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Below mentioned is a case-study of a functionality.

The candidate is required to go through the

premise and the requirement. The candidate will need to document the solution for the problem

You have one hour to complete this assignment and post completion, you will need to mail the
relevant documents of the solution

Late submissions can be considered as invalid


Amazon is an ecommerce website used by many customers. Amazon contains few crores of products
listed on the platform by various sellers.

You would have experienced the journey on the amazon website as a customer where you register,
browse the products, add them to the cart, check out the cart, make payment and the products gets
delivered to your entered address.

Amazon has created a very sophisticated platform for its sellers (people/merchants who can list their
products on the amazon platform) and the sellers can upload the products onto the platform which
are displayed to customers. A single product can be uploaded by multiple sellers.


Amazon has started it journey about 25 years back and everything was manual back then. Assume
that Amazon starts its journey now (2021), you are given the responsibility to create a requirement
for the application for Sellers where the sellers can upload the product details. You are required to
document the functional implementation specifications required to build this seller application.

Functionalities/details to be captured:

- Specifications of the application accessed by the sellers

- Journey of the seller within the application
- Maker checker process to be followed before the product is listed on the amazon website

Articulate the solution in this word document with clear definitive sections/ assumptions/
approaches/ functional & non-functional requirements.

You can choose to use any UML diagrams if needed.

You can make any assumptions for the purpose of solutioning. But please articulate the assumptions.

Start from here


Seller Application - Amazon

Version Author Date Description

1.0 Chirag Ved 25/08/2021 Initial draft



This document captures the requirement for onboarding of a seller and its perspective of
usage of a parent application bearing a seller role.


Scope of this document is to cover.
- Specifications of the application accessed by the sellers
- Journey of the seller within the application
- Maker checker process to be followed before the product is listed on the amazon website


 Amazon application already has its pre-set roles defined for a seller application and the
rights associated to a seller basis their products.



The seller can click the option on the amazon where they wish to be registered as a selling
partner with amazon, the seller in this case will be redirected to a registration form with
below elements.

 Initially below details will be asked for profile creation and this user will be treated as a
primary user.

Headers Input type Validations (if any)

Name Text Field  
Mobile Text Field Only numeric
Email Text Field Format Validation
Seq Question Dropdown  
Answer Text Field  
Password Text Field  

 Post submission of form the user will be redirected to another form bearing company
information and business details. Below are the elements on the page.

Headers Input type Remarks

Company name Text Field  
Company Address Text Field  
Company Email Text Field  
GST No Text Field  
Industry Type Dropdown Values from Industry master
Product Type/ Delivery Type Dropdown Physical/Digital
Mail id on which order confirmation will be
Order Mail Id Text Field sent

 Post submission of form the user will be redirected login page, the user can login using
his mail/mobile number.

Once the user logs in they will have admin seller access for a corporate registered.

There will be a Menu for user management where in the user can create more users and
edit existing users with below fields.
Headers Input type Remarks
Name Text Field  
Mobile Text Field  
Email Text Field  
List of users under
Hierarchy Dropdown Seller

In case of create user the user id and password for the created user will be shared on their
mail id along with a login link. The user can set their password and login using the same.


 Whenever a user logs in the seller dashboard they will be able to see follow menu’s.
o Product Management
o Order Lookup
o Settlement Details
o Business Analytics

Product Management :

This Menu will help the user manage their inventory. On event of going under this menu the
user will be able to
 Add New Product
o Product Name
o Product Image
o Product Desc
o SKU’s
o Threshold (percentage)
On submission the product record will be displayed under Product approval tab under
product management.

 Product Approval
o Product Details
o Button (Approve/Reject)

On affirmative submission of the product there will be a product code generated for the
same which can be further used for the same product. And on rejection the user
creating the product will receive a mail stating the product created has been rejected.

 Search Product – Select existing product using product code

Note : The threshold in the order creation is to count the threshold or the percentage of
SKU’s at which the seller needs to be notified in case the product is to be out of stock.
SKU’s are the number of units available with the seller for that specific product, the number
of SKU’s are reduced as and when a purchase is made for the same product.

Order Lookup

 The Seller can use this menu to check the status and details of an purchase using an
AMAZON genrrated Order number or Specific to product.
 There can be operations like refund which can be performed on any such order, there
will be a refund desc associated to all such events so as to handle chargeback like

Settlement Details

 This menu will have settlement details from Amazon basis the settlement cycle
agreed upon between seller and amazon.
 This will have entries basis each settlement and a hyperlink to each settlement if on
clicking of which the user can check the number of orders and reconcile their

Business Analytics

 This will be a section that can be used by amazon to depict the sales charts in a pie
or bar diagram basis product category, product id.
 This is specifically used such that the merchant could be pointed in a successful path
to focus on the products in demand and manipulate their business strategies

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