Nil WWW 09-04-18

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NIL / 4 September 2018 / Tuesday But C can collect from A since the law does not tolerate

fraud in commercial transactions. As well as from B,

As a rule, because it does not avoid the instrument in because B is an indorsed; he warranted to C that the
the hands of a holder in due course, that means that the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it
insertion of a wrong date cannot be raised as a personal purports to be.
defense against such holder. But this is only with regard
to parties who become parties to the instrument prior Is that right?
to such event (insertion of wrong date). Thereafter, you S: Not right. It would depend on whether B is a holder in
can still go after them because of the warranties that due course and C being covered by the shelter principle.
they extended, which, in this case, that the instrument
is genuine and in all respects what it purports to be. If B is a holder in due course, C not being a party to the
fraud he will be covered by the shelter principle.
Give me an example:
So is B a holder in due course?
I promise to pay X or order P10,000 today(?).
(Sgd. Y) S: If we presume that B is a holder in due course, then C
not having any knowledge to the defect or illegality will
X ---> Y ---> A (wrong date)---> B ---> C be covered by the shelter principle.
Here's the thing, when A negotiated it to B, B already C will be considered what?
received it then.
S: C is a holder through a holder in due course. Being
Why will they give up the instrument? It has to be such, he may go after the prior parties.
because there is a ___(inaudible)___ date.
Could there be any other reason why should A be held
What if it was the other way around? Instead of the liable?
instrument to be today, you place there August 16,
2018 to hasten the date of payment. What is the effect? If both B and C knew about the defect at the time the
instrument was to be negotiated to B, will your answer
S: C can collect from Y since there is no other change?
information so C is a holder in due course, thus Y cannot
interpose the personal defense of insertion of wrong Shelter principle may no longer apply to C.
date against C who is a holder in due course. What if C knows about the defect?
C can also collect from X is also subsidiarily liable. Also, C, not being a holder in due course, cannot apply the
he cannot interpose the personal defense of insertion of shelter principle and go after Y. Y cannot be compelled
wrong date against C since the latter is a holder in due to pay because he can raise the personal defense of
course. insertion of a wrong date. Same goes for X for the same
C may also collect from A since A is the perpetrator of reasons.
the fraud and the law does not tolerate fraud in C can go after A and B because as indorsers, they
commercial transactions. warranted that the instrument is genuine and in all
C can collect from B since B is the indorser and respects what it purports to be. Ultimately, C can go
guarantees to the former that the instrument is genuine after A, A being the perpetrator of the fraud shall be
and in all respects what it purports to be. held liable for the consequences of his actions.

Will your answer change if C knows about the defect? If this is a bearer instrument, how would your answer
S: Yes. C now will be considered as NOT a holder in due
course and he can no longer collect from Y since the SECTION 57.Rights of Holder in Due Course.
— A holder in due course holds the
latter can now interpose the personal defense of
instrument free from any defect of title of
insertion of wrong date. C also cannot also collect from prior parties, and free from defenses
X for the same reasons. available to prior parties among
themselves, and may enforce payment of
the instrument for the full amount thereof a  prima facie authority to fill it up as such
against all parties liable thereon. for any amount. In order, however, that
any such instrument when completed may
SECTION 58.When Subject to Original
be enforced against any person who
Defenses. — In the hands of any holder
became a party thereto prior to its
other than a holder in due course,
completion, it must be filled up strictly in
a negotiable instrument is subject to the accordance with the authority given and
same defenses as if it were non-negotiable. within a reasonable time. But if any such
But a holder who derives his title through a instrument, after completion, is negotiated
holder in due course, and who is not himself to a holder in due course, it is valid and
a party to any fraud or illegality affecting effectual for all purposes in his hands, and
the instrument, has all the rights of such he may enforce it as if it had been filled up
former holder in respect of all parties prior strictly in accordance with the authority
to the latter. given and within a reasonable time.

Q. First situation C is a holder in due course. He can go after SECTION 125.What Constitutes a Material
Alteration. — Any alteration which changes
- Y, because is primarily liable, and the insertion

of a wrong date is a personal defense which he
cannot set up against C, because he is a holder (a)The date;
in due course.
- X, cannot be held liable because he did not (b)The sum payable, either for principal or
warrant anything.
- A, can be held liable not because of his (c)The time or place of payment;
warranty, but because he is the perpetrator of
(d)The number or the relations of the
the crime, and should be punish for all the parties;
consequences of his act.
- B, can be held liable because as an immediate (e)The medium or currency in which
payment is to be made;
transferor he warrants that the instrument is
genuine and in all respects what it purports to
Or which adds a place of payment where no
be. place of payment is specified, or any other
change or addition which alters the effect of
Q.If C, is a holder through a holder in due course will your the instrument in any respect, is a material
answer change? alteration.
- No, because C, as a holder through a holder in
due course, gets to exercise the right of a holder
in due course.
According to Atty. Section 125, enumerates “material
particular”-anything which affects the liability of the parties in
Q.If C is not a holder in due course, and B is not holder in due an instrument, specifically that which affect the relationship
course, will your answer change? of one party to another because it still affect the liability of
the person primarily liable in relation to all other parties who
- Yes. C cannot go to Y and compel him to pay may become such in relation to the instrument.
because Y can set up the personal defense of
insertion of a wrong date. Section 14 contemplates only of an amount. That’s the only
instance, there could be no other defect which can go along
SECTION 14.Blanks; When May Be Filled. with it. imagine if there will be an additional defect aside
— Where the instrument is wanting in any from the amount not being certain, as in the case where
material particular, the person in what is left blank is the name of the payee, true it may be
possession thereof has a  prima considered a necessary element to the instrument, but
facie authority to complete it by filling up then again it goes as well to the issue whether this
the blanks therein. And a signature on a instrument is negotiable or not, then who will be able to
blank paper delivered by the person make the endorsement.
making the signature in order that the
paper may be converted into Let’s just say it’s a bearer instrument, then it goes to the
a negotiable instrument operates as issue of delivery as well.
So, SECTION 14 should be understood as one Q. Incomplete but delivered instrument.
contemplating only of an instrument where there is a
blank portion for the amount. When it says, “In order,
“I promise to pay X or order ______.
however, that “any such instrument” – would refer only to
the instrument mention on the 2nd sentence.
Sgd. Y”
The introductory sentence would simply tell us that if ever
there is a missing material particular, there’s always an Y—X—A (inserted 100k)—B—C Y only
authority to insert or to fill out the blanks. intended to pay 10k but A inserted 100
And then it went on to say that if however what has to be - absent any information C is presumed to be a
fill out is the amount of the instrument then, holder in due course, he may go after Y, and
compel him to pay because Y cannot set up the
a. “it must be filled up strictly in accordance with the personal defense of an incomplete but delivered
authority given document because C is a holder in due course.

b. within a reasonable time C, may go after X for the same reason as Y.

that is how it should be understood, otherwise it will be in C, may also go after A and compelled him to pay,
conflict with the other rules of NIL.In a sense, that it has to not only because he warrants that the instrument is
be another provision that will apply rather than Section 14. genuine and in all respects what it purports to be,
but also because he is the perpetrator of the crime,
- It is not just a signature that is on a blank and must be punish for all the consequences of his
paper, otherwise it cannot be considered a action.
negotiable instruments, no words of
negotiability. C, may also go after B, and compel him to pay
because he warrants that the instrument is genuine
- “signature on a black paper” contemplates of and in all respects what it purports to be
a pro forma instrument like a check, a blank
check is not just blank, there are actually Q. If C, is not a holder in due course will your answer
printed words there, that all you need to do is change?
fill out certain form.
- No, because absent any information, B is
- In Section 14 what is filled out is only the presumed to be a holder in due course, the shelter
signature of the maker, it gives the party to principle will apply to C. C, will be considered a
the instrument the authority to fill it out. holder through a holder in due course, and he gets
to enjoy the right of a holder in due course.
Q. What’s the rule if the missing amount is filled out not in
accordance to the authority given and within a reasonable Q. If C and B are not holder in due course
- C, cannot compel Y to pay because since he is not
- It is valid and effectual for all purposes in the a holder in due course, Y can set up the personal
hands of a holder in due course, as if it had been defense of incomplete but delivered instrument.
filled out strictly in accordance with the authority
given and within a reasonable time. C, cannot compel X to pay, for the same reason as
Q. Since that is the effect, what does it tells us about
Section 14? A and B, can still be compelled for same reason as
in the previous question.
- That the incomplete and delivered instrument is a
personal defense, because it cannot be use against Q. If this is a bearer instrument
a holder in due course. After all, it is valid and
effectual for all purposes in his hands. There is a
- Y can be compelled to pay, because he cannot set
presumption that is filled out strictly in accordance
up the personal defense of incomplete but
with the authority given and within a reasonable
delivered instrument, C being a holder in due
A, can also be compelled to pay because he is the
perpetrator of the crime and must be punish for all
the consequence of his acts.

B, can also be compelled to pay because as an

immediate transferor he warrants that the
instrument is genuine and in all respects what it
purports to be.

Q. If C is not a holder in due course

-The answer will not change because C can be a

holder through a holder in due course who gets to
exercise the rights of a holder in due course.

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