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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Creating Arguments and Citing Sources
A. Background Information for Learners

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master analyzing arguments in
manifestoes. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes
the diverse vocabulary level of students.

Also, this module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master how to defend a stand on an
issue. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.
B. Learning Competency with code
Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidences.
C. Directions/ Instructions
While going through with this unit, you are expected to:
1. Read and follow each direction carefully.
2. Accomplish each activity for the mastery of competency.
3. Use the Learning Activity Sheets with care.
4. Always aim to get at least 80% of the total number of given items.
5. If you have any questions or clarifications, contact or see your teacher through messenger or text
D. Exercises / Activities
a. What I need to know?
After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
1. identify arguments provided in manifesto
2. determine characteristics of arguments
3. determine steps to analyze arguments
4. analyze arguments in its relation to the position adhered by the manifesto
5. make a stand on an issue;
6. create reasonable arguments to support a stand on an issue;
7. identify different types of logical fallacies
8. identify different types of evidence;

a. What is in?
In your reading and writing class, you were introduced to position paper. It is a kind of academic writing which
mainly aims to persuade readers to believe in the writer’s opinion. In this case, the writer uses several strategies to present his
point/s and convince the readers, such as the art of argumentation. These skills are essential for you to successfully write your
position paper. However, there is no other way to learn it best than analyzing other author’s ways in writing their arguments to
support their opinions.

b. What is it?
Direction: Read the content of the lesson carefully.

Lesson Proper

Lesson 2: Creating Arguments and Citing Sources

When you choose between the two sides of an issue, you are making a stand. A stand is a choice that you
make and an opinion that you express. Is it important to make a stand? Of course! Everyone is entitled for his/ her
own opinion. It is a manifestation of our freedom of expression. Your voice matters. When you express your thoughts
on an important issue, you may able to influence the people around you. It can be your seatmate, your friend or a
relative; and if that person shares your opinion, more people might also be influenced. Is it not amazing?

This is also one of the reasons why there is a proliferation of vloggers and social media influencers. With just
a click of the upload button, thousands and even millions of people may be reached by your message. This may be
advantageous, but it also poses dangers. Since, you have the right to express your ideas, others too can share their
views which may support or debunk yours. So, the question is, how can you defend your stand on an issue?

You can do it by providing reasonable arguments supported by factual evidence. Let us talk about creating
arguments. It is a must that your argument should have four important parts.

The Four Pillars of Arguments

I. Thesis Statement
A. Must be one to two sentences
B. Must take a firm stand
C. Must be debatable
II. Evidence
A. Expect skeptical audience
B. Be equipped with established support to your argument
C. An evidence may be in the form of:
1. facts and statistics; and
2. experts’ opinions
(*Citing evidence will be further discussed in the next lesson)
 III. Refutation
A. Anticipate objections
B. Counter opposing arguments
C. Shows that you are a credible academic researcher
D. Shows that you are a credible academic writer
E. Shows that you are unbiased and fair-minded
IV. Concluding Statement
A. Reiterate your thesis statement
B. Bring the argument back to your main point
C. Suggest a plan of action (if possible)
Further, you may also check the effectiveness of your argument by answering the following guide questions.
Does your argument Stand Up?
Do you have an argumentative thesis?
Do you include solid and convincing evidence to support your thesis?
Do you include a refutation of the most compelling arguments against your position?
Do you include a strong concluding statement?
Here are the steps you need to follow to be able to express your stand with reasonable arguments.
Basic Steps in Creating your arguments
Research on the issue.
Weigh both pros and cons.
Make a stand.
Think of strong arguments
Provide evidence as support.
Organize your content and make it logical.
 What to avoid in making logical arguments?

Avoid logical fallacies. Fallacies are statements commonly used in argumentation and debate which may seem
right because these were uttered correctly, but if you try to analyze, the idea is nonsensical or not connected to the
topic. Below are the most common logical fallacies with their examples.

1. Ad hominem- also called as “personal attack”

Rather than refuting the argument, the attack is on the individual which can be directed towards character,
reputation, credentials, intelligence or morals.
Ex. He also has a relative who is a senator. How could he go against political dynasty?

2. Straw Man- arguing against ridiculous and weak position which was just created by the speaker and then
proceed to knock it down.

Ex. Person 1:
I think pollution from humans contributes to climate change.
Person 2:
So, you think humans are directly responsible for extreme weather, like hurricanes, and have caused the droughts
in the southwestern U.S.? If that’s the case, maybe we just need to go to the southwest and perform a “rain
3. False dilemma fallacy - sometimes called the “either-or” fallacy, presents only two options or sides when
there are many options or sides.

Ex. We can either stop using cars or destroy the earth.

4. Hasty Generalization Fallacy- sometimes called the over-generalization fallacy. It is basically making a claim

based on evidence that it just too small. Essentially, you can’t make a claim and say that something is true if you have
only an example or two as evidence.

Ex. Some teenagers in our community recently vandalized the park downtown. Teenagers are so irresponsible
and destructive.

 5. Appeal to Fear Fallacy- one that, as noted in its name, plays upon people’s fear. This fallacy presents a scary
future if a certain decision is made today. It is also often exaggerated.

Ex. Pres. Rodrigo Duterte is a friend of China. If he continues to be our president, he will sell Philippines to
China and we will be one of its provinces.

6. Slippery Slope Fallacy- occurs when someone makes a claim about a series of events that would lead to one major
event, usually a bad event. In this fallacy, a person makes a claim that one event leads to another event and so on until
we come to some awful conclusion. Along the way, each step or event in the faulty logic becomes more and more

Ex. If we allow the government to implement community quarantine, eventually we will no longer have freedom
to do whatever we want and there will be martial law again; so, we should not allow community quarantine
to happen.

7. Bandwagon Fallacy- sometimes called the appeal to common belief or appeal to the masses because it’s all about
getting people to do or think something because “everyone else is doing it” or “everything else thinks this.”

Ex. Almost everyone is doing Tiktok videos now. Why aren’t you?
8. Guilt by Association Fallacy- occurs when someone connects an opponent to a demonized group of
people or to a bad person in order to discredit his or her argument. The idea is that the person is “guilty” by simply
being similar to this “bad” group and, therefore, should not be listened to about anything.

Ex. Your friends are womanizers and so you are too.

 Supporting Evidence
Evidence comes in different sorts, and it tends to vary from one academic field or subject of argument to
another. Evidence answers challenges to the reasons given thus strengthens your claims. However, you should also
consider if the type of evidence is considered credible or valid in your academic field.

 Table 1
Types of Evidence Based on Discipline

Table 2
List of Possible Sources of Evidence

The two tables above present different types of evidence based on fields and possible sources. Evidence
comes in variety, however what remains constant is that evidence does not speak for itself. You should be able to
integrate it in your argument and show that it supports your thesis. It is important to remember that evidence is not is
not the piling up of facts or quotes; it is just an integral element of a well-supported and well- written text.

Evaluating Evidence

In creating your argument, you must determine if the evidence you will provide as support is credible,
accurate, and reliable. If the evidence does not meet these criteria, then your argument is (more) likely to fail.

credible - is an adjective that comes from the Latin credibilis, meaning “worthy to be believed.”

reliable – an adjective that comes from Scottish raliabill which means worthy of being depended on

accurate - an adjective from Latin accuratus "prepared with care, exact and elaborate

1. Who/what is the source of the evidence? 

2. Is the evidence found in a primary or secondary source?
primary source is an original source, such as a literary work, historical document, photo, etc.
secondary source provides content that has already been interpreted such as literature reviews and review
articles (e.g., movie reviews, book reviews); works of criticism and interpretation etc.
3. How does the evidence from one source compare with the evidence from another source? 
4. How current is the evidence?
5. Is the evidence specific to the reasons for which it is being provided, and does it ultimately support the claim? 
6. Why is the evidence important to the argument?
7. What does the evidence perhaps suggest, but not explicitly show?
8. What is interesting about the evidence that will make it catch the attention of the reader and be memorable?
Incorporating Evidence

There are numerous approaches to introduce your proof. Frequently, your proof will be incorporated as
content in the body of your paper, a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. In some cases, you may incorporate
Sometimes you might include graphs, charts, or tables; excerpts from an interview; or photographs or illustrations
with accompanying captions. 


At the point when you quote, you are imitating another author’s words precisely as they show up on the page.
Here are a few hints to enable you to choose when to utilize quotations:
1. Quote if you can’t say it any better and the author’s words are particularly brilliant, witty, edgy, distinctive, a good
illustration of a point you’re making, or otherwise interesting.
2. Quote if you are using a particularly authoritative source and you need the author’s expertise to back up your point.
3. Quote if you are analyzing diction, tone, or a writer’s use of a specific word or phrase.

Quote if you are taking a position that relies on the reader’s understanding exactly what another writer
says about the topic.


When you paraphrase, you take a particular segment of a text and put it into your own words. Placing it into
your own words doesn't mean simply changing or reworking a couple of the writer's words: to paraphrase well and
avoid plagiarism, restate the sentence as if you are saying it to someone else without looking at the original.
Paraphrasing is different from summarizing because it aims to maintain the length of the original text and it only
focuses on specific segments of the text.
When you summarize, you are offering an overview of an entire text, or at least a lengthy section of a text.
Summary is useful when you are providing background information, grounding your own argument, or mentioning a
source as a counterargument. It is useful when you have a lot of sources to incorporate in limited space. When you are
summarizing make it clear to the reader and cite your source appropriately.

Statistics, data, charts, graphs, photographs, illustrations

Sometimes the best evidence for your argument is a fact or visual representation of a fact. This type of
evidence is strong, but you need to provide context for readers to draw interpretation. Remember that statistics, data,
charts, graph, photographs, and illustrations are all open to interpretation. Guide the reader through the interpretation
process. Don not forget to cite the origin of your evidence.

Citation and Referencing

American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition

Direction: Identify what type of logical fallacy is each statement below. Choose from the pool of fallacies inside the
Hasty generalization Slippery Slope Fallacy Bandwagon
Ad Hominem Straw Man False Dilemma Fallacy

___________1. We etheir suspend opening of classes or the students will get infected by COVID 19.
___________ 2. If we approve anti- terror bill, we will no longer be allowed to exercise our freedom of expression.
We can no longer question the government.
___________ 3. PUP is the cradle of NPA. PUPians are rebels of the country.
___________ 4. Other countries are conducting rallies in the streets now. It is time for us to do the same and fight for
our rights.
___________ 5. What does she know about farming? That senator’s business is turning farmlands into residential

E. Reflection
Give your personal insights about the lesson using the prompst below.

I understand that ……

I realize that .........

H. References for learners
Analyzing arguments. Brainfuse. Retrieved from:
Del Castillo, R. (2019, May 4). Homework can be pointless. Rappler. Retrieved from:
Heick, T. (2018). Teach thought. Retrieved from:
Identifying arguments. Retrieved from:
The Manila Times. (2019, August 31). ‘No homework’ policy is no good. Retrieved from:
 Argument: Claims, Reasons, Evidence. University of Pittsburg. Retrieved from:

Evaluating Evidence. Lumen Writing and Research in the Discipline. Retrieved from:
Evidence. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved from:
Jeffrey, R. & Bruce, Y. Retrieved from:
Mercado, Felix (2016), Session Presentation for Mass Training of Grade 11 Teachers on Content and Pedagogy
Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved from:
Images from:

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