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 A transistor is a three-terminal, solid-state electronic

device used for amplification and switching.
 Two basic types of transistors are the bipolar
junction transistor (BJT) and the field-effect
transistor (FET).
The First Transistor: Point-contact transistor

A point-contact transistor
was the first type of solid
state electronic transistor
ever constructed.
It was made by researchers
John Bardeen & Walter
Houser Brattain at Bell
Laboratories in December

The point-contact transistor was

commercialized and sold by Western
Electric and others but was rather
quickly superseded by the junction
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)

 A bipolar transistor essentially

consists of a pair of PN
Junction diodes that are joined
 There are two kinds of BJT, the
NPN and PNP.
 The three layers of the
sandwich are conventionally
called the Collector, Base, and
Terminals & Operations
The First BJT

Transistor Size (3/8”L X 5/32”W X 7/32”H)

No Date Codes. No Packaging.
Modern Transistors
Example of BJT Specification Sheet
Transistor Currents and Voltages

I E = IC + I B
Basic Transistor Operation

VBB forward-biases the BE junction

VCC reverse-biases the BC junction
Transistor Parameters

IC 
 DC = =
IB 1−

 DC =

Determine βDC, IE, and αDC for a transistor where IB

= 50μA and IC = 3.65mA.
Current and Voltage Analysis

Determine IB, IC, IE, VBE, VCE and VCB in the circuit. The
transistor has a βDC=150
Transistor Characteristic Curve
Modes of Operation

 Cut- off Region

Base-Emitter Junction- Reversed Biased
Collector-Base Junction- Reversed Biased
 Saturation Region
Base-Emitter Junction- Forward Biased
Collector-Base Junction- Forward Biased
 Active Region
Base-Emitter Junction- Forward Biased
Collector-Base Junction- Reversed Biased
Collector Characteristic Curve

I B = 0; I C = 0

ICEO – due to thermally produced

carriers, very small amount of
leakage current (usually neglected)

BE and BC junction are

both reverse-biased VCE ( cutoff ) = VCC

VCE ( sat ) = VCC − I C ( sat ) RC

VCC − VCE ( sat )

I C ( sat ) =

Enough IB to produce IC(sat)

When VCE reaches VCE(sat), IC
will not increase further even
with an increase in IB.
I C ( sat )
I B (min) =
 DC

VCE(sat) occurs somewhere below knee of collector curves, only a few tenths of a volt
for Si.

Determine whether or not the transistor is in saturation.

Assume VCE(sat) = 0.2V
Transistor Amplification

Amplification – process of linearly increasing the

amplitude of an electrical signal
Transistor as a Switch

a) For the circuit, what is VCE when

b) What minimum value of IB is required
to saturate this transistor if βDC is 200?
Neglect VCE(sat).
c) Calculate the maximum value of RB
when VIN=5V
Linear Operation

•Region along the load line including all points

between saturation and cutoff

•Waveform distortion
Under certain signal
conditions, the location
of the Q-pt on the load
line can cause one peak
of the Vce waveform to
be limited or clipped

•Where IBQ, ICQ and VCEQ are dc Q pt values with no input sinusoidal voltage

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