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Sebastion Townsend, previously Lord Thomas Rickman, was born as a Changeling into the

world of humans. His mother was pregnant before she was married to a human noble. While the child's
father named them Thomas Rickman, his mother gave them the Changeling name of Lairt. In fact,
anything that Lairt learned of the Changeling Culture was through his mother.

As a child, Lairt was found of changing forms and mischief. He would take the form of other
children and eavesdrop on conversations and explore places that where normally forbidden to him.
While Lairt's mother tried her best to hide what he was, the Seekers eventually learned his nature, and
eventually the police force. Due to this, his talents where used to take the roles of other children when
they might be placed in a dangerous situation. Once the children learned of his gift, they would give
him things and favors to pretend to be them when they didn't want to go with their parents or needed to
be seen elsewhere.

Once he grew into a teenager he began to use his abilities for more nefarious purposes. While he
was still paid to be a body double, he also began to use his power to be an alibi. This eventually lead
him to the underbelly of the city, learning a few skills such as picking locks and how thieves
communicate. He was also starting to use his powers for blackmailing and quickly fell into a hedonistic
lifestyle. Which eventually led to a major problem as an adult.

If there was one thing Lairt was good at, it was schmoozing. He could quickly make friends and
was just as quickly noticed. After receiving a summons to the Capitol for an position to a higher noble
house he was giddy. He arrived at one of the palaces during Feast Day. He danced, flirted, partied and
met a young man that he took some interest in. He spent the evening with him, with very little sleep
between the two of them. To say Lairt got around was a bit of an understatement. And he had picked up
a few talents. One of them was knowing when he was getting set up. Unfortunately, between the nights
celebrations and excitement for the new job he was careless. After a LONG night of carousing and
marathon sex he was in a pretty deep sleep.

Lairt woke up slowly, half awake he reached on the bed next to only to feel something wet and
still warm. He quickly woke up to see... Greg ? It was something with a G. He woke up to see his throat
slit ear to ear. While he had been prepared for being set up for a few crimes...murder was not one of
them. He needed to get out. He quickly dressed and left the room, leaving the Palace before the guards
had noticed. He heard a shout as he fled down the street towards an Inn that he had prepaid in advanced
to grab some 'bug out' gear. He did this with nearly every city he visited for an extended time. Around
this time he felt a burn on his arm, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the mark of the hunted. It had maybe
been 30 minutes. In that time he was somehow exposed, reported, investigated and marked ? No...
someone had to have started this even before the murder. Or they skipped a few steps. Speaking of

He looked at the leather pouch filled with gold for just this occasion and looked for the largest,
seediest ship he could find and spotted a trade vessel. He paid the clerk to keep him off the list and paid
the Captain for passage. Once on the ship, he changed his face used the name on his forged documents.
He practiced his new nuances, trying to lose any previous facial ticks before approaching a crewman
and asking out sailing... That is when the Pirates attacked...
Fallen Noble

You were once the member of a powerful noble family. Perhaps you were from a well-known
merchant family, or you came from a line of wealthy aristocrats. However, due to events beyond your
control―or perhaps they were―, you or your family have fallen from grace. Maybe your family was
outcast from the kingdom with their property stripped away after one of the family members committed
an unforgivable crime, or they were attacked and killed by angry mobs, with you being the sole
survivor. Perhaps you were disowned for not following family tradition, or left of your own accord, not
wanting to be bound by the fate your parents had set for you. Work with your DM to find out your
family's role and how their role and downfall affected the world in your campaign.
Whatever the reasoning, you were of noble birth, yet your family is no longer considered noble.
You have been forced to make a new life for yourself and adjust to life without servants at your
command and money at your disposal. Will you attempt to reclaim your title or move away from it?
Will you shout your true identity from the rooftops hoping someone will believe you, or keep it a secret
from everyone but your closest allies for fear of being accused as a liar? It's all up to you.
Skill Proficiencies: History and Persuasion or Deception
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or musical instrument
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse containing 25gp

Downfall of the Powerful

Your family was once wealthy and powerful, but something caused you to lose everything. What
happened? Was it something out of your control, or did you have a part in it? Was your own family to
blame? Or perhaps another noble family wanting to take you down? Discuss with your DM what
caused your downfall or roll a d6 and choose from the table below.
d6 Downfall of the Powerful
1 Someone in my family committed a heinous crime, resulting in our power being stripped away.
2 My family was killed by an angry mob. I was the only survivor.
3 I refused to follow family tradition or what my parents wanted for me and was disowned for it.
I was accused of a crime. Whether or not I was guilty, rumors began to spread, eventually causing
my fall from grace.
5 Another noble family tore mine apart through lies, deceit, and sabotage.
6 A high-ranking member of my family was killed and everything slowly fell apart.
Feature: Insider Knowledge
Before the fall you where popular.

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