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CITATIONS & REFERENCES (Havard Referencing System)

Practice 1. Underline the citations in the example. Circle the quotation.
Giving citations

A quotation/ paraphrase Author’s name, date of publication, page number (Smith, 2009: 37)
A summary Author’s name, date of publication (Smith, 2009)

…….. As can be seen from the graph, in Vietnam, Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) makes up only 18%, which
means that it is not favorable by car users. Smith (2009) argues that the unpopularity of the SUV is
understandable, as despite their high cost, most are never driven off-road. In his view ‘they are bad for
road safety, the environment and road congestion’ (Smith, 2009: 37)……..
II. REFERENCES: Read the following guide and do the following exercises
1. A book – one author
 To be made up of:
• Author/editor.
• Year of publication (in round brackets).
• Title (in italics).
• Edition (only include the edition number if it is not the first edition).
• Place of publication: publisher.
 In-text citation:
 According to the British consulate (Guy, 2001, p. 37).
 Reference list:
 Guy, J. (2001). The view across the river: Harriette Colenso and the Zulu struggle against
imperialism. Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia.

2. A book – 2,3 authors

 To be made up of:
• Author/editor.
• Year of publication (in round brackets).
• Title (in italics).
• Edition (only include the edition number if it is not the first edition).
• Place of publication: publisher.
• Series and volume number (where relevant).

 In-text citation:
 Research by Banerjee and Watson (2011) suggests…
 (Reiss & White, 2013).
 Reference list:
 Banerjee, A., & Watson, T.F. (2011). Pickard’s manual of operative dentistry (9th ed.). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
 Reiss, M.J., & White, J. (2013). An aims-based curriculum: the significance of human flourishing for
schools. London: IOE Press.
3. A chapter in a book
 To be made up of:
• Author of the chapter/section.
• Year of publication (in round brackets).
• Title of chapter/section (in single quotation marks) ‘in’ plus author/editor of book.
• Title of book (in italics).
• Place of publication: publisher.
• Page reference.
 In-text citation:
 The view proposed by Franklin (2012, p. 88)…
 Reference list:
 Franklin, A.W. (2012). ‘Management of the problem’, in Smith, S.M. (ed.) The maltreatment of children.
Lancaster: MTP, pp. 83-95.
4. A webpage
 To be made up of:
• Author.
• Year that the site was published/last updated (in round brackets). If no date given = (nd)
• Title of web page (in italics).
• Available at: URL.
• (Accessed: date).
 In-text citation:
 Snow (2015) stated that ‘millions of soldiers died on the Western Front’ (Snow, 2015).
 Reference list:

 Snow, D. (2015). How did so many soldiers survive the trenches? Available

at: (Accessed: 18 July 2015).
5. A webpage (no authors)
 To be made up of:
• Title of web page (in italics).
• Year of publication.
• Available at: URL.
• (Accessed: date).
 In-text citation:
 Napoleon was a great leader (2015).
 Reference list:
 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821). (2015). Available
at: (Accessed: 18 July
6. A journal article
 To be made up of:
• Author (surname followed by initials).
• Year of publication (in round brackets).
• Title of article (in single quotation marks).
• Title of journal (in italics – capitalise first letter of each word in title, except for linking words such as
and, of, the, for).
• Issue information, that is, volume (unbracketed) and, where applicable, part number, month or season
(all in round brackets).
• Page reference.
• doi (if available).
 In-text citation:
 In their review of the literature (Knapik et al., 2015)…
 Reference list:
Knapik, J J., Cosio-Lima, L.M., Reynolds, K.L., and Shumway, R.S. (2015). 'Efficacy of functional movement
screening for predicting injuries in coast guard cadets'. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,
29 (5), pp. 1157-1162. EDUC 1028: E-learning. doi: 16310.1186/1471-2474-14-197.
7. A TV program
 To be made up of:

• Title of programme (in italics).

• Year produced (in round brackets).
• Channel/Publisher.
• Broadcast date (day/month).
 In-text citation:
 The Doctor is back with a vengeance (Doctor Who, 2014)…
 Reference list:
 Doctor Who. (2014). BBC One Television, 28 January.
Notes: The list of abbreviations

ch. chapter
ed. (eds.) editor (Editors)
edn. edition
et al. and others
n.d. no date
n.p. no place
no. number
p., pp. page/s
rev. revised
vol. volume (as in Vol.4)
vols. volumes (as in 4 volumes)
II. Practice
Practice 2. 6 publications of various formats are described below. Try expressing the reference details for
each in the Harvard style and putting them into alphabetical order in a reference list.
1. A book with the title: 'Occupational health and safety', published in Sydney in 2004 by McGraw-Hill, with
authors M. Stewart and F. Heyes. This is the second edition.

2. A book with the title: 'Internal control and corporate governance', with authors K. Adams, R. Grose, D.
Leeson and H. Hamilton, published in Frenchs Forest, NSW by Pearson Education Australia in 2003.

3. An article called 'Integration and thematic teaching: integration to improve teaching and learning' by S.
Lipson, S. Valencia, K. Wixson and C. Peters, published in 1993 in the journal 'Language Arts', volume 70,
number 4, pages 252 to 263.

4. A videorecording of a television documentary called 'Embers of the sun', produced in 1999 by the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation in Sydney, broadcast on 20th January 2019

5. A Web page with the title 'Telstra conferencing - video overview', found at the address: on 11 August 2004. No date on it, though Mozilla gives a
last modified date of 4 July 2004.

6. Chapter 2 called ‘ My husband, the outsider’ by Marian Hyun in the book ‘ Topics for Today’ by Loraine C.
Smith and Nancy Nici Mare published in 2009 in Boston by Heinle Cengage Learning, page 25-27

Practice 3 Read the reference list below and answer the following questions.
Bialystock, E. (1997) ‘The structure of age: In search of barriers to second language acquisition’. Second
Language Research, 13 (2) 116-37.
Dörnyei, Z. (2009) The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Flege, J. (1999) ‘Age of learning and second language speech’ in Birdsong, D.(ed.) Second Language Acquisition
and the Critical Period Hypothesis. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 101-32.
Gass, S. and Selinker, L. (2001) Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course.London: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Larson-Hall, J. (2008) ‘Weighing the benefits of studying a foreign language at a younger starting age in a
minimal input situation’. Second Language Research, 24 (1) 35-63.
The International Commission on Second Language Acquisition. (nd) (Accessed: 6 May 2010).
(a) Find an example of:
(i) a book by one author
(ii) a journal article
(iii) a chapter in an edited book
(iv) an anonymous webpage
(v) a book by two authors

(b) What are the main differences in the way these sources are referenced?
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
(iii) ________________________________________________________
(iv) ________________________________________________________
(v) ________________________________________________________
(c) When are italics used?
(d) How are capital letters used in titles?
(e) How is a source with no given author listed?
Practice 4: Reference verbs: Write a sentence referring to what the following writers said (more than one
verb may be suitable). Use the past tense.
Example: Z: ‘My research shows that biofuels are environmentally neutral’.
=> Z claimed/ argued that biofuels were environmentally neutral.
(a) A: ‘I may have made a mistake in my calculations on energy loss’.
(b) B: ‘I did not say that women make better doctors than men’.
(c) C: ‘Small firms are more dynamic than large ones’.
(d) D: ‘I support C’s views on small firms’.
(e) E: ‘I’m not sure, but most people probably work to earn money’.
(f) F: ‘After much research, I’ve found that allergies are becoming more common’.
(g) G: ‘I think it unlikely that electric cars will replace conventional ones’.
(h) H: ‘Somebody should investigate the reasons for the increase in winter storms’.

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