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KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People

who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder


“The Filipino’s Perception of Depression and Anxiety Disorder is Just a Drama”

Philippines suicide rate have been escalating rapidly through the years. Research shows that even
though years have passed by, the Filipino’s still lacking concerns about Depression and Anxiety
Disorder. Depression is a phase, and the only way to cure it is to continue moving. There are a lot of
people nowadays who feel this emptiness and lack of willingness to do anything but are unable to discuss
what they are feeling because it is not something that is easily understood especially in a country like the
Philippines where certain mental disorders are not yet understood. These are some of the reason why
Filipino are still close minded about the issue; The Catholic Church which is one of the biggest
influencers here in the Philippines doesn't accept it and the disgrace that will be brought upon to the

In the Philippines, one in five people suffers from a mental health problem. In a country with a
population of 100 million, there are presently only 700 psychiatrists and a thousand psychiatric nurses.
The statistics are worrisome. But more alarming is the fact that a national mental health law has yet to be
enacted despite the urgings of various advocates. According to the latest numbers from the new
Philippine Health Information System on Mental Health (PHIS-MH), schizophrenia is the top mental
health problem in the Philippines, affecting 42 percent of the study group. Most of them were male. Other
mental health disorders in the list are depression, anxiety disorder, schizoaffective disorder, acute and
transient disorder, and stimulant-related disorder. Between 17 to 20 percent of Filipino adults experience
psychiatric disorders, while 10 to 15 percent of Filipino children, aged 5 to 15, suffer from mental health
problems. According to the National Statistics Office (NSO), mental health illnesses are the third most
common forms of morbidity for Filipinos. Furthermore, a 2010 national census that found 1.4 million
people with identified disabilities showed that mental disability accounts for 14 percent of all disabilities.
In the same NSO study, 88 cases of mental health problems were reported for every 100,000 Filipinos.


KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
In conducting this research, the Researcher will not only gain knowledge about the issue and create a
more suitable environment for the people who suffers from it. Although there are Mental Health Care
Facilities in the country, both public aand private, these are insufficient and poorly linked. Generally,
these facilities are mostly within the National Capital Region, making availability a challenge to those in
remote province. It is made worse by the fact that more than half of these psychiatrists work for profit,

mostly in private practice, depriving many low-income sufferers of medical access and support. In this
research, this is the problem that they want to solve:

“To improve their Depression and Anxiety Disorder by Staying on Support Center”


The Researchers are prepared to design a Support Center that helps the people itself to relieve, relax
their mind and to build up themselves again. This Support Center is thoughtfully design with the purpose
that it will benefit the persons suffering from Depression and Anxiety by making them feel safe,
comfortable and let them believe in themselves that they can be save. This Support Center will be more
attentive to the patients because the President Rodrigo Duterte just approved the Mental Health Law or
Republic Act 11036 that provides PhilHealth coverage for mental health patients’ confinement, check-ups
and medicines, and the opening of units dedicated for them to be attended by health workers.

Mental health includes the emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how a person
think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how people handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.


Architecture can affect one self. Many research shows that urban living has a significant impact on
mental health like those who live in the city is 21% more promising to develop anxiety disorder while
those who grew up in the city are twice to develop schizophrenia to those who grew up in the province or
countryside. Sunlight and darkness can also contribute to this- while being in a well-lit are generally
considered to reduce stress, darkness can provide a sense of value and safety. A professor at the
University of Minnesota, Joan Meyers-Levy, reported that the height of the rooms ceiling affects how
people think. Having higher ceiling encourages people to think freely than the sense of confinement
prompted by the low ceiling. Another study in 2000 by an environmental psychologist Nancy Wells and
her colleagues followed 7 to 12 year-old children before and after the family move. They evaluated the
panoramas from windows in each old and new home. The study found that the kids who witness the
greatest increase in greenness as a result also gains most on standard test of attention. Another
KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
experiment, including college students with views of nature from their dorm rooms and those who
overlooked entirely man-made structures, resulted in a higher measures of mental focus with those views
of nature. A theory by Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan, both psychologist at the University of
Michigan, said that gazing on natural scenes have the result of a restorative effect on the mind. He
said that the task of the modern world can engender mental fatigue, whereas looking out at a natural
setting is easy and can give the mind a much needed rest.

This lead the researchers to study the proper planning on which can help a person who suffers from
mental disorder itself. They think that there can be a structure-with the proper planning of its wall,
ceiling height, natural ventilation, natural lighting and natural greenery or landscape-can assist
someone who will stay in it.

Architectural Programming

Spatial Elements

Staffing Requirements
The require staff that will be needed in this Support Center are; Psychiatrist, Nurses,
and Volunteer; in administration: Admin Personnel, Human Resources, Receptionist, and
Secretary; in security: Chief and Security Guards, in Sanitary and Maintenance; Electrician,
Plumber, and Janitors; and last are House Keepers.

Administration Building

Offices/Areas Position/Staff No.of Staff

Lobby Receptionist 1
Security Guard 1
Personnel Administration Recorder 1
Division Human Resources 1
Staff 3
Logistic Management Inventory Manager 1
KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
Division Warehouse Manager 1
Staff 3
General Service Division Transport and Security 1
Building and Grounds 1
Contract Manager 1
Utility Manager 1
Staff 3
Administrative Unit Staff 3
Supervisor’s Office Supervisor 1
Secretary 1
Office of the Director Director 1
Secretary 1
Staff 1
Utility Room Utility Worker 1

Treatment/ Support Center

Offices/Areas Position/Staff No. Of Staff

Lobby Receptionist 1
Security Guard 1
Kitchen and Dining Hall Head Cook 1
Cook 4
Dishwasher 2
Staff 2
Family Hall Receptionist 1
Family Guestroom Housekeeper 5
Patients Room Housekeeper 5
Dietician/ Nutritionist Dietician/Nutritionist 1
Nurses Office Head Nurse 1
Nurse 9
KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
Psychiatrists Office Psychiatrist 5
Office of Chief Head Psychiatrist 1
Psychiatrist Secretary 1
Utility Room Utility Worker 1

Security Building
Offices/Areas Position/Staff No. Of Staff
Chief of Security Office Chief Security 1
Secretary 1
Control Room Head Security Officer 1
Staff 2
CCTV Monitoring Room Head Security Officer 1
Staff 2
Utility Room 1 1


Offices/Areas Position/Staff No. Of Staff

Electrical Room Electrician 2
Maintenance Room Worker 2
Gen. Room Worker 2
Janitors Room Janitors 5
Garden Gardener 2
Guard House Security Officer 2

Space Identification
The spaces that will create this Support Center are; The Administration Offices:
Office of the Director, Administrative Unit, General Service Division, Logistic Management
Division and Personnel Administration Division; The Support Center; Office of Chief
Psychiatrist, Offices of Psychiatric and Nurses, Conference Room, Lounge, Lobby, Rooms,
Family Guestroom, Family Hall, Kitchen, Dining Hall and Garden; In Security are Guard
KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
Houses; The Sanitary and Maintenance; Electrical Room, Maintenance Room and Janitors
Closet, Lounge and House keepers Lounge,and Storage rooms.

5.1.3 Qualitative Analysis

The spaces that will be needed for planning the Support Center must follow this
1. Ceiling height must be 4m in height. This can help the patients to feel free.
2. Colors of the walls should be in either, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. This
colors can help the patients on its own. Red can help alleviate depression, Orange radiates
warm and associated with joy and happiness, Yellow can stimulate intelligent and detoxify
the body and mind, Green encourages comfort and equilibrium, Blue can relax the mind and
body, and Purple is linked with perception, higher consciousness and insight.
3. Ample amount of sunlight for the rooms. For warmth and can promote patients better care.
4. Sound proofing on walls for privacy.
5. Garden with pavements and benches. Trees surrounding the facilities for scenery and
relaxation of the mind.
6. Natural Ventilation can provide the comfort they need.

Quantitative Analysis
The researcher do believe, that the interior environment play a major role in
affecting one’s health. The facility is programmed to be a support center for those with
mental health illness especially depression and anxiety disorder. Five parameters were
developed and acts as a guide in creating the spaces. The result will be a Support Center
with Interior and Exterior environment that would aid in the patients and the lasting
affects of it on the same groups as them.

Parameter 1 Spatial Triad: group, therapeutic and solitude spaces

a) Group
Family Room
Dining Hall
KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder

b) Therapeutic
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Recreational Therapy

c) Solitude Spaces

Parameter 2 Facilities

i. Psychiatrist Offices
ii. Administration
iii. Family Guestroom
iv. Nurse Station
v. Examination Room
vi. Restrooms
vii. Swimming Pool
viii. Art Studio

Parameter 3 Connection between Interior and Exterior

i. Access point to outside

KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
ii. Openings for airflow
iii. Views to exterior

Parameter 4 Natural Light

i. Natural lights for each rooms

ii. Indoor courtyard
Parameter 5 Sensory qualities: acoustic and privacy; space and scent; shape and touch; skeleton
and muscle

i. textiles/materials
ii. sound proofed rooms
iii. fresh airflow

Demographic Data of Expected Users
Mental Illness Population Growth Rate
Depression 3.29 Million 18.4%
Anxiety 3.07 Million 18.01%

Table 1 shows thatiIn whole Nation the depression and anxiety is rising up in the
Philippines, so as its suicide rates. Around 3.3 million of Filipinos are suffering depressive
disorder, and 3.07 million are suffering from anxiety.
Table 2: Suicide rates due to depression and anxiety
KaliBay: A Proposed Support Center for People
who Suffers Depressions and Anxiety Disorder
Series 1
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Table. 2 shows each rate of suicide cause of anxiety to each people. Around 11.6 % is the
suicide rate teen around (10-14), young teens suicide rate is 40% (around 15-29 years of age),
26.12 % of suicide rates for adults (around 30-59 years of age) , elderly suicide rate is 12%-
22% (60 years of age and above)

Table 3: Rates of Men and Women suicide rate due to depression

Mental illness Men Women
Depression 2.5% per 100,000 of Filipino 1.7% per 100,000 per Filipino
population population

Table 3 shows the suicide rate of different gender suffering from depression, this shows that men
have a high rate in terms of suicide that women.
Table 4. Ratio of Men and Women suffering from Anxiety Disorder
Mental Illness Men Women
Anxiety 1:1.7 1:1.79

Table 4 Shows that women are likely to suffer Anxiety Disorder than men.

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