OpenText Automatic Document Numbering 16.3.7 - Installation and Administration Guide English (LLESADN160307-IGD-EN-1)

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OpenText™ Automatic Document


Installation and Administration Guide

This guide provides information and instructions for installing,

uninstalling, and using the OpenText Automatic Document
Numbering module.

OpenText™ Automatic Document Numbering
Installation and Administration Guide
Rev.: 2019-Sept-16
This documentation has been created for software version 16.3.7.
It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is
published at

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Table of Contents
1 Introducing Automatic Document Numbering ........................ 5

2 Installing and uninstalling Automatic Document

Numbering .................................................................................. 9
2.1 Recommended installation sequence ................................................. 9
2.2 Requirements ................................................................................... 9
2.3 Installing Automatic Document Numbering ........................................ 10
2.4 Installing Automatic Document Numbering in Content Server ............. 11
2.5 Restarting Content Server ............................................................... 12
2.6 Uninstalling Automatic Document Numbering .................................... 13
2.7 Available documentation .................................................................. 14

3 Understanding the components of a document number ..... 15

3.1 Separators ...................................................................................... 15
3.2 Text constant .................................................................................. 16
3.3 ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute ...................................................... 17
3.4 ADN ID Attribute ............................................................................. 26
3.5 Set Attribute .................................................................................... 41

4 Configuring Automatic Document Numbering ..................... 43

4.1 Configuring administrator access to Automatic Document
Numbering ...................................................................................... 43
4.2 Creating an organization unit ........................................................... 44
4.3 Defining an ADN type ...................................................................... 44
4.4 Configuring general Automatic Document Numbering parameters ...... 45
4.5 Customizing the start sequence number ........................................... 46

5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to

generate document numbers ................................................. 49
5.1 Overview of setup ........................................................................... 50
5.2 Common setup ............................................................................... 51
5.3 Category setup ............................................................................... 53
5.4 Workflow setup ............................................................................... 53
5.5 Seed file generation using Workflow ................................................. 56
5.6 ADN numbers as Workflow Attributes ............................................... 63
5.7 Setting Usage Privileges for Item Handler step in Workflows for
Revision Processes ......................................................................... 64

6 Adding ADN Table Key Lookup and ADN ID Attributes ....... 65

6.1 Creating a database table ................................................................ 65
6.2 Adding records to the database table ............................................... 66
6.3 Adding an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to a Category, Form
Template, or Workflow ..................................................................... 66

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide iii

Table of Contents

6.4 Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or

Workflow ........................................................................................ 67
6.5 Using ADN ID Attributes with Document Templates ........................... 69

7 Unreserving and deleting a document number .................... 71

8 Transporting ADN attributes and ADN transaction data ..... 73

iv OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 1
Introducing Automatic Document Numbering

Naming conventions for documents are necessary to manage and control

engineering documentation created and updated by users within your organization,
as well as external collaborators working on joint Projects. The Automatic Document
Numbering module lets you create document naming standards that ensure
document names are unique, easily identifiable based on the Document Type, and
compliant across your organization. Automatic Document Numbering uses and
supports core features of Content Server, including Categories, Forms, and

Document number components

The components used in a document naming convention should be relevant to your
organization and the way the organization identifies its documents. The following
table lists the common components of document numbers. For more information
about the components of a document number, see “Understanding the components
of a document number“ on page 15.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 5

Chapter 1 Introducing Automatic Document Numbering

Component Description More information

Prefix elements Prefix elements are the fields “Prefix elements”
in a document number that on page 27
precede the sequence
number. Prefix elements
usually describe the
document, for example,
project name, department, or
discipline. Prefix elements
are used in conjunction with
the sequence number to
ensure a unique document
number within Content

Prefix elements are defined

by either Attribute Lookups
or text constants.

Attribute Lookups
Provide predefined
values to choose from
for each prefix value
Text constants
Are used within a
document number for
fixed values that a user
cannot select. For
example, if a document
number is created for a
particular department
within an organization,
the text constant within
the document number
might be a prefix that
defines the department

6 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

Component Description More information
Sequence number After the prefix elements are • “ADN sequence number
selected, a sequence number definition” on page 37
is assigned. The sequence • “Customizing the start
number ensures that the sequence number”
document number is unique on page 46
for each document assigned
to each combination of prefix
elements. For example, if the
only prefix element is Project,
each time Project A is
selected, the sequence
number increases by one so
that no two documents have
the same document number
in Content Server.
Suffix elements Suffix elements are an “Suffix elements”
optional component of a on page 28
document number. Suffix
elements provide additional
information about a
document and can identify a
multi-file document.

When a suffix element is

used to provide additional
information about the
document, the fields are
defined by standard Content
Server Attributes, ADN Table
Key Lookups, and text

When a suffix element is

used to identify a multi-file
document, the suffix element
is called a sheet number.

Sheet numbers are assigned

based on a unique document
number (that is, a
combination of selected
prefix elements and a specific
sequence number). This
allows sheet numbers to be
assigned dynamically or
checked for uniqueness
based on a specific document
number. Sheet numbers are
defined in the suffix elements
area of an ADN ID Attribute.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 7

Chapter 1 Introducing Automatic Document Numbering

Automatic Document Numbering attribute types

Automatic Document Numbering lets you generate unique names and Attribute
values for Content Server objects. Automatic Document Numbering Attribute types
let you define a customized document numbering schema.

Attribute type Description More information

ADN Table Key Lookup Provides a way for values to “ADN Table Key Lookup
be read from a database Attribute” on page 17
table. You configure a value
in the description field that
provides additional
information about each of the
selectable items in a list. The
value retrieved from the
database can also depend on
supporting Attributes.
ADN ID An extension of standard “ADN ID Attribute”
Content Server Attributes. on page 26
The ADN ID maintains a
definition of the prefix and
suffix used in the numbering
schema, the sequence
number to be assigned, the
quantity value which allows
multiple numbers to be
created, and the results value

You can configure the ADN

ID Attribute type to provide
a standardized numbering
schema for a Content Server
object that has a Category
applied to it. You can set up
the numbering schema to use
data dynamically obtained
from other Attributes,
including ADN Table Key
Lookup Attribute types
defined within the same
Category. The numbering
schema can also include
constant values. The ADN ID
is automatically generated
when a Category is saved.

OpenText™ Content Server Classic View and OpenText Content Server Smart View
support multiple values for ADN Table Key Lookup and ADN ID Attributes.
Multiple Set Attributes containing single or multiple ADN Table Key Lookup and
ADN ID Attributes are also supported.

8 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 2
Installing and uninstalling Automatic Document

Automatic Document Numbering is an optional Content Server module that

provides users with the ability to create automatic numbers based on prefixes,
suffixes, or both.

2.1 Recommended installation sequence

To install the Automatic Document Numbering module, OpenText recommends that
you complete the installation tasks in the following order:

1. Confirm that the system requirements are met. For more information, see
“Requirements ” on page 9.
2. Install the Automatic Document Numbering module on one of the following

• Microsoft® Windows®
• Linux®

For more information, see “Installing Automatic Document Numbering”

on page 10. For more information about the supported versions of these
operating systems, see the Release Notes.
3. Add the Automatic Document Numbering module to Content Server. For more
information, see “Installing Automatic Document Numbering in Content
Server ” on page 11.

2.2 Requirements
OpenText™ Content Server

Automatic Document Numbering is a module that provides a mechanism to define

unique identifiers for OpenText Content Server objects. Administrators can
configure these numbers to support their organizational needs. Automatic
Document Numbering can be used in conjunction with Content Server categories,
forms, and workflows. The module requires an installation of OpenText Content
Server, because it uses Content Server features, such as OpenText™ Workflow,
OpenText™ Forms, and OpenText™ Web Forms. Forms and workflows support the
creation of controlled documents.

For information about supported versions and configurations for this release, see the
Automatic Document Numbering Release Notes on OpenText My Support.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 9

Chapter 2 Installing and uninstalling Automatic Document Numbering

2.3 Installing Automatic Document Numbering

The installation of the Automatic Document Numbering module is a two-step
process. First, the module software component is loaded into the
<Content_Server_home>/staging folder of the Content Server installation. Second,
the module is moved from the <Content_Server_home>/staging folder and
integrated into the Content Server system.

This section describes the first step of installing the module. The second step is
described in “Installing Automatic Document Numbering in Content Server ”
on page 11.

Depending on the operating system on which Content Server is running, view one
of the following sections:

• “Installing Automatic Document Numbering on Windows” on page 10

• “Installing Automatic Document Numbering on Linux” on page 11

2.3.1 Installing Automatic Document Numbering on Windows

An InstallShield installation program performs the first stage of a Content Server
module installation. The InstallShield loads the files for the module into a subfolder
within the <Content_Server_home>/staging folder.

Note: The <Content_Server_home>/staging folder is created when you

install your first optional module. The Content Server installer does not create
the staging directory.

To install Automatic Document Numbering on a Windows server:

1. On the host computer where Content Server is installed, run the <version
number>_ADN64_Win.exe file.

2. In the Welcome dialog box, click Next.

3. In the Select Content Server Service dialog box, select the check box of the
primary Content Server installation where you want to install the module, and
then click Next.

4. In the Start Copying files dialog box, review the options you selected, and then
click Install Now.
The installation program copies the module files to the
<Content_Server_home>/staging folder of the selected Content Server

5. In the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box, click Finish.

Continue the installation by adding the Automatic Document Numbering module to

Content Server. For more information, see “Installing Automatic Document
Numbering in Content Server ” on page 11.

10 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

2.4. Installing Automatic Document Numbering in Content Server

2.3.2 Installing Automatic Document Numbering on Linux

To install the Automatic Document Numbering module on Linux, perform the first
step of the installation using a .tar archive file. When you extract the .tar file, the
files for the module are loaded into a subfolder within the
<Content_Server_home>/staging directory.

Note: The <Content_Server_home>/staging folder is created when you

extract the .tar file of your first optional module. The Content Server installer
does not create the staging directory.

To install Automatic Document Numbering on a Linux server:

1. Copy the module's <module_name>.tar file to the <Content_Server_home>

directory of the Content Server installation where you want to install the
module. The placeholder <module_name> is a string representing the name and
version number of the module. For example, 16.2.0_ADN64_LNX.tar.
2. At the shell prompt, type the following command, substituting the correct file
name for the module, and then press ENTER:
tar -xvf <module_name>.tar
All necessary files are extracted from the <module_name>.tar file into the
<Content_Server_home>/staging directory. The module now resides in the
<Content_Server_home>/staging directory.

Continue the installation by adding Automatic Document Numbering to Content

Server. For more information, see “Installing Automatic Document Numbering in
Content Server ” on page 11.

2.4 Installing Automatic Document Numbering in

Content Server
This section describes how to perform the second stage of installing the Automatic
Document Numbering module. Before starting this section, you must have
successfully completed the first stage of the installation process as described in
“Installing Automatic Document Numbering” on page 10. When the first stage of
the installation is complete, Content Server displays the Install Modules page. This
page is where you perform the second stage of the Automatic Document Numbering

To install Automatic Document Numbering in Content Server:

1. In a web browser, go to the Content Server Administration page by typing:


• <protocol> is either http or https

• <host> is the name of the HTTP host

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 11

Chapter 2 Installing and uninstalling Automatic Document Numbering

• <port> is the port on which the HTTP server listens

• <URL_prefix> is the URL prefix (virtual directory alias) mapped to the
<Content_Server_home>/cgi folder in the HTTP server

2. If prompted, type the Content Server Administrator password in the Content

Server Administrator Password box, and then click Log-in.

Note: If you are already logged in to Content Server with an account that
has Administrator permission, Content Server does not prompt you to log
in again.

3. In the Core System – Module Configuration section of the Content Server

Administration page, click the Install Modules link.

4. In the Installable Modules section of the Install Modules page, select the check
box for the Automatic Document Numbering module and click Install.

5. If prompted, type the Content Server Administrator password in the Content

Server Administrator Password box, and click Log-in.
The Configure Module Settings page displays. When the module installation is
complete, the Restart Content Server page displays.

6. Restart the server running the Content Server installation. When Content Server
restarts, it recognizes the module. For more information, see “Restarting
Content Server ” on page 12.

2.5 Restarting Content Server

2.5.1 Restarting Content Server on Windows
For specific information on how to open Administrative Tools in Control Panel, see
the help for Microsoft Windows.

To restart Content Server on a Windows server:

1. On your desktop, open Control Panel.

2. In Control Panel, open the Administrative Tools, and then double-click the
Services icon.

3. In the Services dialog box, right-click Content Server:<service_name>, and

then click Restart.

4. On the Restart Content Server page, click Continue.

12 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

2.6. Uninstalling Automatic Document Numbering

2.5.2 Restarting Content Server on Linux

To restart Content Server on a Linux server:

1. Log on to the primary Content Server host as the Linux user that the Content
Server runs as.

2. In the <Content_Server_home> directory, type stop_llserver, and then press


3. Type start_llserver, and then press ENTER.

4. On the Restart Content Server page, click Continue.

2.6 Uninstalling Automatic Document Numbering

When you uninstall the Automatic Document Numbering module, all Automatic
Document Numbering metadata is removed from the Content Server system. All
document numbers stored in the ADNIDS table are deleted.

To uninstall Automatic Document Numbering:

1. In a web browser, go to the Content Server Administration page by typing:


• <protocol> is either http or https

• <host> is the name of the HTTP host
• <port> is the port on which the HTTP server listens
• <URL_prefix> is the URL prefix (virtual directory alias) mapped to the
<Content_Server_home>/cgi folder in the HTTP server

2. If prompted, type the Content Server Administrator password in the

Administrator Password box, and then click Log-in.

Note: If you are already logged in to Content Server with an account that
has Administrator permission, Content Server does not prompt you to log
in again.

3. In the Core System – Module Configuration section of the Content Server

Administration page, click the Uninstall Modules link.

4. On the Uninstall Modules page, click the Uninstall button for the
Automatic Document Numbering module.

Note: The Automatic Document Numbering module is not dependent on

another module.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 13

Chapter 2 Installing and uninstalling Automatic Document Numbering

When Automatic Document Numbering is uninstalled, Content Server moves

its files back into the <Content_Server_home>/staging directory, so that it can
be reinstalled from the Install Modules page.

5. On the Restart Content Server page, click Continue to restart the Content

2.7 Available documentation

The following documentation exists for Automatic Document Numbering:

Online help hosted on OpenText™ Global Help Server (GHS)

Help for Automatic Document Numbering functionality in Content Server
Smart View is delivered as OpenText Global Help Server help, which is
available over the Internet. Global Help Server help is updated by OpenText.
Content updates can occur at any time and do not require any action on your
If your organization restricts access to the public Internet, you may need to
implement the OpenText™ Private Help Server (PHS). After the PHS is
configured, you enter a help deployment code to download the Automatic
Document Numbering User Help. Other related user helps are bundled and
downloaded when you enter the help deployment code. For more information
about the PHS and the required help deployment code, see OpenText Extended
ECM for Engineering - Installation Guide (LLESENG-IGD).
All other documentation for Automatic Document Numbering is delivered in
the OpenText Automatic Document Numbering - Installation and Administration
Guide (LLESADN-IGD). This guide is available on My Support.

14 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 3

Understanding the components of a document


A document number consists of prefix elements, a sequence number, and optional

suffix elements. You can use separators and text constants in your document
number as well.

Document number components include:

• Separators

• Text constant

• ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

• ADN ID Attribute

• Seed file generation (For more information, see “Seed file generation using
Workflow” on page 56.)

3.1 Separators
You can set up your document numbers to use separators. Separators are typically
non-alpha and non-numeric characters, for example, a hyphen (-), a backslash (\), a
comma (,) or a period (.).

A separator can be inserted between the different parts of the document number to
help users quickly recognize the document. For example, consider a document
number consists of:

• Project number = 123

• Department = QA

• Discipline = mech (mechanical)

When you put these components together, the document number displays as
123QAmech. When you include a separator between each component of the
document number, the separator helps a user quickly identify the different parts of
the document number, for example 123-QA-mech.

By default, separators are not defined in the Automatic Document Numbering

module. For information about how to configure separators for the Automatic
Document Numbering module, see “Configuring general Automatic Document
Numbering parameters” on page 45.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 15

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

3.2 Text constant

When you define a document number and ADN ID, you can define a text constant
that you want to include in every document number. You can also include
replacement tags in the text constant field. When the document number is generated,
the tag is replaced with the appropriate value. For more information about how to
add a text constant to an ADN ID, see “Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category,
Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

You can use the following text constant replacement tags for ADN IDs:

Three-digit number (1-365) indicating the day of the year
Two-digit number (0-23) indicating the hour of the day
Two-digit number (0-59) indicating the minutes of the hour
Two-digit number (0-59) indicating the seconds of the minute
A single blank space
The date as defined in Content Server
Two-digit number indicating the current year
Four-digit number indicating the current year
Two-digit number indicating the current month
Two-digit number indicating the day of the month

16 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.3. ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

3.3 ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

The ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute provides an Attribute with a predefined
range of values. This range of values is driven by a database table. For more
information, see “Adding an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to a Category, Form
Template, or Workflow” on page 66.

The following list describes the ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute features.

Attribute range values defined within database tables

Range values for an Attribute are defined by a selection query from a specific
field in a database table. The table may be a Content Server schema table or a
user-defined table.
Attribute range values can be dependent on a key value
An optional key field can be used to restrict the list of valid values. This key can
be a value from another Attribute or can be specified in the Attribute definition.
Displays long lists efficiently
Standard popup Attribute types can cause performance issues when the size of
drop-down lists is long. The ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute displays the
valid values list in a separate selection window only when required by the user,
which reduces the display time for the Category, Form, or Workflow.
Displays extended descriptions
Standard popup Attribute types are limited to the values selected. Frequently,
these values need an associated description to help the user select the
appropriate value.
Multiple display types
Table Key Lookups can be displayed as a list (Drop Down), dialog box (Classic
Popup), or grid (Auto Load). If you use a grid, search result values are
automatically loaded in the grid.
Filtering on multiple fields
The Drop Down display type allows for in-window filtering of displayed values
based upon all columns displayed.
Read only Attributes
When a Table Key Lookup is defined as Read Only, a user can select a value for
the Attribute, but after the value is saved, only an Administrator can edit it.

ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute definition options

There are different ways you can set up the ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to
support the range of values, including:

• “Simple attribute definition” on page 18: Range of values is taken from a

database field.
• “Filter a Table Key Lookup on partial values” on page 19: Range of values is
based on a text entry that is used to filter the results.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 17

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

• “ Dependent attribute definition” on page 19: Range of values is taken from a

database field based on a prior key value being selected.
• “Database query attribute definition” on page 23: Range of values is taken from
a database field based on the results of a database query.

3.3.1 Simple attribute definition

The Simple Attribute Definition allows the ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to
retrieve the range of values from a field within a database table. The ADN Table Key
Lookup Attribute is used when you want to get the value directly from a database
table. For example, if the value is for Project, the database table could consist of a
list of Project numbers. As the list is updated in the table, the list grows in Content

Figure 3-1 shows the definition of an Attribute that selects all ProjectNum values
from a table called ADN_PROJECT. The SQL area displays the query generated from
the field values specified only after the Attribute has been defined and saved.

Figure 3-1: Simple attribute definition

Tip: For more information about the Add Attribute to page, see “Adding an
ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

18 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.3. ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

3.3.2 Filter a Table Key Lookup on partial values

You can configure the Table Key Lookup to accept text in the field and filter the
results when the function control is based upon that text. This filtering type is in
addition to, and can be used in conjunction with, the in-window filtering
functionality of the Drop Down display type. To do this, you must select the
Manual Entry Allowed check box (only applicable for Content Server Classic View),
and then use a custom SQL query.

Example 3-1, “SQL query for Oracle” on page 19 and Example 3-2, “SQL query for
SQL Server” on page 19 show the SQL query for the Lookup defined in Figure 3-1.

Example 3-1: SQL query for Oracle

Select distinct ProjectNum, Description from ADN_Project where

ProjectNum like concat(<Project>, '%') order by Project

Example 3-2: SQL query for SQL Server

Select distinct ProjectNum, Description from ADN_Project where

ProjectNum like <Project>+'%%' order by field

These examples locate results that begin with the characters entered by the user. A
small variation will allow filtering for text that appears anywhere within the field. It
is also possible to filter on a value specified in another Attribute in the same Form or
Category by replacing the Attribute name 'Project' with the name of the desired
Attribute. For more information, see “ Dependent attribute definition” on page 19.

When you select the Filter Required check box, which is only applicable for Content
Server Classic View, a user must enter at least one character in the field before
clicking the Attribute's Functions menu. This implies, but does not require, that you
have filtering code in place. The Filter Required check box only enforces supplying
a value for the specific Table Key Lookup it is defined in, and cannot require a value
to be entered in other Attributes.

3.3.3 Dependent attribute definition

The Dependent Attribute Definition allows the ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to
retrieve the range of values from a field within the database table based on a key
value or key field. Use this type of definition when the range values differ based on
some prior selection or entry. For example, within a group of plants, there could be
buildings with names specific to each plant. When defining a document number, the
plant and building name are the Prefix Elements that precede the assigned Sequence
Number. Since each plant may have different building names, a Dependent
Attribute Definition would be created that displays the values of each building
based on the plant selected. An example of this is shown in “Dependent attribute
definition example” on page 20.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 19

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

Table 3-1: Dependent attribute definition example

Plant Name Building Name

Plant A Bldg1
Plant A Bldg2
Plant A Bldg3
Plant B IS
Plant B Eng
Plant B QA

In this example, when Plant A is selected, the values associated to the Attribute
Building Name would be a range value of Bldg1, Bldg2, and Bldg3. When Plant B
is selected, the range value would be IS, Eng, and QA.

Figure 3-2 illustrates the display when using the ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute
defined with the sample values in “Dependent attribute definition example”
on page 20 using the Classic Popup display list type. Figure 3-3 displays the same
data using the Drop Down display list type. Figure 3-4 displays the same data using
the Auto Load display list type.

Figure 3-2: Dependent attribute definition: Classic Popup

20 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.3. ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

Figure 3-3: Dependent attribute definition: Drop Down

Figure 3-4: Dependent attribute definition: Auto Load

Figure 3-5 shows the definition of an Attribute that selects only some of the
ADN_BUILDINGNAME values from a table called ADN_BUILDINGNAME. The selection
relies on the value of another Attribute, PLANT_NAME, which is defined in the same
Category or Form definition. This is the dependent part of the definition. A set of
values for one Attribute is dependent on the value in another Attribute.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 21

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

Figure 3-5: Dependent attribute definition

Note: The SQL query is constructed in code: Select distinct

ADN_BuildingName, Description from ADN_BUILDINGNAME where
ADN_PLANTNAME = <Plant Name> order by ADN_BuildingName, Description.
The <Plant Name> text in the SQL query is replaced with the value selected in
the previous ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute called Plant_Name.

22 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.3. ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

Tip: For more information about the Add Attribute to page, see “Adding an
ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

3.3.4 Database query attribute definition

The Database Query Attribute Definition allows the ADN Table Key Lookup
Attribute to retrieve the range of values from a customized SQL statement. This type
of definition provides flexibility by giving you the ability to generate range values
from any data source.

Figure 3-6 shows the definition of an Attribute that selects the results of a
customized SQL statement. In the Table row of the Selection area, when you select
the Custom SQL statement check box, a user can type a custom select query in the
text box. In contrast to the standard popup Attribute definition, values are retrieved
using a custom SQL statement rather than using the standard query.


• It is possible to use the custom SQL functionality to retrieve non-cascading

• It is possible to include the placeholder %LANG_CODE%, which is case-
sensitive, in the query. The system replaces the placeholder at runtime,
based on the default language of the user, enabling them to view the results
in their default language.

Figure 3-6: Database query attribute definition

Tip: For more information about the Add Attribute to page, see “Adding an
ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 23

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

ADN Table Key Lookup options

• Display List Type: Choose how Table Key Lookup values are displayed for the
selection. The options include Drop Down, Classic Popup, and Auto Load.
Drop Down
This display type opens a drop-down list within the same window, as shown
in Figure 3-3. An additional feature of this display type is a Filter field within
the drop-down window. A user can further filter the values that are
displayed in the list after the list has been opened. This filtering will match
values in all displayed fields. Multiple filter entries can be specified. The
following list describes the results that are returned against text in the Filter

– RI
Display rows containing words that start with RI. For example, will
display rows that contain river but not priority.
– *RI
Display rows containing words that contain RI. For example, will display
rows that contain either river or priority.
Display rows containing words that start with RI and words that start
with PR. For example, will display rows that contain both river and

Tip: Multiple entries separated by a space are supported.

Display rows containing words that start with RI or words that start with
PR. For example, will display rows that contain either river or

– RI|*PR
Display words that start with RI or words that contain PR.

Tip: Multiple entries separated by the pipe symbol (|) display only
rows that contain a field that has a word starting with the first
search item or that contain a field with a word starting with the
second search item.

Classic Popup
This display type opens a dialog box as shown in Figure 3-2.
Auto Load
This display type opens a grid as shown in Figure 3-4. This display type
automatically loads Table Key Lookup values in the grid. You can filter the
results by typing text in the box at the top of the grid.

24 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.3. ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute

• Display List Column Widths: This field lets you define, in pixels, the width of
the columns that display the table values. The width of each display column is
defined individually, in order, separated by the pipe symbol (|). This
configuration only applies to the Drop Down display type.
• Maximum Rows in Display List: This field lets you define the maximum
number of rows that display in the selection list. If the maximum number of rows
in display lists is also defined on the Configure ADN Parameters page, the
settings here override the setting on the Configure ADN Parameters page.
• Bounded Field: A bounded field is an additional Attribute field in the Form or
Category that is automatically populated from a table, based on the selection
made for a Table Key Lookup Attribute. The SQL query is modified so that in
addition to the column desired for the Table Key Lookup Attribute, a column
containing the value desired for the bounded field also displays.
Drop Down and Auto Load display types
For the Drop Down and Auto Load display types, the value entered into the
Bounded Field box is the name of the Attribute to be populated, a colon, and
the column number from the query to be used for selecting the value. With
the Drop Down and Auto Load display types, there is the added ability to
have multiple fields bound to the selection choice of one Table Key Lookup.
This is accomplished by separating the separate definitions with the pipe
symbol (|), for example, Plant_Name:2|Description:3|Plant_Code:4.
Classic Popup display type
The value entered in the Bounded Field box is the name of the Attribute to
be automatically populated, a colon, and the column number from the query
to be used to populate it.
With the Classic Popup display type, an Attribute can only have one
bounded field and bounded fields cannot be chained together, but there can
be any number of Attributes in a Category that are bound to others. Also,
bounded fields do not operate within the Advanced Search facility in
Content Server for the Classic Popup display type.
Bounded Field definitions from previous releases of Automatic Document
Numbering are automatically converted along with the Table Key Lookup
display type to the Drop Down display type if the Classic Popup option is
not selected on the Configure ADN Parameters page. (For more information,
see “Configuring general Automatic Document Numbering parameters”
on page 45.)

• Automatic Population: When the query for a simple or dependent Table Key
Lookup returns only a single value, the field is populated automatically. If there
are several Table Key Lookups that are dependent upon one Table Key Lookup
or other field, all of them that find only one result are populated automatically,
while those with multiple results need to be selected by the user.
Automatic population differs from Classic Popup Bounded Fields in that there is
no limit to the number of Attributes that can be populated in this manner, and
that Bounded Fields allow the user to select a specific pairing of Attribute values
with one Table Key Lookup selection when there are several dependent results.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 25

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

• Data Entry Options:

Manual Entry Allowed
This option lets the user enter text directly into the Table Key Lookup field.
When used by itself, the user can use the Table Key Lookup's Functions
menu to select values, type text directly into the field, or use a combination
of the two. Values that are manually entered are saved in the Attribute, but
are not saved to the table queried by the Table Key Lookup. This option is
only applicable for Content Server Classic View.
Filter Required
This option requires the user to manually enter at least one character into the
field before allowing the query to be performed and the selection list
displayed. This implies, but does not require, that filtering code is used in the
query definition to control or reduce the results displayed. This option is
only applicable for Content Server Classic View.
Validate Entry
This option performs a check on values typed into the field to ensure that
they match values that are within the Table Key Lookup's selection set.
Values that do not match any of the table entries exactly are removed from
the field.

3.4 ADN ID Attribute

The ADN ID Attribute is used to generate document numbers and additional sheet
numbers for existing document numbers.

Whether used to generate a sequence number or sheet number, the ADN ID

Attribute pulls all the Attributes used to define the document number into the
specified document number format. This allows the ADN ID to understand how the
fields used for the document number format are used to determine the assignment
of a sequence number or sheet number. The Attributes used within a document
number format are typically displayed to the user within the same Category, Form
Template, or Workflow.

When defining a document number, the natural logic flow is to identify the ADN
type, define the Prefix Elements (which generate the Sequence Number), and define
the Suffix Elements, if any. When defining an ADN ID Attribute, there are standard
Content Server fields associated with any Attribute definition, as well as specific
ADN fields that allow for the identification of the document number. The specific
ADN fields are:

• “Prefix elements” on page 27

• “Suffix elements” on page 28
• “ADN type” on page 29
• “ADN creation option” on page 29
• “ADN sequence number definition” on page 37

26 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

The ADN Type, Prefix Elements, and Suffix Elements are constant regardless of
the option selected in the ADN Creation Option list. Other fields depend on the
option selected in the ADN Creation Option list, and these fields are dynamic.


• The Length field (a standard Content Server field) cannot contain more 254
• While individual prefix elements are limited to 64 characters each, the
collective prefix elements of an ADN ID cannot exceed 254 characters total,
and the collective suffix elements have the same restriction. The overall
ADN ID is also limited to 254 characters, inclusive of the prefix and suffix

Tip: For information about how to open the Add Attribute to page, see
“Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow”
on page 67.

3.4.1 Prefix elements

Prefix elements display a summary of all the elements defined for a document
number, and they describe the dynamic elements inserted before the sequence
number component. Prefix elements determine the unique value assigned by the
sequence number.

Prefix elements can consist of Content Server Attributes, including ADN Table Key
Lookup, and text constant definitions. To ensure that all Attribute Lookup elements
are always used in ADN ID generation, you should ensure that each ADN Table Key
Lookup is defined as a required field so that no blank elements are used.

The Toggle Prefix Key determines whether the individual prefix value is used in the
determination of uniqueness for the purpose of generating the sequence number. An
N displayed with an individual prefix element means the component will be a part of
the document number, but will be ignored when determining uniqueness. For this
feature to work properly, there must be at least one prefix element toggled to Y.
ADN IDs generated with only a single Y prefix element would result in the
following numbers:

N on first prefix key Y on first and second prefix key

A-X-0001 A-X-0001
A-X-0002 A-X-0002
B-X-0003 B-X-0001
B-X-0004 B-X-0002
A-X-0005 A-X-0003

Prefix values support the following Attribute types:

• Integer: Field

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 27

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

• Integer: Popup
• Text: ADN ID
• Text: ADN Table Key Lookup
• Text: Field
• Text: Popup

Note: Single and double quotation marks are not allowed within ADN ID
prefix elements.

For more information, see “Customizing the start sequence number” on page 46
and “Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow”
on page 67.

3.4.2 Suffix elements

Suffix elements display a summary of all defined elements, and suffix elements
describe the dynamic elements inserted after the sequence number component.

Suffix elements can consist of ADN Table Key Lookup definitions, text constant
values, standard Content Server Attributes, and sheet numbers. To ensure that all
ADN Table Key Lookup elements are always used to generate an ADN ID, confirm
that each ADN Table Key Lookup is defined as a required field so that no blank
elements are used.

The Toggle Suffix Key determines whether the individual suffix value is used in the
determination of uniqueness for the purpose of generating the sequence number. An
N displayed with an individual suffix element means the component will be a part of
the document number, but it will be ignored when determining uniqueness. For this
feature to work properly, there must be at least one suffix element toggled to Y.

Note: If the Add Sheet Number feature is added to an ADN ID, when the
document number is generated, a sheet number is automatically part of the
document number, with the starting number that was defined within the ADN

For more information, see “Customizing the start sequence number” on page 46
and “Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow”
on page 67.

28 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

3.4.3 ADN type

The ADN Type field allows for the identification of the document number being
defined. This field also maintains uniqueness among document numbers that may
share similar prefixes and suffixes. Any value can be defined for this field as it
relates to the document definition process. For example, in an engineering company,
the same set of prefixes may be used to define documents generated from the
Engineering department. However, the Electrical group might have a different
sequence number and suffix definition than the Mechanical group. To easily identify
what the document number defines, the ADN Type is used to help define the
uniqueness between the two document numbers. The value in the ADN Type can be
ElectEng for the Electrical group and MechEng for the Mechanical group.

ADN types are linked to organization units. You can add and delete ADN types, as
well as edit the Object Association field attached to each one. ADN keeps ADN
types under each organization unit distinct from those under other organizational
units, so it is possible to have an ADN type under each organization unit that is
identically named, and even identically configured, and not have them conflict with
each other.

If you delete an ADN type from an organization unit, the ADN type is not available
to any new ADN IDs but the deleted ADN type is retained in the database to allow
existing ADN IDs to continue to function. For this reason, it is not possible to create
a new ADN type using the name of an ADN type that was deleted from that
particular organizational unit. You can restore a deleted ADN type to make it
available for use in new ADN IDs. To restore a deleted ADN type, locate the ADN
type name associated with the relevant organization unit (as each organizational
unit may have an ADN type with that name) in the AdnTypes table and set the value
of the DeletedFlag column to zero.

For information about how to define an ADN type, see “Defining an ADN type”
on page 44.

3.4.4 ADN creation option

The ADN Creation Option area is where you define the naming format and
behavior of the ADN ID Attribute.

The ADN Creation Option provides different ways to define the naming format and
how it is assigned. Based on the option selected, fields are displayed to allow for the
definition of how a sequence number or sheet number is generated. These fields are
the ADN Number Definition Fields. Some of these fields have options to further
define how they are used within a document number. Selecting a specific ADN
Creation Option determines which fields are available in the ADN ID Attribute

“ADN creation option list” on page 30 lists each ADN Creation Option, provides a
description, and includes the different ADN Number Definition fields that are used
to define each.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 29

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

Table 3-2: ADN creation option list

ADN creation option Attribute description ADN number definition

“Auto sequence generation” Automatically assigns next • Quantity
on page 30 available Sequence Number,
• ADN Number Format
based on the ADN Prefix and
ADN Type. • Allow Unreserve
• Auto Generate
“Select allocated sequence” User selects from a list of • Clear Options
on page 35 predefined and allocated
numbers. • Auto Generate
“Free style sequence User enters a Prefix and • Quantity
generation” on page 31 Sequence Number string and
ADN validates whether the • ADN Number Format
number is available for
assignment. • Allow Unreserve

“Free style sequence ADN creates the ADN ID • Clear Options

selection” on page 36 with a generated Sequence
• Auto Generate
Number, after the user clicks
Generate Number.
“No sequence number User creates built-up values • Allow Unreserve
generation” on page 32 that do not contain a
• Auto Generate
generated sequence, or check
for uniqueness.
“Sheet number generation” User assigns the next • ADN Number Format
on page 33 available sheet number for an
• Allow Unreserve
existing document number.
• Sequence Number Entry
• Sheet Number Entry
• Auto Generate


• Generate options are only available for Categories. This functionality is

handled in the Item Handler step of a Workflow.
• Content Server Smart View does not currently support Sheet Number

Auto sequence generation

Figure 3-7 shows when ADN Creation Option is set to Auto Sequence Generation.

30 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

Figure 3-7: Auto sequence generation

Tip: For information about how to open the Add Attribute to page, see
“Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow”
on page 67.

Select the options you want in the Quantity and ADN Number Format areas, and
clear the options you do not want in the Auto Generate area.

You can apply the Category to a folder where users upload documents. You can also
apply the Category directly to a document.

You can edit Categories with Auto Sequence Generation set. You can select an
ADN_TKL value if it is defined. If the Auto Generate Number check box was not
selected, you can click Generate Number to generate the number.

Free style sequence generation

Figure 3-8 shows when the ADN Creation Option is set to Free Style Sequence

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 31

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

Figure 3-8: Free style sequence generation

Tip: For information about how to open the Add Attribute to page, see
“Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow”
on page 67.

If the Use Next Available Sequence check box is selected and the manually entered
number is reserved or not available, the system automatically checks for the
available ADN IDs between the specified number and the maximum number. If the
Use Next Available Sequence check box is not selected, the system increments the
maximum number and assigns it.

You can edit Categories with Free Style Sequence Generation set. You can generate
the number by entering the required sequence in the Sequence box, and then
clicking Generate Number.

No sequence number generation

Figure 3-9 shows when the ADN Creation Option is set to No Sequence

32 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

Figure 3-9: No sequence generation

Tip: For information about how to open the Add Attribute to page, see
“Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow”
on page 67.

If the Allow Free Text Entry check box is selected, you can enter text in the Generate
Number box when editing Categories. This text is used as the sequence number.

If the Allow NonUnique Number check box is selected, you can enter the same free
text for the same kind of prefix. Otherwise, doing this causes an error.

You can edit Categories with No Sequence Generation set. You can generate the
number by entering the required text in the Generate Number box, and then
clicking Generate Number.

Sheet number generation

Figure 3-10 shows when the ADN Creation Option is set to Sheet Number

Note: Content Server Smart View does not currently support Sheet Number

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 33

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

Figure 3-10: Sheet number generation

Tip: For more information about the Add Attribute to page, see “Adding an
ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

For sheet number generation, you must add a sheet number by clicking Add Sheet
Number in the Suffix Elements area.

34 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

The prefix element definition, the sequence to be entered, and ADN Type must be
the same as those of the document or drawing to which the sheet is to be added. For
example, if you have a drawing named media-0001 and you want to add a sheet to
it, select Media in the ADN-TKL list, and then enter 1 in the Sequence # box. To
generate the sheet number, click Generate Number.

If the Manual Entry option was selected in the Sheet Number Entry area, you can
manually enter the sheet number in the Sheet # box.

Select allocated sequence

Figure 3-11 shows when the ADN Creation Option is set to Select Allocated
Sequence. The Select Allocated Sequence and Free Style Sequence Selection
options allow users to select the ADN number from a list of pending numbers that
can be allocated to documents.

Figure 3-11: Select allocated sequence

Tip: For more information about the Add Attribute to page, see “Adding an
ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

To generate pending numbers, select Auto Sequence Generation or Free Style

Sequence Generation, and then make a Form from the Template. Specify the
required Quantity of pending numbers in the Form.

You can edit Categories with Select Allocated Sequence set. You can specify the
number by clicking Select Number, and then clicking a number in the list that
appears in the Document Number window.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 35

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

Free style sequence selection

Figure 3-12 shows when the ADN Creation Option is set to Free Style Sequence

Figure 3-12: Free style sequence selection

Tip: For more information about the Add Attribute to page, see “Adding an
ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 67.

You can edit Categories with Free Style Sequence Selection set. You can specify the
number by entering it in the ADN_ID box.

You can identify the pending numbers by executing the following SQL query
against the database:

select * from AdnIds where status=1

36 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

3.4.5 ADN sequence number definition

The following fields are used when defining a sequence number:

• “Quantity” on page 37
• “ADN Number Format” on page 37
• “Allow Unreserve” on page 38
• “Auto Generate” on page 38
• “Clear Options” on page 39
• “Sequence Number Entry” on page 40
• “Sheet Number Entry” on page 40

This field lets the user generate one or more ADNs at a time. The Quantity field has
three areas: Locked, Max #, and Default #. These three areas work together to

• How many document numbers can be created by a user during a transaction

• Whether the user has any control of the number of document numbers that can
be created during a session

Quantity field options list

• Locked: This field works in conjunction with the Default # and Max # fields to
determine the number of document numbers that a user can generate.
If the definition of Quantity is locked, the number of document numbers
generated by a user is based on the value identified in the Default # field. Users
have no option. It will create the same number of document numbers each time.
If the definition of Quantity is not locked, the number of document numbers
generated can be selected by the user. The default quantity of document numbers
to generate is based on the value in the Default # field, but users can select how
many document numbers will be generated up to the maximum value in the
Max# field.
• Max.#: This value determines the maximum number of document numbers that
can be generated during the creation of a specific ADN during a session. Default
value is 50.
• Default #: This value determines the default number of document numbers can
be generated during the creation of an ADN during a session. Default value is 1.

ADN Number Format

This field describes the format of the numeric component of the Sequence Number.
Since a user may have the option to enter a Sequence Number, this field allows for
consistency in the display of the Sequence Number. For example, a number value of

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 37

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

345 with a number format of 000N is formatted as 0345. When generating sheet
numbers, this field redefines the number of zeroes that display in the sequence
number of the new ADN ID, not the sheet number field. For consistency, check that
this field matches the ADN ID definition for the original document.

Allow Unreserve

This check box is a feature intended for use when generating a document number
within a Workflow. The Allow Unreserve option gives the ability to unreserve
document numbers that are generated after a Form has been saved and the numbers

For example, a Workflow for a document number request can be defined with the
following steps: Request, Approve, and PostApprove. The Request step allows a
user to identify the document numbers to be created. The Approve step allows for
the approval of the requested numbers by another user. The document numbers are
generated and reserved in the ADN Table, and then the Form is saved. The
PostApprove step allows for one final review of the document numbers.

If the Allow Unreserve option is selected, at the PostApprove step, the user can
unreserve the document numbers that have been generated and make them
available to be used again. Only the user who generated the document number can
unreserve that number.

Note: In every instance where the Allow Unreserve option is enabled, the user
who generated the number has the option to return and unreserve that
number. This includes ADN IDs defined in Categories, as well as in Forms and
Workflows. For this reason, it is recommended that the Allow Unreserve
option only be used when necessary. If the rename function is enabled in a
Category setting, a new number, possibly the same one, will be generated
when the change is applied to the document.

Auto Generate
This field, if selected, automatically generates a document number without user
interaction. This option is used when the ADN ID is an Attribute defined within a
Category. Each time a document is created in Content Server, if the Auto Generate
field is selected, the value associated to the ADN ID Attribute is automatically be

There are five options that work in conjunction with the Auto Generate field. The
Auto Generate Number option turns on the auto-generation process. The
Regenerate on Change option generates a new ADN ID whenever a Category
Attribute, that is used as a prefix element, is changed. This also renames the object
and version if those options are populated. The Rename Object option allows for
the object being created to be renamed after it is created. The Rename Version
option allows the version of the object being created to be renamed after it is created.
The valid input for the last two options is shown in Auto Generate Field Options
List on page 39. The Set Name Tag to Version Name option changes the operation
of the <Name /> tag within the Rename Version field to reflect the name of the

38 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.4. ADN ID Attribute

version being added to the document. For example, if the Rename Version field is
populated with the values <ADN />-<Name />, and document1 and document2 are
added as new versions to the document 007-seed, they will be named in this
manner: 007-document1, 007-document2. The format will stay the same, but the
version name incorporates the original name of each additional version.

Auto Generate Field Options List

Auto Generate Number

Automatically generates a number
Rename Object
If defined, automatically renames the object. The following tags are used for
<ADN />: the generated number
<Name />: the original name of the object
<SysDate />: the current date, as defined in the opentext.ini file
<Suffix />: the file extension of the physical file
<FilePrefix />: the original name of the object, without the suffix
<SysNodeID />: the Content Server object ID of the document
<SysDay />: the numeric day of the month from the system date
<SysDayOfYear />: the day of the year, 1-366
<SysMonth />: the numeric month from the system date
<SysYear />: the two-digit year from the system date
<SysFullYear />: the four-digit year from the system date
<SysHour />: the hour value of the current system clock
<SysMinute />: the minute value of the current system clock

Rename Version
Same as Rename Object, but the version is renamed

Any combination of these tags can be used in this field to name the item. For
example, <ADN />-<Name />-<SysDate /> names the object or version with the
ADN value followed by a dash, the original name of the file, a second dash, and the
Content Server system date.

Note: Make sure you place a space between the replacement name and the
forward slash (/), otherwise the Workflow will not replace the actual text.

Clear Options
This field is a feature that is available when you generate a document number within
a Workflow. The Clear Options field gives the ability to unreserve document
numbers that are generated before the Form is saved.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 39

Chapter 3 Understanding the components of a document number

For example, a common Workflow for a document number request may contain the
steps: Request, Approve, and PostApprove. The Request step allows a user to
identify the document numbers to be created. The Approve step allows for the
approval of the requested numbers by another user. The document numbers are
generated and reserved in the ADN Table, and then the Form is saved. The
PostApprove step allows for one final review of the document numbers.

If the Clear Options field is selected, at the Approve step, the user can unreserve
the document numbers that have been generated and make them available to be
used again.

Two options are available when defining this field: Allow Unreserve and Allow

• Allow Unreserve: Allows you to unreserve the document number, which makes
it available for use by some other object
• Allow Return: Allows you to return the document number to the pool of
predefined numbers for reuse

Sequence Number Entry

This field is used when defining Sheet Number Generation. After the Prefix and
Suffix Elements have been selected, this field identifies the Sequence Number in
order to determine the sheet number to assign.

There are two options for the Sequence Number Entry field: Manual Entry or
Select Attribute.

• Manual Entry: Allows the user to manually enter the Sequence Number. Upon
submitting for a sheet number assignment, a search in the ADN table will be
performed based on the Prefix and Sequence Number entered to determine the
next available sheet number to assign
• Select Attribute: Selects the Sequence Number based on an Attribute. After the
user selects the Prefix and Suffix Elements, a list of assigned sequence numbers
for the selected Prefix and Suffix Elements is displayed

Sheet Number Entry

This field is used when defining a Sheet Number Generation. After the Prefix and
Suffix Elements and the Sequence Numbers have been selected, this field identifies
the sheet number to assign.

There are three options for the Sheet Number Entry field: Manual Entry, Auto
Entry or Select Attribute.

Sheet number entry options list

• Manual Entry: Allows the user to manually enter the sheet number. After the
sheet number is submitted for assignment, a search in the ADN Table is

40 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

3.5. Set Attribute

performed, based on the Prefix and Sequence Number entered, to determine the
next available sheet number to assign
• Auto Entry: Automatically assigns the sheet number upon submission of the
document number, based on the Prefix Elements and Sequence Number selected.
• Select Attribute: Selects the sheet number, based on an Attribute. After the user
selects the Prefix Elements and Sequence Number, a list of assigned sheet
numbers for the selected Prefix Elements/Sequence Number combination is

3.5 Set Attribute

The Set Attribute gathers different Attributes in to one group. The Set Attribute can
be configured with Attributes of various types, as shown in the example in
Figure 3-13. The Set Attribute supports Text: ADN ID and Text: ADN Table Key
Lookup Attributes. For information about how to define a Set Attribute, see OpenText
Content Server - Categories and Attributes (LLESWAT-UGD).

Figure 3-13: Example of Category using the Set Attribute

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 41

Chapter 4
Configuring Automatic Document Numbering

4.1 Configuring administrator access to Automatic

Document Numbering
You can assign a user administrator permissions for Automatic Document
Numbering. Users with Automatic Document Numbering administrator
permissions can configure the Automatic Document Numbering module, and the
naming and numbering conventions used by your organization.

OpenText recommends that you limit the number of people with administrative
access to the Automatic Document Numbering module. It is beneficial to have a
small group of users who have the permissions required to set up and configure the
module for different Projects.

To grant or remove permissions for the Automatic Document Numbering


1. In the ADN Administration section of the Content Server Administration

page, click the ADN Permissions link.

2. On the Add ADN Permissions page, click the Select Users button .

3. Do one of the following:

• Enter search criteria for a user and click Find.

• Click Find to display all users.

4. Do any of the following:

• To grant access to one or more users, click the Grant Access check box for
the user’s name.
• To remove access from one or more users, clear the Grant Access check box
for the user’s name.

5. Click Submit, and then click Add Item.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 43

Chapter 4 Configuring Automatic Document Numbering

4.2 Creating an organization unit

You can create, edit, and delete organization units within your organization. When
you create an organization unit, you add ADN Types to the organization unit.

To create an organization unit:

1. Depending on your permissions, do one of the following:

• In the ADN Administration section of the Content Server Administration

page, click the Organizational Units link.
• Click ADN on the Enterprise menu, then click the Organizational Units

2. On the Organizational Units page, click Organizational Units on the Add Item

3. On the Add Organizational Unit page, type a name for the organization unit in
the Name box, then click Add Item.

4. Add required ADN Types to the organization unit. For more information, see
“Defining an ADN type” on page 44.

4.3 Defining an ADN type

For more information about ADN types, see “ADN type” on page 29.

To define an ADN Type:

1. Depending on your permissions, do one of the following:

• In the ADN Administration section of the Content Server Administration

page, click the Organizational Units link.
• Click ADN on the Enterprise menu, then click the Organizational Units

2. Click Edit for the Organizational Unit you want to add an ADN Type to.

3. Click Add New Type.

4. On the Add a Type page, type the name of the ADN Type in the Type Name
box. For example, document, drawing, or tag.

5. Do one of the following:

• To associate the generated ADN numbers with the ADN Type, select the
Object Association check box. For example, associate the generated
document numbers with documents. This Attribute determines whether the
ADN numbers generated with it are associated with documents, as with
document numbers, or if they are used but unassociated within Content
Server, as with equipment Tag generation.

44 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

4.4. Configuring general Automatic Document Numbering parameters

• To use the generated ADN numbers but not associate them with the ADN
Type in Content Server, as with equipment Tag generation, clear the Object
Association check box.
6. Click Add Item, then click Update.

4.4 Configuring general Automatic Document

Numbering parameters
You can set general system parameters for Automatic Document Numbering. Some
system parameters are set in the Automatic Document Numbering web interface.
Some parameters are set in the opentext.ini file. After you set or change a system
parameter, you must restart Content Server.

4.4.1 Setting general system parameters in the web interface

You can set some general parameters in the Automatic Document Numbering web
interface, including separators used by prefix elements and suffix elements, the
maximum number of rows processed, and backwards compatibility settings. For
more information about separators, see “Separators” on page 15.

To set general parameters in the web interface:

1. Depending on your permissions, do one of the following:

• In the ADN Administration section of the Content Server Administration

page, click the Configure ADN Parameters link.
• Click ADN on the Enterprise menu, then click the Configure ADN
Parameters link.
2. On the Configure ADN Parameters page, in the ADN ID Settings area, do the

a. In the ADN Prefix/Suffix Separators box, type the separators that you
want available when a user defines an ADN ID Attribute. For example,
type: {'-','/',' ','.',''}.
b. In the Default Separator box, type the separator that appears by default in
the Separator list when a users defines an ADN ID Attribute. For example,
type: '-'.


• To define a backward slash (\) as a separator, type \\.

• If you do not want to use separators in your document numbers,
type two single quotation marks ('') with no characters or spaces
between them.
3. In the Table Lookup Settings area, type the maximum number of ADN values
that can be generated in a single transaction in the Default Maximum Rows
Processed box.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 45

Chapter 4 Configuring Automatic Document Numbering

4. In the Backward Compatibility Settings area, select the Default Classic Popup
check box if you want to always display Table Key Lookup Attributes using the
Classic Popup display type.
5. Click Save.
6. Restart Content Server.

4.4.2 Setting general system parameters in the opentext.ini

You can set some general parameters in the opentext.ini file, including supported
object subtypes and the number of zeros allowed in sequence number.

To set general parameters in the opentext.ini file:

1. Create a backup of the <Content_Server_Home>/config/opentext.ini file.

2. Open the opentext.ini file, and do one of the following:

• Scroll to the [ADN] section.

• If an [ADN] section does not exist, create it by inserting a blank line, then, on
a new line, type [ADN].
3. In the [ADN] section, add the following parameters:

• SupportedObjectTypes specifies the object subtypes that will be used by

the Auto Generate functionality.
• DefaultNumberOfZeroes specifies the default zero padding in the sequence
number portion of the ADN ID Attribute.
4. Save the opentext.ini file, and the restart Content Server.

4.5 Customizing the start sequence number

You can customize the start sequence number for an ADN ID so that document
numbering begins at a specified number, instead of starting at the number one. For
more information, see “Prefix elements” on page 27.

Automatic Document Numbering uses the combination of prefix values to

determine the sequence number generated for the ADN ID. You must enter each
combination of prefix values that you want to have a unique starting number
applied to. Automatic Document Numbering populates this information in the
ADNIDSTARTSEQ table. For example, if you have an ADN ID that has two Attributes
defined as prefix elements, for example, the days of the week (7) and the months of
the year (12), Automatic Document Numbering requires a total of 84 entries to be

46 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

4.5. Customizing the start sequence number

placed in the Prefix column. If you do not include all of the prefix combinations in
the database, the assigned sequence number for any missed prefix combinations will
start at one.

Using the day and month example, if you add a starting sequence number entry for
all the weekdays in combination with January, but not February, and 500 is the
starting value assigned in the table, the sequence numbers generated, in order, is
shown in the following table.

Prefixes Assigned sequence number

Mon-Jan- 500
Mon-Jan- 501
Tue-Jan- 500
Mon-Jan- 502
Mon-Feb- 001

4.5.1 Setting a start sequence number

To set the start sequence number:

1. Depending on your permissions, do one of the following:

• In theADN Administration section of the Content Server Administration

page, click the Configure ADN Start Sequence link.
• Click ADN on the Enterprise menu, then click the Configure ADN Start
Sequence link.
2. On the ADN Start Sequence Number page, click Add Start Sequence Number
on the Add Item menu.
3. Select the organization unit from the Organizational Units list.
4. Select the ADN type from the ADN Type list.

Note: If you previously generated and unreserved ADN numbers for an

ADN Type before defining this starting sequence, those unreserved
numbers are used when generating new numbers. When those unreserved
numbers are all used, new sequence numbers will then reflect the defined
starting sequence number. To avoid this issue, create a new ADN Type
definition to use.
5. Type the prefix, or prefix combination, you want to apply the starting sequence
number to in the Prefix box.

Note: Be sure to include all constants and separators used in the ADN ID
definition. If you omit any of these characters, Automatic Document
Numbering will not recognize the prefix and the assigned sequence
numbers will start at one. For example, entering Mon-Jan instead of Mon-

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 47

Chapter 4 Configuring Automatic Document Numbering

Jan- results in the desired starting value being ignored. If you are using a
non-default Organizational Unit (OU), you need to include that in the
ADN Type column using this format: OU:ADN type If you are using the
default OU, you only need to use the ADN Type and cannot specify the

6. Type the number you want to start your sequence number at in the Sequence
Number box.

7. Click Add Item.

48 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 5

Understanding how to use Categories and

Workflows to generate document numbers

In Content Server, you can generate a document number using either a Category or
a Workflow.

When a user adds a document to Content Server, if the Category assigned to the
document includes an ADN Attribute, Automatic Document Numbering
automatically assigns a document number to the document.

Lets you implement a process to assign and obtain a document number based on
an approval process. Within the Workflow, a process is defined for document
generation. To gather the information during the Workflow process, a Form
Template containing the Attributes needed to generate the document number is
generated. Figure 5-1 shows the steps of a simple Workflow process.

Figure 5-1: Simple Workflow diagram

The steps of the Workflow can be described as follows:

• Request
The step in the Workflow where a user requests a document number. The
user does not have the ability to generate the document number.

• Approve
The step in the Workflow where a user approves or rejects a request for a
document number. The user is the owner of the document number. The user
can review the request and determine the approval status.

• PostApproval
The step in the Workflow where post processes may occur. If all previous
steps have been approved, this is the final phase of the document number
generation Workflow. This step could, however, be the phase that allows a

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 49

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

document number to be unreserved and released back for assignment within

the system.

5.1 Overview of setup

Figure 5-2 provides an overview of the steps required to generate a document
number using a Category and a Workflow.

Figure 5-2: Steps required to generate document numbers using a Category or

a Workflow

50 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.2. Common setup

5.2 Common setup

In order to use a Category to create document number or to use a Workflow to
request and approve the creation of a document number, you must define the ADN
format by determining the requirements of the document number, and then you
must define fields that support the ADN format.

5.2.1 ADN format

The document number format that you create includes Prefix Elements, a Sequence
Number, and Suffix Elements. After you define a document number, you must
understand the interdependencies between the different parts of the document

Example 5-1: Document number format

Project Number-Department-Discipline-E-Sequence Number-Sheet


In this example:

• Project Number is a growing list of Projects for the company. This field is set up
as an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute in a database table to permit the
addition of new Projects for the company. For more information, see “ADN
Table Key Lookup Attribute” on page 17.
• Department is a static list within the organization. This field can be set up as
either a Text Popup or an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute. A review of the
relationship between the Project and Department fields shows that the list of
departments per Project is always the same so there is no dependency between
them. Therefore, this field is set up as a Text Popup Attribute.
• Discipline is also a static list within the organization. This field can be set up as
either a Text Popup or an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute (Dependent Attribute
Definition). A review of the relationship between the Department and
Discipline fields shows that the list of disciplines changes when the
department is selected. Therefore this field is set up as an ADN Table Key
Lookup Attribute ‒ Dependent Attribute Definition.
• E is a text constant that identifies the document as an Engineering drawing.
• Sequence Number is dependent on the selection of the Project Number,
Department, and Discipline values. The text constant is not included in the
Sequence Number assignment.
• Sheet Number is based on the base drawing number generated. Users will be able
to enter the sequence number for the drawing they would like to add another
sheet to.

After the format requirements of the document number are defined, you must set up
Content Server Attributes to support these fields.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 51

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

5.2.2 Fields that support the ADN format

After you define the ADN format requirements, you can define the fields required to
support the document number.

Define the prefix elements

You must define an Attribute to support the list of values for each field used to
create the Prefix (that is, Project, Department, and Discipline).

Using the document number in the Example 5-1, “Document number format”
on page 51 example, the Department field will use a normal Text: Popup Attribute.
The Project and Discipline fields will use a Text: ADN Table Key Lookup
Attribute. For more information about adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category,
Form Template, or Workflow, see “Adding an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to
a Category, Form Template, or Workflow” on page 66.

Define the suffix elements

You must define an Attribute to support the list of values for each of the Suffix
Elements. Supported Attribute types include:

• ADN: Table Key Lookup

• Text: Field
• Integer: Field
• Text: Popup
• Integer: Popup

Using the document number in the Example 5-1, “Document number format”
on page 51 example, the Suffix Element is a sheet number. When defining Suffix
Elements, the feature Add Sheet Number is used to include a sheet number within
the document number format. By adding this to a document number, Automatic
Document Numbering automatically knows what sheet number to assign a
document number based on the Prefix Elements selected and a specific Sequence

52 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.3. Category setup

Note: To add additional sheet numbers, you must create a new ADN ID
Attribute. The Prefix Elements and the Suffix Elements definitions must be the
same as the original ADN ID definition. The ADN Creation Option selection
must be set to Sheet Number Generation. The ADN Number Definition fields
displayed for this option determine how a user enters the Prefix Elements and
the Sequence Number in order to generate additional sheet numbers.

Define the sequence number

Define sequence number information in an ADN ID Attribute. For information
about the sequence number, see “ADN sequence number definition” on page 37.

5.3 Category setup

If you use a Category to generate document numbers, you must define the ADN
format and the fields that support the ADN format. For more information, see
“Common setup” on page 51.

You must also:

1. Define the Category

For information about how to define a Category, see OpenText Content Server -
Categories and Attributes (LLESWAT-UGD). A Category must contain at least one
Attribute. Add Attributes to the Category in a logical order to help the user
create the document number. The logical order is: prefix elements, sequence
number, suffix elements.
2. Add the Category to Folders
Add the Category to each folder where the documents will be created. For
information about how to add a Category to a Folder, see OpenText Content
Server - Categories and Attributes (LLESWAT-UGD).

5.4 Workflow setup

If you use a Workflow to generate document numbers, you must define the ADN
format and the fields that support the ADN format. For more information, see
“Common setup” on page 51.

You must also:

1. Define a Form Template

Create a Form Template that contains all of the Attributes required to support
the document request process. For information about how to define a Form
Template, see OpenText Content Server - Forms (LLESFRM-UGD).
A Form Template might include:

• Comment or note fields where the requestor may provide information about
the purpose of the request

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 53

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

• Fields to identify the requestor (may or may not be the person initiating the
• Date fields, for example, the request date and issued date

Add Attributes to the Form Template in a logical order to help the user create
the document number. The logical order is: prefix elements, sequence number,
suffix elements. The Form should include all of the features required to
successfully generate a document number.
2. Define and create a Workflow Map
Define a Workflow Map that lets users request a document number and that
generates and approves the document number. For information about how to
define a Workflow Map, see OpenText Content Server - Workflow Maps (LLESWFP-
At a minimum, the Workflow should include the following steps:

• Request: The initial step of the Workflow where the person requesting the
document numbers can give permission to execute the Workflow, identify
data as it pertains to the document number request, and provide any
comments or notes to the approver.
The Workflow can be executed by the generation of a Form that is tied to the
Workflow, executing a Workflow and selecting the Form, or using Attributes
directly associated with the Workflow.
• Approve: In this step, the person responsible for the document numbers
either approves or rejects the request. If approved, the document numbers
are assigned.
• PostApprove: The final step of the Workflow where the Approver can either
finalize the submittal of the document numbers or provide a mechanism for
the document numbers to be retracted and returned to the document number
pool for reuse.
3. Define Form Custom Views
Define Custom Views that provide users with the appropriate options as the
document number request Workflow is processed. The definition of the
Workflow Map determines the requirements for Custom Views. For information
about how to define a Custom View in Form Templates, see OpenText Content
Server - Forms (LLESFRM-UGD).
Consider the following Workflow steps.

• Request: At this step, a Custom View for the person requesting the document
numbers allows the requestor to identify the document number to be
requested, identify the quantity of document numbers to request, and add
any comments or notes for the approver. Fields or functions displayed within
the Custom View at this step might allow the user to generate a document
• Approve: At this step, a Custom View for the person approving the
document number request allows the approver to review the fields submitted

54 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.4. Workflow setup

by the Requestor, specify any additional fields required for the Requestor,
and generate the document numbers or retract the generated document
numbers prior to final submittal.
• PostApproval: At this step, a Custom View for the person finalizing the
document approval process allows this person to finalize the approval
process or retract the document numbers that have been approved.

Note: If you use Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11 with the Compatibility

View feature enabled, ADN TKL attributes in Form Views do not work. To
make an ADN TKL attribute in a Form View work in Microsoft Internet
Explorer with Compatibility View enabled, add the following tag to the
HTML View: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
content="IE=Edge" />.
4. Add the Form Template and Custom Views to the Workflow
Associate the Form Template and the Custom Views to the Workflow Map. For
information about how to add Form Templates and Custom Views to a
Workflow Map, see OpenText Content Server - Workflow Forms (LLESFWF-UGD).
OpenText recommends that you test the process to ensure that the specific
functions execute at each step of the Workflow.
5. Create an Item Handler step to use the seed file to create a document
Create an Item Handler step in the Workflow Map that creates a document,
assigns an approved document number, and adds the document to Content
Server. The Item Handler step must be positioned to run after the step that
assigns the document numbers (for example, the Approve Workflow step). After
the Approve step completes, the document numbers are available and the Item
Handler step creates the documents and assigns the document numbers. For
information about how to create an Item Handler step, see OpenText Content
Server - Workflow Maps (LLESWFP-UGD). The user assigned to the Item Handler
step must have Unrestricted Usage Privileges for Workflow objects. For more
information about privileges required for the user assigned to the Item Handler
step, see “Setting Usage Privileges for Item Handler step in Workflows for
Revision Processes” on page 64.
When Automatic Document Numbering is installed, the Document Numbering
tab appears in Item Handler step in the Workflow Designer. On this tab, you
identify the source seed file and location where the target file will be created,
identify the Category that includes the document number Attribute (ADN ID),
and set options about how to handle the new document. For information about
the options that can be set to support the creation of a document with a seed file,
see “Seed file generation using Workflow” on page 56.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 55

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

5.5 Seed file generation using Workflow

A seed file is a placeholder or a stub for a document, such as an engineering
drawing. A seed file is used as an input in a Workflow to generate documents,
assign approved document numbers, and add documents to Content Server.

You configure seed file generation on the Event Scripts tab and the Document
Numbering tab of the Item Handler step in the Workflow Designer. The Document
Numbering tab appears when the Automatic Document Numbering module is

Event scripts tab

The Event Scripts tab lets you expand the Automatic Document Numbering
module using custom scripts. The RejectAdnNumber script is an example of an
events script that is part of Automatic Document Numbering. This script can be
used in a Workflow with a post-approve/reject step. If the Workflow branches to
its reject path, this script can be run in an Item Handler step. When this script
runs, the script deletes the ADN number that is defined in the Form attached to
the Workflow.
Document numbering tab
Figure 5-3 displays the options in the Document Numbering tab. This tab
identifies how seed file generation is handled within a Workflow. For more
information, see “Workflow setup” on page 53.

On the Document Numbering tab of the Item Handler step, you provide the
following information:

• Location of each source file

• Location of each target file
• Category, if any, that contains the document number Attribute (ADN ID)
• Options for the seed file, including naming conventions for the item and version,
permission assignments, and Category assignments

56 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.5. Seed file generation using Workflow

Figure 5-3: Document numbering tab

5.5.1 Document Numbering tab: Source

On the Document Numbering tab, Source refers to the location of the source file.
This is the template file that is used as the basis to generate the documents based on
the ADN request. The source file can come from a variety of locations, depending on
the requirements. Some options for source location are from a Workflow attachment,
Content Server item, or Item Reference Attribute.

The logical place for the source file is within the Content Server environment. This
allows all users access to the source file to create their target files.

When working with CAD files created by Automatic Document Numbering and
OpenText™ CAD Manager, it is important to consider how the title block of a
drawing is populated when a seed file is copied in a Workflow. For the title block
populate correctly in the new documents, the seed file must contain the following
field values when it is created in Content Server:

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 57

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

• CAD Document Type must contain the value autocad/drawing

• App Version must contain a value similar to AutoCAD 2007, depending on your
specific requirements

To verify the values in these fields, select the Specific tab in the document
properties. If these fields are not populated when the document is created, you will
need to replace the document with a new document that contains the correct values.

Note: Automatic Document Numbering uses the most recent version of a seed
file to make a new document through the Document Numbering tab.

5.5.2 Document Numbering tab: Target

On the Document Numbering tab, Target refers to the location where the newly
generated file will reside. The target can be a variety of locations, depending on the
requirements. Some of the options for the target location are a Workflow attachment,
Content Server item, or Item Reference Attribute.

The logical target location is within the Content Server environment. This allows all
users access to the newly created files.

5.5.3 Document Numbering tab: Number definition

On the Document Numbering tab, Number Definition identifies where the
document number is obtained from during the creation of the seed file. The options
for this feature depend on where the document number Attribute (ADN ID) is
defined. If the Attribute is defined in a Form, the option displayed is Form
Attribute. If the Attribute is defined in a Workflow, the option displayed is
Workflow Attribute. The system automatically identifies where the document
number Attribute is defined and displays the appropriate location.

5.5.4 Document Numbering tab: Category

On the Document Numbering tab, Category groups related Attributes together and
defines the type, order, and values that users can enter. You can create a Custom
Category in Content Server to add metadata that is relevant to your organization.

Categories are most often stored in a special Categories Volume, which makes the
Categories available to all users. You can add a Category to almost any container or
Workspace where you have permission to add items.

58 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.5. Seed file generation using Workflow

5.5.5 Document Numbering tab: Functions

On the Document Numbering tab, the following Functions are available:

• CRT Post Document Creation, CRT Pre Document Creation, and CRT All
Documents Post Creation: These fields use the OpenText™ Controlled Revision
Tracking module, which works in conjunction with the Automatic Document
Numbering module. These fields display only if OpenText Controlled Revision
Tracking is installed on your system.
• Post Document Creation: This field is used to rename the document after it is
created. If you enter <ADN />, the document name changes to the ADN ID.
• Populate Category: This field allows the Item Handler step of a Workflow to
support mapping data from one or more ADN sources (Forms and ADN
elements) to one or more Categories. This mapping is written in XML format.
Only one Form may be used with this feature, and if multiple Forms are attached
to the Workflow, the first Form attached is the one used for mapping.
This functionality replaces the use of the catmapping.ini file used in earlier
versions of ADN.

Category Object Definition

Each Category being mapped to is defined as an object and includes the following

• Name: This is the name of the Category.

• Location: This is the Content Server path to the location where the Category is
• Type: The Object type is defined as category.

Example: <object name = “Example Category” location = “Content Server

Categories:Production” type=”category”>

Attribute Mapping Definition

Following the definition of the Category object, the mapping to each Category
Attribute from the ADN source data is defined. This process uses the following

• TargetName: The name of the Attribute in the Category receiving the value.
• TargetType: Defined as attribute.
• SourceName: The Attribute name in the ADN or Form that is mapped to the
Category's Attribute.
• SourceType: This value can be either FORM or ADN, and describes the object
the data is mapped from.

– If the SourceType is FORM, the SourceName is any displayed Attribute name

defined in the Form.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 59

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

– If the SourceType is ADN, the SourceName is any column defined in the

ADNIDS table. The specific ADN ID referenced is the one identified in the
Number Definition field of the Document Numbering tab.

Note: Confirm that the Attribute type in the Category matches the Attribute
type in the data source, otherwise, the Category Attribute is left blank.

Sample Here is an example of mapping from a Form Attribute and an ADN number to
Category Attributes in one Category, and an ADN number into a second Category:

<object type=”category” location=”Content Server

Categories:Production” name=”Example Category” >

<attribute sourcetype=”FORM” sourcename=”form field 1”

targettype=”attribute” targetname=”category field 1” />

<attribute sourcetype=”ADN” sourcename=”WholeID”

targettype=”attribute” targetname=”category field 2” />


<object type=”category” location=”Content Server

Categories:Production” name=”Example Category Two” >

<attribute sourcetype=”ADN” sourcename=”SEQID”

targettype=”attribute” targetname=”Sequence Number” />



If the target Attribute is in a Category Set, the targetsetname tag must be used
within the object tag, as shown in the following code snippet:

<object type="category" location="Content Server

Categories:Production" name="Example Category" >

<attribute sourcetype="FORM" sourcename="Notes"

targettype="attribute" targetname="category field 3"
targetsetname="category set name" />


System Attribute Mapping

It is also possible to map a Form field to populate the Description box, which
appears on the General tab of a document. This involves defining a new object in the
mapping definition, as shown in the following code snippet:

<object type="system">
<attribute sourcetype="FORM" sourcename="Title"

60 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.5. Seed file generation using Workflow

targettype="attribute" targetname="Description" />


5.5.6 Document Numbering tab: Options

On the Document Numbering tab, Options define how the seed file is handled, and

Item Name
When a seed file is generated, the name of the item that is created can be
composed of text constants and combinations of the following replacement tags:

• <ADN />: The generated number

• <Name />: The full original name of the object
• <SysDate />: The current date
• <Suffix />: The file extension (if present) of the object
• <FilePrefix />: The original name of the object, without the suffix
• <SysNodeID />: The Content Server object ID of the document
• <SysDay />: The numeric day of the month from the system date
• <SysMonth />: The numeric month from the system date
• <SysYear />: The two-digit year from the system date
• <SysFullYear />: The four-digit year from the system date
• <SysHour />: The hour value of the current system clock
• <SysMinute />: The minute value of the current system clock
• <SysDayOfYear />: The day of the year (1-366)

When used in a Workflow, Workflow tags are also available in the Item Name
and Version(s) Name boxes.
Generate Unique Name
During the creation of the item associated with the document being created,
there may already be an item that has the same name. In this case, when this
option is selected, the Item Handler step assigns a _N (where N is the next
available number) to the name of the object to ensure uniqueness.
Move Document
Select the Move Document check box to have the Item Handler step move the
document identified in the Source area to the location identified in the Target
area. If you clear this check box, the Item Handler step copies the document
from the source location to the target location.
Version(s) Name
Similar to the item name, the name of each version that is created can be
composed of the same elements as the Item Name.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 61

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

When the new document is created, the permissions assigned to the object are
inherited from either the Original folder (source) or the Destination folder
(target). In most cases, the permission of the newly created document is assigned
from the destination folder.

5.5.7 Document Numbering tab: Categories

On the Document Numbering tab, when the new document is created, the
Categories that are assigned to the document are inherited from the Original folder
(source), Destination folder (target), or Merged from both the original and
destination folders.

5.5.8 Example: Seed file generation using Workflow

This example creates two Item Handler steps. The first Item Handler moves the seed
file from the source location to the attachment area. The second Item Handler creates
a document based on the file in the Workflow attachment area. This scenario also
includes the update of a Category that contains the document number Attribute

Note: The same Workflow can be used for sheet number, but you must select
Sheet Number Generation type in the ADN ID Attribute.

To add an Item Handler step for seed file generation:

1. Open the Workflow Designer and create a Workflow Map for seed file
generation. For information about how to create a Workflow Map, see OpenText
Content Server - Workflow Maps (LLESWFP-UGD).
2. Add an Item Handler step to the Workflow and name it Create Document.
3. In the Create Document step, select the Form added to the Workflow and click
Add to Workflow Definition.
4. On the Document Numbering tab, click Add, then do the following:

a. In the Source area, select the seed file you want to use to want to create a
b. In the Target area, select the location where you want to store the new
c. In the Number Definition area, select the ADN ID Attribute. If this is
blank, an error occurs when the Workflow is run.
d. In the Category area, select the Category you want to apply to the new


• The Category must be applied to the seed file before you can assign
it to the new document using Workflow.

62 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

5.6. ADN numbers as Workflow Attributes

• The Auto generate number check box must not be selected in the
ADN ID Attribute in this Category. If the Auto generate number
check box is selected, the document number will be generated
automatically and assigned to the seed file.

e. In the Functions area, type the required tags in the Populate Category box.

Note: If the Category has an ADN ID Attribute, the document

number automatically maps to the Category from the Form without
giving any mapping tags.

f. Select the required options in the Options area, and type a naming tag in
the Item Name box.

g. Click Add.

5. Assign the Item Handler step to a user in the General area and save the

Note: The Item Handler Assignee must have Unrestricted Usage

Privileges for Workflow objects. For more information, see “Setting Usage
Privileges for Item Handler step in Workflows for Revision Processes”
on page 64.

6. Open the Form, click Generate Number, and then click Apply. The Workflow is
automatically initiated.

7. Open the Personal Assignments for the assigned user to view the Create
Document step.

8. Review the document number which is available in Forms, and click Send On.
The document is created with a document number in the target location.

5.6 ADN numbers as Workflow Attributes

You can number your Workflows using an ADN ID in the Attributes definition of
the Workflow. You can make a number generated in this way appear in the name of
the Workflow step on the Assignments page by including the following tag in the
name of the desired Workflow steps: <DataType_1_3_WorkflowAttributeName />
where WorkflowAttributeName is the name you have given your ADN ID
Attribute. This differs from the use of the
<DataType_1_4_FormID_WorkflowFormAttributeName /> tag in that you do not
need to provide the AttributeID value for the Attribute as you do for the FormID.

The ADN number generated this way can also be used within the Document
Numbering tab of an Item Handler step to populate an Attribute on a seed file. The
ADN number can also be used to rename the document by selecting the appropriate
Number Definition in the Document Numbering tab.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 63

Chapter 5 Understanding how to use Categories and Workflows to generate document

To number your Workflow using an ADN ID in the Attributes definition of the


1. Open the Workflow Map for edit. For information about how to edit a
Workflow Map, see OpenText Content Server - Workflow Maps (LLESWFP-UGD).

2. Click Attributes on the Map menu, and then add the ADN ID Attribute and all
other Attributes to required to generate the number. If you are using non-
constant values as prefix and suffix elements, OpenText recommends you make
these Attributes required.

3. Select theAuto Generate Number check box to ensure that a number is

generated for every Workflow, otherwise, the number can only be generated
manually from the Attributes tab when the Workflow is initiated.

5.7 Setting Usage Privileges for Item Handler step in

Workflows for Revision Processes
You can use Workflows to automate Document Creation, Revision Request, Revision
Sign In, Revision Cancel, and ADN number generation processes. For information
about how to configure Workflows for these processes, see OpenText Extended ECM
for Engineering - Administration Guide (LLESENG-AGD), OpenText Extended ECM for
Engineering - Administration Guide (LLESENG-AGD), and OpenText Extended ECM for
Engineering - Administration Guide (LLESENG-AGD).

The User or User Group assigned to the Item Handler Workflow step must have
Unrestricted Usage Privileges for the following items:

Table 5-1: Workflow step features that require unrestricted usage privileges

Usage type Usage name

Workflow Data Type Initiate Workflow From Item Replacement
Workflow Task Type Item Handler
Workflow Features Agent Performers
Workflow Features Assign to Workflow Agent

To change Usage Privileges for a user, in the Core System – Feature Configuration
section of the Content Server Administration page, click the Usage and Transaction
Privileges link. For more information about Usage Privileges in Content Server, see
OpenText Content Server Admin Online Help - Content Server Administration

For information about other Usage Privileges related to Revision Request processes,
see OpenText Extended ECM for Engineering - Administration Guide (LLESENG-AGD).

64 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 6

Adding ADN Table Key Lookup and ADN ID


Before you can add an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to a Category, Form
Template, or Workflow, you need to create the database table and populate some
data in the table. After data exists in the table, you can add ADN Table Key Lookup
Attributes to other objects.

6.1 Creating a database table

Use a Form Template to create a table in the database for the ADN Table Key
Lookup Attribute. OpenText recommends that you prefix the name of the table with
ADN_ to help manage the database tables.

To create a database table for use with the ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute:

1. Click Form Template on the Add Item menu.

2. Type the name of the table you want to create in the Name box, for example,
ADN_AREA, then click Add.

3. Click the Functions menu for the new Form Template, then click Edit.

4. Click Text: Field on the Add Attribute menu.

5. Type the name of the Form Template in the Name field, then click OK.

6. Click Text: Field on the Add Attribute menu.

7. Type a value in the Name box, for example, DESC_E, then click OK. This field
holds the description for each value.

8. Click Submit.

9. Click the Functions menu of the Form Template, and choose Manage
Relational Table.

10. Type the name of the Form Template in the SQL Table Name box.

11. Select Create database table using name above in the Create SQL Table list,
then click Submit.

12. Click the Functions menu for the Form Template, then click Make Form.

13. Select None in the Revision Mechanism list.

14. Select SQL Table in the Submission Mechanism list, then click Continue.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 65

Chapter 6 Adding ADN Table Key Lookup and ADN ID Attributes

15. On the Add Form page, type a name for the Form in the Name box, then click

6.2 Adding records to the database table

Add values to the Form to create a record in the database table.

To add values to the database table:

1. Click the Functions menu for the Form, then click Edit.

2. Type the Attribute information in the two fields, then click Apply.

6.3 Adding an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to a

Category, Form Template, or Workflow
You can add an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or
Workflow. For more information about the ADN Table Key Look up Attribute, see
“ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute” on page 17.

To add an ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute:

1. Edit a Category, Form Template, or Workflow where you want to add the new
ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute.

2. Click Text: ADN Table Key Lookup in the Add Attribute list.

3. Type the name of the Attribute in the Name box.

4. Specify settings for the standard Content Server fields defined for all Attribute
types. For more information, see OpenText Content Server - Categories and
Attributes (LLESWAT-UGD).

5. Select a Display List Type. For more information, see “ADN Table Key Lookup
options” on page 24.

6. Select the Manual Entry Allowed check box in the Data Entry Options area to
allow a user to manually type a value not defined in the lookup table.

7. Type the name of the database table in the Table box. This is the name of the
table that was created to support the table lookup information.

8. Type the name of the database field in the Field From Table box. The value is
used in the ADN ID Attribute to determine the next sequential number and to
add to the document number.

9. Type the database field you want to add to the popup dialog in the Additional
Display Field box. This field is used for information only and provides
additional information about each available option. To add additional fields,
click Add.

66 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

6.4. Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow

10. For advance users, select the or from Custom SQL statement check box in
Table row to create your own SQL statement. Type a custom SQL statement in
the SQL box.

11. Click OK.

6.4 Adding an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form

Template, or Workflow
You can add an ADN ID Attribute to a Category, Form Template, or Workflow. For
more information about settings for the ADN ID Attribute, see “ADN ID Attribute”
on page 26.

To add an ADN ID Attribute:

1. Edit a Category, Form Template, or Workflow where you want to add the new
ADN Table Key Lookup Attribute.

2. Click Text: ADN ID on the Add Attribute menu.

3. Type the name of the Attribute in the Name box.

4. Specify settings for the Rows, Order, Show in Search, Required, Length, and
Display Length areas according to your requirements. These are standard
Content Server fields for all Attribute types. For more information, see OpenText
Content Server - Categories and Attributes (LLESWAT-UGD).

5. Optional Specify settings in the Prefix Elements and Suffix Elements boxes based
on how you want to define your document number. Do any of the following:

• Click Add Attribute Lookup, then click an item in the Attribute List box.
Select a separator in the Separator list, then click OK. For information about
supported Attributes, see “Supported Attribute Types for Attribute
Lookups” on page 68.
• Click Add Text Constant, then type a text value in the Constant box. Select a
separator in the Separator list, then click OK. For more information, see
“Text constant” on page 16.
• Click an item in the Prefix Elements or Suffix Elements box, then click
Toggle Prefix Key or click Toggle Suffix Key exclude the item from being
used to determine uniqueness. Confirm that an N appears with the element
in the Prefix Elements or Suffix Elements box.
• Click Add Sheet Number in the Suffix Elements area, then type a number
in the Starting Sequence (Integer or Alpha) box. Select a separator in the
Separator list, then click OK. For more information, see “Sheet number
generation” on page 33.
• Click an item in the Prefix Elements or Suffix Elements box, then click
Move Up or Move Down change the order of the item in the Prefix Element
or Suffix Element.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 67

Chapter 6 Adding ADN Table Key Lookup and ADN ID Attributes

• Click an item in the Prefix Elements or Suffix Elements box, then click
Remove to delete an item from the Prefix Element or Suffix Element.

6. Select a value in the Organizational Units and ADN Type lists to define the
scope of uniqueness for this number sequence. For example, this sequence can
be assigned to the Engineering department. If the same set of prefixes and
suffixes are used for multiple departments or multiple ADN types, you can set a
unique ADN type for each department or type. If different units of your
organization have the same department structure within them, each can be kept
in separate Organizational Units.

7. Select an option in the ADN Creation Option list. For more information about
the different ADN creation options, see “ADN creation option” on page 29.

8. For the remaining fields, specify the appropriate information for your document
number requirements.

9. Click OK.

6.4.1 Supported Attribute Types for Attribute Lookups

When you are adding an ADN ID Attribute in a Category, Form Template, or
Workflow, you can set an Attribute lookup as the Prefix Element or Suffix Element.
The Attribute lookup is an Attribute that has already been defined in your Category,
Form, or Workflow.

ADN supports the following Attribute types:

• Date: Field
• Date: Popup
• Flag: Check box (displays either true or false in the ADN Attribute)
• Integer: Field
• Integer: Popup
• Text: Field
• Text: Popup
• User: Field (displays the user ID in the ADN Attribute)

Note: If an Attribute has values in multiple rows, only the first row of data is
added to the ADN Attribute. All other rows are ignored.

68 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide

6.5. Using ADN ID Attributes with Document Templates

6.5 Using ADN ID Attributes with Document

You can use ADN ID Attributes to rename documents created using the Document
Templates Volume. When the document is created, the ADN ID is assigned to the
document and the document is renamed accordingly.

For information about how to use the Document Templates Volume, see OpenText
Content Server User Online Help - Document Templates Volume (LLESDTV-H-UGD).

To use an ADN ID Attribute with a Document Template:

1. Create a Category and add an ADN Attribute to the Category.

2. On the Add Attribute page, do the following:

a. Clear the Auto Generate Number check box.

b. Type the tag to use to rename the document in the Rename Object box. For
example, <ADN />.

3. Create a Document Template Volume and assign the Category created in Step 1
to it.

Note: On the Metadata tab of the Document Template creation wizard, do

not click Generate Number.

4. Create a document using the Document Template created in Step 3. On the

Metadata tab of the Document creation wizard, click Generate Number. For
information about how to create a document using Document Templates, see
OpenText Content Server User Online Help - Document Templates Volume

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 69

Chapter 7
Unreserving and deleting a document number

If you have the correct permissions, you can unreserve or delete document numbers
that are pending or reserved. This option works for Non-Controlled Documents
only. You cannot delete ADN IDs of Controlled Documents that are associated with
Controlled Revision Tracking.

To unreserve or delete existing ADN numbers:

1. Depending on your permissions, do one of the following:

• In the ADN Administration section of the Content Server Administration

page, click the Un-reserve/Delete ADN Numbers link.
• Click ADN on the Enterprise menu, then click the Un-reserve/Delete ADN
Numbers link.

2. On the Un-reserve/Delete ADN Numbers page, type the maximum number of

results you want to display on the page in the Number of ADNIDs to be
retrieved box.

3. In the Enter Document Number (or partial number) box, do one of the

• To filter the search results, type a document number or part of a document

number, and then click the arrow.
• To view an unfiltered list of search results, click the arrow.

The ADN IDs of document numbers for Non-Controlled Documents display.

4. Select the check box for the ADN ID you want to unreserve or delete, then click

5. Do one of the following:

• Click Un-Reserve.
• Click Delete.

6. Click OK, then click OK again.

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 71

Chapter 8
Transporting ADN attributes and ADN transaction

Using the Transport feature in Content Server, you can move ADN attributes and
ADN transaction data, including the ADN ID and data in the Automatic Document
Numbering database tables, from one installation of Content Server to another
installation. Objects are copied from the source system to the target system.

You do not transport ADN attributes or ADN IDs directly. Instead, you package
Content Server objects that contain ADN information, then you import and deploy
those objects on the target system. For information about how to use the Transport
feature, see OpenText Content Server - Transport (LLESTRP-UGD).

Do the following to transport ADN objects:

• For ADN attributes, use the Transport feature to package, import, and deploy
Categories, Form Templates, and Workflows that contain ADN attributes.
• For ADN transaction data, use the Transport feature to package, import, and
deploy Content Server nodes that have ADN IDs. ADN transactional data can be
transported for non-controlled documents. Automatic Document Numbering
does not support transport of ADN IDs for controlled documents.

Before you transport Content Server objects that contain ADN attributes or ADN
transaction data to a target system, confirm that the ADN Sequence Numbers you
are transporting from the source system are not in use on the target system. For
more information about ADN Sequence Numbers, see “ADN sequence number
definition” on page 37.

Also, confirm that the following objects exist on the target system. If the objects do
not exist, create the objects on the target system.

Organization units
For information about how to create an organization unit, see “Creating an
organization unit” on page 44.
ADN type
For information about how to create an ADN type, see “Defining an ADN type”
on page 44.
Users related to the ADN number must exist on the target system, including the
user who generated the ADN number (the Assign By user) and the user
assigned when the ADN number was generated (the Requested By user). For

OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide 73

Chapter 8 Transporting ADN attributes and ADN transaction data

information about how to create Users, see OpenText Content Server - Users and

74 OpenText Automatic Document Numbering – Installation and Administration Guide


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