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Department of Management Studies

The Open University of Sri Lanka


REG ID: 320272281

NIC: 900622236V

In competitive markets the challenge for products and services based organizations is to
differentiate themselves in order to successfully attract and retain talented employees. Employee
motivation is parameter which identifies the image for an organization. Through which
employees are directed to develop their self image and work orientations to have a particular
opinion about fitting the managerially objectives.

But many organizations were failed to recognize the role of employee's motivational value in
building a image status. Employees interacting the personal and professional levels of is much
important to handle a potential customers. Each interactive is either a positive or a negative
representation of the organization, and employees motivational for the company. Every
employee plays an important role in supporting and building a motivational image. For example,
an administration assistant might provide support to entire product development team working
on releasing a of new product. The support provided by the administrative assistant allows to
product development team on focus on creating edge product that will deliver on the promise.

A similar type of group that has the responsibility to ensure that every employees receive initial,
education as employee motivation to develop gradually and grow over time. The motivational
should be linked to job descriptions, training programmes, meeting and events. Anyone who
represents a organization should be required to participate in some sort of education program me.

Employees should read, see, feel or hear something each day represents your motivational
values, goals, promise that will help to keep connection. Their shared responsibility to be an
owner, an ambassador, it's the key attraction creating a motivational centric culture. Education
helps to understand and connect with your organization's vision and goals. When employees
understand and connect to company goals, personality, and, promises they become motivational
ambassadors of the organization. The training programme should include tangible examples of
how each employee group helps to deliver on promise, and how their work contributes to the
success. The organization should deliver a promise to its employees as well.

The employees experience will have a direct affect on the customer’s experience, and should be
directly connected to employee experience strategy for continuity, and stability, Designing and
delivering on employee is an effective strategy to help build morale and motivation, as well as
improve employee retention.

One can easily talk about company image and image described to clients and vendors. But we
know how current and former employees describe the business and what it is like to work with a
company. Generally we know that keeping the satisfied employees is the key for success. These
are the people who will keep the business going and make it grow. If a company have bad or
even toxic employee, its employees will even change job for less salary for company with a good
We have to identify an impact of internal motivational on the external motivational and vice-
verse . It is also true that companies that begin internal motivational are more aware of internal
communication gaps. It is widely accepting of such gaps as problem areas. When run as one
major focused campaign followed up with smaller campaigns refocusing on the same message,
internal motivational is much more effective.
Success and failure have been experienced in the past year. That is why every business these day
has come up with new and more efficient strategies to help them have better opportunities in the
firm. Business owners have also gained knowledge and insights about effective strategies in the
past. That may help them improve and strategies in their plans hoping that their hard work will
pay off in such a way that their business can improve. So far, there are some owners that look for
new ways to ensure that their business can give in better result.
Employee should be on the mind of every company owner for very good reason. Today's
economic climate makes the business world a difficult place to continue to exist in for all
business. Every managing director or small business man should be looking at whatever they can
do to make their business competitive they do everything to do better than their competitors.
Incentives are very useful way to encouraging staff to go extra mile at work. There is it more
powerful management tool than saying thank you verbally and with some form of publically
recognized gesture. As well as motivated workforce that regularly achieve above and clear of
expectation could well be the one thing that separates your business from your competitors and
in today's competitive. In business world you should expect your competitors to be using
employee benefits to achieve the best return from what is probably their most expensive and
valuable asset.
High employee status and around workplace is essential for employee retention and employee
satisfaction. But, if your workplace is overwhelmed by negativity that stifles employee
motivation. If you go home from work every day with a splitting headache, don't despair. Here's

an easy way to transform your work place into a positive one where your employee will be
happy and motivated every day.
In the competitive world today, every company seeks to have the best talent around. This is the
reason that has become extremely difficult for the employees to get into any company. But as far
as best talents from the high profile universities are concerned companies have to ensure to come
up with exciting package so as to ensure that the highly talented they can become a part of their
functioning. So, as far as current research in concerned, an employee image is what attracts the
employees towards a company. It is actually an image that the company makes of itself in the
minds to many that it is the best place to get employed. An employee ensures a sense of
belongingness in the people and this to make the employee play integral role in role in the
achievement of success. Hence, one can say that an employee is the value of the company that
exists in the corporate. Hence, one can say that in present scenario, one of the goals of a
company is related to employee status.
The aim of the study is to describe the organization’s experienced identity among the employees.
It also brings insight on the corporate image situation within the company after the change, i.e.
clarifies how the implementation of the motivational strategy has succeeded and how the
employees see their role in the motivational building process.
Employees of a company have to know about the desired motivational identity and be willing to
project that identity both internally and externally. If employees do not internalize the
motivational identity, they can easily undermine customer expectations created by the external
marketing efforts describe motivational internalization by employees as communicating the
motivational to employees and involving them in the motivational strategy and planning. It also
includes involving employees in the nurturing and care of the motivational.
The importance of employees as motivational-builders has been pointed out in recent research
and employees are the ones who truly create the image of the company to customers and outside
stakeholders. Even if only a part of the employees might have external contact with customers,
and therefore have the most impaction the motivational, the ambition should be to establish the
desired motivational among all employees. As employees become more important to the
motivational building process, companies need tools in order to deal with these issues. The role
of human resources in motivational building is therefore increasingly important. The
management of employees in motivational building has been referred to as internal marketing,

internal motivational and employee motivational These themes are closely related, especially
internal motivational and internal marketing, which are used interchangeably. However,
employee motivational is rooted in the practice of internal marketing/motivational but is a further
evolution from these concepts. While internal marketing is about achieving customer satisfaction
through marketing tools, employee motivational goes beyond this. It uses all organizational
systems to encourage employees to project the desired organizational status.

Employee motivational Process

As “the process by which employees internalize the desired motivational and are motivated to
project the image to customers and other organizational constituents.” The model proposes the
different sources of messages that contribute to establish the mechanism central to the employee
motivational process. Furthermore, it also proposes factors that should shape the message
communicated to employees. The messages communicated, establish the psychological contract,
which is central to the process. The psychological contract is the agreement between the
organization and the employees, and this contract can be strengthened, by the use of a well
thought through employee motivational process. The more consistent the message is, the less
likely it is that the contract will be violated. A well-established psychological contract will
secure the likeliness of employees communicating a positive motivational externally. The
desired outcome is increased employee satisfaction which itself has a direct affect on turnover,
customer satisfaction and the company reputation. The model also describes a feedback loop
through which managers can monitor the process.

Employee motivational process
Mission and Values
It should guide the organization and state its overall goal, present the direction, and direct
making. It should act as “an invisible hand that guides the people in the organization, so
that they can work with towards overall organizational goals”. Further state that the desired
motivational communicated should be a direct derivative of mission and the values stated by the
organization. The guiding values in the mission statement are the key words used for
fo guiding
managers and employees when making decisions and dealing with stakeholders. Building, three
different types of values are important to include in a well
defined mission statement;
I. Values that are related to the organization
II. Values that summarize the motivational

III. A value as they are experienced by customers explains that there are both theoretical and
practical advantages in dividing values into the three aforementioned areas.

Desired Motivational
Desired motivational refers to what organizations want the motivational to represent to its
customers. Further explain that an organization’s motivational is based upon its mission and
values. The mission and values should provide a groundwork that defines the desired
motivational. A good formulation of the desired motivational should involve and package the
company’s mission and values. This makes it easier for employees to internalize and preserve
these. A well formulated desired motivational can also define how staff members are expected to
deliver customer service.
Sources/ Modes of Messages
While the core of the message communicated is the mission and values of the organization, the
actual communication is the core of the employee motivational process. In order to succeed in
employee motivational, communication is define communication in Business Communication:
Process and Product, as “transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group
to another”. They argue that the meaning of the message is central in the communication, which
is successful when the receiver understands it as the sender planned it.
The communication process begins with a person sending out an idea. The idea has to be
converted into words that will convey the meaning. When the receiver gets the message, the
message needs to be encoded. The predicament arises due to the fact that words have different
meaning to people.
The medium, which the message is transmitted in, is the channel. The channels can vary a lot,
from informal interaction to company memorandums and annual reports .The difficulties are that
the message often is interrupted along the way to the receiver. This is called noise, which is the
interference with the decoding of messages. The sources of noise differs, it can be lack of
interests, cultural differences and poor organizational communication. In order to be able to
succeed with the communication in the employee motivational process, it needs to be fully
established in top-level management. The message is in the model divided into two clusters,
formal and informal.

Formal Internal Sources
The formal internal sources of information communicated within a company are usually those
communicated through human resource management and public relation systems. Mention some
examples of communication from human resource management, such as recruitment documents,
newspapers and periodicals and the organization’s Internet sites. Through the processes of
attracting and retaining employees, training and development and compensating employees in
equitable ways, competitive advantage is achieved. Public relation systems are the formal
marketing efforts made within the company. In order to succeed in employee motivational, they
should be targeted to employees, as well as external constituents.
Formal External Sources
Formal external sources of messages comprise of advertising and PR systems. Since these
sources communicate the values and motivational of the organization to external constituents,
employees are often secondary recipients of such external messages. Hence, the formal external
sources are also part of the employee motivational process.
Informal Internal Sources
The informal internal sources of messages are the interactions with or observations of
employees, supervisors and friends within an organization. The internal communication focuses
on how the employees learn beliefs, values, orientations, behaviors, skills and such, necessary to
fulfill their roles and functions within the organization.
Informal External Sources
Informal communications from external sources are often in the form of customer feedback and
word-of-mouth communication from friends and connections. If the employee receives
confirmation from customers or other external sources, the employees’ image of the organization
might be strengthened. This can have an immense impact on employees’ psyches and their
employee motivational status.
Employee’s Psyche
Employees’ knowledge of the desired motivational and their willingness to project it to others
resides in their psyche. If the message is consistent over time, the employee psyche is
strengthened and the willingness to project this externally is increased. The areas of
measurement of the employee psyche within the employee motivational process are knowledge
of desired motivational and psychological contract.

Knowledge of Desired Motivational Image
Those employees must have knowledge of the desired motivational if they are to project that
image to others. The organization should therefore build the employees’ knowledge of the
desired motivational image.
Psychological Contract The psychological contract is employees’ beliefs regarding the
obligation between them and their employers. The beliefs become contractual when the
individual believes that he or she owes the employer certain contributions, such as hard work,
loyalty, sacrifices, in return for certain incentive, like high pay, education or job security.
However, measuring the psychological contract is a complex procedure. Mention several areas of
measurement such as training, fairness, work environment, pay and benefits. All of these areas
are included in the psychological contract and should therefore be measured. Lots of research has
been made when it comes to forming, keeping or breaking the psychological contract, but there
has been little work on its content. Yet, such understanding is vital to form satisfactory
employment relationships when it comes to psychological contract.
Employee Motivational
The employee motivational refers to the image employee’s project to those around them. This is
likely to be aligned with the desired company motivational image when employees know and
understand the desired motivational , and are sufficiently motivated to project it to others.
Feedback Loop
The feedback loop is a critical component of the employee motivation process model. It allows
organizations to monitor the consequences of the process and to identify areas for improvement.
If the organization fails to achieve the desired motivational.
An efficient employee motivation process will strengthen the motivational image, which will
benefit the organization in terms of higher levels of employee satisfaction and performance,
service quality, and customer retention, as well as a reduced employee turnover. Furthermore,
customers who perceive strong motivational images are more likely to engage in favorable word-
of-mouth communication. Employees may also be more likely to engage in favorable word-of-
mouth communication when they feel their psychological contracts have been fulfilled.
However, as stated previously, this area of the model will not be evaluated.

The Potential Employee Perspective
As suggested above, potential recruits evaluate the information that they receive in order to
develop a multifaceted image of employers. When seeking and making employment decisions
potential employees evaluate features of an employer's image that can be categorized as
functional or instrumental, experiential or symbolic. Potential recruits form an opinion about the
attractiveness of the employer through evaluating the value of these features to form an opinion
about the attractiveness of the employer. This represents the value of the employer motivational
to the potential recruit.
Functional or instrumental motivational benefits describe an employer’s motivational with
respect to the objective, physical and tangible attributes that an employer may or may not offer
employees. From a recruitment perspective, these represent basic motivations such as
remuneration, compensation and benefits, training and development, promotion opportunities,
and job security. Experiential benefits emphasize the motivational effect on sensory satisfaction
or cognitive stimulation and relate to what it feels like to work for an employer. These benefits
may be embodied by the employment experience and include social activities, team
accomplishments, job diversity, work environment and travel opportunities.

 Majority employees were satisfied with training provided by organization. So provides
training to employees namely orientation training, safety training, job training and
internship training. The training programme allows participating to integrate technology,
methodology, people and processes elements and enhance the employee image in

 The company members are encouraged to actively participate in shaping the organization
and in turn having an opportunity for professional development through networking,
mentoring, education, and scientific exchange.

 Mission, Vision and Values Statement - The mission, vision and values are the pillars of
a corporation. It should cover important points, to reflect the organization’s beliefs and

 They embrace new media as an engagement tool. Companies of every size are
increasingly utilizing online social communities for internal purposes – engaging
employees and keeping them informed of important company news, events and projects.
companies worldwide, including Fox and Adobe, use micro blogging site Yammer, while
companies like Starbucks and PepsiCo have found success with factor’s "enterprise social
networking” solution.

 They actively encourage learning and development. Smart companies know the power of
providing opportunities for professional development and personal growth in helping to
retain top talent. Spectrum Health does both: The company’s relationship with University
provides opportunities for leadership members to gain experience in project-based work.
And its excel Professional Development Model program recognizes and provides
monetary awards for nursing staff for academic and professional accomplishments, as
well as community service.

 Recruit the right people - Organizations will improve Employee Motivational success if
they recruit people who have similar values to the core message of the organization’s
Motivational Promise. This similarity makes it easier for employees to behave in
accordance with the overall Motivational Promise. It is critical to invest time in the
selection process and ascertain whether employees share the same values.

 Effective Training - Once the right people have been recruited, it is imperative to provide
training that is consistently aimed at bringing attention to the Motivational Promise and
the expected behaviors. For example, employees must be encouraged to follow the core
message of the Motivational Promise when dealing with difficult customers, such as
commitment to customer service.

 Effective Feedback System – This should bridge the gap between Employee and

 Effective & Consistent Internal communication - It is often difficult for an organization
to manage the informal messages of expected behavior. The message of the Motivational
Promise that customers and stakeholders receive needs to be shared with employees.
Formal messages can be provided through monthly meetings, intranet, managers, etc.

 Transport facility to be provided for the employees from the rural area.

 Remuneration of employees should be taken into consideration when dealing with the
problems of the employees

 Proper incentives and remunerations should be introduced even for the employees in the
lower pay jobs.

 Employee Identity - Identity is an important part or employee motivation ling, staff

members need to know what the organization is working for and how it wants the outside
to perceive the company. An Identity can lead to Corporate Culture.

 Working environment should be properly setup so that the employees can feel
comfortable while working.


Organizations are expanding this activity to differentiate themselves and make them desirable
from an employee perspective. In this chapter we have attempted to highlight the need for
organizations to strategically support the HR function, most specifically recruitment and learning
and development, and the marketing/communications functions, specifically employer
motivational, in order to attract and retain talent in competitive labor markets. At a macro level
the role of image and industry image are important in attracting the human capital that is required
to contribute to the strategic aims and financial performance of the organization. Not only does
motivational provide an organization with a framework to simplify and focus priorities and
increase productivity; it is also important for improving recruitment, retention and commitment
of employees.

We have raised employee motivational as an important component of an organization’s overall
motivational strategy. Employee’s project their organization’s image and motivational to
customers and others including potential employees. How employee and employer motivational
processes are helpful to position organizations in the minds of customers and other stakeholders.
In particular, they highlight the need to ensure that a promised motivational image matches the
organizational reality and suggest this can only be achieved through a genuine position of the
mission and values of the organization with the desired motivational image. The result is
employers delivering on their employer motivational factor promise are significant. A strong
motivational and reputation as an employer can lead to talent candidates, engaged and pleasant
employees, reduce turnover and ultimately increased organizational performance.

Sites referred



 http://wpww.palgrave





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