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Driggers Days

A Newsletter from Marty and Sara Driggers May 2011

A Bilum Story
It’s not imporuant who One of the most useful items in Papua New Guinea is the bilum. It is a
does the planting, or who string bag that is made in all different shapes and sizes. Papuan women
carry all sorts of things in their bilums: firewood, freshly dug vegetables
does the watering. and even babies. Little girls begin carrying small bilums when they are old
enough to walk, so that by the time they are teenagers their neck muscles
What’s imporuant is that are strengthened enough that they are able to carry incredibly huge loads.
God makes the seed grow. Ladies can carry several heavily loaded bilums at one time with the weight
bearing straps placed on their forehead and the bag hanging down their
The one who plants and backs.
the one who waters work The bilum is made from plant fibers twisted together. These fibers produce
together with the same a strong string. However, a single string, no matter how strong cannot carry
pvrqose. any weight. Each bilum must have many strings woven together before it
can be used.
And both will be rewarded
So it is with the task of Bible translation. The “team of strings” includes
for their own hard work. translators, literacy workers as well as a host of support workers like nurses,
pilots, teachers, automobile mechanics, and prayer and financial partners.
For we are both God’s
workers. Maybe God is calling you to be a part of our “team of strings”. Many of you
have already responded and in this way, God continues to build our prayer
1 Corinthians 3:7-10a NLT team! Thank you for your obedience. We are currently at 22% of our
monthly budget, and we praise God for His continued provision. We must
reach a minimum of 50% by July to attend cultural communication training
in August. This training is only offered twice within a twelve month period.
It is for this reason that we ask if God is leading you to join our financial
team please respond with urgency. Please use the information entitled “for
financial partnership” or contact us directly.

The ministry that we have become a part of is not about the Driggers’
family, but instead is about reaching those who do not have God’s Love
Letter in their heart language. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us
financially so that we might impact the Bibleless together. Your support can
be any amount, whether monthly, quarterly, or a one time donation. There is
no gift too small.

If we were each a fiber or even a whole string standing alone, little would
be accomplished. But when the Lord Jesus weaves us together, as a team,
A highlands woman working
in her garden. we can accomplish great things.

Until all have heard,

Praise &
PraisePrayer &
Family News
Marty has settled into his position at Midland Honda in Columbia, SC. While his work days
Praise the Lord: for an amazing
time of fellowship and new
are longer than before, he now has greater flexibility in his schedule for partnership memories made at our Meet,
development. Praise the
Greet, Lord:
and forwith
Feast anthe
incredible Easter season
Driggers event.
Sara been preparing for a large yard sale that will take place in June. She has given the
and the fresh reminder we
project the name of: “Operation De-Clutter for PNG”. Find our “Track the Driggers To
serve theRisen
the Lord: King!
for 17 new
Uka” page on Facebook to keep up with this project and many others! prayer partners and eight new
financial partners in the month
Taylor is counting down the days until we are able to travel to PNG. God has completely Praise the Lord: for four one
of March!
transformed her heart for missions! time gifts that the Lord
Praise theduring Marty’s
Lord: that job
Tia is working on a paper on Papua New Guinea for school, and is learning more
transitioning. He knows our
work permit application has
information each day about the place we will soon call home.
every on PNG soil and is
Miriam is enjoying volleyball camp this month at York Intermediate School. almost complete.
Praise the Lord: for the
Jade is over yet another double ear infection and is scheduled to see a specialist the first Pray: for the spiritual protection
beautiful encouragements
week of May to plan for ear tube surgery. of our daughters.
that He continues to
Pray: forfor our family for us to
through greatthe
share about friends.
need for Bible
translation with churches and
For financial partnership
Pray: for the provision to
send a check to
meet our medical
Wycliffe Bible Translators Pray: for our families that we
insurance premiums with
PO Box 628200 will be leaving behind in
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
Attach a separate note Pray: for opportunities to
Pray: for the sale of our home.
indicating if the gift is share about the need for
monthly, quarterly, or Bible
Pray:translation with blessing
for the continual
one time and include churches, smalland
for our prayer groups, and
this information: partners who have committed
to serve with us.
“For the ministry of
Marty and Sara Driggers; Pray: for Marty’s work
acct #270928.” permit that has been
to unexpectedly delayed
paring Or follow this online link:
y o u are pre wearing because of missing
When public and re the
in su documents.
speak tag… make partnership.aspx?
e g is not
a nam are wearin mid=6db362
tag yo e’s! Pray: for committed
ur w if Please never hesitate to
yo responses to join our
contact us with any
partnership team.
questions. Thank you!

The Driggers 8 Lynwood Circle York, SC 29745

803-230-2662 -
803-230-2663 -
Follow our blog updates at

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