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NIL WWW 9-22-18

 Bearer Instrument:
FORGERY  Drawer: Same rules as order
instrument. Also, there is no privity of
contract between drawer & holder.
Forged: Signature of endorser.  Drawee: Same rules as order
 Order Instrument instrument.
Holder in Due Course and Holder NOT in Due
Course (Shelter Principle does not apply): Forged: Signature of endorser.
 Parties prior to forgery of the Same as rules above.
endorsement may NOT be held liable.
They can raise the real defense of Forged: Signature of drawee.
forgery.  Drawer: NOT liable.
 Parties subsequent to forgery may be  Drawee: CANNOT be held liable. He is NOT
held liable because of warranty that the a party to the instrument and can raise the
instrument is genuine and in all respects real defense of forgery.
what it purports to be AND that he has So who should be held liable? The parties
good title to it. after the forgery because of their
warranties (i.e. instrument is genuine in all
 Bearer Instrument respects what it purports to be & that they
 Holder in Due Course: holder can go have good title to it). Parties prior to
after maker. Forgery is NOT necessary forgery can raise the real defense of
to the title of the holder and both the forgery unless precluded to do so (e.g.
real defense of forgery and the personal negligence).
defense of a complete but undelivered
instrument CANNOT be raised. NOTE: if banks involved

Forged: Signature of drawer.

 Holder NOT in Due Course (shelter  General Rule: Drawee Bank liable
principle does not apply): holder cannot because of its warranty.
compel maker to pay.  Exception: Drawer Bank negligent.
While maker cannot raise the real However, negligence by drawer
defense of forgery because the does NOT automatically exonerate
signature is not necessary to the title of drawee from liability. At best,
the holder, he is not precluded from negligence only taken into
raising the personal defense of a consideration by the Court in
complete but undelivered instrument. apportioning loss/damages.

BILL OF EXCHANGE: Forged: Signature of endorser.

Forged: Signature of drawer.  General Rule: Collecting Bank
liable. But bank NOT precluded
 Order Instrument: from going after prior parties.
 Drawer: CANNOT be held liable by  Exception: Drawee Bank negligent
holder because he can always raise (e.g. failure to advise collecting
real defense of forgery.
bank w/in 24 hrs. from clearing of
 Drawee: if accepted prior to forgery, check re: the forgery).
NOT liable. If accepted after forgery,
liable because of warranty of the
genuineness of drawer’s signature.
NOTE: Minority involved.  Past/concurrent services (future services
 Effect: does NOT avoid the render the instrument conditional
instrument. Gives rise to the real therefore, non-negotiable)
defense of minority on part of
minor. Defense is personal to him Instrument Issued for Consideration:
(i.e. only the minor can raise the  Full: issuer for consideration has lien on the
defense). instrument equal to the value of the
NOTE: Ultra Vires acts involved.  Partial: person who received the
 Effect: does NOT avoid the instrument has to hold the proceeds up to
instrument. Gives rise to the real the portion where NO consideration was
defense of ultra vires acts on part of given in trust for party who gave the
corporation. Defense is personal to instrument. Portion w/out consideration
it (i.e. only the corp. can raise the becomes subject to a defense pro tanto
defense). Signatory becomes (i.e. prorated).
personally liable. Example: A owes B P500,000. A then gives
 If agent is signatory: NOT liable if B an instrument worth P800,000. Upon
principal AND capacity of agent collection, B must hold P300,000 in trust
placed in signature. for A.
e.g. X corporation signed by Mr. A,
agent NOTE: Mere generosity, affection, and love
are NOT valuable considerations.
NOTE: Signing by procuration.
By procuration means there is a limit Instrument Issued for No Consideration:
to authority granted (e.g. authority  Effect: does NOT render instrument
granted is merely for collection). invalid. Personal defense of want of
Doesn’t make instrument non- consideration available to party who
negotiable. issued the instrument without
 Effect: There is a limit as to the consideration AND/OR parties prior to
liability and it requires the person want of consideration.
dealing with instrument to inquire
as to limit. Same effects with Suppose:
crossed checks.  Failure of Consideration: personal defense
Example: X gave a check to Y for a genuine
CONSIDERATION diamond ring. But Y gave X a fake ring.
Here, there is failure of consideration. Can
Definition: One which can support any simple X be compelled to pay on the check?
contract. Must be one of value (i.e. sufficient to NO. X can raise the personal
support a simple contract). defense of failure of consideration.
However if the check was endorsed by Y to
General Rule: instrument presumed issued WITH a holder in due course, then defense
consideration if silent as to whether issued with or cannot be raised.
without consideration.
 Illegal Consideration: personal defense
Possible considerations: (same as if no consideration at all)
 Goods of any kind Example: X gave Y a check to become his
 Past debt mistress. Y negotiated the instrument to Z
 Cash who doesn’t know about the arrangement.
Can Z go after X?
YES, because X is precluded from necessarily holders in due course.
raising the defense of illegal consideration However, holder for value that is NOT
since he is the one who caused the a holder in due course is still
illegality. susceptible to personal defenses.
What if: X issued the instrument to Y for a
valid consideration. Y then gave it to Z, his NEGOTIATION
mistress. Z then negotiated the  Happens when instrument is delivered or
instrument to A. Can A compel X to pay? delivered with endorsement, depending
NO, because X can raise the personal on type of instrument.
defense of want of consideration because  There is negotiation when the purpose of
he is a party prior to the want of transferring the instrument is to constitute
consideration (but only against a holder the transferee to be a holder.
NOT in due course). But A can go after Y,  If transfer is NOT for purpose of
the one who caused the illegality of constituting transferee as holder, then
consideration. there is NO negotiation which is a personal
defense (want of delivery).
Instrument Issued in Accommodation of Another: What if instrument was delivered without
 Rule on Liability endorsement? What’s the effect?
 As to third parties: accommodation party Constitutes mere assignment, NOT
primarily liable. negotiation. The rules of Civil Code will
 Between accommodation & apply, NOT the NIL.
accommodated party: accommodated
party primarily liable. What if an order instrument was
Example: X, a very wealthy person, issued a delivered without endorsement but with
check for no consideration to Y, his good the intention to make the receiver a
friend with a poor credit standing so that Y holder?
can buy construction materials from Gives rise on the part of the transferee to
Atlantic Hardware. Atlantic accepted the compel the transferor to endorse the
check because it bore X’s signature. Who is instrument.
primarily liable?
As to Atlantic Hardware, X, the How to make an endorsement?
accommodation party is primarily liable. Transferor indicates (ordinarily on the back of
As between X and Y, Y the accommodation the instrument) his signature and person to
party is primarily liable.
whom instrument is to be delivered.
What if Y gave X P5,000 for the use of his Example: To Y, signed X.
name. Who is primarily liable as between  Blank endorsement: converts order
X and Y? instrument into a bearer instrument.
Y would still be primarily liable because the NOTE: endorsement CAN be made on
consideration Y gave X is consideration for a separate paper called an allonge.
the use of his name and NOT for the What if blank endorsement converted
instrument itself. to special endorsement?
Effect: Bearer instrument converted
NOTE: back to an order instrument.
 All holders in due course are holders  Restrictive endorsement: only Sec. 36
for value but NOT all holders for value (A) renders instrument non-
are holders in due course. negotiable. Sec. 36 (B) & Sec. 36 (C)
 The liability of an accommodation just limits rights of subsequent
party is to any holders for value, NOT endorsees. (daghan kaayong rules )

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