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1-Read the following text and answer the questions.

Eating ice cream really does make you happy. Scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry in London tested the brains of
people eating vanila ice cream. They found an immediate effect on parts of the brain (1)…… It works on the same part of
the brain that reacts when pecple win monay or listen to music. (2)……can improve peope's mood and even their overall
menta heath. A survey of 200 people found 88 per cent reported that changng their diet improved their mental hoalth. 26
por cent said they had seen marked improvements in mood swings, 26 per cent had seen improvements in panic attacks
and anxiety, and 24 per cent in depression. People in the survey identified mood 'stressors' and 'supporters'. Eating fewer
"stressors" like chocolate, sugar, caffeine and alcohol improved their mood. They also increased the 'supporters' they ate,
like water, fruit, vegetablas ard oily fish. Not skippng breakfast, and eating regulany also led to an increase in well-being.
Over a third of people said they were 'very certain' that the improvements to their mental health were directly linked to the
changes they had made to their diet. One person who completed the survey said,(3)…..but I do lapse and when I do, I feel
noticeably different. Once you fnd out your triggers, you can feel so much better. Amanda Geary,(4)…… said A lot of
these changes are very simple things that people can do and are fairly safe, and fit with healthy eating advice. Dr Wendy
Doyle, a detician, said oily fish and fruit and vegetables were known to be beneficial .They're good for general health and
you must have enough fluid to prevent dehydration.

1-Write the correct letter (a-f) in the gaps in the article.

a-Research also suggests that the right food.
b-that activate when people enjoy themselves.
c-who wrote a report based on the survey.
d-There is a definite link with food and mood.
2-what's the effect of right food on people?
3-What does Wendy Doyle do?
4-What happens when you stop following good habits?

2- Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Hi Dani

Hope you’re well, and thanks for your email. Believe it or not, I (1)___________ (write) to you from a service
station on the M1 motorway. We (2) ___________ (drive) down from Scotland to visit my brother and his wife
in Abingdon, a small town near Oxford in England. We (3)___________ (go) there every summer, and (4)
___________ (usually / stay) with them for a couple of weeks. Actually, we (5)___________ (only / stay) for a
few days this year because I (6)___________ (need) to get back to Scotland for work, but it’ll still be fun.
Fortunately, my brother (7) ___________ (have) a really big house, so there’s lots of room for everyone. Ken
(8) ___________ (wave) to me from the queue. I (9) ___________ (not know) why he wants my attention, but I
must go and see what he wants! I hope you (10) ___________ (still / enjoy) your job!

Write soon.

3-Cross out two nouns that don't usually go with the –ing adjectives.
1-annoying :neighbour/disaster/mobile phone ring/success/habit
2-disappointing :problem/result/ending/exam grade/clothes.
3-confusing :atmosphere/situation/idea/explanation/skill
4-exciting :sleep/development/help/news/story
5-inspiring :crime/leader/speech/plan/loss
4-What form of words in brackets do you need to complete the text?
(1)A (centre) question in language learning is, "What makes a good learner?" Some say language ability is (2)
(genes), others think it's more about motivation and (3) (ambitious). There is (4)(evident) that being bilingual
improves the power of the brain, especially in young learners. But what if you are an adult? Well, (5 )(achieve)
will probably take longer. But there is a huge range of tools to help you become a good (6) (perform) - online
practice, apps and contact with other learners in the digital world. And older students can often understand their
own (7) (strong) and (8) (weak) and so take control of their learning.
1-………………. 2-……………….. 3-……………… 4-………………..
5-………………. 6-………………… 7-……………… 8-………………..

5-Complete the extracts from an email with one word in each space.The first letters are given.
By the way,did I tell you I bu……. into Brian in town the other day?It was a bit em……….. actually because I
didn't re………. him at first as he's grown this huge beard.I was walking along and this guy came u… t… me
and looked as if he was about to hit me and I actually screamed.Then he said his name and of course I just
laughed with re…….. and I gave him a big h…. . We were in the mi….. of the supermarket so we got quite a
few strange looks.He's actually doing really well.You know he was working as a civil se…… .

6- Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form of the verbs.
1 -That film was so ___________ (depress). I feel like crying.
2- I’m really ___________ (disappoint) about missing your wedding.
3- We’d probably find some of their habits really ___________ (shock).
4- Andy’s ___________ (bore) with having to sit there all day.
5- The course seems ___________ (confuse) at first, but you soon realise it isn’t so hard.
6- One of the most ___________ (annoy) things is the insects which keep you awake at night.
7- Some pedestrians were ___________ (shock) after witnessing the accident.

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