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Arrrh Matey!

Author ... Daniel Malone (

Artist ... Daniel Malone (
Chief cook and bottle washer ... Jonathan Henry (

Welcome to the crewye scurvy landlubbers . . .

Tre a s u re a n d g l o ry a wa i t only the b ra v e s t , b i g g e s t and most backstabbing brutes! Live
the pirate life and ply the seas in search of riches, revenge and a Royal marque ortwo! Beset travelers,
privateers and merchants Til yervery name strikes fearin the hearts of all on the water.
Brave storms, monsters and fellowvenomous pirates! Be the first to lay hands on booty and claim yer
It be a high seas Fiasco!

Moving Picture Shows

Pirate Gold
Daphne and the Pirate
Treasure Island
Cold Steel
Captain Blood

This playset is copyright © 2013 by Giant Dragons. All rights are reserved.
This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully Pulpit Games. Fiasco is copyright ©
2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved.
Relationships Needs
a Pirates! a Toacquire treasure
A To pillage the Dutch trading outpost
A The Captain and the First Mate
B To capture a better armed ship
B The Captain and the Cargo
C To recapture a Royal Navy vessel
C The Deckhand and the Cargo D To plunder Port Royal
D The Crewman and his mentor E To secretly steal a French Merchantman
E The Cook and the Cabin Boy F To find out priceless information
F Two rival pirate Captains.
b Tohave revenge
b Family A To find your father's murderer
A Siblings B To set things straight with the French Navy
B Distant relations with a shared secret. C To get back your stolen ship
C “Blood Brothers” D Track down the lily livered bastard who gouged your eye
D Cousins E To doublecross the double crosser who stole your loot.
E Twin F To find the yellow belly who left you in a Spanish prison
F Fake Family
c Toexplore
c Trouble A To find a more navigable trading route for the Dutch
A Secret Foreign Agent and Helpless Dupe B To find the best rum plantation
B Protective Parent / Difficult Child C To find a lost Aztec city
C Moonlighting as Thieves. D To find a sunken treasure ship
D Bounty and Hunter E To find the Spanish mission with hidden Aztec gold
E Black hearted Double Crosser and Trusting Friend F To find a route to the Pacific Ocean
F Hostage and Keeper
d Toexonerate
d Stowaway A To earn a pardon from the governor
A Runaway daughter of the Governor of Puerto Rico B To prove it wasn't you
B Irish runaway slave C To recover stolen cargo
C The most murderous man on all the high seas D To earn the trust of the Admiral
D Escaped convicts E To earn the trust of Captain Black
E A Dominican Friar F To remove the bounty on your head
F Leader of a native uprising
e Toexecute
e Crew A To kill Captain Black
A Crew of Unhappy Natives B To find one of Port Royal's most wanted
B Crew of Rum Runners C To collect a bounty on a dead man
C Crew of Bastards D To carry out the Governor's Execution orders
D Crew of Mercenaries E To track down mutinous crew
E Crew of Convicts F To strike fear into all who sight your ship
F Crew with Missionaries
f Booty!
f The Powers That Be A To woo the Governor's daughter
A The English Governor and his heir B To win the love of a pirate
B Rival French naval officers C To romance the Governor’s wife
C The Admiral of the Royal Navy and his Protégé D To find your lost love
D The Missionary and the native E To take back what is rightfully yours
E The Dutch shipwright and his apprentice F To win the heart of a shipmate
F The Spaniard and the Frenchman

On The High Seas!!!

Locations Objects
a The High Seas a Guns!
A 1000 Leagues from the Canary Islands A One hundred cannons
B The doldrums in the middle of the Atlantic B A thousand muskets
C The Gulf of Mexico C One hundred kegs of gunpowder
D Between Port Royal and the Dutch Antilles D Four hundred cannonballs
E Lost E Fifty barrels of kerosene
F In a storm F Crew of mercenaries, armed to the teeth

b Shipwrecked b So much Gold!

A A coral atoll five leagues from Port Royal A Chest full of Aztec Gold
B Uncharted Desert Isle B Ship transporting English Colonial Tax Coffers
C The Jungles of Haiti C Captain Black's Hoard
D The crags outside of Tortuga D The Governor's Hidden Stash
E Captain Black's Island E French Military Payroll Transport
F Frenchman's Folly F Dutch Merchantman laden with gold, guns and goods

c Tortuga c Glory!
A A bawdy tavern full of scoundrels A French letter of Marque to destroy all English ships
B Secret Pirate Cove B English Royal Naval Officer appointment
C Secret Treasure Cave C English Letter of Marque to destroy all French ships
D Your Greatest Rival's Docked Ship D Governorship
E A lost Dutch Merchantman at the docks E Treasure Map
F Captain Black's Secret Armory F Spanish Royal Flagship

d In Port Royal d Unsavory . . .

A At the Governor's Mansion A Voodoo Shrunken Heads
B The dungeons B Body of Dread Pirate Captain Williamson
C The armory C Slaver Ship
D The tavern D Missing Governor of Port Royal
E The docks E Plague Ridden Prisoners
F The tunnels beneath the tavern F Cargo full of corpses

e Antigua e Information!
A Rum Storage House A Map of the Dutch shipping lanes
B Shipwrights Docks B French Diplomatic Carrier transport logs
C Dutch Merchantman Loading Docks C English Royal Navy ships' rosters
D Trading Company Headquarters D Name of ship transporting the Governor's daughters
E Gunsmithy's Mansion E Secret Location of Captain Black
F The Governor's Vault F Location of Spanish Treasure fleet

d On The Run! f Illusion!

A Two days out with the English Royal Navy in pursuit A A great sea monster
B In a stolen Merchantman B The Fountain of youth
C Within sight of a two hundred gun flagship C A map of Atlantis
D Heading into Captain Black's trap D Directions to the edge of the world
E Fleeing the French Navy outside of Antigua E A mermaid's treasure
F Caught between a treasure ship and its heavily armed escort F A giant black pearl

On The High Seas!!!

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