?
5. What are the most common feed backs (positive and/or negative) you receive
regarding those schools using Aralinks Teachnology?

Five questions were asked during the interview with an expert in Aralinks
1. How did you come up with Aralinks Teachnology?

Key Informant no. 1 Aralinks Teachnology was created as a means to help

schools that take the first step in technology integration in
Aka “Mark”
instruction by providing teachers with digital resources and

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
frontal instructional technology that will help them make
classes more engaging.
The 21st Century Learners are more engage in technology they prefer to learn in the
easiest way they can.Aralinks teachnology was created to pacify the 21st century learners'
needs , it also played a vital role in making the education more effective and engaging.

2. Why did you implement Aralinks Teachnology?

Key Informant no. 1 We saw that any schools all over the country need to take
that first step in edtech integration, so we welcomed more
Aka “Mark”
school to adopt the said program.
Philippines need to enhance its educational technology to make every learners
engage themselves in it. Because most of our neighboring countries are already engaged
in different educational technology; and that is the purpose of Aralinks Teachnology, to
help the country in line with the continuous progressing technology and to take the first
step in education technology integration.

3. What were your references in implementing Aralinks Teachnology as one of the

alternative modes of teaching?

Key Informant no. 1 Our bench-marking activities in international conferences

like the ISTE, INACOL, and 21CLHK and in our visits to
Aka “Mark”
school in other countries gave us the idea on how to create
an edtech program that is appropriate to the setting and the
context of our schools here in the Philippines.
The Aralinks Teachnology was implemented with the resources of International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), INACOL, 21CLHK and visiting schools in
differents countries. These references helped in implementing Aralinks Teachnology as
one of the alternative modes of teaching as well as to create an appropriate setting and

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
context of teachers in teaching in the Philippines and to reach a common goal - enhance
the 21st century learners’ skills.

4. How does Aralinks Teachnology helps students to study more?

Key Informant no. 1 Teachers can design more engaging and interactive lessons
and activities.
Aka “Mark”
Because many new technologies are interactive (Greenfield and Cocking, 1996), it is
now easier to create environments in which students can learn by doing, receive
feedback, and continually refine their understanding and build new knowledge (Barron et
al., 1998; Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1993; Hmelo and Williams, 1998; Kafai, 1995;
Schwartz et al., 1999). By the engaging activites and encouraging tasks the teachers give
to the students with the help of technology, they develop their own skills and knowledge.
And they become active and motivated in their studies

5. What are the most common feed backs (positive and/or negative) you receive
regarding those schools using Aralinks Teachnology?

Key Informant no. 1 Positive feedback all point to teachers being to able to
create more fun and more engaging lessons. Some school
Aka “Mark”
administrators also mentioned that when school adopted
Aralinks Teachnology, there was an increase in
enrolment….. Meanwhile, negative feedback always point
to technical concerns like HDMIs that are not working or
laptops that are not responsive…. we handle negative
feedback in an agile manner because of the nature of our
edtech program and services. (see appendix B)
The interviewee responded both the positive and negative feedbacks of Aralinks
Teachnology when they installed it in different schools. A positive feedback says that the
installation of Aralinks Teachnology to schools made the learning fun and more engaging

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
in lessons. Some of the administrators of the schools said that there’s an increased in
enrolment. The other one is the negative feedbacks, it is said that the common problems
they received are the technical concerns such HDMIs and laptops that are not responsive.
They stated that they handle it with in agile manner.


The respondents of this study are the Junior High School students of St. James
Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. who are living in the 21st century where technology is
mostly used in teaching and learning. The results of the survey and the interview were
used to formulate answers to the objectives of the study regarding the effects of Aralinks
Teachnology as an interactive and innovative teaching avenue to students’ class

The Aralinks Teachnology is an innovative teaching element for teachers and an

effective learning instrument for students. This study focuses on the effects of Aralinks
Teachnology as a teaching guide in improving students’ class participation as well as to
enhance the 21st century learners’ skills. They should be better equipped for college and
beyond (Lauren M. Bronson). Aralinks Teachnology is an example of instructional
material used for teaching. It visualizes the idea of teachers and presents it while the
teacher is discussing.

The Aralinks Teachnology was implemented in St. James Academy Plaridel,

Bulacan Inc. last year in order to continue technology integration in education as well as
for the 21st century learners to enhance their skills. With the help of Phoenix Publishing
House and their international conferences, the ISTE, iNACOL, and 21CLHK gave them
the idea to implement such thing for schools in the Philippines to adopt trends with
technology as a mode of teaching and to help students in their study.

Majority of the respondents said that their teachers are using Aralinks Teachnology
in delivering their lessons. Most of the teachers often use technology for the replacement
of visual aids or the traditional way of teaching as stated by Janelle Cox. Technology

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
nowadays makes everything easy and effective. It helps teachers in managing their
classroom very efficiently (Santosh Bhaskar K, 2013). Combining both use of technology
and traditional way of teaching are the most prefer instructional materials since there are
topics that should be handled manually by the teachers such as computations.

The results of the study shows that Aralinks Teachnology is effective for both
teachers and students: the use of Aralinks Teachnology is convenient and reliable in
discussing topics and information that will help the teachers in teaching their lessons. It
helps their students to participate, as stated by Lauren M. Bronson there are websites
which can help in the teacher-students interaction, like assign students the task of using
iMovie or Movie Maker to create a presentation about a project they completed, students
can create book reviews or reports using Blogger, Wordpress or other tech tools, and
Discovery Education, a website that is packed with ideas for grade-appropriate lesson
planning and addresses topics such as weather, animals, DNA, robotics, human
development and underwater forensics. It is said that it is effective but needs further
upgrades to meet the level of thinking capacity of the students and the teachers' lesson

Power-point presentations are the most commonly used instrument of teachers in

delivering lessons because of some advantages, like increasing visual impact, improving
audience focus, providing annotations and highlights, analyzing and synthesizing
complexities, enriching curriculum with interdisciplinarity or combining two subjects
together in new ways, increasing spontaneity and interactivity, and increasing wonder
(Karen L. Smith, 2018). It has been a way of teachers for teaching to be easier at the
same time for students to have fun and engage themselves in participating, since there are
available templates and transitions present in power point presentations that encourage
students to listen carefully and capture their attention.

However, there are still hindrances, like technical problems, unavailability of

technology, lacking in the knowledge using Aralinks Teachnology and some templates
are complicated for teachers.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
The availability and lack in knowledge of technology are the hindrances that makes
Aralinks Teachnology complicated because some have not been taught how to properly
integrate technology or use technology programs in depth because professional
development activities, used to teach the teachers, have focused primarily on how to
simply operate the basic functions of that technology (Cody Jones, 2012) and software
keep on upgrading and if a teacher does not possess technical skills, it becomes difficult
for him/her to execute it in the right direction. Hence, educators have to be expert in
technical skills to or the school has to hire technical experts adding extra expenses to
their expenditures to overcome these technical challenges (Nancie L Beckett); and
employing lecture-type methods and visual aids are the other instruments of teachers not
using Aralinks Teachnology because it usually makes the most sense, especially with
larger classroom sizes and is delivered by one authoritative figure – a teacher, professor,
or instructor of some other kind – that person has full reign of the direction of the lesson
and the tone of the classroom (Paris, 2014). For visual aids, such as white or black
boards, paper handouts and flip chart, words and images presented in different formats
can appeal directly to your audience’s imagination, adding power to your spoken words
(University of Leicester).

There is a positive response of Aralinks Teachnology regarding its sufficiency and

reliability, motivating students in learning, expectations through performing, limits their
choices in instructional materials and helps in their willingness to study in class
participation since the junior high school students are more engage in technology and
visualizations help them in learning. Proficient readers spontaneously and purposely
create mental images while and after they read. The images emerge from all five senses
as well as the emotions and are anchored in a reader's prior knowledge. (Keene and
Zimmerman). In line with the cognitivism theory, the psychology of learning which
emphasizes human cognition or intelligence as a special endowment enabling man to
form hypotheses and develop intellectually (Feldman, Cognitivism), visualization enters
with the purpose of any visualization to be used in an educational context is to facilitate
the learning of some knowledge (idea, concept, fact, algorithm, relationship). In order to
accomplish this, visualization must make connections between knowledge the learner has

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
and the knowledge being taught (Steven Segenchuk). A visualization approach increase
communication, increase critical thinking and provides analytical approach to various
problems (Kyvete Shatri, 2017).

Moreover, the findings that most of the respondents in the Junior High School level
prefer to use Aralinks Teachnology. Through this, the cognitive theory was supported
that, the 21st century learners must enhance and develop their skills in order to be fully
equipped in college, ready to face difficult tasks, responsibilities and new environment.
While the interviewed subject area teachers in Filipino, Math, Science, and English prefer
to use both technological and traditional way of teaching, since there are topics that
should be taught manually but technology also helps them in motivating their students as
seen in the class recitations asked and interpreted by the researchers.

Through the class recitations, the researchers came up with analyzing that Aralinks
Teachnology is a helpful tool in students’ class recitations, although in the subject of
English, there was a low scoring in terms of recitations but this would challenge the
students to participate more actively.

To sum it up, Aralinks Teachnology has both positive and negative effect as an
interactive and innovative teaching avenue to students’ class recitations. Its negative
effect is that there are templates which are difficult to handle, while its positive effect was
it increases and enhances the development of skills. With Aralinks Teachnology as one of
the sources of academic information, teaching and learning would be give-and-take
scenarios for the Junior High School students and the teachers, if there is a proper
integration of technology in the classroom.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes

In this chapter the conclusions deduced from the findings on the effects of Aralinks
Teachnology as an interactive and innovative teaching avenue in students’ class
participation. The conclusions were made with respect to the research objectives and the
data gathered. Recommendations were grounded from conclusions and research


This study was conducted to determine the effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an

interactive and innovative teaching avenue to students’ recitation. This will enhance their
learning in the topics with its content through visual mode of learning. Nowadays, the 21st
century learners are engaged in using different kinds of technology that is why there’s no
doubt that they even used this in education. Aralinks Teachnology is a reliable and
convenient tool for teaching. It is always used by the teachers to discuss and give
knowledge that will inculcate to students’ mind. Teachnology makes the teachers’ task
easier in producing presentation from their discussion. Students prefer this kind of
learning method in terms of new strategies and ideas. Students excel in class recitations
and discussion due to their interest in learning with the use of technology. It also gives
students’ opportunity to showcase their knowledge in every subject.

In terms of evaluating the improvements in students' learning by means of Aralinks

Teachnology, it shows that the installation of this helps in increasing the rates of students'
records pertaining to class recitations that is given by the selected subject teachers.
Through this, it proves that with the help of Aralinks Teachnology, students' are assessing
the presented visuals that are summing up their knowledge about the topic that they
would be able to participate actively because of the present knowledge they have just by
seeing the visualizations given by the teachers. This includes the students' grades in their

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
major subjects depending on the teachers' presentations with the use of Aralinks

The use of Aralinks Teachnology improved the students-teacher interaction as shown

based on the collected class recitations from the major subjects. It concludes also from
Aralinks Teachnology that they created this as a means to help schools to take this as the
first step in technology integrating with the student-teacher interactions. Making it
beneficial to the class in engaging more through digital resources and frontal instructional

The Aralinks helps the teachers in producing presentations and topics that will help
the students to participate in class because they can easily understand the topics by the
help of visualization, it helps the student in reading comprehension and they will able to
learn fast. It develops the students imagination in thinking about what they read which
can lead them to have a better understanding about the topic.


The purpose of this study is to gain new information on the effects of Aralinks
Teachnology as an interactive and innovative teaching avenue to students’ class
participations. From the data gathered and conclusion, the researchers offered the
following recommendations:

A. Recommendations for the Students

The following recommendations are offered to fully develop the 21st century
learners’ skills in using technology;

1. It is recommended to maximize the potentials of students in using technology

through reporting, creating presentations and using technological tools such as
iMovie, Prezi, Nearpod and many more. This is for the own good of students to
engaged themselves in every lesson and participate more actively.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
Allow students to access in the technology present in the classroom for their
performances and education purposes.

2. It can be a tool to help students to prepare for their future careers. It gives
students the opportunity to enhance the interaction with their classmates and
instructors by encouraging collaboration. With technology, there are no
limitations. Having access to other information outside of the book gives
students many different ways to learn a concept.

3. It is recommended for students to use technology in enhancing the 21st century

learners’ skills to be equipped in college and be able to face difficult tasks and

B. Recommendations for the Teachers/Educators

The following recommendations are offered to maximize the use of technology

education in the classroom:

1. It is advised to conduct seminars for teachers in using Aralinks Teachnology in

teaching. This will help them to initiate a learning process more effective than
any other strategies of teaching. They may be able to attend technical problems
without the help of technicians. At least build a technical team which considers
staffs and administrators knowledgeable in Aralinks Teachnology.

2. It is recommended for educators to adopt trends for students to relate using video
presentations, and other technological tools. Conducting discussions concerning
the Aralinks Teachnology functions to help them utilize its use for more
convenient and reliable teaching. Support teachers with training, curriculum
resources and accessibility contacts to Aralinks Teachnology and encourage
those who are not using Aralinks Teachnology and help them in operating.

3. Use Aralinks Teachnology in supplementing lessons, performing activities and

have at least a “game show review” from the previous chapter so that the lesson
would be attained by the students.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
C. Recommendations for Aralinks Teachnology

The following recommendations are made to help Aralinks Teachnology for the
development of their product:

1. It is advised to update the content of Aralinks Teachnology from time to time.

Some contents are not aligning to the curriculum of different year levels that
may affect their understanding for the lesson. Make sure that the real purpose of
teaching will be attained at the end of the day.

2. It is advisable to conduct seminars regarding the use of Aralinks Teachnology

for further understanding of effective strategic use of it.

3. Make templates or the contents in the Aralinks Teachnology applicable in all

ages. Make it easier to access and be edited by teachers. Add templates that are
susceptible in every subject and imply different strategies that would make the
students be more active in class discussions and recitations.

D. Recommendations for Future Researchers

The following recommendations are presented to open ways for the progress of the

1. It is advisable to conduct study in the Senior High School level as the

respondents to determine what 21st century learners’ skills have they developed
with the use of technology.

2. Look at all the possible angles of the study which still need further researches
that may help in the improvements of the study.

3. Consider interviewing students to determine their side regarding Aralinks

Teachnology inclined in creating presentations, by this they may be able to know
other factors that Aralinks Teachnology have in improving students’
participation and the system itself.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes
4. It is applicable for the future researchers to assigned students that have a
knowledgeable background per section that can handle malfunctions regarding
the Aralinks Teachnology.

St. James Academy Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc. - Senior High School Department
A Study on the Effects of Aralinks Teachnology as an Interactive and Innovative Teaching Avenue to
Students' Class Recitation
Belmonte, Baltazar, Bico, Dela Cruz, Santos, Sacdalan, Pagtalunan, Reyes

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