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International Conference on Civil Engineering

Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development

18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Accuracy of Stress Data Measured by Earth

Pressure Cells Installed in Embankment Dams
Abolfazl Hojjat Ansari1, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi2* Habib Niromand3

1. M.Sc. Student, College of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran,
2. Professor, College of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran,
3. Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers

Installation of Earth Pressure Cells is one of major challenges in instrumentation of
geotechnical structures specially embankment dams. Preparation and installation of such
instruments in dams would dramatically increase costs. However no consistent data were
achieved to ascertain compatibility conditions of stress according to past experiences.
Many factors such as physical properties of Earth Pressure Cells, properties of
surrounding soils and installation techniques seriously affect the accuracy of data sets
obtained by Earth Pressure Cells. A special method is being implemented to install earth
pressure cells in Gotvand Dam, one of the largest embankment dams in Iran. In this paper
the consistency of stress distribution measured by earth pressure cells installed in this
dam being controlled in terms of the compatibility conditions of stress by using different

Key words: Instrumentation, Earth Pressure Cell, Procedure of Installation, Arching

1. Introduction
Earth pressure cells (EPC) are used to measure either free field-stress within an embankment
or the earth pressure exerted by the embankment material or structures. The most serious
problem associated with the measurement is the stiffness of the gauge itself. If it is too stiff,
the gauge will be subjected to stresses greater than those in the surrounding soil; the converse
is true if the gauge is more compressible than the surrounding soil [1].
Earth pressure cells typically are calibrated by using fluid pressure to determine its sensitivity
to exerted load. It is assumed from such a calibration procedure that the response of the earth
pressure cells under uniform load would be equivalent to the EPC experienced under field
conditions. The potential arching effect is ignored by the simplicity of this assumption.
In the mid1960s, soil stress meters were installed in core and transition zones of Oroville
Dam, but the stress readings obtained were questionable and no consistent data were
achieved. Kulhawy and Duncan (1972) not only performed a numerical analysis of the
embankment but also, they compared the results with the measured dataset of Orville Dam.
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Despite good correlations with the measured movements, they found inconsistency between
measured stresses and those obtained by analysis [2].
14 primary sections of Karkheh Dam are instrumented. A total of 102 clusters, each of five
earth pressure cells, have been installed to determine stress distribution in the embankment at
various sections. For each cluster, the cells are installed in the following orientations:
horizontal, vertical parallel to dam axis, vertical normal to dam axis, 45 degree upstream and
45 degree downstream. However, there is no consistency between calculated and measured
stresses [3].
The difference between measured data and computed stress distributions mainly result from
several issues. First, differences in compaction of backfill placed over the instruments relative
to the surrounding soil lead to arching in the overlying fill resulting high or too low. Second is
the possible rotation of earth pressure cells during compaction or as a result of the heavy
construction traffic. Third, the inclusion effect when placing a measuring device within
compacted fill, such that installation of earth pressure cells changes the stresses around it.
In this research, in order to evaluate the performance of earth pressure cells, the consistency
of measured stress data have been checked in terms of compatibility conditions of stress for
all the earth pressure cells installed in sections of the dam. The differences and errors have
been calculated via several assumptions.

1. Installed instruments in Gotvand Dam

In order to monitor the performance of Gotvand Dam, 7 primary instrumented sections and
totally 1166 of various types of instruments have been considered in the dam [4]. Figure 1 &
2 depict installed EPCs in longitudinal profile along dam axis and critical section 4,
respectively. The type and number of installed instruments in dam are shown in Table 1.

Figure 1 :Pressure cells location in longitudinal profile along dam axis

International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 2 :Instruments installed in section 4

Table 1: Type and number of installed

instruments in dam

2. General specification of Gotvand dam

Gotvand dam is a central core, zoned embankment dam of 180 meter height, 17 meter crest
width and 760 meter crest length. Gotvand Dam, installed on the Karun River, is 25km far
from the north of the City of Shooshtar. The construction and impounding of Gotvand Dam
started in 2006 and at the ends of July 2011(90/05/07), respectively.
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

2. Material Properties of Dam Body

A central puddled clay core (mixture of gravel, sand and clay) being as an impervious element
secure water tightness of the dam. The dam is too high; hence, it would result in large
amounts of stresses imposed on dam body. Figure 3 illustrates a typical section of the dam.

Figure 3 :Typical section of Gotvand Dam

2. Field installation of Earth Pressure Cells

1-2- Karkheh Dam
The installation method includes excavation of trenches as a routine installation method of
EPCs. Having placed 1.5-2 m embankment over the level specified for installation of group of
five pressure cells, an excavation of the order of 1×3.5 and 1 m deep with flat sloping sides in
all directions are formed to make holes as installation pockets. The minimum width and
length of pocket should be three times and six times of cell's diameter, respectively. A special
treatment is required to avoid any damage, say, over 5 mm grain soils must be withdrawn
from the bottom of the pockets by hand. Afterwards, EPCs are installed into excavating

Figure 4 :Procedure of installation in Karkheh Dam

International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

2-2- Gotvand Dam

In order to prevent possible rotation of the pressure cells as a result of the kneading action
caused by heavy construction traffic, new approaches are adopted to install EPCs in Gotvand
Dam. Moreover, it is expected that the new procedure of installation would be able to reduce
differences in compaction of backfill placed over the instruments relative to the mass fill
which leads to arching phenomena.
The total stress measurement of Gotvand dam is being done via EPCs. Installation of these
cells are being made in a forms of groups each comprising single, two, five cells, positioned
in different sections of the dam. In groups containing five cells, pressure cells would be laid
down horizontal, vertical parallel to dam axis, vertical normal to dam axis, and also inclined
45 degree towards downstream and upstream sides of the dam. Besides, regarding the other
groups containing two cells and single one, they would both be laid down horizontal and
parallel to dam axis.
Installation method of clusters containing five cells entails performing preliminary steps. A
special method is being implemented in order to impede the installations become disturbed
and spoiled, and also having the measured results follow the realistic respond. Moreover, a
specific type of blades accompanied by complementary tools are applied for grooving the
regions compressed by heavy compactors on which pressure cells are going to be installed.
Such blades, having 30 cm long of height and width, are capable to make grooves having
width close to thickness of the plate of the EPCs.
Considering the practical difficulties of grooving the gravelly-clay mediums, even done, it is
very likely to collide with the hard coarse materials. Hence, in order not to confront such
issues, it is required to synthesize 8×4 m long layers having 0.5 m thickness, namely
comprising three clayey layers overtopping each other, and compressed by heavy
compactors. Operating afore-mention procedures, embankment level would reach that of
instruments, knowing that embankments over specified area is done as same as main bank of
the dam, utilizing gravelly-clay materials. Having laid down 60 cm topping of gravelly-clay
embankment over regions specified for instrumentation, the operation would be stopped.
Spatial locations of instruments is determined by surveying team, afterwards, excavating
operations would be started applying heavy equipment vehicles.
In order to reduce the unwilling outcomes caused by arching phenomena and reaching the
potential compression of the embankment actually at the end of the operation, slop ratio 1:2 is
required to be adjusted as inclined slope of trenches.
Applying groove machine, trenches would be made on contacting clayey layers (Figure 5)
through which instruments would be adjusted gently impeding any kind of stresses to be
imposed, all followed by preliminary measurements. Surface of these instruments could be
coated by muddy clay in order to ease adjustment of them through trenches.
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 5 :Procedure of installation in Gotvand Dam

Contacting clayey layers is utilized as materials associated with the embankment.

Embankment procedure is based on lying down 4 layers. First layer, 10 cm thick, covers
cables and instruments. Special treatment is required regarding first layer, say, avoiding any
serious damage to take place over the instruments and cables, gobbles and coarse gravels must
be withdrawn from the materials by hand. Additionally, it must be compacted merely via walk
of workers. Second layer, 15 cm thick, made up of clay contexture could be compressed by
light none-vibrating compactor tools. However, the third and the forth layers, would need
light vibrating compactor tools for compression. Heavy compactor vehicles can be applied for
the rest of embankment process, when the 60 cm topping procedure is fulfilled.

Figure 6 :Embankment and reservoir level versus time

(Note :The date format is yy/mm/dd and in Irania calender 84 is roman 2005 and 91 is roman 2013)

4. Inconsistent Datasets
As mentioned before, EPCs should be adjusted gently in order not to be imposed any kind of
stresses regarding the procedure of installation. Although, such instruction has been always
noticed during implementation, outcomes show different scenario. Vertical stress at the
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

location PC 4-3 has been calculated from the density and thickness of the fill. Accordingly,
the stress dataset for PC 4-3 which located near the axis at the bottom of the core, are shown
in Figure 7. Supposedly, the vertical stress has not been affected by local arching because of
complete adaptation of measured stress and computed one. Not only measured stresses by
both 45 degrees upstream and downstream cells and vertical cell are greater than horizontal
one (which measures the vertical stress), but also they are surprisingly greater than computed
one. Usually at during construction, especially at the clay core axis, the vertical stress
measured by horizontal cell should be higher than those of measured by other cells. Here such
a condition is not observed due to the improper installation method. As it seems, these
pressure cells have been exposed of imposed stresses through the process of placing into the
grooves. The horizontal pressure cell is the only one that is not installed in the groove and
shows more consistent results. Such case is observed for nearly all the cells installed in
different sections. As it has been described in pervious section, the 45 degrees cells and
vertical cells have been placed into the grooves, hence, a large amount of stress have been
exerted on them. In addition, the amounts of imposed stresses are nearly the same for each
cell. Figure 8 reflects them in a large period of time. As can be seen, the computed vertical
stress overtakes all the dataset after a short period of time. In other words global arching is
completely sensible. The global arching effect leads to large reduction in the amount of stress
which measured by horizontal cell. In fact, the imposed stresses of 45 degrees cells
accompanied by global arching make the 45 degree plane stresses as close as vertical
measured one. Consequently, considerable imposed stresses are mainly responsible for
inconsistency amongst datasets.

Figure 7 :Computed vertical stress in comparison with dataset of PC 4-3

International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 8 :Computed vertical stress in comparison with dataset of PC 4-3

Although, the procedure of installation achieved a success regarding local arching and
preventing possible rotation of cells during further stages of fill placement, it produces such a
error in earth pressure measuring. In fact, the inconsistency amongst datasets is stem from
both local arching and large amounts of imposed stresses. To illustrate, datasets of PC 4-4 are
depicted in Figure 9. As can be seen, the measured stress by horizontal cell has been
extremely affected by local arching. Moreover, the measured stresses by the other cells are
increased by accidental imposed stress through the process of placing. Figure 10 reflects the
Figure 9 in a large period of time.

Figure 9 :Computed vertical stress in comparison with dataset of PC 4-4

Figure 10 :Computed vertical stress in comparison with dataset of PC 4-4

International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

In sections like section 2, arching is associated with cut off wall. Extreme reduction in the
amount of both stresses and settlements in the clay core is occurred as a result of 4 meters
insertion of cut off wall into clay core. This theory would be confirmed by the comparison of
settlements and stresses with similar dam section which has not cut off wall as an impervious
element of foundation. Such comparison has been done for the cells PC 2-3 (located on the
right abutment) and PC 6-3 (located on the left abutment). Some portion of the length of cut
off wall has been buried into the embankment. It is much stiffer than puddled clay. Thus, it
would not permit the embankment to settle freely. Such phenomena would result in large
decrease in the amount of stresses as well as settlements. The impervious element of
foundation at section 6 is grouting curtain. There is no cut off wall at this section. Hence, it is
expected that the amount of stresses and settlements at section 6 would be greater than those
at section 2. Figure 11 shows settlements as well as surcharge ratio (measured stress to
surcharge). As can be seen, cut off wall has significant effect on the stress distribution.

Figure 11 :Cut off wall effect on settlements and stress distribution

4. Measurement consistency checking assumptions

1-4- Assumption 1
There are certain invariants associated with stress tensor which are also independent of the
coordinate system. According to the first invariant of stress tensor, the governing equation is:

I1 = SH + SV = S45ºDS + S45ºUS S45US = SH + SV - S45ºDS (1)

Where SH and SV are horizontal and vertical stress, respectively, I1 is the first invariant of
stress tensor or the trace of the stress tensor, S45ºDS and S45ºUS are the stresses acted on 45
degree planes.
Figure 12 illustrates the comparison in terms of assumption 1 for the PC 4-3. Generally, it can
be done such calculation for other EPCs without any restriction.
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 12 :Computed stress in comparison with measured one-assumption 1

The errors are compared with Karkheh Dam in Figure 13. Supposedly, no success would be
achieved regarding the new procedure of installation.

Figure 13 : Gotvand Dam in comparison with Karkheh Dam-assumption 1

(Note :The figure illustrates rectangular distribution of relative cumulative frequency versus error)

2-4- Assumption 2
As mentioned before, each cluster has five Earth Pressure Cells which cover different
directions. Four stresses can be considered as stresses at different directions in one plane for a
single point in the embankment. Having two stresses in two directions, the others can be
calculated using Mohr circles.
At the end of constructions, there is no horizontal force acting on the dam due to water in the
reservoir. Also the dam cross section is almost symmetrical. Hence, at the center of the core
the maximum principal stress direction is near to vertical. Therefore the vertical and
horizontal stresses at the center of the core can be considered as principal stresses.
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 14 :Mohr Circle

According to the Mohr circle (Figure 14), stresses acting on the 45 degrees palanes can be
calculated by equation 1.

SUS45=SDS45=S13= (S1+S3) / 2 = (SV + SH) / 2 (2)

Where S1 and S3 are principal stresses, SV and SH are vertical and horizontal stress, S13 is the
stress exerted to 45 degree planes.
45 five degree plane stresses have been computed in terms of assumption 2. Logically, the
obtained stress can be compared with both upstream and downstream (Figure 15). It is
observed that the computed stress is close to the measured ones showing good consistency
and compatibility amongst dataset. Not only have the errors computed for each cell, but also
the outcomes have been compared with those at Karkheh dam (Figure 16). As mentioned
before, this assumption is valid for controlling the consistency amongst dataset of cells which
located at the center of the core. Hence, cells which are located near the axis have been
selected regarding this comparison.

Figure 15 :Computed stress in comparison with measured ones

International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 16 : Gotvand Dam in comparison with Karkheh-assumption 2

The computed stresses via the two mentioned assumptions are compared with each other in
Figure 17. In most cases as the case PC 4-3, the come-out results which have been calculated
by assumption 2 illustrate more consistency amongst dataset.

Figure 17 : Assumption 1 in comparison with assumption 2 – PC 4-3

3-4- Assumption 3
In the lower portion of embankment dam the stress field during construction is essentially 2
dimensional if the valley is wide. So it is possible to calculate from the density and thickness
of the fill what the measured stress should be [5]. Such assumption would be valid for the
case Gotvand. In order to control the performance of EPCs, the measured stress by the
horizontal cell has been depicted against computed stress. Figure 18 illustrates the vertical
stress of PC 4-3 is fully adapted to the computed one during placement of up to 20 meters of
fill over the instrument. Such adaptation confirms the accuracy of calibration and installation.
Supposedly, there is little difference in compaction of backfill and surrounding soil through
the process of installation. Same calculation has been done for each cell. In most cases local
arching lead to reduction in stresses which measured by horizontal cells. In some of them
local arching decreases stresses at an appalling rate, e.g. PC 4-4 (Figure 19).
International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

Figure 18 : Computed vertical stress in comparison with measured one-PC 4-3

Figure 19 : Computed vertical stress in comparison with measured one-PC 4-4

Errors have been calculated for each cell regarding assumption3. Errors are considerable in
comparison with those at Karkheh dam. At lower stresses the imposed stresses play a
significant role to exacerbate inconsistency of stress data. But as stresses have been increased
by placement of embankment layers, these are being trivial in comparison with construction
stresses. In conclusion, the imposed stresses are the main source of errors regarding
assumption 3, not local arching. Figure 20 illustrates 90 % of installed Earth Pressure Cells
have error of over 10%.

Figure 20 : Gotvand Dam in comparison with Karkheh Dam-assumption 3

International Conference on Civil Engineering
Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development
18 &19 December 2013, Tabriz , Iran

7. Conclusions
Measurement of total stress in embankment dams is extremely difficult. Physical placing of
Earth Pressure Cells causes disturbance of soil. Certainly, no installation methods are
completely able to eliminate placement effects. In the case of Gotvand Dam, the procedure of
installation has been designed to make soil less undisturbed. The come-out results show some
success regarding this factor as the case PC 4-3. Despite such success, generally comparing
with the procedure of installation on Karkheh Dam, it makes no difference to obtain more
consistent stress data. Although, it somewhat tackles the errors associated with rotation of
Earth Pressure Cells, it would add another source of errors correspond to the imposed stresses.
In summary, this method of installation could be improved by more accurate instruction to
eradicate imposed stresses, in order to obtain more reliable stress data on embankment dams.

[1] Sharma, H. D., Embankment Dams, OXFORD & IBH Publishing Co, 1991.

[2] Kulhawy. F.H., Duncan. J.M., Stresses and Movements in Oroville Dam, Journal of the Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE, July 1972.
[3] Mirghasemi, A.A., Discussion of Karkheh Dam Instrumentation System-Some Expriences,
Geotechnical News,Vol.24 No.1,March 2006, pp 44-45.
[4] Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Co., The report of Gotvand dam body design, Tehran-Iran.
[5] DiBiagio. E., Disscusion of Karkheh Dam Instrumentation System-Some Expriences, Geotechnical
News, Vol.24 No.1,March 2006, pp 35.

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