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Question 1

Range from relatively pure (Pentane, Hexane, and heptane from natural gas) to complex
mixtures of hydrocarbons (from C5to C9), with boiling range of 45-160 °C depending
mainly upon the crude oil type.

Question 2
1.Aliphatics (CnH2n+2); e.g., Hexane, Heptane Naphthenes-CnH2n-
(Cyclo-paraffins as cyclohexane).
2. Aromatics (Cn H2n-6); e.g., Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
3.Intermediate, e.g., straight-run & blended naphtha
4.Odorless, e.g., has high flash point, with no color & no odor.

Question 3
 1.Slow evaporating
 2.Medium evaporating
 3.Fast evaporating

 1.High solvent power
 2.Normal solvent power
 3.Low solvent power (de-aromatized)

API¿ Sp Gr (60 ° /60°) −131.5
 For the former it is a determining factor of quality in respect to its effect
upon the end product, such white coatings.
 To the producer color is a partial indicator of the degree of refinement of
the product.

 ASTM D92
o ASTM D56
o ASTM D93

 ASTM closed cup (tag close cup)

 Pesky-Martens closed cup
 Cleveland open cup method

 Below 175 of (79.44° C).

o Above 175 of (79.44° C).
o Below 175 of (79.44° C) For flash & Fire Point.

The solvent power may be defined as the ability of a solvent to dissolve a resin.
While solvency may be defined as the ability of a solvent to dissolve a resin and to
reduce or cut the viscosity of the resin solution.

The aniline point may be defined as the temperature for a complete mixing of two
equal volumes of aniline(a liquid that has selective solvent action on
hydrocarbons) and the oil being tested.

 Two tests may be used for detecting sulfur, Doctor Test and Copper
Strip Corrosion Test.
 Doctor Test is qualitative test for detecting the presence of mercaptan
sulfur or hydrogen sulfide in the material. Naphtha that gives negative
results with this test is designated as sweet i.e., having a good odor. A
naphtha that gives positive results with this test is designated as sour
i.e., having a bad odor.
 The Copper Strip Corrosion Test may be used to indicate the presence
of corrosive materials such as free sulfur and sulfur compounds.


Oil Extraction Wax Compound Dry Cleaning

Textile Metallic Dryer Floor Covering


Degreasing Printing ink Metal Cleaning

Under coatings Rubber Industry Chemical


Machine Cleaning Leather Goods Adhesives

Paper making Asphalt Compound Brake Lining

Rust proofing Polishes Pharmaceuticals


Component Barrels Aniline point, F° API

Crude oil Unit 20,200 100 52


Coker Unit 8,800 55 43


Mixture 29000 86.5 F° 49.3

 20,200 + 8,800 = 29000

 1 ton = 8.9 bbl / ? ton = 29,000 bbl 3,258 ton naphtha
 API) mix = (0.7 x 52) + (0.3 x 43) = 36.4 + 12.9 = 49.3

 AP)mix = (0.7 x 100) + (0.3 x 55) = 86.5 F°
 IB = e 0.003652 AP / e 0.003652 x 86.5 = 1.371

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