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Name: Cherry Arranzado

Subject: English 10
Module No. 6


Directions: Choose only one topic and write a positive/negative definition and formulate a
claim of fact for your chosen topic. Then, make sure to prove your claims by searching or
researching piece/s of evidence.

Human Trafficking
Definition: Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of
people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Men, women
and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this crime, which
occurs in every region of the world. The traffickers often use violence or fraudulent employment
agencies and fake promises of education and job opportunities to trick and coerce their victims.
Claim of Fact: Human trafficking is considered modern-day slavery, and there are more slaves
today than at any time in history.
Evidence: Slavery in the modern day takes several forms. Human trafficking is the most
common. Transporting, recruiting, or harboring people using violence, threats, or coercion in
order to exploit them for objectives such as forced prostitution, labor, criminality, marriage, or
organ removal. “They are hidden from view. You don't recognize them in the back kitchens,
shops, gas stations and in hospitality. They are also tucked away in fields. They don't come out
and ask for help. It’s a different kind of slavery than long ago,” says Dr. Lucy Steinitz, Catholic
Relief Services senior technical advisor for protection. “They are not in shackles or on farms.
People are coerced into harsh employment under horrible conditions, and then have no freedom
to leave. They are beaten, violated and told they are worthless—that no one else wants them
Directions: Choose only one topic and write a positive/negative definition and formulate a
claim of value for your chosen topic. Then, make sure to prove your claims by searching or
researching piece/s of evidence.

Use of smartphone in classroom

Definition: Smartphones are cutting-edge technical devices that help kids learn, teachers teach,
and workflows improve. Technology can enhance the learning experience in the classroom by
allowing students to interact with knowledge in new ways.
Claim of Value: Smartphones are helpful for students, especially inside the classroom.
Evidence: Students use smartphones as learning tools for various reasons, including
convenience, portability, comprehensive learning experiences, multi-sources and multitasking,
and environmental friendliness. They also use smartphones to communicate with teachers
outside of class and to manage their group projects. According to some studies, students use
smartphones to access teaching materials or supporting information, generally accessed online.
Moreover, many educational institutions, particularly those in higher education, are exploring
incorporating cellphones as learning aids in courses because the majority of students (in many
cases, all students) not only own but are also attached to them.

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