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WEEK 3-4

English for
SHS Teacher II
Quarter 2, Week 3,4
Defends a stand on an issue by presenting
ERR reasonable arguments supported by properly cited
factual evidences
How was the previous lesson to you? This week, let us strengthen what you believe is true to others by adding
some exciting and challenging ingredients to your idea to be presented to others. What we exactly need are bits of
information that we borrowed from reliable source and add them up to ours. This way, our idea is stronger than ever
before. All it takes is for us to know some helpful phrases and know when to use them.
Discussion: Signal Phrases and Marker Verbs
These are some examples of signal phrases and maker verbs to introduce your quotes.

SIGNAL PHRASES MARKER VERBS Now let us get to know what Quote
According to … Acknowledge Writes Admits Sandwich is.
In her article … Agrees Adds Asserts
In the opinion of … Believes Argues Comments
(Author’s Name)
Compares Claims Declares
shows that …
(Author’s name) Introduce it
Denies Confirms Emphasizes
argues that … Quotation +
(Author’s name) + (a Citation!
Endorses Disputes Illustrates
marker verb)
Implies Grants Notes Explain it
Observes Insists Reasons
Refutes Point out Reports
Responds Rejects Thinks
Acknowledge Suggests
Introduce It Quotation +
Before adding your quote introduce it with a signal phrase or a marker verb (see the marker verb handouts).
Example: House Speaker Pantaleon D. Alvarez and Rep. Fredenil H. Castro of the Second District of Capiz explain …

Quotation + Citation!
After you have introduced your quote with a signal phrase or marker verb add in your quote.

Example: House Speaker Pantaleon D. Alvarez and Rep. Fredenil H. Castro of the Second District of Capiz explain that
“It is the policy of the state to ensure that the Filipino youth shall be taught to accept responsibility for their
words and deeds as early as possible, and not to unduly pamper them with impunity from the criminal
responsibility upon reaching the age of 9 years.”

Explain It

Now that you’ve added in your quote, explain why the quote is important. What do you think it means? How does it connect
to your topic sentence and thesis? (Your explanation should be at least as long, or longer that the quotation
Example: When a child before reaching the age of 9, he/she has already understood the consequences of committing
crime. Proper education and discipline are imprinted. One way to educate them is letting the children learn and
understand student’s handbook in school and abiding them will guide them to be law abiding citizen.

Some types of support and evidence that might be present on learner’s citations:
 Statistics
 Dialogue /Relevant Personal Testimony
 Definitions
 Examples
 Anecdotal Evidence
 Contrast and comparison
 Cause and effect
 Expert Opinions
 Visuals
 Quotation
 Factual Data
Shaping minds of Kto12 learners in building the nation-MNHS Team-

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
+63917-326-4485 /
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Learning Activity Sheet
Activity 2: I Saw, I Came, I Claim
Name : _____________________________________________ Date:________________
Grade and Section: __________________________________
Directions: Now is the time for you to shine. Compose a speech that speaks your mind on a
given topic. The content of your speech is something that you claim is true, factual, and reasonable.
Provide your speech a striking title. Use extra sheet of paper of the same size for your work if needed.
Be guided by the rubric. You may begin writing here and continue on separate sheets of paper with
the same size. You can choose your own topic from the listed below:
1. Barrier is Essential for Back Riders 4. We Should be the First to Avail
2. Face Shield + Face Mask is the New Normal for COVID 19
3. Academic Freeze 5. Face to Face vs Online Distance Learning

Shaping minds of Kto12 learners in building the nation-MNHS Team-

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
+63917-326-4485 /
Criteria Score 4 3 2 1
A strong claim is made A strong claim is A strong claim is
1. Makes a strong in response to the made in response to made in response to There is no claim
claim question to open the the question to open the question to open made.
presentation. the presentation. the presentation.
2. Provides clear Two clear reasons have Two reasons have No reasons have One reason has been
reasons for been provided for been provided for been provided for provided for making
making that claim making that claim. making that claim. making the claim. that claim.
3. Provides strong At least two pieces of At least two pieces of No evidence is
There is at least one
supporting strong evidence have evidence have been provided to
piece of evidence to
evidence for been provided to provided to support support the
support each reason.
reasons support each reason. each reason. reasons presented
4. Provides a There is a clear There
There is is somea
There is no
counterclaim and counterclaim and counterclaim
evidence of anda
counterclaim or
responds to it response supported by response supported
counterclaim and
with evidence evidence. by evidence.
The work consists
5. Provides an ample The work consists of The work consists of The work consists of
of less than 100
presentation. 200-250 words. 150-200 words. 100-150 words.
Adopted from: Common Core ELA Curriculum • G8:M4:U2:L16 • First Edition
Directions: There is no right or wrong answer here. Answer as honestly as possible based on what you feel, think,
and believe. Each response will be at least 100 words. Answers to this part will be written on other sheet
of paper and will form part of your portfolio. Be creative when you do this part. You may use coloring
materials, cut-out pictures, and others for this purpose. Be guided by the rubric from your previous
1. What are the three lessons that you remember this week?
2. What are the three lessons that seem difficult for you? Why?
3. What are the three questions that you want to ask? Try to answer each question yourself.
Criteria Score 3 2 1
Content The work makes use of The work makes use of The work makes use of 50-80 words.
100-150 words very well. 90-100 words.
Convention The work has minor The work has 3-4 The work has more than 5 grammatical,
grammatical, spelling, and grammatical, spelling, spelling, and punctuation lapses.
punctuation lapses. and punctuation lapses.
Creativity The work uses The work uses only The work doesn’t contain any illustrations
illustrations and cut-out illustrations, cut-out and cut-out pictures or collage to express the
pictures or collage to best pictures, or collage to message.
express the message. express the message.
Idea The work is evident of all The work is evident of The work is evident of some of the lessons
the lessons presented this most of the lessons presented this week.
week. presented this week.
Workmanship The work is done neatly The work has some The work needs to be rewritten.
and cleanly. undesirable flaws and

Prepared by:


Senior High School Teacher II

Shaping minds of Kto12 learners in building the nation-MNHS Team-

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
+63917-326-4485 /

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