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Lesson 2 COMMON SPORTS INJURIES and first aid


Basic movement activities such as walking, jumping, doing household chores and other
types of movements if not properly executed or performed may lead to injuries. Injuries that
happen depend on the locations where activities are performed and depends on the type of

Read and Learn

Injuries such as the following might be experienced [CITATION May18 \l 1033 ]:

A. Sprain
When bands of fibrous tissues that connect bones together over stretch or tear,
a sprain happens. Sprains commonly occur at the ankles. The initial treatment is R.I.C.E.
(rest, ice, compression and elevation) to a sprain. Treating a mild sprain can be done at
home while surgery is needed for severe ones.
First Aid:
1. Rest the injured limb.
2. Use an ice pack, a slush cloth or a compression sleeve with cold water.
3. An elastic wrap or bandage is used to compress the area.
4. Limit swelling by elevating the injured limb above the heart.

B. Strain
Tendons or fibrous tissue connects the muscles to the bones. Injury to the
tendons is a strain. Over stretching a muscle or tendon is a minor injury while partial or
complete tears in the tissues are more severe ones. The lower back and the back of the
thighs are the most prone to strains.
First Aid:
1. Rest the injured limb.
2. Use an ice pack, a slush cloth or a compression sleeve with cold water.
3. Wrap the area with an elastic wrap to compress the area.
4. Elevate the injured limb such that it is above the heart whenever possible to prevent
or limit swelling.

C. Cramps
When one or more muscles suddenly involuntarily contract. It is impossible to
use the affected muscle temporarily due to pain but is generally harmless.
First Aid:
1. Stretch and massage the affected area and rub gently to help it relax.
2. Apply hot or cold compress. A warm towel or heating pad can be applied on intense or
tight muscles.
3. Massaging the cramped muscle with ice is also an alternative.

D. Hypothermia
When the body loses heat faster that it can produce is hypothermia which
needs medical emergency treatment. It causes a dangerous low body temperature that
falls below 95oF (35oC) having the normal body temperature of around 98 oF (37oC). This
happens during exposure to cold weather or immersion in cold water. Warming the
body back is the primary treatment.
First Aid:
1. Gently remove the person out of the cold to a warmer place.
2. Replace wet clothing with warm and dry clothes with coats or blankets.
3. Give warm, sweet non-alcoholic drinks.
4. Begin CPR if the person does not show any signs of life such as breathing.

E. Hyperventilation
When there is an imbalance in breathing I oxygen and breathing out carbon
dioxide causing fast breathing [ CITATION Sul19 \l 1033 ].
First Aid:
1. Briefly try certain breathing exercises. Using a paper bag and breathing into it is not
2. Try relaxation exercise

F. Fracture
A fracture is a break in a bone and can either be an open fracture when there is
a puncture in the skin. Incidents such as car accidents, falling, or sports injuries may
cause fractures. This can also be caused by low bone density and osteoporos6666666is
[CITATION Med20 \l 1033 ].

First Aid:
1. If bleeding is present, apply pressure using a sterile bandage or a clean piece of cloth to
stop the bleeding.
2. Immobilize the injured area with a splint.
3. With ice packs, apply it to relieve the pain and to limit swelling but not directly to the
4. Treat for shock. If possible, have the head slightly lower than the trunk with the legs

G. Hyperthermia
It is an abnormally high body temperature during heat-related conditions. When
the body is overwhelmed by outside factors affecting the body’s heat-regulation system
causing the body temperature to rise [CITATION Ste17 \l 1033 ]. Rest and ice compress is
the common treatment for hyperthermia [ CITATION Mor18 \l 1033 ].
First Aid:
1. Bring the person to a cool location.
2. Give water or any electrolyte-filled drink.
3. Take a cold bath or shower.
4. Place ice bags under armpits and in the groin area.

Main Task

Perform the proper first aid on the different injuries identified by videoing yourself
(choose only 1 of any injuries): sprain, strain, cramps, hypothermia, hyperthermia, fracture, and
hyperventilation. Just comment your videos to my post at the fb group. (Deadline: October 13,
2021 Friday).


Correctness of Execution 2 point

Proper Procedure 2 point
Handling 1 point
Total 5 points

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