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Earthquake is a terrifying natural disaster. Earthquake result when built up

tectonic stress and energy in the fault lines of continental and oceanic plates
abruptly release. This sudden release of energy generates the seismic energy that
causes the violent shaking of the ground. It can create damages to our properties,
everything can be destroyed when this occur in a severe way. Earthquakes can
also be the reason for the appearance of another natural phenomenon which is
the tsunami that destroys everything in its path by a tidal wave.
Earthquakes can create damages to our properties in its own way. However,
earthquakes are not all destructive because there is this called intensity that
describes the severity of an earthquake in terms of its effects on earth’s surface
and on humans and their structures. Earthquake can destroy buildings, bridges,
trees, homes, and other living things, and can also even destroy your life.
earthquakes can also bring other calamities such as fire, flooding, landslides, and
even the terrifying tsunami can occur. But what’s most noteworthy is that, its
occurrence is quite unpredictable. We may not know where and when will this
occur but we can do something to save our life from it such as knowing the do’s
and don’ts before, during, and after an earthquake and also know how to ask for
guidance to God. It is important to know how to protect ourselves against
earthquakes. Duck, cover, and hold is an important thing to know. We must
always know how to be prepared like what the quotes saying “prevention is
better than cure” that we should prevent from getting hurt and in danger than
suffer later. So If you want to prolong your life, you should know how to be
prepared for every calamities that may come. Instead of waiting illness to come
why not do something to start valuing wellness?
Earthquakes shows the frailty of humans against nature. It is a tremendous
occurrence that will definitely shock everyone’s lives due to its unimaginable
effects in just a few seconds. It will not just shake the earth but can also make you
tremble in fear.

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