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Movements and 

Mechanics of Mandible
Occlusion Concepts and Laws 8
of Articulation

Yasemin K. Ozkan

8.1 Movements and Mechanics The axis is a straight line around which an object rotates.
of Mandible Occlusion Concepts Thus, a rotation is a form of movement, which takes places
and Laws of Articulation around an axis. In the chewing system, rotation occurs
around an axis passing between the condyles or through a
8.1.1 The Mechanics of Jaw Movements fixed point on which the mouth opens and closes. Rotational
movements can take place on any of the three planes (hori-
As clinicians we must understand mandibular movements in zontal, vertical, and sagittal). On any given plane, the rota-
relation to the maxillae and be able to record and transfer tion will take place around a single point, which is referred to
mandibular movements to an articulator during complete as the axis.
denture fabrication because complete dentures must be fabri-
cated extraorally on an articulator. Also we must understand
that factors regulate and control mandibular movement (such
as the teeth, the muscles, the temporomandibular joints Vertical
(TMJ), and their supporting structures).
The movements of humans are defined in three dimen-
sions using a series of planes and axes. Three basic planes
pass through the human body: Saggital

1. The Sagittal Plane: Sagittal plane extends vertically sepa-

rating the body into two as the left and right parts. Horizontal
2. The Frontal (Vertical) Plane: Frontal plane extends verti-
cally, separating the body into two as the anterior and pos-
terior parts.
3. The Transversal (Horizontal) Plane: A plane that extends
horizontally, separating the body into two parts as the
superior and inferior parts (Figs. 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3a).

The mandible can move across several planes. On these

planes, the mandible can move upward and downward (fron-
tal plane), sideways (horizontal plane), and forward and
backward (sagittal plane). Fig. 8.1 Vertical, sagittal, and horizontal planes on the condyles

Y. K. Ozkan (*)
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics,
Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 293

Y. K. Özkan (ed.), Complete Denture Prosthodontics,
294 Y. K. Ozkan

Vertical axis

Frontal plane

horizontal Sagital
axis horizontal axis

Fig. 8.2 Horizontal, sagittal, and frontal planes in the body

a b Z
Vertical axis

Horizontal Saggital axis
Horizontal axis

Fig. 8.3 (a, b) Axis and movement paths of mandibular movements

8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 295

There are three axes of rotation: horizontal, frontal (verti- the axis passing between the condyles during the opening
cal), and sagittal (Fig. 8.3b): and closing of the mouth. Contact between the teeth can also
take place without any positional change in the condyles.
1. Horizontal Axis Rotation around the temporomandibular joint occurs within
The mandible performs an opening motion around the the lower joint space. The movement between the upper sur-
horizontal axis (like the movement around a hinge). face of the condyle and the lower surface of the temporo-
2. Vertical Axis mandibular joint disc is a rotational movement (Fig. 8.5a, b).
The movement of the mandible around the vertical axis
occurs during lateral movements. Frontal (Vertical) Axis
3. Sagittal Axis Frontal axis movement occurs when a condyle moves from
When one of the sides of the mandible moves downward its terminal hinge position toward the anterior, while the
during lateral jaw movements, the mandible will perform other condyle remains at its terminal hinge axis (Fig. 8.6a).
a rotational movement around the sagittal axis (Fig. 8.3b). The inclination of the articular eminence determines the
frontal axis inclination of the condyle performing the orbital Movement and Function Planes movement. This type of isolated movement does not occur
There is a tendency to describe a movement based on the naturally.
plane on which it takes place (Table 8.1). For example, walk-
ing is a sagittal plane movement. Such definitions allow the Sagittal Axis
direction of movement to be described. Regarding joints, Sagittal axis movement involves the inferior movement of a
movements may occur not only on the sagittal plane but also condyle, while the joint is at a terminal hinge axis (Fig. 8.6b).
across several planes. For example, when walking, the hip The ligaments and muscles prevent the joint from moving
performs flexion/extension across the sagittal plane, adduc- downward. Such movement does not occur naturally; how-
tion/abduction across the frontal plane, and internal/external ever, it is observed together with the downward and forward
rotation across the transversal plane. The same concept is movement of the condyle.
valid for all subarticulations. These three components of
simultaneous movement are perceived as a single movement. Horizontal Axis
The dominant planes, movements, and axes associated with The opening and closing of the jaw involves mandibular
general movements are shown in Fig. 8.4a–c and Table 8.1. movement around the horizontal axis (Fig. 8.6c). This open-
ing and closing movement of the mandible around the hori-
zontal axis is also called the hinge movement, while the axis
8.1.2 Types of Mandibular Movement is also called the hinge axis. This rotation is on average 12°,
ranging between 10 and 13°, or between 18 and 25 mm inci- Rotation Movement sal opening (Fig. 8.7a–d). The hinge axis model allows higher
Rotation is the movement around an axis. The rotation is the vertical dimensions to be used on the articulator and the pan-
revolving movement of a body around its own axis tograph to be directed according to the horizontal plane.
(Table 8.2). In the chewing system, rotation occurs around
Transversal Hinge Axis
The transversal hinge axis is an imagined line around which
Table 8.1 Movements occurring around planes and axis the mandible can rotate through the sagittal plane. This line
Plane Movement Axis Example passes horizontally through the rotation centers of the right
Sagittal Flexion/extension Frontal Walking and left condyles, at the positions where they are the most
Crouching retracted in the glenoid fossa and the least tense that at the
Pressure over
distal location (Fig.  8.7c, d). To determine the transversal
Frontal Abduction Sagittal Raising arm hinge axis of the mandible, the relationship between the
laterally upper model and the rotation axis of the articulator must be
Lateral flexion Leaning laterally the same as the relationship between the maxilla and the
Inversion/eversion skull base. Otherwise, the border movement of the articula-
Transversal Internal rotation/external Vertical Throwing tor will not be the same as the movement of the mouth, which
Horizontal flexion/ Baseball rotation
will result in different closing arcs for the articulator and the
extension patient’s mouth and consequently in occlusal incompatibility
Supination/pronation Golf rotation in the patient’s mouth (Fig. 8.8).
296 Y. K. Ozkan

a b

Fig. 8.4 (a–c) Dominant planes, movements, and axis in body movements. (a) Movements around frontal axis in the sagittal plane, (b) move-
ments around sagittal axis in the frontal plane, and (c) movements around vertical axis in the horizontal plane
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 297

The vertical axis of the rotation could be better observed perform a purely rotational movement (Figs. 8.10 and 8.11a).
when the combined rotation is evaluated. During rotation, This movement is also known as the terminal hinge move-
the condyle performing the orbital movement slides down- ment. The axis on which this movement takes places is also
ward from the inclination of the condylar eminence. On the called the hinge axis. The hinge axis is an imaginary line that
other hand, the medial pole of the side performing the rota- passes through the axis on which the mandible performs an
tion will slide downward over a shorter distance. When the approximately 25  mm vertical hinge movement or a rota-
condyles move, the condyle of the working side cannot per- tional movement (Fig.  8.12a). The hinge movement is the
form a purely vertical rotation without also performing a only purely rotational movement performed by the mandi-
sagittal rotation (Fig. 8.9). ble. In movements other than the hinge movement, there will
The rotational movement of the mandible on the horizon- also be translational movement on the rotational axis. The
tal, sagittal, and vertical axes is evaluated in detail below. hinge movement could be repeated, and the patient can eas-
ily find the stable occlusal contacts. Although rotational
Rotational Movement Around the Horizontal Axis movements are easy to perform, they are not commonly used
The movement of mandible around the horizontal axis during the normal function.
involves the opening and closing movements (Fig. 8.7c). At
the uppermost position in the articular fossa, the condyles Rotation Around the Anteroposterior or Sagittal Axis
The anteroposterior/sagittal axis is an imaginary line passing
through the midsagittal plane. The mandible performs a
Table 8.2 The planes where the rotational movements of the mandible slight rotation around this axis. During this movement, one
are observed
of the condyles moves both downward and medially, while
Rotational movements of the mandible the condyle on the other side moves both upward and later-
Plane Movement axis Notes ally (i.e., lateral movement). During the lateral movement of
Sagittal Horizontal, The only rotational movement
plane terminal, and which can be examined 20–25 mm
the mandible, the downward movement of one side will
transversal hinge clinically takes place in the inferior cause the mandible to rotate around the sagittal axis
axis (all are the joint compartment (Fig. 8.12b).
same) Rotation in the sagittal direction occurs through the dislo-
Horizontal Vertical (frontal During lateral excursion the cation and inferior movement of the condyle on one of the
plane axis) condyle of the balancing side
moves medially and forward sides, while the other condyle remains in a terminal hinge
around the frontal axis in the position. As the ligaments and muscles of the temporoman-
horizontal plane dibular joint do not permit the downward dislocation of the
Frontal Sagittal axis Occurs during lateral excursion condyle, this movement generally does not occur as a pure
plane The condyle of the balancing side
movement and may therefore occur together with the other
moves inferiorly around the sagittal
axis in the frontal plane movements of the joint.

a b

Fig. 8.5 (a, b) Rotational movement occurring between the upper surface of the condyle and the lower surface of the temporomandibular
joint disc
298 Y. K. Ozkan

a b c

Fig. 8.6 (a) Frontal (vertical) rotation axis. (b) Sagittal rotation axis. (c) Horizontal rotation axis



a b

x x y -y

y -y x x

z z

z z

c d

Fig. 8.7 (a–d) Hinge axis. x, sagittal hinge axis; y, horizontal hinge axis; z, vertical hinge axis
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 299

Hinge axis of patient

and articulator

closure arch

Fig. 8.8 The relationship between the upper model and the rotation
axis of the articulator must be the same as the relationship between the
maxilla and the skull base
Fig. 8.9 The condyle of the working side cannot perform a purely ver-
tical rotation without a sagittal rotation

Rotation Around the Vertical Axis 1. The Opening and Closing Movement of the Mandible
If the patient orients or moves his/her mandible toward the The Opening Axis
right side, the vertical axis of the rotation will pass through The transversal horizontal axis is the imagined line
the right condyle. During lateral movement, the mandible joining the two condyles around which the mandible
performs mandibular movements around the vertical axis rotates across the sagittal plane. The first few millime-
(Fig. 8.12c). Rotation in the vertical direction occurs through ters of this movement are defined as hinge
the dislocation from the terminal hinge position and the ante- movements.
rior movement of the condyle on one of the sides, while the 2. Forward Movement of the Mandible
other condyle remains in a terminal hinge position. Depending Protrusion of the Mandible
on the angle of the articular eminence in which the condyle is The condyles will move downward and forward together
moving in the anterior direction; there may be a shift in the with the articular disc from the glenoid fossa and the
vertical rotation axis of the condyle on the opposite side. This articular eminence (Fig. 8.14). The path followed by the
type of rotation does not occur naturally. condyles during the protrusive movement is called the
sagittal condylar path (Fig. 8.15). Translation Movement Sagittal Condylar Angle
Translation movement occurs when the mandible moves for- The sagittal condylar path forms an angle with the
ward. The teeth, condyle, and ramus move in the same direc- horizontal plane. This angle varies between 30 and 40°
tion and to the same extent. It occurs in the upper cavity of (Fig. 8.16).
the joint (Figs. 8.11b and 8.13). The translation movement When the mandible moves forward toward the edge-
occurs along the articular eminence across the sagittal plane to-edge position, a form can be seen between the distal
or along the lateral inclination of the mandibular fossa across arcs and the wax rims on the distal side. This gap is known
the coronal plane (Table 8.3). as the Christensen phenomenon.
300 Y. K. Ozkan

fossa Articular Articular
disc eminence



a b

Figs. 8.10 and 8.11 (a) Centric relation position in the temporomandibular joint. (b) The movement of the temporomandibular joint

a b c

Fig. 8.12 (a) The hinge axis is an imaginary line on which the man- mandible to rotate around the sagittal axis on the other side. (c) During
dible performs a rotational movement. (b) During the lateral movement lateral movements, the mandible performs mandibular movements
of the mandible, the downward movement of one side will cause the around the vertical axis
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 301




Fig. 8.14 The reflections of the mandibular movements over the teeth

Fig. 8.13 Mandibular translation movement

Table 8.3 Translation movements of the mandible

Translational movements of the mandible
Direction of the
Movement movement Notes
Opening/ Downward First 20–25 mm pure
closure rotation
Forward Translation occurs in
>25 mm
Forward Downward Both condyles move
movement downward on the posterior
inclinations of articular
Forward The inclination of the
articular eminence is
variable; it is measured as
the condylar angle
Lateral Rotation in the working Downward, forward, and
movement side condyle medial movement in the
The lateral translation balancing side condyle
of the mandibular forms
the Bennett movement
Fig. 8.15 Mandibular protrusion

3. Backward Movement of the Mandible 4. The Sideways Movement of the Mandible

Mandibular retrusion results in the rearmost positioning The lateral dislocation or bodily movement of the mandible
of the mandible, which is a tense position. This position during its lateral movements is known as the Bennett move-
can be achieved as follows: ment (Fig. 8.17). Protrusive movements are used for grasp-
(a) The active and conscious contraction of the retractor ing and cutting food. Lateral movements are used to cut
muscles (the posterior fibers of the temporal muscle) fibrous and other types of larger foods into smaller pieces.
(b) The passive application of pressure to the symphysis region The combinations of these different types of movements
by the dentist while the patient is in a fully resting position are effective in tearing and cutting food into smaller pieces.
302 Y. K. Ozkan

Fig. 8.16 The sagittal condylar path and angle

Fig. 8.18 Incisal path and angle

1. Centric Relation
The CR is the mandible position in which the condyles are
situated in the uppermost and foremost positions within the
articular fossa on the posterior inclinations of the articular
eminences when an articular disc is present between them
(Fig. 8.19). When the mandible is in centric position, the
condyles can make the rotation around horizontal axis until
a 20–25 mm gap is present between central incisors. If the
opening of the mandible exceeds 20–25 mm, the transla-
tion will occur on the mandible. This pure rotational move-
ment is referred to as a hinge movement, while its axis is
referred to as a hinge axis (Fig. 8.20a, b).
2. Maximum Intercuspal Position (MIP) or Maximum
w Intercuspation (MIC)
b The MIP or MIC refers to the position in which the maxil-
lary and mandibular teeth have the maximum surface
Fig. 8.17 Working and balancing sides during the lateral movements contact with one another. On the sagittal plane, the man-
of the mandible
dible is elevated as superior as possible. This position is
Incisal Path determined by the teeth and does not provide information
The incisal path refers to the path in which the incisal edges about the temporomandibular joint. In many people, the
of the lower incisors follow the palatal surfaces of the upper maximum intercuspal position does not coincide with the
incisors up to the edge-to-edge position (Fig. 8.18). centric relation. In maximum intercuspation, the condyle-
disc junction is situated toward anterior and inferior or
medial and lateral positions (or a combination of these)
8.1.3 Reference Positions
relative to their position in the centric relation. Generally,
the condyle-disc junction is placed in the anterior and
Reference positions are usually described as:
inferior. Clinically, if the patient’s need for restoration is
minimal (e.g., in cases of amalgam, composite restora-
1. Centric relation
tion, single crown, and short bridges), this is the position
2. Maximum intercuspal position
in which the restoration should be performed.
3. Postural position—resting position
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 303

3. Postural Position (PP) the teeth are not in contact with one another, with a
This is the habitual position of the mandible while the wedge-like shape between the teeth. This wedge-shaped
patient is in an upright and resting position, as well as a space between the teeth is called the interocclusal space
non-tense and neutral position in the glenoid fossa. In and is generally 2–3  mm between the incisors, 2  mm
this position, there is a balance between the forces act- between the premolars, and 1 mm between the molars.
ing on the mandible. In PP, the muscles are not in a fully There is a 1:3 ratio from the anterior to the posterior
relaxed position. There is a certain level of electromyo- (Fig. 8.21).
graphic activity. This position is determined by muscles Clinically, this position is used to determine the occlusal
and gravity. It is not informative about either the con- vertical dimension in patients who are edentulous or with
dyles or the teeth. Compared with their CR position, the severe wear. The occlusal vertical dimension refers to the
condyles are generally positioned toward anterior and distance between two points when the occluding mem-
inferior. This position could be continued and represents bers are in contact. In the resting position, the vertical
a comfortable position for the patient. In this position, dimension is 2–3  mm greater than the occlusal vertical

8.1.4 Border Movements of the Mandible

The movements of the mandible are limited by ligaments,

the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint, and the
morphology and arrangement of the teeth. Nevertheless, the
outer limits of movements can be repeated and are referred to
as border movements. Functional movements occur within
the limits of border movements. They occur during the func-
tional activity of the mandible. They begin and end with
maximum intercuspation. Border movements of the mandi-
ble can be classified as:

1. Border and functional movements on the sagittal plane

2. Border and functional movements in the horizontal plane
Fig. 8.19 The position of the condyle and the disc in centric relation 3. Border and functional movements in the frontal plane

a b

Fig. 8.20 (a) Hinge movement. (b) Rotation and translation movement
304 Y. K. Ozkan

Table 8.4 Border and functional movements in the sagittal plane

PHYSIOLOGICAL REST Border and functional movements in the sagittal plane
Movement Action Notes
Posterior Rotation Translation is the function of
opening Downward and the temporomandibular
border forward translation ligament
Anterior From maximum When the capsular and the
opening opening to maximum temporomandibular
border protrusion ligaments prevent forward
movement movement, it is maximum
2-3 mm opening
Maximum protrusion is
determined by the
stylomandibular ligament.
Condyles are in the most
anterior position
Superior 1. Centric relation 1. Superior anterior sliding
contact (CR) → maximum to MIP
border intercuspal position
Fig. 8.21 Physiological resting position movement (MIP)
2. MIP → edge to 2. Directed by the lingual
edge surfaces of the maxillary
3. Sliding with the anterior teeth Border and Functional Movements incisal edge
on the Sagittal Plane 4. Sliding down on
the mandibular
The components of movement are shown in Table 8.4. They lingual surface
are classified as: 5. → Maximum 3. Horizontal sliding along
protrusion (PP). the width
• Posterior opening border movements PP → MIP 4. Directed by the lingual
• Anterior opening border movements (2–3 mm) surfaces of the mandibular
• Superior contact border movements anterior teeth
• Functional movements 5. Directed by the posterior
Functional From MIP to the Falls downward and forward
Posterior Opening Border Movement movements desired opening Return way is more straight
During the opening of the mouth, the condyles move for- position and then and slightly in posterior
ward and downward from the articular eminence. The maxi- again to MIP
mum opening is achieved when the capsular elements
prevent further movement (Fig. 8.22a, b). position, which is determined by the lingual surfaces of the
Anterior Opening Border Movement maxillary anterior teeth. The path has an inferior inclination.
The anterior opening border movement encompasses the This path moves horizontally on the edge-to-edge position as
movement from the maximum opening to the maximum pro- the incisal edge width amount. The forward movement of the
trusion. Maximum protrusion is partially determined by the mandible while the anterior teeth are in contact with one
stylomandibular ligament. The condyles are in their fore- another will result in an upward movement guided by the
most position (Fig. 8.22c). lingual surfaces of the mandibular anterior teeth. Until the
Superior Contact Border Movement mandible reaches maximum protrusion, the continuing for-
The first contact occurs between the mesial inclination of ward movement of the mandible will be guided by the poste-
the maxillary teeth and the distal inclination of the mandibu- rior teeth (Fig. 8.23a–h).
lar teeth. The mandible will then move toward the superior Functional Movements
and anterior until maximum intercuspation is achieved. In Chewing begins at maximum intercuspation and contin-
addition, this sliding motion can also have a lateral compo- ues with downward and forward movement until the desired
nent. In 90% of the population, the distance between the CR level of the opening is reached. Through a straighter path, the
and MIC is 1.25  ±  1  mm. The mandible moves from the path turns slightly toward the posterior. This formation is
maximum intercuspal position toward the edge-to-edge called the Posselt diagram (Fig. 8.24).
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 305

a b

1 1

Fig. 8.22 (a, b) Posterior opening boundary movement. (c) Anterior opening boundary movement Border and Functional Movements performs a rotational movement. The right condyle is called
in the Horizontal Plane as the orbiting or the non-working side that performs orbital
The border and functional movements in the horizontal plane movement and does not work (Fig. 8.26a).
form a rhomboid-shaped diagram (Fig. 8.25). There are four Left Lateral Border Movement with Protrusion
components of movement (Table 8.5): Pterygoid begins to contract from the left lateral to the left
inferior (right contracted) and causes the left condyle to
• Left lateral border movement move toward the anterior and right for maximum protrusion
• Left lateral border movement with protrusion (Fig. 8.26b).
• Right lateral border movement Right Lateral Border Movement
• Right lateral border movement with the protrusion and Right lateral border movement is the exact opposite of left
functional movements lateral border movement (Fig. 8.26c).
Right Lateral Border Movement with Protrusion
Left Lateral Border Movement Right lateral border movement with protrusion is the
The contraction of the right inferior lateral pterygoid exact opposite of the left lateral boundary movement, with
causes the movement of the right condyle toward the anterior the addition of protrusion (Fig. 8.26d).
and medially. The left interior lateral pterygoid remains in Functional movements occur in proximity of maximum
relaxed position. The left condyle is the working side that intercuspation. The external border of the movement is
306 Y. K. Ozkan

a b



g h



Fig. 8.23 (a–h) The path of incisors from maximum intercuspidation to maximum protrusion
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 307


3 1


4 2

Fig. 8.25 The rhomboid-shaped diagram formed as a result of the

boundary and functional movements in the horizontal plane

Border and functional movements consist of four move-

Fig. 8.24 Posselt diagram ment components (Table 8.6):

• Left lateral superior border movement

Table 8.5 Border and functional movements in the horizontal plane
• Left lateral opening border movement
Border and functional movements in the horizontal plane • Right lateral superior border movement
Movement Action Notes
• Right lateral opening border and functional
Left lateral Right condyle Depending on the
border moves anteriorly contraction of the right
movement and medially inferior lateral pterygoid, left
Left condyle makes is called working side, and Left Lateral Superior Border Movements
rotation right is called balancing side The mandible moves from maximum intercuspation to
Left lateral Left condyle moves When right is still the left side. The path is primarily determined by the mor-
border anteriorly and contracted, it is formed
movement with medially through depending on the contraction
phology and interarch relationship of the teeth. The maxi-
protrusion the maximum of left inferior lateral mum of the lateral border movement is determined by the
opening pterygoid ligaments of the condyle performing the rotation (Fig. 8.31a).
Right lateral Reverse of left Reverse of left lateral border Left Lateral Opening Border Movements
border lateral border movement
Left lateral opening border movements allow a lateral
movement movement
Right lateral Reverse of left Reverse of left lateral border convex path. As it approaches maximum opening, the liga-
border lateral border movement with protrusion ments will contract and cause medial shifting (Fig. 8.31b).
movement with movement with Right Lateral Superior Border Movements
protrusion protrusion Right lateral superior border movements involve move-
Functional Occur around MIP
ments similar to the left lateral superior boundary move-
During the early stages of
mastication, outer border of ments (Fig. 8.31c).
the movement is larger Right Lateral Opening Border Movements
During the late stages of Right lateral opening border movements involve move-
mastication, outer border of ments similar to the left lateral opening boundary move-
the movement is smaller
ments (Figs. 8.31d and 8.32). The Movement Envelope

broader during the early stages of chewing. The external bor- The movement envelope is a three-dimensional shape. It
der of the movement is smaller during the late stages of forms the combination of all border movements within the
chewing (Figs. 8.27, 8.28, and 8.29). three planes. Although the envelope changes from person to
person, it always possesses the same characteristic shape Border and Functional Movements (Fig. 8.33 and Table 8.7). The upper surface of the envelope
in the Frontal Plane is determined by the contact points of the teeth. The other
The border and functional movements in the frontal plane limits are determined by the temporomandibular joint anat-
form a shield-like pattern (Fig. 8.30). omy and ligaments. The features and aspects that have been
308 Y. K. Ozkan

3 1

4 2

3 1

a 4 2 b

c d

Fig. 8.26 (a) Left lateral border movement in the horizontal plane. (b) Left lateral border movement with protrusion in the horizontal plane. (c)
Right lateral border movement in the horizontal plane. (d) Right lateral border movement with protrusion in the horizontal plane




Fig. 8.27 Functional movements in the horizontal plane

Fig. 8.28 The external border of the movement is broader during the
early stages of chewing
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 309

Table 8.6 Border and functional movements in the frontal plane

Border and functional movements in the frontal plane
Movement Action Notes
Left lateral From MIP to Determined by the morphology
superior border the left and the interarch relationship of
movement the teeth. Maximum is determined
by the ligaments of the rotating
Left lateral Lateral Coming closer to the minimum
opening border convex path opening, ligaments tighten and
movement medial sliding occur
Right lateral Similar to the Similar to the left lateral superior
superior border left lateral border
movement superior
Right lateral Similar to the Similar to the right lateral superior
opening border right lateral border
movement superior
Functional border Occur around MIP
movements Inside the outer border of border

Fig. 8.29 The external border of the movement is smaller during the requirements: comfort, function, and esthetic appearance.
later stages of chewing
While occlusion represents a static relationship between
opposing teeth, articulation represents a dynamic relation-
ICP ship. Occlusion is an important factor that affects the den-
3 1 ture stability and retention. In all departments of dentistry,
occlusion is defined as the most important, as well as the
most confusing, concept of dentistry. To understand the con-
cept of occlusion, it is necessary to have knowledge about
the mechanics, mathematics, and geometry of jaw move-
ments. Important differences between natural and artificial
teeth are reported below:
Natural Teeth
4 2
• Function independently from one another and are subject
to occlusal loads.
• Proprioceptive stimuli from the periodontium prevent
early occlusal contacts.
• Malocclusion may not lead to problems for years.
• Vertical forces are well tolerated.
Fig. 8.30 A shield-like pattern is formed by the border and functional
movements in the frontal plane • Bilateral balance is not required.
• The second molar is required for chewing.
described until now are associated with the movements
observed in individuals with natural teeth, as well as the fac- Artificial Teeth
tors that act upon these movements. The following sections
cover the different movements and effects observed in eden- • Move as a group and occlusal forces are not handled one
tulous individuals. by one.
• There is no feedback mechanism and the denture is in
CR. Any early contact may dislocate the denture base.
8.1.5 Occlusion in Complete Dentures • Malocclusion brings about immediate problems.
• Non-vertical forces may harm the supporting tissues.
Any contact between the cutting and chewing surfaces of • Bilateral balance is required.
the maxillary and mandibular teeth is defined as occlusion. • Excessive forces on the second molar will cause the den-
Complete dentures must satisfy the following three basic ture base to bend.
310 Y. K. Ozkan

a b b

c d

Fig. 8.31 (a) Left lateral superior border movement in the frontal plane. (b) Left lateral opening border movement in the frontal plane. (c) Right
lateral superior border movement in the frontal plane. (d) Right lateral opening border movement in the frontal plane




Fig. 8.33 The combination of all border movements within the three
Fig. 8.32 Functional movements in the frontal plane
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 311

Table 8.7 Envelope movements on the planes

Envelope movements on the planes
Sagittal plane
Superior contact





Horizontal plane



Frontal plane

312 Y. K. Ozkan

Table 8.7 (continued)

Envelope movements on the planes
3 Planes together

a b

Fig. 8.34 (a, b) The appearance of resorbed ridges

To understand occlusion, first, it is necessary to under- 4. Centric Occlusal Relation: The position in which the
stand the movements and mechanics of the mandible. jaws are in centric relation, while the teeth or occlusal
Fundamentally, the positions of the mandible could be exam- surfaces are in CO.
ined in four groups. In cases where artificial teeth are used instead of natural
teeth, the functions of the artificial teeth must be compat-
1. Resting Position (Postural Position and Resting Relation): ible with the jaw, joints, and muscles. When the teeth are
The position in which the muscles opening and closing lost, their surrounding bones are resorbed, being replaced
the jaw are in balance and in which the condyles are in a with an alveolar bone of different shape and size that is
neutral and non-tense state. surrounded by a mucosa of varying quality and thickness
2. CO (Intercuspal Position): The position in which the (Fig. 8.34a, b). When a denture is placed on such a struc-
opposing occlusal surfaces are in maximum contact. ture, it will remain static only when the jaw is also static;
3. CR (Rear Position): The rearmost position of the mandi- in other words, the denture will tend to move during func-
ble relative to the maxilla. tion. One of the main goals in the preparation of complete
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 313

dentures is reducing such movement to the minimum and be balanced. The positioning of the denture base and artifi-
allowing the patient to optimally control the denture. In cial teeth in an ideal manner will prevent any movements
cases in which the teeth are in contact on only one side or that may cause damage. As previously demonstrated, while
in cases only some of the teeth are in contact (as the case the total duration of which the teeth remain occluded during
with only the canines are in contact during lateral move- chewing is approximatively 10 min over a period of 24 h,
ment of natural dentition), the denture will display tipping the total duration of occlusions which occur for reasons
movement, which is very difficult, or even impossible, for other than chewing is approximatively 2–4 h. If these con-
the patient to control (Figs. 8.35 and 8.36a). tacts unrelated to chewing are not stable, the dentures will
Previous studies on occlusion have determined that CO— move and become more difficult for the patient to control.
the position in which all of the teeth are in contact—is the These movements will eventually cause trauma to the bone
most commonly observed position during chewing, as well and mucosa underlying the denture. According to the “bolus
as the position with the greatest chewing strength. Teeth con- in, balance out” definition, which was introduced in the
tact that occurs during swallowing is similar to the contacts mid-1960s, the movement will occur in dentures regardless
that occur during chewing; in other words, lateral move- of the occlusal plane being used. This approach maintains
ments are always followed by CO. that balancing occlusions, which are observed even in natu-
CO is the most commonly used position not only in ral dentition, are generated by various jaw movements
chewing but also during swallowing. As swallowing occurs observed around the CO; however, in artificial dentition in
over 1500 times in 24 h, it will lead to deviation in the CO which the denture base is controlled only by muscle activity,
of dentures. To minimize the movement of the denture and it is obligatory to form balanced contacts in CO and also
prevent disruptive forces from acting on the denture base, around and outside the CO. This action reduces any move-
these deviations that are observed during swallowing must ment of the denture base to a minimum (Table 8.8).
Even if the crests or muscle control of the patient prevents
the denture from tipping, the denture base will still continue
to move, causing pain, discomfort, and ulceration. If there is
contact on both sides between the teeth, in other words, if
contact on one side does not cause tipping until the teeth on
the other side also come into contact, the denture base will be
more stable. Therefore, to prevent any tipping as a result of
jaw movements during chewing, there should be contact
between the teeth on both sides of the arc (Fig.  8.36b).
Occlusion should be formed in which both arcs balance each
other and the anterior region balances the posterior region.
Such an occlusion is called balanced occlusion. Balanced
occlusion can also be observed in natural dentition that has
Fig. 8.35 If the teeth are in contact on only one side or if only some of been subject to wear. In fact, even in unworn natural denti-
the teeth are in contact, the denture will display a tipping movement tion, it is possible to observe that the teeth on both sides of

a b

Fig. 8.36 (a) The teeth that are in contact on only one side. (b) To prevent any tipping, there should be contact between the teeth on both sides of
the arc
314 Y. K. Ozkan

Table 8.8 The differences between natural and artificial dentition • Contact between the buccal and lingual tubercles of
Natural dentition Artificial dentition the upper and lower posterior teeth are desired. In case
Teeth are supported by the No periodontal ligament there is lingualized occlusion, the maxillary lingual
periodontal ligaments tubercles will be in contact with the mandibular lin-
Functions independently Functions as a group gual tubercles.
Malocclusion may not cause Malocclusion may cause problems
4. In Lateral Movements, on the Balancing Side
problems for years
Non-vertical forces are well Non-vertical forces may cause • Contact between the maxillary and mandibular ante-
tolerated damage in the supporting tissues rior teeth.
Biting does not affect posterior Biting effects all the teeth over the • The lingual tubercles of the upper posterior teeth are in
teeth base plate contact with the buccal tubercles of the lower posterior
Second molar is in proper Excessive chewing forces on the
teeth. It is the same for lingualized occlusion. For
position for chewing second molar region cause tilting
of the base plate monoplane balanced occlusion, generally second
Bilateral balance is rare; its Bilateral balance is required for molars or balance ramps are in contact. In case of
presence is accepted as the stability of the base plate monoplane and unbalanced occlusion, there may be
inhibition contacts on the balancing side; however, when the
Proprioceptive impulses give Since there is no proprioceptive
feedback in order to avoid impulse which will keep the base
mandible is directed toward the working side, these
inhibitions and premature plates in centric relation, there is contacts may disappear.
contacts and therefore acquired no feedback in case of inhibition
occlusion can be avoided and premature contacts During the construction of complete dentures, there are
only a limited number of references for determining the loca-
the arc come into contact simultaneously during chewing, tion where the teeth will be placed. The two most important
while the bolus is crushed between the teeth. of these references are the vertical and the horizontal rela-
The inevitable problems described above are ultimately tions of the mandible and the maxilla. When the mandible
caused by contact that occurs on the occlusal plane, CO, and performs a pure rotation in the horizontal plane, it only
the border movements of the complete denture. In complete moves vertically. This movement provides a repeatable man-
dentures, the quantity and strength of these contacts will dible position when determining the vertical dimension.
determine the quantity and direction of the forces being trans- At this occlusal height, the teeth are placed such that they
mitted by the denture base to the alveolar bone. Thus, deter- will remain stable during maximum tubercle contact.
mining the type of occlusion that is preferable for complete Therefore, during the preparation of a complete denture, the
dentures is of considerable importance. definition for CR requires that teeth that are occluding at a
predetermined, stable vertical dimension must have a proper
horizontal relation with the mandible.
8.1.6 Balanced Occlusion CR is the physiological relation in which the mandible is
positioned in the rearmost position relative to the maxilla. In
In the 1980s, Bonwill and Balkwill reported that all teeth this position, the individual can perform lateral movements.
must contact equally during both centric and eccentric move- Clinically, the CR is defined as the position in which the
ments. They also described the characteristics of balanced condyle-disc pieces are situated in their uppermost and fore-
occlusion in complete dentures as follows: most position relative to the articular eminence. CR is inde-
1. In Centric Relation pendent of the contacts between the teeth and can be observed
• Multiple uniform occlusal contacts on the posterior clinically when the mandible is directed both upward and
teeth forward.
• Very slight or no occlusal contacts on the anterior teeth
2. In Protrusive Relation Articulation
• Contact between the upper and lower anterior teeth Articulation is the contact relation between the occlusal sur-
(incisal guidance). faces of teeth during function.
• In case there is a flat plane, a balance ramp should also
be present (protrusive balance cannot be achieved if Balanced Articulation
there is incisal vertical overlap or if there is no inclina- Balanced articulation is defined as the constant contact
tion or ramp without any inclination or ramp being between the large majority of the upper and lower teeth dur-
present). ing maximum tubercle contact and all eccentric movements.
3. In Lateral Movements, on the Working Side This definition can be used for all occlusal planes using teeth
• Contact between the maxillary and mandibular ante- with or without tubercles or using a combination of these
rior teeth. two types of teeth (Figs.  8.37 and 8.38a, b). Whether den-
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 315

tures should or should not have balanced occlusion has been tubercles of the upper teeth and the buccal tubercles of the
discussed for many years. Nowadays, there is still no objec- lower teeth on the balancing side must be in contact
tive study that fully supports the use of balanced occlusion. (Fig.  8.37). Owing to its characteristic structure, the tem-
In addition to this, the general view is that balanced occlu- poromandibular joint performs vertical as well as protrusive
sion should be preferred especially for difficult denture and lateral movements during the various functional move-
patients since parafunctional movements, such as bruxism or ments of the mandible, especially during chewing. As
lateral contacts, affect the stability and retention of dentures. explained before, the mandible can move within certain bor-
The answer to the question on why we consider balanced ders without accomplishing a certain function. These move-
occlusion as necessary for complete dentures is shown in ments, which are different from the functional movements of
Table 8.1. the mandible, are referred to as “mandibular border move-
In the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, the concept of ments.” Due to the characteristic structure of the temporo-
balance is defined as the state of occlusion in which the mandibular joint and the diversity of movements performed
occlusal surfaces in all centric and eccentric positions exhibit by the mandible, it is necessary to consider the topic of “bal-
compatibility during chewing and swallowing. According to ance” in complete dentures. A bilateral balanced occlusion is
the concept of balance, the buccal tubercles of the upper and a form of occlusion that involves static contact between the
lower teeth on the working side, the lingual tubercles of the lower and upper teeth in any centric and eccentric position.
upper and lower teeth on the working side, and the lingual This occlusion was developed to prevent the tipping or rota-
tion of denture base plates. Balanced occlusion is mainly
arranged on the articulator. It is a concept based on the stud-
ies of Spee and Monson. Balanced occlusion is achieved by
ensuring contact between a maximum number of teeth dur-
ing each movement of the mandible. Bilateral balanced
occlusion in natural dentition is generally observed in indi-
viduals over the age of 50 with well-developed mandibular
muscles and in patients whose teeth have been abraded over
the years due to function. In bilateral balanced occlusion, no
lateral roaming is observed, and no disclusion occurs in the
posterior region during protrusive movements. The working
side is always in contact. There is also contact on the balanc-
ing side, which ensures the stabilization of complete den-
tures. Although this type of balance is not desired for natural
teeth or fixed dentures, it is suitable for complete dentures. In
complete dentures, eccentric balance in functional move-
Working side Balancing side ments can be ensured through three-point contact or contact
with all teeth. Both of these approaches involve bilateral
Fig. 8.37 Balanced articulation balance.

a b

Fig. 8.38 (a, b) Balanced articulation is defined as the constant contact between the large majority of the upper and lower teeth during maximum
tubercle contact and all eccentric movements
316 Y. K. Ozkan

Fig. 8.39 (a) Three-point

contact observed in a b
protrusion. (b) Three-point
contact observed in lateral

Three-Point Contact General Characteristics of Balanced

Three-point contact is used in both protrusive and lateral Occlusion
balance. When the patient brings his/her mandible to a pro- The purposes of balanced occlusion are to increase the sta-
truding position, the incisors will contact in the anterior, bility of the denture, to decrease pain and the resorption of
while the second molars will contact in the posterior on both residuals crests, and to increase the oral comfort of the
sides. In this situation, the upper and lower dentures will patient. To enhance these:
contact each other in a total of three points (one point on the
anterior and two points on the posterior), and balance is
achieved (Fig. 8.39a). The same is applicable for the lateral 1. All the teeth on the working side must slide over the
movements of the mandible. When the mandible is moved to opposing teeth with equal force. There should be no
the lateral direction, one contact will occur in the region of obstruction or disocclusion on even a single tooth
the canines, while two other contacts will occur on each side (Fig.  8.40). There should be contacts on the balancing
between the second molars. This will also allow the denture side as well; however, this should not prevent the sliding
to be balanced by having a contact at three points (Fig. 8.39b). movement on the working side. During protrusion, con-
Full Balance tacts between the teeth must be simultaneous.
Full balance involves contact between all the occlusal sur- 2. Ideal balanced occlusion can be achieved with wide teeth,
faces of the upper and lower teeth during all eccentric move- and large crests and the teeth are arranged close to the
ments of the mandible. Since simultaneous contacts take crest. Large crests and narrow teeth in the buccolingual
place between the teeth in both the centric and eccentric direction will ensure a better balance. Positioning the
positions, both sides will become balanced. Although full teeth more toward the lingual side will further increase
balance may not be required for natural teeth, the consensus the balance. Centering the occlusal forces more in the
among authorities is that complete dentures generally require anteroposterior direction will result in greater stability for
full balance. the denture base.
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 317

2. Bilateral Balanced Occlusion

The centric and eccentric positions involve simultaneous
occlusion between the teeth located on both sides. For mini-
mal occlusal balance, at least three contact points (two pos-
terior and one anterior) are necessary. Bilateral balanced
occlusion is affected by articulation and patient-related fac-
tors. By controlling the articulation factors, the dentist can
ensure the development and the desired occlusal scheme.
The aim of articulation factors is the formation of chewing
surfaces for artificial and natural teeth to ensure bilateral
balanced occlusion and articulation.

Premature contact Protrusion

8.1.7 Concepts of Occlusion

Opening arch of the patient

1. Gysi concept
Fig. 8.40 If there is no premature contact in balanced occlusion, no The use of 33° anatomic teeth in various movements of the
disclusion occur on the posterior region in lateral and protrusive articulator. In 1914, 33° cuspal form was introduced by Gysi.
movements Gysi gave an inclination of 33° to the cuspal inclines to har-
monize them with the condylar inclination of 33° to the hori-
General Considerations Regarding Balanced Occlusion zontal. In lateral mandibular movements, cusps contact
bilaterally to enhance the stability of the dentures. In centric
occlusion, the masticatory forces directed toward the ridges.
1. Wider and larger crests, as well as closer distances between 2. French concept
the teeth and the crest, will result in greater leverage. In this concept, the occlusal surface of the mandibular
2. Wide crest and narrow teeth will result in greater posterior teeth had been reduced to increase the stability
balance. of the dentures. The maxillary posterior teeth have slight
3. Placing the teeth in a more lingual position relative to the lingual occlusal inclines of 5° for first premolar, 10° for
crest will result in greater balance. second premolar, and 15° for first and second molars, so
4. Centering the occlusal forces more in the anteroposterior that a balanced occlusion could be developed laterally as
direction will result in greater stability for the denture well as anteroposteriorly by the arrangement of teeth on a
base. curved occlusal plane. In centric occlusion, half of width
of mandibular posterior teeth helps to direct the mastica-
The Advantages of Balanced Occlusion tory forces in a buccal direction to the mandibular crest.
3. Sear concept
1. During swallowing, bilateral balance allows occlusion to Balanced occlusion through the use of non-anatomic teeth
take place between the teeth without moving the denture with anteroposterior and lateral inclinations. Sears in 1922
base plates away from the tissues. with his chewing members and in 1927 with channel teeth
2. In the final stage of the chewing movement, bilateral bal- (both were non-anatomic teeth) developed a balanced occlu-
ance ensures that the base plate remains in a stable posi- sion by a curved occlusal plane anteroposteriorly and later-
tion during closing. ally or with the use of a second molar ramp. In centric
3. Balanced occlusion prevents the formation of disruptive occlusion, non-anatomic teeth will exert contact forces
lateral forces at the crests during parafunctional toward the ridges. In the right lateral position, the occlusal
movements. contact forces directed toward the ridge on the working side
and toward the buccal side of the ridge on the balancing side.
4. Pleasure concept
Types of Balanced Occlusion Defines the pleasure curve or the posterior reverse lat-
eral curve. In 1937, Dr. Max Pleasure defined an occlu-
1. Unilateral Balanced Occlusion sal scheme called the “pleasure curve,” in which a
Unilateral balanced occlusion involves simultaneous reverse curve is used in the bicuspid area for lever bal-
occlusion between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth ance, a flat scheme of occlusion is set in the first molar
located on one side. area, and a spherical scheme is set in the second molar
318 Y. K. Ozkan

area by raising the buccal incline to provide for a bal-

ancing contact in lateral position. The distal of the sec-

Inclination of plane of orientation

Inclination of condylar guidance
incisal guidance
ond molar can also be elevated to produce a compensating

Inclination of

compensating curve
Height of cusps

Prominence of
curve for protrusive balance. In
incis clinatio
al g n of
5. Frush concept Pro
e of
Incli r guida
on o ce
com n dyla
Involves the arrangement of the teeth in a one-dimensional Incli
n g cu
c o

ne o
f ori

natio rve e
f pla curv
contact relationship. In 1967, Frush gave the “linear n of
e of ens
on o

orie c omp
occlusal concept,” which employed an arbitrary articula- Inclin
ion inen
ce o
isal g

Prom of inc
of co
ndyla ation
tor balance, followed by intraoral corrections to obtain r guid
ance Inclin
ht t of cu
balance. A single mesiodistal ridge on the lower posterior of cu

teeth contacted a flat occlusal surface of the upper poste-



of tion

an incl

rior teeth set at an angle to the horizontal. The intention n

tio nta

e ina


na ie

of ti

cli or

or on


In of

ie o


was to eliminate deflective occlusal contacts and increased

e nt f











stability. In centric occlusion, contact forces directed







e dylar




toward the ridges according to the linear occlusal


ida con



gu n of






6. Hanau’s Quint

In 1926, Rudolph L. Hanau presented a discussion paper
entitled, “Articulation: Defined, Analyzed, and Fig. 8.41 Laws of articulation also named as Hanau’s Quint
Formulated.” He proposed nine factors for achieving the
articulation of artificial teeth. These were named as 7. Trapozzano concept
Hanau’s laws of articulation. These laws are listed below: De e
cr as
• Horizontal condylar path inclination ea
se cre
• Compensating curve (Spee) Incisal
Decrease Condylar
• Protrusive incisal path inclination guidance Decrease
• Plane of orientation (plane of occlusion)
• Buccolingual inclination of the tooth axes Tubercle
• Sagittal condylar path inclination Increase
• Sagittal incisal path inclination Incisal Condylar In
• Tooth inclinations guidance guidance ea

• Relative tubercle height


• Hanau later combined these nine laws, reducing their

number to five and forming the currently accepted
Fig. 8.42 To ensure a balanced denture, articulation factors must be
laws of articulation (Hanau’s Quint) (Fig. 8.41).
These laws are:
1. Condylar path inclination
2. Incisal path inclination Trapozzano reviewed Hanau’s five factors and stated
3. Compensating curve (Spee) that only three factors were actually concerned in obtain-
4. Relative tubercle height ing balanced occlusion. He omitted the plane of orienta-
5. Plane of orientation tion since its location is highly variable within the
Condylar inclination and the incisal inclination are the available inner ridge space. He also stated that the
end control factors. To ensure a balanced denture, the occlusal plane can be located at various heights to favor
other three factors must be compatible with the end con- a weaker ridge. He stated that there is no need for a com-
trol factors (Figs.  8.41 and 8.42). For many years, the pensating curve, as it is obsolete since the cuspal angula-
laws of articulation have been accepted as a standard ref- tion will produce a balanced occlusion.
erence. Later on, some researchers made various scien- 8. Boucher concept
tific contributions to these laws and performed minor There are three fixed factors:
changes on them. Thielemann subsequently simplified • The orientation of the occlusal plane, the incisal guid-
Hanau’s factors in a formula for balanced articulation: ance, and the condylar guidance.
[K × I]/[OP × C × OK] • The angulation of the cusp is more important than the
where K  =  condyle guidance, I  =  incisal guidance, height of the cusp.
C  =  cusp height inclinations, OP  =  inclination of the • The compensating curve enables one to increase the
occlusal plane, and OK  =  curvature of the occlusal effective height of the cusps without changing the
surfaces. form of the teeth.
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 319

9. The Lott concept • The upper anterior teeth must be placed in front of the
Lott defined the laws as follows: alveolar crest. Overbite and overjet must be equal.
• The greater the angle of the condyle path, the greater • To provide positional stability, the compensating curves
is the posterior separation. are reproduced, and three-point contact is achieved in
• The greater the angle of the overbite (vertical over- mandibular movements.
lap), the greater is the separation in the anterior region • The lower first molars, which constitute the strongest
and the posterior region regardless of the angle of the chewing unit, must be located at the deepest point of the
condylar path. alveolar crest at the chewing center.
• The greater the separation of the posterior teeth, the • Tissues that support the denture must be properly
greater, or higher, must be the compensation curve. reflected.
• Posterior separation compensation curve to balance • The five basic articulation factors must be prepared on the
the occlusion requires the introduction of the plane of articulator and then applied to the patient’s mouth.
10. Bernard Levin’s concept
This concept is quite similar to Lott’s, but he eliminated Condylar Path Inclination
the plane of orientation. He has named the four factors Mandibular guidance is generated by the condyle and the
as Quad. The essentials are as follows: articular disc within the glenoid fossa that supports move-
• The condylar guidance is fixed and is recorded from ment (Fig. 8.43a, b). The condyle moves not only toward the
the patient. The balancing condylar guidance includes CR position but also downward along the articular eminence.
the working condyle Bennett movement, which may Condylar guidance is generated depending on the path fol-
or may not affect lateral balance. lowed by the condyle within the temporomandibular joint
• The incisal guidance is usually obtained from the (Fig. 8.43c, d).
patient’s esthetic and phonetic requirements. The mechanical shape is located on the upper rear side of
However, it can be modified for special requirements, the articulator, from where the movement is controlled
e.g., a reduction of the incisal guidance is considered (Fig.  8.44). When all the natural teeth are lost, with the
to be helpful when the residual ridges are flat. exception of the condylar path inclination, all of the factors
• The compensating curve is the most important factor explained above and associated with the laws of articulation
for obtaining balance. Monoplane or low cusp teeth will be lost. During the construction of a complete denture,
must employ the use of a compensating curve. these factors must be identified and arranged by the dentist.
• Cusp teeth have the inclines necessary for obtaining Hanau described the condylar path inclination as an ana-
balanced occlusion but nearly always are used with a tomic concept. As the condylar path inclination is an ana-
compensating curve. tomic factor of the patient, it cannot be modified. With or
without teeth, there is always condylar path inclination (this
factor is unrelated to the teeth), which must be identified and
8.1.8 Laws of Articulation determined on the patient by the dentist and then transferred
to the articulator. Thus, the condylar path inclination is first
Theory of Articulation recorded on the patient, and the recorded information is then
transferred to the articulator. The angle of the condylar path
• The purpose of the theory of articulation is to associate inclination will depend on the shape and bone contour of the
the current anatomic state of edentulous jaws with the temporomandibular joint. The limits of movements are
physical and mechanical state of dynamic chewing sys- determined by the muscles and ligaments attached to the
tems and also to provide an adequate solution for the mandible.
practical construction of a complete denture. The condylar path inclination is evaluated in two parts:
• To compare different ideas and views regarding cases,
individual measurements can be used to develop a basic 1. Straight Protrusive Condylar Path Inclination (Sagittal
theory of articulation. Condylar Path Inclination, SCPI)
• Mandibular movements must be simulated. SCPI refers to the inclination between the horizontal
• Articulators must be used. plane and the path followed by the condyles during the
• Lightly worn anatomic tooth shapes are necessary for pure protrusive movements of the mandible. The angle
function. that is formed when the condyle advances on the horizon-
• For static reasons, the teeth must be placed at the center of tal plane is called the condylar path inclination angle. In
the alveolar crest. humans, this angle (inclination) is similar to the inclina-
320 Y. K. Ozkan

a b

c d -y


Saggital condylar

Fig. 8.43 (a, b) Mandibular guidance is generated by the condyle and the articular disc within the glenoid fossa that supports movement. (c, d)
Sagittal condylar path inclination

tion of the glenoid fossa’s upper wall inclination

(Fig.  8.45). The amount of downward movement that
occurs during the protrusion movement of the mandible
depends on the angle of the articular eminence. If the sur-
face of the articular eminence is flat, the condyle will
trace a perpendicular course following this path. SCPI
occurs when the two condyles move downward and for-
ward over a straight line without sliding laterally. This
movement of the condyle heads is associated with the
Incisal shape of the bone protuberance known as the tuberculum
guidance articulare (articular eminence), which forms the upper
wall of the glenoid fossa. The shape of the condyle and
fossa shows that in all forward movements of the mandi-
ble, the mandible actually moves downward. The greater
inclination of the articular eminence is associated with
greater downward and anterior movement of the condyle.
A steeper condylar guidance is associated with the forma-
tion of a larger gap between the teeth when the mandible
Fig. 8.44 Condylar and incisal guidance on the articulator performs protrusive movements (Christensen phenome-
non). Condylar guidance is not under the control of the
dentist. The current guidance of the patient must be
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 321

Condylar path inclination

Incisal path inclination

Fig. 8.45 Sagittal condylar path inclination is similar to the inclination

of the glenoid fossa’s upper wall inclination
Mandibular pathway

recorded and transferred to the articulator. This guidance

Fig. 8.46 (a) During the construction of complete dentures, transfer-
is entirely associated with the patient and cannot be modi- ring the dentures into articulators without first determining the straight
fied. It depends on the temporomandibular joint’s bone protrusive condylar path inclination and (b) the absence of contact in
structure, as well as the muscle and ligament control. To the posterior region during protrusion
record the Christensen phenomenon, protrusive records
are taken and transferred to the articulator. The angle dentures into articulators without first determining the
value of the straight protrusive condylar path inclination straight protrusive condylar path inclination and then
is approximately 33°. aligning the teeth accordingly can lead to the Christensen
However, this number is an average value, and the phenomenon, which is a very important phenomenon to
actual condylar inclination value is affected by the factors consider in prosthetic dentistry (Fig. 8.46).
listed below: As the condylar path inclination is an anatomic factor, it
(a) The shape of the temporomandibular joint’s bone is determined separately for the right and left sides. The
contour values for the two sides are not necessarily the same.
(b) The activities of the muscles attached to the The straight protrusive condylar path inclination is one
mandible of the most important articulation factors and is also
(c) The limitation of joint movements by the ligaments known as an end control factor. Identifying the straight
protrusive condylar path inclination and then transfer-
In addition, the specific method used to determine the ring it to the articulator and positioning the teeth accord-
condylar path inclination also affects its angle value. If ingly not only ensure protrusive balance but also
the method used to determine the condylar path inclina- eliminate the Christensen phenomenon. The common
tion is a method performed based on the denture base view of all authors is that identifying the protrusive
plates, then, the fact that the resilience of soft tissues condylar path inclination is important and that its deter-
causes them to change locations when faced with acting mined value should be as close as possible to its actual
forces may also lead to a change in the direction of incli- value.
nation. Hanau explained this phenomenon using the word Increasing the condylar path inclination will increase the
“REALEFF.” This term was derived by Hanau from the level of posterior disclusion during protrusion. As this
words “REsilience and Like EFFect.” In other words, it factor cannot be changed, the other four factors should be
means, “the effect caused by resilience.” Following the modified to compensate the effects of the condylar path
construction of dentures, the “REALEFF” effect can, in inclination (Fig. 8.46). For example, if the condylar path
practice, be remedied by abrasion. Transferring complete inclination is too high, the incisal path inclination should
322 Y. K. Ozkan

30° The LCI is defined as the angle associated with the

condyle’s movement on the horizontal plane (anteropos-
terior movement) or the frontal plane (superior inferior
movement). The lateral condylar path, on the other hand,
is defined as the movement path of the condylar disc dur-
20° ing the lateral movement of the mandible. The lateral
movement of the mandible refers to its movement to the
left and right. During this movement, the paths of the con-
dyles on the right and left sides may be different. The
movements are named based on the direction in which the
mandible is moving. For example, lateral movements are
called right and left lateral movements. The direction in
which the mandible is moving is called the working side;
on the other hand, the opposing side is called the
non-working or balancing side. The condyles are simi-
Fig. 8.47 If the condylar path inclination is too high, the incisal path
inclination should be decreased in order to reduce the disclusion which larly referred to as the working condyle and the non-
forms on the posterior during protrusion working/balancing/orbiting condyle.
During the lateral movement of the mandible, the con-
dylar head on the non-working side will leave the centric
relational position and move forward, downward, and
inward, in front of the articular eminence.
Bennett Angle
The Bennett angle (which is generally between 10° and
20°) is the angle between the moving condylar path and the
sagittal plane during lateral movement. The Glossary of
BS Prosthodontic Terms defines Bennett angle as follows: “The
angle formed between the sagittal plane and the average path
of the advancing condyle as viewed in the horizontal plane
during lateral mandibular movements.”
Fig. 8.48 Working and balancing sides in the lateral movements On the side toward which the mandible is moving, the
condyle will perform a rotation from the medial to the lateral
be decreased to reduce the disclusion that forms on the around the vertical axis. While the condyles may perform a
posterior during protrusion (Fig.  8.47). There are two pure rotation in certain individuals, in other individuals, they
determinants in the forward movements of the mandible, may perform a certain amount of sliding motion in addition
which are the condylar path inclination of the sagittal to rotation. In this case, the mandible will be displaced as a
plane and the angle of the incisal path inclination. whole. This is known as the “immediate side shift.” This dis-
placement may occur in any direction within a cone with an
apical angle of 60° (Fig.  8.49). The displacement can take
2. Lateral Condyle Inclination (LCI) place in nine directions; however, this direction remains the
When the mandible moves in a certain direction, the side same and does not change for a lifetime. It is important to
on the direction of the movement is called the working determine whether a condyle displays an immediate side
side, while the opposing side on the other end of the shift in addition to its rotational movement.
arch is called the non-working or balancing side. The Bennett Movement
working side is the one where the bolus is located and During lateral movement, the condyle of the working side
toward which the mandible is moving to chew (Figs. 8.17 moves laterally in a three-dimensional manner. The condyle
and 8.48). The value of the condylar path angle is higher can move sideways and upward (laterotrusion), sideways and
in lateral movements. When the mandible moves later- downward (laterodetrusion), and sideways and backward
ally, the angle of the condylar path will, as a result of the (lateroretrusion). The extent of movement affects the Bennett
structure of the articular eminence, be larger than the angle (Figs. 8.49 and 8.50). An increase in the Bennett angle
angle observed during protrusion. This is due to the is associated with a high level of Bennett movement, while a
steeper angle of the medial wall of the mandibular fossa decrease in the Bennett angle is associated with a low level
in comparison to the wall of the articular eminence. of Bennett movement. The Bennett angle forms not due to
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 323

the movement of the condyle on the working side but rather According to the studies of Gysi, the average value for the
due to the movement of the condyle on the non-working lateral movement of the mandible is 15°. In the Hanau Model
side. The Bennett angle is not related to the Bennett move- H articulator, this value is set to 15°, and for many years, this
ment. There is always a Bennett angle, regardless of whether value has been considered as normal and adequate.
a Bennett movement is taking place. Describing this 15° value for the Bennett angle as the lateral
condylar path inclination would be more accurate. The same
value is set as 20° in the Dentatus articulator. This value is
60° established by turning the graduated button on the vertical
arms located on the top of the articulator until the desired
number is obtained; however, researchers describe that in
non-arcon-type adjustable articulators, this value is generally
not exact. Nevertheless, in practice and the preparation of
complete dentures, these values do not lead to any problems.
The Bennett angle, which faces downward on the horizontal
plane, may not be the same as the angle of the straight pro-
trusive condylar path, which forms during protrusive move-
ment. In cases in which there is any difference between the
two, this difference will be called as the Fischer angle. In
other words, the Fischer angle is the difference between the
Bennett angle and the straight protrusive condylar path
angle. This angle is defined in the Glossary of Prosthodontic
Terms as “the angle formed by the intersection of the protru-
sive and non-working side condylar paths as viewed in the
sagittal plane.”
Fig. 8.49 Immediate side shift may occur in any direction within a
cone with an apical angle of 60°

x x
y -y
Saggital plane

z z


x -y

y x


Fig. 8.50 (a–c) Bennett angle and Bennett movement

324 Y. K. Ozkan

Hanau previously provided a formula for calculating the

lateral condylar path inclination (Bennett angle). According
to this formula, if the patient’s straight protrusive condylar
path inclination is known, the angular value of the lateral
movement can be easily calculated. The condyle mechanism
of the articulator could be adjusted according to this value,
allowing the Bennett angle to be entered as a degree value
into the articulator.
Hanau’s formula for calculating the Bennett angle is
shown below:
L - + 12
L  = Lateral condylar path inclination (Bennett angle

H = Angular value for the straight protrusive condylar
Lateral movements cause a gap between the balancing
side and the teeth. Some authors refer to this gap as “the Fig. 8.51 The effect of the contacting surfaces of the lower and upper
anterior teeth on the movements of the articulator
Christensen phenomenon on the frontal plane.” To remedy
this, the articulator is set to the average values, and during
ance stems from the effect of the contact surfaces of the man-
the arrangement of teeth, the articulator is moved laterally to
dibular and maxillary anterior teeth on the movements of the
ensure contact on both sides. Once the dentures are com-
mandible. It has horizontal and vertical components, as well.
pleted, bilateral balance is ensured through the abrasion per-
In dentures, the shape of the arch and the distance between
formed in the mouth. Actually, lateral movements are
the crests affects the relationship between the esthetic-
kinematically complex. They are consequently difficult to
phonetic- and crest-related aspects. Esthetic and phonetic
record in the mouth or to duplicate in the articulator. As
considerations affect the location of the teeth, which is deter-
described above, setting the lateral condylar path inclination
mined by the dentist. Variations in the incisal guidance con-
between 15 and 20° on the articulator allows good results to
tribute to ensuring balanced occlusion. Increasing or reducing
be obtained with complete dentures. Thus, it may actually be
balance has significant effects on the movement of the teeth
completely unnecessary to record the lateral condylar path
during lateral movements.
inclination on the patient and to transfer the obtained infor-
When the mandible performs protrusive or lateral move-
mation into the articulator by adjusting the device accord-
ments, the incisal edges of the lower teeth will contact the
ingly. This is because semi-adjustable articulators using
lingual surfaces of the upper teeth. The steepness of the lin-
average values for the lateral condylar path inclination can
gual surfaces will determine the extent of the mandible’s ver-
effectively provide complete dentures of good quality.
tical movement. Anterior guidance can be changed with
dental procedures. Incisal Path Inclination (IPI) IPI can be evaluated in different two parts:
Just as the condyles control the movement on the posterior
area of the mandible, the teeth control the movement of the
anterior area of the mandible. In the protrusive or lateral 1. Sagittal Protrusive Incisal Path Inclination
movement of the mandible, the incisal edges of the mandibu- The IPI angle is the angle that forms between the occlusal
lar teeth are in contact with the lingual surfaces of the ante- plane and the occlusal line across the sagittal plane. When
rior maxillary teeth. The angle of the lingual surfaces the teeth are in contact, this angle is determined by the
determines the extent of the movement of the mandible in the incisal edges of the upper and lower central teeth. When
vertical direction. The anterior guidance is considered to be the teeth are in CO, the angle is determined by the angle
a highly variable factor, rather than a constant factor. The IPI between the horizontal plane and the line on the sagittal
is the second of the end control factors. This inclination is plane formed between the incisal edges of the lower and
entirely under the initiative of the dentist. In other words, the upper first incisor teeth (Fig. 8.52).
dentist must determine the level of inclination by taking cer- The IPI angle arises from the vertical overlap (overbite)
tain factors into account. Foremost among these factors are between the teeth. This depends on the amount of horizon-
esthetic considerations. The contacting surfaces of the lower tal overlap, which does not provide guidance until the
and upper anterior teeth affect the movement of the mandi- teeth are fully occluded. In natural teeth, the level of over-
ble, while the guidance pin and the guidance table affect the bite and overjet is determined by the position of the teeth;
movements of the articulator (Fig.  8.51). The incisal guid- in complete dentures, they are determined by other factors
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 325

such as esthetic, phonetic, and functional considerations upper and lower first incisors and then by drawing a per-
(Fig. 8.53a, b). Thus, in dentures, the level of overbite and pendicular line from the top of the lower incisors toward
overjet is determined by the position of the teeth and is the horizontal plane. This vertical edge of this right-angled
fully controlled by the dentist within the frame of other triangle represents the overbite (a), while its horizontal
various factors. In the articulator, the anterior guidance edge represents the overjet (b), and its hypotenuse repre-
table is taken as a reference for forming the angle on the sents the protrusive sagittal incisal path inclination
sagittal plane. The dentist generally determines the angle (Fig. 8.52).
of the incisal path inclination; however, there are several The dentist needs to take certain factors into account
limitations, such as the crest relations, the arch shape, the when attempting to determine this inclination:
crest width, and the inter-crest distance. Depending on the (a) The relationships between the alveolar crests
extent of these limitations, the dentist will attempt to sat- (b) The shape of the alveolar arches
isfy the phonetic and esthetic requirements of the patient (c) The fullness of the alveolar crests
by changing the angle of the incisal path inclination. This (d) The distance between the lower and the upper alveo-
factor is also affected by the amount of horizontal and ver- lar crest
tical overlap. Decreasing the vertical overlap will involve (e) The phonetic and esthetic state of the patient
a decrease in the incisal path inclination angle.
From a conceptual perspective, the figure that best Regarding this inclination, nearly all authors describe that
describes the relationships between the incisors, in an the emphasis should be on esthetic appearance. Esthetic
informative manner, is that which illustrates a right-angled aspects generally cover the appearance of the incisors and
triangle obtained by first joining the incisal points of the the level of overbite and overjet. Of course, the balance of
the denture also needs to be considered; however, the
esthetic aspects are given preeminence over balance, and
Incisal path guidance angle the denture is adjusted accordingly (Fig. 8.53).
In cases where teeth with tubercles are used, excessive
overbite will also result in an increase in tubercle heights,
Overbite leading to an increased possibility of tubercle incompati-
bility during the eccentric movements of the jaw, even if
balanced articulation is achieved. This, in turn, will
adversely affect the stability of the denture. This situation
becomes even more important for cases in which the crests
are highly atrophied. The level of overbite and overjet is
associated with this inclination. For example, if the amount
of overbite remains the same, the incisal path inclination
can be changed by increasing or decreasing the amount of
Fig. 8.52 The incisal path guidance angle arises from the vertical
overlap (overbite) between the teeth

a b Slight vertical
vertical overlap

No Medium
horizontal Excessive
overlap HORIZONTAL OVERLAP horizontal

Fig. 8.53 (a, b) In full dentures the level of overbite and overjet is determined by factors such as esthetic, phonetic, and functional
326 Y. K. Ozkan

overjet. The lower incisors are aligned closer to the lingual defined as the angle between the horizontal plane and the
side, while the upper incisors are aligned closer to the ves- path followed by the upper incisors and canines during
tibule (or both). In all these processes, the first and fore- the lateral movement of the mandible.
most point to consider should be the patient’s esthetic
appearance. In cases of lower prognathism, the sagittal
protrusive incisal path inclination is not considered. This Orientation of the Occlusal Plane
inclination is adjusted to zero degrees. The plane of occlusion (plane of orientation) represents the
In cases where a certain level of overjet is necessary, it is curvature (not an exact plane) of the occlusal surfaces. The
undesirable to increase the incisal path inclination by occlusal plane is an imaginary line that is considered as
increasing the level of overbite as well because this situa- touching the incisal edges of the upper anterior teeth and the
tion may lead to lateral forces that harm the surrounding tubercles of the posterior teeth. The occlusal plane must be
tissues. However, as the incisal path inclination decreases nearly parallel to the crests and should not be above the level
and approaches to zero degrees, the stability of the denture of the retromolar pads.Raising the occlusal plane on the pos-
increases. Thus, it is desirable for the incisal path inclina- terior will minimize the separation of the teeth during eccen-
tion in dentures to be zero, but as detailed above, the incisal tric movements and contribute to balanced occlusion. Hence,
path inclination must be adjusted by first considering the occlusal plane is a controlling factor. The relationship of this
esthetic appearance, and the stability of the denture must be plane with the articular eminence will affect the height of the
ensured by adjusting and modifying other factors. Anterior tubercles (Figs. 8.55 and 8.56). The occlusal plane is a tem-
guidance is the functional relation between the upper and porary relationship modified with the mediolateral (Wilson)
lower incisor teeth. Anterior guidance stems from the verti- and anteroposterior (Spee) compensating curves, which is
cal and horizontal overlap of the incisor teeth. obtained while determining the vertical dimension, and the
An increase in the horizontal overlap will lead to a centric relation. The occlusal plane is formed temporarily
decrease in the anterior guidance angle, as well as a with wax using a retromolar pad and the edges of the patient’s
decrease in the vertical component of the mandibular mouth. The orientation of the occlusal plane is fixed after the
movement and flatter posterior tubercles (Fig. 8.54). An proper positioning of the incisors (such that an esthetically
increase in the vertical overlap will lead to an increase in pleasing appearance is obtained) and the positioning of the
the anterior guidance angle, an increase in the vertical occlusal plane’s ending point at the level of the retromolar
component of the mandibular movement, and steeper pos- triangle. Within the limits of the denture, the anterior and
terior tubercles. posterior sides of the plane of occlusion have the beginning
and ending points. As described before, the plane begins at
the incisal edges of the incisors (the plane may pass through
2. Lateral Incisal Path Inclination either the lower or upper teeth, which is considered inconse-
The protrusive incisal path inclination only takes into quential). When determining the anterior limit of the plane of
account the relations between the upper and lower incisor occlusion, it is necessary to consider the proper esthetic
teeth and is defined accordingly. The lateral incisal path appearance and positioning of the incisors, although this
inclination includes the relation between the incisors as plane is modified by patient factors and other articulation
well as the canines. The lateral incisal path inclination is factors. The extension of the modifications is dependent on

38° 28°

Fig. 8.54 An increase in the 41°

horizontal overlap will lead to
a decrease in the incisal path Same vertical overlap, different horizontal overlap
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 327

With the face-bow transfer, which is used to attach the maxil-

lary model to the articulator, the transfer process can result in
a model that is positioned too high or too low. When the face-
bow transfer is used, any elevation that may occur on the
model will not change the condylar relation of the model. In
fact, if the distance between the crests is suitable, the level of
45º inclination of the orientation plane could be changed and
adjusted without affecting the incisal and condylar path
inclinations; however, this level of inclination will be associ-
ated with the tubercle inclination.According to Sharry, the
initial shape of the orientation plane could be changed as
necessary according to its intended purpose (Fig.  8.57). In
other words, the initial shape of the plane is temporary and
could be modified when shaping the compensating curve.
According to Boucher, an occlusal plane that is located
45º above or below relative to the crests may lead to both esthetic
and mechanical problems. If the soft tissues around the den-
ture fulfill the same role they did with natural teeth, the
25º occlusal plane should be positioned in the same way it was
with natural teeth. In this case, wax rims, which are used to
ensure that the incisors are placed in esthetically suitable
positions, will be adjusted accordingly. This will allow the
guidance point on the frontal part of the orientation plane to
be identified. It is now necessary to identify the ending point
Fig. 8.55 The relationship of occlusal plane with the articular emi- on the rear section of the plane. To determine the ending
nence will affect the height of the tubercles point at the rear section of the orientation plane, the Camper
plane will be taken into account. The Camper plane is also
known as the “nasoauricular plane.” The Camper lines on
both sides of the face form the Camper plane. The Camper
line is also called the ala-tragus line. The line extends from
15° the wings of the center of the external auditory canal
HRP 45° 60°
(Fig. 8.58) and is generally used as a reference for the orien-

25° OPa

Fig. 8.56 The relationship of occlusal plane with the articular emi-
nence will affect the height of the tubercles

the other articulation control factors (i.e., incisal guidance,

condylar guidance, and the tubercle inclination of the artifi-
cial teeth). The inclination of the orientation plane is a factor
that is located between two or three control factors and which
must be adjusted according to these factors.Hanau described
the plane of orientation as an entirely geometric factor. The
occlusal plane passes through three dental points, which are
the incisal point of the central tooth and the highest points of
the mesiobuccal tubercles of the molar teeth. Hanau used this
plane to determine the direction of chewing surfaces on the Fig. 8.57 The orientation plane can be changed as necessary, accord-
gaps of the dentures and to define the compensating curve. ing to its intended purpose
328 Y. K. Ozkan

Fig. 8.58 Guide planes

1. Frankfort horizontal plane

2. Camper plane
3. Occlusal plane
1 4. Simon’s orbital plane

tation of the occlusal plane. In certain definitions, the rear on its denture, which will cause more tipping. As upper den-
end of the Camper line is described as passing through the tures have higher retention, it is generally the lower denture
center of the tragus. It is nonetheless necessary to note that that is affected by this situation. Thus, the plane of occlusion
this difference in definitions is not very important. Essentially, must be brought closer to the lower crests in the molar region,
the teeth will be adjusted and corrected until the patient is especially in cases with advanced bone atrophy.The inclina-
satisfied with their esthetic appearance. After a satisfying tion of the plane of occlusion affects denture stability. If the
result is obtained, it is possible to see that the plane of occlu- plane is too low on the rear side or too high on the front side,
sion and the ala-tragus line are very close to one another. It chewing pressures may cause the lower denture to become
should be emphasized that, when reporting the esthetic displaced anteriorly. On the other hand, if the plane is too
appearance of the teeth, this specifically refers to the upper high on the rear side or too low on the front side, chewing
teeth. Following this, depending on the level of resorption in pressures may cause the upper denture to become displaced
the lower crest, the plane can be moved closer to the lower anteriorly.The latest research regarding the location of the
crest by reducing the vertical dimension.According to plane of occlusion is a study on the plane’s relationship with
Augsburger (1953), the localization of the occlusal plane of papilla located on the inner side of the cheek where the
natural teeth is strongly correlated with certain morphologi- Stenon duct opens. In this study conducted on 407 individu-
cal characteristics identified in lateral cephalograms. Sloane als with natural teeth, the parotid papilla was identified as
and Cook (1953), on the other hand, have oriented the plane being on average 3.8 mm higher than the plane of occlusion.
according to anatomical reference points. One of these ana- However, it certainly should not be expected that this papilla,
tomical reference points is in the anterior nasal spine, while which is an anatomic feature, is located at an equal height
the second one is the hamular notch. These authors have also and level on both sides, and it should be noted that the loca-
developed a device that projects the plane of orientation on tion of the papilla does not vary with race or gender. Other
an edentulous maxillary model. Balanced occlusion is also researchers have identified this same distance as 4  mm. In
associated with the superior and inferior positions of the light of esthetic and functional considerations, the identifica-
molars and is influenced by the frontal section of the plane of tion and localization of the plane appear to ultimately depend
orientation.The level of the orientation plane can vary within on the clinical decision of the dentist. Thus, in a manner
the distance between the crests, and balanced occlusion can similar to the vertical dimension, there is also a “sixth sense”
be achieved at any level. In other words, the location of the involved with regard to the plane of occlusion and its loca-
plane of orientation is not important to ensure balance. For tion.Some authors utilize the dorsum of the tongue as a refer-
this reason, Trapozzano even argues that this factor should ence for the orientation of the occlusal plane. A lower base
not be considered important. In the region of the molars, the plate with wax rim is placed inside the patient’s mouth, and
level of the plane of orientation is considered not only with the patient is asked to keep his/her tongue still. The upper
regard to esthetic appearance but also with regard to stability side of the wax rim and the dorsum of the tongue must be at
and the prevention of tipping. The jaw to which the occlusion the same level. This approach may serve as a useful guide for
plane is more distant will have greater leverage forces exerted the orientation of the occlusal plane.A study has recently
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 329

been performed by Prof. Brian D. Monteith in South Africa it cannot be performed on patients with very long or short
regarding the identification of the plane of occlusion. In his upper lips. Following this, the upper wax rim will be adjusted
study, Prof. Monteith argued that the assumption that the parallel to the Camper line using a fox ruler or similar tools,
occlusal plane must be parallel to the Camper plane—which and the vertical dimension will be determined. After the verti-
has been hold since even before the 1920s—is actually inac- cal dimension is determined, it becomes possible to see that
curate, showing the disagreements regarding the rear end of the position of the lower wax rim approximately corresponds
the Camper plane as evidence for this. Prof. Monteith further to the middle or top of the retromolar pad. In other words, the
described that the use of cephalometric methods would allow location of the plane of orientation will become evident by
the location of the plane of occlusion to be identified with itself. After the plane is identified, the plane’s location will be
exactitude. As such, the angle forming between the Frankfort further controlled using the various reference points listed
plane and the lines joining the nasion porion points (the above that have been proposed by different researchers.
PoNANS angle) is equal to the angle between the Frankfort In cases where the plane of occlusion needs to be brought
plane and the occlusion plane.If the PoNANS angle is deter- closer to the mandible, the upper teeth will have a pendulous
mined, then the inclination of the occlusion plane could be appearance, with their acrylic portions being visible. In such
easily identified. Although determining the inclination and cases, attempts are made to remedy this problem using lon-
location of the occlusion plane based on the PoNANS angle ger molars on the maxilla; however, the length of the teeth
is more accurate, it is practically not easy or straightforward. may be esthetically inconvenient. On the other hand, bring-
The reference points proposed by various researchers that ing the plane of occlusion closer to the maxilla will cause
are generally used to determine the location of the orienta- the lower teeth to become more visible, and the increasing
tion plane (chewing plane) are listed below: leverage forces will make the lower denture to tip easily.
Concerning the Anteroposterior Inclination Compensating Curves (Spee and Wilson
Broomell: The Camper plane, which is also known as the Curves)
ala-tragus line The compensating curve is the anteroposterior and lateral
Gillis: The line extending from the edge of the lip toward the inclination of the alignment of incisal edges and occlusal
earlobe surfaces in complete dentures, which serve to ensure bal-
Schlosser: The line extending from the base of the nose anced occlusion. Compensating curve is a controlling factor
toward the condyle and is fully under the control of the dentist.
McCollum: The ear-eye plane, also called the axis-orbital The Spee curve is an anteroposterior curve extending
plane from the top of the lower canine to the buccal tubercles of the
Sears: The line parallel to the alveolar crest mandibular posterior teeth. The inclination of this curve is
Boucher: The line extending from the top of the lower canine determined by the diameter of the curve (Figs.  8.59 and
to the distal half of the retromolar pad 8.60). The Spee curve is the inclination of occlusal surfaces
in the anteroposterior direction and begins at the top of the
Concerning the Buccolingual Position lower canines, passing through the frontal edge of the rami
by following the buccal tubercles of the premolars and
Pound: Teeth in their natural position molars and ending in the frontal section of the condyle.
Sears: The top or lingual side of the alveolar crest Posterior teeth placed on this line will continue to occlude
Bloc: The neutral part between the tongue and the cheek during protrusion (Fig. 8.61).
A certain level of compensation is necessary to meet the
With Respect to Height requirements of bilateral balanced occlusion. For artificial
teeth, the extensions of the mediolateral and anteroposte-
Wright: The level of the dorsum of the tongue rior inclinations will depend on condylar guidance, the
Standard: 4 mm below the parotid duct steepness of incisal guidance, and the height of the tubercle
De Van: The midpoint of the distance between the lower and inclination. In a patient with steep incisal and condylar
upper crests guidance, the dentist must select teeth with lower compen-
Pleasure: Depending on whether the upper or lower alveolar sating curves and high tubercle angles. To ensure balanced
crests are weaker, the point closer to the weaker side occlusion, the compensating curve must be increased in
Hardy: The height of the lower canine case the condylar path inclination is high. It is a valuable
factor since it allows the tubercle height to be adjusted
Determining the location of the plane without changing the morphology of the teeth. To improve
The upper wax rim is first positioned frontally parallel to the end guidance factors, the external axes of the tubercles
the pupillary plane. While the patient’s mandible is in the rest- could be given an inclination and rendered longer or shorter.
ing position, the upper wax rim must be carried by the upper If the teeth lack tubercles, a compensating curve could be
lip. This method is, however, applicable only for normal cases; used to balance this.
330 Y. K. Ozkan

Figs. 8.59 and

8.60 Compensating curve


a b

Fig. 8.61 (a–c) Posterior teeth emplaced on curve of Spee will continue to occlude during protrusion
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 331

For a properly balanced occlusion, the compensating mandible are considered as a single plane, the top of the
curve must be rendered compatible with the other factors, as tubercles will form curves of different depths. Thus, there
described in Thielemans’ formula: is no single Wilson curve that encompasses the tubercle of
all molars although an average curve can be used. The
Condylar path inclination - incisal path inclination Wilson curve is used to support Monson’s conical theory.
Orientation plane – compensating curve – tubercle height When aligning teeth on complete dentures, it is important
to pay attention to this curve on the frontal side. Taking
Wilson Curve
this curve into account will not only allow a more balanced
The Wilson curve is also known as the transversal (fron-
occlusion to be achieved but will also provide optimal con-
tal) compensating curve (Fig. 8.62). Also called the medio-
ditions for occlusion.
lateral curve, it passes through the top of the buccal and
Monson Curve
lingual tubercles on both sides. In the mandible, Wilson
The Monson curve is described as the ideal curve for
curve is formed by the inward inclination of the posterior
occlusion. Taking this curve into consideration, molars
teeth and is positioned lower relative to the lingual and
and incisors will be aligned such that the tubercles of the
buccal tubercles; it also has a concave inclination in the
molar and the incisal edges of the incisors are all in contact
mandible. On the other hand, in the maxilla, it is formed
within a 20 cm (8 in.) diameter sphere. The center of the
by the outward inclination of the posterior teeth and is
sphere is the glabella region. All tubercles and incisal
positioned higher relative to the lingual and buccal tuber-
edges will thus be in contact with the 20  cm diameter
cles, and its inclination in the maxilla is convex. Teeth
sphere centered at the glabella, allowing them to be aligned
aligned on this curve will form a lateral balance
in a compatible and cohesive manner. As described by
(Fig. 8.63a–c). The lingual tubercles of the lower teeth are
Monson, one part (or arc) of the sphere will form a Spee
shorter than their buccal tubercles. If a plane parallel to the
curve. The corners of the Bonwill triangle will also be in
frontal plane passes through the lower right and left sec-
contact with this sphere.
ond molars, it will form a curve, which is known as the
Pleasure Curve
Wilson curve. When the same right and left molars of the
The pleasure curve, which has a helical appearance when
examined from the frontal plane, is convex on its upper side
and does not encompass the last molar teeth.
The pleasure curve is associated with the occlusal
planes of the premolars and the first and second molars.
The occlusal surfaces of the lower teeth are inclined
facially, while those of the upper teeth are inclined
lingually. The Tubercle Inclination/Tubercle Angle

of Teeth
Tubercle height refers to the shortest distance between the
top and base of a tubercle or to the shortest distance between
the central fossa of a posterior tooth and the line joining the
tubercles of this tooth.
The tubercle angle is defined as follows:

1. When measured mesiodistally or buccolingually, the

angle between the tubercle’s inclination and the plane
separating the tubercle perpendicularly into two (which
also passes through the tip of the tubercle)
2. When measured mesiodistally or buccolingually, the
angle between the tubercle’s inclination and the plane
separating the tubercle perpendicularly into two
3. Half of the angle between the mesial and distal inclina-
tions or of the angle between the buccal and lingual tuber-
cle inclinations
WILSON CURVE 4. The closest distance between the tip and the base of the
Fig. 8.62 The Wilson curve, transversal (frontal) compensating curve
332 Y. K. Ozkan

a b


Fig. 8.63 Teeth aligned on Wilson curve will form a lateral balance

5. The closest distance between the deepest part of a tooth’s

central fossa and the line joining the tubercles of the tooth
Tubercle angle provides the angle between the full
occlusal surface of the tooth and its tubercle inclination.
When the distal side of a lower tooth is positioned
higher than its mesial side, the tubercle inclination can
be made even steeper. A similar approach could also be
followed for the buccal and lingual tubercles. It is also 20º
the angle obtained through the mesiodistal or buccolin-
gual measurement of the tubercle inclination and tuber- Tubercle
cle plane (Fig. 8.64).
Effective Tubercle Inclination Angle
The effective tubercle inclination angle refers to the angle Fig. 8.64 Measurement of tubercle angle
formed between the average tubercle inclination and the hor-
izontal reference plane (Fig.  8.65). The effective tubercle angles of tilted teeth (effective tubercle angles can form
angle is the sum of the tubercle angle and the orientation compensating curves) (Fig. 8.66).
plane angle. To ensure balanced occlusion, teeth should be Although the dentist should first design the teeth accord-
aligned such that the tubercle inclinations would be parallel ing to the characteristics of the case, the chewing effective-
to the movement path of the mandible. For example, bal- ness of the patients, the level of repositioning in the alveolar
anced occlusion can be achieved by correcting the tubercle crests, and the stability of the denture, it should be remem-
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 333

Inclination 5º 25º bered that it is, ultimately, the inclination given to the teeth
during alignment that is the most important. When abraded
(in other words, non-anatomic) teeth are used during the
alignment of the teeth, the tubercles and terms relating to
tubercles are not taken into consideration. In such cases, bal-
ance is achieved by adjusting the other factors.
When teeth with 20° tubercle inclinations are used in a
case whose incisal and condylar path inclinations are 20°,
Effective the forward movement of the mandible will be compatible
inclination with the tubercle inclinations, and the teeth will be able to
angle slide over one another, thus ensuring protrusive balance.
When artificial teeth are described using numerical degree
values (e.g., a 20° tooth), the number refers to the tubercle
Fig. 8.65 Effective tubercle inclination angle angle. This angle cannot be changed by the teeth alignment;
however, the angles between the tubercle inclinations and the
horizontal plane may vary.
When teeth with tubercle angles of 20° are aligned on an
orientation plane that has a 5° angle with the horizontal
plane, the inclination of these teeth will be 25°. This angle is
30º called relative tubercle angle. The balance will be achieved if
this angle is in harmony with the mandibular movement path
angle (Figs. 8.67 and 8.68). An increase in the inclination of
the orientation plane is associated with an increase in the
relative tubercle angle of all the molars. On the other hand, a
decrease in the inclination of the orientation plane is associ-
ated with a decrease in the relative tubercle angle of all the
If 20° artificial teeth are used in a case with a condylar
path inclination of 30°, it will be necessary to give a 10°
Fig. 8.66 To ensure balanced occlusion, teeth should be aligned such
that the tubercle inclinations would be parallel to the movement path of inclination to the orientation plane to ensure balance because
the mandible proper balancing requires that the relative tubercle angles are

40° a 40° b

5° Inclination 5° Inclination

20° 20° 25°


Fig. 8.67 (a, b) When artificial teeth are described using numerical degree values (e.g., a 20° tooth), the number refers to the tubercle angle. This
angle cannot be changed by the teeth alignment. However, the angles between the tubercle inclinations and the horizontal plane may vary
334 Y. K. Ozkan

10° 5° 10°

15° 20° 25°


10° 15° 20°

Fig. 8.68 The effective tubercle angle is the total of the tubercle and
orientation plane angles

equal to the condylar path inclinations. Consequently, the 17.5° 25° 32.5°
tubercle angle and the orientation plane angle are summed. 10°
However, the individual tubercle angles of the teeth and the
inclination of the orientation plane differ from one another in
one important respect; the inclination of the orientation plane
is determined at the clinic based on certain data obtained
Fig. 8.69 The technician can change the effective tubercle angles
from the patient, while the teeth are aligned and given their
inclination (for balancing purposes) in the laboratory. Thus,
relative tubercle angles are prepared in a laboratory environ- The incisal path inclination is directly proportional with
ment with efforts focusing on ensuring that they are compat- the tubercle angles on the anterior, while the condylar path
ible with the movements of the mandible. inclination is directly proportional with the tubercle angles
In cases where the condylar path inclination is 30° and the on the posterior. Relative tubercle angles must be parallel
incisal inclination is 10°, the value of the tubercle inclination with the movement path of the mandible. Thus, technicians
must be at the midpoint of the values for these two end con- will incline the teeth when aligning them to ensure that the
trol factors, that is, at 20°, which will allow the balance to be relative tubercle angles and the movement path of the man-
achieved. Even so, in these cases, the tubercles’ angles dible are compatible with one another. To ensure this com-
toward the anterior will need to be smaller (as the incisal patibility, it may be necessary for certain circumstances to
inclination is lower), while tubercle angles toward the poste- abrade the teeth slightly during alignment.
rior will need to be larger (as the condylar inclination is The tubercle angle of the teeth is closely related to the
higher). In other words, the tubercles are under the influence condylar path inclination because the condylar path incli-
of the end control factors and must be compatible with nation itself is directly associated with the movement path
whichever one is closer. If the dentist uses 20° teeth in the of the mandible. In cases with very high condylar path
case in question, during the process of aligning the teeth, the inclinations, the use of artificial teeth with similarly high
technician must slightly abrade those on the anterior side to tubercle inclinations is recommended. Alternatively, teeth
reduce their tubercle angles and at the same time give more with low tubercles, or even teeth without any tubercles,
inclination to those on the posterior side to increase their could be used. Nonetheless, with such teeth, the Spee
tubercle angles (Fig.  8.69). Thus, a curve will be obtained curve must be set deeper. Based on the definition for rela-
after inclinations are given to the teeth with the intention of tive tubercle angles, this factor is also associated with the
ensuring that their relative tubercle angles are compatible plane of orientation. Thus, an increase in the plane of ori-
with the movement of the mandible. This curve is called the entation is associated with an increase in the relative tuber-
compensating curve (Spee). In this context, high sagittal cle angles.
condylar path inclinations will require higher effective tuber- It should be remembered that the tubercle inclinations
cle angles through the posterior side. To ensure this, the are under the effect of the end control factors: the inclina-
molars should be given a higher inclination that, in turn, will tion of a tubercle must be compatible with the inclination
give even more depth to the compensating curve. The oppo- of its nearest end control factor. Conversely, tubercle incli-
site will occur when the condylar path inclination is low. nations have an inverse relation with the Spee curve: in
As the relative tubercle angle is the total of the tubercle cases where teeth with very high tubercle inclinations (i.e.,
and compensating angles, the same result could be obtained teeth with high tubercles) are used, a shallower Spee curve
by increasing the Spee without changing the angle. In this will be obtained. Then again, using teeth with lower tuber-
case, the Spee curve and the tubercle angles will be inversely cles is associated with an increase in the inclination of the
proportional; one will decrease when the other increases. Spee curve. Although tubercle inclinations and the Spee
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 335

curve have an inverse relation with one another, both of the teeth remain in contact, while the mandible performs
them are directly proportional to the condylar path inclina- protrusive movements. For example, when the incisal and
tion. In cases that they have high condylar path inclina- condylar path inclinations are adjusted using this approach,
tions, both of the inclinations will also be high. Lower the effective tubercle angle of the distal inclination of the
condylar path inclinations will lead to lower levels for both upper teeth tubercles must be 10° for the premolars and 30°
of these inclinations. for the second molars. If the average tubercle inclination of
The tubercle height is also associated with the amount of the teeth is 20°, the teeth should be inclined such that the
overbite; as such, tubercle heights are generally equal to the tubercle angle of the first premolar is 10° and the tubercle
amount of overbite. The amount of overbite is closely asso- angle of the second molar is 30° (Fig. 8.68). If the top of all
ciated with the Spee curve. The Spee curve should be the tubercles is in relation, a plane will not be determined;
increased for cases with a high overbite since an overbite is instead, a curve will be identified that is suitable for the man-
indicative of a high incisal path inclination. The incisal path dible movement that is determined by the incisal and condy-
and the Spee curve are directly proportional factors. lar path inclination angles. This arc will then be compensated.
Therefore, it is necessary to make the Spee curve deeper for Changes in the factors that determine the movement path of
cases with high levels of overbite. Thus, by applying the mandible will also lead to changes in the compensating
Hanau’s laws of articulation and by ensuring contact curve.
between opposing teeth during eccentric movements, it As the condylar guidance increases, the tubercle height
becomes possible to obtain the desired bilateral balanced could be increased to ensure balanced occlusion. The den-
articulation in complete dentures. tist may select half or fully anatomic teeth. In complete
In both centric and eccentric movements, there should be dentures that are prepared instead of partial dentures or
an equal level of contact between the opposing teeth. In natural dentition, teeth will be selected by ensuring that
other words, pressure should be distributed equally between they are compatible with the tubercle heights of the oppos-
both sides. Thus, excessive contact on one side, along with ing arch.
limited contact on the opposing side, is an undesirable In all eccentric movements, the morphological character-
situation. istics of all posterior teeth must be compatible with the teeth
Among the different articulation factors, the only factor in the opposing arch. Thus, the morphology of a tooth will be
that is outside the dentist’s initiative and cannot be changed affected by the surface it contacts on the opposing side and
is the condylar path inclination because as stated several teeth. The closer a tooth is to the temporomandibular joint,
times earlier, this factor is an anatomic factor that cannot be the more the joint will be affected by the movements of that
modified or altered by the dentist. The other factors, how- tooth.
ever, could be modified as necessary.
When the mandible moves forward, it will first move pos- Occlusal Surfaces of Posterior Teeth
teriorly on a raising arc under the effect of the 30° condylar These teeth are affected by anterior and condylar guidance in
path inclination and then start to move anteriorly under the two ways:
effect of the 10° incisal path inclination. While the mandible
moves forward through the midpoint of the anterior and pos- • Factors affecting the vertical component (height)
terior determinants, the teeth will continue to remain in con- • Factors affecting the horizontal component (width)
tact owing to their 20° tubercle inclination. In addition to
this, the distance between the teeth will increase in front of
and behind this midpoint since the tubercle angles will need Vertical Factors Affecting the Occlusal
to move 10° to the front side and 30° on the back side (i.e., Morphology
the tubercles, which ensure the continuity of contact are the The vertical factors of occlusal morphology include the con-
distal inclinations of the upper teeth and the mesial inclina- dylar guidance, the anterior guidance, the occlusal plane, the
tions of the lower teeth). Spee curve, and the lateral translation movement (Table 8.9).
How can the tubercle inclination angles of the teeth be The following factors affect the height and fossa depths of
changed? The teeth can be aligned to be parallel to the plane. the tubercles:
It is also possible to change the axis of the teeth relative to
the occlusal plane. If the teeth are inclined by only 4°, the 1. The anterior controlling factor of the mandibular move-
relative tubercle angle on the side toward which the teeth ment (e.g., anterior guidance)
were inclined will be 25°, while the angle on the other side 2. The posterior controlling factor of the mandibular move-
will be 15° (Figs. 8.68 and 8.69). ment (e.g., condylar guidance)
The procedure of inclining the teeth to correct their tuber- 3. The proximity of the tubercles to these controlling
cle inclination angle should be performed by ensuring that factors
336 Y. K. Ozkan

Table 8.9 Vertical factors of occlusal morphology

Factor Situation Effect
Condylar Steep guidance High posterior
guidance tubercle
Anterior guidance Excessive vertical overlap High posterior
Excessive horizontal Shallow posterior 45°
overlap tubercle
Occlusal plane More parallel according to Shallow posterior
condylar guidance tubercle
Spee curve Exessive inclination The most posterior
tubercle is short
Lateral Exessive movement Shallow posterior
translation tubercle
movement The movement of the Shallow posterior
rotating condyle is more tubercle
Exessive immediate side Shallow posterior
shift tubercle 45°

Posterior centric tubercles are generally prepared in a way

that they will be in contact in the intercuspal position and
become unoccluded in eccentric movements. They should be Fig. 8.70 To prevent premolars from discluding during protrusive
long enough to be in contact in the intercuspal position and movements, the tubercle inclinations should be less than 45°
to be out of contact during eccentric movements.
When the anterior and posterior controlling factors are the 60°
same (45°), they move away from the mandible reference
plane at a 45° angle. To prevent premolars from discluding
during protrusive movements, the tubercle inclinations
should be less than 45°. When both the anterior and posterior
controlling factors are 60°, the tubercle angles should be less 60°
than 60° to prevent the disclusion of the premolars during
protrusive movements (Figs. 8.70 and 8.71).
After the teeth are placed and aligned in accordance with
esthetic and phonetic considerations, the level of vertical and
horizontal overlap between the lower and upper anterior
teeth can be corrected. Greater vertical overlap and lower
horizontal overjet will both be associated with greater incisal
guidance. Hence, to provide balanced occlusion, it is neces-
60° 60°
sary to increase the tubercle height (Fig.  8.72). In case of
limited vertical overlap or excessive horizontal overjet, a
minimum tubercle height will be necessary to ensure bal- 60°
anced occlusion (Fig. 8.73). 60°
In the articulator, the first molar is approximately at the
same distance from the incisal and condylar guidance, which
are both end control factors. Thus, determining the tubercle
height necessary for ensuring balance in lateral and protru-
sive movements can be viewed as a mathematical or mechan- Fig. 8.71 When both the condylar and incisal guidance angles are
ical method. For example, when the incisal guidance is 10° equal and 60°, the tubercle angles should be less than 60° to prevent the
and the condylar guidance is 30°, the tubercle height neces- disclusion of the premolars during protrusive movements
sary for ensuring balanced occlusion in the first molar region
must be 20° because the degree for the first molar is mechan- to ensure balanced occlusion into a mathematical and
ically half of the total degrees for the end control factors mechanical problem (Fig. 8.66).
(10 + 30 = 40 ÷ 2 = 20°). This situation transforms the ques- Within the mouth, the condylar inclination covers a
tion of how the posterior teeth should be placed and aligned greater distance between the first molar teeth than the incisal
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 337

3 2 1

Steep cusp height 3 21


Fig. 8.72 Greater vertical overlap and lower horizontal overjet will
both be associated with greater incisal guidance
Fig. 8.74 The morphology of the mandibular fossa’s medial wall
affects the amount of lateral translation movement

Shallow tubercle height

3 21

guidance 3
2 1 3

Fig. 8.73 In case of limited vertical overlap or excessive horizontal

overjet, a minimum tubercle height will be necessary to ensure bal-
anced occlusion

guidance, since the incisal guidance does not have a guiding Fig. 8.75 Larger lateral translation movement will be associated with
pin, with the posterior teeth serving as its “guide” instead. shorter posterior tubercles
Hence, since the incisal guidance is closer to the teeth than
the condylar inclination, the incisal guidance in the mouth and inward in the process. Meanwhile, the condyle on the
will play the most significant mechanical role when deter- opposing side will rotate around the axis of the mandibular
mining how occlusion will take place in the posterior teeth. fossa. The temporomandibular ligament of the rotating con-
dyle is very firm, and its medial wall is positioned very The Effect of Mandibular Translation closely to the orbiting condyle. The extent of inward move-
Movement on Tubercle Height ment performed by the condyle will be determined by two
The Bennett Movement factors, which are the morphology of the mandibular fossa’s
The Bennett movement refers to the lateral translation medial wall and the internal horizontal section of the tem-
movement performed by the mandible during lateral move- poromandibular ligament (Fig. 8.74).
ment. During lateral movements, one of the condyles will A larger lateral translation movement will be associated
perform an orbital movement, moving downward, forward, with shorter posterior tubercles (Fig. 8.75).
338 Y. K. Ozkan

Similarly, a higher lateral translation movement will also The Effect of the Anterolateral and Posterolateral
be associated with shorter posterior tubercles. When a lateral Translation Movement of the Rotating Condyle
translation movement is performed early and suddenly, a shift- Greater anterolateral movements by the rotating condyle
ing motion will occur at the condyle fossa even before it per- are associated with a smaller angle between the lateroretru-
forms a translation movement. If this motion occurs together sive and medioretrusive paths. Greater posterolateral move-
with an eccentric movement, it is also called a progressive lat- ments by the rotating condyle are associated with a larger
eral translation movement or a progressive side shift. angle between the lateroretrusive and medioretrusive paths.
Horizontal Factors Affecting Occlusal Morphology Intercondylar Distance
The horizontal factors of occlusal morphology include the A larger intercondylar distance is associated with a smaller
distance to the rotating condyle, the distance to the midsagit- angle between the lateroretrusive and medioretrusive paths.
tal plane, the distance to the rotating condyle and midsagittal
plane, the effect of the mandibular translation movement, the The Relationship Between Anterior
intercondylar distance, and the relationship between anterior and Posterior Controlling Factors
and posterior controlling factors (Table 8.10). The occlusion of complete dentures is a subject that dentists
Distance to the Rotating Condyle have focused on for many years. Researchers from the early
A greater distance between the teeth and the rotating con- period of studies on the occlusion of complete dentures were
dyle is associated with an increase in the angle that develops the first developers of different posterior teeth forms and
during lateroretrusive and medioretrusive movements. arrangements. In recent years, many modifications have been
During lateral movements, there will be contact on the work- performed on these original forms. What is interesting is that
ing side between the inner inclinations of the buccal tuber- although none of these occlusal templates have ever gained
cles of the upper teeth and the outer inclinations of the buccal universal acceptance and despite the very short-termed stud-
tubercles of the lower teeth. These contacts are called latero- ies and data regarding these templates, numerous dentists
retrusive contacts. During such movements, there will be a have nevertheless adopted them. Furthermore, due to the
contact on the balancing side between the inner inclinations large level of variation observed in the studies on humans, it
of the buccal tubercles of the upper teeth and the inner incli- seems nearly impossible to provide definite evidence. The
nations of the buccal tubercles of the lower teeth. These con- dentist should thus choose the suitable occlusion types for
tacts are called medioretrusive contacts. his/her patients based on his/her own clinical experiences
The Distance to the Midsagittal Plane and judgment.
A greater distance between the teeth and the midsagittal In complete dentures, maintaining a broad occlusal spec-
plane is associated with an increase in the angle that devel- trum is important for the range of different patients
ops during lateroretrusive and medioretrusive movements. (Table 8.11). The position of a patient on the patient spec-
Distance to the Rotating Condyle and Midsagittal Plane trum will affect the selection of the occlusal template
For a tooth, a more anterior position on the dental arch is (Table 8.12). The anatomic, mechanical, physiological, and
associated with an increase in the angle that develops during esthetic limitations of the patient limit the template selection.
lateroretrusive and medioretrusive movements. The evaluation of the anatomy and the condition of the oral
The Effect of the Mandibular Translation Movement tissues are not sufficient in themselves to permit the proper
An increase in the level of lateral translation movement is selection of the occlusal template. So far, we have described
associated with an increase in the angle between the laterore- in detail the characteristics of balanced occlusion. From this
trusive and medioretrusive paths formed by the centric tuber- point onward, we will describe the other concepts of occlu-
cle ridges. sion (Fig. 8.76).

Table 8.10 Horizontal factors of occlusal morphology

Factor Situation Effect Table 8.11 Spectrum of patients
Distance from the Excessive The angle between the
rotating condyle distance laterotrusive and mediotrusive Young Middle-aged Old
paths is excessive Healthy Average health Pure health
Distance from the Excessive The angle between the Fine ridges Resorbed but enough Pure ridges
midsaggital plane distance laterotrusive and mediotrusive ridge
paths is excessive Firm mocosa Some movable tissue Mobile tissues
Lateral translation Excessive The angle between the areas
movement movement laterotrusive and mediotrusive Well oral Average oral awareness Poor oral awareness
paths is excessive awareness
Intercondylar Excessive The angle between the Good oral skills Average oral skills Poor oral skills
distance distance laterotrusive and mediotrusive Interested in Average interest in Little interest in
paths is small esthetics esthetics esthetics
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 339

Table 8.12 Occlusal spectrum

Semi-balanced Neutrocentric
Anatomic occlusion (balanced) occlusion Lingualized occlusion Non-anatomic occlusion
1. Better esthetics 1. Providing cross arch 1. Simple technique, less sensitive
balance record
2. Easiness in penetration (less vertical 2. Reducing lateral forces 2. Reduced lateral forces
3. Denture stability in parafunctional 3. Increasing chewing 3. Simple adjustment
movements efficacy 4. Allows closure area
5. Good in Class II and III jaw
6. Good stability, forces are in the
center and neutralized
1. Good records and transfer to the 1. Less chewing than 1. Less esthetic
articulator is necessary balanced occlusion
2. More lateral forces in the 2. More abrasion of teeth 2. Low penetration (increased
inclinations (more bone vertical forces on the ridge)
3. Difficult to make adjustments 3. Increased lateral chewing
components Monoplane Occlusion (Neutrocentric

Jones first proposed monoplane occlusion in 1972. This con-
cept involves the use of non-anatomic teeth, along with sev-
eral conceptual modifications. In this type of occlusion, the
vertical overlap is not formed between the upper and lower
teeth. On the other hand, the level of horizontal overlap is
determined according to the relationship with the jaw. First,
the upper posterior teeth will be aligned, and the occlusal
plane will be arranged according to all necessary conditions
and requirements:

1. The occlusal plane will first be formed such that there

is equal distance between both the upper and lower
Fig. 8.76 Concepts of occlusion 2. The occlusal plane should be parallel to the denture
8.1.9 Unbalanced Occlusion 3. The positioning of the occlusal plane must correspond to
the junction of the upper and central parts of the retromo-
Unbalanced occlusion is an occlusion concept held by those lar triangle.
who do not believe in the necessity of balanced occlusion dur-
ing chewing; who disregard the lateral movement of the man- During the arrangement of the upper and lower teeth, all
dible during chewing movement, or consider such movements of the teeth except for the second molars are positioned such
as having very limited effect; and who believe that the main jaw that they are in full contact. The second upper molar will be,
movements performed by humans are chewing, opening, and at the same time, parallel to and 2  mm above the occlusal
closing movements. Other names for this concept include plane. In other words, the second upper molar will be placed
monoplane or neutrocentric occlusion (Table 8.12). Unbalanced outside of the occlusion. This is because in this type of
occlusion involves the use of non-anatomic teeth. Non- arrangement, it is mainly the first and second premolars and
anatomic teeth have been used ever since Gysi first developed the first molars that take part in chewing and the second
anatomic teeth. Sears is one of the leading examples of dentists molars are placed solely for the purpose of filling the gap and
who have used unbalanced occlusion with non-anatomic teeth. do not take part in their function.
340 Y. K. Ozkan

Indications of Monoplane Occlusion (Neutrocentric support, thereby reducing frictional forces. The buccolingual
Concept) dimensions of the teeth are narrowed. The number of teeth is
reduced to direct forces toward the molar-premolar region.
1. Flat crests Placing and aligning teeth on the crest inclination at the sec-
2. Class II jaw relation ond molar region should be avoided.
3. Class III jaw relation Benefits:
4. Maxillofacial patients
5. Handicapped patients • More freedom in occlusion during transitions from cen-
6. Cross bite tric movements to eccentric movements
7. Suspicious or non-ideal centric relation • Elimination of the inclined plane forces that cause the dis-
placement of the denture base during function
In unbalanced occlusion, full and simultaneous contact on • No conflicts while the denture is in place
the anterior and posterior sides, as well as the left and right Advantages:
sides, is expected only in the centric position. Such contacts are
not necessary for eccentric positions. It is believed that applying • Better adaptation in Class II and Class III malocclusions.
this type of occlusion allows chewing forces to be concentrated • Easier to use for cross bites.
on the center of the alveolar crests, thus enabling the denture • As the mandible is not locked in a single position, it pro-
base plates to become better established on the underlying tis- vides the patient with a sensation of freedom.
sue, which in turn increases the stability of the denture. • Whether CR occurs at a particular point or area is not
The molars are aligned at a mediolateral position relative important.
to the alveolar crests, such that they would not limit the func- • Aligning the occlusion is easier and more rapid.
tion of the tongue. During the procedures for the preparation • It is more advantageous for cases with residual crest
of the denture, the patient will be asked to not bite with his/ resorption.
her anterior teeth. Consequently, it will not be necessary to
determine and consider the incisal path inclination. The Disadvantages:
molars will be abraded, and there will be no extensions (i.e.,
• Non-anatomic teeth can only engage in two-dimensional
tubercles) above or below the occlusal plane. As biting will
occlusion (length and width), while the mandible can,
not be performed with the posterior teeth and due to the lack
owing to the structure of the condyles, move in three
of tubercles, the horizontal condylar path inclination on the
articulator will be set to zero. As the teeth are aligned such
• They cannot provide the vertical component of chewing
that they would not balance during eccentric movements, the
and nonfunctional movement. Thus, the shearing effect is
lateral condylar path inclination is also set to zero. In this
case, the condylar elements of the articulator will be deter-
• Bilateral and protrusive balance is not possible with an
mined only for the opening and closing movements.
entirely flat occlusion.
To direct forces toward the center and to also reduce fric-
• If there are no escape routes on the occlusal surfaces, the
tional forces, the buccolingual width of the teeth will be
flat teeth will not be able to function effectively.
reduced. In addition to this, the number of teeth will be
• They cannot be corrected through occlusal abrasion with-
reduced, and the second molars may not be placed. Thus,
out also negatively affecting their activity.
during the preparation and completion of the denture, the
• They appear uniform and artificial and may lead to physi-
incisal inclination will be set to zero, the molars will be
ological problems.
aligned parallel to the denture base, and the number and
width of the teeth will be reduced. With this occlusion concept, there is no need to eliminate
The first and foremost objective is to prevent tissue destruc- deflective occlusal contacts associated with lateral and pro-
tion and maintain the integrity of the crests. Many dentists trusive movements.
believe that using a monoplane occlusion that is mesiodistally
and buccolingually flat allows more stable dentures to be pre-
pared. This occlusion approach involves the elimination of the 8.1.10 Linear Occlusion
anteroposterior of the teeth and mediolateral inclinations and
the focusing of occlusal forces toward the posterior teeth. The The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms defines linear occlu-
position of the occlusal plane must be determined with hori- sion as “the occlusal arrangement of artificial teeth, as
zontal condylar guidance. In accordance with the form of the viewed in the horizontal plane, wherein the masticatory sur-
posterior teeth, the occlusal plane must also be flat. faces of the mandibular posterior artificial teeth have a
The horizontal and lateral condylar guidance must be set straight, long, narrow occlusal form, resembling that of a
to zero. The force will be directed toward the center of the line, usually articulating with opposing monoplane teeth.”
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 341

The reasons why linear occlusion is an interesting method The upper posterior teeth are placed at the level of the
are its simplicity, its successful implementation in practice, occlusal plane. The teeth should be aligned such that the knife
and its ability to combine the chewing mechanism with lin- edge-shaped buccal tubercles of the lower teeth will corre-
ear stability. Linear occlusion ensures the stability of the spond and contact with the central fossa of the upper teeth.
denture base plates during the function. In other words, it
increases denture stability by reducing the lateral forces act-
ing on it. Previous studies conducted on patients with severe 8.1.11 Lingualized Occlusion
ridge resorption have demonstrated that complete dentures
with linear occlusion were more stable than complete den- The subject of ideal teeth alignment has been studied for a
tures with anatomic occlusion and that linear occlusion was long time with the objective of maximizing denture stability,
also associated with less bone resorption. In addition to this, comfort, esthetic appearance, and function. Among the
there are studies that have also demonstrated that, during various types of occlusal plane relations that have been
lateral movements, complete dentures with anatomic occlu- described to date, lingualized occlusion is one of the most
sion lead to a greater accumulation of stress in the mucosa popular. Lingualized occlusion is suitable for cases with high
of the working side, while complete dentures with linear levels of incompatibility between the anteroposterior and
occlusion ensure a more balanced distribution of stress buccolingual crests, for cases in which denture stabilization
forces. is difficult, and for cases with very severe resorption in the
In complete dentures, occlusion is limited to three- alveolar crests of the mandible.
dimensional (tubercled) and two-dimensional (flat/non- The concept of lingualized occlusion was first defined by
tubercled) occlusion. On the other hand, linear occlusion the Swiss researcher Dr. Alfred Gysi in 1927. At the begin-
enables the full geometric limitation of the occlusion, thus ning of the 1900s, Gysi had reported crest incompatibility in
allowing a one-dimensional occlusal design to be obtained. approximately 60% of his patients due to the resorption of
This type of occlusion, which effectively eliminates pros- alveolar crests, and in 1927 he developed the concept of lin-
thetic problems, is a valuable tool for clinicians. gualized occlusion along with “cross bite posterior” teeth. In
In linear occlusion, the posterior teeth must have horizon- cross bite posterior teeth, posterior maxillary teeth with sin-
tal overlap, but no vertical overlap. Bilateral contacts are gle, linear tubercles are in contact with posterior mandibular
required to prevent any right, left, and protrusive conflicts; teeth with shallow fossa. Following this, French in 1935
ensuring protrusive balance is also necessary. All of the obtained the patent for the “modified posterior” teeth he
lower teeth must be prepared and aligned on an occlusal developed. In the modified posterior teeth, the upper posterior
plane. The anterior level of the occlusal plane must be at the teeth have shallow fossa, while the lower posterior teeth have
level of the anterior teeth, while the posterior level of the narrow and flat occlusal surfaces. Although these posterior
occlusal plane must be approximately at the highest level of teeth developed by Gysi and French allowed the vertical
the retromolar pad. The occlusal surfaces of the lower poste- transmission of forces through a “mortar and pestle” relation-
rior teeth must be more or less at the same level. Thus, the ship while also providing an acceptable esthetic appearance,
lingual tubercles of the first and second molars will be at the these teeth were only used for a limited period. Nevertheless,
same level as their buccal knife edge-shaped tubercles. This, this all changed when, in 1941, S. Howard Payne reported the
however, will not be applicable for the premolar occlusal reshaping of Farmer’s posterior teeth (with 30° tubercle incli-
surfaces since the premolars have been designed more for nations) in accordance with the concept of lingualized occlu-
cutting food rather than crushing it. Hence, the occlusal sur- sion and described that this new design was capable of
faces of the premolars are not expected to participate in the meeting the needs of edentulous patients. Payne had abraded
crushing processes to the same extent as the occlusal sur- posterior teeth with 30° tubercle inclinations to create a mor-
faces of the molars. tar and pestle relationship (Fig. 8.77).

Fig. 8.77 Mortar and pestle

principle in lingualized
342 Y. K. Ozkan

In eccentric movements, the maxillary palatal tubercles dentures; however, as chewing forces in lingualized occlu-
continue their contact with mandibular teeth, while no con- sion are transmitted vertically to the alveolar crests, this type
tact takes place between the maxillary buccal tubercles and of occlusion is suitable for all kinds of fixed and removable
the mandibular teeth. In the following years, Pound contin- dentures.
ued to advocate the concept of lingualized occlusion while Initially, teeth with different characteristics were used in
also performing certain changes in the teeth and matching combination at the maxillary and mandibular arches for
process he used. Different from Payne, he used posterior ensuring lingualized occlusion. Even so, none of these teeth
mandibular teeth with 20° tubercle inclinations, in addition were developed or designed specifically for lingualized
to the posterior maxillary teeth with 30° tubercle inclina- occlusion. In recent years, various manufacturing companies
tions. Also, to eliminate the maxillary buccal tubercle con- have begun to produce teeth developed specifically and
tact, he abraded and reduced the size of the buccal tubercles exclusively for lingualized occlusion.
of posterior mandibular teeth rather than positioning the buc- In lingualized occlusion, the buccal tubercles of the pos-
cal tubercles at a higher position. terior maxillary teeth are aligned at a level approximately
The concept of lingualized occlusion essentially involves 1 mm above the occlusal plane (Fig. 8.79). Thus, the poste-
the contact of posterior maxillary teeth that have pronounced rior maxillary teeth do not assume a functional role in lin-
lingual tubercles with posterior mandibular teeth that have gualized occlusion. This alignment has the advantage of
shallow central fossae (Fig.  8.78). It is believed that this providing an esthetically better appearance and to increase
approach enables the adaptation of different types of crests, the distance between the cheek and the occlusal plane by
increases chewing effectiveness, eliminates the conflicts that pushing the cheek outward, thereby decreasing the patient’s
occur between the teeth during lateral movements, and chance of biting the cheek. The popularity of lingualized
ensures tubercle relationships without involving unbalanced occlusion stems from its simplicity applicable and its wide-
occlusion. In this type of denture occlusion, the lingual spread clinical use.
tubercles of the maxillary teeth are related to the occlusal In this concept, posterior maxillary teeth with pronounced
surfaces of the mandibular teeth during all movements of the lingual tubercles and posterior mandibular teeth with shal-
mandible, on both the working and balancing sides low central fossae are used. These teeth and an alignment
(Figs. 8.79, 8.80, 8.81, 8.82, and 8.83). Lingualized occlu- performed in accordance with this concept are believed to
sion was initially developed for the occlusion of complete provide the following benefits:

• Enables the adaptation of different types of crests

• Increases chewing effectiveness
• Eliminates the conflicts that occur between the teeth dur-
ing lateral movements
• Ensures tubercle relations without involving unbalanced

Basic principles of lingualized occlusion are as follows:

(a) The maxillary lingual tubercles are arranged sitting on

the fossa of the mandibular posterior teeth at the centric
position contacts.
Fig. 8.78 The use of mandibular posterior teeth that have shallow cen- (b) Teeth with flat planes and shallow tubercles are used in
tral fossae for lingualized occlusion the mandible as opposed to anatomic teeth in the
(c) Anterior overbite is not created to enhance the esthetics
and to ensure the eccentric contacts.
(d) There is a contact on both the working side and the bal-
B B ancing side of the denture in eccentric movements.
(e) During the posterior tooth arrangement, a number of
procedures, such as condylar guidance, occlusal plane
angle of incisal guidance, and the inclination of the
Fig. 8.79 In lingualized occlusion, the buccal tubercles of the poste-
tubercle and the compensating curves, are performed,
rior maxillary teeth are aligned at a level approximately 1 mm above the and these procedures are involved in ensuring such
occlusal plane contacts.
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 343



Figs. 8.80–8.83 In lingualized occlusion, the lingual tubercles of the maxillary teeth are related to the occlusal surfaces of the mandibular teeth
during all movements of the mandible and on both the working and balancing sides

Occlusion, laterotrusion, and protrusion (all excursive • On the front view, the buccal surface decreases as it
movements) should be checked with articulating paper in advances from the first premolar toward the second molar,
each stage of tooth arrangement. thus creating the buccal corridor.
The following factors are considered in the arrangement • They are inclined buccally.
of lower posterior teeth:
The two first premolars are set according to the mandible.
• Lower posterior teeth are placed on the crest of the alveo- The buccal tubercles must be in contact with the occlusal
lar ridge. plane. The lower first molar must be set on the deepest point
• The central grooves are located on the line joining the of the alveolar crest in consideration of the sagittal and trans-
canine apex and the retromolar triangle. versal compensating curve. The buccal tubercles are located
• The buccal tubercles are located tangentially to the approximately 2 mm below the occlusal plane and are dis-
Bonwill circle extending from the buccal margin of the tally elevated. The lower second molars are set in the space
first premolar to the buccal margin of the retromolar pad. between the first premolar and the first molar and are
• The lingual tubercles are located on Pound’s line. 1–1.5 mm below the occlusal plane.
• The lingual tubercles are inclined lingually (the crown The upper first molar is brought into the optimal intercus-
inclination increases toward the distal). pation. The upper second premolars are set in their proper
places. If there is sufficient space, the 4-second molars are
The following factors are considered in the arrangement placed into their respective places. The distobuccal tubercles
of upper posterior teeth: of the final molars contact the occlusal plane in the mandible.
This may be performed with the premolars in case of very
• Upper posterior teeth are placed on the crest of the alveo- limited space.
lar ridge. Anatomic posterior teeth with specific lingual tubercles
• The central grooves are located on the elliptical line join- and an angle of 30–33° are used for the upper denture,
ing the apex of the canines and the maxillary tuber. whereas non-anatomic or semi-anatomic teeth are used for
344 Y. K. Ozkan

a b

c d

Fig. 8.84 Lingualized occlusion. (a) The appearance of buccal sur- upper first premolar. Furthermore, the lingual tubercles of the upper
face, (b) the appearance of lingual surface, and (c, d) the buccal tuber- teeth must be in contact with the central fossa of the lower teeth for all
cle of the lower first premolar should be set on the mesial fossa of the other teeth

the lower denture. The purpose of moving the upper poste- For CO, the lingual tubercles of the upper posterior teeth
rior teeth with a specific tubercle height within the fossa of are in contact with the central fossa of the lower posterior
the lower posterior teeth with a shallower tubercle inclina- teeth; however, the buccal tubercles of the upper posterior
tion is to achieve the “mortar and pestle” effect. Thereby, the teeth should not be in contact with the lower posterior teeth.
masticatory forces are transmitted perpendicularly to the To achieve this, the upper posterior teeth should be arranged
alveolar crest (Fig. 8.77). slightly inclined buccally. Where necessary, a slight abrasion
These teeth should be arranged in a way that only a single may be performed from the inclination of the buccal tuber-
contact point should be created for each tooth: the buccal cles of the lower posterior teeth. Setting the upper posterior
tubercle of the lower first premolar should be set on the teeth as inclined to the buccal will eliminate the risk of cheek
mesial fossa of the upper first premolar. Furthermore, the lin- bite during chewing for the patient. It will also contribute to
gual tubercles of the upper teeth must be in contact with the the esthetic appearance. These contacts are also provided for
central fossa of the lower teeth for all other teeth the lateral movements created during chewing; however, care
(Fig. 8.84a–d). should be taken not to create a contact in the buccal tubercles
Where necessary, the setting may be performed in a way of the upper posterior teeth. Balance is provided with the
that there is a slight concavity on the occlusal surfaces of the lingual tubercles of the upper molars while executing lateral
lower posterior teeth. If the mandibular crest is severely movements, whereas the premolars on both the working side
resorbed, the occlusal planes of the posterior teeth may be and the balancing side move by sliding within the bowl-
narrowed. shaped fossae of the lower teeth. Positioning the occlusal
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 345

forces lingually and pushing toward the center of the lower It is much easier to arrange the teeth according to the lin-
teeth will reduce the lateral movements of the lower denture, gualized occlusion principles in the laboratory stage. Setting
contributing to denture stabilization. the maxillary buccal tubercles with no contact with the man-
During protrusive movement, contact should also be cre- dibular teeth for the centric and eccentric movements allows
ated between only the maxillary lingual tubercles and the for ease of application for the centric and eccentric move-
mandibular teeth. In case of forward and backward move- ments and also provides a great advantage for both the labo-
ments, the lingual tubercles of the upper second premolar ratory technician and the physician.
and molar teeth remain in contact with the bowl-shaped There are currently artificial tooth sets that are specially
fossae of the lower teeth. The buccal tubercle of the lower shaped for lingualized occlusion; however, almost all of the
first premolar remains in contact with the bowl-shaped artificial teeth of anatomic nature may be used if modified
fossa of the upper first premolar. The abrasions occur only through selective grinding. Using the maxillary anatomic
from the mandibular teeth for protrusive movements; teeth that are modified to comply with lingualized occlusion
thereby, the lateral balancing contacts and the vertical size will positively affect the esthetics and improve the patient
remain unchanged. Turning the right and left second molars satisfaction.
slightly toward the front results in a more perpendicular Lingualized Occlusion-Jaw Relationships
angle in the central fossa on the distal side. Therefore, bal- For Class I Jaw Relationship
ance is created for the forward movement, as well as The anterior teeth are arranged based on routine esthetic
between the angles of the anterior teeth and the second and phonetic guidance. The maxillary teeth are set more labi-
molars during articulation. ally than the mandibular teeth with the distal edge of the
Advantages of Lingualized Occlusion maxillary canine slightly posterior to the mandibular canine.
The tooth arrangement used in the lingualized occlusion To the extent allowed by the esthetic and phonetic require-
provides the cross arch balance. Since the masticatory forces ments, the aim is to minimize the incisor path inclination,
are created more slightly on the lingual side in the mandibu- and thereby the inclination and the tubercle heights of the
lar denture, this will contribute to the stabilization of the posterior teeth are kept at a minimum to create a balanced
mandibular denture. This feature of the lingualized occlusion occlusion on the posterior teeth.
is highly advantageous for patients with a severely resorbed After the arrangement of anterior teeth, the mandibular
alveolar crest or with a difference in length between the alve- posterior teeth are arranged in accordance with the estab-
olar crests. The improved stabilization of the mandibular lished principles. The height of the lower anterior teeth is
denture positively affects the patient comfort. established according to esthetics and phonetics, and the
Disabling the tips of the mandibular tubercle and shorter occlusal plane is determined based on the localization of the
buccal tubercles of the maxillary posterior teeth compared retromolar triangle. The lingual tubercles of the mandibular
with the lingual tubercles minimize the lateral forces that posterior teeth should remain within the triangle created
impair denture stabilization and cause destructive effects on between the distal segment of the mandibular canine and the
the alveolar crest. This is because the single point of contact buccal and lingual surfaces of the retromolar triangle. A
of the mandibular posterior teeth in a tooth arrangement pre- guide plane of 20° may be used in such a way that the antero-
pared according to the lingualized occlusion is the palatal posterior and mediolateral compensating curves are
tubercles of the maxillary posterior teeth. shallow.
The occlusal contacts on the posterior teeth are created in While setting the maxillary posterior teeth that will create
a more limited area, and this makes the force distribution lingualized occlusion, the maxillary posterior teeth with spe-
more balanced. In addition to the balanced force distribution, cific lingual tubercles are slightly set to the buccal side of the
the mortar and pestle relationship between the upper and the mandibular teeth. Thereby, the maxillary posterior teeth are
lower posterior teeth minimizes the lateral forces and also set more slightly to the buccal side of the alveolar crest where
allows for vertical forces produced during chewing to be bone support is strong. The resorption in the mandibular
generated at the center of the mandibular teeth. Thereby, the crest is from inside toward outside, and the mandibular pos-
vertical forces applied are transmitted directly to the man- terior teeth must be precisely set on the ridge of the crest.
dibular crest. The vertical forces produced during chewing The posterior tooth arrangement in accordance with the man-
are very advantageous for denture stability and the mainte- dibular canine tooth and retromolar triangle guidance will
nance of both hard and soft tissue support. fully provide this desired feature.
The mortar and pestle relation among the posterior teeth The buccal tubercles of the maxillary posterior teeth are
improved chewing efficacy due to the increased food pene- elevated in such a manner that will be above the occlusal
tration. A denture that is prepared according to the lingualized plane and become increased toward the posterior. For the
occlusion principles will improve patient satisfaction through Class I jaw relationship, the buccal tubercle of the maxillary
improved denture stabilization. first molar tooth is located to correspond to the fossa between
346 Y. K. Ozkan

the mesiobuccal and distobuccal tubercles of the mandibular For a Class III Jaw Relationship
first molar, as in a typical Class I relationship. In this relationship, the mandible is greater than the max-
For the balanced lingualized occlusion, the balance illa, and the mandibular anterior alveolar crest is at the same
should be created in the opposite arch for all eccentric level with the maxillary anterior crest or may be located more
movements. After finishing a denture prepared in lingual- anteriorly. Due to this anatomic relationship, the mandibular
ized occlusion, it should be primarily determined if the anterior teeth are set on an edge-to-edge position with the
maxillary buccal tubercles have a contact in any position maxillary anterior teeth or more slightly to the labial side.
at the first control of the mouth. If there is any, such con- Because of this setting, there is an incorrect positioning in the
tact should be removed by abrading the inclination of the canine relation. To minimize this error and the complications
buccal tubercles. All abrasions required afterward should that may occur in the occlusion at the posterior; the maxillary
be performed only from the mandibular teeth with no con- teeth may be inclined slightly to the palatine; large and short
tact with the lingual tubercles of the maxillary posterior mandibular anterior teeth may be used, or diastema may be
teeth. created at the distal of the mandibular canine. One of the pos-
For Class II Jaw Relationship terior maxillary teeth may be removed to eliminate the incom-
For a Class II jaw relationship, the mandible is smaller patibility in the mandibular and maxillary posterior arch
than the maxilla or located more backward in these patients. length.
The maxilla is generally “V”-shaped, and the palatine vault Although the bilateral balanced occlusion and the lingual-
is deep; the anterior teeth are crowded. The mandibular inci- ized occlusion applied in complete dentures have superiori-
sors are elevated. There is a significant horizontal and verti- ties over each other, the most important common point of
cal overlap between the anterior teeth. After tooth loss, there both concepts is the balance determination and good chew-
is a significant loss in the alveolar crest and a severe reduc- ing efficacy. This means that there are no big differences in
tion in the occlusal vertical size of the patients. For the indi- terms of the patient satisfaction. When the previous studies
viduals with a Class II jaw relationship, first, the maxillary are reviewed, it is seen that both concepts are parallel but
and the mandibular anterior teeth are set according to the superior to other concepts.
established principles. Due to the excessive overlap in the The study by Rehmann et al. evaluated the effect of the
anterior teeth, a slight overlap is created to the extent that complete dentures prepared with different occlusal con-
will not produce overturning forces in the anterior region cepts on patient satisfaction after the first application. In
during the protrusive movements to achieve the esthetics. their study, one maxillary denture and two mandibular den-
The incisor path inclination should be adjusted in such a way tures with bilateral balanced occlusion and canine-protec-
that will not exceed 20°. If the balanced lingualized occlu- tive occlusion were applied to 32 patients. The patients
sion is planned on the posterior teeth, the incisor path incli- used the mandibular dentures by changing them every day
nation should not be reduced to 0° due to the esthetic and for the first 2 weeks. At the end of week 2, satisfaction tests
phonetic requirements. When a positive guidance angle that were administered to the patients, and the occlusion types
is no more than 20° is required, it will not be possible to of the mandibular dentures were interchanged. The patients
achieve a proper balance without creating an extreme com- used the dentures in this manner for 2 weeks. The satisfac-
pensating curve at the posterior. An unbalanced lingualized tion tests were administered again by the end of week 4.
occlusion should be created if the incisor path inclination is The satisfaction tests revealed that the patients were more
adjusted to 0°. satisfied with the dentures that had bilateral balanced
The mandibular posterior teeth should be set before the occlusion.
maxillary posterior teeth. The mandibular first premolar Kimoto et al. prepared 14 complete dentures with lingual-
tooth is removed to compensate for the posterior position of ized occlusion and 14 complete dentures with bilateral bal-
the mandible. Finally, the maxillary posterior teeth are set. anced occlusion for 28 patients in their study. The subjective
With the exclusion of the mandibular first premolar tooth, a data (i.e., general satisfaction, chewing capacity, stabiliza-
tooth arrangement that is close to the normal Class I jaw rela- tion, and denture attachment) and the objective data (i.e.,
tionship is provided. To facilitate the protrusive balance, chewing performance and number of adaptation) of the
mesiodistal abrasion may be required from the fossa of the patients were evaluated. There was no difference in general
mandibular posterior teeth, as is the case in Class I patients. between the groups, and no positive correlation was found
Such abrasion may be required in higher amounts in Class II between the alveolar crest and the chewing performance.
patients for whom the horizontal distance between the CR The satisfaction was higher regarding the denture retention
and the habitual functional area is longer. in the patients who had complete dentures with lingualized
8 Movements and Mechanics of Mandible Occlusion Concepts and Laws of Articulation 347

occlusion. It was observed that the denture retention was Further Reading
higher as the alveolar crest height increased.
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