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10/8/21, 1:19 PM Endothermic vs Exothermic Assignment

Endothermic vs Exothermic Assignment

29 responses

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What does the Law of Conservation of Energy state?

29 responses

Energy cannot be created, but it

can be destroyed
Energy can be created, but it
cannot be destroyed
89.7% Energy can be created and
10.3% Energy cannot be created nor
destroyed 1/4
10/8/21, 1:19 PM Endothermic vs Exothermic Assignment

What happens the energy stored in bonds when bonds break?

29 responses

It is destroyed
62.1% It can be transferred to other
It can be transformed into
thermal energy
It can be transferred to other
atoms OR it can be transformed
into thermal energy


What type of reaction involves the release of thermal energy?

29 responses

Endothermic reaction
Exothermic reaction
Inward reaction
Outward reaction

10.3% 2/4
10/8/21, 1:19 PM Endothermic vs Exothermic Assignment

Compare the temperature change you would observe during an endothermic

reaction vs. an exothermic reaction.
29 responses

endothermic surrounding gets colder exothermic releases heate

In an endothermic reaction, the heat surrounding the object that is being transferred
is getting colder while an exothermic reaction, the thermal energy stored in the object
is being released, causing the surrounding area to heat up.

when energy is released in an exothermic reaction the temperature of the reaction of

the mixture increases. when energy is absorbed in an endothermic reaction
temperature decreases.

during the exothermic reaction energy releases and the temperature to the surface
may feel warm but in a endothermic reaction the energy absorbs and the surface may
feel cold

endo would get colder, exo would get hotter

the effect of temp changes on a chemical equilibrium will diffrent for a exothermic it
will increase the the temp shift for endo heat is recaction and will shift toward the
d t id 3/4
10/8/21, 1:19 PM Endothermic vs Exothermic Assignment

What type of energy transformation takes place when a reaction produces a

spark of light?
29 responses

kinetic energy


electromagnetic energy

It turns from a chemical energy to a thermal energy.

light energy

thermal energy


Light is created by chemical energy being transformed into thermal light.

electromagnetic energy or kinetic energy of molecules.

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