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Vol. 19, No 2


Eugeniusz KRASOWSKI, Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Stepan KOVALYSHYN, Lviv National Agrarian University in Dublany, Ukraine
Ivan ROGOVSKII, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences in Kiev, Ukraine
Stanisław SOSNOWSKI, University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, Poland

Assistant Editor
Piotr KUŹNIAR, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Vadym PTASHNYK, Lviv National Agrarian University in Dublany, Ukraine

Editorial Board
Viacheslav ADAMCHUK, McGill University, Canada
Maciej BILEK, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Pavol FINDURA, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic
Lidia GAIGINSCHI, Technical University of Iasi “Gheorge Asachi”, Romania
Andriy CHABAN, Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine
Jan GLIŃSKI, Polish Academy of Science in Lublin, Poland
Józef GORZELANY, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Mukrimin GUNEY, Giresun University, Turkey
Rebecca HARBUT, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada
Kui JIAO, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China
Plamen KANGALOV, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria
Kamil KAYGUSUZ, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Sergiy KHARCHENKO, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture,
Józef KOWALCZUK, University of Live Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Roman KUZMINSKY, Lviv National Agrarian University in Dublany, Ukraine
Jean-Pierre LEMIERE, Agrosup Dijon, France
Kazimierz LEJDA, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland
Jan MARECEK, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
Till MEINEL, Koln University of Technology, Art and Sciences, Germany
Viktor MELNYK, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Ukraine
Stepan MYAGKOTA, Lviv National Agrarian University in Dublany, Ukraine
Jan OSZMIAŃSKI, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Richard ROUSH, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Povilas A. SIRVYDAS, Agrarian University in Kaunas, Lithuania
Jan TURAN, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Andrzej TOMPOROWSKI, University of Sciences and Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Dainis VIESTURS, Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia
Ali Al-ZUBIEDY, University of Babylon, Iraq
Linguistic consultant: Natalya Havryshkiv
Typeset: Serhii Korobka
Cover design: Serhii Korobka

All the articles are available on the webpage:

All the scientific articles received positive evaluations by independent reviewers

ISSN 2657-9537

© Copyright by University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszów 2019

in co-operation with Lviv National Agrarian University 2019

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University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszów
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Edition 150+19 vol.




Аnatoliy Тryhuba1, Oksana Ftoma2, Inna Тryhuba3, Oleg Bashynsky4

Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Mechanics and Power Engineering,
Lviv National Agrarian University, 80381, Dubliany, Ukraine.
Department of Law, Faculty of Economics,
Lviv National Agrarian University, 80381, Dubliany, Ukraine.
Department of Genetics, breeding and plant protection, Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Ecology,
Lviv National Agrarian University, 80381, Dubliany, Ukraine.
Department of Surveillance and Preventive Activities and Fire Automatics, Institute of Firefighting and
Technological Safety, Lviv State University of Life Safety, 79007, Lviv, Ukraine.

Abstract. The current state of agro- causal links between events and mechanized
industrial production and pecularities of works performed by techno-technological
functioning of technical and technological servicing cooperatives are substantiated. The
service cooperatives are considered. It is opposite nature of the change in the
offered during the study of technical and dependence of the untimely execution of
technological service cooperatives to consider mechanized works and downtime of
them as appropriate technological systems. equipment during working hours is
The analysis of deterministic and statistical established because of the absence of these
methods of justification of the parameters of works on the parameters of technical support
technical support of techno-technological of technical and technological service
service cooperatives that provides definition cooperatives.The dependence of functional
of functional indicators of their efficiency is indicators of the efficiency of technical and
performed. The scientific and methodical technological service cooperatives on the
approaches to justification of parameters of parameters of the corresponding technological
techno-technological servicing cooperatives systems is substantiated. The obtained
are offered. The components of functional dependence is the basis for determining the
indicators of efficiency of techno- rational (optimal) parameters of the technical
technological service cooperatives are support of technical and technological
substantiated. The peculiarities of the system- servicing cooperatives by value or energy
event basis of the study of volumes of late- criterion.
performed mechanized works by techno- Keywords: service cooperatives,
technological servicing cooperatives are parameters, modeling, efficiency, indicators,
revealed. The peculiarities of determination of technological system.
the length of downtime of equipment during INTRODUCTION
the agrometeorologically acceptable time due
to the lack of mechanized works are The effectiveness of activities in
substantiated. The method of substantiation of agricultural production is largely due to its
the need for technical support for techno- technical support. Unfortunately, in Ukraine
technological servicing cooperatives is technical potential of agriculture is
offered. It is based on statistical simulation of characterized negatively - in the majority of
the functioning of technological systems. The agricultural commodity producers (ACP)
6 А. Тryhuba, O. Ftoma, I. Тryhuba, O. Bashynsky

there is insufficient equipment for carrying significant amount of work per year). Its
out works in optimal agricultural terms. In updating is possible in two ways: a direct
addition, existing machinery is characterized replacement in the ACP of the old (worn out)
by a long term of use, which often leads to technology for a new one; the formation of
their failure to perform agricultural work. It machinery in service cooperatives. For each
negatively affects the production of of them, appropriate projects should be
agricultural products - the potential harvest is implemented that are characterized by a
lost, the cost of its production increases. The certain efficiency. Determining (predicting)
solution of this problem, as evidenced by the numerical performance indicators of these
experience of developed countries of the projects is an important stage in their
world, is possible through the development of management (Tryhuba et al. 2019).
technical and technological service We will identify the main components
cooperatives. of the relevant scientific and methodological
foundations. The first component of these
THE ANALYSIS OF RECENT bases is the development of a method for
RESEARCHES AND PUBLICATIONS forecasting indicators of the effectiveness of
the technical capacity of the ACP. From an
A sufficient legal basis has been created engineering point of view, this task is
in Ukraine to form service cooperatives formulated in this way - to determine the
(Ukrainian Law 2003). However, until power and number of techniques that should
recently, effective development of be available for this or that ACP. It is well-
cooperation in agricultural production is not known that power (Pr) and the number (Nr) of
observed. The reasons for this situation lie mobile power engineering are the main
both in the absence of proper state support parameters (Zr) of the machine-tractor park
and in the lack of scientific substantiation of ACP (Аdamchuk et al. 2014). For their
the relevant socioeconomic process. In justification, two main methods are used -
particular, the corresponding state target deterministic and statistical (probabilistic)
program has not yet been created. Existing (Аdamchuk et al. 2014). The deterministic
scientific developments are mainly concerned method is more simple and affordable for
with the functioning of cooperatives (Tryhuba engineering calculations, but it does not take
2015a; Tryhuba 2015b; Tryhuba et al. 2019). into account the probable nature of the
Questions about their formation are not processes of the use of technology, and
substantiated enough. In particular, there are therefore does not guarantee the reliability of
no scientific recommendations for the results (Аdamchuk et al. 2014). In other
substantiating the parameters of technical and words, the use of this method can lead to false
technological service cooperatives. results.
The experience of the developed Is the disclosure of scientific and
countries of the world shows that the methodological approaches to the
organization of agricultural production on a substantiation of the parameters of technical
cooperative basis is one of the most and technological service cooperatives.
progressive forms of its functioning. It allows
not only to ensure the production of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
competitive agricultural products, but also, to
a certain extent, to solve the social issue - to When using the deterministic method,
ensure employment of the rural population. the justification of the parameters (Zr) of the
Today in Ukraine there are more than technique is first given by the power (Pr) of a
50 thousand ACP, which own land resources single technical means. Subsequently, based
and are potential production cooperatives. In on the annual plan of mechanized work of this
particular, there are 1023 agricultural service or that ACP, technological operations are
cooperatives and 992 agricultural production presented for the cultivation of all crops in the
cooperatives. Their technical potential is given ACP. After that, agricultural machines
ineffective (degraded and requires a are selected which can be aggregated with the

appropriate power tool. This makes it possible probabilistic approach. In this regard, we note
to determine the daily productivity (qφ) of that technological processes in crop
each machine (machine-tractor) unit for production occur in a changing natural
performing each (φ-th) technological environment. In particular, it is inherent in the
operation of the annual plan of mechanized stochastic influence of agrometeorological
works. The required number (Nrφ) of the r-th conditions, which determine the feasibility
brand of power tools to perform φ- and the possibility of performing those or
technological operations is determined from a other mechanized works. In this case,
known dependence: appropriate events are considered with
probabilistic time of their onset.The method
Q of substantiation of the need for ACP in the
N r  , (1) technical support developed by us is based on
q  tо the statistical simulation of the functioning of
technological systems (FTS), which consist of
where Qφ – square, which should be a plurality of fields to be processed (plowing,
processed while performing the φ operation, fertilizing, sowing, care of crops, harvesting),
ha; tо – optimal agrotechnical term of the φ technical means by which mechanized
operation, taking into account the effect of operations are performed on the processing of
bad weather, days. fields, as well as performers (operators) that
After determining Nrφ a calendar provide this processing. The statistical
schedule of energy needs should be built, simulation of the functioning (technological
taking into account the possible overlapping processes) of the FTS is based on the system-
event approach, which allows taking into
tо of their use in individual operations.
account all major events and work in projects
According to this schedule, we estimate of agricultural production (Tryhuba et al.
possible periods of intense in using energy 2013). Let's concentrate on the methodical
(periods with the highest values  N r . For peculiarities of the system-event approach
 (Аdamchuk et al. 2014).
each such period, the possibility of reducing Events apply to all major components of
the number of energy resources by adjusting FTS: 1) Fields (P); 2) agricultural crops (k);
(shifting) agrotechnical terms is considered. agrometeorological conditions (A); 4)
Ultimately, on the basis of the analysis of the performers (C); 5) technical means (Tn)
appearance of the calendar schedule, the (Sydorchuk et al. 2012). The presence of
corrected demand for power vehicles with a fields (P), each of which is cultivated or
given engine power of Pp, make decisions harvested by one or another agricultural crop
about the value 

k  N r (where k – (k) forms the base set of corresponding events
of the first species - {PC}. The operations to
agricultural crop grown in ACP). be performed on these fields form the
Thus, the method under consideration derivative of the set of events – {φk}.
does not take into account the risk of lowering Agrometeorological conditions determine the
the yield due to the lack of timely set of basic events of the second kind – {Аφk}.
performance of agricultural work, as well as These events relate to each individual crop (k)
possible unproductive simple energy during cultivated in the corresponding fields (φ) of a
working hours due to lack of work. At the particular APC. Therefore, the peculiarities of
same time, the method under consideration their research are the study of the influence of
makes it possible to quickly orient in the agrometeorological conditions on the state of
technical need of the ACP without proper fields with sown on them crops. Thus, events
evaluation of the effectiveness of a project of with performers are also derivatives. They
their technical support. Conceptually, we determine for each working day the possible
consider the new, developed by us, method of time for the beginning and end of mechanized
substantiating the parameters of the technical agricultural work, determines the release of
support of the ACP based on the use of the performers to work and the termination of it
8 А. Тryhuba, O. Ftoma, I. Тryhuba, O. Bashynsky

because of the limitation of the variable time agrotechnical optimum period for the
of their work. In addition, the time for implementation of the φ-mechanized
commencement and completion of work in operation for k agricultural crop; {C} – set of
one or another day is also determined by events of possible and impossible execution
agrometeorological conditions that form the of mechanized processes (operations) due to a
basic events of the second species. These social factor; w k – the average tempo of
conditions affect the physical condition of the
execution of the φ-mechanized operation for k
surface of the fields of cultivated crops, as
well as the air environment, which
predetermines the possibility of mechanized An average pace was w k
agricultural work. Thus, on the basis of performance of φ-ї operation of growing k
comparison of the time of occurrence in each culture depends on parameters (power) Pr and
particular era subject-agrometeorological and amount Nr of used machines, and also
social (the presence of performers, ready to manufacturing features Вп fields:
perform work) events is determined by the
time of the beginning and completion of these wk  f //  Pr , Nr , Bп  . (3)
works. Summarizing the results of the
analysis of the events of the functioning of the
FTS, we note that for each field and the Let’s notice, that manufacturing
agricultural crop cultivated on it determine the features Вп of fields and parameters Pr
events of the beginning of seasonal work, machines determine speed Vrφk of their
weather and humidity intervals in these movement on fields, and also frequency of
seasons, the beginning and end of breaks of occurrence (βро) and duration of performance
good intervals of time within individual days, (tро) of their reversal:
as well as completion mechanized works of
one kind or another during the season Vr k  f / / / ( Bn , Pr );
(Аdamchuk et al. 2014). In addition, for each . (4)
type of seasonal work on the basis of (  po , t po )  f IV ( Bn , Pr )
simulation determine the amount of
mechanized work performed outside Moreover, features Вп of fields and
agrotechnical optimum time. This volume for parameters Pr of machines determine
φ-o type of work determines the loss of technological stops, that have negative impact
potential yield of k agricultural crop. As a
on time pace w k of performance of
result of the simulation of the functioning of
the FTS, they also identify simple Tnrs r mechanized operations. Probabilistic
machines, due to the lack of φ-o type of work. character of components of average pace w k
At the same time, we note that the simple Tnrf of performance particular operations
are determined for the agronomically optimal determine the necessity of its estimation.
period of execution of the φ works. Indicators Taking into account an impact of all the
and Tnrφ relate to the functional performance events {Aφk} of agrometeorological conditions
indicators of FTS (Аdamchuk et al. 2014). on performance of agrarian works, their
They are conditioned by relevant events
(Tryhuba et al. 2013):
functional indicators Qнk , Tnr  are
probabilistic. Estimation of the statistical
Q k
, Tnr   f ({Пk },
characteristics of the corresponding
distributions is possible only on the basis of
, (2) statistical simulation modelling of systems for
tok { A k },{C}, w k )
growing crops (Tryhuba et al. 2018a; Tryhuba
et al. 2018b; Hulida et al. 2019; Gonchar
where {Пkφ} – the set of fields with k culture, 2014; Vasylieva 2016).
on which φ-a mechanized operation is Considering such systems as FTS, the
performed; tok – the duration of the rationale for their efficiency is reduced to the

definition of rational parameters, which are Conceptually, we designate the characteristic

divided into characteristics (Sn) of production trends of changes in functional indicators
plans of mechanized works, parameters (Zt) of Qнk , Tnr  from parameters FTS. If there are
technical support of service cooperatives, as
fixed plans (Sn=const) and amount of the
well as parameters (Zn) providing by
performers (Zn=const), then increase of
executors (Tryhuba 2017). The engineering
parameters Zт leads to decrease of an average
and technical task of substantiating the
parameters of techno-technological service value Qнk and increase of an average value
cooperatives is reduced to the definition of a Tnr (Figure).
rational relationship between their indicators
and parameters (Tryhuba 2015a).


Figure 1. Trends in changing the average volume ( Qнk ) of untimely executed mechanized works
and average downtime Tnr of equipment from the parameters of technical support FTS

The opposing tendencies of changes in different parameters of technical support of

the mean values of functional indicators are FTS, as well as evaluating these indicators in
the main reason for determining the optimal monetary or energy equivalents, it is possible
(rational) value of FTS parameters. To do to find the optimal values of these parameters,
this, the average values of functional which provide the minimum values of total
indicators Qнk і Tnr should be presented in losses and costs when performing that or
other mechanized work. The considered
energy or money value. Volume Qнk of methods of substantiation of the technical
untimely mechanized works leads, as already support parameters of the agricultural
noted, to crop losses, which are easy to assess production of the FTS are important
either in energy or in monetary units (Tryhuba components of the justification of the
effective parameters of technical and
2017; Bushuev 2009). Downtime Tnr of technological servicing cooperatives. In
machinery due to the lack of work in the particular, they are the basis of decisions not
working agronomically allowed time, cause only of managerial tasks to justify the
the increase in the cost price of the crop - corresponding parameters of cooperatives, but
increases the cost of depreciation from the also the current management of the formation
"freezing" of capital funds (investments). of their efficiency at the expense of a rational
These costs can also be expressed in terms of distribution of technology for the
energy equivalent. Thus, having predicted implementation of mechanized works in
with the help of statistical simulation the individual fields. In this case, the
average values of functional indicators for management task is formulated as follows: in
10 А. Тryhuba, O. Ftoma, I. Тryhuba, O. Bashynsky

each separate working day it is necessary to simulation. Monography. Nizhyn: 224 (in
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CONCLUSIONS 46 (5): 15–34.
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reconciling the characteristics of No. 63(1): 308–316,
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2. Existing methods for solving these harvesting early grain, oilseed and legume
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Anna Miernik

University of Agriculture in Cracow, Faculty of Production and Power Engineering, Department of

Machinery Management, Ergonomics and Production Processes
116B Balicka Av.,30-145 Cracow, Poland,

Abstract. The aim of the research was exposed to in the work environment (Tabor et
an ergonomic evaluation of the working al. 2003). Heat exchange between man and
environment in the potato storage room. The the environment is determined by physical
scope of work included the measurement of factors such as: air temperature, air movement
the basic parameters of the physical speed, average radiation temperature and
environment in individual rooms of the potato water vapor pressure, as well as clothing and
storage room. On the basis of measurements, energy expenditure of man (Sudoł-Szopińska
the degree of thermal comfort of employees et al. 2006).
with PMV and PPD indicators was Koradecka (1999) defines thermal
determined. There were no significant comfort, as the most favorable conditions, the
irregularities in the studied work microclimate of the room in which a person
environment, this observation applies to all feels good, and the thermal management of
measured values. It should be noted that his system is at its most economical. This
people working in the storage room condition results from the balance between
performed maintenance operations, where the the amount of heat produced in the body as a
energy expenditure rarely exceeded 1 meter. result of metabolic changes and heat losses
Based on the value of the PPD indicator, it from the body to the surrounding
can be stated that thermal discomfort will be environment. As a result of biological
felt by only 5% of the crew, which in the light differences, it is not possible to provide
of the applicable guidelines is a permissible thermal comfort to all persons staying in a
value. given room (Sudoł-Szopińska and in. 2007).
Keywords: microclimate, physical Providing employees with a sense of thermal
environment, noise, ergonomics comfort by adjusting appropriate parameters
of the work environment positively
INTRODUCTION influences, among others, to improve
concentration, reduce the number of mistakes
The working environment in the made, reduce the number of accidents and
potato storage room is determined by the occupational diseases, thereby reducing
technological process, which forces the professional absences, as well as improving
microclimate to maintain a certain regime, work efficiency (Kroner et al. 1994). Studies
which may be contrary to their optimal range analyzing relationships, between quality of
required by man. work and various physical variables of the
The temperature of the external environment, confirm that it correlates better
environment, both heat and cold, has a with comfort than with any other single
significant impact on human work due to the variable (Allan et al. 1979).
impact it has on physiological processes, The basic and commonly used
psychomotor performance and cognitive indicators of assessment of the moderate
processes (Sudoł - Szopińska et al. 2006). The environment are: PMV (Predictive Mean
constant warmth of the human body is Vote) - predicted average thermal comfort
maintained thanks to the thermoregulatory rating and PPD (Predicted Percentage of
mechanisms, which, however, cannot always Dissatisfied) - predicted percentage of
meet the thermal loads that the body is dissatisfied (Fanger et al. 1974). PMV is an
14 A. Miernik

indicator used to determine the so-called a nuisance, obstructing work and causing
predicted average thermal environment rating stress and various health problems
in a given room. For a given PMV value, it is (Augustyńska et al. 2012). Puzyna (1981)
also possible to determine the PPD index, i.e. also states that noise has a significant impact
the expected percentage of dissatisfied on the quality and accuracy of the work
persons, thus assessing the definitely performed, and it is even more noticeable to
negatively studied thermal environment them that this work requires more focus or
(Sudoł-Szopińska et al. 2007). According to accuracy.
PN - 85 / N - 080013, the PPD should assume The aim of the conducted research
for a moderate climate a value of less than was an ergonomic assessment of the work
10%, then the PMV indicator is 90% and falls environment in a potato storage room. The
within the range from - 0.5 to +0.5. Such scope of work included measurement of basic
values of indicators inform about the fact that physical environment parameters such as
90% of people in given conditions feel lighting intensity, sound level, air movement
thermal comfort, and 10% feel discomfort. It speed, heat radiation, air temperature, relative
was shown that the exposure to temperature humidity in individual rooms of the potato
higher than 21˚C causes a decrease in storage room. In addition, the influence of
psychophysical fitness by 6% in relation to selected values on the thermal comfort of
the neutral temperature, while at a employees was described by PMV and PPD
temperature exceeding 26 ˚C one can observe indicators. The research was carried out
a decrease in the level of attention, perception during the summer during maintenance works
and reflex, especially during short, ie below of storage devices and work to prepare the
120-minute exposure time (Traczyk et al. storage room for accepting potatoes.
According to the norm PN - 85 / N - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
08013, the optimal value of air temperature
for the summer period and the work of Methodology. The research was carried out
medium heavy type should be in the range in a potato storage room belonging to the Top
from 20°C to 23°C (Śliwowski 2000). The Farms "Głubczyce" Spółka z o.o. producing
feeling of draft depends on the degree of about 30 thousand each year. tons of potatoes.
turbulence, also on the degree of air The subject of the research was the evaluation
temperature and the surface of the body of the microclimate in the potato storage
exposed to it. A significant influence on room, taking into account the rooms included
thermal comfort is also the insulation of work in the complex and having significant
clothing and protective clothing used at importance from the technological point of
workplaces, especially the so-called a barrier view. The storage room in which the tests
that fundamentally limits the heat exchange were carried out consisted of seven storage
between man and the environment chambers and one cooling chamber with a
(Kozłowski et al. 1995). total capacity of 16 thousand tons of potatoes
Noise is one of the most common and rooms: for washing potatoes, social and
harmful and burdensome factors in the work office. The corridor used for technological
environment. Long-term exposure to it and its purposes was the place connecting all storage
high levels (above 80-85 dB) may pose a rooms. Measurements of basic microclimate
significant threat to the organ of hearing and parameters were made in fifteen places of
the health of employees (Augustyńska et al. each of the storage chambers tested (Figure 1)
2012). According to Wilkus [2007], noise is and in twenty-four places located in the
one of the most important health risks for an handling corridor and in fifteen places of the
employee of the agri-food industry both in the room used for rinsing potatoes.
preparation process and during the production
itself. Noise at lower levels (55-75 dB) can be

Figure 1. An example of distribution of measurement points in the tested object

Source: own study

To exclude false results, the measuring presented in dB (A) indicate the use of a
points were removed from the side walls by at correction curve in the course of a
least 1.5 m, while the height of the measurement that is inverse to the course of
measurement points was the same for all 40 phonemes. Measurements were made at
measurements and was 1 m. The the dynamic behavior setting "S" (slow),
measurements of basic physical parameters of while the calibration of the meter with the
the air were made by the MM-01 microphone was performed using the MKD
microclimate complying with the PN-ISO PF 101 - 62709 calibrator.
7726 standard. Air temperature, thermal The intensity of light was measured
radiation temperature, air relative humidity, by an L-50 luxmeter with accuracy class A
air movement speed was measured and after according to CIE (Commision Internationale
declaring the thermal insulation value of de l'Eclairage). The measurement of daylight
clothing (clo) and individual energy intensity was made based on the PN - EN
expenditure of an employee (met), the PPD 12464 - 1 standard.
and PMV indicators were determined. Results. It was observed that the average
To measure the sound level a class 2 air temperature in the analyzed work
sound level meter (PN-79 / T-06460) type I- environment was 18 ° C and had very little
01 was used, whose operation is based on the differentiation (less than 1 ° C). The largest
measurement of sound pressure. variation in the air temperature value was
Determination of measurement points and recorded in the storage chamber "A", which
principles of noise measurements were made expressed by the coefficient of variation was
in accordance with the applicable Polish 4.7% at an average temperature of 18 ° C.
Standard PN - EN ISO 9612. In order for the Taking into account the total
measurement results to be close to the actual synergy of many factors related to the work
human auditory sensations, a correction environment, clothing and the type of activity
system was applied, the corrected weighted performed, the PMV indicator was
level, so-called decibel A. The results determined. In the case of the analyzed rooms
16 A. Miernik

(Fig. 2) no irregularities were found. The indicator was -0.31 with a relatively high
average value of the PMV indicator was - coefficient of variation of up to 62%. Only in
0.09, which indicates that the working people the case of room "G" the value of the PMV
felt a slight coolness in the storage room. The indicator was a positive value (0.075), which
greatest sense of coolness was recorded in corresponded to the feeling of slight heat by
room "E" where the value of the PMV the people working there.

Figure 2. Average value of the PMV index (expected average rating) in the rooms under
Source: own study
The highest variation in the value of low mosaicism of the spatial structure (Figure
the PMV indicator (coefficient of variation 3).
over 200%) was characterized by room "D". It
should be noted, however, that the high
coefficient of variation was characterized by

Figure 3. Spatial distribution of the predicted average rating in the room "D"
Source: own study

The highest PMV indicator (0.4) was found Figure 4 presents the average value
near the entrance to the room, and the of the PPD index recorded in individual
smallest values of the analyzed index of -0.35 rooms. The average value of the PPD index,
were recorded in the interior of the room. The including all the rooms studied, was 5.8%.
average value of the PMV indicator in the The highest PPD ratio of 8.48% was found in
subject room was -0.064, which meant good the "E" room, which was 3.36 units higher
working conditions with a slight sense of than the smallest value recorded in the "C"
coolness. room.

Figure 4. The average value of the PPD index (expected percentage of dissatisfied) in the
examined rooms
Source: own study

There was relatively small variation in structure of the volatility of the indicator in
the analyzed size within individual rooms not the corridor was of a different nature.
exceeding 10%, except for room 'E', where There were high PPD values in the
the coefficient of variation was 16.8%. area of the rear entrance, decreasing towards
In the case of spatial analysis of the the front entrance, where the number of
expected percentage of people dissatisfied people experiencing thermal discomfort did
with the working conditions in a potato not exceed 5%.
rinsing room, it was found that in the central The highest value of the air
part of the room conditions prevail, from movement speed (fig. 6) was found in the
which more than 10% of employees were room "F", where it was 0.16 m ∙ s-1 at a
dissatisfied. At the same time, it should be relatively high, as much as 72% coefficient of
noted that the smallest thermal discomfort variation. The average value of the air
was felt in the vicinity of the side walls of the velocity in the tested rooms was 0.07 m ∙ s-1.
room where the PPD index fluctuated in the The relative difference between the extreme
area of zero with the arithmetic mean of the recorded values of air velocity was as much as
room being 5.27%. Despite the comparable 90% (room "B" and "F"), but in absolute
average PPD index of 5.21%, the spatial terms it was only 0.14 m ∙ s-1.
18 A. Miernik

Figure 5. Air velocities in the tested rooms

Source: own study

The largest variation in the air velocity values From the point of view of comfort
was recorded in room "A", where the average and safety at work, the level of sound
value of the air velocity is 0.07 m ∙ s-1 intensity is important. Figure 6 presents the
coefficient of variation reached the value of average values of sound intensity recorded in
129%. the rooms under examination. The highest
The highest humidity of 74.4% was sound level of 76.8 dB (A) was found in the
recorded in the room "G" while the lowest in room "G" (cold room and a room for rinsing
the room "F", which was by 13.5 units potatoes), and the smallest 53.6 dB (A) in the
smaller. The average value of relative storage chamber (room "E"). It should be
humidity including all tested rooms was noted that the sound intensity measurement in
65.8%. Analyzing the differentiation of the "G" room took place during operation of
relative humidity in individual rooms it was devices used for rinsing potatoes. The average
found that the highest coefficient of variation sound level of all analyzed rooms was 62.6
was characterized by room "F" (11.2%), while dB (A). It should be noted that in rooms
the lowest coefficient of variation of 3.9% marked with the symbols "A", "B", "C", "D"
room "C". being storage chambers, from which potatoes
The average value of light intensity were removed, the level of sound intensity
in the rooms under examination was 150.6 was on the level of 60 dB (A), which is
lux. The largest value of 738.9 lux was admissible in the light of current standards.
recorded in the "F" room (technological The greatest variation was found in room "A",
corridor). Apart from the technological where the coefficient of variation was 19%.
corridor where the most manipulations are The average value of the sound intensity in
performed, there is a potato rinsing room room "A" was 53 dB (A). Analyzing the
("G"), where the light intensity was 154.5 lx spatial distribution of sound intensity, it was
with the coefficient of variation 27%. The observed that the lowest values below 37 dB
spatial structure of the light intensity was (A) were recorded in the central part of the
adequate to the technological sequence for room, while the highest values of over 67 dB
rinsing potatoes, i.e. the highest values of (A) were found near the entrance door. It
light intensity were located along the room. should be noted that the difference in sound
intensity within the analyzed room was about
30 dB (A).

Figure 6. Differentiation of sound intensity in the rooms under examination

Source: own study

Analyzing the spatial structure of 4. The average value of light

the sound intensity in the "G" room used for intensity in the rooms under examination was
rinsing potatoes, it was noted that the highest 150.6 lux. The highest value (738.9 lux) was
sound intensity values occurred along the recorded in the room "F" (technological
central part of the room. In this part of the corridor), while the lowest intensity (2.0-2.4
room, the current standards were exceeded lux) in the storage chambers "B" and "C".
(over 85 dB (A)). 5. The highest sound level of 76.8
dB (A) was found in the room "G" (cold room
CONCLUSION and a room for rinsing potatoes) and the
smallest 53.6 dB (A) in the storage chamber
1. It was found that there was no (room "E"), which translated into a 30%
abnormality in terms of thermal comfort relative difference.
expressed by the PMV index, the value of
which fluctuated between -0.32 (working REFERENCES
people in the storage room they felt a slight
coolness) up to 0.075 (corresponds to the Augustyńska D., Pleban D. Radosz J. 2012.
feeling of slight heat felt by those working Zagrożenia hałasem na stanowiskach pracy
there). w Polsce i innych państwach Unii
2. The average value of the PPD Europejskiej. Medycyna Pracy, 63(6): 689-
index was 5.8%. The highest PPD ratio of 700 (in Polish).
8.48% was found in room "E", which was Allan J. R., Belyavin C. A., Flik C. A.,
3.36 units larger than the lowest recorded Higenbottam C. 1979. Detection of Visual
value of this indicator. signals during induced cycles of core
3. The observed relative temperature. RAF Institute of Aviation
difference between the recorded extreme Medicine, Farnborough, England, Report
values of air velocity was as much as 90% No 592.
(room "B" and "F"), but in absolute terms it Fanger P. O., Kostyrko K., Kostyrko A. 1974.
was only 0.14 m ∙ s-1. Komfort cieplny. Arkady (in Polish).
20 A. Miernik

Koradecka D. 1999. Bezpieczeństwo pracy i Tabor A., Pieczonka A. 2003. Zarządzanie

ergonomia. Możliwości psychofizyczne bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy. Aspekty
człowieka w środowisku pracy Tom. I. ludzkie w zarzadzaniu bezpieczeństwem i
CIOP. Warszawa. ISBN 83-901740-6-5 (in higiena pracy. Tom III, Kraków
Polish). Politechnika Krakowska. Centrum
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do fizjologii klinicznej. PZWL Warszawa ISBN 83-7242-266-4.
(in Polish). Traczyk W. Z., Trzebski A. 2004. Fizjologia
Kroner W. M., Stark-Martin J. A. 1994. człowieka z elementami fizjologii
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and office-worker productivity, ASHRAE (in Polish).
Trans., 100(2) Wilkus S. 2007. Hałas na stanowiskach pracy
Puzyna Cz. 1981. Ochrona środowiska pracy ubojni bydła. Inżynieria Rolnicza. Nr 7
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Określenie warunków komfortu wskaźników PMV, PPD i wymagań
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Ernest Popardowski

University of Agriculture in Cracow, Faculty of Production and Power Engineering, Department of

Machinery Management, Ergonomics and Production Processes
ul. Michała Oczapowskiego 11, Cracow, Poland,

Abstract. The work determined the еt al. 2019). GIS is often used for creating
effect of using different interpolation methods digital maps. Digital maps are a
of spatial data on the generalization of spatial representation of reality. Due to its
image map of selected operating parameters complexity, they only present simplification.
concerning a machine unit, i.e. skid and fuel Differences between digital maps and real
consumption. The scope of work included the maps can be spatial as well as attribute ones
measurement of selected operating parameters because they result from measurement errors.
during field study conducted within field of In the case of GIS systems, measurements are
the area equal 30 ha, complete with an carried out only at selected locations and with
indication of geographical coordinates at the very limited accuracy. It causes many
time of subsoiling stubble. Deterministic and problems, which in turn contributes to the
stochastic interpolation maps of the spatial occurrence of serious errors (Hengl, 2007,
distribution of measured values submitted for Benett et al. 2013).
analysis the impact of the selection of Interpolation is for the numerical method.
interpolating algorithm on spatial Positioning the value of the function
visualization of their volatility. Obtained anywhere on the spot in which the z (x, y)
results were compared with maps constructed value is determined. They are so-called
by alternative method for interpolation, interpolation nodes (Hoang 2016). With these
consisting in determining the statistical points there is a chance to determine the
average value of the data size for the trial of interpolation function: z=f(x,y). This formula
the immediate neighborhood. It was noted expresses the approximation of a function
that the best results will give the method of with an unknown notation that was originally
ordinary kriging interpolation. However, describing the phenomenon. The function
some other methods, especially IDW method goes through the same points with a
allows for quite correct mapping of spatial predetermined z (x, y) value. However, it is
measured values. not certain whether it runs in the same way as
Keywords: visualization, spatial the output function.
interpolation, GPS, GIS The most common methods in the
interpolation process are:
INTRODUCTION a) Nearest Neighbor Method
the nearest measurement point. As a
Modern precision agriculture is result, the division into polygons with a
inextricably linked with the use of uniform value of a given parameter (the so-
computerized technologies, which include, called Thyssen polygon) is created. The
among others, the so-called Global change of values at the boundaries of the
Information System (GIS). Its task is to polygons occurs in a stepwise manner. It is an
collect, store, process, analyze and share interpolation method called deterministic,
spatial data (e.g. location, shape or size) and faithful, local, non-continuous (Pudełko,
descriptive data (Kwietniewski, 2008; Selvam 2007).
22 E. Popardowski

b) Inverse Distance Weighted The main tests included measurement of

The value assigned to a point in space results operating parameters unit. They were made in
from the interpolation of the values from the autumn on the stubble after harvesting winter
measurement points. They come from the wheat. During the measurements, a
previously designated neighborhood. The cultivating aggregate was used, consisting of
weighted average of the observation is then a Massey Ferguson 235 agricultural tractor
significant. The obtained weights are and a U460 / 2 subsoiler (Fig.2). The
inversely proportional to the distant individual agriculture tool has been modernized in such
measuring points. It can be a linear a way that it is possible to adjust the copying
dependence or raised to a power (usually depth of work. The aggregate is equipped
second or third degree). This method can be with measuring equipment. Due to it, data on
considered as deterministic, local and faithful. the real speed of the aggregate, its skid and
The purpose of this work was to fuel consumption by the tractor were
determine the influence of the spatial data obtained.
interpolation method (Inverse Distance Composed of a cultivating unit and
Weighted and Nearest Neighbor) on the sensors, the measuring system is integrated
degree of diversity in spatial map image with a portable computer thanks to unified
generalization, using selected operating connectors. A central, mobile measuring unit
parameters such as: skid and fuel was created in this way. The Panasonic CF 29
consumption by the tractor. computer was placed in a special stand inside
cabine (Fig.3). It cooperated with the
MATERIALS I METHODS DaqBook / 2000A measuring card.
Specially prepared software (Kiełbasa
The study used research done in 2016 in et al. 2005) allowed to correlate all measured
the area of agricultural land of Top Farms quantities. Additionally, in order to obtain
Głubczyce. The farm covers an area geolocation data, an antenna receiving a GPS
measuring 12,000 hectares. It is located in the signal - NovAtel Smart was mounted on the
south of Poland, in several municipalities. roof of the tractor. This system enabled the
The area of the experiment had a rectangular necessary positioning of the aggregate. A free
shape with an area of 30 ha, and the soil GPS Monitor application was used for all
belonged to plastic clay. configurations used in determining
The research was of a staged nature. The coordinates.
activities were carried out in several 2.1. Method for measuring the skid of
successive phases. The overview diagram tractor drive wheels. During the tests, the
shows all activities related to their difference between the real speed value of the
implementation (Fig.1). The aggregate tractor's drive wheel skid was measured,
crossed out a rectangular, cross-country measured by the CORREVIT L-400 sensor
course, which made possible to create clear and the theoretical speed calculated from the
maps of the spatial differentiation of the rotation of the drive wheels. The main
parameters studied. With the use of such a components of the measuring device are
method of running the aggregate, the direction ferrite magnets and reed switch sensors
of earlier crops of the field had no effect on (Kiełbasa 2011).
the results of the analyzes. Subsequent The inner part of the tractor's drive
passages were divided by a distance of no wheels is equipped with steel rims with a
more than 30 m. This allowed to collect radius of 0.4 m, to which, in turn, at the
enough information, at the same time intervals of 0.105 m, twenty-four magnets are
obtaining a faithful image of the measured fixed (Fig. 4). At a distance of approx. 0.005
quantities. The research used copying depth m, inductive sensors were placed immovably
control of the subsoiler, amount to 0.3 m. The and frontally against magnets. The sensors
aggregate speed during measurements was 1 generated magnetic impulses recorded by the
ms-1, while the sampling rate of the software and the measurement card as a result
instruments: 1 Hz. of rotation of the wheel.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the conducted research


a) b)
Figure 2. Cultivation aggregate used in the tests - a) MF 235 tractor and b) subsoiler U 460/2
24 E. Popardowski

a) b)

Figure 3. Measuring stand in the MF 235 tractor equipped with a) Panasonic CF 29 computer board
and b) DaqBook 2000A measuring card


1 - on-board computer;
2 - sensor mounting bracket;
3 - reed switch sensor;
4 - ferrite magnets;
5 - ring holding magnets;
6 - drive wheel

Figure 4. View and schematic of fixing the reed switch sensor at the drive wheel of the MF 235

To calculate the actual number of n2 - number of turns of the tractor

rotations of drive wheels, the tractor used the wheel during towing;
Finally, the value of the tractor's driving
(1) wheels skidding was obtained using the
nrz - rotational speed of the tractor's ( ) (3)
drive wheel [ ];
li - number of pulses per unit of time where:
[ s-1];  - skidding of the tractor's drive
lm - number of magnets on the wheels [%];
circumference of the wheel. vrz - real speed of the aggregate
determined by an optical sensor [ms-
To measure the skid of the drive 1
wheels, their dynamic radius had to be
determined. On the 50-meter section of the 2.2. Method of measuring fuel
concrete ground, the rotation of the tractor's consumption. To determine the fuel
driving wheels was counted using the video- consumption of the MF 235 tractor,
computer method, travel this distance during measurements were made using the VZO-4
towing; as well as using tractor own drive fuel meter. This meter consists of a piston
(Budyn et al. 2003). The tractor, regardless placed eccentrically in a cylinder with a larger
of the type of drive, moved at a constant diameter, with two holes (Fig. 5). The rotating
speed of 1 ms-1.In this way, data was piston pumps the specified amount of fuel
obtained for calculating the dynamic radius of (diesel oil) per unit of time. The inlet aperture
the tractor's drive wheels. is supplied with diesel oil filling the space
These quantities were used to calculate between the partition and the inside of the
the radius using the dependence: piston, introducing it into motion. Then
flowing further through the outlet opening.
(2) This is one cycle. During each cycle, the same
amount of fuel is pumped through the meter,
because the meter module is a vessel with a
specific capacity. The magnetic clutch rotates
rd - dynamic radius of the drive wheel
the piston, and the individual revolutions are
recorded and counted, which allows the
s - the length of the measuring section
measurement of flowing fuel.
n1 - number of turns of the tractor
wheel when driving with own drive;

Figure 5. Cross-section and demonstrative principle of operation of the VZO-4 fuel meter
The fuel meter has been placed in the fuel tank, but to the injection pump. Due to this, a
system of the MF 235 tractor in front of the repeated measurement of the same amount of
injection pump. Excessive amount of fuel fuel was not possible. The VZO-4 sensor
from the injectors was directed not to the generated a signal that went through the
26 E. Popardowski

measuring card to the implemented on-board is the Inverse Distance Weighted method.
computer software of the tractor. Figure 6 presents spatial visualization of fuel
3. Results. Visualizations showing the consumption by an agricultural tractor,
diversity of selected aggregate parameters resulting from the real measurement. The data
were made in the SAGA GIS program. The obtained was interpolated using the IDW
resulting maps have been subjected to two method, using a power factor of two, with a
methods of interpolation: model resolution of 10 m. Analyzing this
NN (Nearest Neighbour) case, it could been notice a "strip system" of
IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) the parameter under examination.
3.1 Fuel consumption. The most
popular, deterministic method of interpolation

Figure 6. Window for visualization of interpolated data of real fuel consumption using the IDW

It can be observed that the lowest fuel In models interpolated by these

consumption occurred in the central part of methods, the most significant impact is the
the field and amounted to approx. 2.49 kg∙h-1, local variance, or stationarity of the data set.
while the highest values prevailed in the In statistic distributions of subsets, a large
upper left part, amounting to approx. 3.4 kg∙h- local variance results in locally occurring
. Six other smaller fuel consumption centers differences. Specifying values in NN models
of similar values were created in the area of for these types of areas can significantly
the tested field. Along the bottom edge there differ. The decisive attribute is the range
are the same averaged values at around 3 (most often the radius) of the subset selection:
kg∙h-1. the extent of the analysis is larger, the more
The second way to interpolate the real the interpolated size tends to be generalized.
fuel consumption data is Nearest Neighbor In cases where the ray is going to zero - the
method (NN). The principle of completing interpolated values to a greater extent reflect
data, as in the case of classic interpolation the local diversity of the interpolated feature.
methods, consists in choosing the technique Analysis of local variance and geographic
of finding the nearest points. The most distribution analysis should take place
favorable solution is to adopt a radius suited before the interpolation starts with the
to the model's resolution. GIS programs statistical averaging method. Named studies
facilitate the automatic creation of the are a sufficient criterion for choosing how to
median, the maximum value, the raster model identify local subsets. Analyzes of the
for the average, the minimum, the most and applications of local average usability to the
least characteristic (significant) for the subset creation of fuel consumption maps were
of data allocated in the nearest neighborhood. carried out in terms of the selection of such

parameter, in order that created model was maintaining the correctness of the measured
generalized to the extent allowing the quantity (Fig. 7).
reduction of the "bandwidth" effect, and thus

Figure 7. Window for visualization of interpolated variables of real fuel consumption using the NN

The range of fluctuations in fuel (IDW). Skid values oscillate between approx.
consumption for the NN method ranged from 4.4% and 5.3%. The map analysis shows that
2.3 kg∙h-1 to approx. 4.2 kg∙h-1 and was much the lowest slip occurred on the left upper field
higher in relation to the range of fluctuations area. A few groups with the smallest value
in the fuel consumption recorded in the case have been deployed all over the area, but they
of Inverse Distance Weighted methode. are incidental. High values of about 5.1-5.2%
3.2. Skid. The second tested parameter were recorded in the lower left part of the
was skid. Figure 8 shows the map made with field.
the Inverse Distance Weighted method

Figure 8. Window for visualization of interpolated skid variables using the IDW method
28 E. Popardowski

The map made by the NN method - of the field, and they assume a value of about
the Nearest Neighborhood (Fig. 9) shows that 4.1%. Similarly to the map generated by the
the skid range is wider than in the model IDW method, the largest skid was located in
made with the Inverse Distance Weighted the right, lower part of the field, but local
method and amounts to about 4.1% to 5.45%. spike in the value of the tested parameter they
The points with the lowest skid value are are clearer.
located in the left, lower part

Figure 9. Visualization window of interpolated skid variables by the NN method

Discussion. The interpolation CONCLUSION

technique in empirical sciences is used
primarily in the creation of maps allowing 1. When using interpolation
the estimation of the value of the previously methods from the deterministic group
unsampled feature, i.e. where the given (Inverse Distance Weighted, Nearest
value has not been measured before in the Neighbor), be aware that they give
area covered by the existing measurements. satisfactory results when the interpolation
The commonly used maps are based parameters are correctly selected. In the case
on the interpolation method adopted by of the analyzed quantities, i.e. skid and fuel
individual authors in an arbitrary way. The consumption by the tractor, it was observed
key, however, seems to be the choice of a that interpolation of the above-mentioned
method that allows the most accurate variables by the IDW method is sufficient for
representation of the real state. An attempt the implementation of processes related to
to compare various interpolation techniques precise production operations and conscious
in relation to agricultural production planning and implementation of the chosen
parameters has so far been undertaken only technology. The NN method can be used for
in relation to the yield of plants (Pudełko, standardized sampling points whose
2007). However, there are no studies coordinates are predetermined and do not
showing the differences in the obtained result from the spatial variability of a given
digital maps (in relation to the parameter. Summing up, it should be noted
exploitational aspects of agricultural that both methods can be used in such data
production), depending on the interpolation structures, but a better-quality fit of the map
method used. to real data was obtained using the IDW

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Oleksandr Miroshnyk1, Volodymyr Paranyuk2, Ihor Yatsiv2,

Maryana Ivankiv2, Oleksii Shvets2, Vasyl Bondarenko2

Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko1,

Lviv National Agrarian University2

Abstract. It is argued that transformation production progress (Zinchuk et al. 2017, Еc.
of the energy of electromagnetism, induced on Europa, 2016, Dankevych et al. 2017), confirms
seed material at the stage of its total that the actual problem can be solved by
homeostasis, into the life energy of crops transformation of the energy of controlled
according to the laws of nature, occurs by electromagnetism into the life energy of plants
means of transition radiation, initiated by according to the regularities of a revolving
controlled electromagnetism, induced on seed, process of crops evolution. It considers
at the crossing of electric charge of the electromagnetic origination of the standard
boundary, modelling the electromagnetism: air varieties of agricultural crops by transition
space – a plant cell. Experiments confirm that radiation (Grundas, 2004, Krasowski, 1997,
coherent interaction of the spectra of transition Miroshnyk et al. 2018).
radiation with the spectra, which generate bio- The issue of progress in crop production is
electromagnetisms of cell organelles, studied in the works and publications, which
sufficiently transform life energy conditions of argue the nature of the present investigations.
a cell. The scientific novelty of means and methods of
Keywords: ecological evolution, yields, such research performance can be substantiated
induced electromagnetism, transition radiation, by analysis of the works, presenting results of
coherent interaction. fundamental and applied investigations
(Miroshnyk et al. 2018, Paranjuk, 2015,
INTRODUCTION Fertilization, 1997, Vasylieva et al. 2015).
Actuality of the new hypothetical
The recent findings of agrarian science on the fundamentals of the mentioned researches is
problems of maintenance of soil fertility confirmed in the works (Ronald, 2003, Xavier
(Kadiyevskyy et al. 2014, Vilkhova et al. 2016) et al. 2016, Inozemtsev, 2012). Generally, the
provide the ground for solution of the most vital scientific discovery was declared at the previous
problems of humanity, particularly efficiency of stage of those investigations (Paranjuk, 2015).
cultivated crops production along with Theoretical investigations, presented in the
ecological recovery of the soil for their work (Miroshnyk et al. 2018), create a
growing. However, it deals with the focus of theoretical basis for experimental investigations.
crop growing on cease of soil degradation, The most important results of those
which has currently got a catastrophic scale investigations are described in the current work.
(Geletukha et al. 2014, Geletukha et al. 2013,
Golub et al. 2016, Zinchuk et al. 2017). MATERIALS AND RESEARCH
Moreover, nowadays, transfer of Ukrainian crop METHODS
production to the advanced level of productive Working hypothesis of electromagnetic
and ecological progress is an important recovery of a genotype. Electromagnetic
component of food and ecological safety of recovery of a genotype of the recognized variety
humanity (Chaikin, 2014, European of an agricultural crop is reasonable to be
Commission, 2012, Dankevych et al. 2016). performed according to the following
The analysis of recent findings of the regularities:
sciences, engaged in determination of crop
32 O. Miroshnyk, V. Paranjuk, I. Yatsiv, M. Ivankiv, O. Shvets, V. Bondarenko

 induced electromagnetism is actually an  collision of the electromagnetism

electric corona discharge at the stage of its induced in air environment in the form of
ignition with a possible reveal of plasma mobile elementary electric current and
discharge, which is produced by a difference of generated electric waves with biological charge,
potentials between corona needle electrode in induced in a cell, and biological electromagnetic
the form of electrically conducting plane, set waves, produce transition radiation on the
parallel to the plane. The plane contains edges surface of a cell (plasmatic) membrane. Spectra
of needles of the corona electrode at a pre- of that radiation enter coherent interaction with
determined permanent inter-electrode distance, spectrograms, which are radiated by cell
which is taken as necessary one for performance organelles and can recover life energy in cells,
of a corona process and intensity of the electric tissues and seed concerning the cell quantity
field, relating to the value of high voltage, and quality characteristics, which have been
connected to the electrodes; expected by selection of a genotype of the
 regulation of electric potential at a recognized variety of an agricultural crop.
corona needle electrode (electric voltage Technical and technological system of study of
between electrodes) maintains continuous electromagnetic recovery of genotypes of the
electric current between electrodes, which is recognized varieties of agricultural crops. A
revealed in a move of bulk charge at a principal scheme of the ungraded version of
permanent speed in the form of “avalanche of technical and technological system of study of
electrodes” and air atoms, ionized by them, electromagnetic recovery of genotypes of the
flowing down from needles; recognized varieties of agricultural crops is
demonstrated at the Fig. 1. Creation of the scheme
 on its way to a settling electrode, electric
has its historical ground and serves as a basis for a
current (mobile bulk electric charge) deposits a
new scientific direction concerning improvement
surface electric charge on the surface of a of the technology of seedbed treatment of seed
treated seed in the stage of total homeostasis. material. The mentioned investigation can be
The charge moves into the space of a seed bud taken as one of the stages of that scientific
in the form of a seed surface electric current; direction of research.
 in the process of move to a seed bud, A more detailed construction and principle of
current carriers, i.e. electrodes, arouse life operation of an electric frictional separator of seed
electromagnetism in cells and cell environment EFS-01m are described in the monograph
of a seed, according to the law of (Paranjuk, 2015). One should stress that a
electromagnetic induction; previous version of the separator in Russia was
 having reached the membrane of a cell at introduced into the system of seed-processing
the stage of its total homeostasis, electric machines for selection stations. It is currently still
current in the form of electrode flows onto the used there.
surface of the seed cover up to a pore in the The flat settling electrode 9 (Fig. 1, b) is made
cover and, having achieved it, focuses its move of foil-clad paper-based laminate with a removed
inside the cell, perpendicular to an elementary foil edge in order to prevent threshold effect, and
lot of the surface of cytoplasmic (cellular) with an under-set vibration device 8 with a
membrane within its pore; frequency of oscillations, which is equal to the
frequency of its own oscillations of an average
 flow of elementary electric current in the
seed 7 (Fig. 1, b) of a selection of quality certified
form of an electron from outside of a cell and
seeds. In a model scheme of the process of
onto its surface up to a pore, as well as in the receiving of electromagnetic effects by seed
pore inside the cell up to its intersection with material (Fig. 1, b), dielectric partitions 13 (Fig. 1,
the plane of external surface of membrane, c) are not depicted under the condition of
according to the law of electromagnetic correction of their absence while developing
induction for material environment, generates theoretical fundamentals by means of the values
the same charge in the cell with opposite of regulated parameters of electromagnetic
polarity, and the charge generates treatment of seed material, which enables logical
electromagnetic waves in it; and comprehensive building of theoretical
fundamentals of the process.

Figure 1. Technical and technological system of investigation of electromagnetic effects on seed

a – production experimental sample of an electric seed-treating machine for inducing of
electromagnetic effects on seeds of seed material in the system of its preparation – an electric
frictional separator of seed EFS-01m; b – a model scheme of the process of receiving of induced
electromagnetic effects by seed material; c – a universal model of a seed of seed material with an
open bud for receiving of induced electromagnetic effects; 1 – a unit of high voltage; 2 – a corona
needle electrode; 3 – a container of seed supply; 4 – a receiving bin for seed wastes; 5 – a leading
roller of a conveying separating belt; 6 – a brush for cleaning of a conveying belt from dust; 7 –
seeds; 8 – a vibration device; 9 – a flat settling electrode; 10 – a separating conveying belt; 11 – a
led roller of a conveyer; 12 – a receiving bin for certified seeds; 13 – a regulated electric driver of a
conveying belt; 14 – a dielectric partition in the operating zone of electromagnetic effects on
sowing material for polarization of inter-electrode space and seeds of seed material; 15 – a handle
to regulate angle of the conveying belt inclination to the horizon.

Parameters of generation of the controlled to production of new, objectively reliable, and

electromagnetism induced on the seed material reproductive knowledge about transformation of
at the stage of corona ignition are demonstrated electromagnetism into the evolution according
in the Table 1. It is a new, patented technical to the natural laws of life processes in a plant
and technological system (Paranjuk, 2015), and soil of its growing.
which reveals possibilities of the new approach
Table 1. Parameters of generation of the controlled electromagnetism, induced on the seed material
of cultivated crops at the stage of corona ignition
Parameters of electromagnetic effects
№ Unit of Argumentation of parameters
Parameter Value
1 2 3 4
1. Needle diameter mm 0,3
2. Needle length mm 30 Theoretically studied and
Distance between experimentally approved
3. mm 30
4. Inter-electrode distance mm 60 By the experiment
5. Electric field intensity Kw/cm 2,8-3,0 By conditions of corona ignition
6. Period of laying away day 5 According to the existing methods of
electric stimulation and laying away
7. Exposition of treatment second 3
before sowing
34 O. Miroshnyk, V. Paranjuk, I. Yatsiv, M. Ivankiv, O. Shvets, V. Bondarenko

Table 2. Results of the productive experiment concerning effect of stimulation of the seed material
of fodder perennials by means of induced electromagnetism
Growth of fodder and seed productivity of
Recognized variety of an agricultural herbaceous perennial grasses as compared to the control
crops in soil-climatic zones by zones, %

Herbage Hay Seed yield by years
Average for First Second Third
Species Sort Zones
in three years year year year
Pre-Carpathian red Forest Steppe 110 116 129 112 141
clover 6 Pre-Carpathian 118 137 116 120 118
Pre-Carpathian small Forest Steppe 128 130 150 144 165
Legume white clover 25 Pre-Carpathian 119 126 121 117 119
grasses Lishnianska small Forest Steppe 126 135 125 111 145
white clover Pre-Carpathian 120 124 115 125 120
Prydnistrovska hybrid Forest Steppe 112 108 130 104 132
clover 2 Pre-Carpathian 114 118 116 112 114
Drohobytskyi Forest Steppe 107 107 118 117 109
perennial ryegrass 2 Pre-Carpathian 125 125 118 122 120
Drohobytskyi Forest Steppe 116 126 116 114 125
6 Grasses
perennial ryegrass 19 Pre-Carpathian 119 119 121 128 125
Peredhirna common Forest Steppe 128 102 130 102 116
timothy 3 Pre-Carpathian 145 145 104 136 120

Results of the three-year productive intercellular radiations at the stage of

experiment concerning effect of stimulation of homeostasis.
the seed material of fodder perennial herbs by 2. Absorption of the induced
means of induced electromagnetism are electromagnetism by a plant cell for awakening
presented in the Table 2. The research first of transition radiations in the cell and cellular
substantiates the possibility of full reproduction environment of the seed occurs within the
of the effect of three-second stimulation of seed embryo.
in the growing generations. It supplies credible
argumentation of the scientific assumption that CONCLUSION
the controlled electromagnetism is capable to
develop the evolution of life process of plants, Results of data of experimental
according to the laws of nature. The evolution researches have first argued the regularity,
happens relating to the plants’ conditions, set by which confirms that electromagnetic recovery of
selection of the genotype of a definite standard the genotype of the recognized variety of
variety of agricultural crop for the soil and agricultural crops by means of controlled
climate zone. electromagnetism, induced on seed material, is
These grounded facts bear the following possible with consideration of the following
scientific novelty: regulations of the process:
1. The controlled electromagnetism, 1. ionic activity of the cell organelle
induced on the seed, transforms its energy into in the stage of its total homeostasis of a seed has
the energy of plant life by provoking transition symmetric harmonious character and
radiation in its cell in case, when its spectra electromagnetic radiations, produced by it, are
include the ones, which are capable to enter a capable to enter coherent interaction with the
coherent interaction with the spectra of transition radiation, generated in the cell;

2. a plant cell, tissue and seed at the Zinchuk T., Kutsmus N., Kovalchuk O.,
stage of a total homeostasis enables application Dankevych V., Usiuk T. 2017. Institutional
of the findings of mathematic physics Transformation of Ukraine’s Agricultural
concerning the spreading and effect of radiation Sector. Review of Economic Perspectives –
in complicated stochastic dielectric Národohospodářský Obzor. 17: 57 – 80.
environments; Chaikin O. V. 2014. Corporate responsibility,
3. detected regularities of controlled ecological certification aspect. Management
evolution of the plant-soil system in primary Theory and Studies for Rural Business and
seed study, according to the laws of the nature, Infrastructure Development. 36: 463–470.
and adaptive crop production, which is new- European Commission: A partnership between
established on the basis, are able to secure Europe and farmers 2012. Luxembourg:
solution of the most actual food and ecology Publications Office of the European Union.
problems of human civilization; Available at
4. ecological evolution of
productivity of the soil for cultivated crop 9029/Resumen_de_la_PAC_en.pdf
production, forced by controlled Dankevych Y., Dankevych V., Chaikin O. 2016.
electromagnetism, along with improvement of Ecologically certified agricultural production
growing efficiency of standards varieties of management system development.
agricultural crops, which are developed by the Agricultural and resource economics:
agrarian science. international scientific e-journal. Available at
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Mukrimin Sevket Guney 1, Stepan Kovalyshyn 2, Oleh Sukach 2

Giresun University, Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, Giresun Turkey1,

Lviv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Mech. and Power Eng, Ukraine 2,

Abstract. Sciencetific name of sources for vitamin B6 (0.24 mg/100g) and

Hazelnut is Corylus avellana. The total Vitamin E (31.4 mg/100g), vitamins B2 and
amount of world production of hazelnut is B6 are especially important nutrients for the
mainly around 800.000 tons/year. About 65% schoolage children. The hazelnut is also the
of world’s hazelnut production is harvesting second best source of vitamin E after plant
in Turkey. Besides its economic importance, oils. This vitamin is essential for the normal
the high nutritional value of hazelnut makes it functioning of muscle tissue and the
a special food. Hazelnut is a crucial and non- reproduction system. It protects the organism
equivalent material for praline production, agains cancer. Vitamin E also prevents the
which is semi-finished product of chocolate hemolysis of erythrocytes, and thus protects
industry. The hazelnut is a small deciduous the body against anemia. The fat content of
tree originated in southern Europe and important varieties of Turkish hazelnuts is
Turkey. It is now being cultivated in many around 61%. Because of their chemical and
regions of the world, as a major commercial nutritional compositions, hazelnuts have
crop. Hazelnuts are rich in unsaturated fats potential benefical health effects (Alphan et
(mostly oleic acid), protein, complex al. 1997).
carbohydrates, dietary fiber high in The main fatty acids in hazelnut
magnesium, calcium, zinc and vitamins B and varieties were oleic (79.4%), linoleic (13.0%)
E. Hazelnuts are good for your heart, help and palmitic acid (5.4%). The ratios of
reduce the risk of cancer, and aid in muscle, polyunsaturated/saturated and
skin, bone, joint and digestive health. This unsaturated/saturated fatty acids of hazelnuts
study has focused on Fatty acids content and varieties were found to be between 1.23 and
nutritional effect of hazelnut. 2.87, and 11.1 and 16.4, respectively.
Keywords: Hazelnut, content, nutritional The average niacin, vitamin B1,
effect, fatty acids vitamin B2, vitamin B6, ascorbic acid, folic
acid, retinol and total tocopherol contents of
INTRODUCTION hazelnut kernels were 1.45 mg/100 g, 0.28
mg/100 g, 0.05 mg/100 g, 0.5 mg/100 g, 2.45
High nutritional value of hazelnut is mg/100 g, 0.043 mg/100 g, 3.25 mg/100 g
significant. Nutritional analyses of hazelnut and 26.9 mg/100 g, respectively. The amount
present a high protein content (16.9%). of the essential amino acids, mostly as
Moreover, its protein quality (66.6%) is also arginine (2003 mg/100 g) and leucine (1150
high in comparison to many proteins of plant mg/100 g), and the non-essential amino acids,
origin. It appeared to be one of the best mostly as glutamic acid (2714 mg/100 g) and
sources of plant origin for iron (5.8 mg/100g), aspartic acid (1493 mg/100 g) were also
calcium (160.0 mg/100g), and zinc (2.2 determined in the hazelnut varieties. Mineral
mg/100g), which are the most important compositions of the hazelnut varieties, e.g., K,
minerals for growth and development. Mn, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, Na and Cu were
Hazelnut were also found to be rich in (averagely) measured as 863 mg/100 g, 186
potassium(655 mg/100g), which is necessary mg/100 g, 173 mg/100 g, 5.6 mg/100 g, 4.2
for nerve stimulation and functioning of mg/100 g, 2.9 mg/100 g, 2.6 mg/100 g and
muscle tissue. Hazelnuts were found to be 2.3 mg/100 g, respectively (Koksal et al.
good sources for vitamins B1 (0.33 mg/100g), 2006).
and B2 (0.12 mg/100g), and very good
38 M. Sevket Guney, S Kovalyshyn, O. Sukach

Hazelnut contains saturated and respectively, 60.05% and 62.58%. However,

unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fat is one of there were no significant differences for each
the two main classes of fat, the other being of the fatty acids. At the end of storage
unsaturated fat. These groups differ slightly in period, the total saturated fatty acid content of
their chemical structure and properties. For the three hazelnut cultivars was a little higher
instance, saturated fat is generally solid at (8.30%) compared with the beginning of
room temperature, while unsaturated fat is storage (8.14%); the total unsaturated fatty
liquid. The amount of these and their ratio to acid content changed from 92.12% to 90.88%.
each other are important in healthy nutrition. There were no significant differences at the
In this study, nutritional contents of hazelnut beginning of the test period, 6 months or 12
were examined, especially some important months of storage. The unsaturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acids contents and their content of nuts makes them nutritional
influences were presented in detail. In products, but also makes them more
addition, hazelnut nutritional effect on healthy susceptible to autoxidation. It is necessary to
diet in other important issues has been tried to know the chemical and fatty acid composition
give. of hazelnuts and the change of these
parameters during the storage because of their
MATERIAL AND METHODS relationship with nutrition and oxidation. The
total fat, palmitic and linoleic acid contents of
Fat content and fatty acid composition hazelnut changed during the storage at 21 C
of Turkish hazelnut are given in Table 1 and 60–65% relative humidity. No significant
(Mehmet Ali Koyuncu, 2004). The hazelnut differences were found for other fatty acids.
cultivars, Tombul, Palaz and Kalınkara, The change of fat content of cultivars
contained 60.88%, 60.40% and 61.55% fat, depending on whether nuts were shelled or
respectively. There were no significant unshelled was found to be statistically
differences in fat content among cultivars. significant. While the total saturated fatty acid
The saturated fatty acids found in the hazelnut content increased from 8.14% to 8.30%, the
kernels were palmitic acid as the predominant total unsaturated fatty acid content changed
one followed by stearic acid. Also traces of from 92.12% to 90.88% in the storage period.
palmitoleic acid were identified. Among the Fat content of roasted Turkish
varieties, the main unsaturated fatty acid was hazelnut (Tombul variety) has been
oleic acid, 79.37% to 80.86%. While linoleic investigated by Lviv National Agrarian
acid ranged from 10.41% to 11.86%, linolenic University. The results are presented in Table
acid was detected only at trace levels. 3 (Kambur et al. 2013). Roasting process
Significant differences were found among the makes additionally drying effect on samples.
cultivars for the saturated fatty acids palmitic It is important the temperature and duration of
and stearic. No significant differences were roasting process. In that context, it seems to
found for the unsaturated fatty acids. The total be changed some fat content of roasting
fat content of the varieties increased from hazelnut samples comparing with raw
58.68% to 62.48% during storage. The samples, Table 3.
difference was statistically significant. The In a study performed by Arslan et al.,
palmitic and oleic acid content of the stored fat contents of 7 different Turkish hazelnut
nuts were found higher whereas linoleic acid varieties were examined, Table 3. Moreover,
was lower compared with fresh nuts. polyunsaturated/saturated and
Differences in palmitic and linoleic acid unsaturated/saturated fat ratios were
contents during storage were statistically investigated in the same study, Table 4, 5.
significant. No significant differences were
found for other fatty acids, palmitoleic,
stearic, oleic and linolenic (Table 2) (Mehmet
Ali Koyuncu, 2004). The fat content of the
hazelnuts stored unshelled and shelled
differed significantly. They were,

Table 1. Fat content and fatty acid composition of hazelnut varieties (%)
Variety Fat Palmitic Palmitoleic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic
Tombul 60.88ns 6.07 b 0.08ns 2.24 b 79.37ns 11.86ns 0.17ns
Palas 60.40 6.45 a 0.05 2.34 a 79.80 10.41 0.37
Kahnkara 61.55 5.65 c 0.12 1.64 c 80.86 11.48 0.15
Any two values in a column with the same letters are not significantly different.
Not significant.
Table 2. The chance of fat content and fatty acid composition of hazelnut varieties during the
storage (%)
Period Fat Palmitic Palmitoleic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic
Beginning 58.68 c 6.04 ab 0.10ns 2.00ns 79.62ns 12.41 a 0.09ns
6th month 60.55 b 5.89 b 0.11 2.17 79.96 11.57 a 0.28
12th month 6.23 a 6.23 a 0.05 2.01 80.27 10.35 b 0.25
Any two values in a column with the same letters are not significantly different.
Not significant.

Table 3. Fatty acid composition of roasted hazelnut by cold pressing method

Fatty acids and code
Crushed nut Crushed nut
Whole hazelnut
(large fraction) (small fraction)
Capric, 10:0 0,1 0,1 0,1
Lauric, 12:0 0,8 0,7 0,7
Myristic, 14:0 1,6 1,6 1,5
Pentadecylic, 15:0 0,8 0,8 0,7
Palmitic,16:0 5,8 5,7 5,6
Palmitoleic,16:1 0,4 0,4 0,4
Stearic, 18:0 3,4 3,2 3,1
Oleic, 18:1 70,7 71,7 70,8
Linoleic, 18:2 14,2 13,8 14,7
α-Linolenic, 18:3 1,9 1,7 2,1
Arachidic, 20:0 0,2 0,2 0,2
8-Eicosenoic, 20:1 0,1 0,1 0,1

Table 4. Fatty acid compositions of hazelnut oils of seven Turkish varieties (Kambur et al. 2013)
Variety Palmitic Miristic Palmitoleic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Saturated Unsaturated
Ham 5.70±0.91 a 0.18±0.01 a 0,22±0.07 a 0.73±0.05 a 85.47±1.4 c 7.63±0.53 e 6.61±0.22 a 93.30±2.37 e
Tombul 4.95±0.76 c 0.15±0.02 c 0,15±0.02 d 0.59±0.06 e 85.12±1.37 d 9.07±0.39 c 5.69±0.39 c 94.22±3.95 c
Kara 4.71±0.54 e 0.15±0.01 c 0,21±0.01 b 0.68±0.09 c 84.27±1.01 f 9.98±0.48 b 5.54±0.23 d 94.37±1.95 b
Sivri 4.75±0.98 d 0.13±0.01 d 0.22±0.08 a 0.66±0.03 d 86.53±2.55 b 7.71±0.97 d 5.54±0.14 d 94.37±3.23 b
Kan 4.71±0.82 e 0.15±0.02 c 0.21±0.03 b 0.69±0.06 b 84.27±2.11 f 9.98±0.41 b 5.54±0.47 d 94.37±2.86 b
Badem 4.52±0.79 f 0.16±0.00 b 0.21±0.04 b 0.51±0.02 f 84.51±0.97 e 10.09±0.65 a 5.19±0.26 e 94.72±1.60 a
Palas 5.19±0.70 b 0.16±0.01 b 0.18±0.01 c 0.44±0.04 g 87.38±2.30 a 6.65±0.67 f 5.79±0.15 b 94.12±2.57 d

Table 5. The ratios of polyunsaturated/saturated and unsaturated/saturated fatty acids of hazelnuts

oils from seven Turkish varieties (Kambur et al. 2013)
Variety polyunsaturated/saturated unsaturated/saturated
Ham 1.16 14.11
Tombul 1.59 16.56
Kara 1.80 17.03
Sivri 1.39 17.03
Kan 1.80 17.02
Badem 1.94 18.25
Palas 1.15 16.26
40 M. Sevket Guney, S Kovalyshyn, O. Sukach


1. Hazelnuts are is rich in Alphan E., Pala M., Açkurt F., Yilmaz T.
unsaturated fats (mostly oleic acid), 1997. Nutritional Composition Of
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vitamins B, E, and folic acid. They are good Lipid Metabolısm, ISHS Acta
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of monounsaturated fat in hazelnuts is oleic During Storage Journal of Food Quality 27
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-benefits 28.08.2019 p.


Mukrimin Guney, Özlem Tunç Dede, Faruk Güner, Birkut Guler

Faculty of Engineering, University of Giresun,

28200 Giresun, Turkey.

Abstract. Energy use is increasing and is increasing day by day due to its low cost. In
the negative effects of intensive energy 2012, 1.5% (370 TWh) of total electricity
consumption on the environment are known. generation in the world was generated by
It is important to ensure and sustain a using biomass resources. Currently,
sustainable life cycle. Renewable energy use approximately 10% (50 EJ) of energy supply
and dissemination is one of the important in the world is provided from biomass
parameters that will be useful for this converted energy (Moka 2012). Although
purpose. Biomass energy is at the first places biomass materials have low energy densities
in renewable energy. It is also suitable for comparing with coal, chemical properties
local supply and local solutions. Appropriate make it higher-ranking in many ways.
assessment to the requirements is crucial with Moreover, the ash content of biomass
local approaches. If this is done, it will serve materials is less than fossil fuels and generally
the purpose more effectively. In this study, free of toxic elements and other contaminants.
biomass energy utilization methods are This makes the utilization of residual ash of
presented including comprehensive biomass as a soil fertilizer during agricultural
classification. These methods are classified in applications (Zobaa et al. 2012). Additionally,
three main groups; physical, thermochemical, planting and growing of biomass and their
and biochemical conversion methods. utilization for energy production causes
Information about these groups is detailed in reducing global warming effects because CO2
subdivisions. released from combustion processes is
Keywords: Sustainability, renewable, converted by growing biomass through
biomass, conversion, classification photosynthesis (Balat, 2005).
Biomass is an organic material that
INTRODUCTION comes from plants and animals and can be
found naturally all around the world at high
Due to the depletion of fossil fuels and amounts. There are approximately 4 billion
their harmful environmental effects, it is tons of biomass in the ocean and 1,8 billion
becoming compulsory to seek alternative tons on the ground, and a proportional
energy sources and to search for equivalent quantity in the soil. Agricultural residues,
fuels. Therefore, exploring alternative energy energy crops, forest resources, organic waste
resources is gaining growing importance on (such as municipal and industrial), sewage
international scale and one of favorite topics sludge and marine biomass (algae), etc. can
for researchers (Jiang et al. 2016). Among be classified as a biomass (Yokoyama et al.
renewable energy resources, biomass is an 2008).
energy source that does not pollute the In general, biomass can be categorized
environment and has a wide range of in two ways:
applications especially for developing 1. Nature of biomass
countries. Easy availability of biomass in the 2. Utilization/application area
environment and having a low CO2 emission The first categorization is based on the
relative to fossil fuels makes the biomass ecology or the type of biomass and can be
among the demandable energy resources. entitled as biological categorization.
Bioenergy is taking the second place among Categorization is done by nature of existing
the renewable energy resources in the market. biomass. The second categorization is based
Small-scale investment for bioenergy systems
42 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

on its application such as energy resources certain amount from biomass beforehand.
(Yokoyama et al. 2008). Also, separation of main components in
In line with the objective of this biomass structures should be considered
review paper, the second categorization based during utilization processes. In this context,
on the use and application of biomass was biomass conversion systems should take all
considered and biomass was classified in these factors into consideration and provide
three groups: the optimum solution (Yokoyama et al.
1. Conventional biomass 2008).
resources [agriculture, forestry (woody), The widespread use of renewable
fishery, livestock farming, food, materials, energies requires global thinking and local
medicine, timber, pulp, chip, etc.] approaches. It is important to bring solutions
2. Biomass wastes and its in close proximity to local needs. For this
derivatives [agricultural, forestry, fishery, purpose, biomass conversions constitute one
livestock residues (wastes), rice straw, cattle of the most significant instruments. Biomass
manure, lumber mill, sawdust, sewage sludge, is confronted in a wide variety of structures.
black liquor, etc.] Therefore, the conversion targets and intended
3. Plantation biomass [forestry usage purposes are also different, and the
(eucalyptus, poplar, willow, oil palm), issue of how to reach the target and with
herbaceous (sugarcane, switchgrass, sorghum, which methods is gaining importance. By
corn, rapeseed), aquatic (giant kelp, water adopting the systematic approach mentioned
hyacinth, algae)] (Yokoyama et al. 2008). in this study, classification and examination
Every kind of biomass can be utilized of the methods and explanations of the
in various applications for heating purposes, various sides are explained respectively.
obtaining electricity, production of fine Information supported with some
chemicals (methanol, ethanol, etc.), polymeric comprehensive and distinctive information on
materials and also biofuels (ethanol fuel, the subject additionally is provided as well.
biomass-based biodiesel, biogas, etc.) (Jiang 2. Conversion methods. Biomass
et al. 2016; Zobaa et al. 2012). However, materials can be modified and proceed to
some part of the biomass belongs to food different valuable and marketable products
chain. Therefore, the type and quantity of such as biofuels, biogas and some industrial
biomass which can be used as energy chemicals through conversion technologies.
resources should be considered carefully The conversion process of biomass materials
before application processes (Yokoyama et al. into energy encloses biomass type, biomass
2008). Moreover, the variety of biomass source, conversion process conditions,
source makes the use of diversified and general requirements for processing including
innovative technologies, which are based on infrastructure and utilization area. There are
the separation of components at the first various classifications similar to each other in
stage, inevitable to obtain high-value products the literature and present only small
(Chen et al. 2017; Kumar et al. 2017; differences. However, it is difficult to
Gravalos et al. 2016). distinguish the methods used in conversion
Generally, biomass emerges in solid, systems and developing reactions with very
liquid and gas phase. It can also be found as a precise lines. In this context, conversion
multi-phase structure in the form of methods for biomass utilization can be
combinations, such as in municipal wastes basically classified in three groups:
and animal wastes. Main components in 1. Physical conversion methods.
biomass structure are cellulose, 2. Thermochemical conversion methods.
hemicellulose, lignin, starch, proteins, and 3. Biochemical conversion methods.
some organic and inorganic components 2.1. Physical conversion. Physical
(Yokoyama et al. 2008). In addition to these, conversion methods are applicable to solid
lignocellulosic structures known as single- biomass in terms of their structure. Generally,
phase (solid) have non-structural moisture. It it is conducted with processes such as cutting,
is necessary to remove this moisture at a drying, reshaping, reducement, and

condensation. Biomass materials can be burnt to obtain heat or process heating

converted into the main products including without being processed too much. The main
sheets, construction materials, and stage in this method is cutting of raw
lignocellulosic composites by using physical materials in to the desired length and
conversion technologies (Kumar et al. 2017). thickness which can be vary depending on
The use of solid biomass with physical furnace properties and utilization purposes
conversion methods can be examined in three (Balat, 2005). In addition, decreasing of
parts: firewood, pelletizing and particle board humidity of biomass, in other words drying, is
production. important to be suitable for direct burning.
2.1.1. Firewood. Biomass as energy Biomass materials used as fuel can be
resource constitutes an important place in compared in terms of their thermal values.
developing countries. Utilization of biomass Thermal values of various agricultural
for energy by direct burning is a classical residues are given below in Table 1 (Gravalos
way. In this process, materials such as wood, et al. 2016).
husk, agricultural wastes, etc. are directly

Table 1. Gross calorific values (GCV) of some biomass materials (La Villetta et al. 2017)
Biomass Mean GCV (
Rice husk with moisture content 8.30% 15.972
Rice husk without moisture (dried at 105˚C for 24 h) 16.643
Rice straw with moisture content 12.19% 15.092
Rice straw without moisture (dried at 105˚C for 24 h) 16.475
Pistachios shells 17.320
Leaves of Pistachio trees 16.120
Dark red sweet cherry seeds 19.870
Apricot kernels 18.562
Peach kernels 18.995
Watermelon fruit seeds 24.473
Grape seeds 20.388
Olive pits 17.970
Almont husks 18.176
Sunflower husks 18.674
Sunflower seed cake with moisture content 12.72% 21.231
Rapeseed cake with moisture content 11.17% 21.569
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant root 17.707
Cotton plant main stem 17.733
Cotton plant terminal bud 16.396
Cotton plant vegetative branches 17.376
Cotton plant fruiting branches 17.368
Cotton plant leaves 16.059
Cotton plant (25 weeks/harvest) bur 17.141
Cotton plant (25 weeks/harvest) locks 16.679
Cotton plant seeds 22.933

The values given in the Table 1 shows higher lipid contents. The moisture content
that various biomass resources have different also effects the thermal values. The biomass
calorific values that depend on the source, materials with low moisture have higher
moisture content and structure of biomass. It thermal energy values.
is obvious from the table that seeds and 2.1.2. Pelletizing. Pelletizing is a kind
kernels have higher calorific values than of process during which various biomass
leaves due to their higher unit mass and materials such as agricultural residues, solid
44 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

fuels, feed, ore etc. are compressed into the amount of obtained products from the natural
form of pellet. Pelletizing can also be defined environment, manufacturer tends to find
as a condensation process during which fine alternatives sources like agro-residues,
powders or granules of a biomass materials lignocellulosic biomass materials to use for
are converted to small spherical particulates industrial manufacturing (Guler et al. 2011).
called pellets (Balat, 2005; Muley et al. Particleboards can be promising raw
2016). A diameter of a pellet is generally materials for forest industry. They can be
between 6 to 12 mm. The larger ones are produced from wood residues or other
called as briquettes which have a diameter of biomass like lignocellulosic agricultural
50-80 mm (Balat, 2005). wastes and can be acceptable as a renewable
Lots of biomass materials can be raw material. In general, particleboard is a
utilized in their original form however the composite panel in the form of separated
heating values per unit volume is generally pieces or particles. These pieces or particles
low and handling and transportation is are combined under heat and pressure by
relatively high. Densification of biomass adding resin, adhesive or other appropriate
materials is an alternative way to get rid of binder to obtain panels. Particleboards have
this kind of problems. Moreover, the calorific higher stability which makes them convenient
value of biomass can be improved during for the productions of special materials like
densification process by decreasing moisture countertops, door cores, floor underlayment,
level. The pellets obtained after densification furniture, etc (Balat, 2005).
process are more convenient biofuel for the Wood or woody material engineered
use in urban area where the conversion does boards (particleboard) are categorized as
not need any special conditions such as plywood, fibreboard (wet), fibreboard (dry),
utilization of pellets in automatic furnaces chipsboards, OSB boards and blockboards.
requiring low care (García-Maroto et al. Among these boards, fibreboards are
2015). The regular geometric shape after important in the sense that they can be made
densification makes the biomass easy to feed of fully or partially lignocellulosic materials.
automatically into the boiler and handle They can be manufactured by using heat and
maintenance issues. In addition, biomass pressure with a thickness of 1.5 mm or higher.
pellets have low heating costs, can be The classification of fibreboards depends on
obtained from naturally available abundant their production methods: dry or wet
raw materials and do not pollute the produced fibreboards. While fibreboard (wet)
environment as much as fossil fuels. has more than 20% moisture at the stage of
Densification of a biomass to produce forming, fibreboard (dry) has less than 20%
pellet and briquette comprises following moisture at the stage of forming and obtained
manufacturing stages (Balat 2005): by addition of synthetic adhesive.
1. Drying. According to density, fiberboard (wet)
2. Pulverizing. can be classified as follows:
3. Pelletizing. Hard boards (HB) ≥ 900 kg/m3,
4. Cooling. Semi-hard boards (MB) 400 and 900
5. Screening. kg/m3.
Wood is the most used raw material Porous boards (SB) 230 kg/m3 ÷ 400
for the production pellets in the world. kg/m3.
However, the increasing demand for pellet According to density, fiberboard (dry)
utilization as an energy and non-energy can be classified as follows:
resources requires the use of other biomass Low-density fiberboard (LDF) - less
materials such as bark, agricultural residues, than 650 kg/m3.
energy crops, etc. as an alternative to wood Middle density fiberboard MDF - from
(Puig-Arnavat et al. 2016). 650 to 800 kg/m3.
2.1.3. Particleboard. Raw material High density fiberboard HDF - over
requirements of forest industry are increasing 750 kg/m3 (Hajjari et al. 2017).
year after year. Due to the fact that decreasing

2.2. Thermochemical conversion. heating and reacts with oxygen in gas phase.
Thermochemical conversion is a process During decomposition combustion, gas is
includes controlled heating or oxidation of produced by thermal decomposition and
biomass to obtain products. These conversion reacts with oxygen in gas phase. Generally,
methods can be categorized in three chars remain as a residual after these types of
traditional ways; combustion, gasification and combustion forms and burns by surface
sulphurs, which have different intermediate combustion. When the fuel component
products. These products, can be converted to contains only carbon with little volatile
final products such as electricity, heat, power, portions, burning occurs by surface reaction.
H2, alcohols, gasoline, diesel, chemicals, etc. Smoldering combustion is a kind of thermal
Complicated physicochemical processes such decomposition reaction proceed at lower
as multiphase hydrodynamics, thermal temperature than ignition temperature of
decomposition, and chemical reactions take volatile components of fuels such as wood.
place during thermochemical conversion of Decomposition combustion and surface
biomass Additionally, the physical and combustion are two main combustion forms
thermal properties effect the selection of during direct combustion of biomass as a fuel
thermal conversion methods (Overend et al. (Balat, 2005).
2004). Besides traditional methods, The combustion of biomass has some
carbonization, torrefaction, liquefaction, advantages than the ordinary fossil fuels.
carbonisation and biodiesel production are Biomass has minor constituents, such as
another thermochemical conversion method. chlorine, sulphur, phosphorus, nitrogen, and
2.2.1. Combustion. Combustion is a several ash-forming metals and generation of
process during which an exothermic chemical nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides,
reaction occurs. High amount of heat hydrochloride and dioxin are low. (Balat,
generation and glow is followed by this 2005; Hupa et al. 2016).
reaction. Solid, liquid or gas fluids can be 2.2.2. Pyrolyses. Pyrolysis is a partial
used as a feedstock during combustion gasification where degradation process
processes. However, combustion of solid fuel contains no or limited amount of oxidizing
is more complicated than liquid or gaseous agent. The process is carried out under the
one (Balat, 2005). temperatures between 500 to 800 °C (Kumar
The combustion of biomass as a fuel is et al. 2013.). There is no necessity to get
a heat-generating oxidation reaction (Balat direct energy from pyrolysis process. Main
2005). During this process, biomass is burned goal of pyrolysis is to get energy forms such
with oxygen to get heat at high temperatures as oil, gas, charcoal forms from biomass
without any intermediate products. However, feedstocks under controlled conditions of
56 sulphur burners and boilers are needed to oxygen and temperature.
directly burn the biomass. Surplus oxidizer is In pyrolyses, heating detracts moisture
generally preferred in order to get high from biomass feedstocks around 100 oC, then
conversion efficiency. Some chemical decomposition of hemicellulose is occurred
products such as carbon dioxide (CO2), between 200-260 ºC. Cellulose (between 240-
nitrogen oxides (Nox), water (H2O), volatile 340 ºC) and then lignin (between 280-500 ºC)
organic compounds (VOCs), carbon decomposition follows the hemicellulose.
monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons, ash and Lignocellulosic biomasses are proper
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are materials to take under pyrolyses. The main
obtained at the end of the burning process of organic components of lignocellulosic
biomass (Hupa et al. 2016; Sahu et al. 2014). biomasses are hemicellulose, cellulose and
The direct combustion of biomass lignin. The amount of these materials in
includes four direct combustion forms: biomass depends on the type of biomass and
evaporation combustion, decomposition the part of the plant sampled (Yu et al. 2017.).
combustion, surface combustion and Pyrolysis can be classified by two
smoldering. Evaporation combustion is a ways; allothermal and aotuthermal. While
process during which fuel evaporates by eternal agents generate heat in allothermal
46 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

pyrolysis, fuel source itself generates heat in Another extensive classification is given
aotuthermal pyrolysis. Also, different heat below in Table 3. Here, the information on
generating procedures present different types final product is provided in the last column
of pyrolysis in process rate: conventional- (Panwar et al. 2012).
slow, fast and ultra fast. Different features of
these pyrolyses methods are shown in Table
Table 2. Classification of pyrolysis methods (Ndaba et al. 2015)
Method Temperature Process time Heating rate Major products
(oC) (min) (oC/s)
Slow pyrolysis 400-500 5-30 10 (low) Gases, Char, Bio-oil (tar)
Fast pyrolysis Bio-oil (thinner), Gases,
400-650 0,5-2 s 100 (high)
Flash pyrolysis 700-1000 <0,5 s Very high>500 Gases, Bio-oil
Table 3. Extensive classification of pyrolysis methods (Levin et al. 2004)
Method Residence Temperature (C) Heating rate Products
Carbonation Days 402 Very low Charcoal
Conventional 5-30 min 602 Low Oil, gas, char
Fast 0.5-5 s 925 Very high Bio-oil
Flash-liquid <1s <652 High Bio-oil
Flash-gasb <1s <652 High Chemicals, gas
Hydro-pyrolysis < 10 s <502 High Bio-oil
Methano- < 10 s >702 High Chemicals
Ultra pyrolysise < 0.5 s 1002 Very high Chemicals, gas
Vacuum 2-30 s 402 Medium Bio-oil
a: Liquid obtained from flash pyrolysis accomplished in a time of <1 s
b: Gaseous material btained from flash pyrolysis within a time of <1 s
c: Pyrolysis with water
d: Pyrolysis with methanol
e: Pyrolysis with very high degradation rate.
When the biomass is thermally 2.2.3. Gasification. The gasification
degraded, the actual behavior is governed by can be defined as the process of obtaining fuel
complex factors; distinctive stability and gas or syngas from biomass solid material.
reactivity of components in biomass, the Gasification pressure, temperature, agent, and
probability of interaction between these temperature zone formation are some of the
components, and finally reaction of the conditional parameters that can be used to
pyrolysis products with each other and with classify the gasification individually or
the pyrolysis bed, which will be affected by combined. Some of the gasifier can be listed
reactor configuration (Yu et al. 2017). Recent as: twin tower, moltrn furnace, fixed bed,
studies showed that changing the rate of flow bed, entrained bed, mixing bed, etc.
heating, temperature and process time of Biomass gasification units exhibit
pyrolysis mechanisms lead to considerable differences in various forms of large-scale
changes in the proportions of gas, liquid and gasification processes, which are
solid products. Feeding type, biomass itself, predominantly used in large industrial
pyrolysis temperature, catalyst, sweeping gas installations such as power plants, refineries
velocity, particle size, reactor geometry and and chemical plants. There are five thermal
ratio of heating can be enumerated as stages of gasification named as Drying,
pyrolysis parameters (Uzun, 2017). Pyrolysis, Combustion, Cracking, and

Reduction. Syngas, wood gas, producer gas, In most large-scale industrial plants
town gas and such names are used to define and air-cooled power gasification plants, air is
the gas produced from gasification. Syngas is preferred instead of oxygen during
the most used one refers to gas mixture gasification reactions. Because, oxygen usage
contents carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen requires an air separation unit in order to get
(H2), methane (CH4) and other hydrocarbons gaseous/liquid oxygen which increases cost.
at different proportion (La Villetta et al. Gasification converts organic portions
2017). of biomass and solid wastes into syngas.
Gasification is an incomplete Mostly used industrial gasification reactors
combustion process during which solid fuels are fluidized bed and fixed bed. Design of
like wood or coal are burnt under insufficient each system is different and specific to
air. A combustible output gas is transferred to biomass raw material properties and also feed
somewhere else to burn. Gasification can rates. The produced syngas from each system
convert energy held in biomass to other has different qualities. The two types of fixed
products such as electricity, ethanol, bed gasifiers are shown in Figure 1.
methanol, fuels, fertilizers and chemicals. In the Updraft fixed bed gasifiers, the
However, the moisture content of the biomass feedstock enters the system from the top and
is important for the productivity of gasifier. goes downwards through the zones of
High levels of moisture content in the pyrolysis, reduction and carbon oxidation.
biomass decreases the temperature inside the The air is supplied from the bottom of the
gasifier, and then reduces the gasification system in such a way as to form a bed for the
efficiency. Hence, drying and reducing the feedstock and char. The produced syngas
moisture level of biomass before gasification flows upward and exits the gasifier from the
process becomes inevitable. In addition, top of the system while the biomass feedstock
processing of biomass into a standard size or flows downwards. In a downdraft gasifier,
shape before feeding to a gasifier will be feedstock, air and syngas streams flow in the
provided high productivity. same direction, which is particularly
advantageous in reducing tar production.

Figure 1. a) Updraft fixed bed gasifier b) Downdraft fixed bed gasifier (Onwosi et al. 2017).
48 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

In the pyrolysis zone, volatile gases downward during bed circulation.

are oxidized moderately by air-injection, Fluidization of the bed is provided by using
which provides the heat necessary for the air, oxygen or steam. The biomass is
gasification reactions. The tar is thermally introduced into the bed through a feeder
decomposed in this zone which has 815-1093 channel at the top of the bed. While syngas is
°C temperature and is therefore partially leaving the gasifier, the unreacted biomass,
oxidized. The tar, which is converted to a char and fluidizing sand are returned to the
ratio higher than 99%, also cleans the syngas bed with the help of a cyclone. The ash
by creating a filter effect before the syngas formed at the end of the process is
left the gasifier. In the reduction zone, CO2 appropriately disposed. System conditions,
and H2O in the syngas are converted to CO stability, gas quality and pressure losses of the
and H2 which are the main constituents of system directly effects gasifier performance
Syngas. Syngas leaves the system at a (Samiran et al. 2016). A typical fluidized bed
temperature between 593-815 oC. gasifier is shown in Figure 2 (Khan et al.
The general restrictions of feedstock 2012).
properties for both downdraft gasifiers and The operating temperature range of
updraft gasifiers are same. The fact that the bed is between 593-871 oC. The bed
biomass has a fine and uniform particle size temperature is arranged so that the biomass is
distribution is necessary to preserve the completely devolatilized while keeping the
physical properties of the bed and to minimize bed temperature below the ash fusion
channelling. The moisture content of the raw temperature. After feeding the biomass into
biomass feedstock must be below 20%, since the bed, most of the organic contents are
it is very high in moisture content, it would be volatilized and partly oxidized. The
difficult to get the high temperatures required exothermic oxidation reactions taking place in
for tar cracking. In order to avoid slagging, the bed provides appropriate amount of heat
the biomass needs low ash content and high in order to keep the bed at the required
ash fusion temperatures. temperature and to volatilize more biomass.
In a fluidized bed gasifier, the gas Good mixing and high heat transfer are the
velocity is kept high enough to be able to main advantages of fluidized bed gasifiers
divide the biomass particles in a large way which provides inform bed conditions yields
and to allow free circulation throughout the to efficient gasification process with carbon
bed. The syngas flows upward through solid conversion percent of 95%-99%.
containing channels while solid masses flow

Figure 2. Fluidized bed gasifier configuration


Bubbling and circulation beds are the 1. Solid biomass which can be
most preferred ones used for biomass used for production of bioenergy
gasification in fluidized bed. Both systems 2. Condensable volatile organic
differ from each other by fluidizing velocity compounds such as water, acetic acid,
and gas path. Bubble beds have relatively low aldehydes, alcohols, and ketones
gas velocities and low solids. However, in 3. Noncondensable gases such as
circulation beds, the velocity is high as CO2, CO, and small amounts of methane.
pneumatic velocity and the added solids are 2.2.5. Carbonization. Carbonization is
recycled after passing through a cyclone. the method or technology applied in
2.2.4. Torrefaction. Torrefaction is a temperature range of 400-600 ºC during
thermochemical process in which the biomass which charcoal is obtained as the main
is applied in an inert or limited oxygen product by heating solid biomass such as
environment, typically at a temperature of 200 wood, shell, bamboo, rice husk. In other
ºC - 300 ºC. This method includes drying and words, carbonisation is the term for the
incomplete pyrolysis processes. Torrefaction conversion of an organic substance into
process allows the biomass to be heated carbon or a carbon-containing residue through
slowly to a specified temperature range, so pyrolysis or destructive distillation.
that the hemicellulose content is almost The first step in this process is to dry
completely degraded and can be held there for out the wood in the furnace at 100 °C or
a certain period of time to maximize the mass below to get zero moisture content. Then the
and energy output of the solid material. It is temperature of the oven is increased up to
also a kind of pyrolysis operating at mild about 280 °C. The energy used in these steps
conditions that can be used as a preliminary is obtained from partial combustion of some
treatment for increasing the heating value of of the wood fed into the furnace or pit and it
biomass while decreasing its moisture content is an energy absorbing or endothermic
(Chen et al. 2015). reaction. The wood begins to produce
In torrefaction process, about 30% of charcoal, water vapour, methanol, acetic acid,
biomass is transformed to torrefaction gases more complicated chemicals mainly in the
which include only 10% of the energy of the form of tars and non-condensable gas
original biomass, thus increasing the energy primarily consisting of hydrogen, carbon
density by a factor 1.3. In torrefaction, the monoxide, and carbon dioxide when it is
quality of biomass increases at a point which dried and heated up to 280 oC (Strezov et al.
results the change in the combustion behavior 2007).
of the gases and thus, efficient use of the During carbonization, at first, the
process in cofiring power plants (Nhuchhen et wood is dried in the oven at a temperature of
al. 2014). Torrefaction method can be applied 100 °C or below until the moisture content is
in different reactor styles such as; belt drier, fully removed. After that, the increase in
rotary drum, screw conveyor, multiple hearth temperature up to 280 °C is provided by
furnace, compact moving bed, rotating endothermic combustion reaction of the wood
fluidized bed, microwave hybrid, fed into the furnace. When the wood is dried
conventional fluidized bed (Batidzirai et al. and reached to 280 ºC temperature, the
2013). products charcoal, water vapour, methanol,
The main parameters effecting the acetic acid, tars and non-condensable gas
process are reaction temperature, heating rate, contains hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and
oxygen amount, residence time, ambient carbon dioxide are obtained (Strezov et al.
pressure and feedstock characteristics 2007). Since carbonization is specifically
(moisture content, particle size, etc.). For used to obtain charcoal, the effects of
example, high temperature or long residence temperature on charcoal production and its
time increase the torrefaction degree composition is given in Table 4 (Strezov et al.
(Strandberg et al. 2015). 2007).
The main outputs during this process
50 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

Table 4. Effects of temperature on charcoal production

Carbonization Chemical analysis of charcoal Charcoal yield based

tempereture on oven dry wood
C % of fixed charcoal % volatile material % moisture
300 68 31 42
500 86 13 33
700 92 7 30

Sub-products, biogas and bio-liquids, materials for biodiesel production are

which are occurred during the carbonization generally classified in three groups; edible,
process can be used in thermal conversion non-edible and others. Nowadays, oils
process for self-sustaining while the excess manufactured from typical fuel crops which
amount can be recovered for further uses. are harvesting solar energy and store it as
Charcoal is generally used as an energy chemical energy are used for biodiesel
resource. However, recent studies focused on production. Among them, canola, soy and
the use of charcoal in different application palm oils are widely used raw materials.
such as activated carbon in adsorption (Schenk et al. 2008). However, it is not
processes, electrode material, fertilizer, convenient to use vegetable oils directly for
carbon nanotubes, etc. (Strezov et al. 2007). the production of biodiesel due to their
2.2.6. Liquefaction. Liquefaction is a viscosity. Their viscosity should be decreased
thermochemical process in which biomass is before feeding to the engine. Several ways
converted into liquid fuel with common can be used for the converting of vegetable
products of gas, liquid and char. Liquefaction oils ino biodiesel, such as direct blending
can be classified into two groups: direct or (dilution), micro-emulsion, catalytic cracking
indirect. Direct liquefaction is a process in and trans esterification (Verma et al. 2016).
which organic materials are converted directly Although, biodiesel production has
into a liquid biocrude and co-products by the become an alternative energy source, it has
addition of a reducing agent, usually started debates on many issues. The debates
hydrogen and CO, at a temperature range of are focussed in areas such as greenhouse gas
300-400 ºC and a pressure of 10-20 MPa. emissions, land use changes (LUC) and
During this process, products of bio oil, liquid availability of raw materials and cost.
tar and condensable organic vapour are However, the use of non-crop raw materials
obtained by rapid pyrolysis of biomass. When such as waste-oriented oils/fats can be an
the biomass used in the direct liquefaction is effective solution to these problems. But, cost
wet or in sludge form, the process generally of collection and recycling of these materials
named as hydrothermal processing (He et al. should be taken into account (Hajjari et al.
2017). When pyrolytic liquefaction or 2017).
catalytic liquefaction processes are used for 2.3. Biochemical conversion.
the conversion of biomass, liquid biocrude is Biochemical conversion is environmentally
produced as an initial step. However, in friendly process, which depends on the use of
indirect liquefaction, catalyst is used for the enzymes, microorganisms and catalysts to
conversion of non-condensable products and obtain fuels and chemicals. During this
other gases coming from pyrolysis or process, breakdown product of biomass,
gasification into liquid products (Raheem et sugar, is converted into valuable fuels and
al. 2015). chemicals by fermentation. Biochemical
2.2.7. Biodiesel production. When a conversion process has a potential for large
vegetable oil or animal fat chemically react scale applications since agricultural wastes,
with an alcohol (such as methanol or ethanol), energy crops, pulp and paper mill residues
biodiesel, an alternative fuel for diesel can be used as a feedstock (Kaushik et al.
vehicles, is obtained as a product. Raw 2007).

Biochemical conversion can be carried 2.3.1. Biomethanation. Biomethanation

out in bioreactors which differ from is an anaerobic process during which biogas is
conventional chemical reactors. A bioreactor obtained by microbial conversion of organic
has a convenient environment and provides material. Anaerobic process proceed under
necessary conditions to obtain desired output oxygen-free medium with the output of methane
(Singh et al. 2014). Anaerobic decomposition and carbondioxide. In general, obtained biogas
and anaerobic fermentation are the main constitutes about 65% methane and 34% carbon
processes occur during biochemical dioxide. However, conversion efficiency of
conversion. In comparison to thermochemical biomass depends on the type of input biomass,
processes, biochemical conversion process degradation system and operating conditions.
Therefore, operational conditions of the
occur at low temperatures and the reaction
conversion system should be optimized in order
rates are slow (Kumar et al. 2015). High
to get high biogas output (Krishania et al.
moisture content of the input material is
2013). Anaerobic digestion includes four types
desirable in biochemical processes. The main
of processes: Hydrolysis, acidogenesis,
outputs of biochemical conversion reactions acetogenesis, and methanogensis. Hydrolysis
are generally biogas and ethanol. Biogas can step includes the hydrolysis of biomass which is
be utilized for the production of electricity, catalysed by enzymes of hydrolytic and
fuel or natural gas. Besides biogas and acidogenic bacteria. The products of the
bioethanol, biobutanol and dimethyl ether are hyrolysis reaction are utilized by acidogenic
other biofuels which should be investigated bacteria to produce acetate, hydrogen, and
during conversion processes (Kumar et al. carbon dioxide. These outputs can be directly
2015). converted to methane and carbon dioxide by
Biochemical routes of biomass methanogenic bacteria while alcohol and
conversion can be divided into 6 categories as volatile fatty acids are further oxidized by
biomethanation, ethanol fermentation, aceton- acetogenic bacteria (Krishania et al. 2013).
butanol fermentation, hydrogen fermentation, Conversion steps of complex biomass during
lactic acid fermentation, and silage. biomethanation are shown in Figure 3.

Carbonhydr Sugars Carbonis

ates Fatty acids acids Acetic acid
Lipids Amino Gases or CH4 + CO2
Proteins acids Alcohols H2 + CO2

Hydrolytic Fermentative Acetogenic Methanogenic

Bacterial Consurtia

Figure 3. Biomethanation steps of complex biowastes

2.3.2. Ethanol fermentation. Many production of ethanol. There are different

cellulosic biomass materials such as processes suggested by some researchers for
herbaceous and woody plants, agricultural conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to
and forestry residues, and municipal and ethanol. While Mohammad and Keikhosro
industrial wastes can be used for the (Mohammad et al. 2009) mentioned four
52 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

main processes; pretreatment, hydrolysis, SSF (Kim et al. 2008). A raw material
fermentation, and product separation or contains sugar could convert into ethanol by
purification (Zheng et al. 2009) stated fermentation. The raw materials available for
different pretreatment techniques: chemical the production of ethanol can be classified
pretreatment (acid treatment, ammonia into three groups: sugars, starches, and
treatment, sulfuric acid treatment, alkaline cellulose materials. While ethanol can be
wet oxidation and ozone pretreatment), directly obtained from sugars (from
physical pretreatment (steaming, grinding and sugarcane, sugar beets, molasses, and fruits),
milling, blending, thermal, and irradiation), enzymatic hydrolyzation is required for the
biological pre-treatment, and the combine conversion of starches to fermentable sugars.
pretreatment. While chemical pretreatment Mineral acids are used for the conversion of
overcome the lignin problem in the biomass cellulose (from wood, agricultural residues,
structure, physical pretreatment increases the waste from pulp, and paper mills) into sugar.
surface area of the biomass by decreasing its When simple sugars are obtained, it is easy to
size. Acid/base catalysed and enzymatic obtain ethanol by microbial enzymes (Lin et
hydrolysis are two main methods can be used al. 2006).
for the degradation of cellulosic structure in Ethanol production from a cellulosic
biomass. It was investigated in a study that biomass is a complicated and costly process.
enzymatic hydrolysis is more convenient than In the biochemical method, raw material
the acid/base catalysed hydrolysis (Alexander should be pretreated in order to separate
et al. 2009). cellulose and lignin. Then, hydrolysis takes
Biological treatment includes place for conversion of hydrocarbons to
fermentation processes. SSF (Simultaneous sugars. The process end up with ethanol by
Saccarification and Fermentation) and SHF microbial fermentation of sugar. Figure 4
(Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation) are summarize the biochemical production of
two types of fermentation techniques. It is ethanol.
explored in a study that SHF is better than

Figure 4. Biochemical production of cellulosic ethanol

The most used sugar for the and the remaining half part organic and
production of ethanol is molasses, a dark- inorganic compounds. In ethanol fermentation
colored syrup, which contains half part sugar process, molasses is sterilized before

transferring to the fermentor. Then, mass Fermentation process is carried out by using
fraction of molasses is decreased to 10-18% Clostridium species (Clostridium beijerinckii,
by dilution in order to overcome any viscosity Clostridium acetobutylicum) anaerobic
problems in the pipeline. However, high bacterium which is available in the soil at
concentration of sugar means long high amounts and excretes extracellular
fermentation time with high ethanol yield but enzymes; amylase, xylanase, protease, and
incomplete reduction of sugar. Fermentation lipase. Two types of acetone butanol
process is operated under non-steril fermentation processes are available. While
conditions at a temperature range of 20–32 °C buthanol formation by starch fermentation is
for about 1-3 days following by pH called Weizmann-type, the other one is
adjustment to 4-5 by using mineral acid (Lin saccaro-type from sucrose fermentation.
et al. 2006). Agricultural biomasses such as Acetone, butanol and ethanol are
corn, wheat, oats, rice, potato, and cassava produced in the proportions of 3, 6 and 1-part,
can be used as a feedstock in ethanol respectively, during the ABE fermentation.
fermentation process due to their high starch The three common type processes for
content (Lin et al. 2006). performing ABE fermentation are batch, fed-
2.3.3. Aceton-butanol fermentation. batch, and chemo-stat reactors. Fed-batch
This process includes the production of fermentation has drawn attentions since the
acetone and butanol with microbial reduction continuous feeding of fresh medium dilutes
of glucose under anerobic conditions. Since the butanol toxicity while it provides more
ethanol is also obtained at the end of the glucose for fermentation, Figure 5 (Lu et al.
fermentation, the process is called acetone, 2016).
butanol and ethanol (ABE) fermentation.

Figure 5. Schematic of integrated in situ extraction-gas stripping process for fed-batch ABE

The historical developments of ABE Clostridium species. The obtained products in

fermentation start with the production of this phase are transferred to solventogenic
acetone for military applications. However, phase during spore formation phase of
nowadays, it is mostly used for the production bacterial growth. Then, acetic acid can be
of buthanol as an alternative energy source to converted to ethanol or acetone while butyric
fossil-based resources (Karimi et al. 2015). acid is turned to butanol. Buthanol is much
The metabolic pathway of ABE fermentation more valuable fuel in comparison to ethanol
includes two main steps: Acidogenesis and due to its excellent fuel characteristics; such
solventogenenis. The acidogenic step starts as, high calorific value, low volatility, less
during exponential growth phase of corrosive, etc. Butanol can be used in internal
54 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

combustion engines (Li et al. 2016). It is also take part in the first group, heterotrophs
possible to produce hydrocarbons which are which are used organic substrates are the
the main constituents of gasoline, jet and second group. The first group are autotrophic
diesel fuels by catalytic reaction and organisms and can directly reduce the water
hydrodeoxygenation processes. Simultaneous to hydrogen and oxygen under light. This
saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of process is called direct photolysis if green
lignocellulose and fermentation of biodiesel algae is used. When cyanobacteria are used, it
derived glycerol are the alternative ways fort is called indirect photolysis (Levin et al.
he production of biobutanol (Ndaba et al. 2004). The second group organisms produce
2015). hydrogen under oxygen-free environment. If
А process using extracellular the process is carried out under light, it is
hydrolysis by enzymes or by chemical called photo-fermentation otherwise dark-
or physical pre-treatment (as is presently fermentation. For example, organic acids are
under development for production of used as carbon source and light as an energy
bioethanol) could be applied to furnish source during photo fermentation by purple
lignocellulosic substrates for microbial non-sulphur bacteria (Levin et al. 2004).
conversion to solvents a process using However, while photo fermentation is
extracellular hydrolysis by enzymes or by thermodynamically unfavourable without
chemical or physical pre-treatment (as is light, dark-fermentation does not need light
presently under development for production and feedstock rich in carbonhydrates can be
of bioethanol) could be applied to furnish both used as carbon and energy sources.
lignocellulosic substrates for microbial Nowadays, while 88% of commercial
conversion to solvents a process hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels
using extracellular hydrolysis by enzymes or (natural gas, heavy oils or coal), 4% of
by chemical or physical pre-treatment (as is hydrogen is obtained from water electrolysis.
presently under development for production However, the energy comsumption of these
of bioethanol) could be applied to furnish methods are significantly high and researcher
lignocellulosic substrates for microbial tends to find alternative ways, biological
conversion to solvents. hydrogen production.
On the other hand, a process using Agricultural wastes, animal wastes and
extracellular hydrolysis by enzymes or by even food wastes can be used as a source for
chemical or physical pre-treatment (as is biological hydrogen. Agroindustrial wastes
presently under development for production and effluents can also be used for obtaining
of bioethanol) could be applied to furnish biological hydrogen by fermentation.
lignocellulosic substrates for microbial However, hydrogen production is a quite
conversion to solvents. complicated and expensive process. The main
2.3.4. Hydrogen fermentation. factor affects the operating cost of
Hydrogen is one of the most plentiful element biohydrogen production is the structure of
and can be available in different sources such feedstock. The hydrolysis of cellulose to
water, hydrocarbon fuels, inorganic glucose is required the use of pure cellulose
substances, etc. Different hydrogen enzymes which is quite expensive. By the
production technologies can be used depend way, different pretreatment methods
on the source of hydrogen. Among these (mechanical, physical, chemical or biological
methods; water electrolysis, thermo-chemical techniques) of raw materials can be used for
hydrogen production and biological hydrogen easy hydrolysis of cellulose-like structures.
production are the main ones. Thus, the most suitable and effective method
Biological hydrogen production is a should be chosen according to the biomass
biochemical reaction during which hydrogen structure. The most used methods for the
is produced by using microorganism. There production of biohydrogen are direct/indirect
are three different microbial groups that can bio-photolysis and dark and photo-
potentially produce hydrogen. While fermentations. Fermentation process proceeds
photosynthetic green algae and cyanobacteria faster than bio-photolysis and can operate in

batch, continuous and fed-batch reactors. keeps the biomass under wet and air-insulated
However, dark fermentation of hydrogen conditions and involves the microbial
steps forward which involves hydrolysis and degradation of sugars to acids. The microbial
acidogenesis steps (Jiang et al. 2017). growing is under limitations due to acidic and
oxygen-free environment which provides the
2.3.5. Lactic acid fermentation. Lactic storage of feedstock for a long-period of time.
acid is a valuable commercial material that A horizontal silo, a pit with air-insulated or a
can be used in various areas, such as, plastic wrapping can be used as a wet-storage
feedstock in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and place.
textile industries, raw material for the Wet storage process is a good
production of polylactic acid, biodegradable alternative way for the storage of biomass
polymers, oxygenated chemicals, plant because of the possibility of manufacturing a
growth regulators, solvents, etc. uniform product which is generally desirable
Fermentation process is the main method for for microbial hydrolysis processes. However,
the production of lactic acid. Maize, sugar improvement studies of wet storage process
cane and sugar beet are the main sugar and integration with other steps of entire
resources during the lactic acid fermentation process such as harvesting, transportation,
process. However, the costs of these agro-raw storage and pretreatment, is needed in order to
materials are relatively high and restrict the ensure yearly availability of biomass (Li et al.
implementation for large-scale production. 2011).
However, the use of wastes from agriculture, 2.3.7. Composting. Composting is a
forestry and the organic fraction of municipal self heating (autothermic) process during
waste which are widely available at low-price which organic materials are decomposed by
can enable large-scale production. These bacteria under aerobic conditions. The heat
biomasses mainly contain lignocellulose generated during decomposition can be used
structure which is required physical/chemical to decrease the moisture, to inactivate the
or enzymatic techniques in order to release harmful contents (microbes, weed seeds, etc.)
sugar content which will be transformed to and to keep compost mixture in safe and
lactic acid by fermentation process. Lactic disinfected (Balat 2005). Composting process
acid fermentation can be carried out with can be performed in three stages as
fungi or lactic acid bacteria by using starchy pretreatment, pasteurization and stabilization.
or lignocellulosic biomass as a raw material Product of composting process (organic
with changing yields of product at the end of manure rich in mineral nutrients such as
the processes (Abdel-Rahman et al. 2013). nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium
Besides fungi and lactic acid bacteria, yeast, (K) can be utilized as a land material for
cyanobacteria, and algae can also produce agricultural, horticulture or ecological
lactic acid. The main factors affecting the purposes. (Onwosi et al. 2017).
microbial growth and lactic acid production
are ambient conditions such as pH, DISCUSSION
temperature, feed-stock concentration, etc.
(Abdel-Rahman et al. 2013). Providing up to 14% of the world’s
2.3.6 Silage. Silage is a common feed primary energy demand, biomass is the
used for cattle and sheep all around the world. world’s fourth largest energy source today. It
It can be produced by fermentation of crops can be as high as 35% of the primary energy
having high water content under controlled source in developing countries. Biomass is a
medium which is called wet storage process multi-directional source of energy as it can be
(Balat 2005). During this process, the readily stored and converted into electricity
harvested biomass including more than 45% and heat. It has also the potential to be used as
moisture is directly stored by ensilaging a raw material for fuel and chemical feedstock
which may keep dry matter losses less than production. Production units range from small
5%. This provides easy decomposition of wet- scale up to multi-megawatt sizes (Onwosi et
biomass than dry-one. Wet storage process al. 2017).
56 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

The production of biomass for (Gonçalves et al. 2016). Gasification usually

materials and energy may produce a variety of adopts the direct gasification method with
benefits, although energy from biomass is partial combustion of raw material in order to
usually not cost competitive with fossil fuels raise the temperature. Most of the gasification
under present technology and market furnaces use normal pressure and a direct
conditions in many developed countries. gasification process. Air, oxygen, and steam
These benefits vary depending on the case, are required for the gasification agent to keep
but among others the followings come the reaction temperature at 800 oC and above
forward: it offsets greenhouse gas emissions for direct gasification. The calorific value of
from the combustion of fossil fuels, creates product gas relies on the percentage of
jobs and income through the development of a inflammable gas (CO, H2, CXHY) (Balat
new industry and the utilization of locally 2005). Hydrothermal gasification is the hot
produced raw materials, and enhances energy compressed water treatment of biomass,
security by reducing dependence on imports. generally above 350 oC and above 20 MPa
However, the values of these advantages are pressure, to obtain combustible gas.
far less noticed than production costs of Hydrothermal gasification is proper for wet
biomass and bioenergy. Evaluating these biomass treatment (Balat, 2005).
benefits may supply a more comprehensive Hydrogen production from biomass
picture about the general competitiveness of and bio-oils remarks a realistic renewable
biomass and bioenergy, offering implications source. Additionally, the bio-diesel
for bioenergy development and policy infrastructure development may enable
formulation (Balat, 2005). hydrogen production from vegetable oil
Although the burning of biomass derived materials either through decentralised
release carbon dioxide, it also captures carbon stationary reformers or through on-board fuel
dioxide for its own growth. On the other processors.
hand, carbon dioxide emitted by fossil fuels is Torrefied biomass can be used for co-
released into the atmosphere and is harmful to firing with coal in CHP (combined heat and
the environment. Most of the energy sources power) plants and for industrial
endeavour to control their carbon dioxide implementations as steel and cement
emissions since these can harm the ozone production as well. Torrefied material is also
layer and increase the effects of greenhouse better than non-pre-treated biomass for
gases. Co-combustion is a promising producing liquid biofuels in gasification
development in combustion for efficient processes.
biomass conversion. This can be implemented Presently, the lignin fraction cannot be
in existing coal plants of a large capacity and biochemically converted economically for
allow high efficiency in electricity production biomass feedstock. The lignin and other
(Veringa et al. 2004). stabilized residue from biochemical
Solids (charcoal), liquids (pyrolysis transformation may be suitable as a compost
oils) and a mix of combustible gases are the product or could be used for energy via
products generated by pyrolysis of thermochemical processes, perhaps for
lignocellulosic matter. Pyrolysis of biomass is supplying the energy needs of the
a promising tool for providing bio-oil that can biochemical conversion plants. If the residue
be used as an alternative for fuel oil or is of poor quality or highly contaminated (i.e.,
chemical feedstock. These liquids, referred to the feedstock coming from mixed waste
as bio-oils or biocrudes in this study, are rather than clean source separated material), it
intended to be used for direct combustion in may not have a market value and most likely
boilers, engines or turbines (Veringa et al. end up in the landfill.
2004). In anaerobic digestion, the
Activated carbon is obtained by a biomaterials go through a fermentation
process of pyrolysis of the biomass source, process converting the organic materials into
followed by activation of the produced biogas, mostly methane (60%) and carbon
biochar with physical or chemical methods dioxide (40%). Transforming methane into

CO2 and water by burning the gas is a net use different reactor types (fully mixed, plug-
positive from a greenhouse gas (GHG) flow, biofilm, UASB, etc.) and process
perspective, as methane is a much more conditions (retention times, loading rates,
powerful GHG than CO2. To increase temperatures, etc.). Biomethanation has a
conversion enzymatic digestion and other great potential for energy production from
catalysts are used. Appropriate fuels are organic residues and wastes. It will help to
organic materials with high moisture content
like animal manure or food processing waste. reduce fossil fuel use and thus reduce CO2
It is very important to determine the emission. Bio-based product from biomass
practical and theoretical methane potential for can be classified as given in Figure 6 (Tong et
optimal process design, configuration, and al. 2014).
effective evaluation of economic feasibility. A The methods for obtaining bio-based
wide array of process implementations for products are given below in Figure 7.
biomethanation of wastewaters, slurries, and These days, using biomass effectively has
solid waste have been developed. In order to gained attention for the prevention of global
maximize the energy output from the waste warming and recycling society formation.
and also to decrease retention time and to
enhance process stability, these applications


Hydrolysis/ Gasification/ Extraction / Separation /
Digestion/ Catalysis,
Acids, High heat, Mechanical Mechanical
Bacteria heat,
enzymes low oxygen chemical chemical

Sugars and Syngas Carbon-rich Plant

Biogas Bio-oil
lignin chains products

Electricity / Biofuels / Biobased chemicals / Biobased materials / Heat

Figure 6. Summarization of biomass conversion methods
58 M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

Bio-based products
from biomass

Biopower Biogas Biomaterials

Heat Synthetic gas Biopolymers
Electricity Others Biochemicals
Figure 7. Classification of bio-based products

Some principles are mentioned below Biomass can be used as materials or energy.
for the promotion of biomass utilization: Biomass can be used as diversified materials
• Comprehensive, Uniform and such as food, feed, fiber, feedstock, forest
Effective Utilization of Biomass products, fertilizer and fine chemicals. Usage
• Mitigation of Global Warming as energy in the biofuels form appears on the
• Development of Recycling-- final stage and biomass is decomposed into
based Society carbon dioxide or methane and emitted in the
• Promotion of industrial air (Balat 2005).
Development and International Biomass is the world’s fourth largest
Competitiveness energy source today corresponding up to 14%
• Revitalization of Rural Areas of the primary energy demand of the world. In
• Fully Utilization of Different developing countries, it can be as high as 35%
Types of Biomass of the primary energy supply. Biomass is a
• Diversification of Energy multi-purpose source of energy as it can be
Sources readily stored and transformed into electricity
• Promotion of Community- and heat. It has the potential to be used as a
based Voluntary Actions raw material for production of fuel and
• Raise of Social Awareness for chemical feedstock. Production units range
Biomass from small scale up to multi-megawatt sizes
• Consistency between Stable (Veringa et al. 2004).
Food Supplies and Biomass Utilization Today, the main biomass sources are
• Considerations for wastes, either in the form of wood wastes,
Environment Preservation. agricultural wastes, municipal or industrial
There are various difficulties in the wastes, and consequently, they are the
maintenance and development of biomass-to- primary fuels for energy production. Using
energy applications despite the potential residues such as municipal solid waste and
benefits of biomass utilization. slurry as feedstocks has also an additional
Due to its bulkiness and degradation, environmental benefit as these are withdrawn
the transportation and storage of biomass is from polluting land filling (Veringa et al.
difficult. Therefore, using biomass in the 2004).
areas they are produced is more reasonable.
To this respect, biomass is used in or nearby CONCLUSION
regions where a balanced biomass supply and
demand exists. On the other hand, in the event Biomass such as organic material,
that biomass is converted into more plant or animal wastes is a renewable energy
transportable forms like densified pellets or sources that can be used for the production of
liquid fuels, it can be used in distant regions. energy in the form of heat or electricity.

Various technologies are used for the conversion methods are used. Biomass
conversion of biomass into energy. These conversions and usages have many
methods can be grouped into three classes: advantages; however, they include some
1. Physical conversion methods: disadvantages as well. While choosing any of
firewood, pelletizing and particle board these methods, one should consider its
production. environmental effects, too. It come forward as
2. Thermochemical conversion an alternative to chemical materials as fossil
methods: combustion, pyrolyses, gasification, fuels and oil products and they can be
carbonization, torrefaction, liquefaction and substitute for them. Yet they need to become
biodiesel combustion. cost competitive compared to their present
3. Biochemical conversion technologies. Moreover, there is a need for
methods: biomethanation, ethanol compact systems of small scale biorefineries
fermentation, aceton-butanol fermentation, for local needs. This is predicted to be one of
hydrogen fermentation, lactic acid the most important study areas of future.
fermentation, and silage.
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Vasyl Hudym1, Oleh Nazarovets2,

Stepan Kovalyshyn1, Ivan Horodetskyy1

Lviv National Agrarian University1,

Lviv State University of Life Safety2

Abstract. The problem of fire hazard in the life of the wiring. As evidenced by the
old buildings with electric aluminum wiring has statistics – 42 % of all fires were connected with
been analyzed. To establish the temperature the electrical networks of industrial and
influence on the microstructure of aluminum household purpose (Babrauskas et al. 2006).
wire, they were experimentally heated gradually The statistical data also argue that the 23–25
up to 650 oC. Based on the local X-ray spectral % of fires causes were the violation of the rules
analysis, the differences in the microstructure of of installation and operation of electrical
aluminum wire, depending on the heating mode apparatus (Boniardi et al. 2015). This indicates
are shown. The results of the research provide that every fifth fire occurs due to the burning of
an opportunity to determine the cause of the fire a variety of electrical products, overloads and
due to electric current. short circuits in electrical conductors, electrical
Keywords: aluminum wire, installations of buildings and the internal
microstructure, temperature, influence. electrical grids of buildings in particular.
Aluminum wiring was used in public and
INTRODUCTION residential buildings until the mid-1990s.
Taking into consideration that aluminium has a
After analyzing statistics as to the number of low melting point of 923-943 K, the melting
fires that have taken place over the past years, points of wire are often mistakenly considered
we can conclude that electric conductors were to be short-circuited when determining the
the most fire hazard elements of electrical causes of a fire (Nazarovets et al. 2015). It
installations. Wiring and electric cables of should be noted that the melting of conductors
electrical apparatus were the reasons for about may also be caused not only by short-circuit
61 % of all fires concerned with electrical currents but by external high-temperature heat
installations for industrial and domestic use sources and long-term overload current, which
(Tymochko et al. 2019; Smelkov 2009). Thus, can heat the aluminum wire in places of weak
the issue of fire safety in electrical installations, contact and to cause the melting.
as well as the search for methods of detecting During the investigation of fire places almost
the causes of fires, are important and relevant every fact of the reveal of wires and cables
and need to be decided. remnants with molten cores, burnt metallic
There is a tendency in Ukraine that, in the cable shell of wiring is put forward with version
majority of cases, conflagrations arise from of the involvement in the emergence of fires the
electrical installations periodically in buildings breakdown modes in electrical installations.
of old construction. This is explained by the fact Therefore, in this paper the task is to analyse
that the old normative technical and building the microstructures of aluminium wire after it
regulations allowed to use aluminum wiring, heating by various sources that simulate the
which have much worse electrical conditions of fires. The wire microstructures
characteristics than copper ones in modern were analysed with the help of physicochemical
constructions. The natural increase in the methods in order to substantiate the method of
number and power of electricity consumers research of damaged wires during the
leads to overloading of electrical networks, examination of the reasons and consequences of
which leads to rapid aging of insulation, its fires.
destruction, and, accordingly, the reduction of
64 V. Hudym, O. Nazarovets,S. Kovalyshyn, I. Horodetskyy

To achieve these aims, the following tasks and temperature limits of 273-1273 K. The
were set: current load of the conductors was created by a
- to prepare the aluminium wire section in order welding transformer of P = 5 kW nominal
to detect the microstructure of the wire; power, the I1 = 23 A current of the primary
- to reveal the chemistry of section of the winding, and the U = 220/50 V voltage of the
aluminum wire; primary and secondary windings of transformer.
- to compare the changes in the quantity (mass The welding transformer provides a maximum
content) of chemical elements in the studied current load of 110 A. After the short circuit
aluminum wire. (SC), wires are removed from the temperature
medium and cooled to the room temperature for
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND further research. Temperature is controlled by
RESULTS the temperature converter of CA "chromel-
aluminum" connected to the secondary device
Physicochemical methods are based on the and the temperature regulator of RT-0102 on
ability to record structural transformations that semistor (Jones and Michael et al. 2011).
occur under the influence of high temperatures The experimental study consisted of
and directly flames in fires, so they can be used revealing the certain changes in the
for the study of aluminium wires (Nazarovets et microstructure of the wires in which the SC was
al. 2015). During examinations, most aluminum occurred, with further heating of the medium
fusion conductors are studied by the method of and wire cores by another source of heat to the
metallographic analysis, and X-ray phase and melting point. For this purpose, aluminum wires
coulometric methods for analyzing aluminum with a cross-sectional area of 2.5 and 4 mm2
wire are used to detect carbon content (Lindsay with PVC insulation and length of 200 mm were
et al. 2006). placed in a muffle furnace.
During the researches of wires the Experiments are carried out according to the
temperature modes were created by the "МP- following order of table 1.
2UМ" muffle furnace with the power of 2.6 kW

Table 1. Conditions of experimental study

The ambient
№ Comment
temperature [T, K]
Time of stay of the wire in the muffle furnace is Tm = 7 min.
1. 423
Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
2. 523 Tm = 12 min. Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
3. 623 Tm = 17 min. Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
4. 723 Tm = 27 min. Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
5. 823 Tm = 38 min. Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
6. 923 Tm = 51 min. Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
The SC of wire was occurred at a temperature of 293 К.
7. 293
Conditions: gradual cooling by air (Т = 293 K).
After the SC, the wire was heated in a muffle furnace to a
8. 523
temperature of 523 К and gradually cooled by air (Т = 293 K).
After the SC, the wire was heated to 723 K in a muffle furnace
9. 723
and gradually cooled by air (Т = 293 K).
After the SC, the wire was heated in a muffle furnace to a
10. 923
temperature of 923 K and gradually cooled with air (Т = 293 K).

After the experiments, segments of wire with In the process of sections making, the part of
melting in the size of 50-100 mm are removed, wire with melting in the size of 7-12 mm is
and later the microsections are made from them. placed in a metal mandrel and with the low-

melting and fast-hardening "Wuda" alloy is chemistry of this section was showed in table 2
poured (fig. 1). After hardening of the "Wuda" and on figure 4 according to analyse.
alloy, the samples are polished on a rotating Analysis of the section (Fig. 5), which was
circle with abrasive paper of different grain size. heated in a muffle furnace to a temperature of
After changing the graininess of the abrasive 523 К with following air cooling, showed the
paper, it is necessary to change the direction of content of ω(O) oxygen was 38.87 %,
grinding by 90° and to polish to the complete aluminum ω(Al) = 42.92 %, carbon ω(C ) =
disappearance of the lines from the previous 12.81%, silicon ω(Si) = 2.59% and chromium
operation. The surface roughness after grinding ω(Cr) = 2.81 % (table 3).
should not exceed of 0.08 microns.

Figure 1. Overview of the aluminum wire

section: 1 – cross section, 2 – longitudinal

To detect the microstructure of the wire

under study, the sections were etched by
applying a special reagent on the polished
The chemistry of wires was studied by the
method of local X-ray spectral analysis using a Figure 2. The section of the aluminum wire of
ZEISS EVO 40XVP scanning electron the standard sample
microscope with the INCA Energy system of X-
ray microanalysis.
To determine the dependence of the change
in the chemistry of the aluminum wire structure,
the following samples were selected: 1)
standard (wire was heated by a short-circuit
current), 2) wires were heated in a muffle
furnace to temperatures of 523, 723 and 923 K,
and 3) wires were preheated with SC currents
and then heating in the muffle furnace to
temperatures of 523, 723 and 923 K.
The structure of the section and the area of
the aluminum wire of the standard sample
(spectrum 1) were showed on figure 2.
Spectral analysis of the studied section of the
aluminum wire revealed the mass content of
10.3 % ω(O) oxygen and 89.7 % of ω(Al)
The structure of the section of aluminum Figure 3. The section of the aluminum wire
wire after SC was showed on figure 3 and the after short circuit heating and cooling by air
66 V. Hudym, O. Nazarovets,S. Kovalyshyn, I. Horodetskyy

Table 2. The chemistry of the aluminum wire According to analysis the structure of the
section section of aluminum wire after SC preheating
Element Mass (ω), [%] Atomic (χ), was showed on figure 6 and the chemistry of
[%] this section was showed in table 4.
OK 14.09 22.07 Analysis of the section (Fig. 6), which
Al K 74.6 69.29 was preheated by short circuit and then heated
Si K 7.78 6.94 in a muffle furnace to a temperature of 523 К
Cr K 3.53 1.7 with following air cooling, showed the content
In all 100 of ω(O) oxygen was 27.76 %, aluminum ω(Al)
= 63.86 % and silicon ω(Si) = 8.38% (table 4)
with appropriate atomic percentage.

Figure 4. The chemistry of the aluminum wire

after short circuit heating and cooling by air

Figure 6. The section of the aluminum wire

after short circuit preheating with following
heating in muffle furnace to 523 К and cooling
by air
Table 4. The chemistry of the aluminum wire
Element Mass (ω), [%] Atomic (χ),
OK 27.76 39.5
Al K 63.86 53.7
Si K 8.38 6.8
Figure 5. The section of the aluminum wire In all 100
after heating to 523 K, and cooling by air
To compare the changes in the quantity of
Table 3. The chemistry of the aluminum wire
chemical elements in the studied aluminum wire
of the internal electrical network tables were
Element Mass (ω), [%] Atomic (χ), formed. The table 5 represents mass content of
[%] chemical elements in microstructures of
aluminum wires heated in a muffle furnace and
OK 38.87 46.43
table 6 represents the mass content of chemical
Al K 42.92 30.4
elements in microstructures of aluminum wire
CK 12.81 20.38
preheated with short-circuit currents according
Si K 2.59 1.76
to test conditions and with subsequent heating in
Cr K 2.81 1.03 the muffle furnace.
In all 100 The data in the table 5 shows that in the studied

sections of the main metal zone, metal abscess 523 K, the content of oxygen was increased by
zone and impurities zone the mass content of almost 3 times compared with the standard,
ω(O) oxygen was increased with the rise of while the ω(C) carbon was appeared in the
temperature, and the mass content of ω(Al) sections of conductors.
aluminum was decreased as a result of heating Figure 7 shows graphic presentation (as
of aluminum conductors in the muffle furnace. curves) of the changes of the mass content of
When the melting point of aluminum was ω(O) oxygen in the sections of the main metal,
reached, the oxygen content was decreased metal abscess and impurities in accordance with
sharply, and the content of aluminum was the temperature of the heating of the aluminum
increased. It should be noted that when the conductor.
conductors were heated to a temperature of

Table 5. The mass content of chemical elements in microstructures of wires after heating in a
muffle furnace

№ Test conditions for aluminum wires О, % Al, % Si, % C, %

1 Etalon Spectrum №1 10.30 89.70 - -
2 Т – 523 K, air cooling. Spectrum №1 38.87 42.92 2.59 12.81
3 Т – 723 K, air cooling. Spectrum №1 43.62 49.84 1.92 -
4 Т – 923 K, air cooling. Spectrum №1 26.55 70.21 2.05 -
5 Etalon Spectrum №2 11.27 85.45 3.28 -
6 Т – 523 K, air cooling. Spectrum №2 39.45 34.54 - 20.45
7 Т – 723 K, air cooling. Spectrum №2 55.04 32.23 12.73 -
8 Т – 923 K, air cooling. Spectrum №2 44.67 55.33 - -
9 Etalon Spectrum №3 9.50 76.20 18.86 -
10 Т – 523 K, air cooling. Spectrum №3 31.89 62.60 - 5.51
11 Т – 623 K, air cooling. Spectrum №3 44.31 55.69 - -
12 (Т – 923 K), air cooling. Spectrum №3 27.39 72.60 - -

ω(O) [%]





Spectrum 1 Spectrum 2 Spectrum 3
273 373 473 573 673 773 873 T [K]

Figure 7. The curves of changes of the mass content of oxygen in the studied sections: spectrum 1 –
the main metal zone; spectrum 2 – the metal abscess zone; spectrum 3 – the impurities zone
68 V. Hudym, O. Nazarovets,S. Kovalyshyn, I. Horodetskyy

Table 6. The mass content of chemical elements in microstructures of wires after preheating by
short-circuit currents with subsequent heating in a muffle furnace

№ Test conditions for aluminum О, % Al, % Si, % C, %

SC – (Т – 293 K), air cooling.
1 14.09 74.60 7.78 -
Spectrum №1
SC – (Т – 523 K), air cooling.
2 27.76 63.86 8.38 -
Spectrum №1
SC – (Т – 723 K), air cooling.
3 19.13 76,08 4.42 -
Spectrum №1
SC – (Т – 923 K), air cooling.
4 21.44 67.54 7.65 -
Spectrum №1
SC – (Т – 293 K), air cooling.
5 9.28 61.42 28,00 -
Spectrum №2
SC – (Т – 523 K), air cooling.
6 31,20 48.52 - 20.28
Spectrum №2
SC – (Т – 723 K), air cooling.
7 15.78 79.63 - 4.6
Spectrum №2
SC – (Т – 923 K), air cooling.
8 30.91 58.00 - 11.09
Spectrum №2
SC– (Т – 293 K), air cooling.
9 9.76 75.71 10.74 -
Spectrum №3
SC – (Т – 523 K), air cooling.
10 18.81 77.44 3.75 -
Spectrum №3
SC – (Т – 723 K), air cooling.
11 14.38 84.68 0.94 -
Spectrum №3
SC – (Т – 923 K), air cooling.
12 19.76 40.74 - 25.59
Spectrum №3
metal, in the metal abscess zone and in the
Table 3 demonstrates some content of carbon impurity zone in accordance with the mode of
(C) in impurity zones as a result of alumina wire heating temperature of the aluminum conductor
sample heating to temperatures of 523 K, 723 K sample which was previously heated by the SC
and 923 K with preheating by SC currents. current.
When the conductor (aluminium wire) was
preheated by the current of the short circuit and ω(O) [%]
then was heated up to 523 K the mass content of 30
ω(O) oxygen in the area of the base metal are
increased by 1.7 times, in the metal abscess
zone the mass content of oxygen is increased by 20
2.3 times and in the impurity zone it was 15
increased by 1.7 times in comparison with the 10
model in which the SC current was at the room 5
temperature. After further heating in the muffle Spectrum 1 Spectrum 2
furnace, the mass content of oxygen was 273 473 673 873
decreased significantly and at the temperature of T [K]
723 K the content of oxygen was increased
again. Figure 8. The curves of changes of the mass
Fig. 7 shows the graphs of the change in the content of oxygen in the studied sections:
mass content of oxygen in the zone of the base spectrum 1 – the main metal zone; spectrum 2 –
the metal abscess zone; spectrum 3 – the
impurities zone

Figure 7 shows that for all spectra, the These peculiarities can confirm that the short-
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Serhii Yermakov

Educational and scientific laboratory “DAK GPS”, State Agrarian and

Engineering University
32-300 Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.

Abstract. In order to create automatic Cowin, 1999; Zenkov et al. 1966). It is due to
systems for planting energy willow, it is the complexity of ensuring uniform
important to study the process of gravitational continuous movement till now, there is no
unloading of cuttings. When constructing a universal power device that works effectively
mathematical model of this process, planting with any bulk material, and the variety of
material was characterized as a pseudo-fluid material requiring unloading contributes to a
consisting of a discrete component (cuttings) further search for justifications for the
and a gaseous medium (air), and the gravity movement of a particular material. So in this
unloading itself was considered from the study, such material is cuttings of plants. The
point of view of hydrodynamic multiphase need to study this issue is dictated by the
systems using the corresponding general increasing popularity of fuels from bioenergy
equations for characterizing the motion. By crops, which require fast and efficient
applying the Laplace transform to determine machines to create the so-called energy
the Fourier coefficients, we obtain a system of plantations to increase their volumes. The
linear algebraic equations of the velocity of most common energy willow in Ukraine is
motion of such a pseudo-fluid. vegetatively propagated by cuttings 20-25 cm
Keywords: energy willow (salix long and 5-20 mm in diameter (Frączek,
viminalis), planting automation, mathematical Mudryk, 2005; Dziedzic et al. 2017; Hutsol et
model, Laplace transform, multiphase system al. 2018; Yermakov et al. 2018).
Today, such material is planted with
INTRODUCTION planters in which planting material is supplied
exclusively by hand, which significantly
As theoretical studies, in the direction limits the possibility of increasing the
of unloading bulk materials, show, this efficiency of the units. A theoretical study of
problem is far from solved. Numerous studies the cuttings’ movement and the
of the process of gravitational outflow of implementation of the results in practice can
materials made it possible to establish only be of help in creating a planting machine.
some dependencies that explain the essence of
this process (Bagnold, 1954; Bohomiahkih,
Pepchuk, 1985; Gyachev, 1992; Savage,

Figure 1. Planting material of energy willow

72 S. Yermakov

In accordance with the scientific

direction at the State Agrarian and Moreover, based on an analysis of
Engineering University in Podilia “Research existing solutions, a number of assumptions
on workflow and parameters of the feeling were made, which made it possible to
mechanism for cuttings in energy willow consider the gravitational unloading of
planting” (state registration number cuttings from the point of view of
0119U100945), an automated system for hydrodynamic multiphase systems. In
feeding and selecting planting material for accordance with this approach, the set of
wood energy crops is being developed. cuttings is considered as a pseudo-fluid
One of the first steps in this work is consisting of two phases: a discrete, formed
the construction of a mathematical model of by cuttings and a continuous phase (gas-like
the process of gravitational flow of rod- medium between the cuttings) (Yermakov et
shaped materials from slot hoppers al. 2019). Each of these phases is considered
(Yermakov, Hutsol 2018; Yermakov et al. as a continuous medium, which allowed us to
2019). consider unloading as the motion of a viscous
incompressible pseudo-fluid, the equations of
MATERIALS AND METHODS motion of which were presented in the
following form (Sous 1971; Nyhmatulin
In previous works, we have already 1978).
worked out general principles for constructing

 V    
a mathematical model of the process of
unloading cuttings from the hopper,  
   V1 ,  V   P  V  F  ge2 ,
 t  (1)
determined the boundary conditions and
characteristics of their movement (Yermakov 
 V1    
et al. 2018; Yermakov, Hutsol, 2018; 1   
 V1 ,  V1   (1   )P1  1V1  F  1 ge2 ,
Yermakov et al. 2019).  t  (2)
The model of the hopper was taken as
the basis (Fig. 2), in which the consideration 
of the process is limited to the two- divV  0 , (3)
dimensional model (in the plane x1 x2 ), since 
it is assumed that the movement of cuttings in divV1  0 , (4)
the hopper is independent of the coordinate
x3 , due to the presence of walls parallel to the where e1 , e2 , e3 are the unit vectors of the
Cartesian coordinate system,
x1 x2 that restrict movement cuttings  
plane V ,V1 - velocity field of discrete and
along the axis x3 . continuous phases,
P, P1
- pressure of discrete and
continuous phases,
g - acceleration of gravity.


Basic assumptions about the nature of

the motion of a two-phase pseudo-fluid. In the
previous works of the authors (Yermakov et
al. 2019), the formulation of the initial-
boundary-value problem of the motion of a
two-phase pseudo-fluid is given, which
simulates the process of unloading cuttings
Figure 2. The design scheme of the hopper from the hopper. The equation of motion of
with cuttings this pseudo-fluid is nonlinear integro-

differential equations. This significantly then in equations (6), (7) we can neglect
 
complicates the solution to these equations. nonlinear members of the type u , u ,
However, under certain assumptions about the u1  u, u1  u  . As the quantities V0 , T , L
nature of the motion of the pseudo-fluid, these
equations can be simplified. This made it we choose the following; V0  A - maximum
possible to obtain their solutions in an speed of vibrations, T  2  - period of
analytical form. vibrations, L  2 a - circumference of the
Let us formulate these assumptions. cross-section of the cutting. Then inequality
To do this, we introduce dimensionless (9) takes the form
variables by the formulas
t  T  t , x1  L  x1 , x2  L  x2 ,  1.
(5) a (10)
V1  V0 U1 ,V  V0 U
Thus, if the amplitude of the vibrations
where T is the characteristic time, L is the is sufficiently small, then in equations (6), (7)
characteristic length size, V0 is the maximum the nonlinear terms are small. In what
velocity of the pseudo-fluid. follows, we will assume that inequality (10)
In these variables, the equation of holds.

motion (1) - (4) will take the form Further, since 1 is the density of air,
 is the averaged density of cuttings, the
u V0T T T
 u,   u     2 u  quantity is
t L V0  L L 1
    1.
1   u1  u   0 
 (11)
0.5 t L 
  
 u1  u ,   u1  u  
  Therefore, the third and fourth terms
  VT 
4.5 1  1T t   u1  u   0   on the right side of equation (6) can be
 a  0  u  u ,  u  u 
  L  (6) neglected.
 1  1   In addition, since the volume
 t  
d  concentration of the cuttings   1 , and the
1 1T T coefficient of kinematic viscosity of the air
2  1
3.75 u u  g e2 . 2
 a (1   )
V0 (continuous phase)  1 is small ( 1  105 m ),
the first and second terms on the right side of
u1 V0T 1    T T
  u1 ,   u1   1  12 u1  equation (7) can be neglected.
t L V0 1 L L Thus, based on the assumptions made
  VT  about the nature of the motion of the two-
0.5   u1  u   0  u1  u ,   u1  u  
1    t L  phase pseudo-fluid, equations (6) - (8) are
4.5  1T   simplified and take the form

     u1  u   L  u1  u ,   u1  u    (7)
 a 1    0   
u    
  1T
2     u  u1  u   ge2 , (12)
 t  
d  3.75
 u1  u   g e2 . t
a 2 (1   )3 V0
u1  
 
div u  0, div u1  0.  0.5  u1  u  
(8) t 1   t
From (6), (7) it follows that if the 1

t 2
V T L is sufficiently small
quantity 0 1   u1  u  t    d  (13)
 1,  2  u1  u   ge2 ,
L (9)
74 S. Yermakov

 
div u  0, div u1  0. (14)  u u 
cos 2  1  2  
 x1 x2 
The notations are introduced here.
2sin 2 1  (24)
T T T x1
 , gg ,   2, (15)
V0 L V0 L gL cos 2  ht 
 ,
  T 2 V0
  3.75 21 1 2 , (16)
 a 1    if
  1T ctgh0
x2  tg  x1  b 2 L , b 2 L  x1  b 2 L 
1  4.5 , (17)
 a1   
 u u  u
 2 T cos 2  1  2   2sin 2 1 
 2  3.75 2 1 3 , (18)  x2 x1  x1
a 1    (25)
gL cos 2  ht 
 .
Equations (12) - (14) are the basis for 2 V0
describing the process of unloading cuttings
from the hopper. To these equations it is Application of the Laplace transform
necessary to add initial and boundary to the equations of motion of a two-phase
conditions, which in the new notation have
pseudo-fluid.The solutions of equations (12) -
the form:
(14) can be found using the Laplace
Initial conditions
  Before applying the Laplace
u t 0  u1 t 0  0, transform, we determine the pressure  . To
 t 0  0, do this, we act by differential operation div
(19) on the left and right sides of equation (12).
Then, taking into account equations (14), we
Boundary conditions have
if x2  ht  L   0. (26)
Assuming that the pressure  is
2V0 u 2
  0,
L x2 weakly dependent on the variable x1

u1 u 2 2 2

  0, 
x1 x 2
2 2
x 2 x12 (21)
from (26) we obtain
h  V0Tu2 , (22)
x2   tg   x1  b 2 L  ,  0.
x 2
if (27)
 ctg  h0 / L  b / 2 L  x1  b 2 L
Integrating (27), we have
sin u1  cos u 2  sin 2 t ,
V0 (23)   С1 x2  C2 , (28)

where C1and C2 are constant values

independent of the variable x2 . The constants

C1and C2 can be determined from the div U  0. (37)
boundary conditions on the free surface of the
layer of cuttings and on the border of the Having determined from (36), (37) the
discharge window of the hopper. 
Neglecting the influence of the Laplace transform U 1 of the discrete phase
atmosphere and assuming that at the boundary velocity, from (33) it is possible to determine
of the discharge window the pressure the Laplace transform of the continuous phase
coincides with the standard pressure velocity
pст  gh
, we obtain   q g 
U1  1  U  e2 . (38)
  q
 
p  g h  Lx 2 . (29)
Thus, to solve the problem, it is
Let us substitute (29) into (12). After a sufficient to determine the velocity of the
series of transformations, we have discrete phase of the pseudo-fluid.
In addition to equations (36), (37), it is

u   
  u  u1  u .
necessary to add boundary conditions (23) -
t (30) (25), which, after applying the Laplace
We introduce the Laplace transform transform, are reduced to
with respect to the time variable t for the
if x2   tg x1  b 2L
 
velocity fields u and u1 of the discrete and
A 2
continuous phases of the pseudo-fluid sin U 1  cos U 2 

V0 q 2  4 2 
     U U 2 
U   ue qt dt , U1   u1e qt dt . (31) cos 2  1  
0 0  x1 x2 
U fgL cos 2  h
Let us apply the Laplace transform to 2sin 2 1  ,
x1 2 V0
(30) and (13), (14). Then, taking into account
(31), using the property of the Laplace if x2   tg  x  b 2L
transform and the formula  U U 
 t
  cos 2  1  2  
 e  U  t    d  q  U t e dt  x2 x1 
 qt 1 2  qt
0 0 0 U1 fgL cos 2  h
we have 2sin 2  ,
    x1 2 V0

qU   U   U1  U ,  (32) where
  g  
U 1    q U  e2 , h   ht e qt dt .
q (33)
 0 (42)
div U  0, (34)
where Let us find a solution to problem (36),
1  0.5 (37). To do this, we pass from the vector form
q   q 1   2 .
1 (35) to the scalar one.
 U1  U1  0,
Excluding 1 from (32), (33) we have (43)
U 2  U 2  d , (44)
 q     g  U 1 U 2
U  1  U  e2 ,   0,
   q  (36) x 1 x 2
76 S. Yermakov
  
U  U1e1  U 2 e2 , (46)
and the dot denotes the operation of
q  differentiation with respect to the variable x2 .
 1  ,
   (47)
Next, we substitute (50) and (51) into
equation (45). We will obtain
d .
q  (48) 2n 2n
B1n  A2 n  0, B 2 n  A1n  0. (55)
Equations (43) - (45) must be satisfied M M
in the volume of the hopper. Continue the The general solution of equations (52),
functions U1and U2 beyond the hopper to the (53) can be represented as
 n x2 n x2
A1n  A1n e  C1n e ,
h b h b
 0 ctg    x1  0 ctg   , (49) A2 n  A2 n e
 n x2
 C2 n e
n x2
L 2L L 2L (56)
 n x2 n x2
h B1n  B1n e  D1n e ,
0  x2  0
L  n x2 n x2
B2 n  B2 n e  D2 n e ,
In the following way: U1 will continue
with zero, and U2 with a constant . where
Then equations (43) - (45) will be A1n , A2n , C1n , C2n , B1n , B2n , D1n , D2n are
satisfied on the entire rectangle (49). arbitrary constants.
We will seek a solution to these 
equations in the form of Fourier series in the Since n depends on the parameter q
of the Laplace transform (see (31)), which,
variable x1 generally speaking, is a complex number, for

2 2 the root n
we choose the branch for which
U1   A1n cos nx1  A2 n sin nx1 , (50)
n 0 M M Re n  0.
d  2
U 2     B1n cos nx1  As follows from (56), the sought
 n 0 M quantities are the sum of two terms. One of
2 them with the increase n   increases
 B2 n sin nx1 , exponentially, while the other decreases. For
the convergence of infinite series (50) and
(51), exponentially growing terms should be
M  b  ctg   ctg   0 .
where L L discarded. Therefore, exponentially
A ,A ,B ,B decreasing terms should be left in (56).
Here the quantities 1n 2n 1n 2n   x
A1n  A1n e n 2 ,
are unknown functions of the variable x2 .  n x2
To find these functions, we substitute A2 n  A2 n e ,
 n x2
(50) and (51) into equations (43) and (44). B1n  B1n e ,
Making the necessary calculations, we will   x
have B2 n  B2 n e n 2 ,
Now we substitute (56) into (57). Then
A   A  0, A    A  0, (52) we have
1n n 1n 2n n 2n

B1n  n B1n  0, B2n  n B2n  0, n  0,1,... (53) M

A1n   n B2 n ,
where 2 n (58)
 2n 
n      , A2 n  n B1n .
 M  (54) 2 n

In particular, it follows from (58) that 4. The basic assumptions about the
B10  B20  0 . nature of the motion of a two-phase pseudo-
fluid were considered and substantiated, due
In view of the above, for solving
to which some of the composite equations
equations (43) - (45), we obtain the following
could be neglected, and the existing equations
of motion were significantly simplified.
 5. By applying the Laplace transform
  n e
 x2  n x2
U1  A10e   to determine the Fourier coefficients, a system
n 1 of linear algebraic equations of the pseudo-
 2 n 2 n  fluid velocity has been obtained (see (59),
  B1n sin x1  B2 n cos x1  ,
 M M  (60)).

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 n x2
U2   d 
 n 0
 2 n 2 n 
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the energy willow cuttings. Renewable



Ivan Radko, Mykola Lut, Vitaliy Nalyvayko, Oleksander Okushko

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

st. Heroes of Defense, 13, Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract. Modern electro-technologies contamination, especially in complex

used in the processes of manufacturing, configuration details, with deep holes and
restoration and repair of electrical equipment cavities, removal of scale, corrosion products,
have been considered and analyzed. The use deposits, etc., and to outdated and inefficient
of such technologies can improve the technological processes can be referred:
performance of such equipment and improve mechanical treatment of structural materials
the quality and reliability of its operation. with special physical and mechanical
The use of electro-technology based properties, thermal treatment, enameling and
on the direct action on the object of various painting, repairing of worn assemblies and
forms of electrical energy (DC and AC parts, etc.
energy, electromagnetic and electric field
energy, etc.) in the manufacture, restoration ANALYSIS OF RECENT
and repair of equipment allows to increase its RESEARCHES
efficiency, profitability and competitiveness
in comparison with other technologies, used Studies conducted in a number of
in similar technological processes, such as Western countries (USA, Germany, Canada,
mechanical treatment of structural materials UK, etc.), Russia, Ukraine, as well as their
with special physical and mechanical widespread implementation, demonstrate the
properties, heat treatment, enameling and high efficiency of the use of electro-
painting, as well as repairing worn assemblies technology, their considerable potential,
and parts. including in the manufacture, restoration and
Keywords: electrical technologies, repair of agricultural machinery and electrical
electrical equipment, electrostatic method, equipment for it. Increased interest in electro-
coatings, ultrasonic treatment. technology in these countries is confirmed by
an increase in annual investments, for
FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM example in the USA, from $ 8 to $ 35 million,
an increase in the number of electro-technical
The efficiency of operation of modern installations, for example in Japan by 43%
agricultural equipment is largely determined (Borodin, 1986; Inozemtsev et al. 2016;
by the quality and reliability, which does not Voloshyn, 2015; Radko, 2013).
always meet modern requirements. This can According to the calculations of some
to some extent be attributed not only to of the leading companies in the field of
current agricultural machinery, but also to the electrical technology, in many cases, their
processes of its production, especially in the
implementation is much cheaper than the
stages of restoration and repair, which in most
cases are outdated, energy-consuming classic ones. For example, the electrostatic
technologies, carried out in manual, which method of coating production including
causes considerable labor costs and low (powder, liquid paints), and the method of
productivity. Such outdated methods include electro-deposition by volume of sales in
such technological processes as cleaning parts various industries is about 82 - 85% of the
from greasing, dust, mechanical volume of production of all coatings. Today,
80 I. Radko, M. Lut, V. Nalyvayko, O. Okushko

it can be argued that, in some cases, due to the treatment with the use of electro-contact
increasing modern requirements for product heating, high-frequency and over high-
quality and technical and economic frequency fields, etc. In the repair of
agricultural machinery and electrical
indicators, electrical technologies, in general,
equipment, control methods are also used in
cannot be replaced by other technologies, testing processes based on electromechanical,
such as in the areas of economical use of fuel acoustic, optical, and other measurement
and energy resources, energy costs, the principles.
creation of clean technologies and The use of ultrasound for cleaning
environment protection, etc. (Inozemtsev et allows us to accelerate the process by 3…15
al. 2010). times while reducing the cost of chemicals
more than 1.5…2 times. This treatment not
only accelerates the removal of dirt with high
productivity and quality, but also solves
environmental problems by replacing the use
The purpose of the study is to analyze of different solvents. Numerical studies show
and develop modern electrical technologies that the optimal frequency range for cleaning
for the manufacture, restoration and repair of ranges from 16…60 kHz at an intensity of
agricultural machinery and electrical 0.5…5 W/cm2 (Inozemtsev et al. 2010;
equipment and to develop proposals for their Bergman, 1956; Inozemtsev, 2006).
use in agricultural production.
Cleaning of parts of tractors, cars,
THE MAIN MATERIAL PRESENTATION. agricultural machines by ultrasonic treatment
3… 4 times reduces processing time. Thus,
Electro-technology is a technology cleaning of engine parts and transmissions
that is based on the application of electro- under normal methods is carried out for 8…
physical processes to obtain the final 15 minutes, with ultrasound for 3… 5
products, that is, on the direct action on the minutes.
object of various forms of electricity. In such For high-quality cleaning of dirt,
technologies, different forms of electrical grease in the conditions of small agricultural
energy in the processing are used, such as enterprises and workshops it is possible to use
direct and alternating current energy, ultrasonic small-size installations of the UM-
electromagnetic field energy, and so on. 60-0,2 type. This unit has an output power of
Such technologies, first of all, include: 60 W, an operating frequency of 25 kHz, a
the use of ultrasonic vibrations for cleaning, radiation intensity of 5 W / cm2. And when
washing and disinfection; for mechanical cleaning large parts, it is proposed to use
processing of structural materials; application ultrasonic modular units of UZUM type with
of electrostatic method of production of the power 130, 250 and 400 watts. The
coatings on surfaces and objects of different technical characteristics are given in Table 1.
configuration; technologies of welding, heat
Table 1. Technical characteristics of ultrasonic cleaners

Type of unit
UZU-0,1 UZU-0,25 UZU-0,4
Рin, kW 0,1 0,25 0,4
Рout , kW 18 18 18
Рcons., kW 0,15 0,4 1,0
Vres., dm3 1,0 5 5
Type of
piezoelectr. piezoelectr. piezoelectr.

The most common are 2 methods of parts. The small and large parts are cleaned by
ultrasonic cleaning: contact and immersion in the immersion method. Fig. 1 shows an
detergent solution. The contact method is ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning and washing
used to clean the inner cavities of thin-walled parts.



To generator

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of an ultrasonic bath for cleaning and washing parts:
1 - ultrasonic converter; 2 - water bath; 3 - bath with working fluid

Cleaning of parts of tractors, cars, agricultural technologies in agricultural and farm

machines by ultrasonic treatment 3… 4 times environments.
reduces processing time. The idea of using ultrasound to clean
For example, cleaning of engine parts materials has been successfully implemented
and transmissions under normal methods in the cleaning of various working, cutting
takes 8… 15 minutes, with ultrasound 3… 5 tools (Frelich, 1960). For example, ultrasonic
minutes. During ultrasonic treatment, the cleaning is very effective in restoring the
parts are immersed in a bath in grids that are sanding belt - cleaning it from wood, metal
lowered directly to the diaphragms of the and paint, oiling, etc. The application of such
transducers. treatment causes the restoration of the sanding
The availability of a wide range of belt to 60 ... 70%, that is, promotes secondary
ultrasonic generators, including small-sized use, use in finishing, etc. Such technology can
generators, enables them to be used for be implemented at any enterprise, including
cleaning and degreasing small batches of agricultural repair shops. The basic scheme of
products, which facilitates the use of such installation is shown in Fig. 2

Figure 2. Scheme of installation for restoration of a sanding belt

1 - technological capacity; 2 - sanding tape; 3 - rollers; 4 - working solution; 5 – oscillators

Cleaning the sanding belt can be For cleaning and washing glass and
combined with other operations, such as metal containers, such as oil, different
washing and cleaning small parts, relay installations can be used - rotary, through
contacts, switching devices, brushes of type, bath, etc. Today such technology is
electric machines, and the like. being implemented at a number of enterprises.
82 I. Radko, M. Lut, V. Nalyvayko, O. Okushko

It is known that transformer oil is a (electrical strength) of transformer oil is

liquid insulating material that is widely used performed. This parameter is one of the most
in electrical appliances. Its most important important both in the operation of electrical
characteristic is the electrical strength, which
equipment and in the processes of its repair
is extremely sensitive to moisture and
pollution, which contributes to the conditions (Inozemtsev et al. 2010; Elperer, 1983;
of electrical breakdown. Radko et al. 2016 ).
In Fig. 3 a schematic diagram of an
installation of a quality measurement

to the measurer

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of rapid analysis of the electrical strength of transformer oil in
electrical appliances:
1 - the appliance’s body; 2 - transformer oil; 3 - acoustic emitter-receiver; 4 - electric appliance

Speed measurement is carried out by LAС

Cx   103 , (2)
the method of determining the time of passage T pass.  Т АC
of the acoustic pulse (Tpass.) through the
transformer oil according to the formula where LAC is the acoustic base (the
(Popkov, 1971; Inozemtsev et al. 1974): distance between the emitter and the
receiver); Tpass., TAC - respectively the time of
passage of the acoustic pulse and the time of
Tpass.  Т1  Т 2  0,4  N P , (1) acoustic delay.
Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the
electrical strength of the transformer oil on
where T1, T2 - delay start scan; Np is the speed of propagation of ultrasound at
the number of calibration voltage periods. different humidity and contamination.
The speed is determined by the
Speed V, m/s


Electrical strength, kW/cm

Figure 4. Dependence of the speed of propagation of ultrasonic vibrations on the electrical
strength of transformer oil

In the process of repairing agricultural Many years of experience and

machinery, electro-technology for the achievements in the field of electro-
purification of technical liquids is used, and, technology show that the solution of these
first of all, oils and fuels from ferromagnetic issues is achieved through the widespread use
impurities, which are formed by the actuation of electrostatic dyeing (electro-dyeing), which
of interacting parts, etc. For example, in today is the most advanced method, primarily
motor and transmission oils, such impurities due to technical and economic indicators.
are 25-35% (Radko et al. 2017; Inozemtsev The widespread use of the electrostatic
et al. 2013). method, since the second half of the last
This technology is carried out with the century, in almost all developed countries of
use of a magnetic field, the effect of which the world, its unsurpassed qualitative and
helps to extend the life of the oils by 3 - 5% quantitative indicators, led to the possibility
and to solve the problem of their recovery, the of creating highly productive and highly
possibility of secondary or repeated use. efficient technological processes in various
The so-called “finishing” operations, industries, which, above all, provided saving
especially in the process of repair and of paint up to 65 - 95%, high quality of
restoration of agricultural machinery, play a coatings (serviceability increases in 1,2 - 1,3
special role in solving the problems of times), possibility of mechanization of labor-
improving efficiency and resource intensive processes, improvement of
conservation as well as in the production of ecological conditions due to reduction of
protective and decorative coatings, the quality emissions of solvents into the environment.
and durability of which greatly affects the The Table 2 shows the main technical and
increase in terms and conditions of use and economic indicators that characterize this
reliability of the equipment. method.

Table 2. Technical and economic indicators of the electrostatic method

Functional Economic Ergonomic
Physical grounds Economy of paint, Increasing
quality of a covering environmental
Specified Increase productivity performance.
thickness Improving working
Process Reduction of conditions
Automation technological process

Electro-painting equipment, in the first technical characteristics of a number of high-

place, high-voltage sources (generators and voltage sources used by different companies
rectifiers), paint sprays based on the use of for electro-dyeing. This equipment is used not
centrifugal forces in the electrostatic field, only to equip high-performance automated
pneumoelectric sprays and paint systems are and robotic lines of electro-dyeing, but also
successfully produced in many countries with success in the electro-dyeing of small
(USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Russia, batches of products in the conditions of small
Belarus, etc.). The Table 3 shows the

Table 3. Technical characteristics of high-voltage sources

Type of the Umax,
Iload, μA Uin, V
source kV
Cascade 85 150 – 250 220 – 240
Classic 100 150 – 250 220 – 240
LEPS 140 150 – 250 220 – 240
Micropack 100 – 220 – 240
84 I. Radko, M. Lut, V. Nalyvayko, O. Okushko

Table 4. Specifications of electro sprayer

Technical characteristics Units of measurement NO-2-701
Input voltage V 110/220
Power Output kW 0,1
Output voltage kV 90
Loss of paint % <1-2
Max performance ml / min <200
Weight (sprayer) kg 1,25
Type of high voltage source RGV-90

farms in the form of mobile small-sized shows that the annual need for reconstruction
installations or directly in the form of manual works only for 35 - 110 kV transmission lines
electro-dye sprayers (Table 4). Despite their is 110 - 150 supports (without taking into
account individual elements), each of which
considerable diversity, the electrical dyeing
constitutes 130 - 250 m2 of the metal surface
equipment of these countries has no depending on the class of voltage and type of
significant differences, except for the supports.
structural ones, which is related to the One of the advantages of the
applications (Radko, 2017). electrostatic method that solves the problem
Electro-technology of coatings of above is its versatility, which is especially
metal constructions of 35 - 110 kV important for solving problems related to the
transmission lines is one of the most restoration of coatings during the
promising and effective solutions to the reconstruction and repair of metal supports
problem of corrosion control, which affects directly in the field.
the durability, mechanical stability, duration A serious positive effect of the
of operation of the supports. electrostatic method is that it not only reduces
The nature of operation, especially of losses of paints and varnishes (by 1,5 - 1,75
electrical networks of agricultural purpose times), but also promotes increase of
(considerable time of their work - 30 - 40 operational stability of a covering (in 1,2 - 1,5
years, uneven loading, application for repair times), improvement of ecological conditions
of separate units and elements of supports of and reduction of technological cycle of
imperfect and inefficient methods, etc.) production of coatings.
contributes to their damage, and in the first Figures 5 and 6 show the dependences
place, due to corrosion action, all of which of the change in the service stability
requires the replacement or restoration of (adhesion) of the coating, depending on the
individual units directly in place, ie in the modes (high voltage, inter-electrode distance)
field. The current state of such networks and method of application (Kozyrsky, 2015).

δ, mkm

U, kV
Figure 5. Dependence of coating thickness on high voltage

A, kg∙w/s2

L, mm

Figure 6. The dependence of the adhesion resistance of the coating on the inter-electrode distance

It should be emphasized that the use of several advantages over the use of liquid paint
manual and mobile electro-dyeing materials. First of all, minimal losses of
installations, which prove their economic and powder paints (3 - 5%), savings on the cost of
solvents, the possibility of obtaining thick
technological feasibility especially in the
single-layer coatings (instead of multilayers in
field, is especially effective. Field tests show the case of the use of liquid paints), increased
that with the volume of repair work (10 - 12 durability of coatings, etc.
supports per month) it is possible to save 170 Today, this technology is widely used
- 210 kg of paint (organo-silicon OS, in practically every developed country in the
pentaphtale PF), to reduce the number of various industries for painting metal products,
repair and restoration works by increasing the wood (mechanical engineering, construction
and agricultural machinery, aviation and
service life of such coatings, reducing the
shipbuilding, various parts and components
corrosive effect on elements of structures and for tractor and household appliances, etc.).
their fastening (1,2 - 1,5 times) (Inozemtsev et The painting equipment involves the
al. 2009; Okushko et al. 2018). use of various powder paints, first of all,
One of the most effective methods of thermoplastic and thermosetting based on
electro-technology for the production of polyvinyl butyryl, polystyrene, epoxy,
coatings in order to create high quality polyester resins, polyurethane and the like.
protective and decorative coatings is to use an The Table 5 shows the Start sprayer
electrostatic field with the use of powder specifications.
paints. Not only is this technology
economically pure and waste-free, it also has

Table 5. Specifications of Start sprayers

Parameter Start 50 Start 50-1 Start 50 vibro
Supply voltage (V / Hz) 220/50 220/50 220/50
Corona Electrode Voltage (kV) 60 60 60
Power Consumption (W) 2 2
Short-circuit current (mA) 100 100 100
Compressed air pressure (MPa) 0,02-0,1 0,15-0,20 0,02-0,2
Painting speed (m2 / min) 1,2 1,2 3,0

A special place, especially in the automotive production, mechanical

processes of application of water-dispersed engineering, etc. Electro-deposition is widely
and water-soluble materials is electro- used in the processes of obtaining galvanic
deposition, which is widely implemented in coatings, corrosion protection, for the
86 I. Radko, M. Lut, V. Nalyvayko, O. Okushko

restoration of worn-out parts of agricultural conductive, insulating coatings and the like
machinery and the like. For example, about are obtained.
75% of all coatings in automotive production Certainly the given directions of
are produced today by electro-deposition. application of electro-technologies do not
The advantages of dyeing by electro- comprise all possibilities at repair and
deposition are: production of agricultural machinery,
 high productivity in painting units and electrical equipment, demonstrate expediency
components of complex configuration, and efficiency of application, cause increase
obtained by welding (arc, point) and which of qualitative-quantitative indicators and
are difficult to access for painting places; increase of labor productivity.
 obtaining the same thickness during
painting of the paint film and increasing the CONCLUSIONS
corrosion resistance of the treated material;
 high adhesion of the paint film to the 1. Practical implementation of the
metal surface and subsequent layers of paint. above-mentioned electro-technology in the
Improve product appearance. conditions of agriculture can help to improve
Electro-deposition dyeing technology the quality of repair and renewal works of
can be referred to as so-called "clean electrical equipment and to solve energy-
technology" due to the fact that it: provides saving issues, as well as to increase the
protection against corrosion at the minimum qualitative-quantitative characteristics and
consumption of paint and varnish material per increase labor productivity.
unit of surface to be painted and has a 2. The availability of the above
minimal amount of waste; provides minimal technologies and modern facilities of the so-
evaporation of volatile components during called "small mechanization" gives every
drying due to the minimum thickness of the reason for their implementation, which will
paint film. help to increase the profitability and
These advantages are reflected in competitiveness of agricultural products.
operating costs, which are sometimes lower
than the costs of powder coating (for
example, the thickness of the paint film Borodin I. F. 1986. Automation of
during electro-deposition is 15… 30 μm, and technological processes M.:
for powder coating 50… 70 μm, with the Agropromizdat, 386 (in Russian).
same corrosion resistance) (Inozemtsev et al. Inozemtsev G. B., Okushko O. V. 2016.
2009; Okushko et al. 2018). Promising methods of manufacturing and
The disadvantages of the method repairing electrical equipment in the
include the need for large production areas conditions of the agroindustrial complex.
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Gas-plasma spraying is a method that electrical appliances / MOTROL
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Markian Goshko, Stepan Khimka, Ivan Drobot

Lviv National Agrarian University

Ukraine, Dublyany, V. Velykoho str., 1.

Abstract. Electricity production in the

state in 2017 decreasedby 10.2% compared to THE FORMULATION OF
the previous year by 163.3 billion kWh . At THE PROBLEM
the same time, the saving of electric energy is
of interest not only to the state and business The problem of energy conservation
owners, but also to the representatives of has a global scale. Up to 20% of the total
ordinary house holds. electricity consumption in the industry falls
Every year the issue of energy saving on electric lighting. One of the ways to
and energy efficiency is becoming more and increase energy efficiency is to modernize the
more relevant. There are a number of reasons lighting.
for this, among which one can distinguish: Our experiments indicate that many
- short age of energy resources in LEDs are poorly-matched, but not always
Ukraine; consistent with the characteristics of
- reduction of natural resources; manufacturers.
- rising prices for energy imports;
- annual increase in electricity ANALYSIS OF THE LAST RESEARCHES
Nuclear power plants, which today
produce almost 60%, in 2017 reduced Having analyzed the available modern
electricity productionby 0.9% compared to light sources, the main generalized
the previous year to 87.6 billion kilowatt- characteristics of light sources.
hours. After analyzing the above information
So the problem of energy conservation and taking into account the problems of
has a global scale. Upto 20% of the total energy saving, it can be argued that one of the
electricity consumption in the industry falls effective ways to reduce consumption (EC)
on electric lighting. One of the ways to for lighting is the replacement of incandescent
increase energy efficiency is to modernize the lamps (IL) for compact fluorescent lamps
lighting. (CFLs), whose light output is 4-5 times higher
A few years ago, the introduction of than in LR (Hoshko, 2014; Goshko et al.
LED-type lamps was too expensive, so it's not 2015а; Goshko et al. 2015b) , and light-
effective. There fore, we decided to emitting diode (LED) lamps with light output
experiment experimentally with the of 5-8 times higher than LR, both in the
introduction of different types of lamps, and illumination of the production complex,
to compare their economic expediency in (Goshko, 2015; Goshko, 2016; Goshko et al.
time. But the situation in the marketis 2016) and in the housing and communal
changing, the cost of LEDs is reduced, as well services. Street lighting is considered more
as their electricity consumption. economically - advantageous when using
Keywords: LED lamps, economy sodium lamps of high pressure with light
lamps, energy saving lamps, LED lamps output of 100 - 130 lm / W. (Hoshko, 2017).
90 M. Goshko, S. Khimka, I. Drobot

parameter, all LEDs should have only one

FORMULATION OF THE power, and for a more illustrative example,
PROBLEM they would purchase for their experiments
about 10 pieces in a different price category.
The purpose of the study is to Actually all parameters were
investigate the influence of design and LED respected. The largest selection of available
lamps manufacturing technologyon their lamp bulbs E-27 was 10 Watts of all brands.
lighting characteristics. After completing the research on each
of the representatives of our lamps formed
MAIN MATERIAL dependencies of various parameters to better
compare them among themselves.
When choosing LED lamps before we The total volt-ampere characteristic is
bought them, we were only observing one given in Figure 1.


0,13 Horoz

Current, I

0,09 Lemanso


0,05 Светокомпл
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Jazzway
Voltage, U

Figure 1.Voltage and ampere characteristics

With the help of this dependence, we 0,055A. Lamps that are left at times worse,
observe the volt-ampere characteristic and Gauss and Eurolamp - 0.075A, all the
using the data given on it, we calculate the subsequent in geometric progression increase,
total power and on this graph it is clearly Lemanso brand has the largest consumption -
stated which bulb consumes more and which 0.095A.
is smaller. According to preliminary data, a
Horoz - produces the smallest diagram graphically depicting the dependence
currents, therefore it is the most economical of the light flux on the voltage in Figure 2
in terms of consumption, at 220V, only was constructed.




Light Flux, F lk/W

70 Lemanso




110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
Напруга, U ,В

Figure 2. Dependence of the light fluxon voltage

The larger and more stable the light We group them by behavior.
flux, the more efficient and stable the light Representatives of Eurolamp, Jazzway
level and the more energy-efficient light bulb, and Estares have similar characteristics, since
that is, if the light flux is bigger, it means that the launch it slows down, starting at 77 lk / w
the greater amount of energy it consumes and completing its slump in operating voltage
turns into light, if it is smaller, then in another in the range of 45-47 p / w. Videx has shown
kind of energy, heating for example . In this a similar behavior, but in the other range -
graph, the difference between the various from the start of 96 lk / w and up to a working
representatives is clearly marked, this voltage of 65.9 psi / w.
behavior is due to different designs of the The next comparison is the
SPF. dependence of lighting on voltage, Figure 3.
92 M. Goshko, S. Khimka, I. Drobot

1800 Videx


Illumination, lk


1000 Estares


600 лект


110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Jazzway
Voltage, U

Figure 3. Dependence of the illumination on voltage

In the working range of 210-230 В Horoz is a dim light bulb that meets
practically all showed a stable level of the declared lightness and smoothly raises it
illumination. Only representative from start to nominal voltage, with a stable
Svetkomplekt demonstrated a jump of working range of 980lk, Jazzway and Estares
illumination in 170 ps in the range of 110-130 have similar behavior since the launch of 960-
V, at 220V-1300 pp. Because of this 980 pages and at working voltage 913-94 0lk,
behavior, the fatigue of the eyes during work which is also a very good result. The
will increase, there will be discomfort. Eurolamp is the worst of these
Lemanso has the largest illumination of 1540 representatives, with a total of 870 pages in
pages, Philips 1350 lk has a fairly good light the operating range, has a smooth start-up
and stable operation at Gauss's low voltage of illumination of 630 pages.
1330 lk at working voltage, but with the It is very important that the light does
output of stable illumination of 180V, not not overheat, since, as it is warmer, the more
from the moment of ignition. Videx 1270 lk, energy will go to its heating.
has a smooth rise in illumination from the Their behavior is depicted in Figure 4.
moment of launch and in a small range. The next paraname for comparison is
Maxus in the range of 1040 lk, stable. cosμ, the greater its value, the greater the
efficiency of its operation.

Lighting element temperature , °C

110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Jazzway
Voltage, U

Figure 4. Dependence of the temperature on voltage

0,9 Videx

0,8 Horoz

0,5 Estares
0,2 Jazzway
Voltage, U

Figure 5. The dependence of cosᵩ on voltage

94 M. Goshko, S. Khimka, I. Drobot

The cosine ᵩ was determined to which is also a very good result. The
understand the impact on the network, if more Eurolamp is the worst of these
than 1 is near, the reactive component gets representatives, with a total of 870 pages in
less effect, and vice versa. Horoz was the best the operating range, has a smooth start-up
reported with the highest data of 0.82, the illumination of 630 pages.
following are much worse, Maxus - 0.5, 4. A cosine ᵩ was determined to
Lemanso, Jazzway, Eurolamp - 0.47, Gauss, understand the effect on the network, if more
Videx - 0.47, Estares - 0.44, Svetkomplekt than 1 is closer, the reactive component gets
and Philips complete with the worst less effect, and vice versa. Horoz was the best
performance in 0.43 reported with the highest data of 0.82, the
following are much worse, Maxus - 0.5,
CONCLUSIONS Lemanso, Jazzway, Eurolamp - 0.47, Gauss,
Videx - 0.47, Estares - 0.44, Svetkomplekt
1. The larger and more stable the light and Philips complete with the worst
flux, the more efficient and stable is the level performance in 0.43
of illumination and the more energy-efficient 5. In the above experiments, it is
light bulb, that is, if the light flux is bigger, it clearly demonstrated how manufacturers
means that the greater amount of energy it establish low-quality FDIs or light-colored
consumes turns into light, if less, then into elements, which, in their turn, give away the
another kind of energy, heating for example. characteristics that are presented by
Representatives of Eurolamp, Jazzway and manufacturers. Only 1 in 10 lamps chosen by
Estares have similar characteristics, since the us, is approximately equivalent to the given
launch, it smoothly decreases, starting at 77 l / parameters.
w and completing its decline in operating
voltage in the range of 45-47 lm / W. Videx REFERENCES
has shown a similar behavior, but in another
range - starting at 96 lm / W and up to Goshko T. D., Goshko M.O., Khimka S. M.,
operating voltage of 65.9 l / w. Brukh O. O., Golodnyak R. I.
2. In the operating range of 210-230 V 2013.Choosing a financial strategy as a
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3. Horoz is a dimerlamp that contactless excitation system of an
corresponds to the declared light and asynchronous generator. Visnyk of Lviv
smoothly raises it from the moment it starts National Agrarian University " Agro-
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Table of contents

А. Тryhuba, O. Ftoma, I. Тryhuba, O. Bashynsky

Justification of parameters of technical and technological service cooperatives…..…..…… 5

A. Miernik
Ergonomic evaluation of the work comfort of employees operating the potato storage
room…………………………………………………………………………………………... 13

E. Popardowski
Influence of spatial data interpolation method on visualization and image generalization of
the diversity of selected parameters important in the agricultural production process……... 21

O. Miroshnyk, V. Paranjuk, I. Yatsiv, M. Ivankiv, O. Shvets, V. Bondarenko

Experimental investigations of ecological evolution of soil fertility by controlled electromagnetism
for the purpose of cultivated crop production…………………………………………………….. 31

M. Sevket Guney, S. Kovalyshyn, O. Sukach

Nutritional value and oil content of hazelnut………………………………………………… 37

M. Guney, Ö. Tunç Dede, F. Güner, B. Guler

Biomass utilization possibilities and conversion methods………………………………….. 41

V. Hudym, O. Nazarovets,S. Kovalyshyn, I. Horodetskyy

Study of heat influence on microstructure of aluminum wire (for fire evaluation)…………. 63

S. Yermakov
Аpplication of the laplace transform to calculate the velocity of a two-phase fluid
modulated by the movement of cuttings of an energy willow (salix viminalis)……………... 71

І. Radko, M. Lut, V. Nalyvayko, O. Okushko

Application of electrical technologies in the manufacturing, restoration and repair of
electric equipment in the conditions of the agricultural complex…………………………… 79

M. Goshko, S. Khimka, I. Drobot

Research of real indicators of led lamps, represented in the market of Lviv region in the
second half of 2018…………………………………………………………………………... 89

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