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2010, Vancouver Canada; 2014, Sochi Russia; 2018, Pyeongchang South Korea. And nally
in 2022, the Winter Olympics hosts in Beijing, in our home country China. ________.

‘Joyful Rendezvous Upon Pure Ice And Snow.’ In my opinion, gure skating best matches
this motto in which skaters perform on ice in a graceful manner and with passion. I have
been in touch with gure Skating when I was very young. The rst day my mum brought me
to the stadium and skated, my feeling was inexplicable!

In 2014, I attended my rst gure skating lesson. My body was tensed but I was so eager to
try. I clung onto the edge and slowly walked on the ice. ______. Close your eyes and imagine
that your are ying through the clouds, like birds. I can feel the cool wind on my face as I
glided over the ice. Immersed in the sense of freedom and serenity that skating had brought
to me, I also enjoy watching gures skating on TV. But honestly, it will be more fun when
watching it live.

Life has not been busier before secondary school. I love gure skating but it has gradually
faded away in my life until I come across this journalist programme. In a word, this will be a
precious experience that many of the youths like me dream for, so I am going embrace the
opportunity to be a journalist in the winter Olympic. I will equip myself in prior, being a
honest, dedicated and professional reporter throughout the journey. I will value all the ideas
from di erent skates and to bring out the truth behind . This is how I pick up on gure
skating again and trying ______.

In recent years, people all over the world have been in a tough time because of the
pandemic. I believe that the 2022 Winter Olympic is by far the most inspiring event that stir
us up through this hard moment. The darkness in world is ______, but the brightest day is yet
to come.






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