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ERINA – ERINA [Type text]

The Effectiveness of Facebook as Marketing

Tool in Business Enterprises
Around Brgy. Flores,
Malabon City

A Thesis Proposal

Presented to
The Faculty of STI College Caloocan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Practical Research 1


Dela Cruz, Christian Lucky S.

Dela Cruz, Jackyline V.
Dolindo, Ma. Keena P.
Domingo, Aedan Szhan A.
Doren, Gea Jachelle M.
Espejon, Beatrice D.
ERINA – ERINA [Type text]



Title Page

Recommendation for Oral Examination

Approval Sheet

Certificate of Originality




Table of Contents

List of Tables



Introduction ………………………………………

Background of the Study ……………………….

Statement of the Problem……………………….

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ………….

Significance of the Study ……………...............

Definition of Terms………………………………


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Related Literature ……………………………….

Related Studies ………………………………….

Synthesis of the Related Literature and Studies ..

Theoretical Framework…………………………..

Conceptual Framework…………………………


Research Design ……………………………………

Population and Sample of the Study ……………..

Research Instrument ……………………………….

Validation of the Research Instrument ……………

Data Gathering Procedure …………………………

Statistical Treatment of Data ………………………

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Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Background


Social Media is used for exchanging information, ideas, and opinions.

It also offers entertainment to the users. The most known social media apps

are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We use social media for

communication and for killing time. Social media is different from other

media (e.g., Print Media, Broadcast Media, and Digital Media) because

when it comes to social media; we share our thoughts virtually, we inform

virtually, we do things virtually. We use gadgets as the medium for our


Facebook is a social media app or website, most of us are familiar

with this social media because we used it for communication,

entertainment, transactions, posting pictures, videos, status, or opinions on

a specific topic. Facebook is also called FB by many of us, as time goes by

Facebook is improving and developing into a modern social media that

many individuals would love to explore and learn. Furthermore, Facebook

also gives them the confidence to socialize with other peers and meet other

people that could join them in their type of ride.

Marketing is the way businesses promote and develop their selling

products or services to their target customers, businesses figuring out ways

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to promote and develop their goods and services that would reach massive

customers. Some of those ways are Advertisement, Social Media, Flyers,

Tarpaulin, Surveys, Billboards, Video Marketing, and so on. And we call

them Marketing tools, the marketing tools are their strategies, techniques,

ways, and materials they used for improving and build up their selling

products and services.

Enterprises are a type of business that doesn’t run by a company. It is

a for-profit business or its main goal is to earn money. It can be run by an

individual or a group of an entrepreneur, they can offer any

products/services in business enterprises. It depends on the customers

need and want and the interest of the business owner. Business enterprises

aren’t easy to run it needs dedication, patience, and time management to

make the business successful.

Background of the study

According to Kiely Kuligowski, Staff of Business News Daily (2021)

“Using social media for business can be a great way to engage with

customers, view competition, and develop a brand voice.” Social media is

known around the world, each of us has social media accounts its either
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Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Social Media has a significant value in

terms of business we may think social media is just for entertainment

purposes but it holds a huge impact when we use it as a marketing tool.

Social Media Marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to

reach prospects and customers (WordStream). Social Media offers a wide

variety of customers that may like the selling products or services that the

business offers.

Facebook is a powerful marketing tool – it’s a great space to keep

the customer informed, develop a brand, identity, and broaden your reach

(Megan Marrs, 2020). Facebook is not just for entertainment, it can be used

as a tool for marketing. It has a wide platform to communicate with other

people, therefore it will be easy to find the target customers by just using

Facebook as the main marketing tool for businesses. Facebook has

reached 100 million registered users in 2008 (Schroeder, Stan. 2008) and

500 million in July 2010 (Wauters, Robin. 2010). Nowadays, almost 2.80

billion people around the world used Facebook for communications and

entertainment, therefore Facebook's marketing strategy would give a big

impact on businesses around the world.

In addition, we can save much time and stop dilatory by just posting

on Facebook for advertisement or promotion. Facebook also has options

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which we can use in marketing, same for instance, the Ad Center which we

can create an ad; also the Ads Manager which we can monitor the counts of

people who espied the ads. The Marketplace is also where the people or

the target customers could see our products/services. Facebook offers a lot

for marketing.

The purpose of this study is to identify how effective Facebook as a

marketing tool especially when it comes to business enterprises. We want

to prove that Facebook has a big impact on business enterprises and can

boost business enterprises around Brgy. Flores in Malabon City. Some

articles proved Facebook is an effective marketing tool. However, we still

need to prove that Facebook is a great marketing tool when it comes to

business enterprises. There are big enterprises at Brgy. Flores Malabon

City, most of them are a hardware store, same for instance, the SYA

Enterprises this business offers hardware tools and types of equipment;

also one of the most known enterprises in the Brgy. Flores Malabon City.

We, the researchers, will conduct a survey on a selected hardware store

around Brgy. Flores Malabon City for our research.

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Statement of the problem

This study focuses to determine “The effectiveness of Facebook as a

marketing tool in selected Business Enterprises around Barangay Flores,

Malabon City.” We wanted to examine Facebook's capability and also its

effectiveness as a marketing tool for targeting customers around Brgy.

Flores, Malabon City in delivering messages about their product, service, or


This study will seek an answer to the following questions:

1. How Facebook is considered an effective marketing tool around

Brgy. Flores, Malabon City?

2. How Facebook affecting the business performances of the selected

owners in accordance with the following:

3.1 Communication

3.2 Reaching out to a bigger audience

3.3 Boosts your brand loyalty

3. Is there a significant effect of Facebook as a marketing tool in terms


2.1 Pricing

2.2 Services

2.3 Customer Satisfaction

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Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study is about the effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing

Tool that is bounded to the selected Business Enterprises to be specific

Hardware Owners around Barangay Flores, Malabon City.

The researchers will conduct a survey among the selected business

enterprises to be specific hardware owners to determine how Facebook to

be effective when it comes to business.

Significance of the study

The Hardware Owners

This study will benefit those hardware owners because it will give them the

information and knowledge about how effectively you can use Facebook as

your marketing tool. By using social media, brands have the chance to

create a powerful media presence by interacting with customers online. This

study can also give them some knowledge that they don’t know carefully.

The Potential Customers

This study benefits the potential customers because it will help them to get

more information about this kind of business and if it’s easy to communicate

with the businesses when using Facebook.

To the Future Researcher

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This study will provide information that is helpful for them. Probably, they will

be able to discuss on what is the effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing

Tool in Business Enterprises around Barangay Flores, Malabon City.

Definition of terms

For clarification, the important terms used in the study have been


The following terms are:

Dilatory – procrastinating that turns out to have a delay in action.

Espied – having a glimpse of something or someone.

Broaden – expanding a capacity to encompass more people, thoughts, and


Marketing – creating and distributing products.

Social Media – computer and internet-based.

Facebook – a widely known social media.

Enterprises – the organization that’s especially complicated.

Financial Stability – a system that’s not well function.

Demographic – relating or concerning to the people.

Geography – human activity affects the earth.

Chapter 2
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Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature that the

researchers considered in strengthening the claim and importance of the

present study.

A) Hardware owner factors

B) Approaching potential customers using Facebook

C) Financial Stability of the said Business

D) The location of their business and their social products

E) Different marketing ways that they are using on Facebook

This chapter will also present the related literature both local from foreign

and local sources.

This part of the research shows and intensifies the effectiveness of

Facebook as a marketing tool in hardware establishment.

Different marketing ways that they are using on Facebook

According to the search engine journal, there are plenty of Facebook

users nowadays up to a billion users as the year goes by. In addition, their

users spend over 700 billion minutes on Facebook every month, share 30

billion pieces of content, which include links, news stories, blog posts, photo
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albums, and notes. That’s why ignoring numbers as big as those is not an

option for online marketers anymore. However, it is important to know how

you can use this social networking site to your advantage. For an average

Facebook user, this online platform can be used as a tool to catch up with

long-lost friends. What they didn’t know is that it can be used to turn

messages and profiles into actual results. The first thing you need to know

is your audience. Although Facebook started as a college network

connection, the social media site now houses more than 900 million users.

This makes the site a platform with the most diverse demographic


According to KISSmetrics, Facebook’s largest user segment falls into the

35-54 age range. Its fastest-growing user segment, on the other hand, is

over 55. This only means that the social networking site can serve as a

great marketing tool to reach your market, regardless of how old your

prospect audiences are. Facebook has three marketing tools that you can

use for marketing purposes. Each tool has its purpose, and it can be

combined for greater reach.

Approaching potential customers using Facebook.

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Facebook for business, the more customer insights you have, the

better you’re equipped to deliver meaningful messages to people. That’s the

thinking behind Facebook Audience Insights, a new tool designed to help

marketers learn more about their target audiences, including aggregate

information about geography, demographics (age, lifestyle, gender,

education, & job role), purchase behavior, and more. Audience Insights is

different from Page Insights because it looks at trends about your current or

potential customers across Facebook, whereas Page Insights looks at the

interactions with your Page (i.e., likes, comments, and shares).

According to Ace Hardware, in 1989, Ace's longtime jingle "Ace is the place

with the helpful hardware man" was modified, replacing man with the more

inclusive and accurate folks. Celebrities Connie Stevens (from 1974 to

1978) and Suzanne Somers (from 1979 into the early 1980s) starred in TV

commercials for Ace Hardware. For many years, former NFL coach and

NFL commentator John Madden also starred in Ace commercials. In 2016,

Ace introduced a new series of commercials featuring associates

addressing customers' needs, and a contextually appropriate version of the

Ace jingle.
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In late March 2018, student activists from the Stoneman Douglas High

School shooting, including David Hogg, called for a boycott of advertisers

on the television show The Ingraham Angle on Fox News Channel, after

comments host Laura Ingraham made mocking and disparaging Hogg.

Dozens of advertisers on The Ingraham Angle subsequently vowed to no

longer pay for advertising on the show, however, Ace Hardware continued

its sponsorship. Following Ingraham's controversial comments on her show

of 18 June 2018, regarding facilities used to detain minor children separated

from their illegal alien parents, David Hogg renewed his call for boycotts of

The Ingraham Angle's advertisers, including Ace Hardware.

Hardware Owner Factors

Reference for the business, most of the U.S. Retail hardware stores

are independent businesses. However, nearly all of them are affiliated with

a nationwide wholesaler that offers private label brands, retail store

advertising, and identification programs. Such affiliations create the

appearance of a structured industry. Many of these wholesalers are

cooperatives owned by independent hardware store owners, forming a

distribution system that originated in the early twentieth century. Dealer-

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owned wholesalers sell only to member stores, but member stores can buy

merchandise from other wholesalers or directly from manufacturers.

The location of their business and social products.

Business site selection involves a complex interplay of myriad

economic and non-economic factors, and due to its strategic implications is

important for decision making for both policymakers and companies. on the

one hand, cities spend a substantial amount of public dollars marketing

places to attract and retain potential businesses; on the other companies

invest a significant amount on location decisions, land, labor, and capital in

a quest for long-term sustainable growth. There is an increasing realization

that in addition to economic factors, place image is of paramount

importance for attracting new businesses and investment; Economic

Factors, Non-economic Factors, Place (Identity, Image, and Reputation)

Financial Stability of the said businessman.

This study examined the relationship between financial stability and

entrepreneurship development in Sub-Sahara Africa, thereby scaling up the

achievement of SDGs 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, and 12. The study made use of pooled

data from 24 sub-Sahara Africa countries covering the period from 2004 to
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2017. The method of analysis utilized is the pooled ordinary least squares

(OLS) and random effects techniques. The findings revealed that financial

stability (which measures the financial strength of the banks, real economic

stability, and the level of financial market development in the region) has a

significant positive effect on entrepreneurship development at a one percent

(1 percent) significance level in the study period. The findings of the study

suggest that stability in the financial environment facilitates the provision of

credit facilities for entrepreneurship and the promotion of new business

start-ups in the study area. The result also shows that East African

countries make a significant positive contribution to entrepreneurship

development in terms of responsiveness to changes in financial stability,

governance, strong institutions, economic development, and human capital

development than other regions in the continent. The policy implication of

the study highlights the need to build strong institutions in Sub-Sahara

Africa and the need for inclusive growth which has a direct effect on the

citizens in terms of employment generation, poverty alleviation, good health,

and improve the standard of living. Human capital development should be

the primary focus for governments in the region since national development

depends on the level of human capital; Financial Capable, Entrepreneurial

Development, and Sustainable development.

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Hardware Owner Strategies.

According to Kevin Carr, as the market continues to consolidate &

stores continue to evolve to meet new competitive demands, many

established retailers think that opening a hardware store in today’s market

is maybe a bridge too far. It is true that customers now have more choices

to spend their dollars in the hardware category than ever before however,

opening a store now is no harder than it was before large-format stores

entered the marketplace. “There is no security on this earth; there is the

only opportunity.” General Douglas MacArthur.

There is an opportunity everywhere for independent hardware store

operators to build great Hardware offers. It is important however to deliver

on what the market wants consistently and to show tangible evidence in

your store offer on what you can do for your customer every day. These are

the strategy you can simply apply to develop your store; Know your

customer, have a Business Plan: Designing the offer, create an attractive

offer, manage your cash flow, and create a diverse, cost-effective marketing

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How to Approach Your Potential Customers

According to Ishita Ganguly (Digital Marketing Strategist), Social

Media is a great marketing tool. It's cost-effective. It's fast. It's unwrapped.

It's a fantastic channel to connect and interact with your target group and

showcase your services and products in front of the entire digital spectrum.

But many businesses do it wrong when they only focus on posting and

sharing content. A major part of social media success depends upon your

industry authority, networking skills, and your approach towards your target

audience you need these terms; Communication, Approachable, and Be

open about your business and service.

Why Is Financial Stability Important in Business

According to Tycoon Story, the success of any business is

determined by stability in management accounts & finance. The fact is

finances are directly related to the success or failure of any business, be it

small or big. Getting to know why can help you to make financial

responsibilities a priority when running your business. It is much more than

paying wages to your employees. A financially stable business is

considered to be one that boasts of having diverse resources readily

available. This is crucial for the smooth functioning of your business & to
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achieve success. With proper finances, you will be able to grow your

business further and make it profitable. Without money, it will become to

operate your company further. For the following: Identification, Benefits

derived, and Misconceptions.

Perfect location for your business

According to Rice University, Business site selection involves a

complex interplay of myriad economic and non-economic factors, and due

to its strategic implications is important for decision making for both

policymakers and companies. There is an increasing realization that in

addition to economic factors, place image is of paramount importance for

attracting new businesses and investment.

Facebook as marketing

According to Christina Newberry &Stacey Mclachlan, Facebook

marketing is a platform that offers a variety of highly targeted paid

advertisements and organic posts, allowing brands to put their products and

services in front of a massive audience. Over the last decade, Facebook

has shifted from the most prominent social medium on the internet into one

of the biggest marketplaces. By doing these steps you can easily do a

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Facebook as your marketing: Define your audience (Age, Gender,

Education, and Facebook usage)


There are different reasons to showcase and validate the

effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing tool for online businesses.

According to a search engine journal, users spend over 700 billion minutes

on Facebook every month, sharing 30 billion pieces of content, which

include links, news stories, blog posts, photo albums, and notes. Over the

last decade, Facebook has shifted from the most prominent social medium

on the internet into one of the biggest marketplaces. This only means that

the social networking site can serve as a great marketing tool to reach your

market, regardless of how old your prospect audiences are. Facebook has

three marketing tools that you can use for marketing purposes: (1) pages

for businesses; (2) Facebook groups and: (3) ads. Each tool has its own

purpose, and it can be combined for greater reach. However, while social

media is a great marketing tool—being cost-effective, fast, and a fantastic

channel to connect and interact with your target group—many businesses

tend to do it wrong when they only focus on posting and sharing content. A

major part of social media success depends upon your industry authority,

networking skills, and your approach towards your target audience.

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Techniques to observe are consistent communication, approachable or

accommodating, and being open about your business and service.

Furthermore, Facebook branches itself out through Instagram and

Whatsapp which is beneficial for the business units to effectively promote

themselves and make ads that are fit to satisfy the people and mainly the

youth, as the youth is the future of every country and should be the target

audience. Marketers can use Facebook’s insights tool to know the

demographic that are interested in their product and hence target them to

gain more attention, the firms also have an option to show their ads to a

customized audience to prevent loss of resources by showing ads to people

who won’t buy their product. Almost every student has a Facebook account

which proves that there is a vast scope for firms to promote any kind of

product and they will find a market for the same. Facebook will always be

on the top because of the accurate personal data reserve that they have

acquired over the years from the users which no other marketing platform

has managed to come close to.

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Review of Studies

This chapter presents the review of related studies that the

researchers considered in strengthening the claim and importance of the

present study.

A) Effectiveness of Facebook as a Free Marketing Tool

B) Effectiveness of Advertising on Social Network Sites. A Case Study on


This chapter will also present a review of related studies from both local and

foreign sources.

Facebook as a Free Marketing Tool

Arthelo P. Palma, “Effectiveness of Facebook as a Free Marketing

Tool” (2016). This study aims to know the effectiveness of Facebook as a

free marketing tool because Facebook is widely studied in its effectiveness,

relevant empirical evidence on how it works as a free marketing tool after

the new rules and policies were set has to be explored further (Arthelo

Palma, 2016). This study also attempted to understand consumer behavior

in the personal context towards posted threads on Facebook using articles

with content on emotions and needs. According to Arthelo Palma, these

social networking sites are accessible that at any convenient time and an

interested user can sign up for free over the Internet. Therefore, it proves
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that Facebook has the power to reach a wide audience to promote and

market the selling product and serve the target customers. Facebook has

an option to advertising the selling products or services, same for instance,

creating pages, blogs, sites, or groups about the selling products or

services the owner offers.

According to Arthelo Palma, the Facebook page has an “Insights”

section that stores data on organic reach and post engagement.

Furthermore, AdSense or the Ads Manager and Ad Center of Facebook can

help you monitor the selling products and services promotion flow. The

researcher used a blog and site to know how effective Facebook can be as

a free marketing tool, they reached 1,100 followers on their Facebook page

and those followers are the direct targets or have interest in their articles or

sites. The articles are about human emotions and human needs that are

posted on their Facebook Page, they can monitor the total of people who

clicked the articles because of the insights of the Facebook page.

According to Arthelo Palma, “I see that even free advertising on

Facebook has a potential capacity for increasing revenue.” Because by just

posting articles or blogs on your Facebook Page the page can earn a profit

because of the people or audience who viewed or clicked or reached the

article, post, or blog. According to the study of Arthelo Palma, the

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percentage of the blog’s revenue growth before and after the study are 6%

from April, rose to 20% in May, rose to 26% in June, rose to 35% in July,

and decreased into 1% in August, 3% in September, 3% in October, and 6%

November. Therefore, we can say that at the very start of the month the

profit that they earned are high, however, when August came to their profit

decreased but the main point here is just by using Facebook we can earn a

profit because of its wide audience and users.

Advertising of Social Network Sites

Christian Maurer, and Rona Wiegmann, “Effectiveness of Advertising

on Social Network Sites.” (2011). This study aims to determine if Facebook

is an effective marketing tool, how organizations can use Facebook for

marketing purposes, and if users are responding to these initiatives or not.

The reason is we all know that social media sites like Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Pinterest, and many more are used by many people in today's

generation. Social network sites like Facebook, MySpace, and StudiVZ

have recently gained enormous popularity for marketing communications

(Maurer & Wiegmann, 2011). Many people agreed that Social Media sites

are the perfect marketing tool to help the business succeed, however, on

the other hand, experts aren’t convinced that Facebook can be used and
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effective to use as a marketing tool in a business, they only think that

Facebook is just for communications. As time goes by, social media

developed as it is now, from being existed offline it became shifted from

offline to online; to be recognized as a marketing tool in the past years up to


According to Laudon & Traver (2008), Facebook is one of the largest

and fastest-growing social network sites, which has developed into a global

network. Their goal is to become the operating system of the internet and to

make the world open and transparent by giving everyone the right to share

and connect. Facebook’s marketing system is based on three (3) elements;

the first element is ads, which automatically go into the account’s user's

personal information and online behavior. Defending on the set budget, ads

are mostly found in the newsfeed which is more effective to advertise. The

second element is pages, pages are mostly used by a company or

organization. The reason is pages offer more features than regular profiles.

Users interact with brands through pages because they are looking for

incentives and in order to build a relationship with a company (Facebook,

2007; Holzner, 2009; Tuten, 2008; Vander Veer, 2008). The last element is

the social graph system, this element is also called Friendvertising from the

word ‘Friend’ it’s when the user influenced or persuaded the other user
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about the product or service that the user used. This is known as the most

effective element because it can reach a wide audience or user just with the

help of other users.

According to the study of Maurer & Wiegmann, the result of their

study is out of the 250 respondents, 56% of all respondents were female

while 44% are male, which reasonably reflects the composition of the

Facebook population in Austria. With regard to age, 44.8% of respondents

were between 18-24 years old, followed by “25-34” with 33.6%. The least

interviews were conducted with respondents older than 64 (0.8%).

Therefore, the researcher can say that the majority of users are between

18-24 years old. Concerning the education profile, A) University Degree

(48.4%), B) A-Levels (38,8%), C) Finished High School (12.8%). The

majority of respondents were in employment (54%), students (32.4%), self-

employed (6.4%), blue-collar workers (4.4%), and housewives (1.2%). In

conclusion, only a small percentage of all respondents were not in

occupation (1.6%), and 11.2% were students.


To sum up, everything that has been stated, Palma as well as Maurer

& Wiegmann proved that Facebook is a well-known social media than other
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social media websites. Arthelo Palma proved that we could use Facebook

to earn profit just by posting articles or blogs or advertisements because

Facebook has an Ads Manager, Ads Center, Insights that could monitor the

flow of the articles, blogs, or advertisements that you posted. On the other

hand, Maurer & Wiegmann proved that in today's generation Facebook is

known mostly by 18-24 years old and they knew that Facebook can be used

as a marketing tool. Therefore, we can say that Facebook can be used to

earned consumers, and earn profit they proved these claims by using

survey questionnaires. The researcher can say that Facebook is an

effective marketing tool for hardware enterprises.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of Chaffey, David (2002). He

defined Facebook as a marketing tool by Monitoring and Facilitating

customer interaction, participation, and sharing through digital media to

encourage positive engagement with a company and its brands leading to

commercial value. Facebook can be connected as a conventional

communicated medium, for instance, organizations can utilize Facebook to

send messages to clients or accomplices who have selected it. Be that as it

may, to exploit the advantages of online networking it is imperative to begin

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and take an interest in client discussions. Today the web-based social

networking technique has turned into a centre component of the

computerized business procedure.

Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

The figure below presented the Effectiveness of Facebook as

Marketing Tool in Business Enterprises Around Brgy. Flores, Malabon City.

The researcher provides a conceptual paradigm to determine if Facebook is

effective when it comes to business enterprises bounded to the selected

hardware owners.
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Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm represents the effectiveness of Facebook

as a Marketing Tool Around Brgy. Flores, Malabon City.


Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Research Design
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This study discusses in detail the methodological choice and the

research design process of the study. The researcher chooses descriptive

as the research design. More, specifically, it explains why the explanatory

sequential mixed methods research approach is considered appropriate for

the research. In addition, the chapter set the procedures to collect, analyze

and report data. It has used separate procedures for the quantitative and

qualitative approach as both encompass distinct purposes to serve.

Besides, the approaches implemented to enhance the validity and reliability

of the studies are also explained in detail. A research design is the

‘procedures for collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data in

research studies. It is the overall plan for connecting the conceptual

research problems with the pertinent (and achievable). Empirical research.

In other words, the research design sets the procedure on the required

data, the methods to be applied to collect and analyze this data, and how all

of this is going to answer the research question. As explained by Robson

(2002), there are three possible forms of research design: exploratory,

descriptive, and explanatory. The researchers conducted different forms

and base techniques such as surveys, tally sheets, graphs, and many more

things to accomplish the goal to know the effectiveness of Facebook to the

selected business enterprises around Barangay Flores, Malabon City.

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Respondents of the Study

We, the researchers, have decided that the respondents of the study

will be the selected hardware owners around Brgy. Flores, Malabon City.

Instrument of the Study

This study will be going to use a google form in surveying the

respondents. Google form is one of the best main tools by today’s year

especially if teachers are giving quizzes or survey forms. This is the

instrument we decided to use because of the situation we are all

encountered now.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study population will be selected only 2 hardware establishments

it is the SYA enterprise and KLR hardware in Malabon City. Those business

owners were affected by the pandemic. It seems that this study is very

suited for this because of the population of those business owners who are

affected by the pandemic. Out of 30 hardware establishments/businesses

we choose only 2 hardware businesses SYA enterprise and KLR hardware

by using convenience sampling.


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The researchers use convenience sampling as their sampling technique. A

convenience sample is a type of non-probability sampling method where the

sample is taken from a group of people easy to contact or to reach. For

example, standing at a mall or a grocery store and asking people to answer

questions would be an example of a convenience sample. This type of

sampling is also known as grab sampling or availability sampling. There are

no other criteria to the sampling method except that people be available and

willing to participate. In addition, this type of sampling method does not

require that a simple random sample is generated since the only criterion is

whether the participants agree to participate.


Instruction: Please rank carefully the given questionnaires

below. 1 is the highest, 2 is moderate, and 3 is the lowest.

ERINA – ERINA [Type text]

1. What is your most used social media app for advertising your selling

product or business.




2. What age most often ordering your product using Facebook?

Below 20 years old

Between 21 to 35 years old

35 years old and above

Instructions: Answer the following questions below, Honestly.

3. What are the capabilities of Facebook to be a marketing tool in terms of

Business Enterprises? Site 3 capabilities.

4. In your opinion, what are the differences between Facebook to other

social media as a marketing tool? Site 3 differences.

ERINA – ERINA [Type text]

Instruction: Choose the letters of your answer.

5. For you, what is the Facebook most factor?

A. Entertaining

B. Transactions

C. Communicating

D. Discovering

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