Chapter 1 Topic 1 - Gaussian Elimination Method (Matrices)

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Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry

(EDUC311) 1
Topic 1

Gaussian Elimination Method

Introduction to Matrices

Introduction to Matrices
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. Each number
in a matrix is called an element of the matrix.

The matrix below, with three rows and four columns, is

called a 3  4 (read “3 by 4”) matrix.

A matrix of m rows and n columns is said to be of order

m  n or dimension m  n.
Introduction to Matrices
A square matrix of order n is a matrix with n rows and
n columns.

The matrix has order 3  4. We will use the notation aij to

refer to the element of a matrix in the ith row and jth

For the given matrix, a23 = 4, a31 = 1, and a13 = –2.

The elements a11, a22, a33,…, amm form the main diagonal
of a matrix. The elements 2, 6, and 7 form the main
diagonal of the matrix.
Introduction to Matrices
A matrix can be created from a system of linear equations.

Consider the system of linear equations

2x – 3y + z = 2
x – 3z = 4
4x – y + 4z = 3

Introduction to Matrices
Using only the coefficients and constants of this system, we
can write the 3  4 matrix

This matrix is called the augmented matrix of the system

of equations.

Introduction to Matrices
The matrix formed by the coefficients of the system is the
coefficient matrix. The matrix formed from the constants
is the constant matrix for the system.

The coefficient matrix and constant matrix for the given

system are

Coefficient matrix: Constant matrix:

Introduction to Matrices
We can write a system of equations from an augmented

Example 1 – Write the Augmented Matrix from a System of Equations

Write the augmented matrix, the coefficient matrix, and the

constant matrix for the following system of equations.

2x – 3y =4
x + 2y – 3z = 0
4x – y + 2z = 3


Introduction to Matrices
In certain cases, an augmented matrix represents a system
of equations that we can solve by back substitution.

Consider the following augmented matrix and the

equivalent system of equations.

Solving this system by using back substitution, we find that

the solution is (3, –2, –1). The matrix above is in row
echelon form.
Introduction to Matrices
Definition of Row Echelon Form
A matrix is in row echelon form if all of the following
conditions are satisfied.
1. The first nonzero number in any row is a 1.

2. Rows are arranged so that the column containing the

first nonzero number in any row is to the left of the
column containing the first nonzero number of the next

3. All rows consisting entirely of zeros appear at the bottom

of the matrix.

Introduction to Matrices
The following matrices are in row echelon form.

Elementary Row Operations

Elementary Row Operations
We can write an augmented matrix in row echelon form by
using elementary row operations.

These operations are a rewording, in matrix terminology, of

the operations that produce equivalent systems of

Elementary Row Operations
Elementary Row Operations
Given the augmented matrix for a system of linear
equations, each of the following elementary row operations
produces a matrix of an equivalent system of equations.

1. Interchange any two rows.

2. Multiply each element in a row by the same nonzero


3. Replace a row with the sum of that row and a nonzero

multiple of any other row.

Elementary Row Operations
It is convenient to specify each row operation symbolically
as follows.

1. Interchange the ith and jth rows: Ri Rj

2. Multiply each element of the ith row by k, a nonzero

constant: kRi

3. Replace the jth row with the sum of that row and a
nonzero multiple of the ith row: kRi + Rj

Elementary Row Operations
To demonstrate these operations, we will use the 3  3


Interchange row 1 and row 3.

Multiply row 2 by –3.

Multiply row 3 by –2 and

add to row 1. Replace row 1
with the sum.

Elementary Row Operations
In Example 2, we use elementary row operations to write a
matrix in row echelon form.

As we carry out this procedure, to conserve space, we will

occasionally perform more than one elementary row
operation in one step.

For instance, the notation

3R1 + R2
–5R1 + R3

means that two combinations of elementary row operations

are performed.
Elementary Row Operations
First, multiply row 1 by 3 and add it to row 2. Replace row

Second, multiply row 1 by –5 and add it to row 3. Replace

row 3.

Example 2 – Write a Matrix in Row Echelon Form

Write the matrix in row echelon form.

We use the following procedure to write a matrix in row
echelon form.

Begin by changing a11 to 1.

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Change the remaining elements in the first column to 0.

Change a22 to 1.

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Change the remaining element under a22 to 0.

Change a33 to 1.

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

A row echelon form for the matrix is

Gaussian Elimination Method

Gaussian Elimination Method
The Gaussian elimination method is an algorithm that
uses elementary row operations to solve a system of linear

The goal of this method is to rewrite an augmented matrix

in row echelon form.

We will now demonstrate how to solve a system of two

equations in two variables by the Gaussian elimination
method. Consider the system of equations

2x + 5y = –1
3x – 2y = 8
Gaussian Elimination Method
The augmented matrix for the system is

The goal of the Gaussian elimination method is to rewrite

the augmented matrix in row echelon form by using
elementary row operations.

The row operations are chosen so that, first, there is a 1 as

a11; second, there is a 0 as a21; and third, there is a 1 as a22.

Gaussian Elimination Method
Begin by multiplying row 1 by The result is a 1 as a11.

Now multiply row 1 by –3 and add the result to row 2.

Replace row 2. The result is a 0 as a21.

Gaussian Elimination Method
Now multiply row 2 by The result is a 1 as a22.

The matrix is now in row echelon form.

The system of equations written from the echelon form of

the matrix is

Gaussian Elimination Method
To solve by back substitution, replace y in the first equation
with –1 and solve for x.


The solution of the original system is (2, –1).

Example 3 – Solve a System of Equations by Using the Gaussian Elimination Method

Solve by using the Gaussian elimination method.

3t – 8u + 8v + 7w = 41
t – 2u + 2v + w = 9
2t – 2u + 6v – 4w = –1
2t – 2u + 3v – 3w = 3

Example 3 – Solution
Write the augmented matrix, and then use elementary row
operations to rewrite the matrix in row echelon form.

Example 3 – Solution cont’d

Example 3 – Solution cont’d

The last matrix is in row echelon form. The system of

equations written from the matrix is

Solve by back substitution.

The solution is


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