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Hello, my name is Ha My, an under-graduated student at Troy University, majoring in Business

Administration. I am conducting a research about the spending habits among students in

universities. Therefore, I would like to collect some of your information, including your source(s)
of income, your monthly spending habits and factors affect it, and finally some suggestions to
improve your financial management. Please complete this 15 – minute survey and your
responses will be kept anonymous. Thank you for your participation.

Question 1: What is your gender?

o Male o Female

Question 2: What year of study are you in?

o Junior
o 2nd year
o 3rd year
o Senior

Question 3: What is the source of your income?

o Job
o Parents
o Saving
o Scholarship
o Other (Please specify__________)

Question 4: Do you have saving account?

o Yes o No

Question 5: What kind of living arrangements do you have?

o Rent house (apartment)
o Dormitory
o Parent’s house
o Self-owned house
o Other (… …… ….)

Question 6: What kinds of living expenses do you have to pay (you can choose more
1 option)
o Housing (Rent, Dormitory)
o Food And grocery
o Clothing
o Healthcare (Insurance, Pharmacy)
o Transportation
o Bill (Electricity, Water, Phone…)

o Other (Please specify__________________)

Question 7: How many times per week do you have meal at restaurant, café, or fast food?
o 0
o 1 to 3 times
o 3 to 7 times
o More than 7 times

Question 8: How much money approximately do you spend on dinning out per week?
o 0 VND
o 100.000 VND to 300.000 VND
o 300.000 VND to 500.000 VND
o 500.000 VND to 1.000.000 VND
o More than 1.000.000 VND

Question 9: You use most money on which options below: (you can choose no more
than 3 options)
o Hobby
o Shopping online
o Education
o Entertainment
o Charity
o Food and beverage
o Travelling/ Vacation
o Investment
o Other personal purposes

Question 10: Which factor affect your spending habits the most?
o Incentive/ Discount
o Media
o Family/ Friend/
o Hobby
o Society purposes
o Personal reasons
Question 11: Please rate the effectiveness of budget management ways

Extremely ineffective 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely effective

Record expenses

Plan expenditure

Set savings goals

Save changes and keep bills

Decide on priorities

Question 12: What will you do to manage your finances in the most effective way?

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