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BO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO Booklet Serial No. 40s TEST BOOKLET SERIES TEST BOOKLET AE (E) Time Allowed ; 2 Tours) [Masinurn Marks ; 100 AM questions cavry equal mintks 1 1. INSTRUCTIONS Trimedintoly alter Lite cummencemient of the examination, you shuuld check that-test boaldlet does not hive xny unprinted or torn or missing pages or ilams, ete. Iso, get it replaced by acamplete test booklet. Encode clearly the test booklet scties A,B, © or D ax the case may he in the appropriate place in the answer sheet. Write your Roll Number only in the box provided akingside Bo ust write anythiig ele on dhe Test Booklet This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each ttem comprises four responses (answors}. Choose unly one response fir exch item whieh you consider the best. Aller the’ candidate has road dach tem da the Vodl Hdgkiet nid decided which of the given responses is corre or the:best, ho hax to mark the eircle containing the letiee af the selected response by blackening it completely with Black or Blue ball pen In uke following wsample, response “CP in se marked ®® @ © Do the cnending corefully-as given in the Mustrations, While enunding sour particulars ormarking the answeis of answer shect, you should Macken the circle corresponding to the chutes im full amd no purl of the cinede should be left. unfilled You have to work wll your responses ONLY un che ANSWER SHEET cuparstely given according to TNSTRUOTIONS FOR CANTNDATES' already supplivl tn you. Responses murkort on the Test Booklet or in ange paper ather than the-answer sheet whall not be excumined All items carry equal marks: Atempe all items: Your totel marks will depend only: on the oluuber of correct responset uurked by you in the Answer Shéet There will be oo negative marking. Bolom you proceed te mark responses in the Answer Shoot fill in the particulars da the front portion of! the Anawer Sheet as per the inviructions sent lo you. Afler yon Taye completed ue test, hand over the Auewor Sheet only, to tho Invigilator, DO NOT OPEN TINS TEST ROOKLEL UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO TNO, AE (8) Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Muximum Marks ; 100 ‘The eapatilance of @ parallcl plate capacitor increases with : (A) Larger plate area and shuster distanee between plates (BR) Smaller plate area and shorter distanec between plates (C) Smaller plate area and higher applied voltage CD) Larger plato area, longer distance between plates and higher applied voltage Two spheres of radii Ry and Hy (i, > Ry) wre connected by a conducting wire, Eaeh of the spheres has been given a charge g. Now : (A) Sphere of radius R, will have greater potential (B) Sphere of radius Ry will have greater potential (C) Potential of both the spheres will be equal (D) Sphere of radius Ry will have zero potential ‘Two heaters of'vating 1 kW, 250 V are connected in series across 250 ¥ supply, the power taken by the heaters will be : (A) 2 EW (By 4 EW (cc) W2 kW om 1kWw t AE '(E)}—A Z 4, 4.100 W, 100 ¥ lamp is to be operated on 250 V supply, the value of additional resistance to be connected in series will be. : (A) 230 ohms (B} = 100 ohms {G) 150 chime (D) 60 ohms 5. Is it possible to prevent the switching spark produced during awitehing off of an inductance by very fast operation of the switch 7 (Al No, the faster the eireuit ig opened, the higher is the self induced voltage (B) Yes, as long as the circuit is opened fast enough (0) Yes, ax long a8 the switch can withstand the high switching speed ) Yes, if the current js less than 50 A 5: Two voils have inductances of 4 mH and 9 mE and a coefficient of coupling of 0.6. If the two coils are connécted in series aiding, the total inductance will be (A) 18 mH (B)} 16 mH (2) 7 mH (BD) 10 mA 7 IV =a4 jb and T= + jd, then power is given by : (A) ae + ad (B) ae + bd (CG) be — ad (D) be + ad AE @)—A a PTO An LO eireuit resonant at 1000 kHz has a Q of 100. The band width botween half power pointe equals | (A) 10 Kix between 995 kz and 1005 kHs 1B) 10 kT between 1000 kHv and 1010 kHz (@) 5 kHe between 095 EF and 1000 KH (D) 200 RHy between 900 kM and 1100 kHz An a.c. network hus two soureos. The application of Superposition theorem gives the currents duc to the two sourees through a branch as 5 2 45°A and 5-4 90°A, The tolal current in that branch is = (A) WA By 2327 3A (G) $842 67.544 wy 0A A flat slab of dielectric (¢, = 5) is placed normal to « uniform electric fleld with a flux density D = 1 Chm®. The lab is uniformly polarized. Polarization Tin the slab (in Cfm®) will be : (A) 08 iB) 12 (Cc) 46 ) 60 AE (E}—-A 4 IL. 12. 13. AE @)—A ‘Tha ratio of charge stored hy two metallle sphoros raised to the same potential is 6. The ratio of the surface areas of the spheres is WB ig based on + iA) Ampere’s law (BY) Ohm's law 4G) Faraday’s law (2) Gause’s Jaw Which law fs anonymous to the egurrence of diamagnetism ? (A) Ampere’s law {B) Maxwell's law (©) Coulomb's law (D) Lenz's law BT.O 14. Mateh List-I with List-[ and select the correct answer using the codes given below List | (Expression) List Ut (Law/Theorem/Equation) @) Wve = (1) Gause's law ® v=o (2) Divergence theorem te) =@ (3) Laplace's equation Ww Jffow Diets = { @ — Poladon's Squation (5) Coulomb's law Codes : fay (®) (ec) (d) ia) ay Q) S ay (B) 3) ) (2) (4) © @ (3) (4) (8) oO w (3) a) (2) 15. If a fan blade of length 2R rotates in a time Period T in a magnetic field B, the induced voltage in the blade will be : (A) 2 RBT ®) RET aR°B 4 ic) a 2) R?BT AE fBj—A 6 16 Tn the lattiée network, the value of R for the maximum power transler to the load is: cee Sw Sohn “Z a if Z / ohm , LAR (A) Bohm (By 6:3 ohm Af ( (C) 8 ohm. (D) 9 ohm 17. ‘Two two-port networks a and b having A, B.C, D parameters as | and Ay i ic} =4 B, = 4,0, are connected in eageade in the order of a, b. The equivalent A parameter of the combination is : (A) 17 (B) 22 (C) 24 (DB) Bl AE (E)—A t PLT, 18. 2N. The voltage ratin transfer function of an aetive filter is given by Vil) ee Vis) a? sas 4a The Greuit in-a question js a Vy syV gle) = (te? + els? +00 + BI (A) Low pass filter (B) High pass filter (C) Band pass filter (D) Band reject filter A Sephase, 8 wire supply foods a load consisting of three equal resistors connacted-in star. If one of the resistors is open-cireuited, then pereaatage reduction in the load will be : (A) 75 (B) 68.66 (C) 50 Mi 83.33 An initially relaxed RC series cireuit network with R = 2 Mechm and © = JuF is switched on to a 10° slap input The voltage across the capacitor after 2 seconds will be : (A) Zero {) 3.68 ¥ (Cc) 682 V (ny 10V AB (E)—A 8 22. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a : (A) Shunt-series FACTS controller (B) Series-shunt FACTS controller (C) Series-series FACTS asta (D) Shuntshust FACTS controller The value of boost factor is equal to unity when TCSC is operated in : (A) Capacitive Boost. Mode (B) Inductive Boost Mode (C) Blocking Mode (D) Bypass Mode Run away speed of a Pelton wheel is (A) Fall load speed (B) Actual spend operating at am load (C) No load speed when governor mechanism fails (D) 80% greater than the normal speed AE (E)}—A g B.T.0 ad. 26. Ii, for a given alternator in economic operation mode, the incremental cost dP, is given by IO = 0.012P + 8 ReMW, “TE = 0.2 and plant penalty factor (4) = 25, then the power generation is : (Ar 1000 MW (B) 1250 MW (Cc) 750 MW (D) 1500 MW If inductanee and capacitance of a system are 1 H and 0.01 pF respectively and Lhe instantaneous value of current interrupted is 10 A, then voltage across the breaker contacts will be : (A) 50 EV (B) 100 kV ic) 60 kV @) 765 kV An over-cuwrent relay, having a curtent setting of 12.6%. is coanected to a supply circuit through a current transformer ef ratio 400/5. The piek-up value of current is (Ar 6.25 A @® wa (CG) 12.5 4 (DB) 1B A, AB (E)}—A 10 27. 28, Strady state stability of a power system is improved by (A) Redueing fault clearing’ time (B} Using double eireuit line instead of single circuit line (C} Single pole switching (Di Decreasing generator inertia For a 1f-bug evetom power gyatem with 8 vollage-controlled busas, the size of Jacobian matrix of Newton-Ttaphson method used wo sulve load flow problen is MAY 95 x 25 (B) 12% 12 (GC) 24 x 24 WW) il* 1 Tnereasing the amplifier gain of # control system (A) usually reduce [he steady state error but results in oscillatory transient response CB) usually imereuses the steady slate error but results in oscillate transient response {Cl usually increases the steady state error but reduces om il transiont response (D) usually reduces steady state error and oscillations of the transient response AR (y—A i Pra 30, 3a. dh 4 multivariable control system there is: (A) more. than one Input variable but one unique output (B) one input variable but variable outputs (€) more than one input variable or more than one output variable (D) more than one input variable. and more than one oulput variable For a feedback: system having the characteristic equation La = =0 sis + Lier)! (The angle of the straight line asymptotes with the real axis, along with the rent locus tend to infinity are given by = (A) g0°, 90°, 180° (B) 30°, 180°, 200° (CG) 60°, 180°, 300° (D) 80°, BN, 120° Addition of a zero to the open-loop transfer function has the effect of : (A) shifting the root-docus to the right thereby increasing. stability and decreasing settling time (B) shifting the raot-locus to the right thereby increasing stability and settling time (C) shifting the roal-locus to the left thereby increasing stability and settling time (D) shifling the root-locus to the left theroby increasing stability and decreasing settling time AR (R)—A 2 38, AE (E)—A 13 ‘Which one of the following gives the transfer function of a phase-lag compensation network ? Lesa | (Al Gyr tet a dat (cp 1 1 (AS ® a e : © = (D) None’ of these If the dominant complex poles of a higher order control system ure nearer to the imaginary axis in splane, thon the nature of time respanse will be 5 (A) pacillatory type 1B) nontascillatory type (©) sustained oscillntion type (D)—atoady state The steady state error tor an input u(t) applied to = type O avetem ix : (By © K, mo 0 PTO, oo ‘The Steady state error for a ype 2 system subjected to unit ramp input i iy 4 : (8) = Z K A milliammeter of résistance 100 Q is connected in series with a circuit, Its power consumption is 0.1 mW, Supposing it is replaced with a milliammeter of 200 2 resistance, the power consumed will be: (A) 02 mW BR) 0.05 mW (C) 0.4 mW (Dp 1 mW A i mA d' Arsenval movement has a resistance of 100 Q. It is te be converted to a 10 V voltmeter. The value of multiplier resistance is + (A) 999 (B) 9989 0 (ca 9900 & D) 990 2 The power consumption in PMMC instruments is: typically about : (Al 0.25 W to 2 W (BY 0.25 mW to 2 mW iC) 25 pW te 200 pw @®) 2Wwe3sW (BIA 14 4 a In a household single phase induction Lype wattme' x, the wattmeter can be reversed byt (Al B) (cy ay) reversing the supply terminals reversing the lead cede opening the meter connections and reversing either the potential coil verminals or current coil terminals opening the meter and reversing connections of buth potential and current coll terminals If an induction type energy meter runs fast, it ean be slowed by (A) (cy Ww) lag adjustment light load adjustment. adjusting the position of ‘braking magnet and making it come closer to the centre of the disc adjusting the position of braking magnet and making it move away finm the centre of the dise P.T.0. 43. 44. Light load adjustment for induction type energy meter is usually done at: (A) 10% of full Joad current (B) 5% of full load current (C) 50% of full load current (D) 1% of full lead current Frequency can be measured by using + (A) Maxwell’s Bridge (B) Schering: Bridge (C) Heaviside Campbell bridge (D) ‘Wein's bridge Maxwell's inductance-capacitance bridge is used for measurement of inductance of: (A) lew Q coils (8) medium Q coils (CG) high Q coils M) lew and medium @ coils ‘The power in a circuit is measured by measuring a current through a resistor. ‘The current is measured with an accuracy of + 1.5% and the tolerance band of the resistor + 0.5%. The orror is limiting or guarantee error. The accuracy’ with which power is measured - (A) £1.125% (B) 43.5% (C) 42% (D) #2.5% AB (E}—A 16 AF. The voltage of a circuit is measured by a voltmeter having an input impedance comparable with the output impedance of the eircuit thereby causing ertor in voltage measurement. This error may be called ; (A) gross error (B) random error (C) error caused by misuse of instrument (D) error caused by loading error 48. ‘Two resistances 100 2 + 6 Q and 150 2 + 15 Q are connected in series. If the deviations are standard deviations, the resultant resistance can be expressed as (A) 250 + 20 2 (B) 2504102 (C) 250+ 15.8 2 @M) 250 + 10.6 2 49. eo 0, For a second order systom, the settling time for + 2% band is : 3 (A) A § Bg 4 (C) 2, (D} tn AE (KA 17 EEO. 52, A Second order wider damped system hus a damping factor of 0,8, it ie subjected tow sinusoidal input of unit aipplitude. TL has resonant peak of + (Ay 10R% uy 92% (Cy 20% © AD) it hus no resonant. peak The following amplifier configuration yields the |argesl power galn of all transistor amplifier configurations : (A) Common base (By) Common emitter (C) Common eollacie (9) Emitter base Which family of logic circuits used FETS ” (A) TTL (B}) CMOS ic) Beth TTL and OMOS (PD) | Neither TTL nor CMOS Common Mode Rejection ratio for a differential amplifier is the ratio of : tA) ‘Differential gain/Common. mode gain (B) Differential gain/Integratad gain (€) Integrated gain/Lifferential gain @) Common mode gain/Diferential gain AK (BE) A if 5 ch 2 5. An operat or amplifier for analog computers should have ; tA) High drift and low power output (8) High woltage output and low drift (C) High power output and low output impedance (D} Tigh oulput impedanee and low input impedance A-stale change amplifier has a gain of 10,000 and the percentage error is 0.06%, The input resistance is 100 kQ, The feecback resistor should be : WA) 50 kQ (By 100 ka (GC) 250 ko. (D) bh0 ko Por a Schmitt trigger, the upper and lower trip voltage are 3 V and 1 V, and high and low states are 15 ¥ and 2 V. The output for a sinusoidal input of 10 V peak will Tie between (A) 1 Vand 3V (B) 2V and 1b V (G3 Vand 1 V (D) 10 V and 15 V The resolution of a 12 bit D/A converter using a binary ladder with + 10 Vas the full seale-output will be : (A) 244 mV (B) 3.50 mV (Gi 4.32 mV i 6.12 mV AE (ii—A 19 PTO, 5S. 59. 60. al. G2. Which of the following is the most stable oscillator ? (A) Wein’s bridge Oscillator (B) Hartley's Oscillator (CG) Colpitt’s Oscillator (D) Crystal Controlled Oscillater A diserete time signal is expressed as xin) = u(n — 2). Its z-transform is © 1 1 (AL Tg The siransform of equation x(n) = S(t) — 0.95 Bln - 6) is: (A) 1-082 (B) 1-095 27 (ce) 1-098 2? @) .1-095 26 Which of the following interrupts has highest priority ? iA) RST 55 (B) RST 75 (CG) TRAP @) INTR ‘The number of bits neyded to address 4 K memory is : (a 6 (By 8 () 12 Mm) 16 AE (E}-A 20 69. The expression F = 33 4ap can be simplified to 1 (A) FSA (B) F=4 () Tsay (D) None of the above 64. Match the following Column I Column. 1 (a) Pap Gi) = to save data in the stack {é) Push . (ii) to read data from the stack (©) Stack (iié) a portion of memory reserved for return address and data (dé) Mask (iv) a byte used with an ANT instruction to blankout certain bits (a) 4b) (ec) (d) (A) i) (a) (HE) dv) mt) a (ii) ie) ) tit) (an) (e) (fi) DM) fie) (i) (tit) (i) AE (E)—A 21 PURO. 63. 66. What is the addressing mode nsed in ins ction LDA 0345 Ho? (Ay Direct (B) Indirect (C) Indexed ¥ Immédiate Corona also acts’ as a: < (A) Safety valve (By ‘Transformer (C} Dasulator (D) Relay Which of the following insulators will be selected for high vollage applications ? (A) Strain < (By Thse (C) Suspension WW) Pin The sag of a transmission line with 50 m span is 1m. What will be the sag if the height of the transmission line is inereased: by 20%: ? (A) 1.2m (By 2m (©) 125m (Dy lm Ward-Leonard contro] is basivally 4 : (A) Voltage edntrol mothod (B) Field divertor method (C) Shunt armature contro! (D) Armature resistance control method AR RA 32 Thuving the short cireuit test ona small transformer, the frequency is inereused from 50 Ha to 200 Hz, the copper losses will increase by a factor of : AD 16 AB) 4 ©) 1 (D) Wd Ye main reason for generation of harmonies in transformer could be : (A) fluctuating load. (3) poor insulation QD) saturation of core Two transformers are operated in parallel, These transformers do not have cqual percontage impedances, This is likely to res (Al short circuiting of secondari (3) pawwer factor of one of the transformer is lending while that of the other is lagging [C) transformers having higher copper losses will have negligible core losses (D) — foading: of the transformers not in proportion to their KVA ratings AK A 2a PTO. ‘75. Commutation overlap in the phase wantrolled ae: to dic. converters is due to} (A) load inductance (B} harmonic content of load current {C) switching operation in the converter (D) source inductance Avsingle phase full bridge inverter can operate in load-eommmutation mode in ease load consists of 1 (A) BL (B) RLC underdamped (€) RUG overdamped (D) RLC critically damped ‘The simplest method of climinating third harmonic from the output voltage waveform of a singlé phase bridge inverter is to. use (A) Inverters in series (B) Single pulse modulation (©) Stepped wave inverters (D) Multiple pulse modulation AE (B}-A Ba TE. Adelta connected induetion motor being fed by a three phase a.c: to dc. inverter and operated in constant W/f ¢ontrol mode requires during starting @ : (A) Star-delta starter (B} DOL starter (C) Auto-transformer exiles (bi Three point starter If capacitor of single phase motor is short circuited ; (A) The motor will not start (B) The motor will burn (CG) The motor will run im reverse dircetion (D) ‘The motor will run in same direction rt. reduéed r.pam. Under which of the following conditions, hunting of synchronous motor is likely to oerur 7 (A) Periodic variation of load (B) Over-excitation (€) Qverloading for long periods (D) Small and constant load AE (B) A 25 PTO. 79. 80 81. 82. Tn case one phase of three phase synchronous motor is short-circuited, the motor. will : (Al Not run (RB) Run at two third of speed {G) Run with excessive vibrations (™ Take less than rated load A chopper can be used on : (A) pulse width modulation only (B) frequeney modulation only (C) amplitude modulation only (D) both PWM and FM Who is the author of Temples and Legends af Iimachal Pradesk ? (A) P.C. Roy Chaudhary (B) KL, Vaidya (C) HL. Geotz (D) 8.8. Shashi Which pass joins Kinnaur to Tibet ? (A) Hamta’ (B) Kangla (C) Pir Panjal (2) Shipki AE (E)—A 26 BB. 84. 86. ‘fe which god do the devotees offer Minjar on the conclusion of Minas foir ? (A) Tadra (B) Agni (Cy) Varuna M) Maruta In which field has Musafir Ram Bharadwaj been given Padam Shri ? (A} Literature (8) Instromental music tC) Yoeal music (D) Painting According to 2011 Census data, what is the density of population in Lahaul- Spiti District ? (A) 2 B 8 (C) 18 mm 22 With whom is Bhunda festival of Nirmand associated ? (A) Vishwamitra (By) Brohaspati (@) Parshuram (O) Bhrigu AE (B}-A a7 PTO 87 a8. Who was the Chairman of the TLP, Territorial Council ? (A) Thakur Ram Lal (R) Vidya Dhar (@) Taiwant Ram (Db) Thakur Karam Singh Which category of cowe and buffaloes are covered under the Livestock Insurance Scheme of HP. Government ? (A) Those giving twe liters or more milk per day (f) Thave giving five Titers or more milk per day (C) Those giving ten liters or more milk per day (D} Those giving fifteen litera or more milk por day tn the 800 points roabter Tat, 20ch, 73rd, 1OLat, 180th and i7grd positions are reserved for differedt categories of physically challenged in Himachal Piaddeh Clase IIL and Class 1V gavl. jobs, Which of thei ste reserved for visually challenged ? (A) Ist and 101st (B) 30th and Tard (C) Ted and 130th (D) «180th and W7Ard AR (EB) A’ 28 0. At which place in Bilaspur District has the HPMG « project for setting up cold roomie for packingégrading of fruits, vegetables, flowers and eulinary Herbs 2 (A) dukhala . (By) Ghumarwin (c) Shab Talat (D) Randraur 91. What is Salwa Judum ? (A) A Pessant Organisation of Andhra Pradesh (B) A Militant Wemen Onitit- in UP. (¢) An Anti-Drug Organisation in Punjab (Dy) An Anti-Naxal Outfit in Chhattisgarh 93, How vld was telegraph service when it was closed in India in 2013 f tA) 168 years (@) 172 yoars (C) 177 years (D) 179 years 98. Which Tndian city is called the garden city ? (A) Chandigarh (B) New Delhi (Cy Bengalury (D) Udaipur AR @—A 2 PRO. od. 98. 96. Which is the only film made in Bollywood on a living person ? (A) Shaheed (B) Pan Singh Tomar (¢) Dr Kotnis Ki Amar Kahani (Di Bhag Milkha Bhag Who was the life long companion of Guru Nanak Dev ? (A). Bhai Dyala (B) Bhai Ram Singh (Cc) Mardana (D) Madho Dass Who is the first democratically elected woman head of Liberia = (A) Yingluck Shinawatra (B) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (C) Laura Chinchilla Miranda (D) Julia Gillard AE (E)—A 30 aT. With which prame i Christinne Ronaldo ussociated ? (Ad Hockey tB) Tennis (> Athlevies {D) Football 98. Whith diy is observed as Earth Day ? (A) April 07 {BY April 22 (©) June 05 (Di O€tober 09 99. Who inverted Penicillin ? ta) Alexander Floming (By Graham Bell Edward Jenner {Di Marconi i100, Which planet is most distant from the Sun > LAD Plato (B) Mars (> Neprune (Saturn NE 3h

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