2019 20 Essay Module Ksgindia

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Out of 1750 marks, essay holds 250 marks, that is, as much as 14% weightage in Mains
Examination. 14% can not only help you find your name in the final selection list but, can also help
you considerably to secure a single digit rank.

What UPSC Expects from an essay(as mentioned in the Syllabus):

 Keep closely to the subject of the essay

 Arrange the ideas in an orderly fashion
 Write concisely
 Effective and Exact Expression


“First Impression is the last impression”:Make sure you begin your essay in way that leaves a
profound impact on the examiner’s mind. This can be done by announcing your thoughts, arousing
curiosity, and scoping.

To be an exception, you need to embellish your essay with X- Factors.

Arranging the ideas in an orderly fashion creates a flow, and creating this flow itself is an art. For this
you would need a few Analysis Tools.

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care keeping in mind the stake it holds in the greater schemes of things.

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(1) Democracy
(2) Water
(1) Child
(2) Old age
(3) Backward Classes
(4) Terrorism
(5) Urbanisation
(6) Reservation
(7) Human Health
(8) Education
(1) Philosophical
(2) Gandhian
(1) Economy
(2) Agriculture
(3) Industry
(4) Energy
(5) Human Development
(1) ISMs
(2) Phraseology
(3) Quotes

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1999 Reservations, politics and empowerment.
2001 What have we gained from our democratic set-up?
2002 Responsibility of media in a democracy.
2003 The Masks of New Imperialism.
How far has democracy in India delivered the goods?
How should a civil servant conduct himself?
2004 Judicial Activism and Indian Democracy.
Water Resources Should Be Under the Control of the Central Government.
2008 National Identity and Patriotism.
2008 Role of Media in Good Governance.
2009 Are we a 'soft' state?
2010 Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental
2011 In the Indian context both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in
combating terrorism.
2014 Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our
2016 Water disputes between states in federal India
2016 Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality
2017 Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India.

1997 Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight.
1998 Women is God's best creation.
1999 Women's empowerment: Challenges and prospects.
2001 Empowerment alone cannot helpwomen.
2004 Whither Women's Emancipation.
2005 If women ruled the world.
2006 Women's Reservation Bill Would Usher in Empowerment for women in India.
2012 Managing work and home - is the Indian working women getting a fair deal?
2017 Fulfilment of 'new woman' in India is a myth.

1999 Value-based science and education.
2001 Empowerment alone cannot help our women.
2002 Privatisation of Higher Education in India.
2005 What is real education?
2006 "Education for All" Campaign in India: Myth or Reality.
2007 Independent thinking should be encouraged right from the childhood.
2008 Is an Egalitarian society possible by educating the masses?
2011 Credit-based higher education system status, opportunities and challenges.

2014 Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress?

2015 Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil.
2017 Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms.
2017 We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws.
1997 Judicial activism.
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Urbanization is a blessing in disguise.
1998 The language problem in India: Its past, present and prospects.
2000 The country's need for a better disaster management system.
Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values.
2005 Terrorism and world peace.
2008 Urbanization and its hazards.
2009 "The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the 'haves' of our society".
"Good fences make good neighbours."
2014 Is the growing level of competition good for the youth?
2017 Social media is inherently a selfish medium.
2016 If development is not engendered, it is endangered
2018 Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere


1997 What we have not learnt during fifty years of Independence.
1998 The misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India.
1998 The world of the twenty-first century
2000 Why should we be proud of being Indians?
2007 Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization?
2013 Is the Colonial mentality hindering India's success?
2014 Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India?
2014 Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India?
2015 Crisis faced in India - moral or economic.
2015 Dreams which should not let India sleep.

1998 The composite culture of India
1999 Mass media and culture invasion.
1999 The youth culture today.
2000 Indian culture today: a myth or a reality?
Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values.
2003 As civilization advances culture declines.
2004 Globalisation and its impact on Indian Culture.
2006 Increasing Computerization would lead to the Creation of a Dehumanized Society.
2007 How has satellite television brought about cultural change in the Indian mindset?
1999 Mass media and cultural invasion.
2010 From traditional Indian philanthropy to the Gates-Buffett model - a natural progression or a
paradigm shift.
2011 Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it?

2000 The cyberworld: Its charms and challengers.
2004 The Lure of Space.
2007 How has satellite television brought about cultural change in the Indian mindset?
2013 Science and Technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation.
2015 Technology cannot replace manpower.
2018 Alternative Technologies for a climate change resilient India



True religion cannot be misused.


The modern doctor and his patients.

2001 The march of science and the erosion of human values.
The pursuit of excellence.
2002 Modern Technological Education and Human values.
Search for Truth can only be a spiritual problem.
If youth knew, if age could.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
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2003 There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes.
Spirituality and scientific temper
2006 Increasing Computerization would lead to the Creation of a Dehumanized Society.
2007 Independent thinking should be encouraged right from the childhood.
Attitude makes habit, habit makes character and character makes a man.
2008 Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin.
2009 'Globalism' Vs. 'Nationalism'.
2010 Geography may remain the same; history need not.
2012 In the context of Gandhiji's views on the matter explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms
'Swadhinata'. 'Swaraj' and 'Dharmarajya'. Critically comment on their contemporary
relevance to Indian democracy.
2012 Science and Mysticism; Are they compatible?
2013 Be the change you want to see in others - Gandhiji
2014 With greater power comes greater responsibility.
2014 Words are sharper than the two-edged sword.
2014 Is sting operation an invasion on privacy?
2015 Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole.
2015 Quick but steady wins the race.
2015 Character of an institution is reflected in the leader.
2016 Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed
2016 Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare
2016 Cyberspace and internet: Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run
2017 Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
2018 Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life
2018 “The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values
2018 A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both
2018 Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
2018 A good life is one inspired by love and guided by Knowledge

1998 India's contribution to world wisdom
2000 The implications of globalization for India.
2001 My vision of an ideal world order.
2003 The Masks of New Imperialism.
2004 India's role in promoting ASEAN Co-operation.
2005 Terrorism and world peace.
2006 Importance of Indo-U.S. Nuclear Agreement.
2010 Preparedness of our society for India's global leadership role.
2017 Has the Non- Alignment Movement(NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world.

1999 Resource management in the Indian context
2004 Water Resources Should Be Under the Control of the Central Government.
2005 Food security for sustainable national development.
2006 Globalization Would Finish Small - scale Industries in India.
2007 BPO boom in India
2008 Special Economic Zone: Boon or Bane
2009 Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death?

2010 Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country?

2012 Is the criticism that the 'Public Private Partnership' (PPP) model for development is more of a
bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified?
2013 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the
right indices for judging the well-being of a country.
2015 Can capitalism bring inclusive growth?
2016 Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms

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2016 Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality
2017 Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India.


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1. Beauty of Gandhian thinking – not determined by value of a variable representing time.
2. Freedom means inalienable self ownership and its price is freedom
3. Globalization Vs Economic Nationalism provides lens through which we can re-examine
the future shocks.
4. Social Security is a democratic right, not a state privilege.
5. Alignment & Sanctions: Emerging global patterns
6. Any decision is better than no decision

7. Revamping Education is setting agenda for the next generation

8. When dialogue does not work we shall attempt dialogue

9. Inclusive growth is development

10. To be united is a great thing but to respect the diversity is even greater.

11. Data is the new oil of the 21st century, but it may smoke out privacy.
12. Culture of soft power is ignoring the hard reality

13. Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient agriculture.

14. Gender equality – turning promises into reality.

15. Mass indoctrination & Social Media in the post truth world.
16. One of the greatest risks and opportunities of the next few decades is likely to come from
Artificial Intelligence.

17. Lex Supremus or Rex Lex: be you ever so high, the law is always above you.
18. Indian constitution is a living document.

19. Never forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one – water stress in India?
20. He who can listen to the music in the midst of noise can achieve great things – Trust ISRO.


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INTRODUCTORY “Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be X-FACTORS

TOOLS governed no better than we deserve.” QUOTES/FACTS/
-George Bernard Shaw KEYWORDS
Announcement Democracy as a model of government has proved to be “I understand
the most effective tool to accommodate diversities and democracy as
Arousing Curiosity has thus been the most successive means to address something that gives
global issues. Today’s global challenges – such as a the weak the same
chronically low growth and unequal economy, disruptive chance as the
new technologies and, on a more fundamental level, the strong.”
search for identity – require a new set of skills from our -- Gandhi
leaders. Specifically, they require the ability to
democratize the political process, to empower others, Democracy is a
without absolving themselves of responsibility. government of the
Democracy has emerged as a panacea for all these people, by the
challenges. For countries that have no or weak people, and for the
democracies continue to remain underdeveloped people.
(Example: Swaziland), while the oldest democracy is -Abraham Lincoln
amongst the most developed nations of the world.
Organising the
Thesis Reference Origins of Democracy "Jacksonian
Analysis Tools:  Athens- 500BC democracy"
 Logic  Fight for democracy since 1600- England, America
 Example and France
 Fact  Three waves of Democracy:
 First: Suffrage rights to white males in early 19th
Century Samuel P.Huntington
 Second: with rise of Mussolini in Italy (till 1962):
period of decolonisation
 Third: late twentieth century: democratisation in
developing countries
Forms of Democracy:
Direct democracy
The system in which citizens has the right to take part in
the decision making process.
Tools of direct democracy: Referendum, Plebiscite,
Initiative, and Recall.
Ex: Switzerland
Indirect democracy implies a democracy in which the
citizens choose their representative, to actively
participate in the administration of the government and
act on their behalf.
Ex: India

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Thesis Reference Importance of democracy

Analysis Tools The Economist’s Democracy Index has a positive outlook ‘BREXIT’
 Logic on global democracy, with significant improvement in
 Example women’s participation, people willing to engage in lawful “Democracy is not
demonstrations and voters getting more proactive than the law of the
 Fact
ever, despite being disillusioned with democracy. majority but the
Based on the scores, It classifies countries into four protection of the
types of regime: full democracy; flawed democracy; minority.”
hybrid regime; and authoritarian regime. -- Albert Camus
For instance, India is ranked at 41 out of 167 countries
as per Democracy Index, 2018. It is still classified as a
‘flawed democracy’ according to the index. Democracy is, in
essence, a form of
 Four elements of modern democracy(4Ds): non-violent conflict
i) Unifies diversity, management.
ii) Respect for dissent, -Kofi Annan
iii) Conflict resolution through deliberation, and
iv) Citizen Participation in decision-making.
 Ensures accountability and answerability “Culture of
 Equality: social and political democracy”
 Freedom- of thought expression and conscience, of
association “The ignorance of
 Equitable distribution of resources (redistribution of one voter in a
income) democracy impairs
 Recognition of minorities the security of all.”
 International acclamation -John F. Kennedy
 Primacy of Law
 Positive discrimination for vulnerable section
 free flow of information characterizes democracy International Panel on
(vis-à-vis autocracy) Democracy and

 democracy improves environmental performance by Development (IPDD):


facilitating the mobilization and expression of new “The Interaction

demand Between Democracy
 relationship between Democracy and and Development”
 democracy embodies four basic principles:
freedom, justice, free participation of “common human

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citizens and human rights heritage”

whole range of economic, social and
cultural progress to which people aspire
 encourage peace Democracy in India
 two way relationship: true democracy is has taken equality and
thought to require a minimum standard of social inclusion as one
living, which in turn requires a minimum of its objectives.
level of development. On the other hand,
efficient development is thought to require
democratic governance.
 Globalisation, development and
democracy: increasing interdependence
implies exchange of democratic values.
 As a genuine asset for democracy as
well as an impediment to democratic
Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on Democracy

 Ambedkar considered social and economic

democracy as the backbone of political
 For Ambedkar, the first important condition for
the success of democracy is that there must be
no glaring inequalities in society.
 There must not be oppressed and suppressed
classes bearing the entire burden and there must
not be an individual class having all the
privileges, in such societies only democracy will
be meaningful.
 Democracy needs a moral order in society.
Thus, acc. to him Democracy is a free government having
immense space for social life.

Thesis Reference Democracy in India

Analysis Tools  Special Features of world’s largest democracy: Political democracy
 Despite being a low income economy India has cannot last unless
been a long lasting democracy there lies at the base
 Operates amidst radical ethnic, linguistic and of it social democracy.
religious diversity What does social
democracy mean? It

 Simultaneous existence of nationalism, sub-

nationalism and regionalism means a way of life
which recognizes

 values such as Tolerence, acceptability, secularism,

liberty, equality and
liveliness and generosity are what makes us
fraternity as the
unique in every aspect
principles of life.
 There has also been a spatial expansion of democracy
B. R. Ambedkar
in India. A federal political structure process, both at
independence and more recently in the passing of the
“Democracy requires
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Seventy-Third Constitutional Amendment, has helped an informed citizenry

ensure the accommodation of regional aspirations. and transparency of
After this Amendment, democratic institutions at information which are
grass-roots, or what we call the Panchayati Raj vital to its functioning
Institutions, have been energised. They have led to and also to contain
decentralised planning, and have created “new corruption and to hold
arenas for the people to negotiate with the furniture of Governments and their
Government”. instrumentalities
accountable to the
In India, the “many discontents are manageable precisely governed.”
because there is a democratic framework”.

Why Democracy not good always:

 A logical fallacy: majority is not right always.
For eg. Turkey government abolished human
rights, like the right to free speech, free
assembly and re-instated dictatorship - all
with the majority of the vote.
 Personality Traits: Sometimes, the focus
remains on the famous personalities rather
than on the issues in democracy. Even votes
are also given in the names of such
 Representation of Women: In many
democracies, women are not represented and
not even allowed to choose their
representatives freely. For eg. Qatar, Central
African Repulic, Maldives etc.
 Compultion to elect a representative: even if
no representative is found perfect, voters are
bound to elect one.


INTRODUCTORY “When the well is dry, we’ll know the worth of X-FACTOR
– Benjamin Franklin YWORDS
Announcement Water is a renewable but a finite resource. It can be
Facts recycled but not replaced, and faces severe pressure from World Water Day:
increasing demands to satisfy the needs of a growing March 22nd
population, rapid urbanization, pollution and climate
change. Cooperation is essential to strike a balance
between the different needs and priorities and share this Samuel Taylor
precious resource equitably. Coleridge foretelling the
impending water crisis in
the 21st century when he
penned “Water, water,
every where,/ Nor any

drop to drink” more than


two centuries ago in ‘The

Rime of the Ancient

The oceans make up

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for about 97% of the

Earth’s water. Less
than 3% of Earth’s
water is freshwater
and most of it is not
accessible. According
to the U.S.
Geological Survey,
over 68% of the
freshwater on Earth is
found in icecaps and
glaciers, while just
over 30% is found in
groundwater of which
89% is extracted for
irrigation purposes
Organizing the “Pure Water is the
Middle World’s First and
Thesis TRACING THE HISTORY Foremost Medicine.
Reference “
– Slovakian Proverb
Analysis Tools  All the civilizations appeared on the banks of the big
 Logic rivers
 Example  Water was an extraordinary and omnipresent element
in Rig Veda. King Menes of Egypt
 Fact (3rd B.C) diverted the
 It was the upholder of all lives and the saviour of
everything living or dead on earth. river Nile with a 15
meter dam to
 The societies existing even prior to it in the ancient establish Memphis,
world practiced spiritual veneration for water. his capital city
 Ancient India had well-managed wells and canal
systems. In fact, our culture always believed in
treating nature with reverence and most of our rivers
are considered sacred.
 The Indus Valley Civilization had a well-managed
canal system, while Chanakya’s Arthashastra also
talks of irrigation. In the ancient past, different types
of indigenous water harvesting systems were
developed across the subcontinent and such systems
need to be revived and protected at the local level.
Probable Linkers: Water has always flowed through India
shaping its caste system, purifying believers and offering a
font of political and industrial power
Reference fish species found
Analysis tools  Tropical: Biologically diverse, providing a favourable worldwide, the
habitat for a large variety of marine creatures, majority of
 Logic commercially valuable
 Example  The coastal regions of the temperate and polar
marine species are
zones are highly productive.
 Fact found in temperate
 The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica, one of

the most biologically rich ocean systems in the world,

far exceeds the production levels found in any tropical

sea. Land- Use State
Boards were set-up in
1980 in order to
Socio-Political and Economic aspect protect the soil and
 Rivers act as dividing or uniting features in a socio- water to enhance their
political landscape productivity through

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 Case study: Orange-Senqu rivers (South Africa) proper land and water
use practices.
URBAN: Groundwater contamination, water logging, “watershed
floods and flash floods, inadequate water supply and management”
RURAL: lack of proper water supply infrastructure, “rainwater
dependence on rainfall, droughts and floods, harvesting”
contamination of potable water

Probable Linkers: Given the trans-boundary nature of

most river basins, regional cooperation will be critical to
addressing projected water quality challenges.
Reference COUNTRY
Analysis Tools Inter country: Teesta, Indus, Brahmaputra There are 13 basins
 Logic International Conventions: worldwide that are
UNCLOS;UN General Assembly Resolution on the Law of shared between 5 and
 Example
Transboundary Aquifers; 8 riparian nations.
 Fact Five basins, the
Intra country:
Congo, Niger, Nile,
Krishna (Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh) Rhine and Zambezi,
Cauvery (Tamil Nadu and Karnataka) are shared between 9
Godavari (Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and 11 countries.
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Karnataka)
Ravi-Beas (Punjab and Haryana) The river that flows
Constitutional Safeguards: through the most
Article 262, nations is the
Inter-State River Water Disputes Act (ISRWD), 1956 Danube, which travels
within the territory of
18 nations.
Probable Linkers: Water associates us with our
neighbours in complex ways, more deep than any other.
While water associates us, water also divides us. NGOs:
Dhara Sansthan
Water Aid India
Reference Mexico and the U.S.
Analysis tools  Case study: US Mexico border: Rio Grande state of Texas follows
the Rio Grande.
 Logic  The borders of four countries divide Africa’s Lake
During the mid-
 Example Chad: Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Nigeria.
1800s, the river
 Fact  Much of India’s territory lies within a large peninsula, shifted its course
surrounded by the Arabian Sea to the west and the southward, giving the
Bay of Bengal to the east; Cape Comorin, the U.S. an extra 600
southernmost point of the Indian mainland, marks the acres of land. For
dividing line between those two bodies of water. many years, the two
countries fought over
Probable Linkers: Water not only secures the national this territory. The
frontiers but also empowers it as a major source of dispute wasn't

energy. officially settled until


Reference United Nations, 2.1
Analysis tools  Energy is itself required to make water resources billion people lack
available for human use and consumption (including access to safely
 Logic managed drinking
irrigation) through pumping, transportation,

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 Example treatment, and desalination. water services; water

 Fact  Water holds the key to development of energy scarcity already
infrastructures and remains fundamental throughout affects four out of
the lifecycle of energy infrastructure and resource every 10 people; 90%
development, from extraction of raw materials, of all natural disasters
purification, washing and treatment of raw materials are water related; 3.4
to coolants in nuclear or thermal power plants to lakh children under
being a fuel for hydropower plants. five die every year
from diarrhoeal
diseases; agriculture
PROBABLE LINKERS: Despite this importance, globally
accounts for 70% of
we continue to abuse it. The excesses of our activities on
global water
land, through for example soil degradation, pollution and
withdrawal; and 80%
unsustainable chemical use, impact freshwaters.
of wastewater flows
back into the
ecosystem without
being treated or
Thesis WATER SCARCITY According to a
Reference forecast by the
Analysis Tools  Groundwater level and quality both are facing the Asian Development
challenge of sustainability. Bank, India will
 Logic have a water deficit
 Example  Around 60% of India’s districts are facing problems of
of 50% by 2030.
over exploitation and contamination of groundwater
 Fact
especially in Punjab and Haryana.
 Countries are extracting fresh water faster than that it India’s current water
can be replenished. requirement is
estimated to be
 In developing countries as much as 80% of illness is
around 1,100 billion
linked to poor quality of water and sanitation problem.
cubic metres per year,
 Case study 1: potable water crisis in Cherrapunji which is projected to
(India’s wettest place), touch 1,447 billion
 Case Study 2: Water Crisis in Shimla cubic metres by 2050.
 The grave water situation in Cape Town in South
Africa is a wake-up call to everybody across the globe ‘Securing Water,
 Issue of Water Quality: Sustaining Growth’
Mihir Shah Committee Recommendations: study highlighted how
 Subsume Central Water Commission (CWC) and water insecurity is a
Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) into National strain on economic
Water Commission (NWC). growth.
 Adopt participatory approach to water management. “water stress”
 Surface Water and Ground Water should be viewed in
an integrated and holistic manner. “drying up of lakes”
 Did not support Interlinking of rivers, considered river
basins as the fundamental unit for management of “water footprint”
Draft National Water Framework Since the 1990s,
 Puts legal backing behind the implied fundamental water pollution has
right to water. worsened in most
 All basin states have not equal but equitable share of rivers in Africa, Asia

the river water. and Latin America,

according to the UN

 It commoditized the Water with “Graded pricing

system” to check wastage. Environment
 It endorsed the concept of Water Footprint. Programme (UNEP).
An estimated 80% of
Government of India has come up with a ₹6,000-crore
industrial and
World Bank-aided Atal Bhujal Yojana with community
municipal wastewater
participation to ensure sustained groundwater
is released without

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management in overexploited and ground water-stressed any prior treatment,

areas in seven States. with detrimental
 Central Water Commission and ISRO launched impacts on human
Water Resources Information System (WRIS), a health and
comprehensive solution for accessing data on ecosystems.
water in India.
 Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) also India is the highest
renders assistance and advise on meteorological user of groundwater
aspects of hydrology, water management and (24% of the global
multi-purpose river valley projects management. use) in the world with
 NITI Aayog recently came out with a composite consumption of over
water management index as a tool to help states 70 per cent of what is
assess and improve water management. It ranks available, only eight
Gujarat as number one in the reference year per cent of rainwater
(2016-17). is captured. The
waterAid report
 Google ‘atmospheric water generators’, or AWG highlighted that India
works on tapping humid ambient air to produce is the third largest
potable water. exporter of
groundwater -- 12
 In India, 163 million Indians have no access to
percent of the global
clean water, according to WaterAid, a global
advocacy group on water and sanitation.

Rajendra Singh: The
-Commitment to SDG-6 will ensure sustainable
Water Man of India
management of water.
Recommmended Solutions:
By 2030, the
 Conservation and preservation of floodplains:
demand for water
floodplains of rivers are exceptional aquifers where
will be 40 per cent
any withdrawal is compensated by gravity flow from a
more than it is
large surrounding area and can be used as a source of
currently and 50 per
providing water to cities. Example: Delhi Palla
cent higher in the
most rapidly
 Land on the floodplains can be leased from farmers in developing countries
return for a fixed income from the water sold to cities. that include India
The farmers can be encouraged to grow orchards/food and China.
forests to secure and restore the ecological balance of
the river ecosystem.
 Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment can
also be a cost-effective, nature-based solution that
provides effluent of adequate quality for several non-
potable uses (irrigation) and additional benefits that
include energy production.

Water and world war

From California to the Middle East, huge areas of the
world are drying up and a billion people have no access to
safe drinking water.
 There is no legal-binding international treaty on water

sharing, how will riparian politics play out!

 India is simultaneously an upper, middle and lower

riparian. China’s hydrological position, on the other

hand, is one of complete upper riparian supremacy.
 For India, both ‘water insecurity’ (internal water
management strategy and its neighbourhood
approach) and ‘water security’ vis-à-vis China is high.
 In building hydro scenarios (2030), three important

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variables have been identified: a) the water resources

of Tibet; b) China’s rise; and c) the Indus Water Treaty
between India and Pakistan.
 The water challenge before India in the coming years
will be two dimensional: to manage its water resources
better; and simultaneously, to manage better its
riparian relations with its neighbours.
Global experts thus warn that the third world war would
be fought over water.

Water related Issues in India:

 Unreliable and insufficient data: A recent NITI
Aayog report says that unreliable and
insufficient data on water sources is the hurdle
for infrastructure and policy-development for
 Cropping Pattern: skewed towards crops that
use more water. Eg. Rice and sugarcane crops
together consume more than 60% of water
available for irrigation.

Probable Linkers: As much as scarcity is a threat to

ecosystem, so is its abundance and irregularity.
Analysis tools When disaster strikes, it usually manifests itself through
 Logic water: floods, landslides, tsunamis, storms, heat waves,
cold spells, droughts and waterborne disease outbreaks
 Example
are all becoming more frequent and more intense.
 Fact
Probable Linkers: Crop failure, power shortages and
mass migration all share a common cause i.e. WATER. Its
wise management and sharing are essential to the

achievement of sustainable development.

Thesis WATER AS AN ELIXIR “Water is the driving

Reference force of all nature”

Concluding  Natural resources are living evolutionary resources -Leonardo da Vinci
Tools that are constantly renewed by natural cycles.
 Summary Therefore, they provide us perennial value as long as
we use them with natural wisdom and not kill them
 Tone

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 Future with exploitation — which is the order of the day.

 Post- We over use water and continue to convert freshwater
Scripting habitats to less productive uses. Unsurprisingly, this
has resulted in the rate of biodiversity loss from
freshwater ecosystems exceeding that from any other
major biome by a considerable margin.
 Yet the world is faced with increasing water needs as
populations rapidly grow.
 The impacts of climate change will be felt, and are
already evident, mainly through impacts on the water
cycle: water will become either more scare or over
abundant in many areas resulting in more extreme
and frequent droughts and floods.
 The future scenario is for rapidly increasing demands
for water under rapidly changing conditions: based on
current trends we are not doing well in responding to
the challenges we face.
 There is an urgent need for better allocation and
management of water if aquatic ecosystems are to be
used wisely to achieve sustainable human
development. Evolutionary resources once lost, will be
lost forever. It is time we understood this is natural
infrastructure bequeathed to us by nature.
Note: Further discussion and information in class.

INTRODUCTORY “There is no tool for development more effective X-FACTORS
TOOLS than the empowerment of Women.” FACTS/KEYWORDS/Q
- Kofi Annan UOTES
Announcement History has it! From being active participants in
Arousing India’s fight against colonialism(Aruna Asaf Ali, “Educate one man, you
Curiosity Sarojini Naidu, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay) to educate one person, but
reforming the society (Savitribai Phule, Mother educate a women and
Teresa) to contributing significantly in the field of you educate a whole
Science and Technology (Janaki Ammal; Asima civilisation”- Mahatma
Scoping Chatterjee; Sarla Thakral); women have proved to be Gandhi
flag bearers of development in the society.
Today’s women has truly come a long way from the “In order to awaken the
ancient times. She has broken the glass ceiling in people, it is the women
many areas. Some of the most powerful people today who must be awakened.
are women- to name a few- Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Once she is on the
Shobhana Bhartia, Indra Nooyi, and Priyanka move, the family moves,
Chopra. the village moves, the
nation moves” – Pandit
 Swami Vivekananda had said: "It is impossible Jawaharlal Nehru
to think about the welfare of the world unless
the condition of women is improved. It is

impossible for a bird to fly only on one wing”. - Tessy Thomas – first
 Gandhiji who said, "Woman is the companion woman scientist to head

of man, gifted with equal mental capacities. a missile project in

She has the right to participate in the India.
minutest details in the activities of man, and - Women in India’s Mars
she has equal right to liberty of freedom and Orbiter Mission (MOM)
liberty with him.”We, as a nation should be
guided by these words. We should consciously

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invest in the future of the women of India.

Organizing the “Women must be

Middle honoured and adorned
Thesis Reference TRACING THE HISTORY by fathers, brothers,
husbands and brother-
Analysis Tools  Starting from the Indus Valley Civilization, in-laws who seek their
 Logic women in India have enjoyed relatively high own welfare”
status in society. The Vedas, Upanishad,
 Example
Tamil Literature and other scriptures give
 Fact numerous examples of women philosophers, "The home has, verily,
politicians, teachers, administrators and its foundation in the
saints. wife"
 Gargi, Maitreyi, Avvaiyar: Examples of
- The Rig Veda
revered women in ancient India
 The position of women declined in later Vedic
- the only woman to sit on the
period and continues till modern era. But
there have been positive reformation for throne of Delhi, Razia Sultan
women, by women. belonged to the medieval
 Freedom movement is replete with brave times
examples of Women sacrifice.
Example: Rani Gaidinliu, Rani bai, etc.
 Not only in India, women have been
harbingers of change throughout the world. Be
it the Greece or the France or even America.

Probable Linkers: Woman issues are not restricted to

temporal aspects, but it surpasses the fabric of
spatial net.
Thesis Reference SPATIAL ASPECT “Her head held high,
 Women in Developed World Vs Women in and looking everyone
under developed & developing world in the eye,
Analysis tools
 Women in South India are relatively better off Unafraid of anyone
than women in North India, both socially and because of innate
 Logic integrity,
 Example Possessing
 Rural – Urban Divide
 Fact assuredness born of
 The North-Eastern states have much better
courage of conviction,
gender scores given their levels of income. On
the other hand, accounting for their levels of The Modern Woman
income, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar and never feels inferior to
Tamil Nadu perform less well any”
 significant heterogeneity amongst the Indian
States -Subramania Bharati,
“Pudumai Pen”
North-Eastern states (a model for the rest of the
country) consistently out-perform other states not
because they are richer; hinterland states are lagging “The health of a
behind but the surprise is that some southern states mother and child is a
do less well than their development levels would more telling measure
suggest of a nation’s state

than economic

“She loved lying there, listening to the bees, smelling

-Harjit Gill, CEO,
the flowers…
ASEAN and Pacific,
She lived in a safe, protected world, surrounded by Royal Philips
people who loved her.” – ‘Leap of Faith’ by Danielle
Economic Survey of
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The above has been the traditional image of India: biologically

womenfolk in rural India. But the image of Indian determined natural sex
women, especially in the villages and remote corners, ratio at birth is 1050
has changed a lot, and is still changing fast. males per 1000 females.
Sex selection was
declared illegal in India
in 1994, and the sex
ratio at birth during
that time started to

Probable Linkers: The above figures haven’t stopped

women to contribute significantly in economic growth,
governance, science and technology, academics,
social reforms and this makes it important to
understand their socio-economic and political

Thesis Reference SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE Contribution of women

Analysis Tools  High gender wage gap to India's GDP is 18 per
cent despite being 27%
 women not being part of the productive economy
of the total workforce
 Logic  Women in management:to start a virtuous cycle,
 Example eventually leading to more equity of economic
opportunity for women globally. World Bank data (2012),
 Fact only 27 percent of adult
 Urbanisation and women’s employment: Rural
Indian women had a
jobs have been decreasing not enough transition
job, or were actively
to urban areas.
looking for one,
 This makes the need for greater public safety and compared to 79 percent
safe transport more significant. of men.
 Care economy: limits their ability to invest in
their human capital and social networks.
 Glass ceilings
Almost 20 million
 Safety concerns restrict women: governments women had dropped out
must not only remove impediments but also of the workforce
incentivise women’s entry into the workforce. This between 2005 and
includes prohibiting sexual harassment at

2012. India ranks 120

work. among 131 countries in

 SWADHAR: A Scheme for Women in Difficult female labour force

Circumstances, GPS tracking, ‘panic buttons’ , participation rates.
Nirbheek Gun
According to a WEF
Probable linkers: The path that women have walked Report; Women,
through, hasn’t been short of hurdles/challenges: Business and Law 2018;

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Social barriers: trapped in the mire of patriarchy a gross abuse of power,

 Life Cycle Challenges sexual harassment can
1. Pre-birth: foeticide undermine a woman’s
economic empowerment
2. Newborn: female infanticide, poor care and
and career prospects.
3. Childhood, pre-adolescence: neglect towards
education, lack of hygiene, low self-esteem, poor “The path from
mobility, poor decision and negotiating power, dreams to success
poor access to reproductive and sexual health does exist. May you
information have the vision to find
it, the courage to get
4. Adolescence: early marriage, early pregnancy,
on to it, and the
5. Adulthood: reproductive and sexual morbidity, perseverance to follow
maternal mortality, poor access to it”.
contraceptives, dowry deaths, occupational
- Kalpana Chawla
6. Old age: isolation of widows
Impact of Globalisation:
World Economic Forum:
Positives : better learning and educational women represent fewer
opportunities, feminisation of labour force, than 50% of leaders in
opportunities for higher pay, which raises self– every industry analysed
confidence, decrease in cultural barriers, medical - and in some fields,
advancements such as energy and
Negatives: technology for sex- selection, increased mining or
competition, informalisation of workforce causing manufacturing, the
inadequate social security for women, exposure to representation of
more risks that cause health hazards implying greater women is far lower, with
levels of physical and mental stress, women holding fewer
underemployment and temporary work, night work. than 20% of leadership
 To embark upon the above life-cycle challenges
that women face, the Central Government Inter-Parliamentary
launched the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao”, Union (IPU) and UN
“Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana” Women report -- Women
in Politics 2017, the
Political: survey said Lok Sabha
Economic Survey: had 64 (11.8 percent of
542 MPs) and Rajya
 factors such as domestic responsibilities,
Sabha 27 (11 per cent of
prevailing cultural attitudes regarding roles of
245 MPs) women MP
women in society, lack of confidence and finance
and lack of support from family were among main
reasons that prevented them from entering “Engendering
politics. Development”
 developing countries like Rwanda has more than -A World Bank Policy
60 per cent women representatives in Parliament Research Report
in 2017
 Women sarpanchs accounted for 43 per cent of Mother India (1957) is
total gram panchayats (GPs) across the country, the first Indian cinema
exhibiting active leadership of women in local in which female actor is
government in the lead role


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Probable Linkers: Films are a reflection of changes in

the social structure.

Contemporary films portray women as more
independent, confident, and career oriented
More women are joining the film industry as
directors, producers, actresses etc.

Probable Linkers: A STEM workforce is crucial to

India's economic development and social welfare.

Thesis Reference STEM and WOMEN Women make up only

STEM: Science, technology, engineering, and 14% of 2.8 lakh
medicine – together known as ‘STEM’ fields – suffer scientists, engineers
Analysis Tools
from a glaring lack of women, especially in India. and technologists
 Logic employed in R&D
 Department of Science And Technology (DST)
 Example institutions.
launched DISHA Programme
 “KIRAN (Knowledge Involvement in Research
Advancement through Nurturing)”: providing Women account for only
budgetary support for creating Women 20% of ISRO’s total
Technology Park (WTP) workforce of 14,246,
according to a report on
 Consolidation of University Research for
the website Quartz.
Innovation and Excellence in women universities
Since its founding in
1963, India’s space
 One of the most talked about images from India’s agency has had nine
Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) was that of women chairpersons, and none
scientists in ISRO celebrating the success of the of them was a woman.
Anandiben Joshi,
Janaki Ammal, Kamala
Probable Linkers: Sohonie, Anna Mani,

To address the above gaps, Constitution of India Darshan Ranganathan,

beginning from the Preamble, grants equality to Rajeshwari Chatterjee

women as well as empowers the State to adopt have made historic and
measures of positive discrimination in favour of commendable
women for neutralizing the cumulative socio contribution in this field
economic, education and political disadvantages faced
by them.

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Thesis Reference WOMEN SAFEGUARDS  The 73rd and 74th

 Constitutional provisions: Article 14, 15 (i), 15 Amendments (1993)
(3), 16, 39(a) , 39(d), 42 , 46, 47, 51(A) (e), 243(D) to the Constitution
Analysis Tools
(3), 243(T)(3), 243(T)(4) of India have
 Logic provided for
 Legal provisions: The Family Courts Act, 1954
 Example reservation of seats
;The Special Marriage Act, 1954; The Hindu
 Fact in the local bodies of
Marriage Act, 1955 ; The Hindu Succession Act,
Panchayats and
1956 with amendment in 2005 ; Immoral Traffic
Municipalities for
(Prevention) Act, 1956 ; The Maternity Benefit Act,
women, laying a
1961 (Amended in 1995); Dowry Prohibition Act,
strong foundation
1961; The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act,
for their
1971; The Contract Labour (Regulation and
participation in
Abolition) Act, 1976; The Equal Remuneration
decision making at
Act, 1976; Indecent Representation of Women
the local levels.
(Prohibition) Act, 1986; Commission of Sati
(Prevention) Act, 1987; The Protection of Women  The micro-finance
from Domestic Violence Act, 2005; The Prohibition initiatives based on
of Child Marriage Act, 2006 mutual or self-help
method has helped
 The Crimes Identified Under the Indian Penal
Code (IPC):
empowerment to a
1. Rape (Sec. 376 IPC) considerable extent.
2. Kidnapping & Abduction for different purposes (
Sec. 363-373)
3. Homicide for Dowry, Dowry Deaths or their
attempts (Sec. 302/304-B IPC)
4. Torture, both mental and physical (Sec. 498-A
5. Molestation (Sec. 354 IPC)
6. Sexual Harassment (Sec. 509 IPC)
7. Importation of girls (up to 21 years of age)
 National Commission for Women
 International Safeguards for Women:
(i) The United Nations has a long history of
addressing women’s human rights and much
progress has been made in securing women’s
rights across the world in recent decades.
(ii) Vienna Declaration And Programme Of Action
(iii) International Conference On Population And
(iv) Beijing Declaration And Platform For Action
(v) Millennium Development Goals
(vi) The Commission On The Status Of Women
(vii) Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

Probable linkers: The above reforms and safeguards

were the fruits of the seeds sown by the eminent

women reformers.


Aruna Roy is best known for her efforts to fight  Media and Women:
Analysis Tools corruption and promote government transparency,  #metoo campaign
 Logic Medha Patkar, Kiran Bedi, Arundhati Roy, Irom  Pinjra tod campaign
Sharmila popularly known as the “Iron Lady of  One Billion Rising
 Example Manipur” is the most recognisable face of the conflict-
 SHe-Box (an effort
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 Fact ridden state in the North East, Manasi Pradhan , by the govt. to
Pramila Nesargi, Laxmi Agarwal is an Indian provide speedier
campaigner with Stop Acid Attacks. remedy to women
 Arunachalam Muruganantham: The Man facing sexual
Behind Sanitary Napkin Revolution In India harassment at
NGOs workplace)
 CARE India
 Azad foundation
 Young Women’s Christian Association  1975-85 decade:
 Bharatiya Grameen Mahila Sangh
Women’s decade
 One Stop Crisis Centre or the Nirbhaya Centres
 As per UN Women
Women movements: West vs India Data, Globally, over
Feminism in parts of the western world has gone 2.7 billion women
through three waves: are legally restricted
 First-wave feminism was oriented around the from having the
station of middle- or upper-class white women same choice of jobs
and involved suffrage and political equality. as men.
 Second-wave feminism attempted to further  Labour force
combat social and cultural inequalities. participation rate for
 Third-wave feminism is continuing to address the women aged 25-54
financial, social and cultural inequalities and is 63 per cent
includes renewed campaigning for greater compared to 94 per
influence of women in politics and media. In cent for men.
reaction to political activism, feminists have also  The gender wage gap
had to maintain focus on women’s reproductive is estimated to be 23
rights, such as the right to abortion. per cent. i.e women
The Indian Case: earn 77 per cent of
Indian women’s movements worked for two goals: what men earn.
 Liberation or uplift of women, i.e., reforming social  Women are less
practices so as to enable women to play a more likely than men to
important and constructive role in society; and have access to
financial institutions
 Equal rights for men and women, i.e., extension of
or have a bank
civil rights en-joyed by men in the political,
economic and familial spheres to women also.
 Women constitute
Leaders of the Brahmo Samaj and the Arya Samaj
approximately half
were concerned with issues like sati, remarriage,
of the 258 million
divorce, female education, purdah system, polygamy,
migrants who live
and dowry.
and work outside
their countries of
Justice Ranade criticised child marriages, polygamy, birth.
restrictions on remarriage of widows, and non-access
to education

Important Organisations:
Bharat Mahila Parishad (1904), Bharat Stri
Mahamandal (1909), Women’s Indian Association
(1917), National Council of Women in India (1925)
and All India Women’s Conference (1927) and

Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust.


Probable linker: Around the world, women tend to

be marginalized from political and economic power
and have limited access to financial and material
resources — particularly in conflict-affected, post-
conflict, or less economically developed settings —
which can exacerbate their vulnerability to the

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impacts of climate change

Analysis Tools  Gendered dimensions of sea level rising and
 Logic flooding; deforestation and ocean acidification;
water scarcity; energy production and energy
 Example
poverty; and climate-related displacement and
 Fact migration.
 gendered health, economic, and human security
consequences of unmet energy needs of families
that lack access to affordable and dependable
energy sources.
 the work of Grameen Shakti to provide clean,
renewable energy to rural communities in

PROBABLE LINKERS: Women’s achievement is also

getting extended towards criminality in the social,
cultural, economic and political milieu of India.
Thesis Reference WOMEN BEHAVIOUR: A CHANGING PARADIGM Data on crime from the
National Crime Records
Analysis Tools  Female criminality is a result of diverse socio- Bureau (NCRB) shows
economic-cultural and environmental factors that though women
resultant of rapid industrialization, westernization criminals are a minority
 Logic compared to criminals
and urbanization
 Example convicted for heinous
 Crimes women commit are considered to be final
 Fact crimes, the number of
outward manifestations of an inner medical
females arrested for
imbalance or social instability.
criminal activities show
 At the backdrop of rising false allegations by a drastic increase in
women against men, the SC in its landmark recent years.
verdict, widened the scope of the Domestic
Violence Act by ordering deletion of the words
“adult male” from it, paving the way for
prosecution of women and even non-adults for
subjecting a woman relative to violence and
 We need preventive, corrective, rehabilitative and
supportive measures

Probable Linker: “What matters isn't the stories

themselves; it's how the stories end.”
―Nikki Haley, Can't Is Not
an Option: My American Story
Thesis Reference CONCLUSION: “A country’s greatness

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Concluding Tools Analysis tools lies in its undying

 Summary  Kofi Annan has thus, rightly said that women ideals of love and
empowerment is the most effective tool for sacrifice that inspire
 Tone the mothers of the
 Future race.”
 From history (Gargi, Maitreyi) to contemporary
 Post- -Sarojini Naidu
times (Smt. Indira Gandhi), Indian women have
proved to be exemplary for the country, region
and the world.
 While equality between men and women is in itself
an important development goal, women's
economic participation is also a part of the growth
and stability equation.
 When women have full access to their rights, all of
society prospers.

Note: Further information and discussion in classs.


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INTRODUCTORY Children are the world’s most valuable X-FACTORS

TOOLS resource and its best hope for the future… Facts/Keywords/Quotes
John F. Kennedy
“There is no trust more
Announcement  We need to learn from children. Their sacred than the one that
Arousing Curiosity sunshine and sparkle shine through their world holds with children.
Scoping laughs and their eyes. They allow us to relive There is no duty more
the silliness we try so hard to kill in important than ensuring that
ourselves as adults. their rights are respected,
that their welfare is
protected, that their lives are
free from fear and that they
can grow up in peace”- Kofi

According to World Bank in

2017: 1.953 BN population
0-14 Yrs

Organizing the - According to economic

Middle survey, India’s preference
Thesis Reference Social Issues for boys has produced 21
million unwarranted girls.
Analysis tools  Abuse and violence
- Son Meta Preference
 Hidden Hunger
- Assocham-EY report-
 Logic  Child Sexual Abuse
India has largest number of
 Example  Malnutrition
malnourished children in
 Fact  Sex-Selection
the world
 Child Labor
 Child Trafficking - About 37 per cent of our
 Missing Parental Care under-five children are
 Poverty underweight; 39 per cent
 Child Marriage are stunted; 21 per cent are

According to a report of
International Labour
Organization (ILO) 200
million children below 15
have to earn their
livelihood. 26

Probable Linker: Social issues prove detrimental


to the development of the Child. But education

and Science & Technology can help to curb out
many menaces.

Thesis Reference Education & Science-Technology - UNICEF, One in three

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Analysis tools  Characteristics of a better society can be internet users worldwide

 Logic taught and acquired through education is a child, and young people
 Example  Importance of education lays in the fact are now the most connected
 Fact that education whether oral learning like of all age groups.
Vedic chanting or through written has - Education is the most
shaped societies since human evolution. powerful weapon which you
 Education breeds confidence, confidence can use to change the
breeds hope, hope breeds peace. – world.” Nelson Mandela
Confucius - Annual State of
 Science is a product of curiosity: Thus is Education Report- only
child 47.1% boys in the 14-18
 High dependence on technology in group could do simple
family, schools, colleges and social life division , at 39.5%, girls
has brought attitudinal change in fared worse
 UNICEF: Risks children face online –
from cyber-bullying to misuse of their
private information to online sexual
abuse and exploitation
Linker: But What is the Way forward

Thesis Reference Initiatives and Socio-Legal Framework: - National Child Labour

Analysis tools Project (NCLP)-
Analysis tools  Right To Education Act Rehabilitative scheme,
 Fundamental Rights(Article 13, 21, 24, providing bridge education
and vocational training to
 Logic 15, 21A, 28 and 30)
 DPSP(37,38,39,41,45,46,47) adolescents
 Example
 Fundamental Duty(51A) - NCRB data 2016- In
 Fact
 Panchayats (243B, 243G), south India, Karnataka
Municipality(243Q, 243W) Tops the list crimes against
 Atal Tinkering Labs children and in North India
 Nai Talim: Gandhian Philosophy Uttar Pradesh tops the list
 Happiness curriculum
 Criminal (Amendment) Bill2018
 Juvenile Justice Act 2015
 POCSO Act 2012
 Criminal Law Act
 The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act
(PCMA), 2006
 Child labour (Prohibition and
Prevention) Amendment Act, 2016.
 Pencil.gov.in portal.

- Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) for education -
Thesis Reference International Status: Analysis tools 'Ensure inclusive and
quality education for all and
Analysis tools  ILO Convention No. 182 promote lifelong learning' by
 ILO Convention No. 138 2030.
 Logic  155 million children are stunted - Children in Africa: They
  52 million are wasted suffer from malnutrition,

 Fact  41 million are overweight cannot go to school and

 Nordic countries are the best to raise a have no prospect of a better

kid future. Many of them do not
 Children in Africa are suffering the vice of even experience their fifth
wars birthday.
 Somalia: The children are the worst -“Child labor perpetuates
sufferers poverty, unemployment,
 Refugee crisis impact- Syrian civil war, illiteracy, population growth
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Rohingya identity crisis, and Yemen civil and other social problems.”-
War led to the migration of community Kailash Satyarthi

28 Page

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“Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha” X-FACTORS

INTRODUCTORY Facts/Keywords/Quotes
TOOLS Perhaps with this enchantment and a smile on the
wrinkled face, a caring attitude towards the younger The United Nations
Announcement ones, mind full of experiences and wisdom. Indeed, General Assembly adopted
such are our elderly persons.
a resolution to observe 1st
Arousing October, 1999 as the
Curiosity With the demography of India and the world tending
International Year of
towards ageing, we need to ensure this section the
happiest life. But are they given the due care and Older Persons and to
Scoping promote the theme "A
respect? What was their status in the past? What
other aspects are attributed to their happiness? society for All Ages". Ever
since 1st October every
year is celebrated as
International Day of Older

To forget the elderly is to

ignore the wisdom of
the years –Donald Laird

According to WHO, the

population aged 60 and
over is expected to increase
to an estimated 2 billion by

“Life Expectancy in India

has increased to 67.5,
catching up with the world
average of 70.5 years ”

Thesis A look in the Past “Let your mother be a god

Reference to you. Let your father be a
Analysis tools  Sages have been revered since time God to you”.
immemorial -Taittriya Upanishad
 Logic
 Example  Ancient India has given primacy to Elderly
people in important committees.
 Fact

 The Ashram system of ancient India has an “Virtue, wealth, and

age-based social system that defined the pleasure function as

roles and responsibilities of the people. principles of conduct and

 Condition of the elderly people in the recent are regulated by age”
times is a mixed bag. While at some places,
this section feels safe and happy; at other
places there condition is not so good.

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Probable Linker: Ageing not only has temporal

aspect, but spatial aspect too.

Thesis Spatial Aspect

Reference - 2011: 104 million (60 or
Analysis tools  Developed World ageing at accelerated rate above)
 Logic  Developing and underdeveloped countries
 Example have less old age population for the time - 71% of Elderly in India
being. lives in rural areas.
 Fact
 Rural- Urban divide:They are less vulnerable
in rural areas as compared to their urban - Kerala has maximum
counterparts, due to the still holding values proportion of Elderly people
of the joint family system
 Accessibility Concerns - 33% of Population in
Japan is above 60.
Probable Linker: While there are natural barriers
which may not be overpowered, but there are
some not so good conditions developed by man

Thesis Socio- Economic Condition: Analysis Tools

Reference - About 50% of the elderly
financially dependent on
Analysis tools  Increase in life expectancy, though desirable, has
 Logic posed new challenges to the modern world.

 Example  Family structure: Nuclear Family on a rise

- Agewell Foundation:
 Fact  Elder Abuse – Vulnerability to Physical, Mental 65% of old people are poor
and Emotional Abuse with no source of known
 Major reason for Abuse: Economic Dependency income. 35% still have
money, properties, savings,
 Increasing competition from younger people, investments, inheritance
individual, family and societal mind sets, chronic and above all supportive
malnutrition and slowing physical and mental children
faculties, limited access to resources and lack of
awareness of their rights and entitlements play
significant roles in reducing the ability of the -According to WB report
elderly to remain financially productive, and by 2050, women over 60
thereby, independent. years would exceed the
 Gender Divide: Feminization of Old number of elderly men by
Population. 18.4 million, which would
result in a unique
 Health: Older people are mostly vulnerable to characteristic of
non-communicable diseases. Degenerative ‘feminization’ of the

diseases like Alzheimer’s and elderly population in India


Dementia.(Locomotor and visual disability : most

- Ageing: “we start dying
 Failing health due to advancing age is
the day we are born”
complicated by non-availability to good quality,
age-sensitive, health care, poor accessibility and
reach, lack of information and knowledge and/or

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high costs of disease management. This breeds - Globalization and impact

Psychological fear. on Elderly
 Isolation: Younger people often move to cities
leaving behind their elderly parents - Lack of Geriatric
 Neglect: The elderly, especially those who are Healthcare
weak and/or dependent, require physical,
mental and emotional care and support.
- Under- reporting of cases

Probable Linker: But the Elderly people have

never been left unattended. Forefathers of the
constitution and various legislations have
provided enough provisions to ensure a safe and
secure environment.

Thesis The Safeguards

“Nothing is more beautiful
Analysis tools  It is the responsibility of the State to provide than a smile that has
health care and assistance to the elderly, as is struggled through years
 Logic
noted in the Article 41 of Directive Principles and tears”
 Example
of State Policy. - Dr. V Mohini Giri
 Fact  Article 21 ensures a dignified life. Committee (2011)
 Section 20 of the Hindu adoption and submitted final draft of
maintenance act, 1956, makes it an National policy on senior
obligatory provision to maintain an aged citizens 2011. It advised
parent. special focus on elderly
 Maintenance of Parents is included in section women and rural poor, and
125 of Criminal Procedure Code. other disadvantaged
 The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and seniors.
Senior Citizens Act, 2007, seeks to make it - Reverse Mortgage Scheme
legal for the children or heirs to maintain their - NGOs
parents or senior citizens of the family. The bill : Help-age India
defines children as sons, daughters, grandsons

: Dignity Foundation
and granddaughters. Parents are the biological,
adoptive or step-parents.

 International : The United Nations Principles - 6% of elderly population

for Older Persons adopted by the United was reported as disabled in
Nations General Assembly in 1991. rural areas whereas; in
 Economic Help: Pensions, Bank Interest urban areas 4% of elderly
 National Policy for Older Persons population was disabled.
 National Old Age Pension Scheme
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 National Programme for Health Care for Elderly - After the age of 70 years,
2010 more than 60% of women
 Atal Pension Yojana become widows.
 Integrated Programme for older persons (Old
age homes, day care centres, mobile medicare
units etc.) International Aspects
 Rashtriya Vayoshree Yojana ( aids and assistive
living devices)
 Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana
 Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana
 The draft 12th Five Year plan had also
identified some key action areas- including the
setting up a National Commission for Senior
Citizen; Establishment of Old Age Homes with
integrated multi-facility centre in 640 districts
and Health insurance for senior citizens.

Probable Linker: Economy as a subject deals with

allocation and utilization of resources. Elderly
people are the resources enriching our
Knowledge economy. Here Science can also help
them Integrate with the main stream.

Thesis Integrating the Elderly Resources: Analysis Tools

Reference - Longevity Dividend
 The elderly are becoming the fastest growing,
but underutilized resource available to
- Guidance in Economic
Policy, Security Policy etc.
 The benefits of turning the ‘problem’ of the
elderly into a ‘solution’ for other social

problems are being demonstrated in several - “Nai Taleem”


 Why not integrate with Make in India scheme? - “The best classroom in
 Elderly Person can fit into Education the world is at the feet of
Framework an elderly person.”
 Increasing Retirement Age will make them more -“The Young man knows
productive the rules, but the old
knows the exception.”
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 Making Agriculture Remunerative will help

 Science as cure for old Age
 ICT : Facilitator for Old Age, Opening new
 Some in their elderly age have produced
Example: J.R.R Tolkien published the first
volume of “Lord of the Rings” at the age of 62.
Nelson Mandela was elected president of South
Africa at age of 79.

Probable Linker: These resources are threatened

the most by the changing climate paradigm.
Thesis Elderly and the Environment
Reference - Senior citizens
Analysis tools  Risk posed to the Elderly people by constituted a significant
environmental exposures. chunk of the total deaths
 Logic
 During times of Disaster: Elderly are the in Chennai floods in
 Example 2015.
most vulnerable.
 Fact

 But Elderly can help maintain the pristine

beauty of Environment. Forestation,
greenery, plantation.

Probable Linker: The universal Principle too

advice: “Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you”

Thesis Ethics behind Elderly Care

Reference - World Elder Abuse

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Concluding  Duty of one to take care of elder people. Awareness day : 15th June
Tools: The last phase of the cycle is a revisit to the first
 Summary phase of birth cycle. Therefore these need care
 Tone similar to child care.
 Future The Respected Resource:
 Post-
Script “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that
count. It’s the life in your years.”
 For this to be true: Sarve Bhavantu


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INTRODUCTORY janmana jayate sudrah X-Factors

TOOLS samskarat dwij uchchte Facts/Keywords/Quotes
veda pathnat bhavet viprah
Gandhi ji named Harijan as
brahma janati iti brahmanah
Announcement ‘children of God’ started Harijan
Sevak Sangh
“By birth one is a sudra, by the purificatory
Arousing Mahad satyagraha by B.R
Curiosity process one becomes a dvija, by study of the Ambedkar
Vedas one becomes a vipra, and one who Self-respect movement by Periyar
Scoping knows Brahman is a brahmana.”
First BCs commission or Kaka
Kalelkar Commission

Second BCs commission or the

Mandal Commission

Organizing the
Middle -The government of India act
Thesis Reference A look in the Past: Discussion on 1935 carried definition of
Scheduled caste (SC) which
Analysis tools  In Ancient India people were grouped carried out post-Independence.
 Logic as per Varna system.
 Example  Untouchables were added as fifth -The census of 1931 provided
 Fact class to carry out work like cleaning definition of Scheduled tribes
up after funerals, carry human (ST).
 Compared to other societies India -The particularly vulnerable
society is more divided. tribes groups (PVTG) were
 Historically backwards are most classified by ministry of Tribal
disadvantageous and deprived ones affairs
in the society.
 They participated in India’s struggle -In 1978 Mandal commission
for Independence, shared their recognised the other back ward
shoulder in many freedom classes. These were the
movements communities which were socially,
 There is no dearth of social economically, educationally
movements by leaders like Jyotibha backward and did not fall under
phule, Periyar, Mahatma Gandhi & schedule caste and schedule
B.R Ambedkar like harijan sabha, tribes.
society for depressed class -In year 2004 centre set up a
 This divide within people hampered commission for economically
integration of Indian society backwards, these were the people
 Post-Independence backwards have having annual income less than 1
been exploited more for vote bank Lakh and were not categorize as
politics than social change being SC/ST and OBC
talked by various political parties

Probable Linker: This distinction knows


no geographical boundaries.

Thesis Reference Spatial Aspect: Discussion on -73% SC lives in rural areas

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Analysis tools  Countries in northern hemisphere -97.65 ST lives in rural areas

 Logic have more integrated societies than -38.5% of rural population is
 Example countries in northern hemisphere OBC
 Fact  In India backward population in rural -As census 2011 U.P has highest
areas is more than urban SC population
 Less developed states caters more -M.P has highest ST population
backward population -U.P has highest OBC population

Linker: As per the order of social

hierarchy, backwards languish at the
lower strata where material deprivation
and impurity reinforce one another
Thesis Reference Socio- Economic Condition: Discussion on -Una violence
-Bhima Koregaon
Analysis tools  Lack of protection of rights - Existence -Rohit Vemula case
of derogatory practices, Oppression, -Maharashtra became first state
 Logic deprivation and extreme isolation, Cow to bring laws against social
 Example vigilantism, Khap Panchayat’s bigotry boycott
 Fact ruling, Honour killing, religious -16.2% of SC hold only 8.6% of
conversions, deprive of forest rights land
 Social Backwardness – Social boycott, -NHRC stated ‘Law enforcement
No upward mobility, concentration in agency is greatest violators of
some areas, divide with in backwards, untouchable human rights’
social stigmization, low literacy rate -Literacy rate: ST 59%
 Economic backwardness- Involvement SC 66%
into low profile jobs like cleaning excreta, OBC 65%
animal carcasses, manual scavengers, -Supreme Court in Lata Singh vs
even forest dwellings, agricultural State of U.P has opined inter-
labourers, low per capita income, non- caste marriages are in the
inclusive growth, low level of employment national interest as they destroy
in public and private sector. caste system
 Education & Health-Vulnerable to
poverty, hunger and health hazards, The Centre has decided to collect
denial & discrimination from primary to data on Other Backward Classes
higher education, Higher mortality rates during Census 2021.
 Housing & Sanitation- Live in slums,
outskirts of villages, rehabilitation on
account of development projects and
mining activities , very less percentage in
ownership of land

Linker: No laws are laws until and unless

they are accepted by people and enforced
by authorities in words and spirit
Thesis Reference Safeguards: Discussion on -Article: 338,
 Constitutional body status to 338A,338B,340,330,332
Analysis tools Commission for SC/ST 243D,243T,15,16,38,41
 Separate Ministries for SC/ST & OBC 46,47, schedule 5 & 6
 Logic to support development
 Example  Listing of SC/ST & OBC as scheduled -SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities
 Fact  Listing of scheduled areas & Act (POA Act 1989)
scheduled tribes -PESA Act 1996

 Prevention of atrocities act to protect -FRA Act 2006


 Reservations in Govt jobs, -SCHEMES

institutions, municipalities, 1 Post - Matric Scholarship for
panchayats to increase participation SC/OBC students
 Mandate under DPSP 2 National Backward Class
 International Bodies/organizations Finance Development
like UN, UNDP, UDHR,MDG/SDG Corporations (NBCFDC)
3 National Safaikaramcharis
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goals working to erase inequality Finance Development

 Parliamentary standing committee on Corporations (NSKFDC)
social justice and empowerment 4. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram
 Foundations and NGO role in raising Yojana
the voice of people 5 The Tribal Cooperative
 Government Schemes are launched Marketing Development
timely, regionally to ensure inclusive Federation of India Limited
development, cater needs of (TRIFED)
backwards and upliftment of status. 6 Scheme of Development for
 Acts for forest rights and self- Particularly Vulnerable Tribal
governance of gram sabha Groups (PVTGs)
7 Mudra Scheme
Linker: Backwards are no different to rest 8 Stand up India
of population living in remotest areas 9 Swatch Bharat Abhiyan
when it comes to impact of climate 10 Ujjawala Yojana
change 11 Van Dhan Yojana
ThesisStatement Environment: Discussion on -case study: Flood affected
communities in Dhemaji, Assam
Analysis tools  Climate change impact natural resources
on which are source of livelihoods for -Floods in Mumbai affected slum
 Logic backwards dwellers
 Example  Backwards work as agriculture labourers
 Fact in field’s climate changes like drought,
erratic rainfall causes loss of wages to
these people.
 Mostly vulnerable to disasters like
drought, floods, heavy downpours
ThesisStatement Backwards & Science : Discussion on - ICT relevant for SDG 2030 goals
of UN
Analysis tools Connectivity & Technology
-Case study of Costa Rica, world
 Logic  Lack of roads & transportation in
top performer in ICT
 Example outskirts areas, victim of digital divide,
-Bharat Net Project
 Fact unawareness & non- availability of
-Digital India Program
technology hamper their development
 Technology can bring social and
economic development within society
 High degree of correlation between
economic development and ICT access to
common people
 Social media platform helps in
integration with rest of the society,
providing space for freedom of
expression, equal opportunity, access of
knowledge, reach out to the person
standing in the lower strata, reach to
remotest village, connecting all the Gram
 Use of Artificial Intelligence, GIS, big
data has help better allocation of
resources and monitoring

ThesisStatement Towards integration of backwards :

Discussion on -Prohibition of Employment on

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Analysis tools Role of Government Manual Scavengers &

 Strong enforcement of laws made to Rehabilitation Act, 2013
 Logic prevent atrocities against backwards in
 Example words and spirit (registration of FIRs and Recently Supreme court
 Fact proper investigations), compensation Barred from immediate arrests
 Capacity building of government under prevention of atrocities
institutions accompanied by more SC/ST act
budgetary support
 Strengthening role ,increasing -Government planning to give
participation, empowering commission constitutional body status to
for backwards and action on reports OBC commission
 Addressing problems of migrants,
labourers which comprise maximum Case study- NGOs in Rajasthan
from backward classes actively participated in installing
 Reservation in promotions so that water flush toilets abolishing dry
backwards occupy decision making latrines, liberating manual
position scavengers
 Financial & Legal support to backwards
 Setting up of national vigilance -Indian NGO Sulabh
committee at national and state level International
 Inviting private investment through PPP
in development, R&D

Role of Civil Society/NGOs

 Creating opportunity for communication, -In the recent SC/ST protest
awareness enabling the construction of which was leaderless driven by
inter-personal relationships between the social media
discriminating and the discriminated
against -TV ads of Amitabh Bachchan
 Facilitating and implementing national promoting Sanitation
and global level sanitation awareness Some middle class communities
campaigns like Jats in Haryana, Patels in
 Becoming the voice of manual scavengers Gujarat and Marathas in
and safai karamcharis Maharashtra are also demanding
 Conduct research activities and provide for the status of OBC.
plans and programs to government
 Rehabilitation and training of people
 Work toward overall change in the
behaviour of people
Role of Media
 Providing voice to unheard
 Bringing awareness among people by
raising cases of discrimination against
backwards through TV ads
Role Celebrities
-They can be the Harbinger of
bringing change in the society
Role of Family
-Families can play a vital role in
nurturing the behavioral within the
child since the birth

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INTRODUCTORY In the recent past, the picture of a small boy X-FACTORS

TOOLS lying face down in the sand at Turkey beach that QUOTES/KEYWORDS/
surfaced across social and print media, was of a FACTS
Syrian boy who drowned in an apparent attempt
to flee the terrorist attacks ravaging his
India is Ranked 7thon
Announcement Global Terrorism Index
Such heart wrenching incidents are aplenty in 2018.
media today and the underlying cause of such
Arousing Europol’s annual EU
incidents is terrorism. Terrorism is not a new
Curiosity Terrorism Situation and
phenomenon- its form has changed over the years
Trend Report (TE-SAT)
but irrespective of its age it has caused
provides an overview of the
Scoping immeasurable loss of life and property. Much of it
terrorism phenomenon in
today emanates from various brands of religious
the EU in a given year.
fanaticism or religion masked political extremisms,
though at deeper levels historical inequities in land
distraction, living conditions, political, economic
and cultural dominance and military presence are
also involved. By nature, ‘terrorism’ implies the use
of highly aggressive, horrible, inhuman and cruel
practices, and, the expression ‘terrorism’
presupposes the use of violence, violence can never
have long lasting peace. To uproot terrorism, we
need non-violent strategies the methods of which
can be best found in Indian Philosophy.

Organising the Sicarii were an early

Middle Jewish terrorist
Thesis Going to the roots organisation founded in
Reference the first century AD with
the goal of overthrowing
Analysis tools Driving factors: the Romans in the Middle
 Logic  Extremes in psychology, secular ideology, East
 Example religion, ethnicity, and nationalism
 Fact  the perceived political grievances of occupation, Hamas is one of the most
 poverty, religious influence active ethno-nationalist
 military oppression driven groups carrying out
 drug menace suicide bombings and
attacks against the state of
 Xenophobia
Israel with the goal of
 Alienation/Discrimination caused by diaspora creating a Palestinian
 Relative deprivation can also be a driver of state.
terrorist recruitment as it leads to the creation
of an ‘us vs them’ mentality.
Fundamentalism example:
Aum Shinrikyo cult that
carried out the 1995 sarin
gas attacks in Tokyo

‘Arab Spring’

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Forms of Terrorism
 Political terrorism: used against the
governments that does not meet the aspirations
of society.
 State-Sponsored terrorism: which consists of
terrorist acts on a state or government by a
state or government.
 Dissent terrorism: which are terrorist groups
which have rebelled against their government.
 Terrorists and the Left and Right: which are
groups rooted in political ideology.
 Religious terrorism: which are terrorist groups
which are extremely religiously motivated and
 Criminal Terrorism: which are terrorists acts
used to aid in crime and criminal profit.
 Narco-Terrorism: organizations that gain funds
through the sale of drugs

There are multiple paths to radicalisation and

individuals can exhibit both high and low levels of
education, income, religious or political knowledge.
Probable Linkers: Geopolitics, especially rich-world

attempts to control oil, help incite terrorist attacks

on the rich by people from developing countries.
But demographic and socio-economic factors,
especially poverty, inequality and large numbers of
young men facing dim economic prospects, also are
likely contributors to such terrorism.
Thesis Regions affected by terrorism  Afghanistan, Nigeria,
Reference Syria and Pakistan
Analysis tools Terrorism is not restricted to any location – be it the together with Iraq:
location of identity, territory or religion. these five countries
accounted for three
 Logic The ten countries most impacted by terrorism
quarters of all deaths
acc. to 2017 GTI were:
 Example from terrorism in 2016.

1. Afghanistan
 Fact  The estimated
2. Iraq economic impact of

3. Nigeria terrorism in 2017 was

4. Somalia US$52 billion.
5. Syria However, the true
6. Pakistan economic impact of
terrorism is likely to be
7. Egypt
much higher.
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8. Congo DRC  Terrorist attacks are

9. Central Afr. Republic deadlier in conflict-
affected countries
10. India
where there is an
Global Terror Index, 2018: average of 2.4 fatalities
 Afghanistan had more deaths from terrorism per attack in 2016
than any other country in 2017, overtaking Iraq. compared to 1.3
 Despite severe territorial and financial losses, fatalities in non-
Islamic State remained the deadliest terrorist conflict countries.
group in 2017, even though deaths attributed to
the group fell by 52 per cent from the prior year.  The deadliest group in
 Bombings and armed assaults have been the India is the country’s
most common form of terrorist attack every year communist party – The
for the past twenty years. Communist Party of
 Around 94 percent of all terrorist deaths are India (Maoists).
located in the Middle-East and North Africa, Maoists were
sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. responsible for 205
 In the Maghreb and Sahel regions of Northern deaths and 190 terror
Africa, there has been a resurgence of terrorist incidents in India, or
activity in the past two years, most notably of 53 per cent of deaths
Al-Qa’ida. As of March 2018 there were more in 2017.
than 9,000 members of terrorist groups active in  The north Indian state
the region, mostly concentrated in Libya and of Jammu and Kashmir
Algeria. had the most deaths in
2017, with 102 deaths
committed by five
different terror groups,
most notably Lashkar-
e-Taliba (LeT), Jaish-
e-Mohammad (JeM)
and Hizbul
Mujahideen (HM)
 The Pulwama terror
attack is the biggest in
recent years but govt
data show there has
Probable Linkers: regions affected by terrorism been a 176 per cent
continue to be relatively underdeveloped as rise in the number of
terrorism adversely affects the socio-political and terrorist incidents in
economic development of a nation. Jammu and Kashmir
between 2014 and

Thesis Social Impact of Terrorism “Terrorism is a
Reference significant threat to
Analysis tools Impact on vulnerable section: women, children peace and security,
prosperity and people.”
 Backwardness of society
- Ban- Ki Moon
 Logic  Terrorism restricts the environment for the
 Example people to enjoy their fundamental rights and
 Fact

 Radicalisation
 Migration

Probable Linkers: Terrorism creates a feeling of

vulnerability in the country where the attacks
occur. This can have a broader economic impact.
Thesis Economy of Terrorism

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Analysis tools The vast majority of damages due to terrorism are

borne exclusively by the citizens of the venue
 Logic country.
 The associated rise in security costs and loss in
 Example
productivity of the workforce—through damages
 Fact to labour and capital—are likely to reduce
national income.
 The economic impact of terrorism is small
compared to other major forms of violence.
 Indirect impacts on business, investment and
the costs associated with security agencies in
countering terrorism.
 Terrorism is one of the few categories of violence
where the costs associated with containment
likely exceed its consequential costs
 sense of vulnerability damages trade or foreign
direct investment (FDI)
 The four largest terrorist groups have diverse
revenue sources: money transfers, donations,
trafficking, taxation and extortion.
Probable Linkers: The multi-dimensional losses
caused by terrorism can only be prevented and
combated, in all its forms and manifestations,
through a multi-dimensional approach.

Thesis Fighting terrorism and not terrorists The essence of non-violent


technique is that it seeks

Concluding Terrorism does not occur for the same reasons to liquidate antagonisms

Tools: everywhere. Policies to counter or prevent violent but not the antagonists.
extremism must be tailored to the specific drivers in -Gandhi
 Summary
each context and will have to be deployed with
 Tone
prudence and precision.
 Future
 Coordinating with religious leaders and building
 Post- a relationship with them will encourage better

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Scripting cooperation.
 Separatist terrorism can be combated with more
inclusive political processes that allow outlets
for political dissent.
 Targeting terrorist funding
 a concentration on regular policing is the most
advantageous to curb narco and right wing
 Good governance will ensure trust and
confidence of people that will curb recruitment
of terrorists in the region.
 Counter terrorism approaches need to be
sensitive to the factors driving terrorism and
avoid further alienating individuals at risk.
 Globally, countries with low levels of political
terror or which are not involved in an armed
conflict have very low levels of terrorism
 ‘fighting radicalism with human development’
 International cooperation.
 Preventing and suppressing the financing of
 Countering the use of the Internet for terrorist
 Adherence to SDG 16.

Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of
International Convention against the Taking of
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear
UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Case study: Sri Lanka


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INTRODUCTORY “Urbanization is the inevitable outcome QUOTES/FACTS/ KEYWORDS

TOOLS of the processes of growth and the
processes of modernization.” According to 2001 census, the
-Manmohan Singh urban population of the country
was 286.11 million, living in
Announcement Indeed true! Urbanization, as a phenomenon,
5161 towns, which constitutes
is the cause as well as the effect of
27.81% of the total country’s
development and modernization. This implies
population. However, the same
that urbanization will have wide ranging
Arousing as per 2011 census has risen to
impacts on the various sectors of the society.
Curiosity 377.16 million viz. 32.16% of the
However, as the adage goes, ‘Progress is
total country’s population and at
impossible without change’. By urbanizing
the same time number of towns
we would be moving towards progress only if
has gone up to 7935.
Scoping we learn to establish a balance between our
villages and the new urban centres.

The rate of urban growth in India is very high

as compared to developed countries, and the
large cities are becoming larger mostly due to
continuous migration of population to these
cities. This creates enormous pressure on
existing urban infrastructure.

Organizing the Lothal had the earliest known

Middle dock found in the world
Thesis As we started urbanizing ….
Reference Urban revolution
Analysis tools The urban culture of the Bronze Age found in
 Logic Harappa( agricultural production, trade, Urban Ghettoization
planned roads; etc)
 Example
 Other ancient cities: Athens(Greece), Megalopolis (Vast Urban
 Fact
Mesopotamia, Pharoah(Egypt) Complex)
 Rapid urbanization post-1800
(industrialization) Gentrification (Urban Renewal)
 1900s- metropolises (larger industrial
cities) surrounded by suburbs
By 2030 all developing regions,
including Asia and Africa, will
The need for Urban Centres:
have more people living in urban
 Urbanization being seen as a force
than rural areas.
behind poverty reduction
 Industrialization > need for improved
education and public works agencies
 Push Factors: population pressure, lack
of resources in rural areas

 Pull Factors: better standard of living,

health and education

Probable Linkers: The above need to

urbanize was felt across the world but
differential patterns can be observed in
across different regions of the world

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Thesis Spatial Distribution Cities account for some 70 per

Reference cent of global GDP.
Analysis tools United Nations Department of Economic
No country has grown to middle-
 Logic and Social Affairs (UN DESA):
income status without
 Example industrializing and urbanizing.
 Fact  Together, India, China and Nigeria will
account for 35% of the projected growth
of the world’s urban population between
2018 and 2050 More than 50% of the world’s
 The most urbanized regions include population lives in an urban
 Northern America (with 82% of its area. By 2050, 70% of the
population living in urban areas in 2018),
world’s population will be living
 Latin America and the Caribbean in towns and cities.
 Europe (74%) and
 Oceania (68%).
 The level of urbanization in Asia is now World Bank’s Urban
approximating 50% Development Overview 2015,
 Africa remains mostly rural, with 43% of more than 80 per cent of the
its population living in urban areas world’s GDP is generated in
U.N. World Urbanization Prospects 2018:
About 34% of India's population now lives in The level of urbanization in Asia
urban areas- an increase of about three is now approximating 50 %. In
percentage points since the 2011 Census. contrast, Africa remains mostly
rural, with 43 % of its population
living in urban areas.

Probable Linkers: The varied distribution

results in varied socio-economic impacts of
Thesis Socio-economic Impact of Urbanisation Total of 33510 slums exist in the
Reference urban areas of India.

Analysis tools Effects of Urbanization: A total of 65.49 million slum


inhabitants live in 13.92 million

 Logic Positive:
 Example  Creation of employment opportunities
 Fact (Bangalore, Hyderabad)
 Technological and infrastructural
advancements, “If managed well urbanization
 Improved transportation and can lead to sustainable growth
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communication, by increasing productivity,

 Quality educational and medical allowing innovation and new
facilities, ideas to emerge,”
 Improved standards of living: “Better cities can help reduce
modernization (Noida, Gurugram) poverty, improve living
conditions and create the
“Urbanization in India is a slow but sure environment for more and
death for her villages and villagers.” better paying jobs,”

-Mahatma Gandhi
 Pollution: Health Hazards
 Urban sprawl
 urban crimes India’s “messy urbanisation”
 Insufficient expansion space for is reflected in the increasing
housing and public utilities, urban sprawl as also the fact
 Urban Poverty that one in seven people in
 Unemployment urban areas live in slums.
 Overcrowding, Traffic congestion
 Migration Messy urbanization in India is
 Slums reflected in the nearly 65.5 million
 Floods Indians who, according to the
 Health and Sanitation Problems country’s 2011 Census, live in
urban slums, as well as the 13.7
Probable linkers:
percent of the urban population
In order to harness the economic and social that lived below the national
benefits of urbanization, policy-makers must poverty line in 2011.
plan for efficient land-use, match population
densities with the required needs for
transport, housing and other infrastructure,
and arrange the financing needed for such
urban development programs

Thesis Legal Framework

Reference Analysis Tools  Cities in India face a range of
Related Government Schemes: challenges to meet demand and
Analysis tools Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Housing for All supply gaps in urban regions, in
- Urban) such areas as water, waste
 Logic Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (National management, energy, mobility,
 Example Urban Livelihoods Mission) the built environment,
 Fact Members of Parliament Local Area education, healthcare and
Development Scheme (MPLADS)
HRIDAY : Heritage City Development and
Augmentation Yojana  The plans announced by the
AMRUT: Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Government for 100 smart
Urban Transformation cities and 500 Atal Mission for
Smart Cities Rejuvenation and Urban
Probable Linkers: Cities have the capability Transformation (AMRUT) cities

of providing something for everybody, only are being implemented in a

because, and only when, they are created by structured approach towards

everybody.The onus of creating and urban management.

maintaining the cities for the benefit of all is
upon us.
Thesis Conclusion: Way forward: SDG 11: Sustainable cities

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Concluding Urban Planning:

Tools  Building sustainable and Planned cities of India:
Summary environmentally friendly cities
Tone  Provision of essential services  Chandigarh
Future  More job creation  Gandhinagar
Post- Scripting  Population control  Jamshedpur
Urbanization can accelerate progress towards
the Sustainable development goals (SDGs),
but careful planning is essential to prevent
“Urban Agglomeration”
the growth of slums, pollution and crime that
can derail achievements. Constructive
sustainable interventions by government, “ Satellite Cities”
civil society institutions could result in
fruitful dividends. Sustainable urbanization is
key to successful development


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INTRODUCTORY  For a country that has scarce and limited

TOOLS public resources, reservations unquestionably Facts/Keywords/Quotes
have important social, economic and political
The Supreme Court
 A form of affirmative action ruling that reservations
Announcement  Its origin has its roots scattered from the cannot exceed 50%
ancient times when the practice of
Arousing ‘untouchability’, caste system and Varna
system was dominant in the society. Through Article 340, the
procedure to determine
 To what degree this system has helped the
backward people is often debated. the need for reservations
Scoping and the criteria for
identifying beneficiary
groups within the
category of socially and
educationally BCs. were
left to investigations by
commissions which the
president may appoint.
As against this Article
335 makes explicit
provision of reservation
for scheduled castes and
Reservation policy has remained an integral part of STs.
public policy of both the British Indian and Princely
India. A policy that was formulated by the British
to provide for representation to Indians in the
administrative set up was later extended to
recruitment, promotion and educational
institutions. The successor democratic
governments continued to pursue this policy with
the exception of effecting some cosmetic changes to
it now and then.

Organizing the
Middle - Simon commission:
Thesis The Supporting arguments Reserving seats for
Reference depressed classes.

During the British rule agitations were launched to - Poona Pact 1932
Analysis tools
provide reservations in legislative assembly and
 Logic also for the creation of separate electorates for
 Example various communities. Ramsay Mac Donald's
communal award even went further for the creation


of separate electorates for scheduled castes. It was
only after the Poona pact that such provision was


A political necessity
 Affirmative Action has helped many if not
everyone from under-privileged and/or
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under-represented communities to grow and

occupy top positions in the world’s leading
 Needed to provide social justice to the most
marginalized and underprivileged which is
their human right
 Meritocracy is meaningless without equality

Linker: But has the reservation policy served

the purpose. The policy needs some revision,

Thesis Argument not supporting it


Analysis tools  Reservation is similar to internal partition - Articles 15(4), 15(5),

 Logic because in addition to being a form of 16(3), 16(4)
ethnic discrimination, it also builds walls
 Example against inter-caste and inter-faith marriages
- Indra Sawhney Vs
 Fact  Biggest enemy of meritocracy Union Of India
 There are other parameters too to assess
First BCs commission
or Kaka Kalelkar
Linker: But What is the Way forward Commission

Second BCs commission

or the Mandal

Thesis  The reservation policy in India was adopted

Reference with a reason to uplift certain castes who were
subjugated to atrocities, social and economic
backwardness due to the prevalent dominance
of caste system in Hindu Society.
 This reason has somewhere lost its essence in
the modern era, and the castes that should be
actually benefitted are not being benefitted, and
the others are reaping the benefits of the
reservation system that are actually not meant
for it. Today, the reservation system has just
become a tool for politicians to gain vote banks.
The recent agitation from the Patels of Gujarat
to include them in the category of OBC was
shocking for the entire nation, as the people
who were agitating to get reservations in the
state of Gujarat were in no ways socially and
economically backward.

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INTRODUCTORY “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any X-FACTORS

TOOLS country can have.” Facts/Quotes/Keynote
― Winston S. Churchill s
Announcement Health and healthcare were present since time ‘Without health life is
Arousing immemorial. Historical texts are replete with not life,
references of healthcare practices since time
Curiosity It is only a state of
immemorial. Health has always been a matter of languor and suffering-
Scoping utmost importance. an image of death’
India’s health workforce is characterised by a
diversity of providers delivering services in allopathy
and alternative systems of medicine like ayurveda, The WHO has defined
homeopathy, unani and siddha. health as ‘a state of
complete physical,
Part IV of the Constitution of India talks about the mental, and social well-
Directive Principles of State Policy. Article 47 under being and not merely
part IV lists the “Duty of the State to raise the absence of disease or
level of nutrition and the standard of living and infirmity’
to improve public health”.
India has improved its
ranking on a global
healthcare access and
quality (HAQ) index
from 153 in 1990 to 145
in 2016. In 2016, India
scored 41.2 points on
the healthcare access
and quality (HAQ)
index created by the
Global Burden of
Disease study publish
ed in the medical
journal The Lancet.

Organising The Rigveda: Ashwini

Middle Kumaras known as Dev
Thesis Health in History Vaidya -chief surgeons,
Reference who had performed rare
Analysis tools  Medicine, as it is today, is but the cumulative legendary surgical
knowledge gathered since centuries, along with operations which
 Logic the evolution of man. included the first plastic
 Example  The ancient medicine dealt with plants, surgery
 Fact minerals, spirits, stars, voodoo, energy,
appeasing to gods, and more.

 There were priests, herbalists, magicians,

sorcerers, and heads who spread their intuitive The three main pillars of

arms around the patient to diagnose, cure and

 Indian system of medicine: combination of many Samhita, Sushrutaa
concepts such as diet, climate, beliefs, Samhita, and Ashtanga
supernatural, empirical, and culture Sangraha
 Yoga does not adhere to any particular religion,
belief system or community; it has always been
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approached as a technology for inner wellbeing. Avanti

Probable Linkers: Since ancient times, humans
have understood the importance of climate and Yoga: for health and
other geographical indicators to human health. wellness

Thesis Geographical and Environmental Aspects

Reference 21-country African
Analysis Tools  Tropical vs Rest of the World: connection “meningitis belt”
between the seasons and disease occurrence- stretching from Senegal
 Logic high burden of pan tropical diseases in Africa to Ethopia has the
 Example  Postharvest loss is a leading constraint on highest attack and
 Fact food security in Africa fatality rates for
 Spread of climate- sensitive infectious bacterial meningitis in
diseases like cholera, Zika Virus the world
 Case Study: Ebola outbreak in Congo
 Developed vs Underdeveloped: Obtaining a
balance between obesity and malnutrition
 Health issues in Urban Areas:
 Poor access to healthcare despite physical
 Research and knowledge/information gaps
 Poor community awareness and weak
community capacity to demand and access
health care
The urban population
 Poor family support system: especially in case
suffers a significantly
of mental health problems and HIV AIDS
higher burden of non-
 Poor Environmental Conditions with high
communicable disease
population density: diseases caused due to
risk factors. As per
NFHS 3, 24 percent of
 Inadequate public health infrastructure in
the urban women are
urban slums
overweight / obese as
 Drugs, Tobacco and alcohol abuse
compared to only seven
 Mental health problems like stress,
percent of the women in
rural areas
 Health issues in Rural Areas:
 Health problems due to social stigma further
causing social exclusion The Human Developmen
 High rate of diseases due to open defecation t Index (HDI) is a
 Maternal health summary measure of
 Sanitation related health issues average achievement in
key dimensions of
human development: a
 Climate Change and Health long and healthy life,
 affects social and environmental being knowledgeable
determinants of health – clean air, safe and have a decent
drinking water, sufficient food and secure standard of living.
shelter India climbed one spot
 exacerbation of cardiovascular and to 130 among 189
respiratory diseases countries in latest HDI
 invariable rainfall causing lack of freshwater Index while scoring
 increase in water- borne diseases and 0.638.

diseases transmitted through insects, snails

or other cold-blooded animals

Skilful early warning systems and informed climate

change adaptation strategies have the potential to
enhance resilience to short-term climate variability
and to buffer against negative impacts of climate

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Probable Linkers: Effective warnings and

projections require both scientific and institutional
capacity to address complex processes that are
mediated by physical, ecological, and societal

Thesis Science and Health bandwidth

Analysis Tools  How science has helped ‘health’:
 Logic Positive
 Example  Technology advances
 Fact  the use of simple, hand-held molecular
diagnostic tools can help unskilled health
workers rapidly and accurately diagnose
diseases, thus helping to reduce healthcare
costs due to delayed or incorrect diagnoses
 Post globalisation:
 medical tourism (often combining elective
surgery and aspects of Ayurveda),
 health insurance market,
 healthcare infrastructure expansion
(including public-private partnerships and
training of healthcare staff),
 the medical equipment market, and
 the pharmaceuticals industry (manufacture,
research and clinical trials)
 Negative
 research in the field of human health can
take years to produce results : even to
determine the side effects
 negative use of science: like pre-natal sex
 increased costs
 anti-biotic resistance

Not only science has helped have health, but health

has also helped develop science- health problems
drive research  Nobel Prize in
2015 was
Way Forward:
awarded to a
 The relations between the State and Chinese Scientist
scientific-technological organizations have to for anti-malarial
be strengthened and permeated by ethical drug artemisinin
values and moral commitments.
 investment in new drugs, vaccines and
therapies for the control and eradication of
endemic diseases, typical for the poor

 optimal use of our rich biodiversity and of the

knowledge created by the scientists of

universities and research institutions

Probable Linkers: Scientific developments become

effective only if there are minimum social barriers.
Thesis Social Institutional problems

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Reference Of all the forms of

injustice, inequality in
Analysis tools  Vulnerability of weaker sections healthcare is the most
 Social taboos- sanitation problem for women shocking and
 Logic
during menstruation inhumane.
 Example
 Fact  Lack of immunity among children
– Martin Luther King
 Lack of access due to restricted mobility of
women, children and aged
 Illiteracy causing lack of awareness
 Religious Beliefs
 Migration
Probable Linkers:The socio- institutional reforms
require appropriate initiative by the government.

Thesis Govt. Mechanisms SDG Goal 3: Ensure

Reference healthy lives and
promote well-being for
Analysis tools
all at all ages

 Logic
 Example
 Fact The Twelfth Five Year
Plan and health policy
committed the country
to increase public
expenditure on health
to 2.5% of GDP.

National Health Mission: subsuming the National

Rural Health Mission and National Urban Health
Mission Women Health
National Health Programmes:
Janani Suraksha Yojana; Janani Shishu Suraksha
Karyakaram; National Ayush Mission (NAM);
National Programme on Prevention and Control of
Viral Hepatitis; National Programme for the Health
Care for the Elderly; National Tobacco Control

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Probable linkers: Along with the above measures, a

lot more is needed to comprehensively address the
challenges to heathcare.

Thesis CONCLUSION “The doctor of the future

Reference will no longer treat the
Concluding  Balancing care quality and efficiency human frame with
Tools drugs, but rather will
 Improving access to care
cure and prevent
 Building and sustaining the healthcare disease with nutrition.”
 Summary workforce of the future
 Tone ~Thomas Edison
 Allocating limited medications and donor organs
 Future (organ transplantation)
 Post-
 Addressing end-of-life issues ( euthanasia )

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INTRODUCTORY “An investment in knowledge pays the best X-FACTORS

TOOLS interest. “
Benjamin Franklin KEYWORDS

Announcement The difference between an educated and an “Education is the most

uneducated person is the existence of tolerance powerful weapon which you
and principles in the former and the absence of can use to change the
morals and reasoning in the latter.”
Curiosity Education is the process of acquiring or receiving Nelson Mandela
systematic instructions or training at a learning
institution. It is the acquisition of skills,
knowledge, values as well as beliefs through
Scoping various educational methods including direct
research, training, teaching as well as discussion.
It is the knowledge that one acquires in a
particular subjects matter, providing an
understanding of the matter.
Thesis Reference Evolution of Education
Analysis tools John Dewey observed,
Ancient times: the main source of knowledge was
“Education is the
spiritual texts.
 Logic fundamental method of social
 Example Gurukul system->education became caste based. progress and reform. This it
 Fact Early Universities like Takshshila Nalanda does in two ways; by guiding
emerged.->new philosophies, Budhhism children towards new values
and by assisting the
The traditions of learning and education in India development of intelligence in
are as old as the history of civilization. The individual children and
arrival of the Europeans in India paved the way increasing society's potential
for modern education based on the scientific for its own transformation.”
inventions in Europe.
· The Woods Despatch of 1854 started a new The 42nd Constitutional
era in Indian Education system by clearly Amendment, 1976 brought
about a fundamental change
defining objectives of education. It made the
by transferring education
Government realize the importance of from the State List to the
education for the people. It presented a Concurrent List recognizing
comprehensive scheme of education the federal structure of our
embracing primary, secondary and higher country and giving equal
education. responsibility to both the
· Hunter commission of 1882 made a thorough Central and State
Governments to promote
enquiry on the present condition of primary
and secondary education in India. Based on
the findings of its enquiry the commission
made valuable recommendations to

improve the conditions of primary and

secondary education in India.

· National Council of Education (1906) was

organised for propagation of education in the
whole country. It aimed to impart, not only
literary but scientific and technical education
also. The NCE advocated education through

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the medium of vernaculars and English as a

compulsory subject.
· Report of The Wardha Education Committee
(1937) -The wardha scheme is also known as
the Zakir Husain Committee Report. It was
the first study dealing exclusively with
elementary education.

: IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, RTE(compulsory elementary

education),Dr. Kasturirangan submitted the Draft
National Educational Policy 2019.

Probable Linkers: As soon as it evolved, people

started reaping its socio-economic benefits.

Thesis Reference Socio-Economic Benefits of education “Education is movement from

darkness to light”
Analysis tools 1. Knowledge & skill impartation.
 Logic 2. Improved social status->prosperity.
 Example 3. Improved social awareness
 Fact 4. Economic progress->better bargaining
5. Science & Tech innovations->simplify
6. Harnessing demographic Potential-
>nation building.
Financing Education—The New Draft Policy
reaffirmed the commitment of spending 6% of
GDP as public investment in education. Note that
the first National Education Policy (NEP) 1968,
based on the recommendations of the Kothari

commission had recommended public

expenditure in education must be 6% of GDP,

which was reiterated by the second NEP in

1986. In 2017-18, public expenditure on
education in India was 2.7% of GDP.

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Probable Linkers: The distribution of the above

benefits is accompanied with a number of
Thesis Reference Challenges OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM,
Analysis tools 1. How we perceive education? LEVELS, CONTINUES TO
(i) Instrumental value- education as a means SUFFER FROM THE THREE
 Logic to improve opportunities for social and PROBLEMS OF ACCESS,
 Example economic mobility (in
 Fact terms of employment, income growth)
(ii) Intrinsic value- improvement in the
 India has one of the
quality of life of an individual going far
lowest higher education
beyond the quantifiable benefits that
enrollment ratio of 11 per
education provides
cent. In the US it is 83 per
->Focus presently is on instrumental value cent.
2. Scientific Temper vs Social Science:  Only one out
In the current discourse, improving of Ten Indian students
education quality is being viewed through with degrees in
the exclusive lens of ‘building a scientific humanities and one out
temperament’ with little or no discussion of four engineering
on inculcating values fostered by social graduates are employable
science  Only 3 per cent had
3. Small schools in terms of enrolment that suitable skills to be
are economically and academically employed in software or
unviable to provide quality infrastructure product market, and
and academic facilities such as library only 7 per cent were
and laboratory. able to handle core
4. Inadequate, Inefficient mobilization and engineering tasks.
utilization of resources.  National Assessment and
5. Increasing Population-> demand exceeds Accreditation Council
supply showed that 90 per cent
6. Faultyeducational policies->hampering of the colleges and 70 per
quality of education. cent of
7. Poverty and high cost of quality non state the universities that the
sponsored education. council graded were of
8. Political and bureaucratic involvement- middling or poor quality.
>frequent alteration of syllabus, inefficient  India, in contrast,
supervision->institutionalization of accounts for less than 3
corruption. per cent of research
9. Rigidity and indifference towards papers published and in
individual differences-> discourages terms of citations barely
creativity & independent thought->exam 1 per cent.
10. Behavioural changes(suicide among

Probable Linkers: These challenges and their

effect in accessibility and affordability is evident
in the following statistics.

Thesis Reference Statistics Various initiatives of the


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Analysis tools HRD Ministry like GIAN,

 Example Prabha, TEQUIP III, Smart
 Fact India Hackathon, etc are in
direction to boost the
Quality, Research and
Innovation in education.

National Institutional Ranking

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER 2018) framework (NIRF) - Idea
 Indian students, especially those in behind these rankings is to
elementary school (Classes I-VIII), are not promote quality in education
learning enough. To cite a metric, only half and encourage competition to
(50.3%) of all students in Class V can read perform better and to set up
texts meant for Class II students. new benchmarks of
8 All India Survey on Higher Education
performance in Higher
(AISHE) for the year 2016-17 education space.
 There is an increase in overall enrolment
from 27.5 million in 2010-11 to 35.7
million in 2016-17 and improvement in
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) which is a
ratio of enrolment in higher education to
population in the eligible age group (18-
23) years, from 19.4% in 2010-11 to 25.2
in 2016-17 which is a significant
 Gender Parity Index (GPI), a ratio of
proportional representation of female and
male, has improved from 0.86 to 0.94 to
the corresponding period.
 Number of institutions of higher
education listed on AISHE portal has also
increased significantly – from 621
universities in 2010-11 to 864 in 2016-17
and from 32,974 colleges in 2010-11 to
40,026 colleges in 2016-17.
Three Indian institutes -- IIT-Bombay, IIT-Delhi
and IISc-Bangalore -- have found place among
the top 200 in the prestigious Quacquarelli
Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2020.


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Probable Linkers: The above gaps also point

towards the values that foster or impede the
process of education.

Thesis Reference Value based Education “Man has no chance of

survival if knowledge only
Analysis tools  History also reveals that knowledge remains knowledge but if we
gained has also been utilized to feed and could transform knowledge in
 Logic foster negativity. E.g.: colonialism, to wisdom, he would not only
 Example apartheid, slavery, cyber & nuclear
survive but will be able to
 Fact attacks.
ascend to greater and greater
 That India has been the spiritual Guru of heights of achievements”–GB
the world. It has given to the world the
Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita
which show the path of material progress
Theodore Roosevelt said,
coupled with spiritual peace and
happiness. India has produced great “To educate a person in
heroes like Mahatma Gandhi and Swami mind and not in morals is
Vivekananda who were living examples of to educate a menace to
purity to the world. society.”
 That with the passage of time, there has
been serious erosion of moral values in ““The highest education is
the country. Thanks to modernisation and that which does not merely
the tremendous impact of satellite give us information but
television and the media and the policy of makes our life in harmony
liberalisation, we are seeing the vigorous with all existence.” –
growth of the consumer culture. In India, R.N.Tagore
traditionally, saints and ascetics were
honoured. Today, the models before the
younger generation are those who earn

money by means fair or foul and have Education has to liberate a

tons of it to splurge. Lifestyle has become person from narrow world

very important. Everybody is in a hurry to view and the boundaries of

grow rich and enjoy the luxuries of life. Of caste, community, race and
course, the consumerist culture can not gender
be wished away. But we can at least see
that certain basic values like integrity,
honesty are inculcated in the educational

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 The values of right conduct, concern for
others, eternal human unity, peace in life
enshrined in our ancient texts.
 Value based education at every level i.e.
create a strong learning environment that
enhances academic attainment, and
develops students' social and relationship
skills that last throughout their lives -
>human development, nation building
 five universal human values—truth,
righteous conduct, peace, love and non-
violence are directly linked to physical,
intellectual, emotional psyche and
spiritual facets of human personality
 In our culturally plural society, education
should foster universal and eternal
values, oriented towards the unity and
integration of our people. Such value
education should help eliminate
obscurantism, religious fanaticism,
violence, superstition and fatalism.
Probable Linkers: Education without values is
like a flower without fragrance. Education
providers and receivers should realize that
character building is equally important as career
Thesis Reference Way forward Almost 10 per cent of them
or 12 crore are between the
Concluding Tools 1. Access to remotest corner, improved ages of 18 and 23. If they are
teacher-pupil ratio equipped with both knowledge
 Summary 2. PPP models in higher education.
and skills, they could drive
 Tone 3. Focus on foundations.
4. Improvement is Gross enrolment ratio in India’s entrepreneurial and
 Future
 Post-Scripting higher education. Competitive spirit and make it
5. Innovation centric(Research, Thesis to be into global power.
6. Attitudinal changes-from being risk “The aim of education is
aversive to risk takers the knowledge, not of facts,
7. Explore the role of private players but of values."
8. Improve existing governance mechanism -
>Pilot new governance mechanisms Education, that is
9. Pilot a system of technological adaptive
equitable, easily
examinations-> teacher training
10. Increased focus on vocational & accessible and provides
professional skills in education. equal opportunities – is
11. Autonomy to top colleges. the sine qua non for
More student exchange programs with Foreign development. It would
universities Conclusion: determine the future

shape of our society and

With increasing amount of friction among various polity.

groups and subgroups at various levels the world

needs to socially re-engineer the relationships
amongst each other. Education can prove to be
one platform that can engulf all such distinctions
and differences. Such interventions would yield

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prosperity, happiness and peace all across the

globe making this world a better place to live in.

Note: Further information and discussion in class.


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INTRODUCTORY “We will be remembered only if we give to X-FACTORS
TOOLS our younger generation a prosperous and QUOTES/KEYWORDS/FACTS
safe India, resulting out of economic
prosperity coupled with civilisational
heritage.” ‘where the mind is without
-A. P. J. Abdul Kalam fear and the head is held
Announcement The vision of Dr Kalam is exactly how we see
our future India to be - sustainably developed -Rabindranath Tagore
prosperous nation where the vulnerable
Arousing sections feel safe, where there are no shackles,
Curiosity where the weakest and the poorest have an
effective voice, where there is perfect harmony
among communities. Such an ideal vision of
Scoping India was what the makers of our Independent
India aspired for.

Probable Linkers:‘My Swaraj is to keep

intact the genius of our civilisation’

Organizing the “Those that fail to learn from

Middle history, are doomed to repeat
Thesis Learning from the Past- Making Brighter it.”
Reference Future -Winston Churchill
Analysis Tools  Equality in early Vedic times
 Logic  Birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, “             
Jainism, Sikhism
 Example                   
 Ashoka’s dhamma: socio-moral virtues of
 Fact                   । “
honesty, truthfulness, compassion,
mercifulness, benevolence, non-violence, Keep me not in the Unreality
considerate behaviour towards all, ‘little sin (of the bondage of the
and many good deeds,’ non-extravagance, Phenomenal World), but lead
non-acquisitiveness, and non-injury to me towards the Reality (of the
animals. Eternal Self),
 Gandhian philosophy: peace, non-violence, (O Lord) Keep me not in the
self governance, self-realisation Darkness (of Ignorance), but
lead me towards the Light (of
 Nehruvian philosophy: scientific socialism,
Spiritual Knowledge),
(O Lord) Keep me not in the
(Fear of) Death (due to the
Probable Linkers: Not only in history, even bondage of the Mortal World),
geographically India has upheld the linguistic but lead me towards the
and cultural pluralities striving towards a Immortality (gained by the
diverse yet united India in the future. Knowledge of the Immortal Self

beyond Death),
Thesis Where Geographies do not hamper “where the world has not

Reference development been broken up into

fragments by narrow
Analysis Tools  Post independence consolidation on the domestic walls”
basis of administrative efficiency and not
on communal/sectarian grounds -Rabindranath Tagore
 Logic
 Geography should unite as it did in the
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 Example past: people residing in Ganga- Yamuna /

Krishna- Godavari/ Mahanadi- Godavari
 Fact
doab region share the same culture, region
most affected by monsoon share the same
type of economy (kharif crops grown in
North- Western India)
 Geographical importance in flourishing
trade and strengthening ties with rest of
the world
 Minimal adverse impacts of geographical
constraints: enabling greater connectivity (
more projects like Chabahar and Kaladan)
 Balance between drought affected and flood
affected regions : river interlinking projects
without disturbing ecological balance
 India without Geographical handicaps:
Geographical disasters like cyclone, floods,
flash floods; etc. does not limit the
development of Odisha, Bihar,
Uttarakhand respectively.

Probable Linkers: Since geography indicates

the characteristics of a society, geographical
development would also mean the development
of a society.
Thesis New Socio- Political Order
Reference “My notion of democracy is
Analysis Tools  Where personal choices prevail: Freedom of that under it the weakest
 Logic choice incorporating all vulnerable sections should have the same
of society opportunity as the strongest.”
 Example
 Where Laws empower and are for welfare of
 Fact
-Mahatma Gandhi, Harijan
 Where religious minorities’ voices are heard
at par with others
 Intermingled traditions, customs, practices,
attire: acceptance of diversity
“Gender Neutrality”
 Extracting the positive elements of
traditions and culture while ignoring the
negatives (like superstitions, social evils,
 Achievement of ideals and objectives
enshrined in the Preamble: social justice,
liberty, equality, fraternity, socialism,
secularism, democracy
 Politicians with nationalist aspirations
instead of personal or regional

Probable Linkers: The vision of a new social

order will be attained, provided we are

economically developed and the fruits of such

development are equitably distributed.
Thesis Where there is all-inclusive economic
Reference development
Analysis Tools  An economy with double digit growth

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 Logic accompanied with achievement of SDGs:

 Example  increase in production- virtuous cycle
of employment
 Fact
 dignity of labour
 quality of life

Probable Linkers: Often economic growth co-

occurs with harmful and adverse effects to the
environment. However, future India will be one
where people will enjoy the cleanest of the

Thesis Where clean and healthy environment is

Reference not a luxury ‘cleanliness is godliness’
Analysis Tools  Access to clean air and water- such that
people don’t die of air-borne and water-
 Logic
borne diseases.
 Example
 Preservation of nature implies preserving
 Fact its aesthetic value reflecting the WHO Report: Swachh Bharat
characteristic of a developed state. Grameen mission has been
 Cleanliness has an impact on health able to prevent over 3 lakh
indicators deaths due to sanitation-
related infectious diseases
 Biodiversity: conservation and protection of during 2014 and 2018.
endemic species
 Adaptation, mitigation, preparedness of
Probable Linkers: Sustainable development is
the pathway to the future we want for all. It
offers a framework to generate economic
growth, achieve social justice, exercise
environmental stewardship and strengthen
-Ban Ki-moon
Thesis Where Science and Technology benefits the
Reference masses "We owe a lot to the Indians,
Analysis Tools  Constructive inventions and advancements who taught us how to count,
that support the ecosystem without which no worthwhile
 Logic scientific discovery could have
 Shift towards renewable sources of energy been made."
 Example
 AI that enables multi-sectoral growth Albert Einstein
 Fact
 Technological development without causing
detriment to mental health: acknowledge
the destructive and limiting potential of
technological dependence without

demonizing technology altogether


Probable Linkers: Rapid developments in

artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems,
networking and social media, and
misinformation; profoundly alter the national
security landscape.

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Thesis Towards a Secured Nation

Analysis Tools  One of the strongest defence systems: “Their real freedom is not
strong in capabilities, in ideals as well as within the boundaries of
 Logic
values. security, but in the highroad of
 Example adventures, full of the risk of
 Women leading the forces
 Fact new experiences”
 Externally as well as internally secured
(Naxalism, fundamentalism, secessionist ― Rabindranath Tagore,
tendencies) Nationalism

Reference I would like to see India free
Concluding India assumes a leadership role in and strong so that she may
Tools international affairs - going by the philosophy offer herself a willing and pure
propounded by its forefathers, leading towards sacrifice for the betterment of
 Summary the world.
a peaceful, non- aggressive, equal and co-
 Tone operative world. - Mahatma Gandhi,
 Future India of my Dreams
 Post-  As a soft power
Scripting  As a harbinger of peace
 As a promoter of cultural unity- through
music, art, entertainment media, religion
 As an arbitrator


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INTRODUCTORY “A nation’s culture resides in the Facts/Keywords/Quotes
TOOLS hearts and in the soul of its people.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Culture defines people’s values, beliefs, Have you never noticed how
and personal interests. Culture is people introduce themselves
Announcement important because it allows people to in SPAIN? Spaniards are well-
maintain a unique identity society. But known for being loud and
there are certain questions that needs an friendly.
Arousing Curiosity elaborate discussion:
Should humans take pride in their
Scoping respective cultures?
Should we all have pride in each and
every aspect of our past and present
How assertive must we be about cultural

Organizing the Culture is the characteristics of a

Middle people: the sum total of ways of
Thesis reference Culture and History living built up by a group of
human beings, transmitted from
one generation to another.
Analysis Tools  History is the revelation of the
 Logic culture of past.
- The art in North East “Thang
 Example  Civilization is a society in an
Ta” developed due to war
advanced state of social
 Fact environment of the tiny state of
development --- the sum of
cultures and the socio-political
 Culture characterizes a historic
time period while at the same
time history also reveals what was
the culture during a time period.

Linker: Culture evolves and is

influenced by specific geography of a
Thesis reference The geography of Culture - Himalayas separate the Tibetan
culture from the Indian.
Analysis tools  Rivers play as cradle of the - The culture in North East is
 Logic civilization, with distinct culture. different from the Northern
 Terrain decides the type of culture Plains as is the terrain.
 Example
flourishing, and thus the - Coconut oil used for cooking in
 Fact
civilization making Kerala while mustard oil in Uttar

 Geographic factors act as unifying Pradesh.

agents of culture

 System of Monsoon as a unifying


Linker: Culture is the widening of the

mind and of the spirit.J.L.Nehru

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Let’s see how is this true in Indian


The culture of India is the living

expression of the simplicity and - Cultural Exchanges between
profoundity of her people. different regions have continued
Thesis reference Indian Culture: since ages.
Analysis tools  Melting pot of religions
 Continuity and change - The chikan work of Lucknow,
Patola of Odisha
 Logic  The Variety and Unity - And the
 Example Unity in Diversity
- “India is a museum of cults and
 Fact  The composite nature of our
customs, creeds and cultures,
culture is reflected in our music,
faiths and tongues, racial types
dance forms, drama and art forms
and social systems.” R.K.
like paintings, sculpture and
architecture as well Mukherjee
 Secular Outlook
 Universalism -“Namaste”- I bow to you.
 Materialistic and Spiritualistic
- Always a festive season
 The economic system
 Philosophies
- “Atithi Devo Bhava”
 The Etiquettes
 The family structure
 The Science
 The Equality: Socio- ethical
 The education system, teacher,

Linker: Is the culture changing over

time? Assimilations of various ideas
into Indian culture.
Thesis reference Changes in Indian culture:
Analysis tools  The influence of invasions over
Indian culture. “We owe a lot to the Indians, who
 The effect of Education on Indian taught us how to count, without
 Logic which no worthwhile scientific
 Example discovery could have been
 As Civilization advances: The
 Fact made”- Albert Einstein
changes that occur in culture
- No culture can live if it
 Western Culture’s influence
attempts to be exclusive.
 Modernism and our traditional
Mahatma Gandhi
socio-ethical values
Many sources describe Indian
 Impact of new economy,
Culture as "Sa Prathama
Sanskrati Vishvavara" — the first
 Advancement of Science and its and the supreme culture in the
effect on culture.

world, according to the All World

 The information age Gayatri Pariwar (AWGP)

 Youth Culture organization.

Linker: Having discussed various

aspects of culture, its importance and
degree of pride in it must also be
deliberated on.

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Thesis reference Importance of culture

“Preservation of one's own
Analysis tools  Culture is the lifeblood of a
culture does not require
vibrant society.
contempt or disrespect for
 Logic  Individual Benefits : Delight, other cultures”
wonder, pride , creativity
 Example  India is identified as the
 Social benefits: Unifying force, birthplace of Hinduism
 Fact
Pride, Education and well being and Buddhism, the third
 Economic benefits: Tourism, and fourth largest
remote products religions.
 One should not be proud of each  The country's movie
and every aspect of culture history began in 1896
 Only the positives of a culture when the Lumière
should be taken up brothers demonstrated
 Pride in one’s own culture does the art of cinema in
not make other cultures inferior Mumbai, according to
 Culture as a role player in the Golden Globes.
International Affairs  Diwali is the largest and
 Communicating India’s soft most important holiday to
power: Buddha to Bollywood India, according
to National Geographic.
 Ethical teachings of the culture
Probable Linkers: Culture can also be
thought of as a tool to address the
contemporary regional, national and
international problems.
Thesis reference Culture as an answer to the problems - Once a British Asked Swami
of contemporary times: Vivekanand : Why can’t you wear
proper clothes to look like a
Concluding Tools:  For maintaining the world order, gentleman ..?
 Summary maintaining peace and harmony,
Swami replied and said: “In your
India’s culture can be an answer.
 Tone culture, A tailor makes you a
 To other countries, I may go as gentleman but in Indian culture
 Future
a tourist, but to India I come as character makes a gentle man”.
 Post- a pilgrim. By Martin Luther
Scripting king Jr.
 For the social problems,
environment problems and even
the psychological problems, our
culture gives various solutions.

“ Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – The

world is one family

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INTRODUCTORY The Science of today is the technology
TOOLS of tomorrow – Edward Teller Facts/Keywords/Quotes
For thousands of years,
It All started with a Question, a people observed certain "stars"
curiosity, the How and Why of wander around the night sky in
everything looping patterns. Finally, in 1514
Announcement Science is curiosity in thoughtful Nicolaus Copernicus came up
action about the world and how it with the idea of "Heliocentrism"
Arousing Curiosity behaves. (meaning Sun centered). That idea
Science is the study of the physical and explained the wandering patterns
Scoping natural world through observations and of the planets.
experiments. Science is all around us.

Technology is the use of scientific Technology is a queer thing. It

knowledge for practical purposes or brings you great gifts with one
applications, whether in industry or in our hand, and it stabs you in the
everyday lives back with the other.
--Carrie Snow

Organizing the
Thesis Reference Earliest Roots

Analysis Tools  History can be traced to the works In medicine, Hippocrates and his
 Logic of Ancient followers were the first to describe
 Example Egyptians and Mesopotamians many diseases and medical
 Fact  IVC: Earliest traces of conditions and developed
mathematical knowledge. the Hippocratic Oath for
 Vedas mention astronomy physicians, still relevant and in
 Medicine: Ayurveda, Cataract use today

 Arthashastra Mentions - The word Shampoo is derived

construction of dams and bridges from Indian word “Champo”.

 Invention of wheel - The precursor of chess

 Laws of motion, Thomas Edison’s originated in India.
Bulb, Steam Engine - Indians were the first to use the
zero as a symbol and in
Probable Linker: Over the ages science arithmetic operations
has evolved differently in different

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places. Some of the developed countries

of today are relatively advanced in
science and technology than the under-
developed & developing countries.

Thesis Reference Space of Science

- Global Innovation index:
Analysis Tools  Industrial Revolution at various Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden
 Logic places topped the chart.
 Example  Western World is advanced in - African and Asian nations have
 Fact science and Technology been at the back-foot.
 Science : Bridging the geographical
gaps - To reduce the distance of place,
 Science solving the Geographical phone was invented.
challenges - Internet has further bridged the
 Geography leading to new distance

Probable Linker: Science has not grown

in isolation. It has been impacted by the
society and it impacts the same.
Thesis Reference Science and Society
- “Science without religion is
Analysis Tools  Science has taken the path the lame, religion without science is
 Logic society has guided it to. During the blind” – Albert Einstein
 Example first half of the 20th century, world - “Science is organized knowledge.
 Fact wars guided science for wartime Wisdom is organized life”-
applications- unlocking the mystery Immanuel Kant
of Nuclear Energy
 Science has to offer solutions for - IOT
the challenges faced by vulnerable - Use of electricity, transmission
sections of the society. For instance - Types of Plastics: Few can even
IOT in washing machines, other stop bullets
appliances allow housewives to - Modern Agriculture
easily do many tasks. - Modern Medicine
 Education becomes accessible,
affordable and easily available.
 Health: Science is the only field
which will find cure of cancer
 Science dilutes the gender gap
 Information technology and data
revolution is to set the future of the
 Security of Nation, of vulnerable
sections will be enhanced by

Probable Linker: Along with society,

science will bring about a change in the

economy and overall development of

the country and the world as a whole.
Thesis Reference Science and development

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Analysis tools  Globalization: Opened the world for “We owe a lot to the Indians, who
 Logic trade taught us how to count, without
 Example  All sections can participate which no worthwhile scientific
 Fact regardless of distance and status discovery could have been made”-
 Computer and internet have Albert Einstein
already revolutionized the economic - Science is a pillar of
order development
 Future jobs, growth, defense, -Scientific knowledge requires
transportation, agriculture, health constant probing into the why and
care and life sciences: directly wherefore of every little process
related to scientific advancement. that you perform. – M.K. Gandhi
 Better analytical tools
 Artificial Intelligence helping in the India ranks third among the most
complex tasks associated with attractive investment destinations
various fields. for technology transactions in the
 Big Data: Analysis of information in world.
a better way, statistics development
and analysis for Industrial growth India ranks 6th position for
and societal analysis. scientific publications and ranks
 Advancement in Health: Cure for at 10th for patents which
Various diseases, Gene therapy included only resident
 Advancement in Agriculture: Bt applications.
Cotton, Machineries for farms (
Even women friendly), Krishi The engineering R&D and product
Vigyan Kendras, Extensions of development market in India is
agriculture forecasted to grow at a CAGR of
Probable Linker: Although science has 20.55 per cent to reach US$ 45
enough potential for creating positive billion by 2020 from US$ 28
capacities but it depends on the mind billion in FY18.
which is guiding the development. Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) will launch
its first Indian human mission by
Thesis Reference Science will be as per hands
- “Science is a beautiful gift to
Analysis tools  Science developed with genuine humanity; we should not distort
 Logic interests can produce results as far it.”- A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
 Example reaching as “Reaching Mars”. In
 Fact wrong hands it can prove to be as -Among many roots of violence:
fatal as Hydrogen bomb. Science without Humanity is one.
 Science can make dams and can - M.K Gandhi
even cause a flood event if
maliciously used
Probable Linker:

Thesis Reference Science and Environment

Analysis tools  It can make or break “Scientists believe that if they
can cause global warming on
 Logic  Clean, Green Environment
 Research in Renewable sources Mars they can make it a liveable
 Example
 Hydrogen Fuel planet”
 Fact
 Global Warming : Make and break
 Food chain (Micro Plastic)

 Disaster Management

“ Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – The

world is one family Probable Linker:

Thesis Reference Science: Legal Framework

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Analysis tools  Printing, and the abuses regarded Francis Bacon once observed, "He
 Logic as likely to result from a wide that will not apply new remedies
 Example dissemination of ideas, led to must expect new evils"
 Fact regulatory measures in law
 Many points of Contact between
Science and Law. A new experiment
 Developed Vs. Developing: Degree
of Restriction
 Data Privacy and Social Media

Probable Linker:
Thesis Reference Science Prevails: The Conclusion

Concluding Tools  Ethics of Science: Scientific ethics

 Summary calls for honesty and integrity in all
 Tone stages of scientific practice
 Future  Scientists are human, and
 Post- Scripting humans don't always abide by
the law.

Note: Further information and discussion in class.


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Thesis Eastern Philosophy Western Philosophy
Main  Cosmological unity  Feeling oneself as an element of
Principles  Life is a journey towards eternal the Divine
realities that are beyond the realities  Life is a service (to the God,
that surround us money, business, etc.)
 Circular view of the universe, based  Linear view of the universe and
on the perception of eternal recurrence life, based on the Christian
 Inner-world dependent philosophy where everything
 Self-liberation from the false "Me" and has its beginning and the end.
finding the true "Me". The highest state  Outer-world dependent
is believed to be a state of 'no-self',  Self-dedication to the goal (life
where neither self-worth nor self- vision, success, happiness,
importance has any real meaning. etc.)

Absolute  Systemic approach – all events in the  More focused on individual

Truth universe are interconnected events and the role of the
 Searching inside yourself – by person
becoming a part of the universe  Searching outside yourself -
through meditation and right living through research and analysis
"Though he should live a hundred years, "The truth that survives is simply
not seeing the Truth Sublime; yet better, the lie that is pleasantest to
indeed, is the single day's life of one who believe.”.
sees the Truth Sublime." .. Buddha H.L. Mencken

Future Your future is determined by your deeds Your future is unknown, it

today. was predetermined by God and is
"Study the past if you would like to divine the not much influenced by your deeds.
future." "You can never plan the future by
…Confucius the past." Edmund Burke

Beliefs & The true key is inside. The inner world of a The main values
Values human being and his or her ability to control are success and achievement. These
and develop it is of the highest value. The that can be achieved in many ways,
way to the top is inside yourself, through but rarely through developing inner
self-development. strength. The majority
"The superior man understands what is of success and achievement criteria
right; the inferior man understands what will have an external nature (money,
sell." Confucius faith, popularity, etc.). The way to
the top is through
active outside intervention.
"Happiness lies in virtuous activity,
"By chasing desires you will meet only the and perfect happiness lies in the
outer surface." best activity, which is
contemplative." Aristotle

Lao Tzu

Justice Spiritual practice Cerebral practice

"There is a higher court than courts of "At his best, man is the noblest of
justice and that is the court of all animals; separated from law
conscience. It supersedes all other and justice he is the worst."
courts." ~ Mahatma Gandhi Aristotle

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Spiritual Materialistic
Goals & Keys "Virtuous life and adherence to "The secret of success in life, and
to Success performing your duties." subsequently of making money, is
Confucianism to enjoy your work. If you do,
"The Three Armies can be deprived of nothing is hard work – no matter
their commanding officer, but even a how many hours you put in." Sir
common man cannot be deprived of his Billy Butlin
purpose." Confucius "Success is that old ABC – ability,
"If you really want everything, then give breaks and courage."
up everything." Charles Luckman
Lao Tzu "Flaming enthusiasm, backed by
"He is able who thinks he is able." Buddha horse sense and persistence, is the
quality that most frequently makes
for success." Dale Carnegie
Statecraft The institution of state is created to enable State is an artificial creation and is
the individual to practise his/her dharma created for self interest of
and thus move towards the emancipation individuals. For, human beings are
from the cycle of death-rebirth. selfish, egoistic and ambitious, but
Survival of the fittest weak and fickle.
governing with “just usage of Tolerance & It is better to be feared than
Lawful Punishment” loved, if you cannot be both.
“Man is great by deeds, not by birth.” — Niccolò Machiavelli

More on Philosophy

Reflective The type of morality that exhibits doubts about the basic moral
Morality judgments that are evident in our society. It challenges the
correctness of the whole moral system by seeking proof for every
statement the system poses. Reflective morality, from its name,
requires reflection about the things that we take for granted while
busy with our non-introspective lives.
Customary The more traditional take on morality. It uses the conventional
Morality knowledge and judgment of the society to assess the rightness
or wrongness of an act.
Freedom In the question of freedom, customary moralists may see free
will as not contradictory to determinism and God. This is
because they have been used to this line of thinking for so long
that they will have a hard time accepting any criticism about their
views. In a contradictory manner, reflective moralists may

question the validity of free will if our fates are determined or

if our fates are really determined by a higher being when it is clear

we have free will.

Doing small People in the hurry of achieving success forget that all big
things in achievements are wrought over long time by putting every small
greater way thing in it perfectly. A book becomes a masterpiece only when its

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author puts each and every word in it perfectly, at the right place.


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Thesis Statement Approach

“To believe in  What you believe you become, your thoughts turn into words, and words
something, and turn into actions. That is, the process to succeed, if you neglect one of the
not to live it, is stages you won’t achieve your outcome. If you believe really hard in
dishonest.” something but don’t practice it, you’re not being congruent, you’re
perpetrating the fraud.
 If you say something and you preach it, then it is your duty to follow
through with it. If you preach something upon others and you don't follow
through with it yourself, you are being "dishonest" to others and to
yourself. Do not act upon what you heard or what you think is right act
upon what you believe in and what you preach unto others.
“You must be the  Through this quote Gandhi is trying to say that, you must be active. You
change you wish can't be all talk but no action. If you want to see a change in our world
to see in the then you must make that change yourself. Do not wait for the rest of our
world.” people to make the change. Take a stand and change the world.
 People follow examples, not advices. That is, the best way to influence
someone to do something. Don’t tell them, show them! Congruency with
your words and actions, that’s what you should chase.
“An ounce of  Will you practice the things that you preach? This quote is trying to say
practice is worth that you must practice and actually take action to the things that you
more than tons of want people to do. You preach to the world become a better place, have no
preaching.” hate. But will you, yourself have no hate? Will you try your hardest
through your actions to make earth a better place?
“The best way to  Your true value goes beyond you; you can only find it when you are serving
find yourself is to others for the greater good, not for selfish reasons.
lose yourself in
the service of
“The weak can  To keep resentment is something weak because it can trap you and freeze
never forgive. you from taking action. Let go and forgive, turn the page, carry on to the
Forgiveness is the next chapter don’t hang on resentment or your live won’t advance.
attribute of the
“An eye for an  Gandhi uses great word play to describe what he thinks about that
eye will only philosophy, man can become blind when it comes to violence for violence,
make the whole and forget about more important things than to destroy their own kind.
world blind.” Imagine if the whole world adopts this philosophy? Everything will be
“There is no  School curriculums won’t teach you everything you need to know about
school equal to a life, but a strong home education can do that. Schools have their own
decent home and place, but parents are the one responsible force to raise a child.
no teacher equal
to a virtuous
“First they ignore  As long as you are certain of what you’re doing, it doesn’t matter what

you, then they other people think. Build yourself up inside, with strong values and beliefs.
ridicule you, then

they fight you,

and then you
“My life is my  Through his own example and actions, he motivated crores of Indians to
Message” lead a value-based life, realized the need to serve the needy, and finally, be
ready to sacrifice everything for the country and countrymen.
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 "The four words, truth, nonviolence, Sarvodaya & Satyagraha and their
significance constitute Gandhi and his teaching."
 He believed in his famous eleven vows namely 'Non-violence, Truth, Control
over Palate (taste), Celibacy, Physical work, Non-stealing, Non-possession,
Fearlessness, Removal of caste barrier, Equality in religion, Swadeshi or self-
 In 1925, he published seven social sins in the Young India:
 Commerce without Morality
 Education without Character
 Pleasure without Conscience
 Politics without Principles
 Science without Humanity
 Wealth without Work
 Worship without Service

Vocabulary of “ISMs”
Thesis Realism: Realism suggests that all leaders, no matter THINKERS/KEYWORD
Statement what their political persuasion, recognise this as they S
attempt to manage their state’s affairs in order to survive
in a competitive environment. Finally, states live in a
context of anarchy – that is, in the absence of anyone “Arms Race”
being in charge internationally.
Neo- Realism: Kenneth Waltz modernised IR theory by Kautilya
moving realism away from its unprovable (albeit
persuasive) assumptions about human nature. His
theoretical contribution was termed ‘neorealism’ or Machiavelli
‘structural realism’ because he emphasised the notion of
‘structure’ in his explanation. Morgenthau
Waltz offered a version of realism that recommended
that theorists examine the characteristics of the
international system for answers rather than delve into Kenneth Waltz
flaws in human nature. In doing so, he sparked a new
era in IR theory that attempted to use social scientific
methods rather than political theory (or philosophical)
methods. The difference is that Waltz’s variables
(international anarchy, how much power a state has,
etc.) can be empirically/physically measured. Ideas like
human nature are assumptions based on certain
philosophical views that cannot be measured in the
same way.

Thesis LIBERALISM: Classical liberals treat the levelling of “TRADE WARS”

Statement wealth and income as outside the purview of legitimate
aims of government coercion.
NEO-LIBERALISM: What has come to be known as
‘new’, ‘revisionist’, ‘welfare state’, or perhaps best, ‘social

justice’, liberalism challenges this intimate connection Joseph Nye and

between personal liberty and a private property Robert Keohane

based market order.

Thesis MERCANTILISM: Mercantilism was the main economic

Statement system of trade utilized from the 16th to 18th century.
The system was based on the understanding that a
nation's wealth and power were best served by

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increasing exports and collecting precious metals, such

as gold and silver. Mercantilism replaced the older,
feudal economic system in Western Europe, leading to
one of the first occurrences of political oversight and
control over an economy.

Thesis MARXISM: A theory in which class struggle is a central Karl Marx,

Statement element in the analysis of social change. Friedrich Engels
Marxism is the antithesis of capitalism which is defined
by Encarta as “an economic system based on the private
ownership of the means of production and distribution
of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and Bourgeoise,
motivation by profit.” Proletariat
Marxism is the system of socialism of which the
dominant feature is public ownership of the means of
production, distribution, and exchange.(Socialism: From
each according to his ability to each according to his
Communism evolves from socialism: From each
according to his ability, to each according to his needs

Thesis IMPERIALISM: State policy, practice, or advocacy of

Statement extending power and dominion, especially by direct
territorial acquisition or by gaining political and
economic control of other areas. Because it always
involves the use of power, whether military force or some
subtler form, imperialism has often been considered
morally reprehensible, and the term is frequently
employed in international propaganda to denounce and
discredit an opponent’s foreign policy.
NEO IMPERIALISM: It became a significant topic of
discussion after the end of the cold war. neoimperialism
is domination and sometimes even hegemony over others
primarily by way of formally free legal agreements,
economic power, and cultural influence.

Thesis COLONIALISM: Colonialism is the establishment and

Statement maintenance, for an extended time, of rule over an alien
people that is separate from and subordinate to the
ruling power.
NEO-COLONIALISM: Neo-colonialism can be defined as
the continuation of the economic model of colonialism
after a colonized territory has achieved formal political
independence. This concept was applied most commonly
to Africa in the latter half of the twentieth century.

Thesis FEMINISM: Feminism may broadly be defined as a Mary Wollstonecraft,

Statement movement seeking the reorganization of the world upon Simone de Beauvoire
the basis of sex equality, rejecting all forms of
differentiation among or discrimination against
individuals upon grounds of sex.

Thesis CONSEQUENTIALISM: Consequentialism is based on Jeremy Bentham,

Statement two principles: James Mill and J S

 Whether an act is right or wrong depends only on Mill

the results of that act
 The more good consequences an act produces,
the better or more right that act

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Forms of consequentialism:
Utilitarianism: “Greatest Welfare of the Greatest
Hedonism: People should maximise human pleasure.


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INTRODUCTORY “Economy is the basis of society. When the economy
TOOLS is stable, society develops. The ideal economy Facts/Keywords/Q
combines the spiritual and the material, and the best uotes
commodities to trade in are sincerity and love”

….Morihei Ueshiba
The economy is the
start and end of
Announcement  Many people think that economics is only about everything. You
money. To some extent this could be true. can't have
Arousing Economics has a lot to do with money: with how successful
Curiosity much money people are paid; how much they education reform
spend: what it costs to buy various items; how or any other
much money firms earn; how much money there is reform if you don't
Scoping in total in the economy. But despite the large have a strong
number of areas in which our lives are concerned economy. –-David-
with money, economics is more than just the study Cameron
of money.
Organizing the
Thesis The Past
Reference - Silk was traded for
goods and services-
Analysis Tools  Economic thoughts date back to the Greeks and
Silk route
 Logic Romans.
- At its economic
 Example  Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, has been called the
height, in the 5th&
most economically provocative analytic writing in
 Fact 4th centuries BC,
ancient Greece
Ancient Greece was
 Arthashastra: India’s Economic thought in Ancient the most advanced
India economy in the
 Trade was common even in the ancient times, world
showing demands and supply factors
 History has given models of Economy: Communism, J.M. Keynes
Capitalism etc.
 Change in approach since Great Depression, 1930
India had an
Probable Linker: The Economy then becomes the economy before the
foundation for the society advent of the British
rule. Though
agriculture was the
main source of
livelihood for most
people, yet, the
country’s economy
was characterised
by various kinds of

activities. India was

particularly well
known for its
industries in the
fields of cotton and
silk textiles, metal

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and precious stone

works etc.

History of Indian Economy

Economic history of India is at least five thousand
years old. Indian economic history can be broadly
classified in three era’s beginning with the:-
1. Pre-colonial period lasting upto 17th Century.
2. The British colonialisation started the colonial
period in the 17th Century which lasted till India
got its independence in 1947.
3. The third period stretches from independence in
1947 until the present.
The pre-colonial periods starts from 3300 B.C. and
stretches upto 1818 A.D.
 Indus Valley Civilisation:
The economy of Indus Valley Civilization was based
upon agriculture and trade. The well-constructed streets,
drainage system and water supplies in major cities
evidenced of how prosperous the economicsystem was
there. Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Rakhigarhi worked
their footstep in planning an urban civilisation.
 Ancient and Medieval Period :
The Indian economy was almost entirely a rural
economy. Most of the population resided in villages,
largely had a self-sustaining economy. The main
occupation was agriculture along with industries, food,
textile, crafts etc. There were people like weavers,
barbers, carpenters, doctors (ayurvedic).
The barrier which had drawn the different people into
different caste and sub-caste restricted economic
prosperity to few classes. The caste barrier resulted an
economic barrier also.It restricted the people from
changing one’s occupation and not to divert them to
one’s another lifestyle. Thus a carpenter could not
become a Kshatriya or a Kshatriya could not become a
 Coinage –
Punched marked silver coins introduced around 5th
century B.C and the first metallic coins were minted
around 6th century B.C. Among Indian kingdoms and
rulers, barter were widely common, many ofthem issued

coins. The craftsmen received stipend money during

their harvest time, while they had to pay a portion of

their agricultural produce as revenue.

 Maurya Empire
 The Indian economy had gone into a vast change
during the Mauryan Empire (321 - 185 B.C.). The
Arthasastra, (Science of State) was written by
Chanakya an advisor to Chandragupta Maurya, the

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most successful ruler in Maurya dynasty, described

the detailed ancient textual description of economics,
political and administration.
 The improved infrastructure security and usage of
coins was increased which enhanced trade. Building
of roads, throughout India flourishes the
transporting business. Trade route became secured,
which reduced the risk associated with the
transportation of goods. Several centuries later, the
Maurya Empire, economic situation was compared
with the Roman Empire.
 India had the world’s largest economy in the 1st
century and 11th century which was mentioned by
an economic historian Angus Maddison in his book,
“The World Economy; A Millennial Perspective”.
 Mughal Rule:
 India's economy during the Mughul Period (1526-
1803), as in the ages before, was predominantly
agricultural. More than seventy-five per cent of
the population lived in the villages and were
directly or indirectly connected with land. There
was enough spared land and very often the
government had to resort to persuasion to make
the peasantry extend the area under cultivation.
 Akbar encouraged silk industry and, contrary to
the usual orthodox Muslim practice in, other
countries, large quantities of silk cloth were
required for the royal workshops and wardrobe,
and by the nobles and other upper class people
throughout the country.
 Silk industry progressed greatly in the time of
Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Many thousand bales
of silk yam were sent out every year from
Cossimbazar in Bengal.
 European traveller, named William Finch, who
visited India during 1608-1611, also praised the
prosperous condition of the country.
 Despite recurring famines here and there, there
was, taking the entire country in view, no dearth
of food grains and other necessities of life.India
was, generally speaking, prosperous during the
Mughal age.
 Nawab,Maratha and Nizam Rule :
 During the period of 1725 to 1775 in North India
Mughals were replaced by Nawabs, In Central
India the Marathas and in South India the
Nizams were come into existence. However, the
Mughal tax administration system remained

The British Rule can be classified into two periods. First

the East India Company Rule from 1757-1858, and

second, the Rule of-the British Government in India

from 1858-1947.
 East India Company Rule: 1757-1858:
 The main motive ofthe Britishers was to exploit
the Indian resources for their advantages. They
shifted the trade with rest of the world. They
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established the developed system of railways,

telegraphs and legal system.
 The British concentrated that the Indian
economy, trade and commerce and
industrialization should not flourished, and made
it stagnant in the developmental process. The
main motive ofthe British regime was to
transform the Indian economy as a primary
producing country, concentrating on the
production of raw materials and to create a
potential market inIndia for the sale of their
industrial finished goods. They introduced new
land revenue system in India. The companies
rule resulted a total drained in the economic
system of India. The economic consequences of
British conquest, mainly hampered the growth
ofsmack and cottage industries.
 The Land system during 1793-1850: The
impact of the British rule in India, introduced a
new land system. Land revenue was the principle
source offinance for the East India Company.
They introduced land settlement in 1793, and
permanent settlement was introduced. A vast
change occurred in Indian economy by the
introduction ofsuch settlements. India becomes
an exporter offoodstuffs and raw-materials and
an importer of manufacturers. British capital
interested to take up direct investment in Indian
consumer goods industries to acquire a major
portion ofthe profits through various
malpractices and to force India to pay the cost of
British administration as well as to finance the
ware and expeditions undertaken by the British
 The Britishers pressurized the Indians to export
indigo and forced the farmers to cultivate and sell
the indigo plant at a very low price, to have a
fabulous profit from it,they also exploit the
artisans, to deliver cotton and silk fabrics much
below the market price.
The historians blamed the Colonial rule for the decline
ofIndian economy.
 India had low average growth rate from 1947-
1980. Moreover the structural economic
disparities between the two complementary
portion ofIndia -India and rate at the time
between 1965-89, resulted by this drought, to a
severe devaluation of rupee. The economic growth
in between 1951-1979 was at an average rate of
about 3.1% an year.

 The inefficiency of the industrial business

resulted an economic stagenatation, Wars of

1962 with China, 1965 with Pakistan, 1971 with

Bangladesh, currency devaluation in 1966, and
flood ofrefugees from East Bengal in 1971, all
jolted the economy.
 From the late 1980’s India faced an economic
deficit in the contemporary world, due to the
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collapse of Soviet Union, which was the prime

partner of Trade with India. Another reason was
the emergence of GulfWar caused spike in oil
prices, major balance of payment crisis in India.
 The then Prime Minister Narashima Rao and his
Finance Minister Manmohan Singh initiated
economic liberation and allowed the foreign direct
investments in many sectors. Since 1990 there
were a continuous economic growth which
increased the rate of life expectancies, literacy
rates and food security.
 The economic reform in 1991 brought three
broad areas, (a) Liberalisation, (b)
Privatisation and (c) Globalisation. This trend
marked an enormous change in Indian economy
since independence.
 The Indian economy was hampered in 1997, due
to the Asia Economic Crisis, in Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, and Hong
Kong, South Korea. Many economists considered
that Indian economy has not declined but having
a slow growth.At the beginning ofthe 21st
century India had got a turnover in the
developmental process of economic growth.

Thesis Economy & Society

Reference - Communism has
Analysis tools  Economics deals with production, consumption and the utopia society
distribution of wealth in society. These economic might which can
 Logic
factors play a vital role in the development of the decide whether any
 Example of the people may
 Fact get shelter and food.
 Advancement in society is related to economic
development There’ll be no
oppression in how
 Economic development is related to Human
people may go.
 Women and other vulnerable sections feels more
inclusive and are facilitated for a better living
 The type of Society develops the type of economy
it will have. For instance: Russia :-> Communist
United States of America:-> Capitalist model
Probable Linker: Societies have evolved differently in
different regions of the earth.
Thesis Economy and Geography
Reference - We won’t have a
Analysis tools  Understanding the reciprocal relationships between society if we destroy
Geography and economic processes the environment…

 Geography guides the type of economic activity, Margaret Mead

 Logic
while economy helps bridging the geographic gaps
 Example

 Resources, Industrial setup etc are guided by the - When nature is

 Fact
geography of a place viewed solely as a
 Trade is affected by geography source of profit and
 But to facilitate industrial setup, economy needs to gain, this has
be boosted up serious
consequences for
 Developed North Vs Underdeveloped & Developing
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South society.
 In India: Rural Vs Urban, Coast Vs Inland cities

Probable Linker: Economy boosts other sectors too. For

instance the technology development of any country
depends on its economic base.

Thesis Science and Economy - India was ranked

Reference 13 in CY 2017 by
Nature Index, which
Analysis tools  Advancement in Science and technology demands a publishes tables
lot of investments, which have very long gestation based on counts of
 Logic period. high-quality
 Scientific research drives economic growth, research outputs
 Example
innovation and improved wellbeing based on natural
 Fact
 Biomedical research has generally been looked at for sciences in the
its health benefits, but the case for it generating previous year.
economic growth is pretty compelling
 Economists have agreed for decades that a large - India ranks second
component of modern economic growth has to be in terms of
driven by 'innovation' — that is, the arrival of new contribution to
ideas and technologies high-quality
 As per the Government records, the number of scientific research.
Indian scientists coming back to India to pursue It is among the
research opportunities has increased from 243 in world’s top 10
2007-2012 to 649 between 2012 and 2017 nations in the
number of scientific
 Crypto-currencies publications
 Globalization aided by Science advancement
 Trade facilitated by Science and Technology

Probable Linker: How is the Economic Development

Thesis The Statistical part - India has become


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Analysis Tools  GDP is commonly used to measure economic growth the world’s 6th
 Logic  Other measured include: GNP per capita, biggest economy
Occupational Structure, Urbanization, Infrastructure pushing France into
 Example 7th Place (2017).
 Fact
 Measurements help to assess relative development at
global scale and even at national level
 Growth and Development are different
 Measuring growth in various sectors : Primary,
Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary
 Measuring the Saving and investment rate in an
There are three main factors that drive economic growth:
 Accumulation of capital stock.
 Increases in labor inputs, such as workers or hours
 Technological advancement.

Growth of the Indian economy moderated in 2018-19

with a growth of 6.8 per cent, slightly lower than 7.2 per
cent in
18. Yet,

continued to be the fastest growing major economy in

the world. India maintained its macroeconomic stability
by containing inflation within 4 per cent and by
maintaining a manageable current account deficit to
GDP ratio.

 India’s growth of real GDP has been high with

average growth of 7.5 per cent in the last 5 years
(2014-15 onwards). The Indian economy grew at 6.8
per cent in 2018-19, thereby experiencing some
moderation in growth when compared to the
previous year.
Thesis Behavioral Economics and Welfare Economics
Reference - One application of
Concluding  Behavioral economics draws on psychology and economics is

Tools economics to explore why people sometimes make heuristics, which is

 Summary irrational decisions, and why and how their behavior the use of rules of

does not follow the predictions of economic models. thumb or mental

 Tone
Decisions such as how much to pay for a cup of shortcuts to make a
 Future coffee, whether to go to graduate school, whether to quick decision
 Post- pursue a healthy lifestyle, how much to contribute
Scripting towards retirement, etc. are the sorts of decisions
that most people make at some point in their lives.
Behavioral economics seeks to explain why an - You cannot help
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individual decided to go for choice A, instead of men permanently by

choice B. doing for them what
 Welfare economics looks at the distribution of they could and
resources and how it affects an economy's overall should do for
sense of well-being. With different optimal states themselves
existing in an economy in terms of the allocation of Abraham
resources, welfare economics seeks the economic Lincoln
state that will create the highest overall level of social
satisfaction among its members.
 Welfare economics uses the perspective and
techniques of microeconomics, but it can be
Amartya Sen
aggregated to make macroeconomic conclusions.
Some economists suggest that greater states of
overall social good might be achieved by
redistributing income in the economy. This models
the theory behind economic or allocative efficiency,
suggesting that there exists a point where the social
well-being experienced from the allocated resources
can hit a maximum, a point considered to be the
most efficient. If that point is reached, the economy
is functioning in a way that any subsequent changes
to raise the feelings of well-being in one area would
require the lowering of well-being in another.


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INTRODUCTORY “Agriculture is the most healthful, most
TOOLS useful, and most noble employment of FACTS/KEYWORDS/
man.” QUOTES
George Washington
Announcement The discovery of agriculture was the first big “Farming is not just
step toward a civilized life. When our nomadic a job, it’s a way of
Arousing ancestors began to settle and grow their own life.”
Curiosity food, human society was forever changed. Not
only did villages, towns and cities begin to
flourish, but so did knowledge, the arts and
Scoping the technological sciences.
ORGANISING “Agriculture drives
THE MIDDLE civilization:
Thesis History of agriculture including religious
Reference practices, social
attitudes and legal
Analysis Tools  Early civilization- boom time for codes.”
 Logic agricultural science & tech.
 Example
agricultural workforce ->development of
 Facts cities
Probable Linkers: Agriculture holds similar
relevance in contemporary times.
Analysis Tools Importance of agriculture 49%-dependent
 Logic Economic-poverty alleviation, empowerment, population
 Example food inflation, dependency of other sectors. 17%-contribution to
Social-Migration control, nutrition needs GDP
 Facts
International-increase in exports->improved “If agriculture goes
bop situation, more forex reserves->improved wrong, nothing else
strategic say in global arena will have a chance
to go right in the
Probable Linker: Considering the utility, a
SWOT analysis becomes necessary of this M.S.Swaminathan
Thesis SWOT analysis of Indian agriculture According to the
Reference Fifth Annual
Analysis Tools  Strength-abundance of natural resources,
 Logic high proportion of cultivable land(2nd
Survey of the
largest),suitable climate, emergence of
 Example Ministry of Labour
enterprising farmers.
 Facts and Employment,
Long history and tradition; rich and 45.7% of India’s
diverse natural resource-base; wide workforce in 2014-
climatic diversity conducive for the 15 was employed in

production of a variety of crops, animals Agriculture.

and fishes and a vast input-support

system; large institutional network

39% of total cropped
manned by qualified human resource;
area is cultivated for
democratic and pluralistic society and a
wheat & rice
large and diverse domestic market. All
these are elements conducive to future
agricultural growth. Wheat and rice

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 Weakness-average yield below world accounted for 78% of

average, lack of technological food grain production
advancements, inadequate irrigation Share in world
facilities, credit availability for small production of pulses-
farmers, growing competition with other 25% (highest)
sectors for resources, depletion of natural
resources, poor socio-economic profile &
Share in world
literacy levels of farmers.
production of rice-
 Small and scattered land-holdings and 22%(third highest)
their continued fragmentation; low and
declining investment in agriculture; low
input-use efficiency; inadequate credit Largest livestock
support; weak agro-based industry; population in world-
adverse terms of trade; inadequate 1st in milk production
marketing, storage, transportation, 2nd largest Producer
agricultural extension and IPR of fruits.
mechanisms. A long-term perspective plan 55% area under
is non-existent. The result is low cultivation is rain-fed
productivity and yield plateauing in certain
 Opportunities-Huge market both domestic Status of irrigation-
and international, involvement of private canal(public)-
sector in value chains, growth in organized 30%,Wells,tubewells
retail and online retail markets. (pvt)-60%,tanks-5%
 Vast potential for improving productivity of Ratio of N:K:P in
crops, livestock and fisheries; scope for fertilizers
bringing wastelands, lowlands and other
2000-01= 65:10:25
problem soils under cultivation through
application of modern technologies; 2010-11=59:12:29
tremendous scope for higher investment in
farm mechanization, agro-based industries Post-harvest loss is
and rural development; and vast around 40%
opportunities for export of agricultural
commodities through diversification and Only 6% farmers
trade. benefit from MSP
 Exploitation of genetic resources using
biotechnological tools Exploitation of
hybrid vigour in conventional and non- Size of land
conventional crops Introduction and holdings(in ha):
exploitation of underutilized and new crop 0-1(marginal) - 58%
species Increasing cropping intensity and 1-4(small & med)-32%
input-use efficiency Improving quality of Above 4(large)-10%
produce Minimizing post-harvest losses Only 27% of marginal
Tapping traditional wisdom of farmers. farmers have access
 Threats/ Challenges to Indian to institutional credit.
agriculture –
 Alarming growth rate of population, it is
estimated to reach 1.3 billion by 2020.
 foot dragging of farmers,
 distress and suicide among farmers,
 frequent extreme climate events,

 climate change,

 unsustainable resource use,

 rising costsof production,
 growing quality concerns by conscious
India at present
 Small and fragmented land holdings-
>difficulty in using modern machinery spend only 1% of

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 Imbalanced use of fertilizers and the Agricultural

pesticides->soil salinization GDP for Agricultural
 Shortage of good quality seeds especially Extension Services.
for small and marginal farmers->bad yield It is a major policy
 Heavy dependence on monsoon->limited Failure because ICAR
sowing season (INDIAN COUNCIL OF
 Improper irrigation facilities->wastage of AGRICULTURE
water at one place and scarcity at one RESEARCH) is
place developing so many
 Improper post-harvest storage new technology and
facilities,marketing facilities->wastage means which is
 Diversion of cultivable land to non- helpful for farmer but
agricultural uses(urbanization)->less land sill people don’t know
at hand about the latest
 Limited procurement of food grains by technology just
government->less incentives for farmers because we spent less
 Failure to provide remunerative prices to for Extension service.
farmers->Scarcity of capital->Debt traps
->suicides (i.e. capital infusion needed)

Probable Linkers: As envisioned target should

be to double farmer’s income by 2022. The
government has been working on this through
various schemes and programmes.
Thesis Government schemes Agriculture is the
Reference primary source of
livelihood for about
58 per cent of India’s
Gross Value Added by
agriculture, forestry
and fishing is
estimated at Rs 18.53
trillion (US$ 271.00
billion) in FY18.


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Probable Linkers: Government schemes

might not always suffice to achieve the
envisioned targets.
Reference Horticulture
Concluding 1) Raising productivity-shift to high value contributes 33% of
Tools commodities, realizing horticulture agricultural GDP.
potential, new technology, irrigation,
 Summary seeds, fertilizers, contract farming, healthy LAB to LAND
livestock, Higher water use efficiency
 Tone
2) Better remunerative prices for farmers- FARM to FORK
 Future marketing reforms, MSP reforms,
 Post 3) Relief measures- Crop insurance and
Scripting inclusive farm credit
4) Agricultural land policy-modernization of
land records, land leasing,tenancy
reforms(ownership rights)
5) Efficient land use-incentivize sustainable
farm operations
6) Better soil health->improved yields
7) Higher extent of food processing
8) Innovative solutions- e-technologies in aid
of farmers(online portals, DD kisan),GM
crops, BT cotton, e-NAM.
Agriculture is the backbone of any economy.
Any considerable intervention in this sector
has multi -faceted implications for any
country. The socio-economic profile of its
natives resonates with the agricultural output

of most of the nations.


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INTRODUCTORY Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all Facts/Keywords
TOOLS things easy- Benjamin Franklin /Quotes
Announcement Change is the nature of industry. If industry does
not develop, the history will stop. Industry is the “The Industrial
Arousing means to develop resources, to transform the Revolution was
Curiosity social structure of the society, to cause new another of those
economic forces, to create an integrated world, to extraordinary
become the pillar of any civilization, to stabilize the jumps forward in
Scoping polity and much more. Today, high level of the story of
extraction of resources made industry most civilization.”
important ever before. — Stephen
Organizing the
Thesis A look in the Past - Pre-historic
Reference tools-made of
stone and wood.
Analysis Tools  In pre-historic times industrial tools were
- Historically
 Logic developed to hunter and gather animals.
 Example  During proto-historical time development has diversified and
 Fact been noticed in the material of tools and progressed.
diversification of industry. Iron tools were - Industries bring
found used in agriculture. convergence
 From the historical time the nature of industry among nations.

and tools have seen further development. As

domestication of agriculture, art and craft

created further requirements for industrial

 India mired in traditions and customs could
not develop and diversify its Industry. As
spread of knowledge and technology could only
be realized after European powers entered

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 Medieval India has experienced invasion in
India for centuries. Along with that foreign
rulers brought new knowledge and technology
of that time. During Mughal rule architecture,
art and craft and various forms of art evolved
as they got ruler patronage. Industry provided
the needed demands from the diversification of
 Modern Industry had its origin in Britain. The
Industrial revolution in Britain helped British
to colonize the world.
 Spinning Jenny, Steam Engine, Power Loom,
Cotton Gin, etc. were the leading inventions
revolutionized the Industrial sector.

Probable Linker: Evolution of the industry also

created disparities not only in a country, region
but across the world.
Thesis Spatial Aspect: The Industrial Disparity
Analysis Tools  1991 economic reforms started the modern - Angus
 Logic industrialization of the Indian economy. Not all Maddison.
the sates performed equally. Northwest states - Singapore, Hong
 Example
and southern states developed much better Kong, Taiwan and
 Fact than other North, Northeastern and Eastern Korea
states. Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Industrialized in
Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh are the less than fifty
leading industrialized states. years.
 Despite industrialized states in India the
problem of poverty cannot be removed 100% in - India is the
them. fastest growing
 Angus Maddison estimates that it took the economy in the
industrial economies over four hundred years Asia.
to achieve about a ten- fold increase in per
capita income.
- Asian growth
 But Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea steady despite
have cut the time to less than fifty years. trade tensions,
Poverty levels in these countries fell according to
dramatically. Social concerns were addressed Asian
and seen improvement. Like infant mortality, Development
maternal mortality, life expectancy, Bank.
employment and many other have seen
improvements. Inflation control, improvement
in savings and investment, diversification of
economy and transfer of technology has seen
contribution of industry.
 South Asia continues to be the fastest growing
region led by India. Although the level of

industrialization is much less that China but

Indian economy is growing much faster than

 Rise of Liberalization, Privatization and
Globalization created the hope for developing
and less developed countries that they will get
much needed support from the

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Probable Linker: Despite disparity in

industrialization of the Country, Region and
world there is widespread improvement in the
development of the people socially,
economically, culturally and politically.

Thesis Impact of Industrialization around the World

Reference and India - Impact of
Analysis Tools  British introduced modern means of modern means of
communication and Transport systems. communication
 Logic
Railways provided the opportunity to British to and Railways.
 Example
reach every corner of the country. But - Guilds and
 Fact Industrial development also provided the proliferation of
opportunity to Indians who were hitherto caste.
unconnected socially, economically, culturally - De-
and politically. industrialization.
 In ancient times we can find the proliferation of - Artificial
caste was actually caused by the division of Intelligence.
work in various Industries. Today’s social - Blockchain
structure has its origin partially or moderately
- ASER report on
in the development of industry. Regulation of
Industry was realized through Guilds in towns.
Towns were more industrialized and diversified
in industry, thereby more wealth concentration - Asian Tiger
and centralization of polity in towns.
 Technology like Artificial Intelligence and “Economic
Blockchain has created the newer avenues for growth doesn’t
industrial development but the problem of mean anything
unemployment has been emerging. Technology unless it is
created the job but at the same time structural inclusive
changes in job has also been happening. New growth.”
skill set for new technology but with weak
social infrastructure has rendering the masses Industrialized
goal less. Unless we reorient our skill set in line economies
with modern technology we may be loose the generally rely the
opportunity to create modern industry. ASER most on foreign
report highlighted the learning deficiency at the demand, and
primary level. least developed
 Hilly areas in the country are the least countries on
developed. As Spatial distribution of industry domestic demand
is uneven. One of the reasons can be seen in “UN Industrial
the fact that Industry in Northern states of Development
India have not yet reached to a developed Report 2018”
stage. Geographical difficulties in hilly areas
could be reduced by the use of technology.
Recently, The
 When people talk about the "Asian Tigers,"
World Bank
they're typically referring to Hong Kong,
released the
Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The four

Doing Business
countries experienced rapid growth between
Report (DBR),

the 1960s and 1990s

ranks 77 among
Probable Linker: Widespread industrialization of 190 countries
the countries around the world have developed assessed by the
states but degraded the environment. Doing Business
Team. India has

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leapt 23 ranks
over its rank of
100 in the DBR

Thesis Industry and Environment

Analysis Tools  Everything and anything in our homes, houses Plastic ban.
 Logic and offices come from natural resources.
Industry makes resources from raw material. Biological oxygen
 Example Unsustainable extraction of resources affecting demand.
 Fact environment. Industrial development has
helped in efficient utilization of resources.
Laws and Rules
 Plastic use has been a burning issue. One time 1. Plastic Waste
use plastic reaching oceans to flora to our Management
dining table in micro plastic form. Rules 2016.
 Deforestation, habitat loss, use of chemical and 2. Environment
fertilizers, soil degradation, climate change, Protection Act
global warming, tree cutting for road 1980.
construction, all have been the byproduct of 3. Water Act
industrialization. 4. Air Act
 Pollution level in Ganga and Yamuna rivers is
 Ozone layer depletion, acid rain, metallic
contaminants like Hg, Cd, Zn, industrial waste,
nuclear waste, plastic waste, oil spilling, due
to chemicals release in the atmosphere have
damaged the air, soil and water. Chemicals are
the products of industry. Better if industry a
missed opportunity.
 Demand for land, water for industrial use has
been on rise year by year.

Probable Linker: Changes to the environment is

a cumulative impact of political and industrial

Thesis Industry and Politics

Reference - Migration

Analysis Tools  Industrial developments caused rise of new

social classes; workers and industrialists; - Social classes
 Logic
Agriculturalists; Worker Unions; Association;
 Example Textile workers; Texi Driver Workers; FICCI; - Colonization
 Fact Nasscom; Middle Class Associations; Elites; and Imperialism

 Migration due to industrialization caused

instability to urban areas. Rise of slums led to - Vote Bank

emergence of whole lot of urban crime. Politics

 Mechanization of agriculture led to shift of
workers to other sectors.
 Colonization process affected the dignity of the
locals and led to national movements across

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the world. As Industry demands resources

which led to the colonization of Africa and Asia.
 Industry caused concentration of masses in
pocket which offered politicians an efficient
way to get their message to the en masse and
somehow contributed to vote bank politics.

Thesis Industry and Science and Technology


Analysis tools  Science creates knowledge which is then

applied to make technology. Industry would
 Logic
not have been in existence, had Science and
 Example Technology not evolved.

 Fact  Newer technologies like Blockchain, Artificial

Intelligence, Internet of Things all require
industrial products like microchips, sensors,
material, etc.
 New horizons of Industrial revolution-3D
printing, digital manufacturing, data
production and mining, digital revolution,
fourth Industrial Revolution, Robotics,
Cybernatics states, nanotechnology,
Prosthetics for disables, biotechnology have
eased the work of man. Use of industrial
products have made evolution of newer
technologies possible.
Probable Linkers: Science and technology is an
enabler of economic development.

Thesis Industry and Indian Economy

Analysis Tools  A G-20 surveillance note expects India’s “Investment
 Logic economy to grow 7.3% in 2019 and 7.5% in calls the tune,
2020. Essentials for the set target are that we and profits
 Example
work on our manufacturing sector growth dance
 Fact accordingly”
improvement, double digit growth for next
decade and that is possible through -Hyman Minsky
Industrial push. India has a target of 25%
contribution in GDP from manufacturing, but
as of now only 15 % comes from the
The industrial
manufacturing sector which is way below.
growth rate in
 In Industrial manufacturing companies has terms of Index of
seen low growth of workers. Rising inflation, Industrial
out of the pocket expenditure on health care, Production (IIP)
high cost of school fee and daily expenditures during 2018-19
on household needs led to the demand by stood at 3.6 per

unions for increase in wage. Workers revolt in cent as compared

Maruti Suzuki plant in Gurugram, Harayana to 4.4 per cent

was one such instant where workers and growth rate in

management fought and in that lost many 2017-18.
lives. Better Industry would have been a
missed opportunity.
 One of the important developments of the
modern economy is rise of import and export. - “History of all
hitherto existing
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According to economic survey 2017-18, two society, is the

same blocs of economy give rise in trade rather history of class
than those two unequal blocs trading. struggles.”-Karl
 Indian economic foundation started with Marx
Mahalanobis model. Diversification of industry
to create market for the products and size of
the economy and thereby poverty reduction. “It is not
Maximum poverty reduction could be realized from the
1991 economic reforms but that period also benevolence of
marked by the jobless growth. the butcher, the
 Industrial growth impacts economy brewer, or the
 Industry has multiplier effect on the economy. baker that we
Industrial products create products which are expect our
traded by the wholesale, retailers and local dinner, but from
shops. their regard to
their own
As per data of
India Brand
Food grain
production in
India reached
record 284.83
millionn tonnes
(MT) in 2017-18
 The Government has initiated a number of crop year.
measures in crucial sectors to accelerate higher
manufacturing growth such as Start-up India,
Annual Survey
Ease of doing Business, Make in India,
Foreign Direct Investment Policy reforms.
Industries (ASI)
is conducted by
Probable Linker: Industry is everything, National Sample
everything is industry. All products and Survey Office
processes are the creation of Industry. Our life (NSSO) ,which is
style got changed due to industry. Our societal the principal
values have been changing by the industry source of
negatively and positively both. But concerns industrial
remain. statistics in India.

Thesis Industry and Ethics

Reference - “A business that
Concluding  Environmental ethics- we cut trees, extract makes nothing
Tools resources and pollute environment. Industry but money is a

facilitated for the development of economy and poor kind of

 Summary
living standards of people but in return we business.”- Henry
 Tone

polluted the environment which never meant to Ford

 Future be the objective of Industrial evolution. - “Science
 Post  We manufacture clothes, go to malls and watch without
Scripting movies, celebrate functions and events but humanity is a
create so much waste that we generate sin.”- Mahatama
knowing and unknowingly. We throw away old Gandhi

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cloths in dustbins and buy new ones very

often. One time use plastic has created ethical
dimension. People who are living in forest and - “Commerce
rural settings are bearing the brunt of one’s without ethics is
lifestyle. Our waste go to landfill sites and from a sin.”-
their only part of that go to recovery otherwise Mahatama
pollutes environment and creates entropy in Gandhi
the society.
 In urban areas, cities and towns where
electricity is available for maximum hours we
use Air conditioner, coolers, fans. But sources Sustainable and
of electricity from where they are extracted inclusive
from causing damage to natural ecosystem, industrial
ecology and people there. That’s unfair development
transaction. Wealth concentration is in cities
and poverty is in rural areas. Lavish life is in
cities and towns but old and traditional life isin
rural and tribal communities. All have been
because of so many factors but one of the
important one is Industry. It would have been
better if Industry a missed opportunity.


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INTRODUCTORY Only 10% of energy in a light bulb is used to X- FACTORS
TOOLS create light. Ninety percent of a light bulb’s KEYWORDS/
energy creates heat QUOTES/FACTS
Access to energy is a key pillar for human wellbeing, The
Arousing Curiosity economic development and poverty alleviation. Word energy comes
Ensuring everyone has sufficient access is an ongoing from the Greek word
and pressing challenge for global development. Energeia.
Energy being a strategic commodity plays a
significant role in economic development of a country.
Energy systems in India have evolved over last six
decades along with country’s economic development,
supporting the aspiration of 1.2 billion people, within
the framework of democratic polity, globally
integrated economy and environmentally sensitive

Organising the - About 5,000 years
middle ago, the energy people
Thesis Reference Evolution consumed for their
survival averaged
Analysis Tools Temporal- about 12,000
 Logic  1800- Nearly all of the world's energy was kilocalories per
 Example produced from traditional biomass( burning wood person each day
and other organic matter)
 Fact
 Since the industrial revolution, energy has been - In AD 1400, each
a crucial ingredient of economic development. person was
 Initially UK started using coal, followed by consuming about
natural gas and hydroelectricity twice as much energy
 1900, coal consumption had increased (26,000 kilocalories).
significantly, accounting for almost half of global

energy (the other half remaining biomass

- After the Industrial
 1960 the world had moved into nuclear

Revolution, the
electricity production
demand almost
Types of energy industry: tripled to an average
 Petroleum of 77,000 kilocalories
 Electrical Power per person in 1875.
 Coal By 1975, it had
tripled again to
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 Nuclear 230,000 kilocalories

 Renewable energy per person

Probable Linkers: Different regions of the world

depend on various sources of energy according to
their resource availability.
Thesis Reference Spatial Aspects
Analysis Tools  Till 1965 the bulk of total energy was - India: 3rd largest
consumed in North America, Europe and producer of electricity
 Logic Eurasia- collectively, they accounted for more
than 80 percent of global energy consumption. - 4th largest
 Example
 India supports 17% of the world’s population but consumer of
 Fact electricity
only possesses 0.6%, 0.4% and 7% of world’s
gas, oil and coal reserves, respectively.

Probable Linkers: Energy is central to achieve the

interrelated economic, social, and environmental aims
of sustainable human development. The relationship
between use of energy and economic growth has been
a subject of greater inquiry as energy is considered to
be one of the important driving forces of economic
growth in all economies.

Thesis Reference Socio- Economic Impact:

Analysis Tools Energy is an essential commodity for most human - The future is green
activities, directly (as fuel) or indirectly (to provide energy,
 Logic
power, light, mobility). sustainability,
 Example renewable energy.
 Increases overall productivity and creates jobs
 Fact - Arnold
 Improved healthcare Schwarzenegger
 Education services
 Better connectivity to local, regional and global
 Improve living standards, quality of life.
 A direct proportional relationship between
demand for energy and economic activity

leading to the growth of an economy

Probable Linkers: Energy being a strategic


commodity plays a significant role in socio- economic

development of a country. However, ever increasing
demand of energy has posed tremendous pressure on
its limited resources and has necessitated optimum
use of its resources. India pursued a reformed
development agenda since 1991. Significant effort has
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gone into improving energy availability, as support to

country’s development initiatives.
Thesis Reference Government Initiatives - Renewable energy is
Analysis Tools  Uday not more expensive
 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana than fossil fuel when
 Logic you factor in life-cycle
 Ujjwala
 Example costs.
 KUSUM (KisanUrja Suraksha
 Fact evamUtthaanMahabhiyan) Scheme
 SRISTI (Sustainable Rooftop - India Energy
Implementation for Solar Transfiguration of Security Scenarios,
India) 2047
 Integrated Power Development Scheme - SDG number 7 is “to
(IPDS) ensure access to
 Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All affordable, reliable,
(UJALA) sustainable, modern
 BEE Star Labelling energy for all by
Renewable- 2030”.
 Solar parks
 Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
 Green Energy Corridor, Green highway policy
 FAME India
 Coal cess
 International Solar Alliance

Probable Linkers: The critical role played by the

availability of energy and other infrastructure in
stimulating investment and modernization has been
recognized right from the first five year plan. Even
then, over the years the energy problem has been a
major problem in India.

Thesis Reference Issues & Challenges

Analysis Tools Developing or emerging economies in the world Around 300 million
basically face three kinds of problems. First: To meet people do not have
 Logic
the need of millions of people who still lacks basic access to electricity.
 Example
energy service i.e. electricity
 Fact
Second: To meet the growing energy demand to Transmission &
facilitate economic growth in terms of rapid distribution losses
industrialization and infrastructural development highest in the world
Third: The high level of emission from developing
countries resulting in environmental problems leading
to health hazard among people.
Environmental consequence:
1. Diesel generators.
2. Tapping Limited hydropower potential.

RENEWABLE ENERGY- Issues and Challenges:

 Regional concentration of renewable energy

 Inadequate infrastructure
 Demand for large capital investment
 Lack of skilled manpower
 No single regulator or policy for setting
performance standards, rules,

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 Low penetration of RE in Urban & industrial

 Faulty Definition of Electrification.
 Disparity among states
 Faulty, Unreliable access, Unmetred
 Stalled power sector projects->delay in
commissioning of newer power projects
 Constraints due to civil nuclear liability
 Populist policies & Political control over state
electricity boards
->corruption ->poor performance of discoms
 High rates of subsidy, free power to
 Foreign investors are averse to invest despite
100% FDI->capital crunch
 obsolete technology, lower capacity utilization
and poor operating and maintenance practice
Probable Linkers:
Energy is central to growth and development. Despite
the government schemes, the above issues and
challenges continue to be a hindrance in optimal
utilization. Apart from the initiatives by the
Government, more needs to be done to conserve and
effectively utilize the available resources.
Thesis Reference Way ahead
ConcludingTools  Need for improvement in generation,
 Summary transmission, distribution by adopting innovative
 Tone
 Redesign/procure new equipment in old plants
 Future
 Energy conservation
 Post
Scripting  Improvement in energy efficiency of industry and
household products.
 The use of low-carbon energy sources like
hydropower, variable renewable energy (VRE), and
nuclear power.
Ease of doing business needed to attract private
players to gain capital.
India’s energy intensity per unit of GDP is higher
compared to Japan, US and Asia by 3.7, 1.55 and
1.47 times respectively. This indicates inefficient use
of energy but also substantial scope for energy saving.

Conclusion: In a scenario where India tries to

accelerate its development process and cope with

increasing energy demands, conservation and energy

efficiency measures are to play a central role in our
energy policy. A national movement for energy

conservation can significantly reduce the need for

fresh investment in energy supply systems in coming
years. It is imperative that all-out efforts are made to
realize this potential.

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INTRODUCT “Human growth without investment in human
ORY TOOLS development is unsustainable and unethical.” X- FACTORS
Announcem The human development approach, developed by the S
ent economist Mahbub Ul Haq, is anchored in Amartya Sen’s
work on human capabilities, often framed in terms of India ranks 130 on 2018
Arousing whether people are able to “be” and “do” desirable things in UNDP Human Development
curiosity life. Index


the Middle Human life depends not only
Thesis HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE on income but also on social
Reference opportunities, [for example]
what the state does for
Analysis Modern theories of economic development appeared educating.
Tools principally after the Second World War.
-Amartya Sen
 Logic Human development grew out of global discussions on the
 Exam links between
ple Economic growth and development during the second half
 Fact of the 20th Century.
GDP was being seen as only a quantified approach
Human development: an approach that is focused on
creating fair opportunities and choices for all people.
Dimensions of Human Development


Probable Linkers: human development approach is, one

that calls for a simultaneous treatment of economic and
social aspects of development.

Thesis Socio- political importance: Progress on the HDI since

Reference 1990 has not always been
Analysis Sustainable human development is development that not steady. Some countries
Tools only generates economic growth but suffered reversals due to
conflicts, epidemics or
 Logic  Distributes its benefits equitably;

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 Exam  That regenerates the environment rather than economic crises.

ple destroying it;
 Fact  That empowers people rather than marginalizing
 It gives priority to the poor, enlarging their choices
and opportunities and providing for their
participation in decisions affecting them,
 pro-nature, pro-jobs, pro-women and pro-children.

Probable Linker: Is there a co-relation between

Economic growth and Human Development
Thesis Economic growth andhuman development
Analysis  The quantity and quality of investment, domestic and
Tools foreign, together with the choice of technology and
 Logic overall policy environment, constitute other important
determinants of economic performance.
 Exam
ple  The quality of private entrepreneurs, of public policy-
makers and of investment decisions generally, is bound
 Fact
to be influencedby the education of both officials and
 The volume of both domestic and foreign investment
and the rates of total factor productivity will
undoubtedly be higher when a system's human capital
level is higher.
 Virtuous cycle of high growth and large gains in human
 Globalization and its effect
 Bargaining Power as a result of Economic Development

Probable Linker: Is there a measurement of Human

Thesis HDI
Analysis The Human Development Index (HDI) was developed by the
Tools United Nations as a metric to assess the social and
 Logic economic development levels of countries.
 Example Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index
focusing onthree basic dimensions of human
 Fact
 the ability to lead a long and healthy life, measured by
life expectancy at birth;
 the ability to acquire knowledge, measured by mean
years of schooling and expected years of schooling;
 And the ability to achieve a decent standard of living,
measured by gross national income per capita.

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Indian Vast improvement in Human Development Indicators  The Global


Scenario pertaining to Scheduled Tribes Multidimensional Poverty

Index (MPI) 2019 report, an
 Data pertaining to decennial census, large scale sample initiative of the Oxford

surveys conducted by National Sample Survey Office Poverty and Human

(NSSO) and various other surveys conducted by Development Initiative and
different Ministries / Departments of Government of the United Nations
India, reveal that over the years there has been vast Development Programme,
improvement in the human development indicators released recently, says that
pertaining to Scheduled Tribes (STs), for example, India has recorded the

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literacy rate for STs has improved from 47.1% in 2001 fastest absolute reduction in
to 59% in 2011. the Index value among 10
countries across every
 Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for ST students at Senior developing region.
Secondary (classes XI-XII) level has increased from
35.4% in 2013-14 to 43.1% in 2015-16. During 2015,  According to this report,
64.1% and 68.9% ST students have completed Class between 2005-06 and 2015-
Xth and XIIth, respectively, through various State and 16, India lifted 271 million
Central Examination Boards including Open Boards. out of poverty and reduced
deprivations in many of its
 In respect of Scheduled Tribes, Infant Mortality Rate 10 indicators, particularly in
has declined from 62.1 (2005-06) to 44.4 (2015-16),
assets, cooking fuel,
Under Five Mortality Rate has declined from 95.7
sanitation and nutrition. It
(2005-06) to 57.2 (2015-16), and Institutional Delivery
also says that Jharkhand,
has increased from 17.7% in 2005-06 to 68.0% in
among the poorest regions in
the world, reduced the
incidence of multi-
dimensional poverty —
captured in indicators such
as nutrition, sanitation,
child mortality, housing,
cooking fuel, years of
schooling and electricity —
the fastest.

Thesis Development is about Choices:

Analysis  Human development is also largely dependent on
Tools the freedom to make choices—be it economic,
 Logic political, associational, residential or habitual in
nature, freedom from hunger, fear, unemployment,
 Exam
exclusion, discrimination and persecution. The
term ‘capability’ comprises all aspects of human,
 Fact physical, intellectual and social endowments.
 It includes a variety of needs which need to be
fulfilled in order to enhance a person’s capacities
and abilities such as good health, nutritious food,
functional (purposive) education, convenient
housing, clean environment, safe neighbourhood,

Probable Linkers: What are the International And


National Practices to make out most of the

development in Humans?
ThesisRefer International & National Practices

ence - “The new agenda is

Concluding  United Nations Organization committed to strengthening
Tools  WHO human capabilities, as well
as voice, participation, gender
 Sum  Human Development Report: An eye Opener
equity, social justice and
mary  UNHRC sustainability for all. It

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 Tone  Article 21 of Indian Constitution promises to “leave no one

 Futur  National Human Rights Commission behind,”
e  Judicial Activism
 Post  The UN Millennium Declaration and the Millennium
Scrip Development Goals already mirrored the basic
ting principles of human development – expanding human
capabilities by addressing basic human deprivations
(ending extreme poverty and hunger, promoting good
health and education, etc.).
The SDGs are a product of a global conversation
involving a broad range of stakeholders from all over
the world and all segments of society. It has been
heartening to see that this highly consultative process
resulted in a new global agenda that is even more
fully reflective of human development principles.


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INTRODUCTORY “The Earth does not belong to us: we X-FACTORS
TOOLS belong to the Earth.” Facts/Keywords/Quotes

“The earth provides

Marlee Matlin
Announcement  Environment consists of both living enough for everyone's
and non-living things that surround
needs but not for
Arousing Curiosity everyman's greed” - --
us. There is a relationship between
Mahatma Gandhi
living beings and the environment.
 There is no doubt for the fact that
man is an intelligent animal. Man is
able to influence environment with - 27,000 trees are cut
his activities. The effects of man’s down each day so we can
activities on environment have been have Toilet Paper
- American companies
both positive and negative.Human-
alone use enough Paper
beings are most powerful and
to encircle the Earth 3
intelligent among all living times !
creatures. Thus, it is the - Approximately five
responsibility of every human-being million tons of oil
to protect and save the produced in the world
environment, so that the future each year ends up in the
generation may enjoy the gifts of
nature and environment.
Organizing the
Thesis Reference The Past Environment - For any inadvertent
Analysis Tools  Researchers believe, therefore, that action leading to earth's
 Logic early Earth's atmosphere consisted excessive exploitation the
 Example seers prayed for
of water vapor, carbon dioxide,
 Fact forgiveness
carbon monoxide, hydrogen,
nitrogen, ammonia, and methane. - The Rig Veda makes a
 The ancient civilizations had clear reference to the
connect to nature: started presence of a protective
layer which we know now
worshipping nature (wind, rain etc)
to be the Ozone layer
fearing natural disasters
 Vedas have recognized the - Note that no oxygen was
importance of maintenance of the present in early Earth's
Season’s cycle atmosphere!
 The History has passed us the
environment in a beautiful state, we
should pass it to the future
generations in the same pristine


Probable Linker: The Environment also

depends on the geographical
Thesis Reference Environment and Geography

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Analysis tools  Environmental geography represents - India is among the

 Logic a critically important set of analytical bottom five countries on
 Example tools for assessing the impact of the Environmental
 Fact human presence on the environment Performance Index 2018
by measuring the result of human
activity on natural landforms and
 Pollution is particularly severe in
places such as India and China,
where greater levels of economic
development contribute to higher
pollution levels
 Switzerland leads the world in
sustainability, followed by France,
Denmark, Malta and Sweden in the
EPI, which found that air quality is
the leading environmental threat to
public health
 In India: Rural and Urban areas have
different environmental status.
 Coastal areas are relatively better due
to geographical phenomena

Probable Linker: Environment has

greater degree of association with the

Thesis Reference The Relationship - We won’t have a society

if we destroy the
Analysis tools  Understanding the reciprocal environment…Margaret
 Logic relationships between social and Mead
 Example environmental processes - When nature is viewed
 Fact  Interactions between human solely as a source of
society and the environment are profit and gain, this has
constantly changing. serious consequences for
 There will always be trade-offs society.
and, many times, unanticipated
or unintended consequences
 A well-managed environment can
provide goods and services that
are both essential for our well-
being as well as for continued
economic prosperity.
 Environment has association with
the gender and age groups
 Global warming will cause grave
dangers to the vulnerable sections
 Populations increases cause over-
exploitation of land and water
resources and loss of biodiversity
and forests and will therefore

endanger sustainability of
agriculture and food security

Probable Linker: In recent years there

has been growing concern about
degradation and pollution of environment
and climate change as they impact on
future development of both the
developing and developed countries
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Thesis Reference The Debate of Environment and - Sustainable

Development Development
Analysis Tools
 Logic  The conflict between economic - Sustainable
 Example growth and environment is Development Goals like:
 Fact sharper today than ever before, Goal 3, Goal 6, Goal 7
particularly in developing embeds within them
countries like India with fast the environment
growing population and mass
 In India, as in other developing - Economic growth
countries, the adoption of cannot be an end in
development strategy based itself. Gains from current
primarily on large-scale growth have not been
industrialization, energy-intensive evenly distributed and
technologies and biochemical- environmental and social
based agricultural technology, externalities are growing
ignoring indigenous development worse
paradigm based on locally self-
sufficient technologies, has led to -For Bhutan,
environmental degradation environmental
 The 2030 agenda intertwines sustainability is both the
goals for human development primary objective and the
and environmental protection starting point for national
 Think of Environment and development
development as one sector
 Support Social Entrepreneurs
 Joint Development
 Climate change and development

Probable Linker: Environment has

always been so important that it has
been embedded into policies and laws.
Thesis Reference The Legal framework for Environment
Indian Framework:
Analysis Tools  There are many conventions,
- The National Green
treaties etc. for the protection of
Tribunal Act, 2010
 Logic environment at global level. For
 Example instance:
- The Air (Prevention and
 Fact  Basel Convention on the Control of
Control of Pollution) Act,
Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their
- The Water (Prevention
 Convention of Biological Diversity
and Control of Pollution)
 Biosafety Protocol (Cartagena
Act, 1974
 Convention on International Trade
- The Environment
in Endangered Species (CITES)
Protection Act, 1986
 Convention on the Law of the Non-
Navigational Uses of International
- The Hazardous Waste

Management Regulations,
 Framework Convention on Climate

 International Convention for the

-The Wildlife Protection
Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Act, 1972
(MARPOL 73/78)
 International Convention for the
- The Forest
Regulation of Whaling
Conservation Act, 1980
 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate
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 Law of the Sea (LOS) Promising initiatives have
 Long-Range Transboundary Air been taken both at the
Pollution national and
 Ozone Treaties international levels aimed
 Stockholm Convention on Persistent at addressing the
Organic Pollutants (POPS) challenge of climate
 The Constitution under Part IVA change.The adoption of
(Art 51A-Fundamental Duties) the Paris Agreement
casts a duty on every citizen of and the Sustainable
India to protect and improve the Development Goals in
natural environment including 2015 are but two
forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, crucial steps in this
and to have compassion for living effort. They speak of the
creatures. global acceptance of the
view that all the people
Probable Linkers: Science and and countries of the
Technology has often threatened the world need to work
environment but it can cure also. together for our common
Thesis Reference Science and Environment
- A plant called the rosy
Analysis Tools  The impact of technology on the periwinkle, which grows
environment has in many ways been in the "rainforests" of
Madagascar, has been
 Logic devastating
 Modern technology has given used to make a drug that
 Example
humanity unheard power to can cure some kinds
 Fact
manipulate earth, air, fire and water of cancer. Imagine all the
 The proliferation of weapons of mass other miracles we may
destruction also poses a serious have already lost out on.
threat to the biosphere
 Science can also be the panacea for
development: For instance,
technological development related to
Bio-remediation, exploring other
planets, making things digital etc.

Probable Linker: We need to think

ethically to maintain the pristine
beauty of our environment
Thesis Reference Ethics of Science:
“When we see land as a
Concluding Tools Environmental ethics believe that community to which we
 Summary humans are a part of society as well as belong we may begin to
 Tone other living creatures, which includes use it with love and
 Future plants and animals. These items are a respect”
 Post- very important part of the world and are Aldo Leopold
Scripting considered to be a functional part of
human life. Thus, it is essential that
every human being respect and honour
this and use morals and ethics when

dealing with these creatures.


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You May Use: ISM’s

KEYWORDS Realism: Realism suggests that all leaders, no matter THINKERS
what their political persuasion, recognise this as they
attempt to manage their state’s affairs in order to survive “Arms Race”
in a competitive environment. Finally, states live in a
context of anarchy – that is, in the absence of anyone
being in charge internationally. Kautilya
Neo- Realism: Kenneth Waltz modernised IR theory by
moving realism away from its unprovable (albeit Machiavelli
persuasive) assumptions about human nature. His
theoretical contribution was termed ‘neorealism’ or Morgenthau
‘structural realism’ because he emphasised the notion of
‘structure’ in his explanation.
Kenneth Waltz
Waltz offered a version of realism that recommended that
theorists examine the characteristics of the international
system for answers rather than delve into flaws in human
nature. In doing so, he sparked a new era in IR theory
that attempted to use social scientific methods rather
than political theory (or philosophical) methods. The
difference is that Waltz’s variables (international anarchy,
how much power a state has, etc.) can be
empirically/physically measured. Ideas like human nature
are assumptions based on certain philosophical views that
cannot be measured in the same way.
KEYWORDS LIBERALISM: Classical liberals treat the levelling of “TRADE WARS”
wealth and income as outside the purview of legitimate
aims of government coercion. “WTO”
NEO-LIBERALISM: What has come to be known as ‘new’,
‘revisionist’, ‘welfare state’, or perhaps best, ‘social
Joseph Nye and
justice’, liberalism challenges this intimate connection
Robert Keohane
between personal liberty and a private property based
market order.
KEYWORDS MERCANTILISM: Mercantilism was the main economic
system of trade utilized from the 16th to 18th century.
The system was based on the understanding that a
nation's wealth and power were best served by increasing
exports and collecting precious metals, such as gold and
silver. Mercantilism replaced the older, feudal economic
system in Western Europe, leading to one of the first
occurrences of political oversight and control over an
KEYWORDS MARXISM: A theory in which class struggle is a central Karl Marx,
element in the analysis of social change. Friedrich Engels
Marxism is the antithesis of capitalism which is defined
by Encarta as “an economic system based on the private

ownership of the means of production and distribution of

goods, characterized by a free competitive market and
motivation by profit.”

Marxism is the system of socialism of which the

dominant feature is public ownership of the means of
production, distribution, and exchange.(Socialism: From
each according to his ability to each according to his
Communism evolves from socialism: From each

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according to his ability, to each according to his needs

KEYWORDS IMPERIALISM: State policy, practice, or advocacy of
extending power and dominion, especially by direct
territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic
control of other areas. Because it always involves the use
of power, whether military force or some subtler form,
imperialism has often been considered morally
reprehensible, and the term is frequently employed in
international propaganda to denounce and discredit an
opponent’s foreign policy.
NEO IMPERIALISM: It became a significant topic of
discussion after the end of the cold war. Neo-imperialism
is domination and sometimes even hegemony over others
primarily by way of formally free legal agreements,
economic power, and cultural influence.
KEYWORDS COLONIALISM: Colonialism is the establishment and
maintenance, for an extended time, of rule over an alien
people that is separate from and subordinate to the ruling
NEO-COLONIALISM: Neo-colonialism can be defined as
the continuation of the economic model of colonialism
after a colonized territory has achieved formal political
independence. This concept was applied most commonly
to Africa in the latter half of the twentieth century.
KEYWORDS FEMINISM: Feminism may broadly be defined as a Mary
movement seeking the reorganization of the world upon Wollstonecraft,
the basis of sex equality, rejecting all forms of Simone de
differentiation among or discrimination against Beauvoire
individuals upon grounds of sex.
KEYWORDS CONSEQUENTIALISM: Consequentialism is based on two Jeremy Bentham,
principles: James Mill and J
S Mill
 Whether an act is right or wrong depends only on
the results of that act
 The more good consequences an act produces, the
better or more right that act
Forms of consequentialism:
Utilitarianism: “Greatest Welfare of the Greatest Number”
Hedonism: People should maximise human pleasure.


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You May Use: Phraseology

Phrases Probable Mean/Usage
“A blessing in disguise” A good thing that seemed bad at first
“Ad hoc” Denotes that something is created or done for a
particular purpose, as necessary
“A bird in the hand is What you have is worth more than what you might
worth two in the bush ” have later
“A dime a dozen” Something common
“A penny saved is a Money you save today you can spend later
penny earned “
“Bona fide" With good faith
“Beat around the bush “ Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is
“Carpe diem” Seize the day
“Cogito Ergo Sum" I think, therefore I am
“De Facto" In Fact
“Impromptu" Spontaneous
“Once in a blue moon” Rarely
“Pro bono" For the good
“Quid pro quo" Something for something
“Status quo" Existing state of affairs
“Sui Generis “ Unique and unable to classify
“The ball is in your It’s your decision
“Verbatim" In exactly the same words
“We'll cross that bridge Let's not talk about that problem right now
when we come to it “
“Waste not, want not” Don't waste things and you'll always have enough
“Well begun is half Getting a good start is important

“You can lead a horse You can't force someone to make the right decision
to water, but you can't

make him drink”

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You May Use: Strong Quotes

1. The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance – Socrates
2. A people that value its privileges above its principles soon loses both – Dwight D.
3. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is – Yogi
4. A little inaccuracy can sometimes save a ton of explanation – H.H Munro
5. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch
of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction – E. F. Schumacher
6. A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually
– Abba Eban
7. Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good – Mohandas
8. Whatever government is not a government of laws, is a despotism, let it be called what it may
– Daniel Webster
9. Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way
around the laws – Plato
10. Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing –
Theodore Roosevelt
11. It is dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong – Voltaire
12. The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its
free expression should be our first object – Thomas Jefferson
13. No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation – Woodrow Wilson (28th U.S
14. The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work – Emile Zola
15. The world is full of educated derelicts – Calvin Coolidge
16. A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a change to get its pants on –
Winston Churchill
17. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog – Mark Twain
18. Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart’s desire, the other is to get it –
19. If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning – Aristotle Onasis
20. Men are not disturbed by things, but the view they take of things – Epictetus
21. As a rule, men worry more about what they can’t see than about what they can – Julius
22. Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. - Napoleon Bonaparte
23. Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
24. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and

I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein

25. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."- Thomas Alva Edison

26. "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how
improbable, must be the truth."- Sherlock Holmes
27. "People that values its privileges above its principles soon loses
both."- Dwight D. Eisenhower
28. "Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's
troublesome."- Isaac Asimov
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29. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
30. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded
our humanity." - Albert Einstein
31. Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation. - Oscar Wilde
32. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it. –
Martin Luther King
33. Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose or direction. - John F Kennedy
34. The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. - John Locke
35. There is more to life than simply increasing its speed. - Mohandas Gandhi
36. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. -Nelson
37. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. - Albert
38. Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. - Aristotle
39. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. - Confucius
40. Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world. - Hillary Clinton
41. A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.
42. There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. - Kofi
43. If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.-
Margaret Thatcher
44. Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.- Immanuel Kant
45. Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.- Albert Einstein.
46. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided
men.- Martin Luther King Jr.
47. If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships- the ability
of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.- Franklin D.
48. Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics.
49. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are
dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.- Mahatma Gandhi
50. A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the
society.- B.R. Ambedkar


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