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Group Number: _________ Members’ Name:__________________________________

Grade Level and Section:______________________ Topic:___________________________________________
Subject:____________________________ Teacher:_________________________________________

1 2 3 4 Rating
There is no sequence in Attempts to follow a Content are clearly Report is presented
reporting, thoughts and sequence but tends to presented in logical logically with
ideas are not clearly jump from one topic to sequence which the sufficient interesting
Organization presented. the other; ideas are class can examples, ideas are
No element in the least clearly presented. immediately follow. organized very
X4 format is presented. Some of the elements in clearly. All elements
the format are Most of the elements in the format are
presented. in the format are presented.
Data/information Attempts to explain but Explains with Can relate theory &
delivered witout simply repeats previous confidence; makes actual experiences
explanation; no statements; examples clarifications to with ease &
concrete or relevant are vague and minimal; support previous confidence;
examples; unable to can respond to basic statements; answers examples are
Subject knowledge
answer questions questions; explanations most questions; appropriate, relevant
and methodology
cited are difficult to internalized one & realistic; topic is
understand. good reference fully internalized ;
material; with answers all
minimal concrete and questions without
relevant examples difficulty; well-
research using 2 or
more sources
No visual aids; no Uses visual aids that Visual aids are Visual aids are
Visual Aids concept maps; with 4 or merely supports the relevant to the topic, attractive and
more spelling and/or topic concept map is used appropriate; they
X2 grammatical errors reinforce and explain
the topic
Reads from notes; no Occasionally Student maintains Eye contact is
eye contact establishes eye contact; eye contact while established from
Eye contact
looks at the audience explaining and giving start to end.
very rarely exmples but goes
back to the notes in
between explanation
Student mumbles and Soft or low voice but Voice is clear and Voice is clear,
mispronounces words; with a few audible to the audible, well-
terms are misused; mispronunciation of majority; most words modulated, with
voice is too soft and words; audience are pronounced correct
Verbal techniques
lacks life; fails to ultimately lost interest correctly; manner of pronunciation;
capture the students’ with the topic. There are delivery captivated delivery has
interest. Uses the some vernacular words 80% of the audience. sustained the
vernacular most of the in the discussion Uses the vernacular audience’ interest.
time. rarely. Uses English
Comes to class 5 Comes to the class 3 Comes to the class 2 Comes to class on
minutes lae; no copy of minutes late; noe copy minutes late; ready time; ready with a
the rubrics; no of the rubrics, no hand- with a copy of the copy of the rubrics;
assessment outs, no facilitation plan rubrics; has has assessment
or missed any of the assessment
rubrics; has assessment
Never manages the Occasionally gives Often times checks Pays close attention
class, audience does attention to the class the class’ attention to the behavior and
not pay attention attention of the class
throughout the entire
duration of the


Credits to Mr. Quileste of School of Education, Xavier University

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