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Động từ từ vựng và trợ động từ

/ɔːɡˈzɪ liə ri/

Ví dụ : Regular /ˈre ɡj lɚ/ verbs : play, played, played
Irregular verbs : go, went, gone
chức năng
của các mục /ɔːɡˈzɪ liə ri/ /ˈpraɪ.mər.i /ˈməʊ.dəl/ /ˈmɑː.dʒɪ.nəl/

Động từ chính
VD: He is a teacher
He is singing
trợ động từ hình thái
VD: You must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
I can swim.

VD: She needn't meet him ( NEED là trợ động từ)

He needs to learn English ( Need là động từ thường)

He didn't dare to say anything ( động từ thường)
You daren't climb this tree ( trợ động từ )
bổ sung

VD: I feel hungry

He seems really nice

What can be co
VD: He is swimming
They are sleeping

VD: I like swimming
My mother plants a tree

VD : She brought me my breakfast.

He gave the girl (Oi) an apple. (Od)
/əˈblɪ ɡə tɔ ri/
VD: His action made her girlfriend (Od) very sad (Co)
I saw him 2 days ago ( SVOA)
He put the books on the table
VD: My brother is handsome

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