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Compounding Exercise no. 7

At the end of this exercise, the students will be able to:

•  List and describe the topical liquid dosage forms

•  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using topical

liquid dosage forms

•  Perform the calculations for the given compounded


•  Give the correct uses of the components of the


•  Compound using the appropriate method and dispense


On-line Learning Checklist

For the purpose of completing each work course, you must

do the following:

1.  Read the file copy of pre-lab discussion

2.  Attend the online pre-lab discussion for questions and


3.  Watch the video links provided to you

4.  Meet with your group mates for discussion

5.  Answer individually the worksheets

6.  Submit individual worksheets, group assignments and projects

7.  Participate in the online post-lab discussion


Compounding Exercise no. 8 is about Lotions

Lotions are emulsions or suspensions generally in an aqueous

vehicle, although certain solutions have been designated as
lotions because of either their appearance or application.

•  Lotions may be preferred over semi- solid preparations

because of their non-greasy character and their
increased spreadability over large areas of skin.

•  Most of the lotions are prepared by the methods used for



•  Compounding of Calamine Lo0on: h*ps://

•  Compounding suspensions: h*ps://

Compounding Exercise:

•  Watch the video links provided to you

•  Under assignment section of Canvas, work on the

compounding exercise which includes:

computation of amounts needed, ingredient use

preparation of label

presentation of product information

•  Under the Discussion board, work with your group mates

to answer the questions. Use the discussion board to
exchange your searched answers and take turns in
preparing the reports

•  Submit both worksheets and reports on the given due


Rx 1

Calamine 80 g
Zinc oxide 80 g
Glycerin 20 mL
Bentonite magma 250 mL
Calcium Hydroxide
SoluWon, q.s. ad. 1000 mL
1.  Calculate the formula for 5 milliliters
2.  Dilute the bentonite magma with an equal volume of calcium
hydroxide soluWon.
3.  Mix the powders inWmately with the glycerin and about 100 mL of the
diluted magma, trituraWng unWl smooth, uniform paste is formed.
4.  Gradually incorporate the remainder of the diluted magma.
5.  Finally add enough calcium hydroxide soluWon to make 1000 mL and
shake well.
6.  Transfer in a suitable container.
7.  Label the preparaWon.


B. Prepare the Label for Rx 1

C. Give the following informa0on for Rx 1

Use(s): _______________________________________________
Label: _______________________________________________
Container: _______________________________________________
DescripWon: _______________________________________________
Beyond use
Date: _______________________________________________
Remarks: ___________________________________________________


Ques0ons for Discussion: (Submit as PowerPoint presenta0on of not

more than 10 slides)

1.  What is the chemical composiWon of calamine? Explain how it got
its color.
2.  Give two methods of preparing loWons. Explain each method.
3.  Name other compounds, at least two, that can be used in place of
bentonite magma in the formulaWon for loWon.
4.  Give the acWon of a stabilizing agent on liquid dosage forms such
as suspension and emulsions

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