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Explanations / Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach

Exercise 1
Chapter 8 | Section 8-2 | Page 422

Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach

Table of contents
ISBN: 9780073534978

Explanation Verified

Step 1 1 of 6

Step 2 2 of 6


Since, population standard deviation is known, we will use z test. Because of =  in the alternative hypothesis we can
conclude this is two tailed test, so significance level is split in two equal parts and used for calculation of critical value:
α 0.05
​ = 2
​ = 0.025

Critical values can be found in the Appendix C, table E. Left z critical value is area closest to α/2 = 0.025, so our critical
value is: C.V . = −1.96.

Right z critical value is are closest to 1 − α/2 = 0.975, so our critical value is: C.V . = 1.96.

C.V . = ±1.96

Step 3 3 of 6
Step 4 4 of 6


Decision: Since test value is larger than critical value, 4.533 > 1.96, i.e. is in the rejection region, we

have enough evidence to reject H0

With 95% confidence, we have sufficient evidence to reject the claim that a sedentary American takes an average of 5000
steps per day.

Step 5 5 of 6


Summary of the results form the calculation stated in the subsections above:

C.V . = ±1.96
z = 4.533
Reject H0 ​

Result 6 of 6

C.V . = ±1.96
z = 4.533
Reject H0 ​

Exercise 2

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